governing the republic: federalists & republicans chapter 13

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Governing the Republic: Federalists & RepublicansChapter 13

8-2.6 Explain the roles of South Carolinians in the establishment of new state and national governments after the American Revolution.

8-3.4 Analyze the position of South Carolina on the issues that divided the nation in the early 1800s, including the assumption of state debts, the creation of a national bank, the protective tariff and the role of the United States in the European conflict between France and England and in the War of 1812.

I. Organizing the Government In 1789, George Washington

was elected the nation’s first president.

Alexander Hamilton was chosen as Secretary of the Treasury. Thomas Jefferson was chosen as secretary of State. John Adams served as Washington’s Vice President.

The Bill of Rights were passed & the federal courts were established.

II. Hamilton’s Economic Policy Alexander Hamilton created a successful economic plan for the new


Hamilton wanted The federal gov’t to pay states the cost of the Revolution (SC liked this) A tax on goods coming from other countries A national bank (This was a problem for D-Rep.) Congress to create a high protective tariff on imported goods to

encourage Americans to make goods at home SC did NOT like Tariffs

Washington supported Hamilton’s programs. He also supported a strong military force.

III: Republican Opposition to Federalist Policy

The people who supported Hamilton were Federalists. The Democratic-Republicans thought he had gone too far. They became our first 2 political parties.

After Washington served 2 terms, he retired to his home, Mt. Vernon, Virginia.

In the election to replace him, the Federalists nominated John Adams. The Democratic-Republicans nominated Thomas Jefferson.

John Adams won the presidential election. TJ was 2nd place so he was VP.

John Adams Thomas Jefferson

IV: The Republicans in Power

4 years later, the same 2 men ran for president again. This time Jefferson won & served 2 terms.

He worked hard to lower taxes and limit the amount of money the nation spent.

He also basically doubled the size of the country by purchasing the Louisiana Territory from France. This gave America land west of the Mississippi River.

V. The War of 1812

In 1808, James Madison was elected president. He was a Democratic- Republican, like Jefferson.

England and France went to war. Both nations began stopping American ships and impressing (kidnapping) American sailors.

Some Americans believed that the British were urging Native Americans to war against the US.

By 1812, many Americans believed we needed to go to war with Britain. These people were known as War Hawks.

America was not ready for war. Britain won most of the early battles. They captured Washington D.C. and burned the Capitol and White House.

Both nations realized the war was not worth the effort & a peace treaty was signed in 1814.

VI: XYZ Affair SC became deeply involved in the controversy over the

French Revolution. Citizen Edmond Genet came to Charleston. He tried to

enlist volunteers to attack the Spanish in Louisiana. President Washington was very upset by this action.

When J. Adams was president, the French threatened to declare war on the US. Adams sent men, including Charles Pinckney, to talk with the French.

Representatives of the French government asked for a bribe before starting the talks. Pinckney replied, “No, no, not a sixpence.” When he returned home, he was treated as a hero.

Pinckney was the Federalist candidate for vice president in 1800, and was the candidate for president in 1804 and 1808.

Alien and Sedition ActsThe Alien and Sedition Acts were two acts passed by

Federalists in Congress caused by disputes between Federalists and Republicans.

The Alien Act stated that the president could remove foreign residents from the country if they were suspected to be involved in treason or plots against the government.

The Sedition Act stated that citizens of the United States could not join any plots against the government’s policies.

Embargo ActJefferson passed a law to prevent the US from trading with

England and France

This hurt SC b/c our state relied upon trade of rice, indigo etc for most of its money

It also hurt shipbuilders in the New England States

VII. Pinckney’s Treaty with Spain

In 1795 Spain realized a border needed to be established between the US and Florida. The US sent Thomas Pinckney to negotiate the treaty.

Pinckney’s Treaty established the 31st parallel as the boundary, giving us rights to use the Mississippi River and unload goods in New Orleans without paying a customs duty.

Congress quickly accepted Pinckney’s treaty & he became the Federalist candidate for vice president in 1796.

VIII: Unifying the State

In 1800, SC was still deeply split between Up Country & Low Country, between Federalists and Republicans.

Several changes helped unify our state: Eli Whitney's invention of the cotton gin - cotton could be grown

more effectively all over the state, providing a common economic base.

The Republicans became the majority party, giving the state a common political base.

The creation of the South Carolina College, now the University of South Carolina.

The Compromise of 1808 helped bring about political unity throughout the state.

IX: Religion & Social Unity

Churches in the nation and the state had to reorganize after the Revolution.

The greatest religious impact came with the Second Great Awakening. In May, 1802, 12,000 people attended the first camp meeting in South Carolina.

Methodist, Baptist and Presbyterian ministers preached day and night.

The Methodists and Baptists soon dominated the religious life of SC

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