goodness of brahmi leaves

Post on 05-Sep-2015






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brahmi leaves


Goodness of Brahmi Leaves

CHENNAI:Bacopa, Babies tear, Bacopa monnieri, Herpestis monniera, water hyssopif you are wondering what these are, then think Valaarai Keerai. Yes, we are talking about Brahmi Leaves. Bitter but loaded with goodness!

Brahmi, a common plant, is available round the year and occurs naturally in India. Rich in medicinal values, Brahmi leaves have a long history of use in Indian Ayurvedic medicine. It is always recommended to go for fresh a Brahmi leaf extract, and it is said that about 10 - 20 ml of extracted juice of Brahmi can be taken twice or thrice a day. It is used in the treatment of a number of disorders, particularly those involving anxiety, intellect and poor memory. Traditionally, it was used as a brain tonic to enhance memory development, learning and concentration. It is also widely used for its effect in blood circulation that promotes efficient function of the liver, lungs and the kidneys. In India the plant is used in salads, soups, as a cooked vegetable, or pickled. But I say, why wait for lunch or dinner to put this on your menu at home? Try my grandmothers healthy Brahmi Konjee

(Brahmi porridge with unpolished red rice, coconut milk and a pinch of garlic).

Medicinal Uses of Brahmi

Memory enhancer / mental and physical fatigue / insomnia irritable bowel syndrome

Impotence / bronchitis / coughs and hoarseness / arthritis / rheumatism / Inflammatory conditions

High cholesterol levels / Brahmi is used as treatment for Alzheimers disease /asthma treatment / depression treatment / anti-ulcer herbal medicine / Anti-aging / Anti-oxidant / anti toxin / anti stress and anxiety

Brahmi Konjee (Serves 4 portions)


Unpolished Red Rice 50 gm

Brahmi paste 40 gm

Water 600ml

Garlic cloves 10 gm

Rock Salt To taste

Crushed Black pepper 5 gm

Coconut Milk ( thick) 50 ml


Cook the unpolished rice in water till it is cooked well and slightly crush the same in an electric blender coarsely.

Meanwhile make a paste of Brahmi leaves with little water.

Cook the crushed rice mixture and Brahmi paste further by adding finely crushed garlic into it till it is cooked well, and leaves the raw taste of brahmi.

Once it is cooked add rock salt to taste and also crushed pepper.

Now add the thick coconut milk extract and just boil for a minute and serve hot.

:Centella asiatica


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