gps 1st quarter 2015

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Jan.Feb.March2015 Edition

THEME 2015


Women’s Ministries Day

Natural & Spiritual NEXT Gen-Leader


p. 10 p. 14

IPHC Women’s Publication

- GPS 2 -

A Place of Vision ...................Calibrate Your Compass.......#NowTrending.......................A Place of Healing.................A Place of Hope.....................A Place of Love......................A Place of Prayer...................A Place of Fellowship............A Place of Destiny..................

EMAIL: PHONE: 405-792-7132 P.O. Box 12609 Oklahoma City, OK 73157





p.3 Women’s Ministries Theme



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Women’s Ministry 2015 ThemeCOMING MID JANUARY - FREE downloadable theme templates.

Get equipped online!

Women’s Ministries DayMARCH 8

- GPS 4 -

Proverbs 4:23 says, “Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.” This is an impor-

tant thing to remember when we can allow all sorts of things into our heart. God is giving us great wisdom to guard this most valuable as-set. Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” … and then in verse 13, “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” The first step to vision - heart vision from God - is to seek Him. In Habakkuk 2:2-3 we are directed to write it down and run with it.

Seek Him – Get the Vision – Write it down – Run with the Vision

God does not say seek the vision but to seek Him. As we seek Him the vision is made clear. Each person in the body of Christ has a pur-pose. His glory is best revealed on this earth when each person is fulfilling that purpose.

Jeremiah 1:5 says, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart…”

Let’s hear that again with some more light in Hebrews 12:1-3, “Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider Him who has endured such hostility by sinners against Himself, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.”

In order to get heart vision to seek Him, we need to apply this scripture to our lives. Here it is broken down into steps of action. The first step here leads us to do the most important and vital first step of seeking Him.

A Place of Vision

As we are about to begin a new year let’s talk about vision… Heart Vision.

Vision comes from the heart. –God

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Get rid of encumbrances! We need to apply the 80/20 rule to our lives. Eighty percent of the effects in our lives come from twenty percent of the causes or actions. Are we putting off the most important of the 20%? This leads us to step 2.

Fix our eyes on Jesus. This is relationship with Him, talking with Him and listening to His still small voice where He can direct our steps and give us wis-dom.

Know He is the author and perfecter of our faith that empowers us from beginning to end. What was begun in the Spirit is finished in the Spirit. Galatians 3:3.

Run with endurance by the power of the Spirit of God the race that is set before us. Our unique, divinely inspired and specifically-for-us race.

His encouragement is to not grow weary or lose heart.

When we as the body of Christ real-ize who we are as we are connected to God, we come from a position of knowledge and clarity of direction and purpose that flows out of this relation-ship. We see that so evident in the life of Jesus, and we are to be like Him on this earth so that the world will see Him as He is and be attracted to the lover of their soul. In this we will be fulfilled and reveal His glory to the world. Sam

A Note From Sam

Samantha SnipesDirector

IPHC Women’s

This is going to be an awesome year as we connect to our creator, The Lord of all, and He illuminates our heart vision! He has uniquely signed each one of our hearts with a purpose, a vision for us to walk out in this world for such a time as this. We were born at this time to do great things for His glory and it is time for the children of God to rise up empowered by His Spirit. We are the sons and daughters of God Almighty, Creator of the universe, and Lover of our hearts. Arise and be who you were called to be. It is time to live the vision that is imprinted on your heart! For His glory is coming and we the body of Christ are the carriers! Let’s do this together!


“LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory in the heavens. Through the praise of children and infants you have established a stronghold against your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger.” (Psalm 8:2-3)

Less than a mile from the International Pentecostal Holiness Church headquar-ters, nestled at 6800 Northwest 39th Expressway in Bethany, Oklahoma, is The Children’s Center Rehabilitation Hospital. Herein, packaged up in the children and staff, resides a formidable spiritual fortress and witness to the beauty, majesty, and glory of God. The Children’s Center Rehabilitation Hospital is a private non-profit hospital which offers 24-hour medical care, comprehensive rehabilitative therapies, respiratory care, and special education for up to 400 inpatients and 2000 outpatients each year.

As chaplain, I encounter Christ on a daily basis through the lives of these precious chil-dren. I never dreamed the people I came to serve would teach me so powerfully of God and the value He places on life. I write this

to give testimony to God’s handiwork and in hopes you will join me as a co-laborer in this rich harvest field.

I want to give voice to the faith of Abby Gonzales who recently turned seven. Abby’s beauty and warmth radiate from her. She was born with Spinal Muscular Atrophy, leaving her ventilator-dependent and in need of 24-hour medical care. For Abby, progress is measured by small movements, like a quick smile, an upward glance for yes, and a strong blink for no. Simple motions let people around her know how she is feeling.

I show famous paintings to the children of how people have imagined Jesus to look. While looking through the portraits with Abby, I discovered something astonishing. She relayed that Jesus had visited her, most of the times in the evenings. Since then, I have come to find that these visits are not unique to Abby. Initially, I was puzzled when Abby chose Rembrandt’s Jesus on the Cross as her favorite painting. After pondering, I won-dered if perhaps Abby could relate to a God Who knew what it felt like to suffer and feel trapped in a broken body. Human suffering

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finds meaning, hope, and purpose in the cross.

Abby previews worship and teaching videos to give her opinion as to whether the other children would like and benefit from them. Most recently her favorite DVD is the Praise Baby collection. We are learning to engage our soul in these worship songs as a form of prayer. “Through the praise of children and infants you have estab-lished a stronghold against your ene-mies, to silence the foe and the avenger.” (Psalm 8:2-3)

Abby recently accepted the challenge to pray for other people. Her stretches of time in bed offer opportunity to pray. Employees are aware they can discretely share prayer needs with Abby. I try to keep her up to date on a few world events so she can pray for children around the world as well. Recently, Dr. Lou Shirey and the staff from the Inter-national Pentecostal Holiness Church Head-quarters toured our facility. I was moved to be with Lou when he met with and shared his prayer requests tenderly and earnestly with Abby.

Isaiah alludes to the promi-nent place people with dis-abilities have in His Kingdom, “those I will bring to My holy mountain and make them joy-ful in My house of prayer…For My house will be called a house of prayer for all the peo-ples.” (Isaiah 56:6) In 2015 we will embark on a prayer series to further equip the children in their calling.

When the Pharisees indig-nantly asked Jesus, “Do you hear what these children are saying?” Jesus said to them, “Yes; have you never read,


I invite you to join me on the holy pilgrim-age of giving ear and voice to the worship and need of the children at The Children’s Center Rehabilitation Hospital. Please pray for us as God continues to establish a stronghold against His enemies through these children. In particular pray for:

• Hope and healing for children and their families

• Wisdom for our administration and staff• Anointing on chapel services and 2015

prayer series • Revival and awakening amongst the

staff and children • God to help us understand the chil-

dren’s communication • Provision for our new expansion proj-


-Children’s Center Chaplain Dorothy Bayles

Children’s Center Chaplain, Dorothy Bayles, visit-ing with a patient. The IPHC Women’s Ministry has been a supporter for over 15 years.

- GPS 8 -

Interested in small group guides? Click here to find more info on the

Becoming Home book by Barna Frames.

Order your Frames series from LifeSprings today!

The month of January holds a special focus on Sanctity of Human Life. We believe that every human life is formed in God’s image and deeply loved by Him. Adoption and foster care holds an important role as well. “Caring for orphans is at the very heartbeat of God. It reveals his true character to the world like nothing else we can do.”- Barna Group. Do we as the church put a big enough emphasis on this?



GArticle and images by BarnaGroup

FRAMESsmall group topics#NOW

- Leader’s GPS 9 -

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By Dr. Brenda Grasty, Asst. General Director of IPHC Women’s Ministries

While on the IPHC Women’s Minis-tries’ mission trip to Spain, Lydia Figueroa demonstrated for the la-

dies in Kathy Petty’s language school a method of massaging the feet in order to help maintain health throughout the entire body. Using her creativity she rolled a filled water bottle back and forth across the bottom of her foot to make her point and it was very effective.

There is a term which is Greek in origin called “reflexology” that is defined as a natural healing art based on the principle that there are reflexes in the feet which correspond to every part, gland and organ of the body. Through ap-plication of pressure on these reflexes without the use of tools, creams or lotions, reflexology relieves tension, improves circulation and helps promote the natural function of the related ar-

eas of the body. And so it is believed that stress and pain can

be relieved in other parts of the body through the manipulation of the feet, as the pressure received in the feet may send signals that “bal-ance” the nervous system or release chemicals such as endorphins that reduce stress and pain. This chart shows the area of the body which is affected by manipulation of the cor-responding part of the foot. Interesting facts about feet:

• Feet are actual mirrors of our health: many times signs of diabetes, arthritis, circulatory or neurological diseases often appear first in your feet.

• The foot consists of 26 bones, all vital to balancing the body; while one foot prob-lem, i.e. corns, bunions, athlete’s foot,

A Place of Healing

Dr. Brenda GrastyAsst. Director

IPHC Women’s Ministries

- GPS 11 -

gout, ingrown toenails, turf toe, or heel spurs can stop you in your tracks.

• The number one cause of foot problems is wearing shoes that don’t fit properly. (That’s why I always make sure my very high heels fit properly).

But our feet also have spiritual significance. The prophet Isaiah talks about God and feet in Isaiah 52:7 (NASB) “How lovely on the moun-tains are the feet of him who brings good news, who announces peace and brings good news of happiness, who announces salvation, and says to Zion, ‘your God reigns!’”

Now, there are a lot of words I could use to describe feet, but beautiful is not a word that most readily comes to mind. But this verse tells us that God thinks feet are beautiful … not be-cause of how they look, but because of where they can go to cause happiness by sharing the good news. God says the feet of anyone who is willing to go anywhere and share with any-body the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ are beautiful feet. Rise up, Deb-orahs! Walk on those beautiful, happy feet through the doors that God opens!

Whether our feet carry us across the street or around the world to Spain to share our story of how Christ has changed our lives, we must always put our best (healthy) foot forward and our (spiritual) feet will make God happy and others happy when we take those steps toward being on mission for God.

Natural feet or spiritual feet … they can be

“Happy Feet” … without physical pain, but with good news to share… it is a mis-sionary message. Women’s Ministries is on a mission, so every time you look at your feet, be reminded of the message you have to share … then SHARE IT!


There is a term which is Greek in origin called “reflexology” that is defined as a natural healing art based on the principle that there are reflexes in the feet which cor-respond to every part, gland and organ of the body.

- Leader’s GPS 12 -

In the past several weeks many churches were using an Advent wreath as part of the Advent and Christmas worship ser-

vices. As I was researching the Advent Wreath, how appropriate when I read that the first candle is The Prophecy Candle or Candle of HOPE.

We can have hope because God is faith-ful and will keep the promises made to us. Our hope comes from God. “And again, Isa-iah says, ‘The Root of Jesse will spring up, one who will arise to rule over the nations; the Gentiles will hope in him.’ May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” (Romans 15:12-13)

I recently received an e-mail from former General W.M. Director, Mrs. Mary Belle John-

son sharing her induction to Forever Loved Ministries at her local church in Kenly, North Carolina.

• An invitation was given to all the widowed ladies of the church. The event was a “Widow’s Outing” luncheon.

• Mary Belle went to the home of each lady to take her to the luncheon. Not a single one had to leave her house to meet them or to drive her car anywhere. Mary Belle says her van was loaded with these ‘very special’ women.

They had lunch together and then they had a “Round Table” time for remembering. (They actually sat at a round table so each lady could see all the others.) This was open to all that wanted to talk and those who might choose not too was understandable. Needless to say every

A Place of Hope

Patsy DeeseSecretaryIPHC Women’s Ministries

- GPS 13 -


lady joined in this time of remembering her deceased spouse. It was so enjoyable to hear them answer and discuss some prepared ques-

tions as Mary Belle presented them:

Questions: (use only those that you choose and those that time al-lows)

1. What “nick-name” did your husband call you?

2. Did he ever sing to you? If so, what was the song?

3. What was his favorite meal or dish you made for him?

4. What was one thing he did that made you laugh?

5. What was his favorite past time or hobby?6. Did he have a favorite TV show? If so,

what was it?

7. What was a hymn or church song he re-ally enjoyed?

8. What was his all-time “BUSYness?”9. What is the one thing you most remember

him for?10. What was your “nick-name” for him?11. Last but not least – What advice would

you give a friend who becomes a wid-owed lady like yourself?

Mary Belle indicated that these ladies found this to be a release valve for them. They are planning another meeting soon.

This would be a great outreach for your local churches during the Valentine’s season or any time of the year. Let’s not forget we are to be Christ’s hands extended and reach out to those that are feeling a big loss in their hearts and lives.

- Leader’s GPS 14 -

“Her name was Sharon. She spoke into my spirit things I couldn’t even imagine about

myself, she believed in me and she thought I was pretty special. She was my Naomi!” God designed us to be in relationship with one another for the betterment of individuals, one’s community and one’s local church. From gen-eration to generation, He has a place, a plan, and a purpose for every man, woman, and child in His kingdom. God promised Abraham in Gen-esis 22:18 that through his offspring all nations on earth would be blessed. The Lord blessed Sharon and she blessed me with her loving and nurturing spirit!

As the IPHC family we seek to make room for, raise, provide opportunities for, and honor every single member of our Church, no matter his or her age, as we serve the Lord together. One of our Seven Core Values is, “We Prayer-fully Value All Generations.” The church is not just a place to be ministered to, but to be

engaged-all ages and all people types! In the book Lost and Found, Ed Stetzer,

Richie Stanley, and Jason Hayes make an in-teresting observation that generations no longer worship together. It now appears normal that the older generations meet together wearing suits and singing hymns, boomers wear Hawai-ian shirts, and sing preppy songs about how Jesus changed their lives, and emerging gen-erations meet in dark rooms singing in minor keys. Does that sound like your church?

We are many parts that make up one body and we must be engaged with one another for His will to truly be manifested in our communi-ties of faith. God designed us for fellowship (Acts 2:42-47). He desires for us to confess to one another our struggles and weaknesses, to encourage one another and empower each other (James 5:16).

I am thrilled that our IPHC WM embraces this core value and we engage with and make a way for these younger ladies through our Next-

A Place of Love Michelle DrakeBoard Member

IPHC Women’s Ministries

- GPS 15 -

Gen Leaders initiative. Next Generation (NextGen) Leaders is about trust---Trusting God and trusting the younger women in our movement. While some of us grew up in a time of not trusting anyone over 30, today’s young adults seek supportive mentoring rela-tionships with older leaders.

As women, we long for a place where every-one knows our name! The WM’s “C” Groups provide just that opportunity. These groups provide a place where friendships deepen and relationships are cultivated. These smaller shared interest groups let women bond with each other.

The next generation cannot expect to ac-complish great feats for the kingdom without the imparted wisdom, mentoring, and nurturing from those who have gone before them.

• Moses & Joshua• Ruth & Naomi• Paul & Timothy• Jochebed & Miriam God is, and always has been, intentional

about His will for all generation. After his

own personal study of Isaiah 54, Bishop A.D. Beacham, Jr. has challenged the IPHC family to study this passage corporately.

In particular, special attention has been given to its emphasis on generations. Consider a Bible study group focused on Isaiah 54.

The IPHC WM is a place of hope for all gen-erations. Where there is love, there is hope. They will know we are Christians by the love we show. On our WM’s trip to Spain, we minis-tered to women of all ages- young, middle-aged and seasoned. Our hearts were blessed as we shared the love of the Lord. Love and hope are like sisters in Christ….they just belong together!

Hope is found….• As we interact with all ages• As we reach the lost• As we worship together• As we empower others• As we fellowship with the saintsThe IPHC values all generations. There is

hope in the future of our church, and we believe that He will fulfill his promises to the IPHC.

Loving Him!Michelle

Next Generation

Leaderby Andy Stanley


by Stasi Eldredge

How SuccessfulPeople Lead

by John Maxwell

Recommended Reading

- Leader’s GPS 16 -

When we pray, it is praiseworthy to know that as believers, we have inherited God’s Power. We have

three main spiritual weapons in our hands- these are the Word of God, the Name of Jesus, and the Blood of Jesus-weapons to use against the strongholds that many times hinder our prayers.

In Ephesians 1:18, Paul prayed the following: “I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you will know what the hope of His calling is, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe.”

We are empowered as we come before Him in prayer knowing that He will forever be in us and for us for all eternity. God has given us a powerful inheritance. It is empowering to know

that through our identity in Christ we are:

ACCEPTEDWe renounce the lie that we are rejected,

unloved, or shameful. We can pray with full confidence decreeing

what God’s Word says about our acceptance:WE: Are God’s children - are Christ’s friends

- have been justified - have been united with the Lord - are one spirit with Him - have been bought with a price - belong to God - are mem-bers of Christ’s Body - are saints - are holy - have been adopted as God’s children - have direct access to God through the Holy Spirit - have been redeemed and forgiven of all our sins - are complete in Christ.

SECUREWe renounce the lie that we are guilty, unpro-

tected, alone, or abandoned. We can pray with full confidence decreeing

what God’s Word says about our security:WE: Are free from condemnation - are as-

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A Place of Prayer

Lydia TreviñoBoard Member

IPHC Women’s Ministries

- Leader’s GPS 19 -

sured that all things work together for good - are free from any condemning charges against us - cannot be separated from the love of God - have been established, anointed and sealed by God - are confident that the good work God has begun in us will be perfected - are citizens of heaven - are hidden with Christ in God - have not been given a spirit of fear but of power, love and discipline - can find grace and mercy to help in time of need - are born of God and the evil one cannot touch us.

SIGNIFICANTWe renounce the lie that we are worthless,

inadequate, helpless, or hopeless. We can pray with full confidence decreeing

what God’s Word says about our significance:WE: Are the salt of the earth and the light of

the world - are a branch of the true vine, Jesus, a channel of His life - have been chosen and ap-pointed by God to bear fruit - are personal, Spir-it-empowered witnesses of Christ - are temples of God - are ministers of reconciliation for God - are God’s coworkers - are seated with Christ in the heavenly realm - are God’s workmanship - are created for good works - may approach God with freedom and confidence - can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.

This is our inheritance in Christ freely given to all believers, and we are empowered know-ing that as we approach our Father in prayer, His Office is always open for us, no appoint-ment necessary. We have immediate access to the Creator of the universe. Mark 11:24 says, “Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask

when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.” As accepted, secure, and significant children of His, we can talk to our Heavenly Father who listens and answers! Our voice matters in heaven. He takes us very seriously. When we enter His Presence there is no need to fear that you will be ignored, or feel invisible. No matter if we stammer, or stumble for words, or our accent may sound funny, or what we say may not be very impressive to oth-ers, it impresses God, and He listens. He cares about us!

Today let us go forth as EMPOWERED prayer warriors who will not back down or sur-render to the enemy’s propaganda of defeat in our prayer lives. Our prayers will be answered either immediately, or a little later, but just know that it will be in the precise moment our Heav-enly Father knows best.

“God Himself is the POWER that makes prayer work.”-Billy Graham

“His Office is always open for us;no appointment necessary. “


- Leader’s GPS 20 -

NEW “GoodThe


A Place of Fellowship

Janice MarshburnBoard MemberIPHC Women’s Ministries


I am old enough to say I remember the “good old days.” What I remember most was not singing from a hymnal versus a

screen, but the powerful move of God in service after service. In my younger years, my Daddy pastored a small church in a fishing village in Sneads Ferry, NC. I remember the windows being open and the unsaved sitting on car hoods outside listening while under the convic-tion of the Holy Spirit. I remember my Daddy praying for the “local drunk” at the altar. It was in that small church that he held his grandson in his arms, prayed a simple prayer of faith and he was instantly healed of Cystic Fibrosis. Howev-er, what is foremost in my memories is the tarry-ing around the altar which resulted in super-natural healings and the experiences of salvation, sanctification, and

baptism in the Holy Spirit. In recent months the Holy Spirit has

been speaking to my heart about a place of fellowship with God, about tarrying until He inter-venes, about making some NEW “good old days” memo-

ries through Women’s Minis-tries.

Some are concerned that Women’s Minis-tries has declined in attendance and enthu-

siasm thus focusing on days gone by. Let us ex-

amine the situation! Could it be that we are like the Hebrews

in Haggai 1 who were caught up with taking

care of their own house while the temple of God

was in ruins? Are we guilty of being distracted by the

less important and neglect-ing a place of fellowship before

our Lord by interceding for the ministry until He intervenes? On September 10, 2014, I was given a prophetic word that women of the IPHC Women’s Ministries are part of God’s end time strategy and that we are an arsenal (a stockpile of weapons) against the enemy. But ladies, to be strong in the Lord and the power of His might, to be ready for the attack, and to attack back, we must fellowship with Him in a place of fasting and prayer.

In order to make some NEW “good old days” memories, I challenge you to offer the sugges-tion to each local Women’s Ministries group to fast at least one meal weekly for Women’s Ministries on the local, conference and general levels. Establish and publish prayer targets. Suggestions might include:

• That there will be an awaken-ing to the spiritual blessing and value of Women’s Ministries.

• That we would expand the vi-sion relevant to the needs of all generations.

• That we would begin to experi-ence an increase of salvations, healings, and deliverance in today’s women.

• That our women would be bold enough to lay hands on the sick and speak to the storm experiencing healing and calmness.

• That there would be increase in our local church as a result of Women’s Ministries activi-ties.

Encourage feedback and publish the testimo-nies. Let’s end the race with Women’s Minis-tries being better than when it began!

- GPS 21-

- GPS 22 -

A Place of Destiny

From the time our first child was three months old, winter found the Parker family headed to the ski slopes of New

Mexico. In addition to snow skiing, one of our side trips was to the Rio Grande Gorge outside of Taos. It is a beautiful gorge cut by the forces of the river below and the bridge is the 7th high-est in the United States.

In 2003, David and I took my parents to New Mexico on a mini-vacation. After a beautiful train ride through the mountains, we stopped back by the Rio Grande Gorge. It was starting to rain so David decided to drop me and my parents off right at the middle of the bridge. I put up the umbrella and attempted to protect my parents

from the rain. After just a minute or so I realized that something was terribly wrong. I felt an electrical sensation coursing through my body that was very frightening and I realized it was coming from the umbrella. I attempted to “let it go,” but it literally had my hand in its grip. I could not straighten nor tear my fingers away from the umbrella.

My father grabbed my hand confident that he would be able to pry my hands off the umbrella. As my son would tell you, my Dad sent many of his friends to their knees because of his power-ful grip, but it did nothing to loosen my grip of the umbrella.

Instead, touching me sent the electrical

Let it




Janice MarshburnBoard MemberIPHC Women’s Ministries

- GPS 23 -

impulses through him. His powerful grip was no match for that electrical current. My mother tried to help me as well. I was literally shocking anything that touched me.

David had not made it back yet, so I finally convinced my parents to quit trying. I hurried over to the edge of the bridge and began shak-ing my arm with every ounce of strength I could give it. It took a lot of shaking, but the umbrella finally broke away from my grip and went crash-ing into the gorge below us. I had finally been able to “let go” of the thing that was threatening my life.

Long before “Let It Go” won Best Origi-nal Song at the 86th Academy Awards in March 2014, many scriptures had been writ-ten throughout the Bible regarding the subject of holding on or letting go. Some of you have heard me speak on my experience at the Rio Grande that day and the things God later showed me as I thought about it.

With a brand new year facing us, I am choos-ing to share some of those thoughts with you. Hebrews 12:1 says, “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.”

Let’s evaluate my Rio Grande Gorge expe-rience using this verse from Hebrews. I had placed my faith in that umbrella that morning to protect us from the rain. Instead, it became the conduit of another power that was dangerous. No matter how hard I tried, I passed on that

danger to everyone I touched. The same is true of our sins, our actions, our attitudes, perhaps even our good intentions. When we have hold of the wrong thing, it can bring us down and af-fect everyone around us.

1 Thessalonians 5:21 (NIV), which is at the end of some great instructional text, admonish-es us to “test them all,” and to “hold on to what is good.” It didn’t take me long that afternoon to “test” that umbrella and realize that it was connecting me to the source of danger. I knew I had to literally “shake it off.”

By the same token, I found numerous scrip-tures that advise us to “hold on.” Duet. 13:4 says, “It is the Lord your God you must fol-low, and him you must revere, Keep his com-mands and obey him; serve him and hold fast to him.” Proverbs 4:13 tells us to

“Hold on to instruction, do not let it go; guard it well, for it is your life.” And He-brews 4:14 tells us to hold firmly to the faith we profess through Jesus Christ.

My challenge to you as you prepare for 2015 is to determine which things to let go of and

Janice MarshburnBoard MemberIPHC Women’s Ministries

IPHC Girls’ Ministries Board at the WM & GM Summit in San Diego, CA.

IPHC women across the United States came together for Harvest Train, located in Falcon, N.C.

Conference GM Director’s taking part in the Girl’s Ministries training at the WM & GM Summit.

- GPS 24 -

which things to hold on to. I would like to remind you of three things that God gave me several years ago for Girls’ Ministries leaders. First of all, everything you do must be motivated by

Passion–God’s passion. In Romans 12:8, where the gifts are discussed, Paul emphasizes that “the leader should lead with passion.” Next, take hold of Excellence. Ecclesiastes 9:10 challenges us to excellence when it says, “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might….” In other words, do it with excellence. Finally, keep your Zeal! Ro-mans 12:11 says, “never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.”

Charter Renewal TimeJanuary is the time to renew the Girls’ Minis-

tries charter in the local church. This application process is a crucial aspect of IPHC Girls’ Minis-tries. I know this can be a challenge, but thank you for every effort that you make in helping your leaders understand that it benefits all of us when they charter each year. As we discussed briefly at our Leadership Summit in San Diego, we must find new ways to engage our local

churches in this process. The charter fee is an essential part of my general level budget and I know that it is equally important for your confer-ence level budget.

Let’s make it a New Year’s Resolution to work together to increase our charters in 2015. One benefit this year is that with an active 2015 charter, the church will receive a $5 per per-son discount on the registration fee for Power Chicks ’15. A great place to start is to make sure that every church with Rangers has GM and vice versa!


falls in January around the landmark date of Roe vs Wade. This makes it a great time to highlight Baby Hope Club in the local church and how it benefits the unborn children of the residents at our IPHC maternity home.

For more information and resources on Sanc-tity of Human Life Week, we recommend visit-ing the website of Be A Voice for Life.

This year’s date is set for Sunday, Janu-ary 18, 2015. We ask that you promote Baby

Hope Club all year long. Your churches can mail their offer-ings to the conference and then your treasury can send those funds directly to The Royal Home.

hereby certifies that


in the ________________________________________________

Given this _______ day of ________________, _______

________________________ __________________________ IPHC General Girls’ Ministries Director Conference Girls’ Ministries Director

River of LifeHeartland Conference

1st January 2012




- GPS 26 -

by Nancy Leigh DeMoss

A pastor’s wife is often

in the shadow of the man who fills the pul-pit every Sunday. Most of the time, she is pleased that God has called her husband to this place of selfless service, but there are days when she wishes for a more “normal” life. She listens to her husband’s dreams for the ministry, and creates a safe haven for him when it seems he has no friends. She loves and respects him, prays for him, and serves him.

But who will listen to, encourage, and pray for her needs? Most people focus on the needs of their pastor, but one of the greatest gifts a congregation can give to their pastor is to pray for and care for his wife and family.

We must never forget that pastors’ wives are human. They face the same challenges

as other women in the congregation. They are tempted to sin, grow weary in ministry, and often struggle to balance their roles and responsibilities.

Your pastor’s wife needs encouragement, friendships, support, practical help, and most of all, earnest prayer. Your prayers are crucial to her spiritual and emotional health, and God will reward your efforts to cover your pastor’s wife in prayer.

If you accept the challenge to pray for your pastor’s wife, let her know that you are praying for her. Ask her if she has specific prayer requests.

Click here for a 30 day prayer guide with accompanying Scriptures which offer some practical ways to pray for your pastor’s wife.

*Taken from

for YourPASTOR’S



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