grace episcopal church messenger / may 2014

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May 2014

The Messenger News of the people and ministries of . . .

514 E. Argonne Dr. ���� Kirkwood, MO 63122 ���� (314) 821-1806 ����

Dear Friends:

Several years ago I bought a silver bangle bracelet that had this verse (above) written on it. I wore it a lot. It served as a reminder to me as to what I was striving for in trying to live a Spirit-filled life. I would touch it throughout the day and for a moment take stock as to where I was in relation to the Holy Spirit and to look for where the Spirit was moving in my life.

How do we know that the Holy Spirit is alive in one another and in our community of faith? St. Paul tells us that when the Holy Spirit is present we will notice its by-product, its “fruit.” When we experience love and joy;

when peace, patience, kindness and goodness prevail;

when faithfulness, gentleness and self-control are lived out, we know we are living in the Spirit of Christ.

It was at Grace that my sons first learned of God’s love for

A season of change

Sunday, May 4 will be the Rev. Doris Westfall’s last day with us at Grace Church. Mo. Doris has served as Grace’s Associate Rector since our parish merged with St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church nearly one year ago. Before the merger, she served as the Rector of St. Matthew’s in Warson Woods for seven years. With her guidance and leadership, members of her parish and the spirit of St. Matthew’s have been embraced at Grace Church.

And now Mo. Doris is answering a call to share her experiences and help other congregations in similar transitional periods.

“The Bishop, as well as many clergy in several dioceses, have told me that writing a book about the merger process would be a gift to the larger church,” said Mo. Doris. “There is a very important story to tell from a spiritual, clerical, and congregational perspective. I feel that my job concerning the merger will not be complete until such time as that book is written.”

“The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,

goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.” Galatians 5:22

“We want to celebrate with Doris her eight years of ministry with the parish,” said the Rev. Todd McDowell, Grace’s Rector. “It’s important that we thank her for sharing her gifts and offer our blessing on the next ‘chapter’ of her ministry.”

Our parish now enters a period of discernment for our staffing needs. Fr. Todd welcomes your input as we move forward. Please keep Mo. Doris in your prayers through this transition and take the opportunity to personally share your gratitude with her.

Celebration Luncheon

for the Rev. Doris Westfall Sunday, May 4

Following the 10 a.m. worship service

Albright Parish Hall

All are invited!

them and for the world. It was at Grace that my call to the priesthood was affirmed and supported. It was at Grace that David and I renewed our marriage vows many years ago, with Llew Heigham presiding. It was the congregation of Grace that prayed and supported us through the crisis of almost losing Robert, and who then joyfully

received him into its presence, into its very life.

Words cannot express my heartfelt gratitude for the privilege of loving and serving Jesus Christ with you. As I leave Grace my wish is that you will recognize the Holy Spirit’s work in, among, and through you and that you will strive to grow in grace, love and service to our Lord.

I wish you blessings and abundant life in our Risen Savior,


Grace Church Messenger May 2014 page 2

In this edition:

Calendar Highlights p. 10

Confirmation p. 7

Easter at Grace p. 9

ECM Birthday Party p. 5

Food Drive p. 5

Graduations p. 8

Grace on the Go p. 4

Handbell Concert p. 4

Holy Land Reflections p. 3

Quiet Mondays p. 9

Parish Family News p. 11

Pastoral Care p. 10

Plant Sales p. 6

Prayer List p. 10

SPROG Donations p. 5

Staff Contacts p. 12

Standing Notices p. 11

Summer Camp & Activities p. 7

Summer Choir p. 4

Summer Newsletter p. 11

Sunday Adult Series p. 4

Sunday Morning Schedule p. 12

Sunday School Showcase p. 7

Sunday School Volunteers p. 7

Vestry Highlights p. 9

Women of Grace p. 4

Youth Award p. 11

Youth Bowling Day p. 6

Youth Car Wash p. 6

Youth Mission Trip p. 6

Worship With Us! Sundays

8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist 10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist


9:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist

Wednesdays 9:30 a.m. Morning Prayer

Messenger is a monthly publication of Grace Episcopal Church.

If you have news you’d like to share with our parish, please contact

Being found by God… Common events inflamed with eternal significance

After the death of Jesus, Mary goes in search of him on Sunday morning. Not finding him in the grave where he is supposed to be, she becomes frantic. She sees a man whom she thinks is the cemetery gardener. Taking her anger and pain out on him, she demands, “Where is he? Where is the dead Savior?”

Not until the risen Christ calls her name does she discover the identity of “the gardener.” In that moment the common and the ordinary become the vessel of the sacred, and Mary receives the frightening, unimaginable truth. Her hope could not remain dead. She has not been abandoned. It was only that she could not see the Christ who was with her. Who would have thought? It was the gardener all along.

* * *

Most of us do not enjoy extraordinary encounters with God – mountain top revelations, foxhole conversions. Most of us are found by God in quieter transforming moments, not unlike Mary’s experience. In such moments, the ordinary events of life suddenly take on new meaning. The Bible and our Tradition tell us that God is speaking to us all the time. Are we listening? Are we paying attention? Those are the questions. Common routines, common events, are inflamed with eternal significance.

After their Lord was crucified, two of Jesus’ followers, Cleopas and another, were silently making their way down the road from Jerusalem to Emmaus. The risen Christ began to walk with them, but, typically, they did not recognize him. Step by step, they began to speak of their despair, their loss. Eventually the disciples invited this man to join them for dinner. “So he went in to stay with them. When he was at the table with them, he took bread, gave thanks, broke it, and began to give it to them. Then their eyes were opened, and they recognized him, and he disappeared from their sight.” (The Gospel according to Luke 24: 29-31.)

Common routines, common events, are inflamed with eternal significance. The image of the risen Christ holding the broken bread eternally signifies God holding our broken dreams and broken bodies, our broken homes and broken fellowships, and our sophisticated, broken world -- all of it, cradled in his own brokenness. In that communion, the disciples’ eyes are opened, and in that moment the risen Christ vanishes.

As quickly as he comes, he disappears. Just as Christ is not contained in a Bible, just as Christ is not contained by bread and wine, so Christ is not contained by our dreams. He will vanish every time we try to grab him and jam him into our expectations.

But we know that it was the risen Jesus who broke into our brokenness. We don’t know what it means. We don’t know where it will lead, but we know he was here, with us. The present is no longer the same. We are not abandoned. Our hope cannot remain dead. He is here.

James H. Purdy

The Great Fifty Days, 2014

Grace Church Messenger May 2014 page 3

Reflections from the Holy Land

The Rev. Todd McDowell traveled to the Holy Land with

a group of pilgrims from Grace Church for two weeks in

February. Fr. Todd remained in Jerusalem on sabbatical

for an additional four weeks. This is his second in a

series of reflections from his trip.

One of the great joys in my six weeks in the Holy Land was to learn of and see first-hand the ministry of the Episcopal Church of Jerusalem and the Middle East. These Christians and their ancestors have been witnesses to the Gospel in this land since the first Pentecost. The Episcopal Church of Jerusalem and the Middle East has more than 30 institutions which provide hospitals, rehab clinics and schools throughout the Palestinian Territory, Israel, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon.

Their schools provide some of the finest education available. Bishop Suheil of the Diocese of Jerusalem is convinced that it will be through great education that tomorrow’s peacemakers will be formed. Hospitals provide care for those in need regardless of religion or ability to pay. Our church is doing incredible ministry in a land of great conflict.

Our pilgrims visited St. Philip’s in Nablus, where the local Episcopal Church currently provides a kindergarten which they hope to expand to a full elementary school. Each morning I heard from my window the students at St. George’s School in Jerusalem, where Palestinian children, both Christian and Muslim, receive an education of the highest standards.

I am very excited to report that our Easter Offering for the Diocese of Jerusalem has reached nearly $4,000, which will be shared with these ministries. Thank you for your generosity. I am hopeful that we at Grace can establish a close link with our sisters and brothers in the Middle East, and that in the future we may be able to visit their ministries and work together for peace in the Land of the Holy One.

In Christ’s love,

Todd +

VISITING NABLUS: Fr. Todd and the Pilgrims visited St. Philip’s Episcopal Church in Nablus on their trip to the Holy Land. St. Philip’s Rector, Fr. Ibrahim (above, right), says it is very possible that Jesus or his apostles may have stayed in the homes or on the very land the church occupies today.

JACOB’S WELL (right): Fr. Todd lowers a bucket into Jacob’s Well, the sight where Jesus met the Samaritan woman. The well is located in Nablus (ancient Shechem). HOSPITALITY IN NABLUS (left): Fr. Ibrahim hosted a beautiful luncheon for our pilgrims during their tour of St. Philip’s in Nablus.

PROVIDING EDUCATION: St. Philip’s is one of several Episcopal Churches sponsoring elementary schools in the Middle East.

Grace Church Messenger May 2014 page 4

by Christie Boyle

Women of Grace ends its program year with a picnic on May 20 at 12 o’clock. If you aren’t a regular at Women of Grace monthly gatherings, this is a great time to start. Lynn Rubright from Kirkwood is internationally renowned as a storyteller and a delightful speaker. Her topic is “Martha’s Picnic: Have a Plan and Work Your Plan.”

Sign up in Albright Hall by May 13 to enjoy the annual picnic box lunch (on the grounds at Grace Church, weather permitting). A short business meeting including election of officers for 2014–2015 will precede Lynn’s program.

Sunday Adult Series: The mysteries of the Trinity

Feed your spirit with our Sunday Series as we focus our attention on the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Grace member Wes Proctor leads a discussion on the Trinity from 9 until 10 a.m.,

Sunday April 27, May 4 and May 11.

Grab a cup of coffee and join us in LaVielle Conference Room between services as we attempt to understand some of the mysteries of our faith:

• What's wrong with thinking of the three persons of God as simply three modes of God's action?

• Why was the second person of the trinity, the Christ,

said to be "begotten not made?” What's the difference?

• If all three persons of the Trinity are spirits, how can they have the same "substance?" How much substance does a spirit have?

by Christie Boyle

The Saint Louis Zoo’s website says, “Escape to a temperature-controlled haven where a buffalo roams, an eagle soars and a rhino storms.” On Monday, May 12, at 10 a.m., Grace on the Go will enjoy a docent-led tour of stunning original paintings by internationally acclaimed wildlife artist and conservationist, Robert Bateman. Inspired by Art is the newest exhibit in Peabody Hall, originally an elephant house that has been fully renovated as an exhibit hall. Lunch will follow at the Market at the Cheshire. Car pools will leave Grace at 9 a.m. Sign up in Albright Parish Hall.

Women of Grace seeking

new board members

Grace on the Go experiences wildlife art at the zoo

by Christie Boyle

Opportunities abound to serve on the board of this long-standing group, a part of Episcopal Church Women of the Diocese of Missouri and the national church.

Positions represented include President, Vice President and Program Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Hospitality, ECW Board Representative, United Thank Offering, Communications, and Holiday Sale.

If you have an interest or questions, please contact President Gretchen Logue or any other current board member. Every woman parishioner is a member of Women of Grace and eligible to join the board.

Acclaimed storyteller entertains Women of Grace

by Phillip Brunswick, Organist & Choir Master

This is a great opportunity for parishioners who enjoy singing, but might not be able to commit to rehearsals each week during the year. We welcome all members of the parish, teenagers, adults, and returning Choristers to join us for this relaxing music making experience. Each week we will be learning a simple anthem, and reviewing hymns and other music for the liturgy.

Come for one, a few, or every Sunday. If you need more information, contact Phillip Brunswick, Organist and Choir Master.

9:15 AM rehearsal - The Choir Room

beginning Sunday, June 1

“Those who sing pray twice.” St. Augustine

Summer Choir begins June 1

Spring Handbell Concert: May 4

by Ella Heigham, Director of Handbells

The three handbell choirs of Grace Church present a spring concert in the nave of the church on Sunday, May 4

at 4 p.m. A variety of music will be presented – a little Palestrina, Beethoven and Leroy Anderson. There will be a reception for our guests in Albright Hall after the concert.

Please put this date on your calendar and plan to attend, to enjoy and support our handbell choirs at Grace Church!!

Grace Church Messenger May 2014 page 5

Spring time is SPROG time

by Christie Boyle

Food pantries continue to experience record-high demand for their services. Mother’s Day is a special opportunity to honor or remember your mother, grandmother, aunt, daughter, sister, godmother, friend, boss, and/or employee by donating a bag of groceries, a Shop ’n Save card or a check to Kirk Care.

Empty grocery bags will be available after each service on April 27 and May 4 and should be filled and returned by

Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 11.

Please return your form(s) no later than Tuesday, May 6,

so the names of those honored with your donations may be

listed in the bulletin on Mother’s Day.

Food drive information, suggested donations and a form to honor or memorialize your special person(s) will be stapled to each bag. Your donation will be blessed as a part of the Mother’s Day offering.

Please join Women of Grace and Grace’s Kirk Care board representatives in this annual event to honor your mother or other special person and also those in need on Mother’s Day. We will mail a card to each loved one in whose honor a donation is given, telling her of your gift.

Mother’s Day Food Drive

by Diane Sehie

SPROG needs school supply and craft items for the June 2014 summer camp. The goal is to collect enough of each item below for 100 students. Can you supply one of each item in the school list below to help make the summer camp an enjoyable learning experience for all students? This would cost a total of $6 at your local Dollar Store. Contributions of the listed craft items will be appreciated also. Collection boxes are in Albright Hall

now through June 1.

School Supplies:

• 1 composition book

• 8 pencils

• 1 box of 24 crayons

• 1 box of 8 markers

• 1 bottle of white glue

• 1 plastic pencil box or zip pouch

Craft Supplies:

• Cardboard cores from Paper towel & toilet paper rolls (need 50)

• Plastic Coffee containers - Large and Small

• Plastic Coffee Creamer containers-Large and Small

• Empty Plastic Water Bottles (any size or shape)

• Empty Cereal Boxes

• Empty Quaker Oatmeal or Corn Meal boxes (round or square)

SPROG is a summer school/camp opportunity for children of the Kirkwood School District who are in need of additional educational opportunities. SPROG also provides employment for Kirkwood teens working as summer camp counselors. Grace Church provides SPROG use of the facility free of charge. For more information on SPROG,

please visit ECM Annual birthday party

by Deborah Caby

Grace has had a long tradition of sponsoring a party for the children who are celebrating their birthdays while serving time in the St. Louis City Detention Center. Please consider giving the gift of your presence on June 6 to help with the birthday party.

Contact Becky Coulter at 314-894-3477 or Deborah Caby at 314-821-3983 for more information. Carpooling will be available. This opportunity is open to both men and women, but these children are often lacking a good male presence in their lives.

This event is part of the ministry of Episcopal City Mission, which provides chaplaincy and other support services to youth in detention in St. Louis.

MAUNDY THURSDAY: Grace members follow Jesus’ example of service by washing one another’s feet during our Maundy Thursday worship service. “Very truly I tell you, servants are not greater than their master….” (John 13)

Grace Church Messenger May 2014 page 6

Get excited for Grace’s Youth Mission Trip

by Janis Greenbaum,

Director of Christian Formation & Communications

I’m excited: Grace’s Youth Mission Trip, June 2-7.

I’m excited to travel to a city I’ve never visited:

Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

I’m excited to serve and learn with 11 youth missioners: Alex Davis, Christian Davis, Kelly Davis, Killian Malottke, Andrew McDowell, Will McDowell, Emmy Nixon, MK Peck, Matthew Royce, Sam Russell, and Matthew Woodruff.

I’m excited to serve and learn with 4 other adult missioners: Skip Giessing, Mike Heyer, Sabine McDowell and Jim Moore.

I’m excited to stretch my comfort zone: Construction work with Habitat for Humanity and sleeping on the floor of a church.

I’m excited to do God’s work in the world: Just as you do it for the least of these, you do for me… (Matthew 25)

I’m excited to be part of a Grace Church tradition:

Our 19th annual youth mission trip!

Mandatory Meeting for

Youth Missioners, Parents

and Chaperones:

Monday, May 12

7 p.m.

LaVielle Conference Room

Please bring all signed paperwork along with your medical insurance card.

Dessert and coffee will be served.

Be kind to your car and

help support our Youth Mission Trip!

Saturday, May 10 11 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Tom’s Service Station 400 N. Kirkwood Road

All high school youth are invited

to be a part of this fun event.

YOUTH BOWLING DAY: About 25 youth and family members came to Epiphany Bowling Lanes in St. Louis on Sunday, April 6 for a fun afternoon of bowling. Thanks to everyone who participated!

Plant Sales at Grace Church

Get your supplies for a beautiful garden this summer and support ministries at Grace Church!

Grace’s Creation Care Ministry is selling cucumber, tomato and basil plants. Order you plants Sunday, April

27 and pick them up Sunday, May 4. All proceeds will go to our Gardens of Grace, which grows fresh produce for local food banks throughout the summer.

Lab School Annual Plant Sale is Friday, May 2 from 3 until 7 p.m. and Saturday, May 3 from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. You can purchase potted flowers, vegetables & herbs, hanging baskets and much more! All the proceeds benefit the preschool located on the lower level of Grace Church.

Grace Church Messenger May 2014 page 7

Eight young adults have one last hurdle to cross before deciding whether they’re ready to make a mature commitment to Christ through the Sacrament of Confirmation.

Our group will travel to Greensfelder Park in Eureka on Saturday, May 3 to take on a Team Challenge Course. This outdoor challenge is intended to be a fun adventure for the students while learning the value of teamwork. After the course and a picnic lunch, we’ll return to Grace Church for our Jeopardy-style confirmation quiz and final discussions about confirmation.

Meagan Biesiadecki, Benjamin Bradshaw, Darren Cookson, Caroline Davis, Thomas Henson, Scott Janasik, Katie Streicher and Elena Wallach have spent this school year exploring their faith and learning about our church.

Our group will participate in the Diocesan Confirmation Service Saturday, May 17 at 10 a.m. at Christ Church Cathedral. Everyone in the parish is invited attend the confirmation service to show their support for these young adults. We will also celebrate with the group at Grace Church at our 10 a.m. worship service on Sunday,

May 18.

Confirming our faith

Our children’s and youth ministries are led by a small group of very dedicated, creative and talented members.

Our Church School Committee plans and leads our weekly Sunday School classes. They also host special events throughout the year, including Pumpkins, Pizza & Prayers, the Advent Event, Christmas Pageant, and our Sunday School Showcase.

Please show your gratitude to the following for giving of themselves by sharing their faith with our youngest members this year in our Church School program:

• Liz Allen

• Peggy Capriglione

• Kathy Davis

• Kerri Dryden

• Wendy Guhr

• Tracy Hart

• Suzanne Keiser

Sunday School showcase: May 18

Every Sunday morning, a group of spirited children and youth gathers in our lower level to experience their faith through Bible stories, songs, prayers and fun activities. As we wrap up another program year, the kids are going to share some of what they’ve learned with the congregation at our annual Sunday School Showcase.

All members of our parish are invited to join us in Albright Parish Hall on Sunday, May 18 at 9 a.m. Meet the children, see and hear their stories, and enjoy a delicious coffee hour presented by our Church School Committee.

We hope you’ll show your support of our Christian Formation programs by attending this fun event. As the adults go into the 10 a.m. worship service, the students will go downstairs for their final day of classes for this school year.

Thanks to our Church School volunteers!

• Sue Nixon

• Alice Pierce

• Tina Roche

• Paula Russell

• Amy Shands

• Julie & Ted Sward

• Joanie & Nick Van Rees

• Eric Woodruff

Camp Phoenix is the official summer camp of the

Episcopal Diocese of Missouri held in the DuBois Center in DuBois, Illinois. This year’s camp dates are Sunday, July 27 through Saturday, August 2. Children and youth ages 8-15 are eligible to be campers.

Camp Phoenix is a traditional summer camp with Episcopal values, including canoeing, horseback riding, campfires, and games. Learn more about Camp Phoenix

and register at

Episcopal City Mission’s

“Summer Celebration” is an opportunity for

Grace’s middle school and high school students to work with youth from around the diocese, hosting fun carnival games. This year’s fundraiser will be held

Friday, June 20 at Grace Church.

Since we are hosting this event, we need lots of participation from our adults and our youth. If you have an idea for a game or would like to help out with the carnival, please sign up in Albright Parish Hall or contact Janis Greenbaum in the office


Summer fun for children and youth

Grace Church Messenger May 2014 page 8

Graduating with Grace


Alex Davis Graduating from: Ladue Horton Watkins High School Summer plans: 2,000-mile bicycle & camping “Odyssey” College attending this fall: Knox College Parents: The Rev. Emily Hillquist Davis and Warren Davis

Anna Marie Domitrz Graduating from: Francis Howell North High School College attending this fall: University of Missouri, Columbia / Business Major Parents: Patrick and Laura Domitrz

Nina Elizabeth Elsperman Graduating from: Parkway West High School Summer plans: 4 weeks in Spain College attending this fall: University of Colorado-Boulder / College of Arts and Sciences Parents: Dirk and Jacqui Elsperman

Molly M. Giessing Graduating from: Kirkwood High School College attending this fall: Columbia College, Chicago or University of Missouri, Columbia (still undecided at time of publication) Parents: Skip & Leah Giessing

Brendan Hart Graduating from: MICDS College attending this fall: University of Michigan or Washington University / Engineering (still undecided at time of publication) Parent: Tracy Hart

Andrew McDowell Graduating from: MICDS College attending this fall: University of Central Florida / Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Parents: The Rev. Todd & Sabine McDowell

Emmy Nixon Graduating from: Kirkwood High School College attending this fall: Truman State University / English/Secondary Education Parents: Sue and Mark Nixon

Jack Petrie Graduating from: Kirkwood High School College attending this fall: University of Missouri, Columbia / Business/Accounting Parents: Tom and Jane Petrie

Laney Sward Graduating from: Kirkwood High School College attending this fall: University of Arkansas / Engineering Parents: Ted & Julie Sward

Robert Westfall Graduating from: Lutheran High School of St. Charles County College attending this fall: University of Central Missouri / Criminal Justice Parents: The Rev. Doris & David Westfall

Congratulations to all our families celebrating high school and college graduations this spring!


Sophia Davis Graduating from: Carleton College, Northfield, MN Degree: BA in Russian & Math Post-grad plans: Seeking work opportunities abroad in computer programming and website design Parents: The Rev. Emily Hillquist Davis & Warren Davis

Jackman Eschenroeder Graduating from: University of Missouri, Columbia Degree: BS in Fisheries and Wildlife; minors in Biology, Animal Science & Captive Wild Animal Management Post-graduation plans: Working as a field researcher in Alaska this summer and then pursuing a Masters in Marine Fisheries

Elizabeth Harding Graduating from: St. Louis Community College Degree: Nursing Post-grad plans: Seeking employment and attending UMSL to earn BSN

Natalie Pfremmer Graduating from: Maryville University, Summa Cum Laude Degree: Psychology & Chemistry Post-grad plans: Nursing School at Washington University, Barnes Jewish Hospital Parents: Ralph & Jane Pfremmer Grandparents: Ed & Joan Bland

Megan Stroud Graduating from: St. Louis University Degree: BSN Grandparents: John & Mary Cullinane

Almighty and eternal God, so draw our hearts to thee,

so guide our minds, so fill our imaginations,

so control our wills, that we may be wholly thine,

utterly dedicated unto thee;

and then use us, we pray thee, as thou wilt,

and always to thy glory and the welfare of thy people;

through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Amen. (BCP, p. 833)

Grace Church Messenger May 2014 page 9

by Sue Nixon, Secretary

SPROG held a trivia night at Kirkwood Baptist Church on March 29, netting about $4,000.

Creation Care repotted seedlings started by Sabine McDowell and Debbie Caby. Parishioners can sign up to purchase plants (tomatoes, basil, and cucumbers) in April, after the 8:00 and 10:00 services, and can pick up the plants after church on May 4.

A repair to the HVAC system will cost between $200 and $500 and will eliminate an odd noise in the nave.

Fr. Todd spoke with Alderman Jim Newman of Warson Woods about the progress of the property sale. Stakeholder meetings have been held and “living room” meetings are now in progress. The next step is to hold open meetings for the community.

A trial period of designating Mondays as “quiet work days” for staff will begin in Easter.

Vestry Highlights: April 4, 2014

“Quiet Mondays” in Parish Office

by Angela Breeher, Parish Administrator

After nearly a year of consideration and conversations between the Rector, Parish Administrator, and Senior Warden, Mondays will be a “quiet work day” for staff to provide a day of uninterrupted time to focus and work efficiently and effectively on catching up on projects, planning, record keeping, etc.

Many church offices have had success with similar plans. Mondays seem to be the optimal day for this at Grace Church, because Mondays tend to be less busy than any other weekday and most national and banking holidays fall on Monday.

Quiet Mondays will begin May 5. Normal parish office hours will be Tuesday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. On Mondays, staff will be in and working, as per their respective work schedules. Telephone calls will be answered and routed to individual staff extensions by our phone system. Emails and phone messages might not be returned until the following day. The front door into the nave will remain unlocked when staff are present in the upstairs offices, but will be locked for security reasons if no one is upstairs. We ask that you please plan meetings/visits accordingly as much as you are able.

Pledge Income for the month of March was $37,617, or $6,077 above budget.

YTD Pledge Income was $135,054 versus the budgeted amount of $143,537.

Total Revenues for the month were $49,945, which was $5,335 above budget.

YTD Total Revenues were $176,604, which was $9,999 below budget.

Total Expenses for March were $48,119, which was $528 above budget.

YTD Expenses were $157,641, which was $8,317 below budget.

Net Revenue for March was $1,826 which was $4,807 better than the budgeted amount of ($2,981).

YTD Net Revenue was $18,963 or $1,683 below the budgeted amount of $20,645.

Our current cash reserves would cover an estimated 2.59 months of the budgeted 2014 expenses.

Celebrating Easter at Grace Church

About 20 early-birds came to our Sunrise Service at 6:15 Easter morning. The Rev. Jim Purdy led the service in Grace’s Memorial Garden.

Our traditional worship services at 8 & 10 Easter morning were highlighted by beautiful flower arrangements, brass musicians, a children’s homily, and nearly 500 people in attendance!

Families headed outdoors after the services to enjoy our annual Easter Egg Hunt, hosted by the Church School Committee.

See more pictures from our Easter services at

Grace Church Messenger May 2014 page 10

Parish intercessory prayer list

Emilie Brandhorst Neil Buckles Darren Cookson Ginger Dokos Ed Fliss Ellen Friedla Ella Heigham Llew Heigham

Johanna Lauless Audrey Moller Connie & Bill Nix Kathy Sheldon Fred Taussig Diane Thompson Phebe Williams

Roman Fitch Grandson of Garrett & Ruth Owler Johnnie Nelson Mary Merriweather’s brother Joy Mayer Friend of Claire Pyne Emery Washington Diocesan Priest retired from All Saints’, St. Louis

The Clergy are available by appointment to discuss personal, pastoral or spiritual matters; please call or e-mail the clergy directly.

In case of a pastoral emergency, please call the parish office at 314-821-1806. For pastoral emergencies after office hours, call the parish office and press “7” to be connected to the priest-on-call 24 hours, seven days a week.

In case of severe illness, hospitalization, when a person is near death or at the death of a member of the church, please notify the clergy as soon as possible in order to secure the ministrations of the church.

Remember in your prayers for health and strength:

. . . and remember also our friends and family:

May calendar highlights

1 ECW Meeting, 1:30 p.m. Executive Committee, 4 p.m.

4 Gardens of Grace Plant Pick-up Day Grocery Bag Distribution for Food Drive Creation Care Ministry Meeting, 11:30 a.m. Spring Handbell Concert, 4 p.m.

5 Paseo con Cristo, 5:30 p.m.

7 Bridge Players Group, 10 a.m.

9 Contemplative Outreach: LEAP, 6:30 p.m.

11 Food Ingathering for KirkCare Trinity Hot Lunch, 9 a.m. & 1 p.m.

12 Grace on the Go, 10 a.m. Holy Ground, Women’s Spirituality, 6:30 p.m.

13 St. Thomas Church: Deaf Circle, 6 p.m. Vestry Meeting, 7 p.m.

15 June/July Newsletter Deadline

17 Confirmation Service, 10 a.m.

18 Sunday School Showcase, 9 a.m. Confirmation Recognition, 10 a.m.

19 Paseo con Cristo, 5:30 p.m. COH - Circle of Care, 6 p.m.

20 Women of Grace, Noon KirkCare Board Meeting, 7:15 p.m.

26 Memorial Day: Parish Office & Building Closed

29 Executive Committee, 4 p.m.

If you have news to share with our parish family

or names for our intercessory prayer list,

please contact Parish Administrator Angela Breeher at

Weekly Events


⇒ Holy Eucharist, 8 & 10 a.m.

⇒ Sunday Adult Series, 9 a.m. (through May 18)

⇒ Church School for children & youth, 9:45 a.m. (through May 18)

⇒ Gloria Deo Handbell Choir, 11:20 a.m.


⇒ Holy Eucharist, 9:30 a.m.

⇒ Women’s Study Group, 10 a.m.


⇒ Men’s Breakfast, 8 a.m.

⇒ Morning Prayer, 9:30 a.m.

⇒ Staff Meeting, 10 a.m.

⇒ St. Dunstan Handbell Choir, 4:30 p.m.

⇒ St. Patrick Training Choir, 4:30 p.m.

⇒ All Saints’ Handbell Choir, 7 p.m.


⇒ Men’s Coffee Hour, 7:30 a.m.

⇒ Meditation Group, 10:15 a.m.

⇒ St. Nicholas & St. Cecelia’s Choirs, 4:30 p.m.

⇒ Choir of Men, Women & Teens, 7 p.m.


⇒ Altar Guild, 9:30 a.m.

Pastoral care at Grace

Grace Church Messenger May 2014 page 11

News from the parish family

The Sacrament of Holy Baptism is administered four times each year in Grace Church:

♦ The Day of Pentecost (June 8, 2014)

♦ All Saints’ Sunday (Nov. 2, 2014)

♦ The First Sunday after Epiphany / Baptism of Our Lord (Jan. 11, 2015)

♦ The Great Vigil of Easter (April 4, 2015)

To arrange for a baptism or marriage or to report a death or a hospitalization please contact Fr. Todd McDowell in the church office.

Congratulations to the Rev. Melanie Jianakopolos Slane, who has been called to serve as a part-time Assistant Priest at Emmanuel Episcopal Church in Webster Groves. Melanie is the daughter of Grace members Lisa and Steve

Jianakopolos. She received her Master of Divinity at Virginia Theological Seminary in 2010 and has been work-ing as Assistant Rector at the Church of the Epiphany in Washington, D.C. since her ordination. Melanie will begin her new job at Emmanuel in mid-June. She and her hus-band, Christopher Slane, are expecting their first child in November.

Congratulations to Grace members Ellen Baker and David Geisel on the birth of their grandson, Aiden Joseph

Augustine. Aiden was born March 25 to Sathish and Emily Geisel Augustine in Columbia, MO. The baby boy weighed 8 pounds and 3 ounces and measured 20 inches long.

Congratulations to Grace Organist & Choir Master Phillip

Brunswick, who was elected to serve a three-year term on the Executive Committee of the American Guild of Organists, St. Louis Chapter.

The sympathy of the parish is extended to Julie and Tom

Grossman and their family on the April 1 death of Julie’s mother, Charlene Grace Burrill, in Kansas City, MO. Charlene was the mother of three and grandmother or six. She was 94 years old. A celebration of Charlene’s life was held April 5, at St. Andrews Episcopal Church in Kansas City. Memorial contributions in Charlene’s memory may be made to Grace Hospice, 9233 Ward Parkway, Suite 201, Kansas City, MO 64114.

Our sympathy is also extended to Ron and Lucy Ryan and the Ryan family on the death of Ron’s mother, Mary

Ryan, on March 28, in New Hampton, IA. She is survived by her husband Ben of 61 years, two sons and a daughter, many grandchildren and great grandchildren. Mary was 87 years old. A funeral and burial took place in New Hampton, IA.

Youth members win academic challenge award

Please note:

We will be publishing one combined newsletter for the months of June and July.

If you have any information you’d like to share with our parish for this summer, please send it to Janis Greenbaum in the church office no later than May 15 (

Summer newsletter

Congratulations to Grace youth members Brendan Hart

and Andrew McDowell for winning first place at The 30 Day Entrepreneurship Challenge. Brendan and Andrew are both seniors at MICDS, where they developed a business plan for StuWorks, a community marketplace where students and adult members of a school community can offer and accept of mutually beneficial job opportunities. Facilitated through the StuWorks website, adults act as employers and hire students for jobs that need to get done like yard work or tutoring while students earn a source of income, gain valuable work experience, and take their first steps on the career ladder of success.

As the first place winners, Brendan and Andrew received a $1,500 cash prize, free membership to Lab1500′s co-working space, a VIP invitation to the Arch Grants 2014 Finalist weekend, and complimentary tickets to Independent Youth’s Fall 2014 TrepStart Day St. Louis. Following their win, the team headed off to the MICDS Prom!

Read more about Brendan’s and Andrew’s award on the MICDS website:

t=204&nid=913948 Standing notices

Grace Church Staff

Contact the church office at 314-821-1806

The Rev. Todd McDowell, Rector, ext. 14

The Rev. Doris Westfall, Associate Rector, ext. 12

The Rev. James Purdy, Assisting Priest The Rev. Virginia Bennett, Assisting Priest


Phillip Brunswick, Organist & Choir Master, ext. 21

Ella Heigham, Handbell Choir, ext. 36

Angela Breeher, Parish Administrator, ext. 10

Chris Mars, Financial Administrator, ext. 11

Janis Greenbaum, Director of Christian Formation & Communications, ext. 19



Sunday Morning Schedule

8:00 a.m.

Worship service, followed by

Coffee Hour in Albright Parish Hall

9:00 a.m.

Adult Formation in LaVielle Conf. Room

Childcare/children’s activity in the Nursery

9:45 a.m.

Church School in Lower Level Classrooms overlaps with our 10 a.m. worship service

(students join families in church at the Peace)

10:00 a.m. Worship service, followed by

Coffee Hour in Albright Parish Hall

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