good news 1953 (vol iii no 04) apr_w

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  • 7/28/2019 Good News 1953 (Vol III No 04) Apr_w



    The NatIonal MagazIneAMBASSADOR COLLE

    ~ ~ - _ ~ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    o fG E

    APRIL, 1953

    Tito Forms StartlingAlliance

    Because of the death of Dictator Stalin, very significant news is going unnoticed.After months of deliberation a Defense Pact has been ~ ' i g n e d between Yugoslacia,

    -- - ,J 'T""1 ,.1_, [A." (',_,,_ . . ' _ _ ~ . , _ . 1 ~ . J . ' ....... ,".p r ~ . , . " " / . l } , , . C ' r ' : " 1 " ' ' ' ' ' n " , ' n r ; ~ f l ,Crreet:e alta lPtkt:y. I I: ' JOt l l / l ;U IV I -U IU l ' .n;; e... anstctz "'J 1. .. ..'-1.>,),"',. mares . n ePastern Mediterranean. H o w will this ne ui alliance affec t American defenseplans an d European unity? Has Tito really become an ally of the West or is heplotting to build a THIRD FORCE in Europe to counterbalance East a nd W es t?

    by H erman L. H oebSTALIN is dead!What's going to happen fromnow on?The world was momentari ly stunnedbv the news that the iron-f isted Dictatorof Russia met sudden death, but ourleaders are beginning to realize that

    RUSSIAN POLICIES HAVE NOT CHANGED.Communistic Russia scill intends to con-qtter the world.The new Communistic Governmentcontinues to wage its cold war againstthe West. It still keeps the "hot" wargoing in Korea .Meanwhile, rap id changes are tak ing

    place in American foreign policy as aresult of the inaugurati on of the Eisenhower administration.Amer ican officials have threa tenedEuropeans that we will reduce muchof our economic and mili ta ry aid unlessEuropeans unite and direct more oftheir budget toward mutual security.American representat ive Lodge hasfinally challenged Russia in the Uni tedNations to disprove the facts tha t Russia instigated the Korean conflict andhas deliberately kept the war going bygiving the communist armies in that

    war- torn count ry a large percentage oftheir arms.President Eisenhower and his administration, especial ly through the help ofSecretary of State Dulles , have been artempting to seize the initiative fromRussia. Our government has decidedthat we buoe to make the first move.

    But Russia Is Not Asleep!At the same time that we are trying

    to induce our allies to do what we thinkis best, Russia is actively plotting tomaintain its control in world affairs.Russia is bringing heavy pressure onIndia in an effort to prevent tha t greatreservoi r of manpower from fallinginto the hands of the West. India'sPrime Minister Nehru has become sodeceived by the lying peace propaganda of the Soviet Union that he hasopenly expressed fears that America isbeing guided by militarists '

    The Indian representative to Moscowhad a long personal talk with Stalin before he died. This was a highly unusualanion for Stalin to rake, you can be sure,unless he were Jeeking to infl ttence India against the West. Russia is vitally in-

    rerested in India and Pakistan with theirnearly 400 million illiterate and oppressed people. Russia covets the use ofthat manpower in its efforts to seizeworld control.But while the eyes of the world arefocused on the actions of the UnitedStates and Russia, many HIGHLY IMPORTANT MOVES BY EUROPEANS AREBEING OVERLOOKED.Desp it e four years of cons tant pressure, America has been unable to forma workable union in Europe. Mutualfears and the running sores of territorialdisputes still remain in the path of unity.Bu t what's going to bop-pen?

    Tito Forms Vit al A ll ianceAt the end of February highly significant news arrived from Ankara, Turkey. Tiro's representat ive signed a mu-tual deiense pact with Turkish andGreek representatives. This news i.lmore important than you may realize.IT IS ANOTHER STEP TOWARD A UN


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    Page 2THE DEMOCRACIES OF NORTHWESTERNElIROPE'Yes, this new alliance is most sig

    nificant news.It is common knowledge that th e

    Eastern Mediterranean has been one ofour weakest l inks in the defensive cha inwith whi ch we are trying to encircle theSoviet Union. The Suez Canal must beprotected to safeguard Brita in 's lifeline.We have had ,1 large f leet in this area fora long time in order to forestall anyaggressive Soviet moves. It is l it tl e wonder, then, t ha t our mili ta ry and pol it icalstrategists wel come t hi s n ew Bal ka n alliance, not realizing the terrible foreboding that it conta ins for Amer ica.The alliance of Yugoslavia, Greeceand Turkey which is subject to rarif ica

    non by the Parliaments, brings togethera uni ted a rmy of nearly 100 divisions inthe event of a c ri si s. T'hi: is far largerthem th e combined diuisioris of :heII'!st Euro pc.o: allies despite billions ofour dollar s and millions of tons ofequipment that we hav e poured into thecontinent.These soldiers are rough soldiers.

    The Yugoslavs and Greeks h ave b eentrained in field experience. while theTur ks hav e h ad i nt en si ve m il it ar y drillbecause of their fears of Russian aggressian. The only rrnng they lack is ana0undancc o f modern eq u ipurenr whichAme ri ca p robably will supply in usworld-wide effort to plIrch

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    The TONGUES QuestionIs the "speaking in tongues" the Bible euidence of the baptism with the HolySpirit? Just what IS the baptism with the Holy Spirit? What about "tarrymeetings"? W e continue making the truth PLAIN from the preceding article

    in the March Herbert TV', Armstrong

    PART IIWhat IS the "Baptism with the

    Holy Spirit?J usr what IS this "bapt ism" Thevery crux of the whole questionthe basis of the error so many havebeen led in to-is a MISUNDERSTANDINGof what t he t rue "bapt ism with the HolySpiri t" really is'The whole error comes f rom one erroneous i c 1 e ~ which is generally AS-SUMED-carelessly taken for granted

    never so much as QUESTIONED, letalone being PROVED'It is i he general idea that one is firstconverted, in which he receives the HolySpirit-an\l'1lly has the Holv Spiritwithin-and then, AFTERWARD, as anentirely separate and later spec ial act orblessing from God, if he "seeks" it diligently enough, he may receive "thebap ti sm" with the Holy Spirit.This "baptism" is supposed to be aspecial enduernent with POWER. This

    power is supposed to be "power to witness for Jesus ." Actua lly it is regarded inpractice as a sort of loosening of thetongue.The teaching is that one always"speaks in tongues"-that is, unknownlanguages, at the time this "baptism" isreceived. Often thri lls and sensat ionsare felt surging in overpowering waves

    thru the body. From that t ime all timidity and bashfulness in "witnessing forChr is t" is gone . The tongue is loosened.The recipient now testifies in openmeeting boldly, loudly, often in a jazzymanner and with a fluency and flippancyof speech never before possible.Peter , James, John, and the otherapostles, they believe, all were CONvERTED' and received the Holy Spiriteither when first called by Jesus, or dur ing His ministry and before "Pentecost."Then, having already received " the g if tof the Holy Spiri t," these disciples, so itis believed, had to "tarry," and "praydown Pentecost," until, finally on Pentecost, they "got their baptism." That's thecommon belief.BUT THAT IS NOT THE TRUTH!And this error causes thousands whomay already have received the Holy

    Spirit to SEEK and SEEK and SEEKthis supposed ADDITIONAL experiencecalled "the baptism." Worse, it leadspeople by hundreds to become discouraged and to decide there is no hopefor them, and to give up even trying tolive a Christian life'

    Was Peter Converted Before"Pentecost" ?

    Let's not ASSUME t hi s idea. Let's nottake it carelessly for granted. Let'slook i nto the Scr ip tu re for the TRUTH!The TRUTH is that neither Peter,James, John, nor any of the disciples ofJesus had ever so much as RECEIVED

    the Holy Sp ir it at all until that day ofPentecost!Under the old Covenant, God had aCHURCH. Israel was both a nation, calledthe "Kingdom of Israel," and a CHURCH,called 'The Congregation of Israel." But

    that church was a FLESH-born church. Itwas wholly MATERIAL, fleshly, physical.It was not spiritual. One became a member by FLESH-birth.Now here is the point so many havenever realized. Under the Old CovenantTHERE WAS NO SALVATION! The people of that church were NOT CONVERT-ED. They did not have the Holy Spirit!That is, none except t he prophets specially called of God. David, Elijah,Jeremiah, had the Holy Spirit. Theywere cal led for very special missions .But the rank and file members of the

    Old Testamen t Congregation NEVERHAD THE HOLY SPIRIT. You can 't findany place where the Holy Spirit waspromised Israel under the OLD covenant. Or where salvation and eternallife was p romised. Their animal sacrifices did NOT take away their sins. "Forit is no t possible that the blood of bul lsand goats should take away SINS,"(Heb, 10:4). But rather, as explainedin Hebrews , the animal sacrifices of theOld Covenant were merely a reminderof sins! There was no remiss ion of si ns,and therefore no salvation possible, UNTIL the one and only great "sacrifice wasmade on Calvary 's cross!During Jesus' ministry He rold Hisdisciples: "I t is expedient for YOU thatI go away: for if I go not away the Com-

    Forrer (Ho ly Sp ir it) will nor comeunto you; but if I depart, I will sendhim unto you." (John 16:7). Notice, itwas expedient for THEM.He was talkingto Peter and the other disciples on thevery eve of His crucifixion, at the LASTSUPPER. If Peter and the other Apostlesalready had the Holy Spirit, Jesus wouldnot have told them, His very last nighta live on earth with them before beingcruc if ied, it was needful for them thatHe depa rt , go to heaven, in order to.rend t he Holy Spirit. And t his was onlysome 50 days before Pentecost!Again, Jesus said that same night:"But WHEN the Comforter is come,

    whom I will .rend unto you from theFather (FROM HEAVEN), He shall testifyof me." (john 1'): 20). Again the samenight He said: " If ye love me, KEEPMY COMMANDMENTS, and I will praythe Father, and He shall give you anotherComforter, that he may abide with youforever; EVEN THE SPIRIT of truth. . . for he dwelleth WITH you (i n theperson of Christ), and SHALL BE inyou" (i n the person of the Holy Spiritwhom the Fat her would send fromheaven). (John 14:15-17).Notice it carefully! It wasn't the disciples who prayed down the Holy Spirit.I t was JESUS who prayed, and the Fathersent t hem the Holy Spi ri t who was to beIN THEM-and the Spiri t CAME on theday of Pen tecost AFTER Jesus had GONEAWAY, to heaven!Earlier, on the last day of the Feast ofTabernacles, "jesus s tood and cried , saying, 'I f any man thi rs t, let him comeunto me and drink. He that believethon me, as the Scr ip ture hath said, out ofhis belly shall flow rivers of li ving water.' (But this spake He of the SPIRIT,which they that believe on Him .rhould( in future) receive: for the H olv spiritwas not ye t given: because then Jesuswas not yet glorified) " (John 7: 3739) .

    Not Yet GivenStudy that! The Holy Spiri t was notyet given. Why? Jesus had not yet

    liONJ:: AWAY-aScended to heavenBEEN GLORIFIED! It was expedient forthem that He go away. Otherwise the

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    Page 4 The GOOD NEWS April, 1953

    Herbert W. ArmstrongPublisher and Editor

    Sent free on personal request, as theLord provides. Address comrnunicanons to the Editor. Box III. Pasadena.California.Copyright, April, 1953By Ambassador College

    The national magazine ofAMBASSADOR COLLEGE

    ministering to The Church of Godscattered abroad, andreporting on campus happenings

    BIBLE DEFINITION o f Spir it"Baptism"

    There is only one text in all the Biblethat accually defines this "baptism."It is in I Cor. 12: 13: "For by oneSpirit are we all BAPTISED into onebody,"-the BODY OF CHRIST, th e tr ueChurch of God.Let us understand this. What is themeaning of the word "baptise"? It is aGreek word, unrranslared, in our English Bibles. Had the translators renderedit into the Engl ish language , it wou ldhave read "IMMERSE." For th e Greekword "baptise" means " to immerse." "Toplunge into." The person bapti sed isplunged into the thing he is baptised in.When baptised in water , the candidateis plunged into, or immersed, in water .Consequently the baptism with, or by,

    the Holy Spirit is not our immersioninto the Holy Spiri t, for the Scripturestell us it is the ent rance of the Spiritinto US.And in Romans 8:9, Paul tells usplainly that unless the Spirit of Godduiells IN It.r. we are none of Christ's!

    We become Christ's, then, when theHoly Spiri t comes INTO us! And whenwe arc Chr ists, we are [hen to theBODY OF CHRIST, the Church. Therefore, it is the receiving of the HolySpirit which plunges us, imme rses orPU[S us Into the Church. And this irnmersion into the Church BY the HolySpi ri t t he Scriptures call " the bapti sm

    and the FATHER sent the Spirit fromheaven. And it was after this that Jesustold them to wait in [erusalem for theSpirit to come.The personal experiences of somehave led many to accept th is erroneous

    assumption that one first receives theHoly Spiri t, and then, AFTERWARD, asan entirely separate experience, receives"the baptism of the Spirit." But experience is a poor guide, and these dear peapie are interpreting the WORD OF GODby their experience. Whether these dearsouls who say so emphatically theyknow they had thi s expe ri ence of receiving "their baptism" after being converted and receiving t he Holy Spirit donot understand what it is to be reallyconverted, and had only thought theywere converted previously; or whetherthis experience, impressive tho it mayhave been, was merely an additional"anointing" or receiving of a greaterful lness of the Spirit; or whether theywere deceived as to this "baptism" altogether and received only a counterfeitexperience or even a demon spirit; orwhether there is some other explanationstill, I cannot of course, and do not,judge. Bur the SCRIPTURE IS PLAIN,and all such experiences should be explained by the Scripture, and not viceversa!

    OTHER STATIONSWAIT-Chicago-820 on dial-I :00P.M. Scmclays,KMAC-San Antonio-630 on dial-7:00 P.M. Sundays.

    TO THE NATION & CANADA:XERF-1570 on your dial (extremeto p of dia l) every Sundaynight, 7: 15 P.M. CentralStandard time.XEG-1050 on your dial, et'ery night,8 :00 P.M. Central Standardtime.XELO-800 on your dial, every night,9 :00 P.M. Central Standardtime. (8:00 Mountain Standard rime.)HEARD ON PACIFIC COAST:XERB-50,000 watts-1090 on dial

    - 7 :00 P.M. etery night.XEDM-1580 on dial-6:30 P.M.etiery night.KAU-Los Angcle,-!-430 on dial7:30 A.M. every morning.KBLA- Burbank - 1490 k.c, - 7:30A.M., week day" 9:30 A.M.,Sundays.KXL-Portland-lO,OOO watts. 750on dial-.2 :30 P.M., Sundays.KPDQ - Portland - 800 on dia l 8:30 every morning.KVI-SeattleTacoma-570, first ondial-IO:30 P.M. Sundays.KYSM-San Francisco-I050 o n d ia l

    -3 :00 P.M. Sundays.

    1--lerben W. Armstrong a nu l yz cs today's news, with the prophecies ofThe WORLD TOMORROW!TO ALL OF EUROPE:RADIO LlJXEMBOURG-4: IS P.M.-Thursdays Luxembourg time.


    -a l l who would repent, and acceptJesus as Saviour, in faith believing!Before receiving the Holy Spirit,Peter was weak. He lacked fait h to castou t a demon, or walk on the water. Hedenied Jesus three times, He went nshing instead of attending to God's work.At the Last Supper Jesus said to him,"WHEN thou art converted strengthenthy brethren." (Luke 22:12),Some believe Peter received t he HolySpirit when Jesus breathed on him."And when He had said this, Hebreathed on them, and sairh unto them,Receive ye the Holy Spirit." (John20:n ). But He merely bre athed thebreath of air-wind. That' s what breathis, always, in the Scriptures. After breathing on them Jesus did nor say "Youhatie now received the Holy Spirit."If His breathing on them is whatgave them th e Hol y Spi ri t, they wouldalready have had the Holy Spirit inthem when Jesus afterwards spokebu t they did not, because He said, "RECEIVE YE the Holy Spirit." They wereyet to receive the Spirit, as he had prom-ised, after He went away-after Hewas glorified-after He went to heaven,

    Herman L. Hoeh, Executive EditorRod Meredith, Norman Smith,Raymond Cole, Marion McNair,Raymond McNair, Wayne Cole

    Associate EditorsDick Armstrong

    Foreign CorrespondentCalvin Allen, Campus EditorKenneth Herrmann, Science Editor

    VOL. I I I

    11ol ; Spiri t [I'ouid not have come! Notice the future tense-out of his innermost being .rha/l fiow t he Holy Spirit!The Holy Spi ri t had never yet come

    from heaven to enter and dwelI WITHI N converted Christians. The Holy Spirit had never been here during OldTestament times. But the prophet Joelhad prophesied "it sbnll come to passafterward, that I will pour out MY SPIRITupon all flesh." (Joel 2: 28).And Jesus gave them the PROMISE

    He would send the Holy Spirit fromheaven, if and after He went to heaven.And, after His resurrection, on the veryday and hour of His ascending up toheaven, Jesus "commanded them thatthey should nor depart from Jerusalem,BUT WAIT for the promise of the Fa-ther which. saith He, ye have heard ofme." (Acts I: 4). Yes, t he p romi sesquoted above, that unless He went toheaven they could not have or be filledwith th e Holy Spirit. The promise thatHe would pray the father and the Father would SEND th e Holy Spirit.And then, on the day of Pentecost,THE HOLY SPIRIT CAME!This was his f in t coming from heal/-

    en! And on that day, the newly inspiredPeter said "THIS is that which wasspoken by the prophet Joel," quotingthat prophecy Now, at last, God hadsent His Spirit, as promised, for all flesh

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    April, 1953with, or by, the Holy Spirit."The term "baptism OF the Holy Spirit"as "Pentecostal" people say it, is no t tohe founrl in the BIRLE. I t is the bap-tism with, or by, the Holy Spirit, INTOthe Church.And so "BY one Spirit are we all baptised into one body."Thus, the RECEIVING of the Holy

    Sptrit is the BAPTISM with the Spirit!"Receiv ing" the Spi ri t, and the"Baptism" One and th e SameLet us careful ly study this in the Wordof God!Before the day of Pentecost, A.D. 31,Jesus said to His disciples , "ye shal l bebaptised wi th the Holy Spi ri t not manydays hence." Therefore we know that

    what the disciples received the day ofPentecost was the BAPTISM with theHoly Spirit.Now let us notice the terms used to

    descr ibe this bapti sm.In Acts 2:4, we read, "And they wereall filled with the Holy Spirit." And so

    being filled wi th t he Holy Spirit is thebaptism with the Holy Spirit.The thousands who came running

    into that room, pricked in their heart.asked what they should do to receivethis same baptism with the Holy Spirit.Peter did no t say "larry," Ut ",lgunizc:,"but he said "repent, aud be bapfiJed,"and "ye shall receive the gift of theHoly Spirit." (Aces 2: 38). And so thereceiving of the gift of the Holy SpiritIS t he bap ti sm with the Holy Spirit. Andthree thousand received it that day'And there is no mention of their speak-ing in "tongues," and certainly there wasno "tarrying!"And, note i t ! - this was their fint re-ceiving of t he Holy Spirit! These Jews

    were not previously converted-had no tpreviously received the Spirit. This wastheir conversion.Ten years later God thru a vision ofthe she et and unclean animals showed

    Peter he must go to preach Christ tothe Gentile house of CORNELIUS. Thesepeople were Gentiles-unconverted.Peter went to preach Christ- to showthem the way of salvation. Corneliuswas a devout man; he and his housefeared God; he gave alms, and p rayed.But he did not know the way of salva-tion, and was not yet converted.Peter went to his house and

    PREACHED CHRIST-His Message, Hiscrucifixion, resurrection; that "whoso-ever believeth in Him shall receive re-mission of sins." At that very point inhis sermon, Cornelius and his house, al-ready repentant and devout, believedand "while Peter yet spake these words,the Holy Spirit fell on all them whichheard the word." (Acts 10:43-44).After Peter returned to Jerusalem

    The GOOD NEWSfrom the house of Cornelius, he wastaken severely to task by the otherapost les for associa ting with Gentiles.In explaining how God had led him togo, and of what had occurred at Caesarea,Peter expla ined how an angel had toldCornelius to send for Peter, "who shalltell thee words whereby thou and all thyhouse sbull be saved." (Acts 11:14).After hearing Peter's report, the apostlesexclaimed, "Then ha th God also to theGentiles granted repentance unto life."(verse 18). This conclusively shows thatwhat Cornelius and household experi-enced was their original CONVERSION-their first receiving of the Holy Spiri t- n o t a subsequent "baptism" as somespecial enduernent of power.In explaining JUSt what these Gentiles received, Peter said, "Then remembered 1 t he word of the Lord, how tha the said, John indeed baptised with wa-ter; bu t ye shall be baptiJ'ed untb theHoly Spirit. Foreasmuch then as Godgave them the like gift as he d id unt ous," etc. (Acts 11: 16, 17).Peter plainly says t ha t what t he Gentiles then received was the baptism withthe Holy Spirit. And this baptism is alsocalled, in verse 17, "the like GIFT." Andso "the gift of the Holy Spirit" is thebaptisrn with the Holy Spirit.In vcr; lS Peter said "the Holy Spin'fell on them, as on us at the beginning."So t he Holy Spi rit "FALLING on them"was t he bap ti sm with the Holy Spir i t

    into the church!In the lOrh chapter, verse 44, wherethis actual experience is desc ribed, welearn that "the Holy Spirit fell on them,"and in verse 45 we find that "on theGentiles also was poured out the giftof the Holy Spirit." And in verse 47they "received t he Hol y Spirit." So thereceiving of the Holy Spirit is the baptism with the Holy Spirit.All these terms are used synonymouslyand interchangeably by the Holy Spi ri tto describe the same experience.So what must we conc lude? Thatwhich is born of the flesh IS FLESH.(John 3: 6). When fleshly, sinning, mor-tal man repents and is baptised as asymbol of his FAITH in Christ, he re-ceives the Holy Spirit-not as a resultof "tarrying," bu t thru FAITH (Gal.3: 14; John 7: 37,39). And this receivingof the gift of the Holy Spiri t is the bap-tism with the Spiri t INTO the Church!He is then a child of God. He has

    been begotten-tho the real rebirthmust come at the t ime of the resurrec-tion. He is begot ten from above-begotten of the Spirit. And thus he isbaptised BY the Spiri t into the body ofChristlThis baptism is no t the end, bur only

    the BEGINNING of his Christian ex-perience! He is merely a new-born

    Page 5BABE in Chris t! He must now GROWin grace and knowledge. He must live alife of overcoming. And he that en-durerh unto the end shall be saved!Do ALL Speak with TONGUES?Is "speaking in tongue s" THE Bibleevidence of the "baptism wi th the Ho lySpirit"?Must ALL speak with tongues at thetime they receive the Spirit, and are

    brought into the t rue Church?The apostles did not teach it !The EXPERIENCES recorded in the

    New Testament, subsequent to Pente-cost, do not indicate it. Of all the experi-ences recorded in the New Testamentof conversions, it is recorded that therewas longue-speaking in only two ofthem! Shall we ASSUME there weretongues in all the other experiences?Let us be careful about ADDING toGod's Word what is not there!

    There is No STATEMENT IN SCRIP-TURE that you must J'peak with tonguesto prove you have received the f-lol),Spirit "baptism."NO SCRIPTURE says "By theirTONGUES ye shall know them."But the Scripture docs say, "by their

    FRUITS ye shall know them!" (Mat.7: 20). The lives we live are the BIBLEEVIDENCE of whether or not we havereceived the Holy Spirit!Jesus said, "By this shall all menKNOW that ye are my disciples, if yehave LOVE one to another ." (John 13:35) .But are not the "tongues" at least AN

    evidence of the baptism with the Spirit!Many have assumed so. But anyone whohas really known the private lives of asmany as twelve people who profess tohave received their "baptism" and spok-en in tongues, w ill testify that at leasrsome of them, and in some cases all ofthem, do NOT show the EVIDENCE ofthe fruits in their lives. When theyclaim the "evidence of tongues," but dono t have true BIBLE evidence of love,joy, peace, pat ience, gentleness, fai th, intheir lives, then we must conclude that,regardless of "tongue s," they have thestrongest kind of BIBLE EVIDENCE thatthey do not have the "bapt ism" with theHoly Spirit.In such a case are "tongues" even ANevidence? Are "tongues" any evidence atall? "Though I speak with the tongues of. . . ANGELS and have no t LOVE, I am be-come as sounding brass." ( l Cor. 13: 1 ) .There are fallen angels, demons, andwithout a question many today arespeaking in the "tongues' of these de-mom. Would you say the counterfeittongues of demons are any ev idence atall of the true baptism with the HolySpirit?If tongues were the evidence, or even

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    Page (,one of the evidences, tongues would bea sign to ot bc r be l i e l 'e rJ -but Paul says"tongues are for a sign, no t to themthat believe, but to them t hat believenor." (I Cor. 14:22).All admit "tongues" can be counterfei ted by Satan. If one has been carelessabout PROVING all things by the wordof God, and under influence of demoninspired people has unsuspectingly ,beenlured into SEEKING what the Bible nowhere tells us to seek-s-t'tongues" andphysical sensations and thrills pleasingto the SENSUAL self-yielding to falseinstructions to p lead , beg, agonize, nag,repeat words OVfCr and OVfCr and ove r not yielding wholly to God nor surrendering fully to His Commandments, butra ther lusting for t hese phys ical sensalions and thrills and seeking them inthis unscriptural manner, t hen tha t oneis caught off guard and becomes an openchannel into which a DEMON may enterand take full possession . These unscriprural practices of so-called "Pentecostal"people are DOCTRINES OF DEVILS. It'stime unsuspecting people were WARNEDagainst such Satanic practices.Yes, Satan can COUNTERFEIT"tongues." And do you suppose for one

    moment that the true BIBLE EVIDENCEcould be something that can be cleverlyCOUNTERFEITED) No. NEVFR'Bur the FRlJIT of the Holy Spir i t LOVE, JOY, PEACE, patience, kindness,gentleness, goodness, meekness (most

    " tongues" people are not meek, bu tloud-mouthed and bragging), temperance, FAITH-these things in one's lifecannot be c ot in ie riei ted. They are notnatural. No one has sufficient will-powerto FORCE himself to show always thesefruits in his life. It requires the miracleof the LOVE OF GOD shed abroad in ou rhearts hy th e Holy Spifit (Rom. 5: 5) .Satan has no counterfei t for that!That is the BIBLE EVIDENCE!

    "Tongues" are nor even "an evidence."This is the PLAIN teaching of the Bible.Are There Any GENUINE Tongues?They DID speak with "tongues" at

    the house of Cornelius, and at Ephesus,AFTER the day of Pentecost,While correcting the Corinthian

    church Paul said "I would that ye ALLspake with tongues." ( I Cor. 14:5), and"forbid not to speak with tongues ," inthe church. (V.39).We should banish all prejudiceagainst the t ru e man if es tati on oftongues.But we should get the "tongues" intothe proper SCRIPTURAl. place of rrnporrance.In the same 14th chapter of I Corinthians, above quoted, Paul said he would

    rather speak just five uiords with hisunderstanding, that he might teach oth-

    The GOOD NEWSers also, than te n t b ou s on d w or d s in anunknown tongue. To those Corinthians,becoming fanatical on "tongues," hesaid "brethren, BE NOT CHIl.DREN inunderstanding." (V . 19,20) _ Th e HolySpirit is the Spirit of a SOUND MIND(I I Tim. 1:7).We should NOT seek tongues. "Pentecostal" people loudly protest they do

    not do thi s, bu t in practice and in fact,they do, and they should not deny it.One of Satan' s Clever PitfallsThe reason for t hi s c au ti on is foundin the Scripture "He that speaketh in an

    unknown tongue EDIFIETHHIMSELF." ( lCor. 14:4). It is seeking for s e l f - f o rsel] blessings-for Jelf -thrills-and iscontrary to fulfilling the law of Godwhich is love away from self and towardGod and neighbor! And therefore itmay easily degenerate into a most deceptive form of SIN.One of the "fruits" of this "tongues"

    movement is that many seek nothingbu t "blessings," as they express itwhich in pla in language means sensualFEELINGS and THRILLS that they themselves ENJOY as a PLEASURE. It is an unnatural, perverted, Satan-inspired SEXsensation. Deluded people are led to believe this is a spiritual blessing fromGOD' It's time people knew rhe TRUTH'

    Jesus said, "that which is born of theflesh IS FLESH," (John 3:6). We mustbe BbRN AGAIN-born of the SPIRITto inherit eternal life. Now the fleshhas irs FEELINGS, its EMOTIONS, its fiveSENSES,It is bu t natural that Satan's counter

    feits are of the FLESH-even his counterfeits of spiritual things. So Satan theDevil gives to people FEELINGS, andEMOTIONS, and THRILl.S-and inducesmany zealous seekers after the HolySpirit to accept these pleasing sensationsas "blessings" and "manifestat ions" ofthe Holy Spirit!Th e saddest fruit of this whole

    "tongues" movement is that thru itSatan has beguiled many into continually lusting for SENSUAl. FEELINGS, andfor THRILl.S of the FLESH, deceivingth em into bel iev ing they are receiving"blessings" from God!Oh, WHYwill so many honest souls bemisled, and fall into this satanic snare?

    God's Word warns us to TRY the spirits,WHETHER they be of God! For manyfalse SPIRITS are gone out into theworld!This is not to say there is no EXPERIENCE, or nothing felt, when God pours

    forth Hi s blessed Holy Spirit. There is adef in it e EXPERIENCE to real genuineconversion. But what a tragedy to see somany deceived into receiving the FALSEexperience-the FALSE "blessing,"because t hey have fai led to heed God's

    April, 1953warning to TRY the spirits-becausethey fail to have on the WHOLE ARMORof God's warning to TRY the spirits,which is THE WORD OF GOD!God's way is the way of CRUCIFYING

    the flesh, the sensual-of denying theSEl.F-of l.OVE toward God and towardfellow man. Satan's counterfeit is SELFSEEKING, lusting for fleshly thril ls ,and feelings, and "blessings" that bringpleasure thru the five senses.

    And the greater pi ty is that the veryones most deceived are the ones whoRESENT having the Scriptures openedto them to CORRECT them, to REPROVE,and to set them right! If you feel resentment of these words, it is the sures tBIBLE EVIDENCE that you are underthe deceptive power of Sa tan the Devil,and you should flee the influence he hasover you, and drop to your knees atonce, and ask God to renew a RIGHTspirit within you.So many in this modern "tongues"

    movement do not seem to understandthe real PURPOSE of receiving the HolySpirit. They look upon spiritual gifts asornaments to decorate and embellishthe PERSON. But the gifts of the Spiritare the TOOLS pl'l'f'c:1 in ou r hands toDO THE LORD'S WORK.After Jesus had received the FULLNESS of the Holy Spirit, He said: "The

    Spirit of the Lord is upon me IHiCAUSEhe hath anointed me to preach th e gos-pel to the poor; he hath sent me to health e brokenhearted, to preach deliveranceto the captives, and recovering of sightto th e blind;' etc. (Luke 4:18).Th e object and purpose of the Holy

    Spirit is not to give FEELINGS andTHRIl.l.S that are of the senses of theflesh, and therefore se1ZJual-not toplease the SEl.F-but to enable one tocrudfy the SELF-to endow with powerto overcome sin, which is transgressingof God's Commandments ( l John 3:4)-to cleanse us of all unrighteousnessto impart to us GOD'S righteousness, soour l ight may shine and o ther s may seeChrist in us- to understand the Word ofGod, so we may know how to live byits every word-to give us the FAITH ofJesus, making possible Hi s righteousness-to give us POWER to be kind, patient,gentle, and of service to others-topreach the Gospel-to heal the sick.

    Let Us Receive This POWERJesus did not say, "ye shall fall helpless UNDER the power." He did not say

    the Holy Spiri t would ROB us of power,render us powerless. He said, "YE SHALLRECEIVE POWER!"The Holy Spirit is the Spi ri t of pow-ER, and of l.OVE, and of a SOUNDMIND(I I Tim. 1: 7). The Spirit of UNDER-STANDING (John 16:13; I Cor. 2:10);(Please continue on page 15 )

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    HOW TO TRAIN CHILDRENMost parents are neglecting the GOD-GIVEN responsibility oftraining their children. The sad result may WRECK OU RSOCIETY! Here is the Bible insight into this serious problem.

    by Raymond and j\1yra Cole

    FOR nearly three generat ions manymodern psychologists have taughtthat children should not be restrained bu t given comple te liberty ofaction and self-expression. Children,according to this k ind of reasoning, doby nature what is best for them.But the results have been provingotherwise!If roday's children were properlytrained, there would not be the delinquents , the social misfits, the financialfai lures that fill our land today.Have you ever stopped to considerthe terrible lack of emphasis on childtraining? Were you taught to realizethe grave responsibility involved inrearing children? Yet there is no greaterparental duty-nor indeed could there be

    - than the duty of rightly training ourchildren.Young people and old people alikeneed this knowledge.Th e Most-Often-Overlooked DutyVery few children have a reallyfriendly and congenial home life-anatmosphere of love and understanding.Much of the tender warmth of anyhome is dependent upon the congenialatt itude of husband and wife toward eachother. If children are reared in an atmosphere of continual str ife, quarrelingand turmoil , worrying and frett ing, theywill not have the happy home life sonecessary for their complete emotional,mental and physical development. Wereyou reared in this k ind of home?As parents, you need to maintain atall times happy and peaceful attitudesso your children can develop healthymental attitudes. Without this influence,you can never c om ma nd t h e respect and

    admiration of your children.Children are prone to copy the examples of their parents and others aroundthem. If yours is a home of love and understanding without quarreling and bickering, your children are sure to absorbmuch of this homey spirit which, inturn , molds their character. In too manyhomes parents raise their voices, andthere is lack of understanding for thechi ldren . In such homes filled with constant confusion. the children will unfortunately imbibe these bad qualitiesinto their characters. Victims of unhappyhome life stand a I-A chance of join-

    ing the ever-increasing list of juveniledelinquents.And yet are such young men andwomen to be wholly blamed for the evilthey do? Isn 't much of the blame resting

    upon the shoulders of the parent s whodid not properly train the ir childrenparents who didn't keep their childrenoccupied with constructive and creativeactivities, but permitted them to get intomischief?Children Have Human Nature, Too!Chi ldren are not l it tle "angels"! Youparents know that.How often little children, even babies,have fits of tempe r when their wantsare not satisfied immediately. They seem

    to enjoy quarreling with each other overtoys that don 't belong to them.No, the truth, when fully understood,is diametrically contrary to roday's perverted teaching that children naturallydo right. They are not sinless l it tle creatures though we love them dearly. Chil

    dren do not just naturally do what isbest-THEY MUST BE TAUGHT the rightfrom the wrong, truth from error.Child Training Is Character TrainingHuman beings are creatures of habit .

    Whether we are conscious of it or not,we are continually forming habits-goodones and bad ones. The longer the habitis retained the more deeply rooted it becomes. The time to establish good andlasting habits is not after you havegrown up, but WHILE YOU AREYOUNG-in fact, from the very timeyou are born.

    Good habits formed during childhoodcan become permanent characteristics.But bad ones sometimes prove to bevery difficult or almost impossible togive up later. I t is of fundamental importance to see that your children es-tablish proper habits since those habitswill be their bosom companions throughout life.It is very easy for little children toget into bad habits. That' s their nature!Rut it is quite a dif ferent problem touproot those bad habi ts and to supplantthem wi th good ones, isn't it? Remember, it does no good to attempt to remove a bad habit if you don't at thesame t ime REPLACE IT WITH A GOODHABIT.

    Correction, a Manifestation of LoveWould you spank your children ifyou loved them?Solomon said, "Withhold not correction from the child: for if thou beatest

    him wi th the rod, he shall not die" (Pro .23: 13).Sounds harsh? But it really isn't! "Hethat spareth the rod HATETH his son, buthe that loveth him chasteneth him betimes" (Pro. 13:24).I f you love your children, you will

    punish them when they lraue been dis-obedient. A good illustration of this isthe story many of you may have heardMr. Armstrong mention over the air.Several years ago when his li tt le grandson had heen disohedient-as every childwill be at times-he was going to spankhim. To which the l it tle fellow replied,"You wouldn't spank me if you lovedme, would you?"Then Mr. Armstrong asked him ifhis fa ther ever spanked him."Yes," he said."Well , your father doesn't spank otherlittle boys, does he?""No.""That is because he doesn't love themas much as he loves you,"This little story ought to illustrate the

    point very plainly. I f children are permitted to go their own "sweet" way,they will inevitably become a curse andconstant source of trouble for their parents. "Foolishness is bound en. the heartof a child, but the rod of correction shalldrive it far from him" (Pro. 22: 15).This evil tendency of the human heartis the part that can not be uprootedfrom the hearts of children except byinstruction coupled with chastisement.Even God punishes those whom Heloves. In Proverbs 3: 11-12 we read, "Myson despise not the chastening of theLord: neither be weary of his correction:for whom the Lord LOVETH HE COR-

    RECTETH; even as a father the son inwhom he deligbrerh."Yes, God corrects all those he loves.Correction is the WAY OF LOVE (Hebrews 12: 5-11). I f we are co be like ourheavenly Father, we, roo, will have tochastise our rebellious children for theirown profit.One of (he main causes for roday's

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    Page H

    harmful teaching that chi ldren shouldnever be punished is the reaction againstthe custom of a few generations ago topunish children without explaining tothem nby they needed to receive thatpunishment. Too often paren ts unnecessarily beat and whipped their childrenwith the result that they became resentful and rebellious.Instruction Needed First

    Even the Scripture warns against suchtreatment. "Ye fathers, provoke not yourchildren to wrath: but bring them up inthe nurture and admonition of the Lord"(Eph /1'4)Let's hope tha t none of you have beenfailing to train your children by correction and by proper instruction, Childrenneed to be told why certain acts areright and others wrong, If the childrendisobey, you parents should reason withyour ch ildren just as God is willing toreason with men, Some children will react differently than others, If one chi ld iscapable and willing to understand, that'swonderful. But if children will norlisten to reason-if they persi st in the irstubborn rebellion, do not be afraid touse the rod. Your children will know youmean business. Motber.r .fbould neverside with the children whenever thejatl7l:nmay have to puni.rh them.

    The Paren ts ' Par tThe major reason that many of youparen ts find yourselves unab le to cope

    with your chi ldren is that you have noryet thoroughly learned what you oughtto teach the children! Children need the'instruction and admonition of the Lord-no r the theories of some psychologist!But before you can expect your chi ldrento understand and be obedient, YOUmust {tnt understand and be able tosubmit vourselves to God. It's lit tle wonder t h a ~ many parents don't have wellbehaved and obedient children.Almost without thinking, young people rush unprepared into mar riage ,wholly unqualified to rear children andto impart to them the knowledge thatthey need to know when they mature.Children are a responsibility-a tremendous responsibility-but they arealso a great source of joy and happiness .\'

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    Why FINANCIAL WORRIES?Perhaps you are under a CURSEl Here's the sure way to solueyour money probleml Here is an eye-opening article on a muchmisunderstood subject.

    by Herbert W. Armstrong

    I N THE last Book of the Old Testamenr is a remarkable prophecy. Itforetells the financial difficulties andworries that have come to most Amer icans today. Nothing in the Christianl ife-or even the non-Christian l i feso plagues the average family today asthis financial problem of making bothends meet.This is really a problem in Christianliving! Perhaps very few ever thoughtof it in that way. But part of the Chris

    tian life of growth in faith and in graceis the overcoming of this very financialsituation!Prophecy fo r TODAY!

    The t rue Church of God is foundedon the Apostl es and the Prophets. It isthe Church Jesus built. It is GOD'SChurch, and God made Jesus the Headof i t -and it is built upon the foundation of the PROPHETS as well as theapostles! (Ephesians 2: 20) .

    One of those prophets is Malachi .Listen to His NEW Testament teaching:He quotes God, who is speaking to ustoday:"I will come near to you to judgmenr .. . Even from the days of yourfathers ye are gOGe away from mineordinances, and have not kep t them .. .YE ARE CURSED WITH A CURSE: for yehave robbed me, even this whole nation." (Mal. 3: 5-9).

    But why? What has brought on thisnational curse of financial worries innearly every home? We are the wealthiest nat ion on ear th . Weare the wealthiest nation of all history. Yet nearlyevery family is cursed with money troubles in the desperate struggle to makeends meet. God says we bm.e robbedHim.'

    "But ye say," continues the Eternal 'sMessage to us, "Wherein have werobbed thee?" And God replies, "inTITHES and OFFERINGS!"

    Was Tithing Done Away?Now all this, we know, doesn't makemuch sense to the average Americantoday. Many do not even know whattithing is. Others ask, "Wasn't tithingJUSt for Jews of a long-dead past?" Or,"Wasn't tithing done away? Wasn't itJUSt part of the ceremonial system introduced by the Old Covenant Law ofMoses?"Others, today, are taught and believe

    tithing was merely a form of nationaltaxation in the civil government ofthe one-time nation of Israel. Still othersteach tha t the t it he supplied the material needs of the poor, and was neverput into the ministry.WHAT CONFUSION today! What ignorance of the revealed laws and commands of God!Since this WHOLE NATION is unde ra curse, soon to suffer unprecedentedtotal national disaster because of a lackof under st anding as well as for disobedience to the laws of God , it's certainlyabout time we opened our Bibles and

    began to study honestly, diligently,prayerfully, exactly what the Almightyhas declared on this much-pervertedsubject!For - and mark this well! - eventhough God sends a cataclysmic destruction upon the nat ion as a whole, yet the

    individual who seeks understanding, andwho heeds God's warnings, shall beg iven full protec tion, and ESCAPE allthese things to come to pass.What the "TITHE" Is

    But first, before looking to the NEWTESTAMENT TEACHING to see whetheror not Christians must "tithe," let usmake clear just what that word "tube'means.God says to Britain-America of today: "Ye are cursed with a curse : for yehave robbed me, even this whole nation . .. IN TITHES and offerings."

    What, then, does God mean by thatword "tither"?It is an old English word, commonlyused in England three and four hundred years ago. Today it is seldom used,excepr in this scriptural connection. Thisold expression "tithe" has been preserved in the Authorized, or KingJames translation, of the Bible-translated in 1611.The word "tithe" means TENTH, Atithe of anything is the ten th par t of it.It is well known that the nationIsrael, during Old Testament times, wasrequired to tithe, that is, pay in onetenth of income. But the matter of to

    whom each Israelite paid this tenth,which tenth was paid, why and for whatpurpose, seems to confuse a grear manytoday. And the New Testament teaching for Christians about tithing is understood only by a few.

    The Principle of TithingThe subject is mentioned many placesin the New Testament , as well as in theOld. But first, a simple explanation ofthe scriptural PRINCIPLE of tithing willmake it more understandable.Let's bring the subject home to eachone of us, in a plain and personal manner.Suppose you own a farm. Does thatfarm, and all you raise from it, reallybelong to you?Suppose you work for wages, or asalary. Or you "clip coupons," or receive dividends, profits, or a pension.

    When you receive the money, is itre'ally Y O U R S ~This may seem a bit foolish. Nearlyeveryone will answer immediately,

    "Why, of course!" Bur if you do, you'rewrong! And this only goes to show thatour people as a nation have strayed sofar from God and His revealed TRUTHthat we are a.rt() l1iJhed. when the truthis explained!Do you know what the Bible is? It isa revelat ion from God to man of thingsboth material and sprritual which manotherwise could never know. God let

    Newton discover and reveal to mankindthe law of gravity. He has left it for ourchemists with their test- tubes and technical equipment in their laboratories todiscover the laws of chemistry. Butthere are laws and truths which manneve r could discover. God has not leftus in ignorance of these, but has reiealed them. thru the Bible! That' s whythe BIBLE is the very BASIS of rightand sound education-"the fear of theEternal is the beginning of wisdom."And that's why there is so little realunderstanding and TRUE education to day, in a world whose schools and colleges almost universally ignore this basicfoundation of TRUTH'

    Who OWNS What You Have?So now in the simplest of language,let me make plain to you the PRINCiPLE of t ithing , as revealed in the Bible.

    Then we shall look to the Scripturesthemselves, from which this explanation is derived.First, then, YOU, or I, actually ownnothinj.!,.''The earth is the Eternal's, and thefullness thereof; the world, and theythat dwell therein." (1 Cor. 10: 26, and

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    Page l( )Psrn. 24:1.) In Job 41:11, God theCreator says' "whatsoever is under thewhole heaven is mine." God Almightyis CREATOR. He created the earth. He(reared man upon the earth. ALL BE-LONGS TO HIM!It is, therefore, for HIM to say howmuch of what you earn you may keepand use for yourself. Your farm actuallydoes nor belong to yOU-GOD is the trueowner. Your income is not really yours-beca'ise ALL belongs to con'Now in the BIBLE, God reveals toman that He never has given to man thewhole of what he produces or earns.

    The FIRST TENTH of all you producefrom the ground-of your wages, yoursalary, your profits, your INCOME-thatFIRST TENTH remains HOLY to theEternal, and rhar He has reserved forHimJelf--j!!1 His holy and JpiritualIIJe/After mall has l' A IIJ 'r o GOD that firsttenth which he/rmgr only to Him-andwhich ncter helonged to the man, then the remaining nine-tenths Godgives to the man.It's a good deal like Adam and Eve inthe Garden of Eden-and the first sin.The garden was beautiful beyond description. Just one tree, however, Godreserved for Himsel f. That remainedHIS T h ~ t , H'.: never gave to Adam andEve. Tnar, they had no right to touch,or lise. All the resr He gave to them.But they were not satisfied with whatwas theirs, ample rho it was. Filled withgreed to possess all, they reached outand rook the fruit of that forbiddentree! And that was stealing!And today, the same Satan who de ceived mother Eve has deceived thiswhole world into believing that all ofeach man's farm belongs to him-that(he whole of a man's income is his' Thisdivine and original TRUTH of ownership has been hidden from the peoplethru the deceptions of the god of thisworld! And today, nearly every Ameri can is taking and spending that firsttentb of his income which BELONGS TOALMIGHTY GOD!Actually, in so doing , the indiv idualand this whole na tion is ROBBING GOD,just as surely as Adam and Eve robbedGOD when they stole the frui t of the onetree which never belonged to them!

    WHY God Retains the TitheBur WHY does (;od retain for Himsel] the ownership of tha t fint ten ththat TITHE-of your income)Here again comes a THUTlI manwould never know, and could nor findout, except by God's revelat ion to man!What is man, anyway? WHY is he)Where is he going? GOD HAS A PLAN!God is working our a GREAT PURPOSE!He reveals it in His Word-His revela-

    Tbe GOOD NEWSrion-the DIBLE.For the carrying out of His holyPURPOSE in placing mankind upon thisearth, God has always had a PRIEST-HOOD-a ministry, representing HIM,serving Him, carrying out His mission.Way back in the dim antiquity of parriarchal times, God's High Priest-Hisrepresentative on earth-was Melchisedec.During the national dispensation ofIsrael, under the Old Covenant, knownas the Mosaic dispensation-those yearsfrom Moses unt il Christ-the tr ibe ofLevi constituted the ministry of God,known as the Levitical priesthood. Thenlater, when Jesus Christ arose from thedead, He ascended to heaven as a l ivingH IG H P RIFS T. Today He calls ministers as His true representatives in adarkened and Satan-deceived world, tocarryon HIS PLAN. Today the Melchisedec Priesthood is restored, in Christ.

    Now it COStS money to carryon thework of God. God's ministers who devote their ent ire t ime to God's holy andspiritual purpose are prevented fromearning a living in the usual channels.Yet they work. If they are true ministers, they are men of ability who WORKHARD, and long, observing no hours.Actually they earn a living-they haveworked for their food, shelter and clothing and physical need-the same as thefarmer, the laborer, the clerk or themerchant.And so God, in His wisdom, hasprovided for financing His work, and forHis ministers' living. In God's program,these true minis ters work for HIM, andHIM alone,In God's great Plan, HE pays Hisministers. It is HE who "hires" themHe who calls them to their work forHim.50, in order to provide for the financing of HIS MINISTRY, God has fromthe very beginning RETAINED for HIM-SELF the firJt tenth of the income ofevery human being on earth. The OWN-ERsHIp of that first tenth of income isGOD'S.

    To WHOM Tithes Are PaidBut boui can you pay God's tenth to

    Him? God is on His throne in heaven.And "no man," said Jesus, "has ascendedto heaven." You can't go there. Youcan't see God, or hand your money toHim Personally, How, then, can youpay Him HIS TITHE?WeIl, some large corpora tions , perhaps in a dis tant city, cannot be directlycontacted by their many customers. Andso they send around representatives,collectors, to collect for them what youowe the company. The collector comesin the name of the company. When youpay the money which really belongs to

    April, 1953the company to the collector, you havepaid the company.God's system of collecting from youHIS tit he is just that simple. Since youcannot see God, or go to God's thronein heaven, God instructs you in His revealed Word to pay it to HIS REPRE-SENTATIVE, who, in receiving it, represents God just as a collector to whomyou pay a debt represents the companyto whom you owe it.And when you pay such a bill to acollector, you consider you paid THECOMPANY-not that you made a personal donation of your own money tothe man the company sent. You paidit as TO THE COMPANY. From there onit is the COMPANY'S responsibility whathappens to that money, not yours. Andthe company pays the collector his salary. He does not consider tha t you paidhis salary-he receives his salary asfrom the company .

    This illustrates plainly God's t ruepr incip le of tithing. When you paytithes today you are instructed by God'sdirections to pay them to God's calledand chosen representative-the trueminis ter of Jesus Christ. But you payit, nor as a personal contribution ofyour own money to a minister-but ASTO GOD. The minister represents GODreceives not your money but GOD'Smoney from you for God.

    Here again so many in this modernworld have lost sight of God's cleardirections. When they give the tithe toa minister they seem to feel it is a special entrusting of their own money, andthey make it their duty to try to supervise how the minister handles It-even,in some cases today, down to the supervision of what the minis ter and hisfamily may eat, or wear, or have in theirpersonal private family life!When YOUR Responsibility CeasesBut God's revealed principle is quitedifferent. That first tenth of your incomeis not yours-never was yours! It be10ngJ to God, And the method Godhimself ins ti tu ted for your payment ofHis money to Him is to pay it to Hiscalled and true ministers.When you have done that, your re

    Jponsibility for that money ceases! Youhave no further concern, responsibility,or direction in the handling of it thanyou have in money you owe the electriclight or the telephone company whichyou pay to the ir collector. Once paid,you have DONE YOUR PART-you haveacquitted yourself of your ohltgatton,Of course you are expected to besure the collector is the company's approved representative-not a thievingimposter pretending to be the companycollector, And you should be equally(Please continue on page 15)

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    Did the New TestamentChurch Observe Sunday?

    Jesus promised to bui ld HIS CHURCH. But the churches of thisworld are in utter confusion. They have lost the inspired, dirinelvinstituted practices of Jesus which the original true New Testamentchurch observed. Here's the TRUTH about Sunday.

    by Herman L HoehPART VIT HE WORLD today is in utter confusion.Hundreds of church denominations, all profess ing to be the churchesof Christ, are teaching different doctrinesfrom those which Jesus commanded Hischurch to observe and preach.

    The pract ice of the early church, recorded in Acts and described in theepistles, IS woefully misunderstood bynearly every denomination.Did the original true church observeSunday?This question is easy to solve. After the founding of t he New Test ament

    church on r-entecosr, there are only tworecorded places in all the Biblical history of the early church where the firstday of the week is ment ioned. These arein Acts 20:7-14 and I Cor in th ians 16:1-5.Sunday Mentioned in These Two

    PlacesThe special value of these two recordsis that both concern Gentile converts, inGreece and Asia Minor particularly. No

    matter what the pract ice of Jewish converts, here is the record of h is tory concerning the attitude of Gentile convertsto Sunday."And upon the first Jay of the week,

    when the disciples came together tobreak bread, Paul p reached unto them,ready to depart on the morrow; and continued his speech un ti l midnight. Andthere were many lights in the upperchamber, where they were gathered together" (Acts 20: 7 ) .At the time when this event occurred,each day began at sunset, nor at midnight. It was centuries after the time ofChris t that midnight became the common reckoning. The idea of reckoningfrom midnight to midnight came fromEgyp t and u/as not practiced in AsiaMinor at ibis time (Ency. Bib., p. 1035).Here Luke relates that upon the firstday of the week-Sunday-when thedisciples came together "t o break bread,"Paul p reached to them until midnight.Many lights were burning-it was after

    dark. This places the events described inthe hours after sunset of what is todaycalled, Saturday night. This was not adaytime Sunday meeting at all, but agathering held the preceding night. Thiscouldn't have been a Sunday night meeting either, because if it were it wouldhave been called at that time "the second day of the week," since days endedat sunset.At this night gadleliug Paul was"ready to depart on the mor row." Aftermidnight, the disciples broke some breadto eat while Paul talked with them "eventill the break of day." Then Paul departed on foot to meet his friends who weresailing by ship that same night, the firstday of the week, to Assos (verses 11-1 ) .This was not a Sunday church serviceat all, but a special farewell meet ingheld after the Sabba th during the earlyhours of the night. The next morning,a fter having eaten bread, the apostlePaul spent Sunday walking to meet

    those who sailed tha t night around theisthmus to Assos in Asia Minor.The expression "break bread" does not

    imply communion. The breaking andeat ing of bread daily as a common meatis mentioned in Acts 2: 46, also 27: 35.They broke bread instead of cutting itas is done today, after which they ateand talked a long while (verse 11). Thiswas not the passover (wrongly calledcommunion service), because it wasafter the days of unleavened bread (Acts20: 6 ). The passover comes before thefestival of unleavened bread.What Was the Col lect ion for the

    Saints on Sunday?In his letter to the Corinthians, Paulspeaks of the collection for the saints,the same charge as he gave to thechurches of Galatia. This collection forthe saints was altogether dif ferent frompract ices carried on in cburch Sundaymorning. This misunders tood text hasbeen the cause for many pecu lia r practices in Chr ist iani ty down through theages.Paul said this collection was fur ib ,saints. These saints were the poor at

    Jerusalem to whom Paul was going. Hewrote in Romans 15:25-28 that itpleased the churches in Achaia, wherethe Corinthians were located, " to make acertain contribution for the poor saintswhich are at Jerusalem." That contribution was fruit (verse 28). Paul's letterto the Corinthians explains how this contribution was to be carried out.After the sabbath was over, the firstwork of each Corinthian on Sunday wasto lay in store, or store up by himself,the fruit according as God prosperedevery person, so tha t the re would be nogathering of it when Paul came. Thenthe Iiberalirv was to be sealed and takenco jerusalem by several men, even Paulhimself, if necessary ( I Cor. 16: 4) .

    THE APOSTLE BY COMMAND MAKES SUNDAY A DAY FOR GATHERING FRUIT-A WORK DAY.The historical evidence of the Bibleconcerning the early church makes Sunday a work day, when one may, like

    Paul, take a long journey (h e travelledninet een miles to Assos ) , or travel in aboat, as Paul's friends did, or gather orharvest fruit. In neither of these places,nor in the account of the women at thetomb, is there the least evidence thatSunday was celebrated as a rest day or asthe day in honor of the resurrection. Itbas been thruugh misreadiru; these textsthat historians have mpposed Sunday UJaJobserved in the early church.Which Days rhe Church ObservedThe early Christians under the guidance of the apostles observed both the

    sabbath and the annual festivals whichGod revealed to his people. The Catholic booklet, "Yes ... I condemned theCatholic Church," says: 'The Apostles,LOO, ubserved the Sabbath, as did most ofthe Jewish converts to Christianity"(p. 3).Lechler says in part, "the Christians were accustomed to celebrate theSabbath with the Jews" tApostolic andPost-Apostolic Times, Vol. 1, p. 57).The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, article "Sabbath," says: "Theearly Christians kept the 7th day as a

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    Page 12Sabb.u l), I I IUL I I afrer t he fashion uf [heJews."Of course, there are a number of sectstoday which teach that these statementsare incorrect . They hold that becausethere is no direer command to "observethe sabbath" in the book of Acts that thesahhath was not kept as a day of restand worship. You can find the answer tothis weak contention in the Encyclopae-dia Bib/iea, page 4175: ''The silence ofActs is not to be taken as a proof of thenon-observance, but contrariwise as aproof that it was observed as a matter ofcourse. "THE UNIVERSAL HISTORICAL EVI

    DENCE IS THAT EARLY CHRISTIANSOBSERVED TH E SABBATH AND GOD'SFESTIVALS. The preponderance of faersto th is effect is over-whelming with regard ro the original true church.The Sabbath in th e Book of ActsAccording ro the Bible evidence, Sun

    day was not obser ved by Jews or Gentiles in the early church. The phrasefound in Revelation I: 10, is in no wayreferring to Sunday, but ro the day ofthe Lord, the day of wrath (ZepheniahI: 14-15 ), about which the book of Revelation was written. The Lord's daycould no t be the firsr day of th e weekIx:cau.:Jt:" J(':)\..5 W,Lsu't rcsurrccu-d cher.,,.ne! neither did He claim co be the Lordof that day.But how was the Sabbath regarded by

    the Spirit-filled converts of the earlychurch?N at once il the .wbbath day in thebook of ActJ regarded aJ a u.orl: day.

    either by Jewish or Gentile converts.The first specific sabbath day mentionedin the Book of Acts (13: 14-15 and 4244) is a key to understanding numerousother references to that day. Paul andBarnabas entered rhe synagogue, sat downand then, after being permitted to speak,preached Jesus Christ to those in thesynagogue. "And when the Jews weregone out of the synagogue , the Genti le sbesought that these words might bepreached to them the next sabbath"(Acts 1):42).These Genti le s who were interestedin the gospel and who besought Paul to

    speak of Jesus, assembled "on the nextsabbath ... to hear t he word of God."(verse 44). Paul, the apostle to Gentilenations, said not one word here or elsewhere, that the Gentiles should ceasethe ir pract ice of assembling upon thesabbath for wor ship.Aga in , in the controversy with "certain of the sect of the Pharisees whichbelieved" (Acts 15: 5), there is absoluteproof thar Gentiles observed the sabbath. The question concerned the law ofMoses-the handwriting of ordinances(Eph. 2: 1' which is explained in He-

    The GOOD NEWSbrews 9: 10 as imposed for only a specific length of time. This was not thespiritual law of which Paul wrote inRomans 7: 14. Four ordinances of thislaw of Moses were still cons ide red necessary for Gentile convert s. A let ter waswritten' explaining this decision to theGentile converts "for Moses of old timehath in every city them that preach him,being r ead in the synagogues every sabbath day." (Acts 15: 20-2] ). This letterhad to be written to Gentiles becausethey were attending .rynagogue serviceson the .rabbath where the ordinances ofthe law of Moses were preached. Thelet ter did not reprove them for sabbathkeeping.Acts 16: 12-15 contains the accountof Paul and others at Philippi , who "onthe sabbath . .. went out of the city bythe river side, where prayer was wont tobe made; and ... sat down, and spake

    unto the women which resorted thither."This account presen ts t he custom ofmeeting on t he sabba th to spend theday in prayer and worship even whennot preaching in the .rynagogue to con-vert leurs.In the city of Corinth, Paul taught bothJews and Greeks on the Sabbath. (Acts'18:4 ). During the six week days helabored unceasingly (verse 3). Previousio this, while among the Thessalonians,Paul, "as his manner was, wern ill untothem, and thre e sabbaths reasoned with

    them out of the sc ri pt ures " (Acts 17:2). The apostle Paul's manner or customwas to keep the sabbath day, exact ly asJesus did (Luke 4: 16). Paul, followingthe example of Jesus, commanded theGentile converts at Corinth to [ollou:him exactly as he followed Christ (I .Corinthians 11: 1 ). Because of th is command, the Gentiles assembled on theSabbath with Paul.

    Th e Annual Festivals ObservedIn his book, His tory of the ChristianChurch, George Fisher says of the early

    Christians: "They continued to observethe festivals appointed in the. law" (p .40). To thi s agree many other scholarsbecause the Scriptures contain records ofsuch observances. The t rue church wasfilled with the Spiri t of God on the annual festival of Pentecost (Acts 2).Even after the Holy Spirit came, Pentecost did not cease to occur annualIy. Instead of being a memorial of the material harvest of the first fruit of the landalone, Pentecost, or th e Festival of Harvest or Firstfruits, as it is variouslycalIed in the Bible, had now a greatermeaning. It became a memorial also ofthe first fruits of the Holy Spirit whichmakes possible the first harvest of human beings for the Kingdom of God.Not only did t he Jewish Chr is ti ans

    know this, bu t also Paul, the apostle to

    April, 195:1me Gentiles, understood thar this annualsabbath was still commanded to be observed once a year for the New Testament church. He "determined to sail byEphesus. because he would not spendthe time in Asia: for he hasted, if itwere possible for him, to be at Jerusalemthe day of Pentecost" (Ac ts 20: 16) .This desire on Paul's part to keepPentecost was thirty years after the deathof Christ. At another time Paul spent theJay of Pente cost in Ephesus, a Gentilecity ( I Corinthians 16:8).The passover and days of unleavenedbread were kept by the churches in judaea (Acts 12: 3). These churches werean example to all Gentile converts; forLuke, inspired by the Holy Spirit, wrotein Acts 20; 6 that the days of unleavenedbread occurred in far off Philippi. Thedisciples sailed from this Gentile com

    munity "after the days of unleavenedbread."In I Corinthians 5: 8 Paul commanded

    Gentile converts to observe the feast ofunleavened bread after the passover."For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us: therefore let us keep thefeast, not with old leaven, .. but withthe unleavened b read of sincerity andtruth," These Gentiles were ordered notto use old leaven on these days. Butinstead of ,akin.g unleavened bread according co the mere letter of [he lawas did the Jews, they were admonishedto obey according to the spiri t, by usingunleavened bread-the symbol of r ight eousness-with a pure heart in sincerity.Again in I Corinthians 11: 20-34 Paulgives the Corinthians instructions on

    keeping the passover-misnamed "communion service." It was to be kept as amemorial annuaLLy, as the passover hadalways been observed, to "show theLord's death till he come" (ve rse 26).The Gentiles did not understand its institution perfectly. They were comingtogether in advance of the service, to eatrheir own meals because they noticedthat Christ ate the passover lamb beforeinstituting the symbols that were to beused in all future passover celebrations.Paul says: "When ye come togethe rtherefore in one place, this is not to eatthe Lord's supper." Why(Paul continues: "For in eating everyone taketh before other his own supper:

    and one is hungry, and another is drunken."Although thinking they were taking

    the "Lord's supper," these converts werereally taking before each other theirown supper and apparently not evensharing it. The words "Lord 's supper"are used only for the last passover supperrhat Jesus himself took, as the observance of the passover is no t called the"Lord's supper" anywhere in the Bible.

    (Please continue on page 15)

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    ON THE CAMPUSF aLLOWING are articles written by students on student actiorues to give you the story of our jam-packed lives on the campus. We hope you won't

    mind if we occasionally poke a l it tl e fun at ourselves-striving human being are alwaysfunny-and no matter how serious minded. our frailties wink. The Cam pus E di tor

    Dick Armstrong'sFarewellby El ra R us sell

    For (he last time before leaving forEurope, Dick Armstrong spoke on Tuesday, February 24th, to the assembly offaculty and students.He gave us a brief word picture ofthe city of Luxembourg, where Rad ioLuxembourg which broadcasts the "TheWorlc1 Tomorrow" to all Europe is located. Luxembourg is a very old Europeancity which still has mediaeval walls andtowers. It faces a very deep canyonwhich now has a beautiful park in thebottom and several immense bridgesspanning it above.The ciry has only one small, picturesque tra in which runs down themain street ')nce per day to orher citiesin the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.Lasr summer while in this city Dick

    Armstrong became quite amused at thi ssmall train. As he laughed at it, he wastold by a native that he shouldn't laughbecause the people of Luxembourg werevery proud of their little rrain.Luxembourg is a city in miniature.Even rhe Versai lles Palace and gardensare reproduced the re In minia ture . Infact, the country is so small t hat DickArmstrong and Herman Hoeh walkedone-sixth the length of the country tovisit the largest cemetery of U. S. wardead outside the continental UnitedStates. Many of you saw this picture ofthe c ~ m e t e r y In a previous "GoodNews.Then he told us about the great responsibili ty thar he will have when hereaches England-answering the correspondence and sending our the literarure. He faces quite a problem in 10-

    caring the best place for our offices inEurope. Since there are so many restrict ions on food, hous ing, paper , printingand other necessities in England , it appears that our offices IT1I.lS( be set up inParis, Prance. There the l it er atur e canhe printed more speedily, convenientlyand economically.He will also assist his I arhcr in dealing with the rad io station managers aswell as checking into the currency regulations. It will be difficult for many Europeans who wIsh to send money toGod's work because only a limited

    amount of currency can be sent out ofthese various countries. He must find away to get this money Out of these countries so that it can be used to pay fa!radio time purchased in Luxembourgand for various ocher necessities in operating and conducting God's work.Another purpose for the trip is to

    gather news for "The World Tomorrow" and the "Plain Truth." He will remain in Europe for about six monthsand will report on the SpOt news happenings to you.We shall all miss the presence of

    Dick Armstrong at Ambassador , but weare very happy that the work is growing50 rapidly-c--uru i l it will reach the farflung corners of the globe.

    Why Visit a Zoo?by Janette Spurlin

    Zoos have always been fascinating tothe human beings-young or old. Butvis iti ng a zoo i sn't only entertaining, iris educational as well. We discoverrhings we would neve r learn from a textbook.In a recent trip to San Diego severals tudents had the opportunity of visit ingthe San Diego Zoo, which lies in thenorth end of beaut if ul Balboa Park. Itcovers approximately two hundred acresand is one of the largest and finestzoos in the United States.We arrived at the zoo about teno'clock and stayed abour four hours

    looking through the different sections ofwild life from every continent in theworld. There are so many worth whileexhibits to see that one could well spenda day without seeing everything tha twould be of value.For people who wish to walk throughthe zoo, instead of riding the bus, alarge number of wide, paved paths areprovided. These paths are marked bysigns and l ined with shade trees and occasional benches. They lead directly torhe exhib its most worth seeing.We chose to walk in order tha t wecould spend as much t ime as necessaryat any part icular exhibit that we weremost interested in.The whole zoo is d iv ided into mesasand canyons-four mesas and three canyons-with each having its own type ofanimals, reptiles and birds.

    In the "B" Mesa are located the monkeys and baboons. It was int er es ting tosee how gracefully cer ta in monkeysswung back and forth with the use oftheir tails.

    In rhe "C" Mesa is found the mammal group. Among some of these animals, w:;: saw the giraffes, elephants, anddwarf and giant hippopotami. Giraffesgrow very tall and large in such a shorttime. They mature at approximately fiveyears of age. If you should ever rravel toAfrica, you might be interested inknowing that girafJeJ are good for foodsince they bare a divided hoof and cbeu:the cud.At one point we were walking alongbehind one of the many park buses andcould hear the driver tel ling one of thelarge elephants to lift its foot onto thefence. The elephant raised her foot asshe was instructed, a-id got a piece oiwhite bread in return-c-a. very poor reward for the ef fort'Next came the sea lions in "P" Canyon. We couldn't seem to draw ourselvesaway from there. We watched themdart in and out of their large pool withexceeding skill despite their weight andclumsy appearance. Their continual yap

    ping was a loud and rumulruous sound.Near the end of our journey throughthe mesas and canyons, we met fouryoung men from Germany and Austria.Since Herman Hoeh, who speaks German, was with us, we were able to converse with them. They appeared to havea fine impress ion of our country. Theytold us that they had found work in spIteof the fact that they didn't know muchEnglish. In order to hold the kind ofjobs in Germany that they now have inAmerica, they would have to be apprentices for three years. Conce rningeducation, they s tat ed that EuropeanyOllths are made to learn much fasterthan we do for the amount of t ime theyspend in school. They do not have ourmass educational system.After talking wirh them for quite awhile, we continued on our journey

    rhrough the park.We could have stayed much longer buttime was fast running out . So we startedback to Pasadena with all the excitementof having seen many of the wild anddomesticated animals and fowls withwhich people in other areas of theworld are so familiar.

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    {j2yestion 'BoxYour quest ions answered in these columns! Your opportunity to baue

    those puzzling queries, needing on ly a shor t reply, solved. If yourJ are no there. then wri te them to us. As space permi ts they wil l be printed if anansu/er is possible. Of course, questions demanding lengthy replies cannotbe placed in these columns. Edited by the Students.

    Page 14

    Should Women Bob Their Hairand Use Permanents?

    Dozens of lc.ters continually ar riveasking if it is all right for women tohave thei r hair cut. Others wonder if itis correct to use permanents since theyhave a problem keeping their hair neat.Many women have been taught eversince they were little girls that it isent irely wrong to cut women's hair.This teaching is supposedly derived from(he statement that Paul made to theCorinthian women,You w i ll notice 111 I Corin th ians 11:13-15 that Paul says a woman ought tohave long hair that is an honor to her."But if a woman have long hair, it is aglory to her." Because long hai r is menrioned. some are afraid to cut the ir hairat all. But the text doesn't l l l ieu!hair, it reads long hair. Hair can be cu tand still be long.Any head of hair, even though cut, ifit be long enough to look feminine andhonorable, is appropriate. There is nodefinite "Bible length," save that it mustappear as a glory to the wearer. But if awoman wants to wear her hair cut soshorr as to look like a man, Paul saysshe ought to be shorn or shaven-thesymbol of a fallen woman. Too manywomen h at: deuelo ped the cust o-m ofhar ing their hair bobbed TOO SHORT.It is up to the individual to decide according to the word of God how longher hair oughr to be in order for her toappear feminine. Perhaps near shoulderlength is a good average, since somewomen naturally have shorter hai r thanothers.Concerning permanents, there is aproblem that each woman needs to consider, Very [eio girls are ever taught theart of properly wring for their hair,God intended a woman's hair to bebeautiful, not straggly. This is a mother's responsibiliry, bur how sad it is rharso few mothers were ever taught how tocare for their hair properly. Becausemost women never lea rned how to appear neat they have resorted unnecessarily to the use of permanents.Cer tain women have naturally curlyhair and do not need permanents; othershave naturally s traight hai r and appearvery becoming with it just as it is. If


    you appear neat in long straight hair,you would only be spoil ing your appearance to add unnecessary curls.But there are many women who havenearly s traight hair who would appearmuch neater with a few curls. Shouldsuch women use permanents?First, let us remember t ha t there aredifferent kinds of permanents. Even thesame permanent will react differentlywith different women, because no twoheads of hair are exactly alike. But nearly all permanents will in time do a certain amount of damage to the hair.Often the ends are severely burned.Sometimes they will break off shorter andshorter. A few cheap permanen ts haveeven proved damaging to the health.Although some women may find noharm in them, permanent s (:lght to beai-oided in most cases since there is amuch simpler and better method bywhich the hair may be given beauty. Itis not hard to learn the art of usingcurling pins with a small amount ofwater-and it doesn 't take long, e ither .This method does not harm the hair,but makes it appear beautiful as Godintended.It is also important to mention thata lthough some make a ritua l of washingtheir hair too often, many others don' twash their hair often enough, especiallywhen it becomes dirty through work. Itis very beneficial for the scalp to keepthe hair clean.Are Ducks and Geese Fit f or Food?

    One year ago in the "Question Box"we printed an answer to the inquiry,'''What fowls are not fit for food?" Inthe answer to t ha t ques tion it was concluded tha t since the stoan was classedamong the unclean fowl, bo th the duckand the goose would also be unclean.It has since been brought to our attention that the word swan in the KingJames Bible might he a mistranslation.Through months of careful Jtudy, thereis no doub t that the word stoun is aMISTRANSLATION. Hence the duck, thegoose and the swan are clean fowl.As proof of this the following factsshould be understood. The unabridgedSmith's Bible Dictionary says of theswan, "Only accidental stragglers wander so far south as the Nile, and it has

    April, 1953no t been obserced by recent naturalistseither in Palestine or Egypt" (article,"Swan") .

    The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia says of the swan, "A bird ofthe duck family wrongly placed amongthe abominations in old versions of theBible.Furthermore, since both geese andducks are plentiful in Palestine andEgypt, and since the goose was offeredby the Egyptians for pagan sacrifice,Moses would hare included ducks andgeese if they were unclean. Moses mentioned the bat, but not the duck orgoose despite their abundance and usein pagan services. This fact lends proofto the conclusion that they are cleanfowl.The Greek translation of the OldTestament, made by Jewish scholars twoand one half centuries before the birthof Christ , does no t render the word asswan, but as ibis or purple waterhen. Itis this classification that is meant byMoses. The Jews to this day regard thegoose and the duck as dean fowl.In preparing geese especially, be sureto allow for the removal of as much excess fat as possible.I-IOVl TO TRAIN

    CHILDREN(Continued f rom page B)tuality and excellence in performance,Sons should be instructed in providingfor a home and given experience in

    management-learning to be thrifty, butnot "penny wise and pound foolish."Children need particular guidance in thismatter so they won't become stingy orextravagant.In like manner girls should be taughtby their mothers proper modesty, thearts of homemaking-cooking, sewing,washing-and how to become a goodwife and mother.

    Right Sex TeachingYoung chi ldren should not be kept inignorance about sex. When children begin to wonder about this question, it'st ime you began to teach them whatever

    they can comprehend, Don't shove thequestion aside by saying as so manyparents do, "You will learn soonenough," That's just the point , they willlearn soon enough-only they wil l learnthe wrong kind of knowledge from otherchildren who are of the same age andwho haven't been taught sex understanding either.Keep your children's minds clean and

    pure by keeping ahead of "gutter" talk.If you start your chi ldren out correctlyand help them in any of the ir problemsth ey will continue to look to you foransuiers to their questions. Don't fai

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    April, 195:1rhem. This is a special duty you owethem. They need your help.

    Obedience Has Lasting ValueHaven't yuu seen chi ldren who werebrought up without discipline? Who telltheir parems, "I won't ," and sure enough,

    they don't Their paren ts may threa tento spank them, but it is only an idlethreat,A child from that kind of home willnever amount to anything unless he goesthrough some grueling experience in theworld.Teach your chi ld ren to obey you ineverything-so lo'ng as it does nor violate God's .laws (Eph, D: I ). Too manyboys and girls think that th ei r parentshave no right to command them to doanything they don't want to do. Youmothers can have a great influence onyour children by being obedient to yourhusbands in ev:rything in the Lord. I fany of you wives are having trouble withyour children, you might do well to examine yourselves to see if you are setring an example of obedience commanded in Ephesians 5:24.We see, then, that roday's modern

    pampering of wayward chi ldren is notGod's way. The hickory stick is as goodin this modern generation as it was inthe days of Solomon. But first be surethat when chi ld ren are mature enoughto unders tand, they be ins tructed andtold why they are being punished. Punishment is of little or no avail unlesschildren realize that physical punishmentis meant to hurt so they will never continue doing the wrong which would endin far more painful and sorrowful consequences.

    The TONGUES Question(Continued from page 6)

    the Spirit of power to perform MIRA-CLES . (Acts 6:8; 5: 12-16), And thatkind of power comes from just twothings, SURRENDER, and FAITH, alongwith much earnest PRAYER.Perhaps the greates t difficulty lies inconfusing a partial filling with the Spirit, and the FULLNESS of the Spirit.God gave nor the Spirit by MEASURE

    unto Jesus (John , : ,4) , but certainlywe receive the Spirit by measure, andsome of us, perhaps , a very small measure. When we have received the HolySpirit, we have been BAPTiSED by theSpirit, into the Body of Christ. But thefleshly nature remains, and the fleshlusts against the Spirit. So we have notreceived the FULLNESS of the Spirit.In New Testament experiences, a fargreater FULLNESS of the Spi ri t was received, because the)! yielded more fully,and trusted God more implicitly.Let us YIELD to God, and His Word.

    The GOOD NEWSLet US seek more of His Love, more ofHis FAITH, a better UNDERSTANDING,more POWER FOR SERVICE! And let usleave manifestat ions and feelings TOHIM!

    Did the New TestamentChurch Observe Sundavs ?.(Continued from page 12)The existence and hence observanceof the remaining holy days, although notspecifically stated, are alluded to in Acts18:21 and in Acts 27: 9, where the dayof Atonement is mentioned. Everyoneof these God-g iven days had been commanded forever; hence, the ir observance by Jewish and Gentile Christianalike must have been perpetuated inobedience to the example which Jesusand the apostles set.To be continued in next issue

    Correction: Please note the followingtypographica l errors which appearedthrough an oversight in the March,1953, issue of the "Good News"On page 5, column 1, under subtitle"Proof Three: The Death of Herod,"the third paragraph should have read:

    "The two dates for the beginning ofHerod's reign are not disputed, bu t givenas 37 B.C. and 40 B.C. respectively . . , ,By simple subtraction-which the theologians and critics seem unable to do-Herod died JUSt prior to the beginningof spring in B.C. 3."Also note this correction two thirdsthe way down in the next major para

    graph: "Since these and other eventsoccurred after the eclipse mentioned byJosephus, and since Herod died just priorto a passover according to Josephus, thatpassoue must have been THIRTEENMONTHS AFTER THE ECLIPSE andnot one month later."Be sure to reread the entire proof withthese corrections about Herod's death.

    Why Financial Worries?(Continued from page 10)sure you are paying your tithe to acalled and TRUE minister of Jesus Christ.Satan has many more ministers todaythan Christ-and Satan's thiev ing imposters pose as ministers of Jesus Christ,

    put on sanct imonious airs, speak in pious and spir itu al -sounding language!How are you to know? BY THEIRFRUITS, Jesus said, you shall knowthem! The FRUITS of God 's Spirit , andof Christ' s true ministry carmot be counterfeited!So when you pay t ithes to God's true

    Page I';and accredited spiri tual pay it as to God. It i, I lUI

  • 7/28/2019 Good News 1953 (Vol III No 04) Apr_w


    Page 1(,rifices,meat and drink offerings, administering the d if fe rent washings andphysical ordinances and rituals. For thisservice, God Himself selected His ministers-the people had no choice as towho their minis te rs were. For this service, God took ONE W HOLE TRIBE of thetwelve tribes of Israel-th ' Tribe ofLevi. Every man born a L ;1(" was apriest, or minister.The Levites owned no land-had nosecular source of income-devoted theirent ire t ime to the physical ministry ofthat dispensation. Yet, tho a physicalministry, this service was sacred andholy to God. And durinj; these yearsfrom Moses '0 Christ God Himselipaid His LC i itical priests by turningo uer to them ,ill of HiJ Tithe.Today, we are in the age of GRACE,the NEW Testament GOSPEL dispensation. Today , the Levi tica l priesthood isgone , and JESUS CHRIST is High Priesr.Today all r.ue ministers of Jesus Chri stare called by special spi ri tu al call fr omGod t hru Hi s Holy Spirit-not by fleshbirth-nor by self-desire to become aminister-not by selection, appointment, or vote of the people.Jesus Christ carne as God's MESSENGER, bearing a Spi ri tu al Message fromGod '0 man. That Message of His GOSPEL-the Good News of rh , comingKINGDOM OF GOD, it kingd um o f immortals which human flesh and bloodcall never enter! One must be bornugain!

    And today, Christ's commission to allHis true ministers is "Go ye into all theworld, and PREACH THE GOSPEL" ..."Go ye, therefore. and teach ALL NATIONS." And, for our day now. "This

    The GOOD NEWSPrinted in the U.S.A.

    Box l l l -Pasadena , CaliforniaRETURN POSTAGE GUARANTEED


    The GOOD NEWSGOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM shall bepreached in all the world for a witnessunto all nations; and then shall theEND (o f the age) come."Today the ministry is a SPIRITUALministry-a minis try of PROPHECY-amin is try of SALVATION-a min is try ofWARNING! Today it is not physical andnational, but spiritual and individual-it is not for everyone in a single na tion,but for a witness UNTO ALL NATIONS,Today , in these cr it ical , chaot ic daysapproaching the END OF AN AGE, thecarrying on of God's true ministry is aworld-wide mission, which mus t reachMILLIONS of peop le , and quickly, forthe " ~ i g h t cometh, when no man canwork.Today Christ's true minis try is a hugeundertaking. It requires, not the merefinancing of the per sonal needs of a fewministers, but the employing of tremendous avai labl e facilities for PROCLAIMING THE WORLD-SHAKING WARNING-for PREACHING THE GOSPEL OFTHE KINGDOM into ALLTHEWORLD FORA WITNESS UNTO ALL NATIONS!

    And these super -powered fac il it iesGod has invented and made availablefor HIS PURPOSE-great, powerful radio stations, and the modern printingpress-e-cosr a great deal of Money, because they reach vast multitudes of peopl e never before possible in any pastage!Today, God has PROVIDED for thef inancing of His powerful minis try bythe same system He has used from thevery beginning-His TITHING system!

    Thus Almighty God has purposedthat TH OSE W HO M HE HAS SPECIALLYFITTED AND CALLED for this rremen-

    April, 1953dous mISSIOn in this chaotic and dyingworld may be FREE to proclaim HISTRUTH fearlessly, boldly, and withGREAT POWER!

    They cannot be subsidized, controlled,coerced by men or organizations of men.They are not hired by, nor obligated to ,men or any organized group or denomination. They are ca lled by God, guided,protected, and empowered by God, financed by GOD'S OWN TITHIN

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