google analytics conversion report - mahesh gangurde

Post on 23-Jan-2018






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Google Analytics Conversion Report

Knowing how visitors convert on your website can help you improve your marketing. The

Conversions section shows you the path your customers take on your website, from the

entrance to making a purchase or becoming a lead.

Goal Completions—The total number of conversions.Goal Value—Total Goal Value is the total value produced by goal conversions on your site. This value is calculated by multiplying the number of goal conversions by the value that you assigned to each goal.Goal Conversion Rate—The sum of all individual goal conversion rates.Total Abandonment Rate—The rate at which goals were abandoned. Defined as Total Abandoned Funnels divided by Total Goal Starts.Assisted Conversions—The number of conversions for which this channel appeared on the conversion path, but was not the final conversion interaction.Assisted Conversion Value—The value of the conversions assisted by this channel.

#1: GoalsThe Goals Overview report gives you a quick summary of the total number of goal completions made on your website.You can quickly view the pages where goal completions are made or click the Source/Medium link to see where converting traffic originates.

#1: Goals

#1: Goal ->> Goal URLsThe Goal URLs report shows the URLs on your website where visitors convert. If you use the Destination goal type, this is the URL visitors land upon once a goal has been completed, such as a thank-you or confirmation page.To find out which pages on your website lead to the most conversions, use the Secondary Dimension drop-down and select Goal Previous Step – 1. The goal URL report will then display the page a visitor was on before landing on the Destination URL.

#1: Goal ->> Goal URLs

#1: Goal ->> Reverse Goal PathThe Reverse Goal Path report displays up to four steps in the goal completion journey. In the example below, you can see that some people started on the home page (represented by the /), submitted a contact form from the freelance-writing and contact-2 pages and landed on the thank-you page to complete the goal.

This report shows you two things. First, it shows you the most popular pathways people take to complete a goal on your website. Second, it shows how many steps people take to complete a goal.

#1: Goal ->> Reverse Goal Path

#1: Goal ->> Funnel VisualizationsIf you set up your Destination goal to track multiple steps in the conversion process, you will be able to see the steps your visitors take in the Funnel Visualization. If you setup a Destination goal with one URL, your funnel will look like this.

#1: Goal ->> Funnel Visualizations

#1: Goal ->> Goal Flow VisualizationThe Goal Flow displays the goal completion paths of visitors in a flowchart.

#1: Goal ->> Smart Goal

#2: EcommerceFor businesses that sell products through an ecommerce shopping system, Ecommerce reports will give you insights into your shoppers’ journey from entry to conversion. You must specifically set up ecommerce tracking to use these reports.

Ecommerce OverviewThe Ecommerce Overview report summarizes your ecommerce conversion rate, transactions, revenue, average order value, unique purchases and the quantity of product units sold.Beneath the main graph, you can see data about your top revenue sources—products, product SKUs, product categories and traffic sources.

#2: EcommerceProduct Performance—The quantity, unique purchases, product revenue, average price and average quantity sold per transaction for products, product SKUs and product categories.Sales Performance—The total revenue, conversion rate and average order value on a daily basis.Transactions—The revenue, tax, shipping and quantity of items per transaction.Time to Purchase—The amount of time from when visitors arrive on your website to when they make a purchase.

#2: Ecommerce Overview

#3: Multi-Channel FunnelsGoogle Analytics typically attributes conversions to the last referral that brought the visitor to your website to make the conversion. Multi-channel funnels help you understand the full journey of customers who convert on your website.Ultimately, from the Multi-Channel Funnel reports, you will discover that it’s not just one type of marketing that helps your business, but all types together.For example, someone who visits your website from a social network may later decide to buy because they see your name again in a blog post. Someone who visits your website from search may later decide to buy because they see an ad on Facebook. The possible combinations are endless.

#3: Multi-Channel FunnelsMulti-Channel OverviewThe Multi-Channel Overview report gives you a summary of each marketing channel that works to drive converting visitors to your website.

#3: Multi-Channel FunnelsMulti-Channel Overview

#3: Multi-Channel FunnelsAssisted ConversionsAssisted Conversions are the number of conversions for which this channel appeared on the conversion path, but was not the final conversion interaction.The Assisted Conversions report shows the top channels that contributed to conversions.

#3: Multi-Channel FunnelsAssisted Conversions

#3: Multi-Channel FunnelsTop Conversion PathsThe Top Conversion Paths report shows the source paths followed by visitors who convert.For example, the first row shows the most popular conversion path, where visitors discover the website through organic search and then visit the website again directly (not from search or a website link).

#3: Multi-Channel FunnelsTop Conversion Paths

#3: Multi-Channel FunnelsTime Lag : The Time Lag report shows the amount of time in days from when visitors first visit your website until they make a conversion.

#3: Multi-Channel FunnelsPath Length : The Path Length report shows the number of interactions a visitor makes on your website before converting.

#4: Model AttributionThe final section, Model Attribution, contains one report that helps you understand the difference in conversions attributed to the last interaction versus other attribution models, such as the first interaction.Google Analytics offers the following example. Someone finds your site by clicking one of your AdWords ads. She returns one week later by clicking over from a social network. That same day, she comes back a third time via one of your email campaigns, and a few hours later, she returns directly and makes a purchase.

#4: Model Attribution

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