google’s cloud strategy

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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Google’s Cloud StrategyRoll your own Google products

Google’s cloud strategy in a nutshellBuild new capabilities to support the business

Open source the tech behind these capabilities as a clean rework, managed as a public project (not a line of business)

Let a standard / ecosystem develop around the tech

Have a great implementation for hosting systems built on the standard

The Business: Gadgets & Apps &Search &Mobile.

The capability driving the business: Google Assistant




Matthieu Varagnat “Conversational interfaces — beyond the hype” on Medium

So how do you get to conversationality?

The OSS: SyntaxNet & Parsey McParsefaceWhat it is:

● a way to teach computers to manage the ambiguity of human conversation

How it’s used:

● build a model of the way humans speak about a subject● build a model of an individual speaker

What it enables:

● highly accurate conversational parsing● the ability to quickly identify missing information and only ask for that

What standard is being developed?Increased demand for “bots” to be conversational

A model for processing written texts, acting as an example for driving new models

A way to build new models -- SyntaxNet, built on TensorFlow

How do you help engineers model users and make predictions about them faster?

The OSS: TensorFlowWhat it is:

● A framework for defining, executing and training machine learning models

How it’s used:

● Build predictive models of complex human behavior, such as preferences, schedules, speech patterns

What it enables:

● Interfaces that adapt to users, cultures and improve over time

What’s a tensor?A multi-dimensional data structure, used to hold transformations of a data set.

What's a flowPrograms that chain together operations into a directed graph. Flows describe the movement of data and operations but specifically don't imply an execution technology or order -- making them ideal for scaling in to run on a laptop or out to run on a cloud.

What standard is being developed?Engineers focus on building ML models using standard tools.

Models are tradable.

Visualizations & tools arise to improve TTM

...and Google will be the best at hosting it

How do you build stateful systems in a world of continuous failure and

unpredictable load?

The Capability: Borg

The OSS: Kubernetes (K8S)What it is:

● Container orchestration & cluster management

How it’s used:

● High leverage primitives produce addressable services on top of Linux nodes running Docker (more OS & container format support coming!)

What it enables:

● Management of services at a high level of abstraction.● Automation of scale out, failover, advanced deployments

New in Kubernetes 1.2

● Persistent volume provisioning support● Rolling deployments● Cross-zone failover (“Ubernetes”)● TLS support & load balancing (“Ingress”)● Autoscaling● Graceful node shutdown (patches…)● New documentation website (with very good docs)

What standard is being developed?Engineers have a way to construct scalable, firewalled services using docker images and configuration

Scaling, rolling deployments and failover are built in

Short-term statefulness provided through load balancing

Stateful containers aren’t as much an anti-pattern as they used to be (even less so in K8S 1.3!)

A new class of technologies -- Cloud Native Computing -- and a Foundation to support their development (the CNCF)

...I’m not good at ending slideshowsApprenda has recently acquired a Kubernetes company (Kismatic) and will be offering an Enterprise

We’re working hard to bring Kubernetes to Windows Server Containers (don’t laugh, it’s working)

Lots of exciting Enterprise PaaS and Container Orch stuff coming!

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