gov congress part 1

Post on 15-Apr-2016






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Gov Congress Part 1


CongressQuestion: What Does Congress do?

Bicameral Congress

Why Interest Groups form in the United States

1. The freedom to speak, assemble and petition (1st Amendment) facilitates group formation

2. The federal structure of government4. Social changes, economic pressures, technological

developments, and government action.

Differences Between the House and Senate

Getting people to join

2. To overcome free-rider problem, groups offer a variety of benefits to attract members.

-Psychological – “feel good” satisfaction -Social- host meetings, dinners, other activities to create feeling

of solidarity among members.-Economic- discounts on insurance, travel, magazines

3. Some people join because they are coerced. Ie- bar associations in several states for lawyers & employees in

certain trades are required to join the labor union.

House of Representatives

Who joins in a nation of joiners?

1. Not everyone. Some people are more inclined to join than others.

-Those with more education and income are more likely to join because they are more

interested, can afford membership dues, and have more time to participate.

-Men more likely to join than women. -Elderly and middle-aged participate at higher

rates than young.

Congressional Elections

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