god's army

Post on 01-Jul-2015






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Accompanies a sermon preached at Plymouth Meeting EC Church on 11/9/14. The audio for the sermon is available at www.pmecc.orgon the Media page


Tactics for God’s Soldier

2 Timothy 2:3-4

3 Endure suffering along with me, as a good soldier of

Christ Jesus. 4 Soldiers don’t get tied up in the affairs of civilian life, for then they

cannot please the officer who enlisted them.

2 Timothy 2:3-4

Exemplify Single-minded Devotion to

the Commander “No one serving as a

soldier gets involved in civilian affairs- he wants

to please his commanding officer.”


Obey the Commanding Officer promptly. (Luke 6:46; Ephesians 1:22)

Family and other interests must be

subordinate. (Matthew 19:29; Luke 14:16-20)

You are a soldier full-time, 24/7.

We live in a “Burger King society” – we like to

have it our way.

Engage the Enemy in Warfare

“No one engaged in warfare…” (vs.4 NKJV)

You are either fighting a battle or preparing for one.

Every Christian is

involved in a battle against Satan and his


He is trying to destroy people’s lives and keep them from salvation and

obedience. (1 Peter 5:8-9)

We battle temptation to pride, anger, deceit, lust,

gossip, laziness and selfishness.

We battle spiritual apathy, preoccupation with lesser things, and


Is our church more like a cruise ship or a battleship?

“Endure Hardship as a Good Soldier of

Christ Jesus” (vs.3)

There are hardships when you enlist to serve

your country.

It is usually harder than we expected before we


Only those who have experienced it understand it.

Too many are satisfied with a

comfortable life. (Matthew 24:12-14)

Every Christian should expect hardship and suffering and sacrifice.

We must stand firm. (Matthew 10:22)

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