grace christian school · students were blessed to have retired los angeles fire captain todd woods...

Post on 02-Jun-2020






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Calling all budding scientists and artists! It’s time to start preparing your masterpiece for the

Science Arts and Crafts Festival. All students are welcome to…and encouraged to participate, showing off a bit of the God

given unique character and talent each one possesses. Get creative! Anything that shows a child’s interest, creativity, and skill in making a craft, model, science project or work of art is acceptable. Students can enter a student original,

prefabricated kit project or student/family project. Be sure to check the flyer sent home with students for details.

Grace Christian School

Important Dates

January 8

Spirit Day

Wear Pajamas

Dr. Don Pettinger 4545 Myra Avenue 714/761-5200

Superintendent Cypress, Ca 90630

Projects need to be dropped off at the lunch tables before school on the day of the Festival along

with a completed entry card. This is necessary so that projects can be organized and set up for

display by the time the Festival begins at 5:00pm.

McTeacher Night

4:00 – 7:oopm

in Cypress

January 15 January 16 January 20

In-service day

School dismissed

at 11:30am

No School

Preschool, Elementary, & Junior High

Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday

Several of our outstanding Junior High students were inducted into the National Junior Honor Society

in a ceremony attended by proud family, friends and the Junior High student body. NJHS is an organization that recognizes an elite group of students who demonstrate excellence

in the pillars of scholarship, leadership, service, character and citizenship.

The GCS chapter has been responsible for several service projects including school wide food drives, running the student store, collecting and delivering gift cards to the Casa Youth Shelter,

making and delivering cards and treats to teachers and participating in cleaning projects on campus…just to name a few. These students are making a difference in our community and

surrounding communities. The ceremony was organized and conducted by Mrs. Noorigian, the Academic Advisor,

and the 2019 – 2020 elected board members: President Viannca, Secretary Kellene, Tresurer Emilee and Historian Ashlynn. Keep an eye on these students…they are our country’s future leaders.

Grace Christian School January 2020

Not only is Mr. Kiszeli an amazing Junior High Science teacher who

teaches passionately, he is also a Godly example of a man who cares

deeply about kids who need a positive influence in their lives.

Mr. Kiszeli was recognized this month by the Los Angeles County

Sheriff’s Department for his 10+ years of service. He volunteers with

Youth Activity League providing at risk Junior High and High School

youth with a diving experience. Mr. Kiszeli is a certified Master Scuba

Diver himself. Students participate in 2 sessions in a pool and then are

taken to Catalina or one of the other local islands for an ocean dive

experience. The goal of the program is to get these young people off

the streets and away from gang influence.

Grace Christian School January 2020

GCS Sports Report

There was an amazing turn out at tryouts for both the boys basketball and Girls Volleyball teams.

Making final team selections was tough but both teams look strong. All of the athletes are ready to hone their skills and

put quite a few tally marks in the WIN column! Good Luck Roadrunners.

Tues. Jan. 14 Grace at Newport Fri. Jan. 17 vs. Vineyard at MAPS Wed. Jan. 22 vs. Covenant at MAPS Tues. Jan. 28 Grace at Vineyard Tues. Feb. 4 vs. Bethany at MAPS Thurs. Feb. 13 Grace at Covenant Fri. Feb. 21 vs. Newport at MAPS Fri. Feb. 28 vs. Bethany at MAPS

Wed. Jan. 15 Grace at Huntington (3:15pm) Thur. Jan. 23 Home game vs. Bethany Tues. Jan. 28 Home game vs. Calvary YL Thurs. Jan. 30 Grace at Vineyard Thurs. Feb. 6 Grace at Calvary Yorba Linda Tues. Feb. 11 Grace vs. Bethany at MAPS Tues. Feb. 18 Home game vs. Vineyard Tues. Feb. 25 Home game vs. Huntington

The Boys will be playing their home games at MAPS. It’s just a few minutes away. They would appreciate some GCS fans in the stands cheering them on to

victory! Games begin at 3:30pm.

The Girls will be playing their home games on campus…mark your calendar and come on out to show your support cheering them

on to victory. Games begin at 3:30pm.

Grace Christian School January 2020

We are pleased to share that we have a

new PST President.

Mrs. Shawn Menendez, who is a mom of three boys here at GCS, has excitedly stepped into the

position. She has already been volunteering her time throughout the school year in a variety of

capacities helping with several of our campus events. She is looking forward to partnering with

both Dr. Pettinger and the staff, as well as the parents, on behalf of our students.

As with any organization, success comes from the willingness of others

to jump in and lend a helping hand.

There will be a PST meeting

Wednesday, January 15th in the MPR at 8:45am.

Make it a plan to come in, meet the President, and see how you can get involved.

4th grade students

have been learning about California history and were

able to visit the San Juan

Capistrano Mission for the day!

Grace Christian School January 2020

5th grade students from Mrs. Cashman’s class shared with students how all the STUFF used to decorate for Christmas is not just STUFF. Each of those items has meaning signifying our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Did you know that the ornaments on a Christmas tree symbolize the blessings in our lives? Ornaments, just like blessings, come in all shapes and sizes; as you think of

the blessings God has given, you will find out you will run out of ornaments to place on the tree before you can name all those

blessings. Lights and candles bring light into the darkness…just as Jesus is the light that overpowers the darkness. It is His desire that we go into the world and share that light so it continues to grow. The wreath is in the shape of a circle

symbolizing how there is no beginning or end to God’s love, and that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and always. The three

stripes on a candy cane represent the trinity with the red symbolizing the blood shed by Jesus for the forgiveness of our sins, and the white symbolizing the purity of Jesus. Students

shared even more about the evergreen tree, bells, stars, angels, presents and even the wrapping paper…it is so much more than just STUFF. The 5th graders sent candy canes home with each student as a reminder that Christmas really is all about Jesus.

The next Spirit Day will be Wednesday, January 8th.

No need to even get dressed in the morning…it’s pajama day!

Grace Christian School January 2020

Students were blessed to have retired Los Angeles Fire Captain Todd Woods in Chapel share some words of wisdom. We cannot always control our circumstances. And

sometimes we become a part of situations that have unexpected outcomes. Captain Wood’s family relocated from South Central LA to Diamond Bar when he was a child, and he experienced quite a bit of bullying from older kids in the neighborhood because of the

color of his skin. His experiences planted seeds in his heart that led him to follow a desire to help others which then led to his career as a firefighter. Captain Wood also

shared about an invitation he received from a friend when he was in junior high to go on a mission trip. He came home with a changed heart and a new perspective ready to give

His life to the Lord…the beginning of a life long journey serving the Lord. Things are going to happen – everything in your life, good or bad, will have an impact on the

decisions you make in the future. He challenged students to love the Lord with one’s whole being and to love neighbors…even when it is tough to do so.

Mrs. Clarke posed the question to students, “Why do we need a Savior?’ Adam and Eve believed a lie, disobeyed God thus bringing sin into the world. Students read scripture

about how the result of that event separated us from God. The payment for sin is death. And no matter what we do, we cannot do enough to earn our way to heaven. But God

did not leave us in that desperate situation. God sent His one and only Son who died for us and offered the free gift of salvation. Jesus wasn’t just a baby born here on earth. He came to earth with a purpose…His birth resulted in our redemption as long as we

choose to believe in Him and confess our sins. While evil entered the world when Adam and Eve chose to disobey, and it seemed as if the serpent was victorious when Jesus died on the cross, it is Jesus who claimed victory over evil and death when he rose on the third day. And this is why the celebration of Christmas and the birth of the Savior

is so precious to those of us who call ourselves believers.

After establishing an answer to the question as to why we need a Savior, Mrs. Clarke presented another question to the Junior High students, “How do we know Jesus was the

Savior?” The answer in its simplest form is this…the Bible tells us He is, and as Christians, we know the Bible is truth because it was God breathed and we know God

does not lie. Beyond that, we look at the scriptures and the prophesies made about the Savior to come. Did you know that more than 200 prophesies were fulfilled by Jesus? What are the odds of that many prophesies being fulfilled if Jesus was not the Savior?

The answer is a bit mind boggling. The odds against one person fulfilling that many prophesies is beyond all mathematical probability it could ever happen no matter how much time was allotted. Wow! The bottom line is that even if you don’t believe that

Jesus came as our Savior, it doesn’t change the truth of it. Beyond the Bible, there are other historical documents proving that He lived and the events surrounding his birth, life, ministry, death and resurrection. That should change the way you look at life and

what comes to mind when you consider Christmas. Zion also challenged students to not lose sight as to the real meaning of Christmas. Giving and receiving gifts is wonderful.

But it all started on that first Christmas when God sent Jesus to save us from our wrongdoings…that was, and will always be, the greatest gift of all. Amen!

Grace Christian School January 2020

What a beautiful way to enter the season with our students dressed in their holiday best

celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior. What a blessing to all in attendance.


Grace Christian School January 2020

Our Littlest Roadrunners brought to life the true reason for which we celebrate the Christmas season…sharing the story of the birth of our Savior.

“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be on His shoulder:

and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God,

The Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6

Grace Christian School January 2020

Mr. Kiszeli took a group of Junior Highers from the

Adventure Club out for an afternoon of mountain

biking in San Dimas at Marshall Canyon.

Grace Christian School January 2020

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