grace and the time machine. a plural noun names more than one person, place, or thing. many nouns...

Post on 29-Dec-2015






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Grace and the Time Machine

A plural noun names more than one person, place, or thing. Many nouns add –s to form the plural.

An irregular plural noun has a special form for the plural.

Singular Nouns The child kept a pet mouse.

Irregular Plural NounsThe children kept

pet mice. Some nouns and their irregular plural

forms are calf/calves, child/children, deer/deer, foot/feet, goose/geese, leaf/leaves, life/lives, loaf/loaves, man/men, moose/moose, mouse/mice, sheep/sheep, shelf/shelves, tooth/teeth, wife/wives, wolf/wolves, woman/women

The children at our school take care of many animals.

We make sure our animals lead happy lives.

We keep mice in our classroom. The fish tanks are on shelves by the

window. Two geese live in a pen near the

playground. They eat grain and crumbs from old

loaves of bread.

In school we are studying the life of frontier family.

Man had to do many difficult task every day.

Their wife worked hard in their homes and garden.

Even the cat had to work at catching mouse!

The child also had to help with family chore.

They might feed the hens, duck, and goose.

Child foot loaf tooth wolf

Every Friday afternoon in winter, my grandmother bakes _______ of crusty raisin bread.

I rush home from school on Friday as fast as my _____ will carry me.

Sometimes Grandma will invite other ____ from the neighborhood to come to our house.

We attack the hot bread like hungry _______.

We just can’t wait to get our _____ into that fresh raisin bread.

Goose walked on big yellow flip-flops!A.Goose B. Gooses C. Geese D.

Geeses Wolf have soft and furry paws.A.Wolves B. Wolvs C. Wolfes D.Wolvies What are your foot like?A.feetsB. feet C. foots D. feete The ones that mouse have are very tiny.A.mouses B. mices C. moose D. mice

Foot life mouse shelftooth

I have two white _______ named Georgette and Zelda. They live in a wire cage on one of the _______ in my bedroom. Georgette loves to climb up the sides and cling with her tiny _________. Zelda prefers to clean her yellow __________ by chewing on a piece of wood. Georgette and Zelda lead active _________.

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