good deeds 81 to 90

Post on 05-Apr-2018






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7/31/2019 Good Deeds 81 to 90 1/12

Good Deed CertificateInitiated by Fired Arts

Number 81

Date 24th May 2012

Title A certain sense of déjà vu

Those of you with an eye for detail might recognise this place from GD 69, which was the first

time the graffiti was removed. As is sometimes the case, it returned, so I removed it again. It got

me to thinking, and wondering, the ways it could go. 142 might keep tagging that spot, and I will

keep removing it. In a parallel Universe moment, I had the idea of creating some sort of

authorised zone, painting or attaching a frame to the wall around the tag, anything inside theframe was permitted, anything outside of the frame would automatically be removed.

But one of the mind sets of the tagger is the anarchy of the game, of not sticking to the rules.

The liberty of breaking the rules. Of making ones own rules.

We will see.

In another parallel Universe, I meet 142, and he becomes a paid graffiti remover, and street art


See Artists Reflection on Gangs.

Actioned by Bird

7/31/2019 Good Deeds 81 to 90 2/12

Good Deed CertificateInitiated by Independent Contractor Security Ltd (

Number 82

Date 27th may 2012

Title Wishing You A Beautiful Summer

I had struggled to action this Good Deed, and it took a month to put it into play.

Tony from ICSEC had commissioned a big colour version of this

book, (the FAB one in the catalogue section) and I was trying to

do a GD that followed on from the theme of Summer. It didn't

help that the first half of May felt more like winter, and I emailed

Tony asking him for an inspiration. He replied that it would be

cool to hand flowers out, daffodils if possible. I loved the idea,

it's a bit like the umbrellas. I also saw it as a good opportunity to

patch things up with my sister, as she owns a flower shop, andwe hadn't spoken for a few months since an argument.

I discovered we were about 2 months late for daffodils, but even

better, Sunflowers were just coming in. I ordered 40 and they

arrived Friday evening. I printed out some little tags saying:

The next morning, the weather was beautiful, I took the forty sunflowers,

complete with tags and water filled plastic stem tubes, and gave them to

people on the street at Hunters Bar.

It was like giving out happiness.

It was literally giving happiness to people.

Some people stopped and chatted, some asked what it was all about,

everyone was happy.

It literally made people happy, like some

transformative magic, a pill, a drug.

And giving out Sunflowers, on a sunny day,

made me really happy to. I'm going to do this

again and again.Giving happiness, in the form of a Sunflower.

How easy. Vincent approves I’m sure.

Actioned by Bird

Wishing you a beautiful summer! This Good Deed was initiated by: 

Actioned by With flowers from  

7/31/2019 Good Deeds 81 to 90 3/12

Good Deed CertificateInitiated by The Stock Exchange

Number 83

Date 28th May

Title Fair Trade

A graffiti haiku.

Before After

The writing on the wall is no more

A new door opens wide


Actioned by Bird

7/31/2019 Good Deeds 81 to 90 4/12

Good Deed CertificateInitiated by Nick Leeson Financial Advisor

Number 84

Date 28th may 2012

Title Another Graffiti Haiku

A bin spills wealth



Every little helps

A casual Tag

I was here

But now it has gone

Where are you now

Actioned by Bird

7/31/2019 Good Deeds 81 to 90 5/12

Good Deed CertificateInitiated by Conrad Blandford

Number 85

Date 30th May 2012

Title One Thing Leads To Another

So Conrad Blandford bought one of the books, and asked me to do a specific Good Deed. The

Deed was to take some of his flyers up to Western park hospital. Western park hospital is a

cancer hospital, and Conrad offers a

service at his salon for people going

through chemotherapy and the resulting

hair loss.

So a few days later I went there andmet Anne, a lovely lady that does hair

dressing and wig styling actually in the

hospital. She was happy to put Conrads

leaflets out for the patients. I got

chatting with Anne, she's such a lovely

lady, I showed her the book, and she

lent me a copy of a poetry book, written

by a patient.

I left a copy of my own book for the

mobile ward library, and had a hug from

Anne, 'life's all about helping people'.

Her life obviously is, and I wanted to do

more to help.

I hope my book brings some comfort

and hope and fun and amusement to

some of the patients. I’ll drop a copy ofeach edition in as they come out.

Maybe I will bring a painting next time I visit, if I can find one that I think they'll like. I feel

humbled, I just want to help. And I’ll collect some more books for them.

After leaving, I sat in the Spiritualist church on Whitam Road for half an hour, just to feel peace,

and say a few prayers, for those on the teenage cancer ward especially.

Actioned by Bird

7/31/2019 Good Deeds 81 to 90 6/12

Artists reflection

On the sentient nature of Good 

I have a theory. Life is good.

I don't mean that my life is good, or that your life is good, I mean that life itself, is good. Perhaps even Good.

I suspect that life is one, divided into many. Imagine one of those fibre optic lamps, lots of optic strands, all shiningout from a single source, that is life.

Life likes to support more life, life works together to spread itself out, to have more strands. According the theories of

evolution, life as we know it, in all its massive variety, evolved from very simple and basic organisms that came from

who knows where. Things became bacteria, that became amoebas, and plants, and fungi, and animals, and insects,

an explosion in slow motion.

I have a theory that the ‘essence’ that is life, whatever that is, is expanding outwards, blooming, blossoming,

erupting into the realm that we call Earth. And that ‘Life’ has been doing this for a very long time. It self organises for

its own benefit.

All pretty standard stuff so far. But my theory extends to this…. Life is ‘Good’.

Think about it. That which we call 'Good' tends to be life affirming, tends to be for the benefit of life.

Health is ‘Good’, helping others is ‘Good’, looking after the environment is ‘Good’.

And that which we call 'Bad' is usually the opposite. Killing each other is 'Bad', illness is ‘Bad’, destroying the

environment is ‘Bad’.

Ok, so this ‘Life’ thing wants to expand and continue. It’s autotelic, it exists to perpetuate itself.

(That's why it invented the concept of evolution.) (And for those of you who think Richard Dawkins invented

evolution, no, no, he just pretends he did.)

So life wants to continue, wants to diversify and spread. Life evolves. And here we are, top of the food chain to you.

And here life is faced with an interesting scenario, a dilemma almost. Lifes most 'intelligent' manifestation, it's alpha

species, is both ‘Good’ and ‘Bad’. It’s Good nature manifests when the species recognises itself as being unified with

the rest of ‘Life’ and it’s ‘Bad’ nature manifests when it fails recognise that, or fails to act in accordance to that


This ability to be both Good and Bad is a result of our independent intelligence. Our intelligence enables us to step

outside of the autotelic system and operate according to our own concepts and ideas and preferences.

A totally necessary stage of our own species development. It’s like a child exploring it’s own ability to create its own

reality based on its own decisions.

Now the question is, where will we evolve to? Will our ‘Good’ nature become dominant? Or will our ‘Bad’ nature

become dominant, or will our nature continue to be a mixture, evenly balanced when totalised but swirling andlayered in concentrations? Will our ‘Good’ be focused on trying to reverse the ‘Bad’, or will our ‘Good’ become fully

realised? Will our Good get bigger, then our Bad get bigger, until one wipes out the other?

I literally just had a thought. Two thoughts.

Jesus is reputed to have said “Love one another”. This may be the greatest piece of advice in human history.

I would be a massive irony, and perhaps a small shame, to discard it on the basis that the person who said it didn’t

exist. And the man or mythical Jesus said “I am the Life”. Which is a pretty cryptic thing to say. “I am The Life?” What

Life? What’s he on about?

What if he was, literally, a conscious manifestation of the Life that we have been discussing. The Life that is Good,

and exists to expand and continue and diversify and evolve. And so it put on a man suit and told us how to survive

our adolescence.

Love one another. Great Advice.

Thanks for that. 

7/31/2019 Good Deeds 81 to 90 7/12

Good Deed CertificateInitiated by Amie B Fashions

Number 86

Date 31st May 2012

Title He Who Saves A Single Life…..

Cycling past the pond I see a bee, struggling, drowning, in the water. It’s out of reach.I look for a stick, find one, and throw it towards the insect, hoping it will be able to climb on. It makes a ripple, which

washes the bee closer to the side, and also attracts a duck and its babies. A duckling explores the bee, pecking at it.

I decide to intervene decisively, and off come the trainers and up rolls the trousers. A quick paddle later, I have a bee

perched on the end of my finger, and cycle home with him.

He dries, and declining my offer of some honey, flies off in the garden.

Is the saving of a bees life a Good Deed?

Of course. Bees are vital to human survival, bees are Good.What if it had been a wasp?

Hmmmm, yeah, I still would have saved him. I think so. As a deliberate Good Deed.

A spider?

Probably. Yes. Yes I would. I think so.

A scorpion?

Definitely, for the novelty factor.

An ant?


A human?

One day, I guarantee it.

How do you know the human is Good like the bee? Maybe they’re a wasp?

It wouldn’t matter to me.

The human you save might go on to do terrible things. Or great good. Or just live a normal life. They are only one in

billions. Just like a bee. Or an ant. Why go out of your way for them?

Actioned by Bird

A Bee 

7/31/2019 Good Deeds 81 to 90 8/12

Good Deed CertificateInitiated by Ashford Menswear Ltd

Number 87

Date 31st May 2012

Title Be The Change…?

If you have the balls to go out and do street art and graffiti you may as well do it right.

Actioned by Bird

I’m not opposed to street art. I’m opposed to bad street art. By  removing  it, not only  is  it a public service for which  I am  indirectly paid, but  it also raises  the standard of  urban art. Good art stays, bad art goes. It’s evolution mate. Who made me the arbiter, the  judge? 

Well we must be  the change we want  to see  in the World… Graffiti on found / dumped objects adds value to them. A discarded fridge becomes a sculpture, a painting,  a  collectable  art  object.  The  kind  of  thing you drag home to your pregnant girlfriends flat  at 3am. And it’s legal to create. Which means you can do as much as you like. No  point  fighting  a  system  that  is  designed  to lead you to paradise. 

This is conceptualised

minimalist shit.

So I obliterated it.

It’s not the same one

as in GD 73.

They were obviously

a diptych.

This is better. (I did it.) About 3 years ago.

7/31/2019 Good Deeds 81 to 90 9/12

There’s always a perfect solution. I was round at a Max’s house, having a drink and whatnot and watching the Jubilee on

TV. Was wondering how to spice the book up, there being a load of Good Deeds involving graffiti removal. I didn't want

to bore the readers with dozens of pages of before and after pictures of tags being cleaned off post boxes. So I had the

idea of replacing the graffiti with my own art. So for each tag removed, I would put one of my own paintings into the

street. This solution keeps the streets interesting, keeps the book interesting, enables me to show some of my work

which is a bit experimental or a bit shit, of which I have quite a lot, and also solves the storage of art problem which is

particularly relevant at this hour as I am doing that student thing of migrating for the summer.

So over the next however many pages you’ll see some of my own urbanised artwork. i.e paintings left in the street for

folks to delight in. And whilst we’re here, I may as well chuck in some pages from the street art I did a few years ago. *

Because I did King Sheffield, and Shoreditch to for that matter, for a time.

* Mostly 2008 / 2009 I think. See beginning of Gallery section.

Artists reflection

7/31/2019 Good Deeds 81 to 90 10/12

Good Deed CertificateInitiated by The Mediterranean Restaurant

Number 88

Date 1st June 2012

Title Balance

It occurred to me that by removing tags and graffiti I am arguably reducing the quantity of art in

the world, and specifically the amount of art in the local area. I don't want less art, I want more,

and of a higher standard. Additionally I want to add character to the community, not make itsterile and orthodox.

Therefore, for every artwork I remove / paint

over / clean off / or otherwise destroy, I am giving

back a socially invigorating piece of my own.

Which passers by can notice and enjoy, and

which someone, anyone, can, if they choose, take

home. Or destroy.

Balance achieved, with an increase of something,

a betterment, a refinement of some nature. 

Actioned by Bird

7/31/2019 Good Deeds 81 to 90 11/12

Good Deed CertificateInitiated by J.H Man Ltd.

Number 89

Date 1st June 2012


Even did one for SHU.

Because they’ve been so supportive.

Actioned by Bird

7/31/2019 Good Deeds 81 to 90 12/12

Good Deed CertificateInitiated by Edward James Jewellery

Number 90

Date 1st June 2012

Title Everything Works For Good

Actioned by Bird

Keeping  the Universe  in balance  is a  full  time  job.  I offset  the destruction of  the  tags by giving a painting  to a  girl. The girl was  sweeping up outside  the shop where she works. Seems like a reasonable way to say thanks to her, and to keep the art flowing around the world. Apologies to any taggers whose work I’ve removed. If  you fancy earning money from what you do, that can happen. 

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