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GLSL Tutorials

The OpenGL architecture





Per Vertex

Operations &



Rasterization Per Fragment









What are

shaders ?

• Shaders substitute parts of the graphics pipeline

• The Transform and lighting phase is now

programmable using Vertex Shaders

• Pixel (or fragment) shaders programs substitute the

Color and Pixel coordinates phase

GLSL = OpenGL Shading Language

3 main Shading Language

• HLSL, uses Direct3D API, made in


• GLSL, uses OpenGL API.

•Cg, NVidia Shading Language,


II Code Shaders in GLSL

a) OpenGL Shading language

Transform and Lighting (T&L)

• Custom transform, lighting, and skinning

A special T&L shader?

• Custom cartoon-style lighting

Implement high speed bump

mapping • Per-vertex set up for per-pixel bump mapping

Dynamic morphing

• Character morphing & shadow volume projection

Dynamic mesh deformation

• Dynamic displacements of surfaces by objects

What can be done in a vertex

shader ?

• Complete control of transform and lighting HW

• Complex vertex operations accelerated in HW

• Custom vertex lighting

• Custom skinning and blending

• Custom texture coordinate generation

• Custom texture matrix operations

• Custom vertex computations of your choice

• Offloading vertex computations frees up CPU • More physics, simulation, and AI possible.


• GLSL (OpenGL Shading Language),

also known as GLslang, is a high level

shading language based on the C

programming language. It was created by

the OpenGL ARB to give developers more

direct control of the graphics pipeline

without having to use assembly language

or hardware-specific languages. OpenGL

2.0 is now available.


• Originally introduced as an extension to OpenGL 1.4, the OpenGL

ARB formally included GLSL into the OpenGL 2.0 core. OpenGL 2.0

is the first major revision to OpenGL since the creation of OpenGL

1.0 in 1992.

Some benefits of using GLSL are:

• Cross platform compatibility on multiple operating systems, including

Linux, Mac OS and Windows.

• The ability to write shaders that can be used on any hardware

vendor’s graphics card that supports the OpenGL Shading


• Each hardware vendor includes the GLSL compiler in their driver,

thus allowing each vendor to create code optimized for their

particular graphics card’s architecture.

GLSL Data Types

Data types The OpenGL Shading Language Specification defines 22 basic data types.

Some are the same as used in the C programming language, while others are

specific to graphics processing.

• void – used for functions that do not return a value

• bool – conditional type, values may be either true or false

• int – a signed integer

• float – a floating point number

• vec2 – a 2 component floating point vector ,v ec3, vec4

• bvec2 – a 2 component Boolean vector ,bvec3, bvec4

• ivec2 – a 2 component vector of integers ,ivec3 ,ivec4

• mat2 – a 2X2 matrix of floating point numbers ,mat3,mat4

• sampler1D – a handle for accessing a texture with 1 dimension


Functions and Control Structures

Similar to the C programming language, GLSL supports

loops and branching, including if, else, if/else, for, do-

while, break, continue, etc.

User defined functions are supported, and a wide variety of

commonly used functions are provided built-in as well.

This allows the graphics card manufacturer the ability to

optimize these built in functions at the hardware level if

they are inclined to do so. Many of these functions are

similar to those found in the C programming language

such as exp() and abs() while others are specific to

graphics texture2D().


Declaring and using variables in GLSL is similar to using variables in C.

There are four options for variable qualifiers:

• const - A constant.

• varying - Read-only in a fragment shader, readable/writable in the

vertex shader. Used to communicate between the two shaders. The

values are interpolated and fed to the fragment shader.

• uniform - Global read-only variables available to vertex and

fragment shaders which can't be changed inside glBegin() and

glEnd() calls. Used to hold state that changes between objects.

• attribute - Global read-only variables only available to the vertex

shader (and not the fragment shader). Passed from an OpenGL

program, these can be changed on a per vertex level.

Free Tools

• RenderMonkey - created by ATI, provides an interface to create, compile

and debug GLSL shaders as well as DirectX shaders. It runs only on

Microsoft Windows.

• GLSLEditorSample - a cocoa application running only under Mac OS X. It

allows shader creation and compilation, but no debugging is implemented. It

is part of the Xcode package, versions 2.3 and above.

• Lumina - a new GLSL development tool. It is platform independent and the

interface uses Qt.

• Blender - This GPL 3D modeling and animation package contains GLSL

support in its game engine, as of version 2.41.

• Shader Designer - This extensive, easy to use GLSL IDE has ceased

production by TyphoonLabs. However, it can still be downloaded and used

for free. Shader designer comes with example shaders and beginner tutorial


• Demoniak3D - a tool that allows to quickly code and test your GLSL

shaders. Demoniak3D uses a mixture of XML, LUA scripting and GLSL to

build a real time 3d scenes.

The Vertex Processor

The vertex processor is responsible for running the vertex

shaders. The input for a vertex shader is the vertex data,

namely its position, color, normals, etc, depending on what

the OpenGL application sends.







Input and Output :

The Fragment Processor

The fragment processor is where the fragment shaders run.

This unit is responsible for operations like:

• Computing colors, and texture coordinates per pixel

• Texture application

• Fog computation

• Computing normals if you want lighting per pixel

The inputs for this unit are the interpolated values

computed in the previous stage of the pipeline such as

vertex positions, colors, normals, etc... In the vertex shader

these values are computed for each vertex.

So Lets write a shader

• We will assume for the time being that we

can figure out how to load these guys

• The first shader we will write will include a

vertex shader and a fragment shader

• It is possible to write only one and let

OpenGL fixed function pipeline handle the


The Simplest Example Possible

// This is the vertex shader. Processes each vertex that passes thru

void main( void )


gl_Position = gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * gl_vertex;


ftransform() is a built in function that will transform

the incomming vertex position in a way that produces

exactly the same result as would be produced by

OpenGL's fixed functionality transform. Should be

only used to calculate gl_position. This is equivalent

to multiplying the vertex by the current modelview

and projection matrices.

Fragment Shader

// This fragment shader sets every fragment to a solid color

// There is not lighting, textures etc in this shader.

void main( void )


gl_FragColor = vec4(0.4, 0.0, 0.9, 1.0);


Every single fragment is colored the

same purple color. No lighting

or anything else is done. A sphere is

drawn on the right as a demo. This

program is entitled ShadeSphere1.

A Simple Texture Example (uses a varying variable)

// Texcoord is used to communicate with the fragment shader using

// interpolation across the primitives.

varying vec2 Texcoord;

//Gl_MultiTexCoord0.xy is a built in attribute variable that is set in the

//OpenGL app via the glTexCoord2f() command

void main( void )


gl_Position = ftransform();

Texcoord = gl_MultiTexCoord0.xy;


And the Fragment Part (uses a uniform variable)

// The variable baseMap must be defined as a texture

// in the application.

uniform sampler2D baseMap

// This value is interpolated across the primitive.

varying vec2 Texcoord

void main( void )


gl_FragColor = texture2D( baseMap, Texcoord );


The Loading process

1. Create a shader object

2. Load the shader code into the object

3. Compile the code for that object

4. Repeat as needed for the other shaders

5. Create a program object

6. Attach all the relevant shader objects to the

program object

7. Ask openGL to link the program object

So how do we load these guys?

There are several functions used to create, compile and load

the code onto the graphics card. We will look at each in

turn. First we must create a shader object. We need one for

the vertex shader and one for the fragment shader. The

following command create an empty shader object and

returns its handle.

GLuint vtxshader,fragshader;



Define the shader sources

Once the shader object had been created we need to load the shader source into

the object. This is done using the function glShaderSource(), which takes an

array of strings representing the shader and makes a copy of it to store in the

object. Note that shaders are loaded from strings, files. We will use a utility to

read in a file and put it into the form required for this function. See the two

sample apps on my web page for the loader code (ShaderLoader.cpp) and

examples how to use it.

glShaderSource(vtxshader,1, &cvs_source ,NULL);

glShaderSource(fragshader,1, &cfs_source ,NULL);

Let compile the shaders

glCompileShader(vtxshader); // Compile the vertex shader


if(!success)cout<<"Vertex Compiler Error"<<endl;

glCompileShader(fragshader); //compile the fragment shader


if(!success)cout<<"Fragment Compiler Error"<<endl;

If the above compilations crash the correspoinding shader will

not be loaded. This will result in the fixed portion of the

pipeline being used instead. You can also retrieve a log

containing errors and other information from OpenGL using


Create a program

We now will create a program object and attach the shaders

to it. Normally you attach the vertex shader and a fragment

shader although you can actually attach more shaders of

either type.




And then link it



if(!success)cout<<"Vertex LINK Error"<<endl;


if(!success)cout<<"Fragment LINK Error"<<endl;

And Validate it



if(!success)cout<<"Vertex VALIDATE Error"<<endl;


if(!success)cout<<"Fragment VALIDATE Error"<<endl;

This function checks to see if the program specified by the

handle can be run in its current state. This also checks

thaings such as the correct binding of samplers and other

states. Use this only during debugging.

Load the program


If you run the command glUseProgram(0), ie prog is 0

then the shader processing is disables and fixed

functionality takes over.

TIP: you could put all the shader code within a #ifdef-

#endif preprocessor block so that you can easily turn

on or off the inclusion of the shader code.

Shader #3: Uniform Variables // Vertex Shader

uniform vec4 scale;

void main()


vec4 pos = gl_Vertex * scale;

gl_Position = gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * pos;


The above vertex shader reads as input a uniform

variable called scale. It then uses this variable to expand

or shrink the position of the vertex wrt the origin. The

new position is then converted to clip coordinates using

the usual ModelView matrix and Projection matrix


The Fragment Shader

// Fragment Shader

uniform vec4 color;

void main()


gl_FragColor = color;


This shader reads in the color uniform variable and sets the outgoing fragment

to that color.

Shader #4

This is another simple

shader that does the


1. It shades by interpolating

the diffuse color only.

2. It uses the texture matrix

to slide the texture.

Shader#4:Vertex Shader

// This is our directional light vertex shader

varying vec4 diffuse; //interpolate the diffuse color

void main( void )


gl_Position = ftransform();


vec3 normal = gl_Normal;// Normals are expected to be normalized

vec3 lightVector=normalize(gl_LightSource[0];

float nxDir = max(0.0,dot(normal, lightVector

diffuse = gl_LightSource[0].diffuse*nxDir;


Shader#4:Fragment Shader

// The variable texture must be defined as a texture

// in the application.

uniform sampler2D texture;

varying vec4 diffuse; // this is what get interpolated

void main( void )


vec4 texColor = texture2D(texture, gl_TexCoord[0].st);

gl_FragColor = (gl_LightSource[0].ambient +



Shader#4:OpenGL Feed

The command

uniform sampler2D texture

needs to be fed from the client side using

the usual texture setup method. The names

must match.


glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture);

Simple Toon Shading

This is just a

shading trick

that allows us

to color objects

in discrete


The Vertex Toon Shader varying vec3 normal;

varying float edge;

uniform vec3 Camera_Position; // aka eye position

void main( void )


normal = gl_NormalMatrix*gl_Normal;

gl_Position = gl_ModelViewMatrix * gl_Vertex;

vec3 M =;

vec3 n = normalize(normal);

vec3 cameraVector = normalize(Camera_Position - M);

edge = max(dot(cameraVector,n),0);



Fragment Shader varying vec3 normal;

varying float edge;

void main( void )


float intensity; vec4 color;

vec3 n=normalize(normal);

intensity = dot(vec3(gl_LightSource[0].position),n);


color = vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0);

else if (intensity >= .95)

color = vec4(0.6,0.6,1.0,1.0);

else if (intensity > .85)

color = vec4(0.4,0.4,0.8,1.0);

else if (intensity > .7)

color = vec4(0.3,0.3,0.6,1.0);


color = vec4(0.2,0.2,0.4,1.0);

gl_FragColor = color;


Note the separation of

colors is a hardcoded

function of the intensity.

The intensity is a value that

is highly dependent on the

position of the light source.

In addition the light pos is

not normalized in this case!

Here we just artificially

colored the object based on

the angle between the

normal and the light vector

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