glosario español-ingles de palabras y expresiones _04 05 2014

Post on 02-Jun-2018






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  • 8/10/2019 Glosario Espaol-Ingles de Palabras y Expresiones _04 05 2014




    ltima actualizacin: 04-05-2014



    Latest updating: 05-04-2014


    Compilacin/Compilation: Juan Cajaraville;juancajaravillefernandez@gmail.comBanco de Crdito y Comercio (BANDEC)

    Ud. puede acceder a este Glosario actualizado a travs del Portal Interbancario (, en la Seccin Publicacionesde la pgina inicial, bajo el ttulo Glosario Espaol-Ingls

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    La bsqueda de las palabras y expresiones puede realizarse mediante la opcin Buscar (Ctrl + B) o Find (Ctrl + F)

    Aa baja tasa de inters: at low interest rate(This loan is intended to finance graduate studies, doctoral theses, etc., at low-interest rates.)

    a bajo precio: at low cost (integrating personnel from volunteer service agencies is often seen as an effective way to achievedevelopment results at lowcost.); low-priced(Besides, our high quality low pricedproducts have obtained the SGScertificate.); cheaply(Send text messages cheaplyand easily with goober.)

    A buen entendedor con pocas palabras basta.:A nod is as good as a wink. / A word to the wise is enough.

    A buen hambre no hay pan duro.: Hunger is the best sauce.

    A caballo regalado no se le mira el diente.: Never look a gift horse in the mouth.

    a cada paso: at every turn(This can be seen by the archaeological remains found at every turn.)

    a cambio de:in exchange for( in exchange forraw materials.); in return for(Firstly: what would be obtained in return forthe money?)

    a cambio:in exchange(But in exchange, they demanded)

    a cargo de:in charge of(The vice-president in charge ofmarketing services) / (Three SOCBs (Banco Metropolitano, Banco de Crdito yComercio, and Banco Popular de Ahorro) are in charge of providing the new loans and financial services.)

    a causa de:because of(They were late because ofthe snow.); on account of(She claimed that she was denied admission to the school onaccount ofher race.)

    a cobrar:receivable (Losses on credit card receivableand personal loans remained stable compared to 2009.)

    a comienzos de: in early(in earlyyear) (in earlylast year)

    a condicin de que: provided (that)(You may come providedit is early.)

    a continuacin (en texto):hereafter(The IFRS items that had to be reclassified in the Consolidated Statement of Financial Position arepresented hereafter.); down below(in accordance with the limits and conditions laid down below); then(Then use
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    the up or down arrows to select the mode you want.); thereupon(Thereupon, he will receive a written bill of entryfrom the system.); hereunder

    a corto plazo: short-term(Short-terminterest rates are going down.); at short notice (You can keep funds that you might need at shortnoticein a savings account or credit union share account, a money market deposit account or even a short-termcertificate of deposit (CD). ; shortterm (This is a positive step towards creating shortterm employment for the

    unemployed, especially young people.); in the short runa crdito:on credit(If they wanted to buy a fridge or a TV on credit); on trust

    a decir verdad/en verdad: as a matter of fact(As a matter of fact, an examination of the accounts in question showed...)

    a diferencia de: in contrast with (She is quite petite, in contrast withher tall sister.); unlike (Unlikemost export credit agencies ); incontrast to(In contrast tomany of the Heads of State or Government, we are declaring our support)

    A Dios rogando y con el mazo dando: God helps those who help themselves

    a discrecin de:at the discretion of(The decision is left at the discretion ofthe Minister of Economy.)

    a efectos de: for the purposes of/ for the purpose of(If invited to do so, they may assist for the purposesof clarification or information)

    a ello se suma el hecho de que: in addition to the fact that(In addition to the fact thatthey share the same basic physical and technicalcharacteristics,)

    a escala de: -wide (The Banks Management promotes the risk management culture Bank-wide)/ (the Bank also has adequate insurance,the nature and amount of which meet its enterprise-widecoverage requirements.) / (Canada-wide, we are a leaderin)

    a escala nacional: on a national scale(Better coordination on a national scalewould also in certain cases facilitate...); nationwide (anationwidesurvey)

    a ese respecto:in that regard(In that regard, combating impunity is a factor in preventing the commission of such acts against civilians.)

    a este respecto: in this regard(In this regard, it will be recalled that as part of Phase I of its strategic plan, the Bank achieved); in thisrespect(Switzerland is a good example in this respect.)

    a esto: hereto(Procedures incorporated herein by references constitute the entire Agreement between the parties hereto)

    a excepcin de lo previsto en: except as otherwise provided by (Except as otherwise providedby article 38, a credit can neither beamended nor cancelled without the agreement of)

    a favor de:payable to(Please make your check payable toBroadway Antiques.)

    a fin de que:so that(He lied so thatshe would go free.)

    a fin de:in order to(In order toweigh the extent of the visible contents of the Cuban monetary and exchange rate reform ); so as to(Theterm liability should be construed so as toinclude either criminal or civil liability.)

    a finales del presente ao:at the end of the present year(Even better, the current projection indicates that at the end of the present yearincomes will exceed expenditures.); at the end of the current year

    a fines de ao:at the end of the year(With these new branches, Caja Laboral had a total of 401 at the end of the year,); by the end ofthe year (The mandate of the judges is due to expire by the end of the year.)

    a fondo: in-depth(in-depthinvestigation)

    a gran escala:large-scale(Large-scalestate enterprises formed only a small part of its economy.)

    a grandes rasgos:in broad outline(The President of the Commission introduced the communication in broad outline.)

    a granel: in bulk(The relief organization buys food in bulk.)

    a inicios del ao: at the beginning of the year(continues to grow strongly, beating the forecasts made at the begining of the year.)

    a la baja: downward(It is the responsibility of scientists to slow this downwardtrend.)a la cabeza de: at the top of (enterprises with a culture that places these imperatives at the top of its priorities will gain competitive

    advantage.); at the head of(At the head ofall that is the United Nations)

    a la espera de sus noticias: I look forward to hearing from you(I look forward to hearing from you and hope you can support our effortsto balance conservation and economic development.)

    a la inversa de lo que: contrary to what(Contrary to whatsome people are saying)

    a la inversa: the other way around(Politics must control the market and not the other way around.)

    a la larga: in the long run(In the long run, that would also be bad for the Chinese people.)

    a la luz de: in light of(In light ofthe latest regulatory changes)

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    a la mayor brevedad posible: at your earliest convenience(Please contact me at yourearliest convenienceso that we can discuss myrequest.)

    A la ocasin la pintan calva.: You have to strike while the iron is hot. / You have to make the most of the chances that come your way.

    a la par con:at par with(At parwiththe highest quality standards in the world, these products); on par with (Adjusted return on equityreached 17.7%, on parwith the top-performing Canadian institutions.)

    a la par:at par(The shares are callable at parafter three years and may be repurchased at any time under certain conditions.); on a par (itis on a parwith the best)

    a la semana:a week later(A week later, the customer calls and wants to order the selected items.)

    a la vanguardia de: on the leading edge of(Smith and Baird remain on the leading edgeof the industry.); at the forefront of (We arealways at the forefront oftechnological progress in the language industry.); in the vanguard of

    a la vista:at sight(The documents issued at sightor without a due date are subject to a 0.5% flat rate.); on demand (Payable on demandand after notice.)

    a la zaga: behind; in the rear; at the rear

    a largo plazo:long-term(Economic capital thus helps determine the equity capital the Bank requires to protect itself against such risks andensure its long-termviability.); in the long term (carrying value may not be recoverable in the long term)

    a las que/a los que/a aquellas que/a aquellos que: to those that(new investments were limited to those thatgenerate foreign exchangeearnings in the short term and substitute imports)

    A lo hecho pecho.: It is no use crying over spilt milk.

    a lo largo de este ao: in the course of this year(work will be presented to the Council in the course of this year.)

    a lo largo de los aos: over the years(Much of that has changed over the years.)

    a lo largo de los ltimos aos: over the last few years(The national and international macroeconomic context in which the Argentineeconomy has developed over the last few yearshas been somewhat changeable.)

    a lo largo de su existencia: throughout its existence(Throughout its existenceas a state, Israel has contravened this Article of the UNCharter on many occasions); during its lifetime(During its lifetimea knowledge community could develop in anumber of way..)

    a lo largo de todo el ao: all the year round(maintaining a practically uniform temperature all the year round.)

    a lo largo de: throughtout (the terminology used throughout the proposal); over (The campaign needs to continue over the next twoyears.); all through

    a lo mas:at best(at best, well just manage to cover costs)

    a lo sumo: at most(The idea is to keep atmostthe specialist services.);at the most(Therefore this would be only for a few decades, at themost.)

    a los efectos de: to the effects of(This impact assessment focuses exclusively on the issues pertaining to the effects offragmentation,notably on consumers and businesses.

    a mano: in longhand(He wrote the confession in longhandand signed it.)

    a mas tardar: at the latest (I hope that we could have it by early 2004 at the latest.); at the very latest

    a mediados de: in the middle of(in the middle ofMay)

    a mediados del ao:in the middle of the year(Annual HICP inflation peaked in the middle of the year, reaching 4.0% in both June andJuly.)

    a medida que pasa el tiempo: as time goesby (It is something that we will see evolving as time goes by.)

    a medida que vencen: as they become due(to fulfil its obligations as they become due)a medida que: as(and is increasing asnew relationships are formed.)

    a medio plazo/a mediano plazo: medium-term(To reflect its strategic priorities and changes to the rules of the Basel Accord, the Bank hasmodified certain medium-termobjectives.)

    a menos que se acuerde otra cosa: unless otherwise agreed(Lack of agreement will not constitute sufficient reason to extend a meeting,unless otherwise agreed.)

    a menos que se especifiqueotra cosa:unless otherwise stated(Unless otherwise stated, all amounts presented in the ManagementsDiscussion and Analysis are expressed in Canadian dollars.)

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    a menos que se indique otra cosa: unless otherwise indicated (A blank in a table indicates that the item is not applicable, unlessotherwise indicated.)

    amenos que: unless(Rules are of no value, of course, unlessthey are enforced.)

    a menos y hasta que:unless and until(Such a decision shall have binding effect unless and untiloverruled on appeal.)

    a menudo: often(The Bank oftenuses this type of legal documentation)

    a mi modo de ver: in my opinin(In my opinion, this is indeed a huge challenge which must be accepted.); the way I see it(The way I seeit, we must insist on these disputes being resolved before the country joins the EU.)

    a mitad del ao: in the middle of the year(Iberdrola signed a contract with National Grid in the middle of the year.)

    a nivel nacional: natiowide(A nationwidesurvey of mothers revealed some very interesting things about what mothers want from fathers.);at national level(which, in turn, means more responsibility and more empowerment at national levelto deliver thecommon objectives.)

    a no ser que se acuerde otra cosa: unless otherwise agreed(Law of the state of New York will apply to the resolution of the disputeunless otherwise agreedin writing.)

    a no ser que se especifique lo contrario/a no ser que se indique lo contrario: unless otherwise stated(Unless otherwise stated, allamounts presented in the Managements Discussion and Analysis are expressed in Canadian dollars.)

    a no ser que:unless(Law of the state of New York will apply to the resolution of the dispute unlessotherwise agreed in writing.)

    a nombre de: on behalf of(The request is made on behalf ofthe Executive Director of the South Centre.) / (On behalf ofthe executivemanagement team, I wish to acknowledge); in behalf of; in (someones) behalf; on (someones) behalf

    a pagar:payable(the deferred expenditure and its countepart as accounts payableshould not have been included in the balance sheet);unpaid( plus all declared and unpaiddividends at the date fixed for redemption.)

    A palabras necias, odos sordos.: Take no notice of the stupid things people say.

    a partir de ahora: from now on(The seminar will take place every two years from now on.); starting from now(Starting from now thisreading should be enriched with new perspectives); hereafter(I will let you in this time, but hereafteryou have toget permission in advance.); hereinafter

    a partir de entonces:since then(Since then, we have been awaiting a genuine proposal from the Council.); from then on(From then on, itis expected that it will be cheaper to buy a solar system); thereafter(The rate was assumed to decrease graduallyto reach 2.5% in 2024 and remain at that level thereafter.)

    a partir de este momento:from now on(From now on, we are going to move things along more swiftly ); hereinafter

    a partir de estos datos: on the basis of these data (The statistics compiled on the basis of these data contain monthly records onincoming flows (arrivals) and outgoing flows (dispatches))

    a partir de hoy:from today(This second issue is available from todayon this website.)

    a partir de:from(Im leaving a week from Thursday (= one week after Thursday).; as from(As fromnext year, Finland too will have such anational day.); as of(As ofnext month, all the prices will go up.)

    a pedido: on demand(Other benefits yielded by the introduction of printing on demandincluded a reduction in paper usage worth $5,000per month.)

    a pequea escala:small-scale(There are a great many reasons why small-scalepower generation of this kind should be encouraged.); ona small scale (These contacts and exchanges remained on a small scale and have not been developed intoanything like a network.)

    a pesar de eso/ pesar de todo: yet (Well manage yet); still (He was diagnosed with cancer but still returned to work.)

    a pesar de que: even though(Even thoughhe never completed college, he runs a successful software company.); although(He decidedto go, althoughI begged him not to.)

    a pesar de: in spite of(This cooperation produced an excellent result, in spite ofsome misgivings.); despite(Despitethe fact that it hasrealised parts of its investment plan, the company has failed to reduce costs...)

    a plazos: in instalments(When you apply to pay in instalments, you loose your eligibility for the discount.); on credit (buy on credit)

    a precio reducido:cheaply(Send text messages cheaplyand easily with goober.)

    a primera solicitud por escrito:on first written demand(The majority of demand guarantees are payable on first written demandwithoutany additional documents.)

    a primera vista: at first sight (At first sightthis looks reasonable.); at first glance(At first glancethe deal looked wonderful, but afterreading the fine print he wasn't so sure.); at first blush

    a principios de: in early(in earlyyear) (in earlylast year)

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    a prorrateo: pro rata(the money will be shared out pro rata)

    a puerta cerrada: behind closed doors(a meeting held behind closed doors.)

    a punto de: on the verge of (Several years ago, Colombia was on the vergeof becoming a failed state.); on the brink of(We cannot

    continue as if nothing were wrong, while the region is on the brink ofwar.)

    a quien corresponda: to whom it may concern(The Sofia Conference Call to Action is addressed to whom it may concern", namelythose with the mandate and the power to take action on the specific recommendations made below.)

    A quien madruga, Dios lo ayuda: The early bird catches de worm. / Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

    a quien pueda interesar: to whom it may concern(A general addressee, such as "To whom it may concern" should be cause for furtherinquiry.)

    a raz de:as a result of(What happened as a result of that?); in the wake of(It comes in the wake ofthe numerous violations of humanrights); in the aftermath(It was created in the aftermathof the floods.)

    a razn de: at a rate of(Depreciation is computed for tax purposes using the straight-line method at a rate of10% per year.); in the ratio of(in the ratio of2 to 1)

    A rey muerto, rey puesto.: As soon as one goes out the window, another comes in the door.

    A ro revuelto ganancia de pescadores. : It is good fishing in troubled waters.

    a saber: namely (We are now all ready to move to the next phase in this process, namely, that of substantive negotiations.); to wit (Atdinner, he was to learn several other things as well, to wit: ...); viz(There are two main categories of relationship, vizsemantic and syntactic relationships.)

    a salvo:unscathed(Not all sectors are unscathed.)

    a su conveniencia/cuando le resulte conveniente: at your convenience(Please contact us with any questions or clarifications, at yourconvenience.)

    a su vez: in turn(Better air also means a better environment, which in turnmeans better health.)

    a tiempo:in time(We arrived just in timefor the show.)

    a travs de los aos: over the years(Tourism has been a dominant industry over the years.); throughout the years(Its success has beenproven again and again throughout the years.)

    a travs de:through(Throughits more than 18,000 employees, National Bank Financial Group offers a complete range of services: ...); via(I sent the application papersviafax.)

    a travs del cual/a travs de la cual/a travs del que : through which(It includes a search engine through which one can access articleson Cuban environmental issues.)

    a travs del tiempo: over time(This maximum risk exposure will, due to amortisation of the loans, decrease over time.)

    a un ritmo de: at a rate of(The services must be operated at a rate of at least six return trips per day )

    a/al (fecha):as at(as atDecember 31, 2007= a/al 31 de diciembre de 2007; a los 31 das del mes de diciembre de 2007); (Managerial staff,with an appreciably higher unit cost, was cut from 25 as at31 December 1997 to 19 as at27 March 1998.) /(National Bank Financial Group Personal and Commercial, Wealth Management and Financial Marketswith total

    assets in excess of $145 billion as atOctober 31, 2010.)

    abajo: hereunder

    abajofirmante:undersigned(We, the undersigned, wish to protest the planned closing of the local library.)

    abandonar los estudios: drop out (He dropped outof school when he was 16.)

    abandonar:give up(we have given upthe idea of starting a business); abandon(we have abandonedthe idea of starting a business)

    abandono escolar/abandono de los estudios: dropping-out

    abaratamiento: cheapening(The nationalization of Agroislea is going to contribute to the cheapeningof food prices.); decrease in price(There was even a substantial decrease in price in 2006.) ; reduction in the price(the reduction in the priceof oil);the fall in the price; lowering of prices; price reduction

    abaratar:reduce(reducetheir costs and improve margins.); cut (cutting the costs and expand the supply of financial services.); lower(Competition is expected to drive investment, generate innovation and lowerprices.), cheapen (cheapen theirproduction systems.); make cheaper; lower the price of

    abarcar: encompass(Our financial support should encompassthe whole sector.); cover (The travel guide coversall the museums andhistoric places.)

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    abastecedor: supplier(They are the worlds largest supplierof baby foods.); purveyor(Radio stations are purveyorsof music, information,and companionship.)

    abastecer: supply(... the construction of a regasification terminal in northern Chile to supplylocal power plants.); provide(If the productivebase of the local economy can not providefor that demand, imports of goods will then ensue.); purvey(The two mallshops purveynearly identical merchandise.)

    abastecimiento:supply(The supplyof cheap food has disappeared.); supplying

    abec:rudiments (the rudimentsof grammar); basics (Pablo has promised to teach me the basicsof our speciality.)

    abogar por: argue for(They argued fora tax cut.)

    abolir: abrogate(Nobody knows whether the Bush Plan for Cuba of 2004 has been abrogated.); abolish

    abonable: payable(Please make your check payableto Broadway Antiques.)

    abonar en cuenta de: pay into the account of

    abonar:pay(we payan annual fee of one thousand pesos); cash (the tellerrefused to cashthe cheque); credit (the interest was creditedto my account)

    abono a reservas voluntarias: credit to voluntary reserves(Decrease in the share capital with a credit to voluntary reserves.)

    abono de intereses: interest payment(Penalty charges for late payment shall not be regarded as interest payments.)

    abordar: address(In addition, they addressissues of common interest related to international monetary and financial policy.);tackle(Thereare many ways of tackling this problem.); approach (We must approach the matter with care.); deal with (theminister refused todeal withthe subject at the press conference)

    abreviadamente: briefly(the facts, briefly, are these)

    abreviar los plazos:shorten deadlines(Often project supervisors will need to shorten deadlinesto keep costs within budget constraints.);reduce deadlines(Firstly it will allow you to reduce deadlinesand costs.)

    abrir a la baja: open down(the Stock Exchange opened downyesterday); be down at the open (the Stock Exchange was down at theopenyesterday)

    abrir nuevos mercados: open up new markets(The move to the third generation is going to open up new marketsfor small and largebusinesses.)

    abrir una cuenta: open an account(Its impossible to open an accountin Switzerland by correspondence.)

    abrir una lnea de crdito:opening a line of credit(Opening a line of creditrequires that you fill out a loan application.); establish a line ofcredit; open a credit line(Assistance was provided to open a credit linefor women microentrepreneurs)

    abrirse a: open up to(to open upto new ideas)

    abrogar:abrogate(Nobody knows whether the Bush Plan for Cuba of 2004 has been abrogated.)

    abrumador/abrumadora: overwhelming(at a time when domestic and international opposition tothat policy was overwhelming)

    absentismo laboral: absenteeism from work (That costs our health systems EUR 102 million per year and is the major cause ofabsenteeism from work.)

    absoluto:absolute(in absolute terms) / (Absolutecertainty is, of course, never attainable in the economic sphere.)

    absorber:absorb(Retailers and others in the supply chain are expected to absorbthe duties.)

    absorcin:takeover(This is the year for huge corporate takeovers.)

    abstenerse de: refrain from(A covenant is a solemn agreement to engage in or refrain froma specified action.)

    acaparador:hoarder(The unprecedented transfer of state assets to a handful of private hoarders); person who corners the market(Theprice of oil should be far below what it is at present and we have the choice either to buy or not to buy from a

    particular person who corners the marketin oil. ...)

    acaparamiento de tierras:land grabbing(Land grabbingleads to a contraction of small holders farming,)

    acaparamiento: hoarding(end to the monopoly structure and its hoarding, speculating and looting networks.)

    acaparar el mercado: corner the market(one or, at most, a few companies will corner the market.) / (If an organization or companycorners the market, it controls the available supply of a type of product or the ability to sell it.)

    acaparar: hoard (Many people hoarded food in wartime.); corner (If an organization or company corners the market, it controls theavailable supply of a type of product or the ability to sell it.)

    acarrear: entail (Any investment entailsrisk.)

    acatar (ley, orden, resolucin, decisin, fallo judicial): comply with(Comosa says he will comply withthe judge's ruling.); observe(You

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    must observethe law.)

    acaudalado/acaudalada: affluent(Westchester is similar to a number of affluent suburban counties that border major U.S. cities.)

    acceder a (consentir):consent to(The director consented to change the ending of the movie.)

    acceder a un crdito: access to credit(Women remain insufficiently involved in business start-up; they are confronted more frequently than

    men with difficulties on business development or access to credit.)

    acceder a:access(People now can accessinformation from the Internet as never before.); gain access to (European citizens must be ableto gain access tothe cultures of other European and non-European countries, particularly their neighbours.)

    acceso al mercado: access to the market(This should also apply to access to the marketfor non-agricultural products.); market access(Of course we must improve market accessfor agricultural products from the developing countries.)

    accin al portador: bearer share (Bearer sharesrefers to negotiable instruments that accord ownership in a legal person to the personwho possesses the bearer share certificate.)

    acceso:access(Many of the families do not have accessto health care.)

    accidentado: uneven(Due to the uneventopography of this land, the region presents rather different climates.)

    accin comn en circulacin:outstanding common share(We also repurchased and cancelled 6.2 million outstanding common sharesin fiscal 2011,)

    accin comn pendiente (de pago):common share oustanding(the weighted average number of common shares outstanding)

    accin comn: common share(As at October 31, 2011, the Bank had 160.5 million common sharesissued and outstanding compared to162.8 million a year earlier.)

    accin con derecho a voto: voting share(and promoting the smooth and effective exercise of shareholder rights attaching to votingshares.); voting stock(Related companies are those that, without actually controlling the affiliate, own directly orindirectly 10% or more of the affiliate's voting stock); stock with voting right

    accin de primera categora/accin de primera calidad:blue-chip stock; blue-ship share

    accin emitida:share issued(As at October 31, 2011, the Bank had 160.5 million common shares issuedand outstanding compared to162.8 million a year earlier.)

    accin en caja: treasury stock (taking into account the dilution effect of stock options using the treasury stockmethod)

    accin ordinaria:ordinary share (The situation can be compared to non-voting shares, which normally pay higher dividends than ordinaryshares.); common stock (financial instruments such as common stock, and derivatives such as options)

    accin por daos y perjuicios:action for damages (The action for damagesis one of the actions which may be brought before the Court

    of Justice of the European Union.)

    accin preferente amortizable/accin privilegiada amortizable: redeemable preferred share (Average capital funds include commonshareholders equity, redeemable preferred sharesand subordinated debentures.)

    accin preferente/accin privilegiada/accin preferida: preferred share (partly offset by a $361 million repurchase for cancellation ofpreferred shares)

    accin sin derecho al voto:non-voting share(The situation can be compared to non-voting shares, which normally pay higher dividendsthan ordinary shares.)

    accin:share(She owns 2000 sharesof General Electric.); equity share (Converting debt to equity occurs when the lender converts a loanamount (or a loan amount represented by outstanding bonds) into equity shares.); stock share; equity security(Equity securitiesare valued at the lower of market and acquisition cost.)

    accionariado (acciones): shareholding (All the other facilities benefited the private sector, with local companies having a significantEuropean shareholding.)

    acciones e instrumentos relacionados con las tasas de inters: interest rate related instruments and equities(the risks pertaining tointerest rate related instrumentsand equities)

    accionista mayoritario: majority shareholder(Zeltia S.A., remains as the majority shareholderof Noscira with 61,98% of the companycapital.); major shareholder (Rencos major shareholder is the enigmatic multimillionaire Ira Leon Rennert.);majority stockholder(A person or company that owns 50% plus one of the stock in a publicly-traded company is amajority stockholder.); major stockholder (Ned Sherwood, a major stockholder of ChinaCast EducationCorporation (Nasdaq GS: CAST), today issued the following statement setting.)

    accionista minoritario: minority stockholder(AT&T is a minoritystockholderof the Company.)

    accionista: shareholder (It is not controlled by any shareholder or grouping of shareholders.); stockholder (AT&T is a minoritystockholder of the Company.); shareowner (Almost 90% of the big European companies have employeeshareowners.)

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    acelerar: accelerate(the funds earmarked for Romania in order to acceleratetheir allocation and rapid absorption.); speed up(Cubashould try everything possible to speed upits process in order to recover lost time.)

    acento primario/acento principal: primary emphasis (which places primary emphasis on the information); main emphasis (the mainemphasislies on the degree or qualification profile)

    acentuar:accentuate(We do not want to accentuatethe gap between the rich and poor.); underscore(It should be underscoredthat 90%of the Banks direct portfolio is collateralized with real guarantees or outside repayment sources, )

    aceptable:reasonable(to obtain reasonableassurance)

    aceptacin bancaria: bankers acceptance (A bankers acceptance is a short-term fixed rate loan used to finance trade-relatedtransactions.); bank acceptance

    aceptacin:acceptance(Effective checks to prevent the acceptanceand payment of overstated invoices were not made.)

    aceptaciones bancarias:bank acceptances(Bank acceptanceshave a maturity date of up to one (1) year)

    aceptador/aceptante:acceptor (The acceptoris the third party who accepts responsibility for payment in a bill of exchange drawn upon it.)

    aceptar (admitir):allow(I allowthat she tried hard, but ...)

    aceptar (estar de acuerdo): agree to(Swaps are over-the-counter contracts in which two parties agree toexchange cash flows.)

    aceptar(recibir): take(The supermarket takesdebit cards, credit cards, cash, and checks.)

    acerca de: about (the Bank uses its intranet to better inform employees about environmental issues); concerning (If you have anyinformation concerningthe incident, please contact the police.)

    acercamiento (entre pases):rapprochement(Both countries have agreed to seek a rapprochement.)

    acercarse a: approach (Sales and discussion guides help you approachyour customers.); come closer to(In this way, Metro seeks tocome closertoits users as a source of knowledge); go closer to(Foreign Minister expects that Belarus will usethe given opportunity to go closertoEurope.) ; get closer to(How can we get closerto that ideal?)

    acertado/acertada: sound (Before a sound and prudent credit decision can be taken, the credit risk represented by the borrower orcounterparty must be accurately assessed.); correct; right; sensible; wise; appropriate; accurate

    acervo cultural: cultural heritage(The organization is devoted to preserving our cultural heritage.)

    aclarar: clear up(I should just like to clear upa few misunderstandings.)

    acoger: welcome(Everyone agreed on welcomingthis initiative, thanks to which 90 000 students every year take up the opportunity tostudy abroad.)

    acometer por s solo: afford on its own(The budget should aim at the future and endorse action which no single Member State can affordon its own.) / (It is often complicated for a production company to afford on its ownthe production of a film in termsof financing and workload.)

    acometer:undertake(Cuba undertook a previous reform in the 1990s, but this was halted in the first decade of this century.)

    acomodado/acomodada: affluent(In Glasgow, a boy born in an affluent suburb can expect to live 82 years while one born in a deprivedsuburb can expect to live 54 years.)

    acompaar: show(Ill showyou out of the buidilng.)

    aconsejable: advisable(It is also advisableto minimise the number of proposals you make,)

    acontecimiento:development(I should like to say how much I welcome this development.); event (What impact will that eventhave oninterest rates and inflation in Europe?)

    acopiar:collect(the information on the jobs to be evaluated should be collectedfrom all employees who perform these jobs); stockpile

    acopio:collection(The financial investigation faces various constraints in the collectionof relevant information.); stockpiling (The results of

    milk stockpilingare encouraging)acordar: agree(Five countries agreedto pilot the methodology.)

    acortar los plazos:shorten deadlines(Often project supervisors will need to shorten deadlinesto keep costs within budget constraints.);reduce deadlines(Firstly it will allow you to reduce deadlinesand costs.)

    acrecentamiento: enhancement (This enhancement of the solvency margin will be only used after detailed analysis and extensiveconsultation ...); accretion (But the worrying thing about this is the accretion of 11.4 billion dollars in the firstquarter...)

    acrecentar:increase(Publicity can increasename recognition and overall business credibility.); add to(The consequences of this complexmacro-financial situation adds tothe inefficiencies and distortions in the Cuban centralized state economy, )

    acreditar (reconocer, autorizar): accredit (The states license institutions, but they neither accredit nor guarantee the quality of these

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    schools.)/(Only accreditedjournalists are admitted to White House press conferences.)

    acreditar: credit (we have credited your account with the sum of 1000 dollars); make a credit entry

    acreedor externo/acreedor extranjero:foreign creditor(China is the largest foreigncreditorto the United States ...)

    acreedor prendario/acreedor pignoraticio:pledgee(The right to vote can be granted to a pledgee, but only with the prior consent of theBoard of Directors.)

    acreedor:creditor(Hes trying to earn enough to pay off his creditors.); oblige (The obligeeretains its claim against the obligor.)

    acta (de una reunin):minutes(Harry will take the minutes.)

    acta constitutiva:act of incorporation(Act of incorporationwith the companys registration information)

    acta de puesta en marcha: start-up certifcate (The Small Business Start-Up certificateis designed for individuals who want to becomeentrepreneurs.)

    acta notarial:notarial deed(The issuing of a notarial deedis necessary to certify the documents that create or alter a company in order togive them legal force.); deed executed by notary

    actividad auxiliar: ancillary activity (Ancillary activitiesare those that exist solely to support the main productive activities of an entity byproviding non-durable goods or services...)

    actividad de capacitacin: training activity (A number of training activities have been taking place since late 2006.) / (Thousands ofbranch employees participated in trainingactivitiesfocused on sales and service ...)

    actividad de financiacin/actividad de financiamiento: financing activity(FINDESAs financing activitiesare targeted to the rural andurban sectors of micro, small, and midsize enterprises through a network of branches in remote locations.); fundingactivity(They also address the Bank Sepah, which was involved in the funding activities linked to Irans ballisticprogramme.)

    actividad de formacin:training activity(A number of training activities have been taking place since late 2006.) / (Thousands of branchemployees participated in training activitiesfocused on sales and service ...)

    actividad de inversin:investment activity(Nevertheless, the revenue from investment activitiesshould demonstrate some stability andbe in accordance with budgeting projections.); investing activities(The cash flows relating to such transactions arecash flows from investing activities.)

    actividad de operacinoperation activity(Attraction of investment and operation activitiesof enterprises at industrial parks in the first 9months.); transaction activity(This setting affects how fields are filled for transaction activitiesthat are relevant forprofit/loss, such as interest payments.)

    actividad especulativa: speculative activity(It was suggested that speculative activityamplifies the volume of oil traded and increases

    volatility.)actividad eventual: occasional activity(So it is important to persuade companies, the two sides of industry and society as a whole to look

    on social responsibility as a long-term strategy, rather than an occasional activity.)

    actividad operativa/actividad de explotacin: operating activity(The net cash flow for the year of US$ 47 million is basically explained bythe net funds generated by operating activitiesof US$ 549 million, plus financing activities cash flow of US$ 5million.)

    actividad prestataria:lending activitiy(The Bank is exposed to credit risk not only through its direct lending activities)

    actividad productiva: productive activity (It focuses on the ability for disadvantaged youth to create their own productive activitiesandimprove their environment.)

    actividad secundaria:secondary activity (A secondary activityis any other activity of the entity that produces goods or services.); non-core activity (Such evidence would be misleading: if the "right" percentage of fixed costs was allocated to the non-core activities, they would be found to be less profitable or, in the extreme case, to effectively run a loss.)

    activo amortizable:redeemable assets(Buildings have a limited useful life and therefore are redeemable assets.)

    activo circulante:current assets(As with current assets, current liabilities are those debts that are expected to be paid within one year.)

    activo consignado en garanta: pledged assets(The risks and rewards of the pledged assetsreside with the pledgor.)

    activo contingente: contingent assets(Thus, debtors have two options: they can either provide a bank guarantee (shown under contingentassets) or make a provisional payment (shown under cash and cash equivalents in the balance sheet.)

    activo convertible: realizable assets (Realizable assets: the total of property or claims whose conversion into liquid funds is presumedpossible at short notice.)

    activo corriente:current asset(They are included as current assetsexcept in cases in which they mature more than 12 months.)

    activo de capital: capital assets (It had also caused widespread destruction of capital assetsand supporting infrastructure, as well associal dislocation.)

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    activo de larga duracin: long-lived assets (Additionally, we monitor the lives assigned to these long-lived assets for purposes ofdepreciation and amortization.)

    activo de larga vida:long-lived assets(The corresponding asset retirement costs are capitalized as part of the carrying value of the relatedlong-livedassetsand depreciated over the assets useful life.)

    activo de larga vigencia:long-lived assets(and a $51 million charge for abandonment and write-down of long-lived assets.)

    activo de reserva: reserve assets (This information complements the data on reserve assets included in the euro area balance ofpayments and international investment position statistics.)

    activo derivado: derivative assets(Derivative assetsare assets whose values depend on (or are derived from) some primary assets.)

    activo disponible para la venta:available for sale assets(The Banks own holdings of gold are designated and accounted for as availablefor sale assets.)

    activo duradero:long-lived assets(Additionally, we monitor the lives assigned to these long-lived assetsfor purposes of depreciation andamortization.)

    activo eventual: contingent assets (Thus, debtors have two options: they can either provide a bank guarantee (shown under contingentassets) or make a provisional payment (shown under cash and cash equivalents in the balance sheet.)

    activo extranjero fcilmente disponible: foreign assets readily available ( reserve assets include those foreign assets readilyavailableto and under the control of monetary authorities for direct financing of payment imbalances,)

    activo fijo de alta: target asset (In the Interco. transfer to group box, enter the target assetor create a new asset.)

    activo fijo de baja:sending asset (Enter the sending assetin the initial screen of the posing transaction.)

    activo fijo intangible: intangible fixed assets (Intangible fixed assets are shown separately on the balance sheet from tangible fixedassets.)

    activo fijo tangible: tangible fixed assets (Tangible fixed assetsare valued at the historic purchase price and are depreciated by thestraight-line approach ); fixed tangible assets (Reconciliation of purchase value of fixed tangible assets.)

    activo fijo/activo inmovilizado/:fixed assets(As a result, the fixed assetsof Triptis were sold to Winterling on 18 June 1997.)

    activo fijo:fixed assets(The rise in fixed assetsis related to the investments made by ENAP.)

    activo financiero negociable: financial negotiable assets (Financial negotiable assetsand non-debt instrument liabilities are valued atcurrent market prices, whereas debt instrument liabilities are valued nominally.)

    activo financiero:financial asset(A financial assetpossesses greater liquidity when the cost of converting it into cash is lower.)

    activo financiero: financial assets(Bulgaria has made little progress in freezing or confiscating financial assets resulting from criminal


    activo improductivo:unproductive asset(Through Bolcomer, you can make an unproductive assetbecomes a source of liquidity for yourbusiness.)

    activo intangible:intangible assets(Intangible assetswith finite useful lives are amortized)

    activo lquido:liquid asset(Cash and investments are the main liquid assetsof UNDP.)

    activo lquido: liquid assets(The Banks survival period, an indicator designed to measure the number of days it would take to utilize theBanks liquid assetsif)

    activo monetario:monetary assets(Monetary assetsand liabilities denominated in currencies other than the functional one ...)

    activo neto sin restriccin:unrestricted net assets(Unrestricted net assetsare net assets with no restricted use.)

    activo neto:net asset(Goodwill represents the amount by which the price paid exceeds the fair value of the net assetsacquired.) / (Theissued share capital must at all times be equal to the net assetvalue of the underlying assets.)

    activo no acumulativo: non-performing assets ( or to fund non-performing assets beyond the amount of the available creditenhancement.)

    activo no corriente:non-current assets(Any non-current assetsthat do not meet the criteria shall cease to be classified as held for sale inaccordance with paragraph 26.)

    activo pignorado: pledged assets(The risks and rewards of the pledged assetsreside with the pledgor.)

    activo ponderado en funcin del riesgo: risk-adjusted assets( take immediate action to comply with the solvency rules either by raisingadditional capital or by reducing risk-adjusted assets.)

    activos ponderados por riesgo (RWA): risk weighted assets (A capital plan sets operational targets, taking into account expected levelsfor risk-weighted assets, determinedunder the regulatory approach.)

    activo productivo:productive asset(Land is the main productive assetfor a large part of Latin Americas rural population.)

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    activo redituable: profitable assets (The return on profitable assetscomes principally from the lending business with the private sector,)

    activo subyacente: underlying assets (The issued share capital must at all times be equal to the net asset value of the underlying assets.)

    activo tangible: tangible assets(Assets that have a physical existence, or give the holders definite set of financial rights are classified astangible assets, as opposed to intangible assets such as ...)

    activo/activos:assets (Assetsare bought to increase the value of a firm or benefit the firms operations. ...) / (Items of the assetsandliabilities denominated in foreign currencies are converted into the currency of the capital at the average cash ratesin force on the closing date )

    activos crediticios: credit assets (Assignment of credit assetsis the transfer of entitlement of the credit assetsat agreed-upon price andform from the assignor to the assignee)

    activos de oro fungibles: fungible gold assets (Does the New York Federal Reserve Bank have Fungible Gold Assets to the DegreeClaimed?)

    activos disponibles/activos prescindibles: disposable assets (other disposable assets which can quickly be converted to cash andwhose value is stable)

    activos lquidos en manos del pblico: liquid assets in the hands of the public (Here is the inflationary situation today: The FederalReserve Board estimates liquid assets in the hands of the publicat 300 billion dollars.)

    Activos Ponderados por Riesgo: risk-weighted assets (RWA) (As required under Basel II, Risk-Weighted Assets(RWA) are calculatedfor each of thefollowing risks: credit risk, market risk, and operational risk.)

    activos totales promedio:average total assets(Another relevant measure is net interest income over average total assets(ATA) )

    activos y pasivos:assets and liabilities(When they are initially recognized, all financial assets and liabilities, including derivative financialinstruments, are recorded at fair value in the Consolidated Balance Sheet.)

    acto seguido:thereupon(Thereupon, he will receive a written bill of entry from the system.); immediately after(wards)

    acto terrorista: terrorist act

    actual:current(Under current state law, students can drop out of school legally at age 17.); present(in its present form) / (at the presentmoment); existing (The Bank strives to serve all the financial needs and maintain the loyalty of its existing clients.)

    actualizacin del modelo econmico: update of the economic model (Since 2010, the Cuban economy has entered a new period ofeconomic reform, officially labeled as an update of the economic model.);modernisation of the economic model(the changes that the Ral Castro government is applying and will continue to implement as part of a broadmodernisation of the economic model.); updating of the economic model (At the same time, reaffirmed itscommitment to the process of updating the economic modeldesigned to strengthen socialism, with the activeparticipation of the people.)

    actualizacin:update(You can get hourly news updateson the Internet.); updating (Regular and periodic updatingof the inventories)

    actualizar el modelo econmico: update the economic model(President Raul CASTRO said such changes were needed to updatetheeconomic modelto ensure the survival of socialism.)

    actualizar:update(When you move, dont forget to updateyour mailing address.); upgrade(Theyre spending more than $4 million nextyear to upgrade computer systems.); actualize (has all the essential credentials to actualize the goals ofsustainable development.); bring up to date

    actualmente: at the moment (We can do more than we are doing at the moment.); currently (and a comprehensive strategy forcommunication with investors is currentlybeing developed.) / (He currentlyis directing TV sitcoms.); at the presenttime(Our main concern at the present timeis the recent catastrophe in China that has taken so many lives and hasaffected a great portion of the country.); at present (This research may contribute to the economic changes that arehappening in Cuba at present.); nowadays (nowadaysmore efficient methods are used)

    actuarial: actuarial (As far as after-service medical benefits are concerned, such liability should normally be determined by actuarialevaluation.) / (Actuarialvaluations are made periodically to determine the present value of plan obligations.)

    actuario de seguros/actuaria de seguros: actuary (The calculation of the technical provisions shall be executed and certified by anactuaryor other specialist in this field on the basis of recognised actuarial methods ) Corresponde al Actuario deSeguros la actuacin, en exclusiva, en todas las cuestiones de tcnica matemtica y econmica de las Institucionesde Seguros, Ahorro y Capitalizacin, y, como ttulo de rango facultativo, autoriza a quienes lo poseen para ejercerlos cargos de alta de direccin de las Empresas de Seguros, Ahorro y Capitalizacin; el asesoramiento, la peritaciny el desempeo de cargos en los que se requiere el uso de sus conocimientos especficos en las materias deestadstica matemtica, teora econmica de las Empresas de Seguros, direccin y tcnica contable y estimacincuantitativa de operaciones financieras.

    acuciante: pressing (a pressingneed) / (a pressingissue)

    acuerdo comercial:trade agreement(This proposal introduces amendments to an existing bilateral trade agreement.)

    acuerdo comn:joint agreement(MrMilana, congratulations on being capable of reaching a joint agreement,...)

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    acuerdo conjunto:joint agreement(thus, military intervention by the United Nations, with the joint agreementof the United Nations, notone or two or three countries using armed force.)

    acuerdo contractual:contractual agreement(In the normal course of business, the Bank provides various banking services and concludescontractual agreementsand other transactions with companies )

    Acuerdo de Bretton Woods: Bretton Woods agreement(On the basis of that guarantee in physical gold, the Bretton Woods agreementemerged in 1944, giving the powerful country the privilege of printing hard currency at a time when the rest)

    Acuerdo de Capital de Basilea: Basel Capital Accord

    Acuerdo de Capital:Capital Accord(... the 1996 Amendment to the Capital Accordto Incorporate Market Risks, and the 2005 paper onthe Application of Basel II to Trading Activities ...)

    acuerdo de colateral en efectivo: cash collateral agreement(If the debtor and the secured creditor are able to reach an agreement, theterms of the agreement are usually set forth in a Cash Collateral Agreement)

    acuerdo de compraventa: salepurchase agreement (The sale purchase agreementbetween Tractorul and Flavus); sale and purchaseagreement

    Acuerdo de Cotonou: Cotonou Agreement (The main point at issue at the moment appears to be the matter of the participation of Cuba inthe Cotonou Agreement.)

    Acuerdo de Derechos de Giro: Stand-By Arrangement(The country signed a 27-month Stand-By Arrangementin May 2006.)

    acuerdo de garanta en efectivo/acuerdo de garanta accesoria: cash collateral agreement(If the debtor and the secured creditor areable to reach an agreement, the terms of the agreement are usually set forth in a Cash Collateral Agreement)

    acuerdo de libre comercio:free trade agreement(South Koreas National Assembly gave the final nod Tuesday to a controversial US freetrade agreementthat is expected to boost bilateral trade of) / (Besides, in the future we shall have a free tradeagreementwith Vietnam.)

    acuerdo de recompra/pacto de recompra: repurchase agreement(Current practice records the transfer as a sale and the repurchaseagreementas a financing.)

    acuerdo explcito o implcito/acuerdo explcito o tcito: express or implied agreement (promisor and the promisee) may confer byexpress or implied agreementa right on a third party (the beneficiary).

    Acuerdo General sobre Aranceles y Comercio (GATT):General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)(The General Agreement onTariffs and Trade (GATT)is a multilateral agreement regulating international trade. According to its preamble, itspurpose is the substantial reduction of tariffs and other trade barriers and the elimination of preferences, on areciprocal and mutually advantageous basis.

    Acuerdo General sobre el Comercio de Servicios (AGCS): General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) (The General Agreement

    onTrade in Services (GATS)is a treaty of the World Trade Organization (WTO) that entered into force in January1995 as a result of the Uruguay Round negotiations. The treaty was created to extend the multilateral trading systemto service sector, in the same way the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) provides such a system formerchandise trade.)

    acuerdo implcito/acuerdo tcito: implied agreement (Implied agreement is a contract under which the agreement of the parties isdemonstrated by their acts and conduct.)

    acuerdo marco: framework agreement (A first step towards achieving this would be a framework agreement.) / (In other words, aframework agreement is a general term for agreements with suppliers which set out terms and conditions underwhich specific purchases (call-offs) can be made throughout the term of the agreement.)

    Acuerdo sobre Medidas Sanitarias y Fitosanitarias:Acuerdo sobre Medidas Sanitarias y Fitosanitarias (The result was an Agreement onAgriculture and an Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures.)

    Acuerdo sobre Subvenciones y Medidas Compensatorias : Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures (Discussions alsofocus on definitions and principles, where Members seek to draw on the Agreement on Subsidies andCountervailing Measuresand the Agreement on Agriculture, while keeping in mind the specificities of services.)

    acuerdo:agreement(Leaders of both countries signed an agreementto exchange diplomats.); accord (Both parties signed an accordlastweek in Geneva that may finally bring an end to the bloody conflict.); accommodation (to reach an accommodationwith creditors)

    acuerdos comerciales multilaterals: multilateral trade agreements (MTAs) (In that regard, he stressed the importance of making progresson multilateral trade agreementsduring the Doha Round.)

    acuerdos de reventa: resale agreements (Investments included as cash equivalents are time deposits, mutual funds and financialinstruments under resale agreements.)

    Acuerdos Generales para la Obtencin de Prstamos (AGP): General Arrangements to Borrow (GAB) (General arrangements toborrow, loans under special borrowing arrangements, deposits within the framework of the Poverty Reduction andGrowth Facility)

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    acumulacin agropecuaria: agricultural accumulation (The discussion of agricultural accumulationin the Chinese literature has revealedlittle statistical information at the national level)

    acumulacin de capital:capital accumulation(We will prosper, our capital accumulationwill prosper, our culture will prosper,...)

    acumulacin de existencias/acumulacin de inventarios: inventory accumulation (the accumulation of inventory and the tax andmonetary stimulus have promoted economic growth worldwide)

    acumulacin financiera: financial accumulation (Connecting struggles around fossil fuels and false solutions to climate change - fromindustrial pollution and monoculture plantations to financial accumulation, is also key.)

    acumulacin silvcola: forestry accumulation (Within the working circle there are abundant natural resources and the total forestryaccumulation amounts to12million cubic meters)

    acumulacin:accumulation (This should help to prevent the accumulation of new debt.); accretion (But the worrying thing about this is theaccretionof 11.4 billion dollars in the first quarter...); accrual

    acumulado:accrued (The accrued interest on the funds before the payment to beneficiaries belongs to the fund providers.); cumulative(The cumulativeeffect of regulation is of profound importance.); accumulated (will only take on a revolutionarycharacter if they transfer capital accumulatedby the finance oligarchy to the nation)

    acumular:accrue(Interest on this savings account accruesat the rate of 4 percent.); accumulate (He accumulateda fortune in the musicbusiness.); amass(By the time he was 40, he had amasseda fortune.)

    acumulativo:cumulative(Short-term day-to-day funding decisions are based on a daily cumulativenet cash position); accumulative(an

    age of rapid and accumulativechange)acumulativo:cumulative (The cumulativeeffect of regulation is of profound importance.); accumulative (Their accumulativeeffects will

    only be visible after several years.)

    acuacin:minting(All the expenses of issue, mintingand replacement of metallic coins will be applied to the operative costs ); coinage

    acuar (dinero):mint(Slovakia was the first one to mintthe euro coins with its own production facilities.); coin money(The power to coinmoneyshould remain a government prerogative.)

    acuar (frase,palabra): coin(Kraft coinedthe term middle Americain the 1960s.)

    acuar moneda: coin money(he must be coiningmoney); mint money

    acusar recibo de: acknowledge receipt of(I should be obliged if you would acknowledge receiptofthis letter and confirm that )

    acuse de recibo: acknowledgement of receipt (An acknowledgement of receipt shall be sent to the applicant.); acknowledgement (Iapplied for a grant and just received an acknowledgement(= letter saying that my letter was received).)

    adaptar a:tailor to(This approach can be better tailored tothe demands of the users of the evaluation.)

    adecuacin de capital: capital adequacy (the consultative paper issued by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, A New CapitalAdequacyFramework)

    adecuado/adecuada:appropriate(Reviews, evaluates and approves appropriateinternal control policies.), fitting(What is most fittingforthis country?); suitable (What is a suitablemodel of computation?); adequate (Work is planned to ensure thatschools have an adequatephysical environment.)

    adecuar los mtodos de trabajo: adapt working practices (we worked very hard to adapt working methods and match technicalstandards.)

    adelantar:advance(Secondly, I believe we can advanceour work on territorial cohesion through promotion of exchange of experience,);bring forward(In my opinion, we should still think carefully about the aim to bring forwardby one year the deadlinefor the transposition of the measures...)

    adelantos:advances (Technological advanceshave changed TV news.)

    adems de eso:on top of that(On top of that, the effects of the recession put a $3 trillion hole in our budget.)

    adems de:in addition to(In addition tothat critical issue there are also a number of other...); besides(Besideswealth we should also bespeaking about power.)

    adems: moreover (It was a good car and, moreover, the price was quite reasonable.), furthermore (I dont know what happened toRoberto, and furthermore, I dont care.), besides(He wont mind if youre latebesides, its not your fault.); further(If we furthersuppose); also (We alsohave a catalogue of problems); what is more (What is more, none of thethree provisions clearly establishes its scope.); in addition (In addition, in 1926, in his character ofDirector of theUniversity of Buenos Aires)

    adeudar:owe(a number of countries in a particular region may owea small amount of contributions); debit (we have debitedyouraccount with the sum of 5,000 pesos.)/ (we have debitedthe sum of 5,000 pesos to ofrom your account); have adebt of

    adeudo en cuenta/asiento en el debe: debit entry(Post a debit entryto your bank account.)

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    adeudo: indebtedness (This development in the labour market will counsel prudence to households, whose indebtedness leaves themvulnerable to a rise in interest rates.); debit(the sum debitedto/from your account); charge

    adicionar:add (If you addthree and four you get seven.)

    adiestramiento en el trabajo/adiestramiento prctico: on-the-job training(The company provides on-the-job training (= training whileyou work).

    adiestramiento:training (We got two weeks of on-the-job trainingon how to conduct interviews.)

    adinerado/adinerada: affluent (Wearing or carrying items which may identify you as an affluenttourist can be a mistake.)

    adjudicacin: awarding (It also intends to commission an independent evaluation (procedure for awarding the contract currently underway).); adjudication(adjudicationof bankruptcy)/( The widow renounced the usufruct, and an adjudicationof theassets known at the time was made); allocation (The European Union must therefore systematically object to theallocation of the presidency to such countries)

    adjudicador:awarder(The locations will be at the disposition of the awarders7 days before the date of opening.)

    adjudicar: award(Their company was awardeda contract worth $40 million by the federal government.); allot(The board allotted$5000 tothe recreation center.); assign(Can you say explicitly what role the Council is planning to assignto the InternationalCriminal Court?); allocate (The objective of collaboration should be to allocate limited resources in a cooperativeand cost-effective way.)

    adjudicatario:awardee (The awardee, upon a formal call, will have a time to sign the Agreement as per the conditions set forth by the

    Calling Instrument, )adjuntar:attach (Additionally, you must attacha copy of the curriculum vitae of all personnel involved, including a list...); enclose(Please

    enclosea stamped, self-addressed envelope.)

    adjunto a la presente:enclosed herewith(A brief biography of Archbishop Desmond Tutu is enclosed herewith.)

    adjunto/adjunta:herewith(We are sending you herewitha copy of); enclosed(please find encloseda copy of the invoice); attached(please fill in the attachedform); annexed (the annexedfinancial statements)

    administracin central del estado:central administration of the state(The problem with the central administration of the state(ACE) inSpain is that it does not really know what it is, where it is going, or what it wishes to be); central stateadministration(To coordinate organizational structures of central stateadministrationbodies, state agencies andstate administration offices in counties ...)

    administracin centralizada:centralized administration(This ensures centralized administrationand non-intrusive updating in networkedenvironments.); centralized management (It is with concern that we observe bottlenecks, especially within thecentralizedmanagementframework.)

    administracin de activos: asset management (Nikko: financial services including retail and wholesale securities brokerage, investmentbanking, asset managementand fund administration, )

    administracin de activos: asset management (Their integration into this new asset managementplatform constitutes a distinct addedvalue.)

    administracin de empresas: business administration ( masters degree courses in education, business administration and publicadministration.); business management (The goal of businessmanagementis to create wealth...)

    administracin de los recursos:administration of resources(the Fund may decide to perform financial and technical services, includingthe administration of resources)

    administracin de personal: personnel administration (The personnel administrationunit was transferred first, then the compensationunit, and finally the payroll unit.)

    administracin descentralizada: decentralized management (The problems relative to the decentralized managementof consultantsand the coordination between Headquarters and field offices were highlighted.)

    Administracin Nacional de Aeronutica y del Espacio(NASA):National Aeronautics and Space Administration

    administracin por objetivos: administration by objectives (The project is designed and placed within a logical framework ofimplementation and administration by objectives,); management by objectives(The DGI operates on the basisof management by objectives,)

    administracin pblica:public administration(However, the publicadministrationcontinues to suffer from serious weaknesses.)

    administracin:administration(In this regard, the administrationwill be conducting a quality survey on the service...); management(So amajor challenge is the judicious management of these powerful endogenous and exogenous resources forsustainable development.); stewardship (Unparalleled product stewardship to ensure that products are handledsafely.)

    administrador concursal: receiver in a bankruptcy(The alleged costs of genuine restructuring activities included the costs of purchasingthe means of production from the receiver in bankruptcyof SSPH and SS.)

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    administrador de base de datos:database administrator(A database administrator(DBA) is responsible for the performance, integrityand security of a database.); administrator of the data base (In the end, the validated terms and definitions are puton-line by administrator of the data base.)

    administrador general:general manager(First, the company in question could not clarify the precise role and responsibilities of its GeneralManager.)

    administrador judicial:receiver(The receivercontinued production while seeking a new investor.)

    administrador:administrator (de bienes ajenos) (Contact the global administratorwithin your organization and request that...); manager(de empresa) (This applies particularly to the role of the infrastructure manager.)

    administrar:manage(Does she have any experience managinglarge projects?); administer (The national governments have been unableto administertheir funds.)

    administrativo: managerial(It was subsequently found that the managerialgroup concept works better.); administrative (Administrativedata must obviously be free of charge to the public and it has to be obtainable)

    admisible: admissible (If the request is not admissible, the Chairman of the Committee shall dismiss it, while the issue remains ...);acceptable (It was not acceptableto treat newly settled farmers differently from the other ...); allowable (Our wellwater has nitrates above the allowablelevel.)

    admitir(dejar entrar): admit (Each ticket admits one member and a guest.)

    admitir(permitir):allow of (a question that allows ofonly one reply) / (it allows ofno other explanation)

    Adonde fueres haz lo que vieres:When in Roma do as the Romans do.

    adopcin de decisiones: decisionmaking(They should be active in lobbying to participate in government decisionmaking.)

    adoptar decisiones:adopt decisions (The absence of such rules has led the Council to adopt decisionsof a discretionary nature.)

    adoptar medidas:adopt measures (Belgium must adopt measuresby Jan. 1 at the latest to bring its budget deficit below 3% of economicoutput in 2012)

    adquirente:acquirer (JCB is an international credit card brand and the largest card issuer and acquirerin Japan.) buyer (Hes still lookingfor a buyerfor his house.); purchaser (Software purchasershave reported problems with the product.)

    adquirida:acquire (A pre-existing relationship between the acquirer and acquireemay be contractual)

    adquirir:acquire (His family acquiredthe property in 1985.)

    adquisicin de activos fijos tangibles:purchase of tangible fixed assets (Capital grants received in respect of the purchase of tangiblefixed assetsare treated as a deferred credit and amortised to the profit and loss account annually ...)

    adquisicin de ttulos de inversin: purchase of investment securities (The facility is for the borrowers general business purposes,including the purchase of investment securitiesin the ordinary course of borrowers business.)

    adquisicin: acquisition (The Banks ability to successfully complete an acquisitionis often conditional on regulatory approval)

    Aduana General de la Repblica (de Cuba): General Customs of the Republic (of Cuba)

    aduana: customs (Building a common customssystem has been one of the major achievements in that progress ...); customs house (thisicon was constructed by in 1228 as a major trading post for German merchants, and under Napoleon it became acustoms housein 1806.)

    adulteracin:misrepresentation (Photoshop appear to have been useful in detecting the manipulation or misrepresentationof satellitedata.)

    advertir:note (please notethat VAT is not included)

    afamado/clebre/famoso:renowned (Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, the renownedGerman baritone singer who performed for more than fivedecades on stages in Berlin,...)

    afectado/afectada:offeree (A contract is formed when one party (the offeror) makes an offer which is accepted by the other party (theofferee).

    afectar:affect (a problem which affects the economy)

    afn: related (Risk management policies, along with the related guidelines and procedures, are the essential elements of the riskmanagement framework.)

    afirmacin:claim (They say it works, but there is no evidence to support those claims.)

    afirmar:claim (Ervin claims(that) he is bankrupt.)

    aflojar las restricciones:ease the restrictions (and continue the process of easing restrictionson self-employment)

    afluencia de capitales:inflow of capitals (This has been due to the successive petrol shock from the beginning of 21 century, which has

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    brought about a great inflow ofcapitalsto the countries belonging ...)

    afluencia de efectivo/entrada de efectivo:cash inflow (Financing activities generated cash inflowsof $5.1 billion, mainly due to a $5.3billion increase in deposits)

    afrontar problemas financieros: face financial problems (The new rules should guarantee that SMEs no longer face financial problemsdue to the late payment of invoices addressed to public authorities or to companies )

    afrontar:face (the similarities between the problems that Cuba is facingtoday in relation to those faced by Vietnam since 1986); confront(The EU currently has to confrontnew challenges that require greater efforts.); face (the similarities between theproblems that Cuba is facingtoday in relation to those facedby Vietnam since 1986); cope with (Victims cope withfeelings of anxiety, pain, anger, and fear.)

    agarrar al toro por los cuernos:take the bull by he horns (I took the bull by the hornsand confronted him about his drinking.)

    agarrar/abrazar/coger/tener/sujetar (firmemente): hold (The nurse heldthe child in her arms.)

    agarrar:catch (The gobal crisis caughtCuba with serious macro-economic imbalances.)

    agencia calificadora de riesgo/entidad calificadora de riesgo:credit rating agency (CRA) (The present section is based on an analysiscontained in a paper prepared by UNCTAD: "Rating the Credit Rating Agencies and their Potential Impact onDeveloping Countries", forthcoming.)

    Agencia de Crdito a la Exportacin: Export Credit Agency

    Agencia de Medio Ambiente (AMA): Agency of Environment

    agenda apretada/apretada agenda:busy agenda(The Cuban Minister of Foreign Affairs develops a busy agenda on the sidelines of theUN General Assembly.); full agenda(The Presidency has successfully managed to crown its full agendawith a newtreaty.)

    agente de seguros: insurance brker (An insurance broker (also insurance agent) sells, solicits, or negotiates insurance forcompensation.); insurance agent

    gil: nimble (The abolition of the ministry is part of a plan to make the sugar industry more nimble.)

    agilizar:speed up (He developed a new system to help speed upthe work.)

    aglutinar:bring together (the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA), the organization that since 1895 brings togethercooperatives in theworld)

    agotar (mercancias, existencias):sell out (We sold out (of) the T-shirts in the first couple of hours.) / (stocks of umbrellas are sold out)

    agradecemos de antemano:(Thank you in advancefor your inestimable collaboration, and please accept our very best wishes.)

    agradecer:thank(On behalf of the executive management team, I wish to acknowledge their high level of engagement and thank themfortheir hard work and contribution to the Banks success.); welcome (Wed welcomeyour suggestions.); be grateful (Iwould be grateful if you would send me); appreciate (we should much appreciate it if) / (I would greatlyappreciate that you would answer me as soon as possible.)

    agradecera que me enviara: I should be grateful if you would send me ( I should be grateful if you would send me a quotation forperforming audits for the Tribunal's 2009-2010 and 2011-2012 financial periods.)

    agradecimiento: gratitude (Many of his patients gave works of art to Dr. Klein in gratitude.); thanks (with our most sincere thanks);appreciation (in appreciationof all you have done)

    agrario/agraria:agricultural (agriculturalpolicy); agrarian (agrarian reform)

    agregado monetario:monetary aggregate (It can bring about considerable changes in the composition of demand for money and in themeasures among the monetary aggregatesthat are relevant to the control of inflation.)

    agregados:aggregates (This assessment can be confined to the impact on key aggregates.)

    agregar:add (You can also adda description of the item.)

    agrcola:agricultural (Chicago was an important shipping point for agriculturalproducts and livestock.)

    agricultor:farmer (The farmer, by the nature of his occupation, must spend much of his time on site in a rural and often remote setting.)

    agricultura de subsistencia:subsistence agriculture (Subsistence agriculture is self-sufficiency farming in which the farmers focus ongrowing enough food to feed their families.)

    agricultura ecolgica: ecological agriculture (Ecological agriculturemust become an integral part of a production system that supportsthe environment.)

    agricultura orgnica: organic agriculture (the Government of Uganda released a draft organic agriculture policy.); organicfarming(...productive activities in harmony with the environment, more particularly organic farming.)

    agricultura sostenible: sustainable agriculture (We farmers have declared our support for sustainable agriculture.)

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    agricultura suburbana:periurban agriculture (the expansion of periurban agricultureand the promotion of rural off-farm activities.)

    agricultura urbana:urban agriculture (Nearly a billion people are engaged in urban agricultureof one form or another - food or animalproduction and horticulture.)

    agricultura:agriculture (Agricultureand tourism are both important to the regions economy.); arable farming; farming

    agroalimentario/agroalimentaria:agri-food (On the other hand, the multinationals in the agri-foodindustry have cause for celebration.)

    agroindustria/industria agropecuaria: agribusiness (the various businesses that collectively process, distribute, and support farmproducts.)

    agronmico/agronmica: agronomic (The project led to improvement in agronomic practices, farm yield and income of 5,500households.); agronomical(In some regions, the protein crops are traditionally sown in a mixture with cereals foragronomicalreasons.)

    agropecuario/agropecuaria: agricultural(...we should tackle the sensitive issue of agriculturaltrade.); agricultural and livestock(The fall inagricultural and livestockoutput this year is estimated at roughly 65 percent.); farming and livestock(Campenybought the monastery and carried on with its farming and livestockraising activities.)

    Agua pasada no mueve molino.: Its no use crying over spilt milk.

    agua potable: drinking water (Drinking wateris water that is suitable for drinking.)

    aguantar:endure (I wish you the capacity to bear and endurethose burdens you have taken on.); withstand (The rules adopted should beable to withstandthe test of reality.); weather (which have weatheredthe economic and financial uncertainties ofrecent years better than most jurisdictions around the world.); bear ( a too-slow adjustment that would requireanother twenty years of bearingthe costs of monetary duality.)

    aguas abajo:downstream (As far as I am concerned, this directive should first and foremost stipulate that Member States are not allowed totake measures that lead to major risks downstream.) / (Downstreamcommunities living along the coastline sufferfrom changes in water quality.)

    aguas arriba:upstream (Surface water sources need to take into account the effect of the discharge and emissions upstream.)

    aguas someras/aguas poco profundas:shallow waters (drilling operations both on land and in shallowwaters)

    ah:therein (and thereinlies its great attraction)

    ahondar en/insistir en/profundizar en:delve into (Mr President, I do not have the time to delve intothe possible differences between thetext of the reports and the personal views of each of the rapporteurs.) / (I will not delve intoanother argument onwhich this proposal favours the consumer more, because I believe that the facts are obvious.) / (I do not wish todelve intothe details of the civil liability of shipowners,)

    ahora masque nunca:now more than ever (We must not disappoint them in their expectations, and now more than everthese countriesneed our help.)

    ahora:at present (This research may contribute to the economic changes that are happening in Cuba at present.)

    ahorrar:save (this way you will be able to savesome electricity); put aside (Were putting aside$20 a week for our vacation.) set aside

    ajustado/ajustada:tight (Tightcost management also contributed to our results and remains a strategic priority.)

    ajustar los mtodos de trabajo:adjust working practices (By tradition farmers have developed strategies to adjust working methods)

    ajuste al patrimonio:adjustment to equity (This adjustment produces no net effect on the Net Loan Portfolio, and, therefore, no additionalbalancing entry in Adjustments to Equityis required.)

    ajuste contable:accounting adjustment (The essence of the problem is ultimately an accounting adjustmenton which the future of thebanana sector in the European Union depends.)

    ajuste de cierre de ao:year-end adjustment (Check if your business neeeds Year-end Adjustments.)

    ajuste de inventario: inventory adjustment (The optional inventory adjustment(OIA), like the mandatory inventory adjustment (MIA),only applies when you are using the cash method of accounting.)

    Ajuste por Tamao de la Empresa para Pequeas y MedianasEmpresas (PYME): Firm-Size Adjustment for Small-and Medium-SizedEntities

    ajuste:adjustment (Only a few adjustmentswere needed to make her dress fit perfectly.) / (the plan needs some minor adjustments)

    al alcance de la mano:within arms reach (Above him, within arms reach, was the low roof of the building.); within arms reach (theportal has a rapid access panel that puts the systems principal operating components within arms reach.); at hand

    al alcance de:available to (an attempt to make culture available toeveryone)

    al alza/alcista: upward (These factors have contributed to some upwardpressure on inflation recently.) / (The use of cocaine is showing anupwardtrend.)

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    al final del ao: at the end of the year (let me remind you that it expires atthe end of the yearin any case.)

    al final del periodo econmico/al final del periodo contable: at the end of the accounting period (A company has $72,500 in inventory atthe beginning of the accounting period and $65,500 at the end of the accounting period.)

    al final del primer semestre: (Community steel tube production was up by 4,3 % at the end of the first half of 2000.)

    al final:eventually (You learn a lot in school, but eventuallyyou forget most of it.)

    al finalizar el ao: at year end (As a consequence, at year end, 25 posts were abolished.); by the end of the year (By the end of the year,13 rounds of negotiation had been held.)

    al frente de: at the forefront(US firms are at or near the forefrontin technological advances)

    al igual que en aos anteriores:as in previous years (As in previous years, this exchange will be held in informal mode.)

    al igual que:as with (As withall processes of harmonization)

    al inicio del ao:at the beginning of the year ( performed by external evaluators and will start at thebeginning of the year.)

    al inicio del perodo econmico/al inicio del periodo contable:at the beginning of the accounting period (A company has $72,500 ininventory at the beginning of the accounting periodand $65,500 at the end of the accounting period.)

    al inicio:at the beginning (I would just like to repeat what I said at the beginning.); at the start (The marketing authorisation holder will beinformed of the adopted timetableat the startof the procedure.)

    al menos: at least (reviewed at leastonce a year in accordance with the Banks policies.); at any rate ( At any rate, the Commission willexamine the measures taken by Member States according to)

    al mes:a month later (One month later, the European Union stated its intention to appeal the decision.)

    al mismo tiempo que:at the same time that (In simultaneous interpretation, the interpreter interprets at the same time thatthe speaker isspeaking, although a few words behind.)

    al mismo tiempo:at the same time (At the same time, the U.S. Congress remains undecided aboutthe size of its budget cuts for 2014.; allat once (It is not intended that changes happen all at once)

    al pie de la letra:verbatim (He could quote long passages verbatimfrom the King James version of the Bible.)

    al por mayor:in bulk (The relief organization buys food in bulk.)

    al principio de:at the beginning of (We are at the beginning ofa process whose direction, positive or negative for humanity, cannot bepredicted with certainty.)

    al principio del ao:at the beginning of the year ( performed by external evaluators and will start at the beginning of the year.)

    al principio:at the outset (This assessment is performed at the outsetof the credit application process.); in the beginning (Commissionnotes that it is normal market practice that new services are offered at discount pricesin the beginning in order toreach a certain customer base.); at the beginning (I should like to close by saying that we are still just right at thebeginning.)

    al respecto: on the matter (This is not the right place for opening a debate onthe matter,)(I would like to state here that Chinas positionon this matteris very clear.); in this regard (Indias comments were especially interesting inthis regard.)

    al revs: the other way around (en sentido inverso) (In fact it is the otherway around, Turkey is asking to join the Union.)

    al ritmo de: at the rate of (Our economy must grow at the rate of at least ten per cent every year to get rid of poverty and generateemployment for all.)

    al valor nominal: at par value (Redemption should always be possible at any time, at par value.) / (On November 2, 2011, the Bankredeemed for cancellation $500 million in subordinated debentures maturing on November 2, 2016, at par valueplus accrued interest.)

    al: upon (Uponannouncing these measures, the US government very clearly stated that the blockade will remain intact) Upon can be

    used to show that something happens soon after, and often because of, something else:Uponhearing the goodnews, we all congratulated Murphy.)

    albacea:executor (Litigation was begun in the name of the Executorin his representative capacity.); administrator (The commission is alsoproposing to create a certificate to enable heirs and administratorsof wills to easily prove their status in anothercountry.)

    alcance:extent (In order to weigh the extentof the visible contents of the Cuban monetary and exchange rate reform ); scope (While thecurrent US government has taken some positive steps, they are insufficient and extremely limited in scope.);importance; significance

    alcanzar el xito/tener xito/triunfar:make it (she made itfairly late in her career)

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    alcanzar un acuerdo: reach an agreement (And to reach an agreementon the different situations)

    alcanzar:achieve (surpassed the record performance achievedin the previous year.); reach (The number of Personal Banking customersreached 2.3 million); attain (On the other hand, these communities intend to attain their goals with peacefulpolitical means.); stand at (the 12-month inflation rate stood at6.3 percent)

    alcista: upward (Strong domestic demand exerted upward pressure on price.)

    aleatoriamente: randomly (The people I interviewed were chosen randomly.)

    alentador: encouraging (The decrease in violence is undeniably encouraging, but the challenge remains constant.)

    alentar: encourage (The city needs to encouragejob creation.); foster (by fosteringan environment of low interest rates)

    algo masde/algo mas que:a little more than (Multnomah County gets a little more than$75 per person for two projects.) ; somewhatmore than (inhabitants when it attained independence, today has somewhat more than6 million)

    algo menor que: somewhat smaller than (Washington, D.C., is somewhat smaller thanBaltimore.)

    algo menos que: somewhat smaller than (Washington, D.C., is somewhat smaller thanBaltimore.)

    algo por algo/algo a cambio de algo:quid pro quo= this for that=give and take=a favor for a favor ( (We must get away from the quid-pro-quoprinciple and not focus on what we in the EU can

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