grace episcopal church lexington, north the gracevine...“if we can start to look for the light of...

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November 2019

Grace Episcopal Church Lexington, North The GraceVine

My recent retreat at the beach began as usual, with coffee, morning prayer, cereal, and a little later a long walk along the shore to clean out any negativity still clinging to me after my drive over the bridge onto the island. The sun, surf, sand, sound, and breeze all work together creating what I can only describe as “a car wash effect” – that strips away all the residue and “bad ju-ju” from my journey in the world to reveal the true colors of self underneath.

But, as I wondered and contemplated all this beauty for a snail, it struck me, who are you to judge? Is -- or ‘was’ as nobody was home in this shell -- not this snail one of God’s creatures, created just as you are, and in God’s eyes just as worthy of God’s favor and love? Maybe more so, because the snail was fully accepting of his snail-ness; he never saw himself as anything other; never thought them self as or tried to be a crab, lobster, or even a shark … something they weren’t. They were happy being “snail” and would’ve praised God for being “fearfully and wonderfully made” even if their shell was plain.

As this thought filled me, in my reading in preparation for Advent this quote from Amy-Jill Levine jumped off the page:

“If we can start to look for the light of the divine in front of our eyes rather than search the stars (or in my case, sea and shore) we’ll be ready when we hear stories of sower and seed, vines and fig trees, yeast and fish. Signs are all around us, if we take the time to look” (“Light of the World: A beginner’s guide to Advent,” Pg. 92).

Like Jesus’ parable of “the lilies of the field,” this is not about a shell or a snail … it’s about us … about me … about you … about our neighbor … those we love and those we’re continually struggling to love … how we are all beautifully and wonderfully made. If God so glorifies a humble snail, how much more then, us? Where and how have you been “fearfully and wonderfully made”? How has God clothed and crowned you? and how do the waters of our baptism make all this wonderfulness of our lives more vivid? “The light of the divine is right in front of our eyes … if we only take time to look.”

Until next time, when once again we’ll gather ‘round The Master’s Bench,

I bid you peace.

Fr. Alton+

“At the Master’s Bench” by The Rev. M. Alton Plummer Grace Episcopal Church 419 S. Main Street Lexington, NC 27292-3234 336.249.7211 phone 336.249.8711 fax or Sunday Services Rite 1 - 9:00 a.m., in the Chapel Rite 2 - 11:00 a.m., in the Church 9:45 a.m., Sunday School Summer - 10:00 a.m. in the Chapel

I strolled the expanse of sand at low tide, when suddenly at my feet, shining like a jewel, sat this beautiful specimen. A Classical nautilus shape; highly textured; light and dark like a tiger’s or leopard’s coat; crowned by a royal purple point at the top of the swirl that deepens in color when wet.

In my nearly twenty years of walking this particular beach I’ve never seen, let alone found, a shell like this, one that agreed so well with the Psalmist, [Lord] “I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works” (Psalm 139:14)

It’s then I realize, all this extravagance … for a snail.

Page 2 The GraceVine—November 2019

Gratitude for November

When you attend church on Sunday mornings, many people have put time and effort into making our church service go smoothly. Other than Alton and Joan, every other position is filled by a volunteer and we are so thankful for those of you who have chosen to give your time to be a part of enriching our church service. This month we share our gratitude for the following people who are regularly scheduled for these tasks. We also want you to know that if your name is not mentioned somewhere below, there is no limit to the number of people that can be on any of these lists. Currently, we have a few people ready to be trained to be LEMs or LECTORS. If you would like to give your time, please let the church office know and we would be happy to add you to any of these lists. Our GREETERS are most likely the first people to welcome you to church. Their job is to simply stand in the narthex and say good morning to everyone who enters. Sandra Husted, Barbara Presnell, Penny Taylor, and the Rite-13 group (Hadley Briggs, Ward Inabinett, Rachel Ingram, Virginia McDonald) Our USHERS are responsible for making sure you have a bulletin, can find a place to sit, collecting the offertory, and letting you know when to go forward for

Communion. This year we have also added the responsibility of having an usher in the narthex during the service to let latecomers in through the side door now that we have chosen to lock the doors during the 11:00 service. Tommy Black, John Burke, Art Burkhart, Bill Gilleland, Doug Hartzog, Ed Huneycutt, Sims Riggan, Joe Wallace, Barry Wardle, and Richard Wolfe . Our CHOIR meets on Wednesday evenings with Joan to rehearse music for Sunday mornings and special occasions. They gather in the choir room before the 11:00 service to rehearse one final time before vesting and coming upstairs. During the service, choir members sit up front near the organ and lead the congregation in hymns and service music as well as singing the Offertory Anthem. Mary Bolstad, Karl Bolstad, Laurie Briggs, Miles Cleckley, Becky Jo Davis, Kathie Goodman, Pam Harvey, Steve Harvey, Staley Nance, and Suzy Sheets Our LECTORS come forward to read the Old Testament reading, lead the congregation in the Psalm, and read the Epistle. Walter Beeker, Mary Bolstad, Karl Bolstad, Sally Dodd, Kathie Goodman, Pam Harvey, Steve Harvey, Ed Huneycutt, Russ Johnson, Belinda MacKinstry, Mary Matthews, Philip

Matthews, Lynn Meeks, Jim Nance, Barbara Presnell, Penny Taylor, Tere Wagner, Barry Wardle Our INTERCESSORS lead the congregation in the Prayers of the People from their seat. Belvie Gilleland, Kathy Johnson, Robin Petruzzi, Penny Taylor, Joe Wallace Our Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEMs) help serve Communion by joining the minister at the altar, holding the chalice, and simply saying, "The Blood of Christ, the Cup of Salvation" as you take a sip or intinct your wafer. Tommy Black, Karl Bolstad, Miles Cleckley, Kathie Goodman, Pam Harvey, Mary Matthews, Fran Moore, Staley Nance, and Pat Plummer After church is SOCIAL HOUR and these people provide refreshments in the Undercroft each week to allow us time to connect and build community. Mary Bolstad, Frances Garner, Kathie Goodman, Steve & Pam Harvey, Bob & Sandra Husted, Staley Nance, Robin Petruzzi, Sims & Cathy Riggan, Penny Taylor, Mary Cameron & Brent Welborn, and Suzy and Leslie Sheets & Hilary Bowers

Sunday Lunch

The Sunday Lunch Program needs you!! While we are in need of volunteers in all capacities, we are especially in need of folks willing to assist with cooking, washing dishes, and helping with security.

If you are interested or would like to know more, please contact Mary Matthews or Marlene Jones. We'll be using the remainder of the year to form & train the teams and transition to the new structure. Your support is very much appreciated.

Grace Episcopal Church Lexington, North Carolina Page 3

Page 4 The GraceVine—November 2019

Grace Church Christmas Party

Friday, December 6 6:00 - 9:00 p.m.

at the home of

Dan & Laurie Briggs 205 W. 2nd Avenue

In years past this has been an adults-only party. This year we are going to

try something different to allow more people the chance to attend. The

Briggs children, Sidney, Lyndon, Hadley, and Jack, will be opening their part

of the house for children. The older girls, as well as some other members of

J2A and Rite-13, are kindly providing childcare free of charge upstairs while

the adults are downstairs. If you are bringing children to their home, we

ask you to bring a snack for them and to remind them that they are to stay

upstairs during the party. We will provide a movie as well as games and

crafts for the children so that adults can enjoy their time together


Parishioners are asked to bring: *An Appetizer or Dessert


Parish Life will provide paper products,

non-alcoholic drinks, and ice


for the Season

It is time to place your orders for poinsettias to decorate the church.

These are 6” plants with wrap and bow.

The deadline for orders will be Thursday, November 21, 2019

The price is $11.00. Please email the church office or sign up on the sheets provided in the

narthex of the church and chapel.

Grace Episcopal Church Lexington, North Carolina Page 5








____ 6 – 7 ft. Fraser Fir $60 ____ 8 – 9 ft. Fraser Fir $80

____ 7 – 8 ft. Fraser Fir $70 ____ 9 – 10 ft. Fraser Fir $100

All orders due by Thursday, November 21, 2019

Make checks payable to: Grace Church J2A

Wreath-Making Workshop

Tuesday, December 3

It’s that time again—Wreath making at Tom’s Creek. For the last several years Grace Church ladies have gone as a group on the first Tuesday in December. In order to get a $5.00 discount those that would like to go this year need to pay early. The price will be $30.00. If you would like to

continue this tradition of making wreaths and then going to lunch afterwards, please make your check to Toms Creek Nursery and drop the check off at the church or give to me. I will need to have your check by Monday November 11th in order to make our reservation. Sandra Husted

Page 6 The GraceVine—November 2019

J2A news

The youth have been busy this fall. After an exciting Urban Adventure in Richmond a few weeks ago, we have started journaling to help us reflect and prepare for our pilgrimage (summer 2021). This month we gathered to carve pumpkins and eat s’mores.

Upcoming fundraisers include BBQ Festival parking and Christmas tree sales. We will help host the Uptown Trunk or Treat on Sunday, October 27th with several other uptown church youth. The Rite 13 class will join us for all of this weekend’s fun and games!

We appreciate the congregation’s continued support of our youth. The J2A youth would also like to thank all of the Sunday school children who collected change in their arks this fall. The children donated over $325 to the pilgrimage fund.

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Rite 13 met for a special outing in October to talk about Labyrinths. We looked at the Chartres cathedral labyrinth and discussed its history. We walked the Labyrinth at the home of Ed and Lisa Timberlake, we shared dinner together, and then we looked at the lot where we hope to build a labyrinth for our church and community in the future. This awesome group of 6th and 7th graders meets most Sundays at 9:45.

Christian Formation

Children's Sunday School -- Last year the children learned the story of Abraham and Sarah. At the end of the story, God promised Abraham and Sarah that they would have more descendants than there were stars in the sky and, sure enough, they had a son named Isaac. The children will be picking up the story with Isaac and Rebekah and their sons, Esau and Jacob, in the month of November. They will explore the story through art, cooking, games, drama, and video. Each Sunday all children Pre-K to 5th grade are invited to come at 9:45 to the upstairs classrooms for Sunday School.

Intergenerational Activity -- On Sunday, November 24 we will gather for breakfast in the Undercroft and our annual tradition of making Advent Wreaths. If you have an old candle holder that you can reuse, please bring it. If you do not, we will have kits available for you including oasis, candle holders, and candles. Please bring fresh greenery from your yard to add to the wreaths. Also, this year, we are trying something new. You should receive an email from Sign-Up Genius asking you to sign up to bring something to share for breakfast. If you are able to provide food, please select what you can bring and the Sign-Up Genius will remind you the week before the event.

Nov 1 Bennie Wagner

Nov 2 Suzy Sheets

Nov 3 Dan Moore

Nov 3 Evelyn Harris

Nov 4 Walt Lindsey

Nov 4 William McDonald

Nov 5 Gayle Burke

Nov 14 Barbara Beck

Nov 15 Harrison Everhart

Nov 18 Sydney Parker

Nov 19 Myra Spilman

Nov 19 Derek Jones

Nov 20 Katherine Everhart

Nov 21 Christina Wyatt

Nov 26 Robert Mack

Nov 27 Tom Johnson

Nov 28 Beth DeLapp

Nov 29 Patricia Wardle

Nov 30 Talmadge Silversides

Nov 30 Jennie McDonald

November Birthdays Adkins, Mark Parishioner Alexander, Chris Friend Alexander, Cora Friend Amon, Amanda Rick Mack’s sister Asebes, Ella B & W MacKinstry’s granddaughter Beck Barbara Parishioner Bralkowski, Mike & Rhonda Parishioners Brown, Baylee Parishioner Burkhart, Art Parishioner Carter, Ned Friend Cleckley, Lynne Parishioner Clifford, Anna Friend Curia, Morgan Former Parishioner Dixon, Barbara Friend Egan, Mike Parishioner Gallen, Aubrie Friend Garland, Shana Friend Gaskins, Marlon Friend Grimes, Jane Parishioner Hanna, George K. Everhart’s brother Hare, Rob Penny Taylor’s brother Harris, Carol Friend Harris, Kristen Friend Herring, Barbara Sue Friend Hodges, Chris & Mike Parishioner Johnson, Brinkley Friend Keaton, Jonah Friend King, Anne Former Parishioner Lang, Sally Parishioner Long, B.A. Laurie Briggs’ father Mack, Lynn Parishioner Marshall, Angela Kathie Goodman’s cousin May, Carol Parishioner Michael, Molly Talmadge’s cousin Miller, Seth Parishioner Onorato, Page Parishioner Orren, Frank Friend Parsley, Lynn Friend Payne, Greg Friend Plott, Gabby Friend Reynolds, Bob Friend Rich, Benny & Joanne Friends Rojas, Jacklynn M&L Cleckley’s granddaughter Schweizer, Mark Friend Sheets, Suzy Parishioner Silversides, Talmadge Parishioner Smith, Martha Ellen Parishioner Taylor, Jack John Taylor’s father Taylor, Jeff John Taylor’s brother Terrell, Susan Parishioner Tilley, Robin Frances Garner’s niece Touchton, Jackie B. MacKinstry’s sister Tucker, Retta Friend Underwood, Toni Friend Welch, Frances Suzy Sheets’ mother Weller, Courtney Friend Whitehurst, Bill Friend Young, Charlotte Carolyn Wolfe’s sister

Prayer List

Page 8 The GraceVine—November 2019

Save the Date!

Senior Ladies Luncheon

Monday, December 9

November Ministries Schedule

Nov 3 Nov 10 Nov 17 Nov 24 Dec 1

Lector 9:00 11:00

Walter Beeker Karl Bolstad

Belinda MacKinstry Lynn Meeks

Philip Matthews Mary Bolstad

Walter Beeker Barry Wardle

Mary Matthews Pam Harvey

LEM Pat Plummer Barbara Presnell

Staley Nance Kathie Goodman

Pat Plummer Pam Harvey

Karl Bolstad Another NEEDED

Pat Plummer Tommy Black

Intercessor Penny Taylor Kathy Johnson Robin Petruzzi Joe Wallace Belvie Gilleland

Acolytes Will Burke Ford Ingram Fisher Welborn

Virginia McDonald William McDonald Anderson Carter

Owen Miller Kate Inabinett Ward Inabinett

Sidney Briggs Charlie Manning Cooper Petruzzi

Lyndon Briggs Hadley Briggs Jack Briggs

Ushers Doug Hartzog Ed Huneycutt

Joe Wallace Richard Wolfe

Tommy Black Art Burkhart

Bill Gilleland Barry Wardle

Doug Hartzog Sims Riggan

Greeters Barbara Presnell Rite 13 Penny Taylor Sandra Husted Rite-13

Nursery Carolyn Wolfe Robin Petruzzi Jennie McDonald Elizabeth Inabinett Penny Taylor

Social Hour Cathy & Sims Riggan

Bob & Sandra Husted

Mary-Cameron & Brent Welborn

Penny Taylor Mary Bolstad Robin Petruzzi

Flowers Mary & Karl Bolstad

Sims & Cathy Riggan

Sandra & Bob Husted


Altar Guild: Page Onorato, Frances Garner, Pam Harvey, Carol Jordan, Renee Kaley, Peggy Walser, Mimi Duquette

Crisis Ministry Meal — November—Carol Jordan, Kathy Johnson, Diane Huneycutt December—J2A / Rite-13 January—John & Beth Burke, Penny & John Taylor (Emily & Heather Shaw)

Vestry Person of the Month: Mark Petruzzi

Pastor’s Pantry Food of the Month: November—Dry Pasta/Pasta Sauce Toothbrush/Toothpaste

December—Canned Meat (chicken, ham, beef) Paper Towels January—Macaroni & Cheese/Ramen Bar Soap February—Cans of Soup Toilet Tissue January—Macaroni & Cheese Bar Soap February—Cans of Soup Toilet Tissue

*If you are unable to serve on the assigned Sunday, please secure a substitute and notify the church office by Wednesday noon prior to the Sunday you are assigned.

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CR = Commons Room CL1 = Classroom 1, 1st floor CL4 = Classroom 4, 2nd floor Chr = Choir Room UC = Undercroft CL2 = Classroom 2, 1st floor CL5 = Classroom 5, 2nd floor Nsy = Nursery Room CS = Children’s School CL3 = Classroom 3, 2nd floor CL6 = Classroom 6, 2nd floor CH = Church CP = Chapel

November 2019 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2

3 4

5 6 7

8 9




13 14 15 16

17 18


20 21

22 23

24 25 26 27 28 29 30

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

7:00 pm UC Dav. Cty. Dem. Women

8:00 pm UC: Al-Anon

Pastor’s Pantry food Item of the Month: Dry Pasta/Pasta Sauce

Non-Food Item: Toothpaste/Toothbrush

Church Office Closed

8:00 pm UC: Al-Anon

8:00 pm UC: Al-Anon

6:00 pm UC Food Ministries

Meeting 7:15 Choir Practice

Undercroft Activities

Commons Room Activities

8:00 pm UC: Al-Anon

5:30 pm—CR Finance Comm.


7:00 pm—CR Vestry Meeting

4:00 pm—CR Parish Life Mtg.

7:15 Choir Practice

7:15 Choir Practice

7:15 Choir Practice

8:00 pm UC: Al-Anon 7:15 Choir Practice

9:45—UC Advent Wreath


Church Office Closed

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