governor richard’s district news...otto: a thanksgiving ode huracán otto, we watched you swirl...

Post on 15-Jul-2020






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Governor Richard’s District News

Continued on pg. 2

My Dear Fellow Rotarians

A Happy New Year!

DGND Dave Bensley

I am very proud to announce that Dave Bensley of the Sherburne Rotary Club has been selected to

be our District Governor Nominee Designate (District Governor 2019-2020). He is currently an

Assistant Governor for Area #1, covering New Berlin, Norwich, Oxford and Sherburne. He has

served on the District Youth Exchange Program for many years. Besides his passion towards Ro-

tary, he has proven his leadership and commitment shown through YEP as its Chairperson for

two years. Jeff Smith of Endwell Rotary willingly stepped up to be District Governor Nominee

(DG 2018-19) after Jack Sullivan’s resignation due to his health. Let’s welcome Dave Bensley to

our district leadership. Congratulations, Dave.

Push your “Reset” Button

New Year’s Day is the perfect time to push your life’s “reset” button. Growing up in old Japan,

many people used to practice their first calligraphy of the year on New Year’s Day, often drawing

their New Year’s Resolution. It was placed on the wall so it would be there throughout the coming

year. That became a reminder of what kind of person you wanted to be.

Rotary New Year Resolution

What is your New Year’s Rotary Resolution? If you don’t have it yet, I’d like to strongly suggest

one: Explore Rotary. Please walk outside your own club box and explore the wider Rotary world.

Remember that you are a member of a community wide, nationwide and worldwide organization.

Life is all about participation. Life is all about experiences. You’ll learn quickly that Rotary is

much deeper and wider than you think. Yet, once you go out, you’ll also learn that we are much

closer to each other like a family. You may meet Rotarians who will change your life forever.


Continued from pg. 1

Save the Dates and Join Us

District Conference at The Inn on The Lake, Canandaigua on May 5-6-7, 2016. Our confer-

ence site is family friendly with many activities in the surrounding area. You can join us fully or

pick the day or night you are able to come. See the online Registration.

Rotary International World Convention in Atlanta Georgia. On June 10 - 14. Take

the host country advantage to have life time experience as a Rotarian, meeting Rotarians at-

tending from all over the world. Should you have questions, please get in touch with PDG

Pat Kriebel, Convention Promoter for Zone 29.

(H) 607-5069 E-mail:

If you have an interest in ride sharing, please get in touch with

Gina Sikora, District Coordinator for Sharing Ride to Atlanta Convention. (H) 607-597-9227


New Membership Recruitment Winter is the season of preparing for Spring. It is the season for planning and growing our roots bigger and stronger. Now is the best season to recruit new members. Set the date, time and place for your Open House, and invite Matt Adler, District Membership Chair, and myself.

Yours in Rotary,



Nancy Potter and George Gull are in Costa Rica where they helped with a Rotary grant

It's hard to believe that we have only one week left before we leave Los Chiles for a couple of days in Alajuela then fly home! These 2 months were sufficiently filled with stories of peo-ple's lives and then Otto took center stage! attached is my recap...and a few photos from G's collection. We were headed to Upala early this morning to help clean houses so people in the shelter can go back home, but both trucks had mechanical problems so we had to cancel. We'll be pray-ing for their resettlement process. Here are some concrete ways to help and links that you can share:

Prayers for the long-haul are important and cost effective!

Help spread the word about the human and environmental impacts and track aftermath -- assessments are being done so reports will be coming out.

Friends we met last year on our t-giving/anniversary/b-day weekend sent this funding re-quest that helps convey the impacts:

National fundraising contacts w/ the Red Cross in this Tico Times article:

Consider ways to live in harmony with nature with hope for the phoenix arising from the ...mud and blessings to all back home...abrazos, n

Continued on pg.4


Otto: a Thanksgiving Ode

Huracán Otto, we watched you swirl over the Caribe We saw your fury on the coastal towns And heard of hundreds evacuating their homes to escape you We prayed for safety and a lessening of your force! Your predicted path over land did not waiver...we had days to prepare, days for prayer Your force lessened and we were hopeful, but your arrival on the continent elevated to #2 We tuned to news, to emergency plans, to finding shelter for ones at risk of damage by winds and rain

Schools, stores closed; shelters open, emergency responders readied; Water bottles filled; flashlights and belongings awaiting officials' word Otto's ETA: Thanksgiving Day, just in time for dinner. Messages flew off to family, friends. Trees were trimmed, objects moved indoors, windows covered with cardboard, doors blocked with absor-bent towels Your prelude rains heightened the rush ...what else could lessen the impact, keep us safe? We watched the news, soup bowls in hand, of your slow approach, washed dishes, retreated to siestas ... no one knows how Huracán Otto will behave 4pm - Your rains came tumbling down and your winds a loud roar, Lights flickered then headlamp, flashlight, and cell phones sufficed We kept watch for Noah, read his story, watched a horse grazing, albeit agitated

Vegetation swayed and swirled, dancing trees collapsed on roads and roofs, water dripped through cracks and ceilings

6pm - Your power dissipated; like a new dawn we rushed out to see what had happened;

With gratitude that damage seemed minor we ate candlelight supper with neighbors! Darkness and intensity resumed and your tail came sweeping the other way like a whip.

Your sustained winds and rain quieted...You moved on! Relief settled over us…

'Til morning saw recovery in motion: chain saws, trucks, rakes, hammer and nails,

Neighbors lending hands, visits assure safety of the incommunicatos, crops flattened next to fields stand-ing tall, strangers replying 'bien, gracias a Dios!'

Yet Otto flooded nearby rivers and destroyed homes and families.

Water, food, clothing are orchestrated for distribution, generators pump clean water to tanks and re-charge cell phones.

Our hearts are humbled by your force, saddened by your trail of destruction and death

As days of uncovering impacts and recovery overwhelm

We search for rainbows of Hope, Love and Light

Our Thanksgiving prayer: the communities, the country strengthen from your unwelcomed visit.

Los Chiles, Costa Rica, 25 nov 2016, nbp

Continued from pg. 3


Milford Rotary Club and Interact/CIA hosted the a nnua l Sa nta Pa ra de on Sunda y , Dec. 4. A cold, brisk evening was faced by about 100 children and parents as they met the Leatherstocking Historical Railway train that brought Santa to Milford. He and Mrs. Claus and 2 elves then rode the fire truck into town, followed by every-one singing Christmas carols, while the Fire Department kept our walkers safe. At the Community Center he lit the Community Christmas tree lights. Refreshments were then served inside, children decorated cookies and a candy cane hunt went on, all while singing Christmas carols! Santa, of course, worked his magic and his list has been add-ed to!!

The First Annual Village Lighting & Caroling event was very well attended Saturday afternoon with al-most 70 gathered in front of the library—infants, toddlers, school kids, parents and grandparents. Stacia Norman of the Historical Society gave the villagers a hands-on presentation of tree decoration from over a century ago and handed antique Christ-mas tree candles in holders around to the children. About 40 carolers strolled through town, bringing householders out on their porches to sing along. The carolers stopped at the Milford Rotary MCS tree to sing as it was lit and to pose for this photo. They also caroled their way into The Dol-lar Store to the surprise and delight of customers and workers. The Butternut Valley Arts & Crafts Center was filled to bursting with carolers and villagers who came in to warm up and visit. The Wolf Scouts had hot chocolate, cold drinks and snacks for the carolers, and the Morris Library and Butternut Valley Art Center Trustees also had tables filled with cups of hot mulled cider and an array of baked treats.

The school kids and villagers seemed pleased with this event and many spoke of seeing it repeated next year. The organizers were happy and relieved!


Nimmonsburg Rotarians for the W eek of December 9th dona ted new w inter cloth-ing to a program which assists homeless individuals who choose not to go to shelters. The Broome Ladies of Charity take our donations and then assemble packets of warm new clothing that will supply additional insulation from the wind and cold and deliver them to homeless in the commu-nity. Nimmonsburg Rotary, mak- ing a difference, week af-ter week!

On Dec 2nd when Chenango Forks High Principal John Hillis and STEAM coordinator Kathleen Quaranta visited Nimmonsburg Rotary to share information about the development and success of the District's STEAM Academy. Pictured from left to right are Kathleen Quaranta, STEAM Co-ordinator, John Hillis, CF High School Principal and STEAM ACADEMY Founder, Miguel S., current CFHS Student, Russ Sananko Nimmonsburg Rotary 2016-2017 Vice-president and Kath-leen Dixon, Nimmonsburg Rotary 2016- 2017 President.

Nimmonsburg Rotarians 'W ra pping It Up" for our Holida y Adopt -a-Family at Decem-ber Meeting. Photos of Arden Young, Joe Pasquale, Russ Sananko, Phil LaDue, Marge Turna and Junior Rotarian Michael Turna.


Groton Rotary shared some of their surplus of school supplies with Edmeston Rotary for them to start a version of Izzy’s Closet at their elementary school. Marty Winsor, of Edmeston, transferred about $800 worth of school supplies from Groton at the Foundation Dinner.

You never know who might drop in on your Rotary meeting. On Tuesday, December 13th, Santa himself was in attendance at the Cooperstown Rotary meeting and brought some Christmas An-gels (Cooperstown’s Kindergarteners) to bring club members some special holiday cheer with a collection of seasonal songs. Cooperstown Rotary is also planning a “No meeting Meeting” to raise funds to go toward the Po-lio eradication campaign.


Endicott Rotary,

Thank you for the invitation to your Christmas party. Our club had a great time and it is true that we share the same zip code. The zip code that produced the Little League world series win-ners can recreate the economy and well being of our communities. Everyone needs to get in-volved and we are willing to do our part. We share an incredible history, perhaps unique for small town America. We were once the third greatest technology center in the United States. The concepts of the Square Deal actually formed the basis of the New Deal. George F. Johnson and Franklin Roosevelt were close friends. I think it is equally incredible that the first US winners of the Little League world series in five years would come from small town Upstate NY. I take this accomplishment as a positive sign for our communities.

Thanks, Jeff Smith

We have all heard people say that Rotary has made a difference in their life, but Nimmonsburg

Rotary recently ha d a situa tion w here Rota ry a ctua lly ma y ha ve sa ved a life! Re-


After each Friday noon meeting, Nimmonsburg Rotarians Bob Aagre, Mark Whiting, or Ed Cor-

coran take turns delivering extra catered meals to several senior citizens in the club's service ar-

ea. Since the program was started in 2012, over 700 meals have been delivered.

One Friday in early November, Ed was delivering a meal to a long-time recipient, when there was

no answer at the door. Just before leaving the home, he heard a very faint voice call out from

within. After getting a key from a neighbor and calling the local police station, an ambulance ar-

rived and took the lady to the hospital. The subsequent police report said she had fallen at 8am

on Wednesday morning on her kitchen floor and had been there for 54 hours! The good news is

she is progressing at a local convalescent facility. On Thanksgiving weekend, she called to

say how thankful she was for the people of Nimmonsburg Rotary. She didn't believe she would

be alive without us.


Feeding the Hungry Endicott Rotary ha s been feeding the hung ry a t Chr istma s time in our communi-ty for over twenty years. Families of need from the Boys and Girls Club of Western Broome and the Union Endicott School System are selected each year to receive the food gifts. They are each given three boxes of food to sustain a family for several days. The boxes include breakfast foods, lunch items, apples, pasta and sauce as well as a frozen turkey and all of the rest of a holiday meal. Endicott Rotarians gather the cases of food, assemble the boxes, then pack them and hand deliv-er the boxes to the family homes the week before Christmas each year. We do the whole packing project at Lupo's Federal Plant to maintain the proper temperature of the perishable food. Endicott Rotary supplies most of the food items from it's treasury, although the turkeys are do-nated from Wegmans. Rotary members volunteer numerous hours at basketball games at the Binghamton University concession stand to raise money for this project. It takes 10-12 members each game for 30 times a season, or more. This dedication supports many, many people in En-dicott for the holidays.

Christmas Lights at Ideal Senior Living Center Endicott Rotarians ha ve been decora ting the outdoor a rea s a round the Idea l Sen-ior Living Center for ten years. They supply the lights, extension cords and one large evergreen tree to be lit with strings of colored lights for the residents to see. Every year a group of Rotari-ans gather on a Saturday in November, brave the cold and hang the lights. There are two build-ings there so outside each building's entrances these light strings brighten the way. The two ga-zebos at each building are strung with lights as well as the fence line. The live evergreen tree is placed in the middle of the courtyard full of brightly colored lights for everyone to see from their personal rooms within. The nursing and administration staff tell us that the residents there enjoy the lights and it gives them great joy at the holiday time. Rotarians feel enlightened that they can give this piece of joy to the people that live there. The nursing center has always offered us a warm beverage and some treat before, or after this event each year to reciprocate, although none is needed, as the warmth is in our hearts. It is a labor of love.



Be a part of history! Celebrate 100 years of, “Doing Good in the World” in the city where it all began. The 100th Anniversary of the Rotary Foundation!

100 years ago at the Rotary International Convention in Atlanta, Rotary International President, Arch Klumph, proposed creating an endowment fund “for the purpose of doing good in the world”. The 1st donation was $26.50. The Rotary Foundation has grown and now has spent over $3 billion dollars on programs and projects.

Some special events include: 100th anniversary birthday party, book signing, centennial exhibit, film festival, special tours, entertainment, host hospitality night and a special zone 28-29 event. We are also planning a dis-trict event for those who are attending. Please help DG Richard achieve his goal of 100 attendees.

REGISTER NOW! Registration goes up again Dec. 15. There are 3 documents with information posted on the district website. REGISTER ONLINE at: Hurry, the hotels are filling up fast! Please contact me with any questions:

Let’s have fun together in Atlanta!

PDG, Pat Kriebel, area zone 29 Atlanta promotional chair

Are you aware of our Hand Washing project? It is following CDC, UNICEF, WHO etc Several of us are continuing this educational pro-gram but need an infusion of knowledgeable ways to reach sources of posters, videos, and Soap -bars--soap the size of hotel bars to give to k-6 kids as part of our school presentations (maybe there is a Rotarian or two who have insights into how to go about reaching some helpers) …. if so, please contact Joseph Cassaniti from the Ithaca Noon Rotary at

For those of you who missed the Foundation Dinner, here is a video so you can

see what you missed!!

Foundation Dinner 2016


Richard Matsushima District Governor


3405 Almar Dr. Vestal, NY 13850

Phone: (H) 607-770-9427

(C) 607-765-9049


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d i c t r i c t 7 17 0 . o r g

Register for Atlanta

International Conven-

tion June 10-14, 2017

Atlanta 2017

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