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Post on 03-May-2018






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No. 166 17 /SSD, Bhubaneswar dated the, 18th August, 20 15. STSCD-TPR-CO1VIMT-0004-2014

From Sri Surendra Kumar, IAS Commissioner-cum-Secretary to Govt.

I am directed to enclose herewith a copy of the proceedings of the meeting of the

Tribes Advisory Council held under the Chairmanship of the Hon'ble Chief Minister,

Odisha on 14.05.2015 at 11.30 A.M. in the 3rd Floor Conference Hall of Secretariat for favour of information.

Commission ~"' —Secrrettarpyto Govt. Memo No. 16618 / SSD Dt. 18-08— 2015.

.Copy with copy of the proceeding of the Meeting of Tribes Advisory Council held on 14.05.2015 forwarded to Addl. Chief Secretary to Chief Minister/ Private Secretary to Minister, ST & SC Dev. and M & BCW for kind information of Hon'ble Chief Minister and Hon'ble Minister. /P s. to Hone IA-

7 Min ster o f State, S. C. Wel fare / Tribal Wel fare_ for kind \ ■ information o f Han' bl e Ministers. kS

Director (ST)-cum-Additio a Secretary to Govt. Memo No. 26619 / SSD Dt. 18-08— 2015.

.Copy with copy of the proceeding of the Meeting of Tribes Advisory Council held on 14.05.2015 forwarded to Private Secretary to Chief Secretary/ Private Secretary to Development Commissioner/ Private Secretary to A.C.S, Finance

for favour of information of the Chief Secretary, Development Commissioner, A.C.S, Finance

Memo No. 16620 1 SSD Dt. 18-08— 2015. .Copy along with copy of the proceeding of the Meeting of Tribes Advisory

Council held on 14.05.2015 forwarded to all Principal Secretaries to Govt. / all

Commissioner-cum-Secretaries to Govt. / EIC-cum- Secretary to Govt. Works Deptt. / D.G. Police for favour information and necessary action.

To All Members, Tribes Advisory Council (Except Si. No.1 & 2)

Sub: Proceeding of the meeting of the Tribes Advisory Council held on 14.05.2015.


■ t 1S

Director (ST)-cum-Additi n.1 Secretary to Govt.

Director (ST)-cum-Additional secretary to Govt.

Contd... DAsr & sc DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMPAI1TD-11SeclionITAC:3t 20' J. lir1llTD-11-TA('-14-2C I22 on 20 I 12012 doc

as 2 . •

Memo No. 166 21 SSD Dt. 18-08— 20 15. .Copy along with copy of the proceeding of the Meeting of Tribes Advisory

Council held on 14.05.2015 forwarded to Special Secretary to Govt., G.A. Deptt./ Special Secretary to Govt. P & C Deptt. for information and necessary action.

cu \\sa

Director (ST)-m-Addi 'o 1 Secretary to Govt.

Memo No. 166 22 / SSD Dt. 18-08— 20 15. .Copy with copy of the proceeding of the Meeting of Tribes Advisory Council

held on 14.05.2015 forwarded to the Asst. Director and Regional Head, National

Commission for STs, N/1/297, IRC Village, Bhubaneswar for information and necessary action.

Director (ST)-cu nilYSecretary to Govt. Memo No. 166 23 / SSD Dt. 18-08- 2015.

.Copy with copy of the proceeding of the Meeting of Tribes Advisory Council

held on 14.05.2015 forwarded to Private Secretary to Commissioner-cum-Secretary to

Govt., ST & SC Dev. Deptt./ P.S. to Spl. Secretary to Govt. / P.S. to Director (SC)-

cum-Spl. Secretary to Govt./ P.S. to Director (ST)-cum-Addl. Secretary to Govt./ P.S.

to Addl. Secretary to Govt./ P.A. to Director, OBC/ All other Officers of ST& SC Development Department for information and necessary act n.

VDirector (ST)-cum- ddition. 1 ecretary to Govt.

t;Vr Director (ST)-cum-Additional secretary to Govt. Memo No. 166 25 I SSD Dt. 18-08- 2015.

.Copy along with copy of the proceeding of the Meeting of Tribes Advisory

Council held on 14.05.2015 forwarded to all Desk Officer/ Section Officers of ST & SC

Development Department for information and necessary action

Director (ST)-cum-Additional Secretary to Govt. Memo No. 166 26 SSD Dt. 15-08— 2015.

.Copy along with copy of the proceeding of the Meeting of Tribes Advisory Council held on 14.05.2015 forwarded to Sri Sujit Mukherjee, Special Officer, Statistics to incorporate the proceeding in the website of this Department.

Director (ST)-cum-Additiona ecretary to Govt. DA.ST it SC DBVELOPhIENT DEPAR7MENP.TD-11 SWicpATAC kr 2011. SnATD•114AC-14.2012 Do 220 11 1312 dm

Memo No. 166 24 / SSD Dt. 18-08- 2015. .Copy with copy of the proceeding of the Meeting of Tribes Advisory Council

held on 14.05.2015 forwarded to the Director, SCSTRTI/ RD., OTELP/ Member Secretary, ATLC / MD, TDCCOL// M.D., OSFDC/ G.M. T FED/ GM, NAFED for information and necessary action.


The meeting of the Tribes Advisory Council was held under the chairmanship

of Hon'ble Chief Minister. The list of the members and other invitees present in the

meeting is enclosed herewith at Annexure-I.

The Hon'ble Chief Minister and Chairman, Tribes Advisory Council welcomed all

members and emphasised that the State Government is committed towards providing

economic empowerment, enhanced livelihood opportunities, education and skill

development for the tribal population of the state and solicited valued suggestions of

the TAC members to further strengthen the efforts towards development of the

Scheduled Tribe communities of the State.

Thereafter discussions were held Agenda wise and following decisions were


Agenda No.1: Confirmation of the proceedings of the Tribes Advisory Council Meeting held on 27.07.2013.

The proceedings of the last Tribes Advisory Council meeting held on

27.07.2013 was circulated among all members vide ST & SC Development, Minorities

& Backward Classes Welfare Department letter No:27805/SSD dtd, 16.08.2013. No

suggestions were received from members for modification of the proceedings. Hence

the proceedings were confirmed.

Agenda No.2: Discussion on Compliance Report on decisions taken in the last Tribes Advisory Council Meeting held on 27.07.2013.

The Action Taken Report on the decisions taken in the last TAC meeting held

on 27.07.2013 was placed before the Council and after detailed discussion the same was approved.

Agenda No.3: Approval of Annual Report on Administration of Scheduled Areas of

the State for 2012-13.

The draft Annual Report on Administration of Scheduled Areas of the State for 2012-13 was discussed and approved.

Agenda No.4: Status of implementation of the Scheduled Tribes and Other

Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006, Amendment

Rules, 2012.

The Hon'ble members were appraised that under the Scheduled Tribes and

Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 3.43 lakh

individual rights were distributed, covering an area of 5.44 lakh acres and 3474

Community rights were distributed over an area of 1.80 acres till March 2015. The right

holders are provided livelihood support under convergence of different schemes like

MGNREGA, National Horticulture Mission etc and housing facilities under IAY and Mo Kudia.

Hon'ble member, Sri Rabinarayan Nayak expressed that there are some

cases of delay in distribution of titles even though their rights have been sanctioned

under FRA. It was decided that these titles will be distributed over the next six months.

Further the TAC also decided that the Revenue and Disaster Management

Department will take steps for demarcation and correction of RoRs of FRA title holders on a mission mode.

Agenda No.5: Status of Implementation of ORV Act, 1975.

The Hon'ble members were appraised that the ORV Act, 1975 is being

implemented to ensure adequate representation of STs & SCs in posts & services.

The Hon'ble members were informed that the Draft Amendment bill was presented to 14th OLA which was thereafter referred to a Select Committee which opined for

provision of reservation in contractual engagement. In order to make the provisions

more stringent and to protect interests of ST & SC, certain clauses like Section 7 and

Section 10 are being re-examined. The draft has been submitted to Law Department for concurrence on revised clauses.

The Hon'ble members were informed that the recommendations of the Select

Committee had been taken into consideration and provision has been made for

reservation in contractual engagement. Besides, the members were informed that the

existing provisions are being made more stringent to ensure effective implementation of the ORV Act..

Hon'ble member Sri Mangala Kisan and Hon'ble member Sri Rabinarayan

Naik stated that filling up of back log vacancies of ST&SC posts should be undertaken

by all departments. They also expressed the view that the contractual staff upon

regularisation after completion of 6 years, should not affect or reduce the reserved posts meant for STs & SCs.

It was decided that the ST&SC Development, Minorities and Backward

Classes Welfare Department will collect the detailed backlog vacancies from all

departments and place it before the next TAC meeting.

Agenda No.6: Claim for inclusion of Putiya Community in the ST List of Odisha. The matter of recommending the case of inclusion of

Putia/Putiya/Dulia/Dhulia/PutiYa Paik/Dulia Paik/Dhulia Paik community of Koraput district in the ST list of Odisha was discussed by the Council. The Hon:We members were briefed that this community fulfil three main criteria out of five prescribed by Government of India for determination of Scheduled Tribes. Accordingly, the Council unanimously decided to recommend the proposal to Government of India for inclusion of Putia/Putiya/Dulia/Dhulia/Putiya Paik/Dulia Paik/Dhulia Paik community of Koraput

district in the ST list of Odisha as a new entry.

Agenda No.7: Claim for inclusion of Bhuiyar Community in the ST List of Odisha. As Bhuiyar/ Bhuinhar community of Sundargarh district fulfil all the five criteria

prescribed by Government of India for determination of Scheduled Tribes, the Council unanimously decided to recommend the proposal to Government of India for inclusion of Bhuiyar/ Bhuinhar community of Sundargarh district in the ST list of Odisha as a

new entry.

Agenda No.8: (Agenda proposed by R & DM Department) Permission for Exchange

of Govt. Land for infrastructure development Projects.

It was decided that the R&DM Department will first place the matter before an

Inter Ministerial Committee. Thereafter this will be taken up for discussion in the next

TAC meeting along with the views of the Committee.

Agenda No.9: (Agenda proposed by R & DM Department) Permission to Govt to

purchase tribal land for infrastructure projects:-

It was decided that the R&DM Department will first place the matter before an

Inter Ministerial Committee. Thereafter this will be taken up for discussion in the next

TAC meeting along with the views of the Committee.

Agenda No.10: (Agenda proposed by R & DM Department) Permission for mortgaging

tribal land to obtain Bank Loan.

It was decided that the R&DM Department will first place the matter before an

Inter Ministerial Committee. Thereafter this will be taken up for discussion in the next

TAC meeting along with the views of the Committee.

Agenda No.11: (Agenda proposed by R & DM Department) Permission to sell

mortgaged tribal land in case of default.

It was decided that the R&DM Department will first place the matter before an

Inter Ministerial Committee. Thereafter this will be taken up for discussion in the next

TAC meeting along with the views of the Committee.

Agenda No.12: (Agenda proposed by Hon'ble Governor) Framing of State Specific Odisha PESA Rules may be considered and expedited.

The Panchayati Raj Department should take expeditious steps for finalisation of Odisha PESA Rules. Agenda No.13: (Agenda proposed by Hon'ble Governor) Rationalization of Scheduled Areas after bifurcation of erstwhile Scheduled districts in Odisha.

The Scheduled areas were notified based on the undivided erstwhile districts. Therefore the Council recommended that the ST & SC Development, Minorities and Backward Classes Welfare Department along-with Revenue & Disaster 'Management Department will develop a proposal for amendment of the list of Scheduled Areas as per the reorganised Districts, Tahasils/Blocks boundaries. Agenda No.14: (Agenda proposed by Hon'ble Governor) Holding up of meeting of

Tribes Advisory Council as prescribed under TAC Rules, 1950.

It was decided to hold the TAC meeting twice in a year. Agenda No. 15: (Agenda proposed by Hon'ble Governor) Up-to-date submission of

Annual Report on Administration of Scheduled Areas. It was decided that the Annual Report on Administration of Scheduled Areas

of Odisha for the year 2013-14 should be placed in the next TAC meeting. Agenda No.16: (Suggested by T & H Deptt):- Issue of Tree Patta and provision of Tasar seed subsidy and massive Asan/ Arjun

plantation for the Tribal TasarGrowers. Considering the proposal of Handloom, Textile and Handicrafts department,

the TAC recommended that in order to safeguard the interest of traditional Tasar rearers, the Forest & Environment Department should take steps for issue of Tree Pattas or Usufruct rights to Tasar Growers. The Forest & Environment Department should also promote Asan/ Arjun plantations in Tasar Growing areas. Other Agenda :-

Thereafter some of the Hon'ble members had requested for discussions on few more issues. The Hon'ble Chairman requested the members to submit their detailed proposals to the ST & SC Development, Minorities & Backward Classes Welfare Department for necessary examination and if required to place the matter in the next TAC meeting

The meeting ended with vote of thanks to the Chairman and all Hon'ble members.

By Order of ef Minister

Commiss cumeiretary /7



SI. No

Name • Designation

Sri Naveen Patnaik Hon'ble Chief Minister, Odisha, Chairman

2 Sri Lal Bihari Himirika Hon'ble Minister, ST & Sc Dev. Dept Deputy Chairman

3 Sri Sudam Marandi Hon'ble Minister of State, Tribal Welfare

4 Smt. Snehangini Chhuria Hon'ble Minister of State, SC. Welfare

Sri Balabhadra Majhi, M.P. Nabarangpur

Hon'ble Member, TAC

6 Sri Jogesh Kumar Singh, M.L.A, Sundargarh

Hon'ble Member, TAC

Sri Mangala Kisan, M.L.A, Rajgangpur

Hon'ble Member, TAC

8 Sri Laxaman Munda, M.L.A, Bonai Hon'ble Member, TAC

Sri Rabinarayan Naik, M.L.A, Kuchinda

Hon'ble Member, TAC

10 Sri Hrushikesh Naik, M.L.A, Patna Hon'ble Member, TAC

11 Sri Saiba Sushil Kumar Hansadah, M.L.A, Rairangpur

Hon'ble Member, TAC

12 Sri Bijay Kumar Naik, M.L.A, Karanjia Hon'ble Member, TAC

13 Sri Golak Bihari Naik, M.L.A, Udala Hon'ble Member, TAC

14 Sri Manohar Randhari, M.L.A, Nabarangpur

Hon'ble Member, TAC

15 Sri Balabhadra Majhi, M.L.A, Lanjigarh

Hon'ble Member, TAC

16 Sri Duguni Kanhar, M.L.A, Phulbani Hon'ble Member, TAC 1

el. No

Name Designation

17 Ms. Basanti Mallick, M.L.A, Mohana Hon'ble Member, TAC

18 Sri Jagannath Saraka, M.L.A, Bissam Cuttack

Hon'ble Member, TAC

19 Sri Prafulla Kumar Pangi, M.L.A, Pottangi

Hon'ble Member, TAC

20 Sri Dambaru Sisa, M.L.A, Chitrakonda

Hon'ble Member, TAC

21 Sri Gokul Chandra Pati Chief Secretary

22 Sri R. Balakrishnan Addl. Chief Secretary, Finance Dept

23 Sri Ask Kumar Tripathy Principal Secretary, Home Deptt.

24 Dr. Mona Sharma Principal Secretary, R & DM Deptt.

25 Sri R.K Sharma Principal Secretary, Steel & Mines Deptt.

26 Sri Manoj Ahuja Principal Secretary, Cooperation Department

27 Sri Suresh Mohapatra Principal Secretary, Energy Department

28 Sri Gagan Bihari Dhal Principal Secretary, HE Department

29 Sri G.V.V Sharma Principal Secretary, GA Department

30 Sri Rajesh Verma Principal Secretary, Agriculture Department

31 Smt. Arati Ahuja Principal Secretary, H & FW Department

Y- 32 Sri Pradeep Jena


Principal Secretary, Water Resources Department

SI. No


33 Sri Bibhu Prasad Routray

34 Smt. Usha Padhi

35 Sri Bishnupada Sethi

36 Sri Sanjay Rastogi

37 Dr. Arabinda Padhi

38 Sri M.S Padhi

39 Chittra Anumngan

40 Sri Surendra Kumar

41 Sri P. Dash

42 Sri M. Pratap

43 Sri S. Nayak

44 Debiprasad Biswal

45 Sri R. Raghu Prasad

46 Prof (Dr.) A. B. Ota


Principal Secretary, Law Department

Commissioner-cum-Secretary S & ME Department

Commissioner-cum-Secretary, F & ARD Department

Commissioner-cum-Secretary, Tourism & Culture Department

Commissioner-cum-Secretary, Food & Supplies & Consumer Welfare Department

Commissioner-cum-Secretary, Handloom Textile & Handicraft Department

Commissioner-cum-Secretary, ST & SC Dev. Deptt.

Commissioner-cum-Secretary, MSME Dept

Spl. Secretary, Energy Department

Spl. Secretary, Forest & Environment Department

Director, SCSTRTI

Commissioner-cum-Secretary, C & T Department


Director (ST)-cum-Addl. Secretary, ST & SC Dev. Deptt.

SI. No

Name Designation

47 Sri S. Nanda MD, TDCCOL

48 Sri Srikant Prusty PD, OTELP

49 Sri G. C Panda FA-cum-Addl. Secretary, ST & Sc Dev. Department

50 Sri W. Bilung Addl. Secretary, S & T Department

51 Sri Chudamani Sethi Addl. Secretary, RD Department

52 Sri Harihar Ma[lick Addl. Secretary, ST & SC Dev. Department

53 B. Manseth Addl. Secretary, ST & SC Dev. Department

54 Sri Ramesh Chandra Sai Director, SC. Welfare, ST & SC Dev. Department

55 Sri Avaya Kumar Naik Joint Secretary, R & DM Department

56 Sri S. N Dash Joint Secretary, PR Department

57 Miss Rajashree Mohanty Joint Secretary, ST & SC Dev. Department

58 Smt. Archana Daspatnaik Deputy Secretary, ST & SC Dev. Department

59 Sri S.K Mohanty Deputy Secretary, H & UD Department

60 Sri S.K Das Manager, Energy Department

61 Sri G.B Reddy ODS, P & C Department

62 Ms Pranati Patro D.D-cum-D.S, ST & SC Dev. Department

63 Sri R.K Das Assistant Director, Head Qtr., ST & SC Dev. Department

64 Sri S.0 Mohanty OSD, SCSTRTI


Name Designation

65 Smt. Sandhya Majhi Spl. Officer-cum-Under Secretary, ST & SC Dev. Department

66 Sri Satyabrata Dash Spl. Officer, Employment, ST & Sc Dev. Department

67 Sri Shyam Hembram AFA-cum-U.S, ST & SC Dev. Department

68 Sri R.N Maflick Under Secretary, ST & SC Dev. Department

69 Sri S.K Mukherjee Spl. Officer, Statistics, ST & SC Dev. Department

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