grade 4 · 2020. 4. 29. · grade 4 weeks of april 27th and may 4th here is work that is part of...

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Grade 4 Weeks of April 27th and May 4th

Here is work that is part of your remote learning activities for the weeks of April 27th and May 4th.

All of the materials and links below will be posted on

● You may complete these lessons and activities at a time that is convenient for your family’s schedule.

● Your teacher(s) will provide additional related lessons and activities through Google Classroom or another


● If you have any questions or need any help, please let your child’s teacher know.

Science Focus: Information and Wave Transfer

Lesson 1: Explore sound waves in this investigation. Create your own waves using rope, clothesline, yarn or even a shoelace! Lesson 2: Learn about binary code and pixelation by coding messages and images to send to “outer space”

Work for you to complete: Lesson 1: Watch the Mystery Science Video: Why are some sounds high and some sounds low? Complete the two worksheets: Be the Vibrations Worksheet Sound Vibrations Worksheet Lesson 2: Practice encoding a message in binary code. Send a Picture to Outer Space Pixel Vocabulary

Mathematics Focus: Multi-Digit Multiplication and Division

Lesson 1: Play “Square Capture”. Compete against someone at home to capture the most squares using multiplication. Next watch a video to review how to use the area model to multiply 2 digit numbers. Finally, choose 4 problems to solve on the multiplication practice sheet Lesson 2: Do you like logic puzzles? Use the digits 0-9 to create 4 true statements. Watch the video and use the reference sheet from Lesson 1 to help you master division on the practice paper.

Work for you to complete: Lesson 1: Reference Sheet Square Capture Game Watch Multiplying with the Area Model Multiplication Practice Sheet Lesson 2: Logic Puzzle Partial Quotients Video Division Practice

English Language Arts / Social Studies Focus: Discovering the Heart of a Story

Lesson 1: My Favorite Things Would you like to be a story detective? Let’s read to see what the author is trying to tell us in this short story! In this lesson you will read the short story below. Then read the list of themes and circle one theme that best fits this story. Don’t forget to find and use 3 details from the story to support your answer! Lesson 2: The Worst Week Read the passage from the book Clementine by Sara Pennypacker. Clementine begins her personal narrative with, “I have had not so good of a week.” The rest of the book is certainly proof of that! What was your worst week in recent memory? Write a personal narrative essay, describing one of the awful things that happened to you and how you dealt with it.

Work for you to complete: Lesson 1: 1. Watch this Brainpop video about finding themes in

literature. 2. Read the short story. Circle one theme and find

three details in the story to support your answer. 3. Listen to these theme songs and think about what

the theme or message is.

Lesson 2: 1. Listen to the author, Sara Pennypacker read a

passage from her book Clementine. Excerpt read aloud

2. Read the passage yourself and think about what the theme is. The Worst Week Printable

3. Watch this video about how to write a personal narrative essay

4. Write a personal narrative essay describing one of the worst weeks you have had and how you dealt with it.

5. Listen to the rest of Clementine: Clementine Read Aloud

English Language Development Focus: Traditions, Immigration and the Language of Storytelling

Lesson 1: My Traditions Every family has special traditions. Think about what your family does. Do you celebrate any special holidays? Lesson 2: My Story from Here to There Many families came here from other places. Learn special words to tell about your journey to America, and read a story about a girl who came here from Mexico. Tell your own story about a time you moved!

Work for you to complete: Lesson 1:

1. Learn vocabulary words about traditions and complete the activity.

2. Share a story about a tradition you have. Lesson 2:

1. Read a story about a girl named Amada who moves from Mexico to the United States.

2. Practice family vocabulary 3. Review the story and retell who was in the story,

and what happened. 4. Write a story about a time when you moved. What

happened? Who was there?

Grado 4

Semanas de Abril 27 y Mayo 5 He aquí el trabajo que forma parte de las actividades de aprendizaje remoto de su hijo durante las semanas del 27 de

Abril y el 5 de Mayo.

Todos los materiales y enlaces siguientes serán publicados en

● Su hijo puede completar estas lecciones y actividades en un momento conveniente para el horario de su


● El maestro de su hijo ofrecerá lecciones y actividades relacionadas adicionales a través de Google Classroom u

otra plataforma.

● Si tiene preguntas o necesita cualquier ayuda, por favor déjele saber al maestro de su niño.

Ciencias Enfoque: Información y Transferencia de Ondas

Lección 1: Explorar las ondas sonoras en esta investigación. Cree sus propias ondas con cuerda, tendedero, hilo o incluso un cordón de zapato! Lección 2: Aprenda sobre código binario y pixelación codificando mensajes e imágenes para enviar al "espacio exterior"

Trabajo para que Usted Complete: Lección 1: Mirar el video de Mystery Science: Why are some sounds high and some sounds low? Completar las dos hojas de trabajo: Be the Vibrations Worksheet Sound Vibrations Worksheet Lección 2: Practicar codificando un mensaje en código binario. Send a Picture to Outer Space Pixel Vocabulary

Matemáticas Enfoque: Multiplicación y División de Dígitos Múltiples

Lección 1: Jugar “Square Capture” (Captura Cuadrados). Compite contra alguien en casa para capturar la mayor cantidad de cuadrados usando la multiplicación. Luego mirar un video para repasar cómo usar el modelo de área para multiplicar números de 2 dígitos. Finalmente, elegir 4 problemas para resolver en la hoja de práctica de multiplicación Lección 2: Te gustan los acertijos lógicos? Usar los dígitos 0-9 para crear 4 declaraciones verdaderas.

Trabajo para que Usted Complete: Lección 1: Reference Sheet Square Capture Game Watch Multiplying with the Area Model Multiplication Practice Sheet Lección 2: Logic Puzzle Partial Quotients Video Division Practice

Mirar el video y usar la hoja de referencia de la Lección 1 para ayudarlo a dominar la división en el documento de práctica.

Artes del Lenguaje Inglés / Estudios Sociales Enfoque: Descubriendo el Corazón de una Historia

Lección 1: Mis Cosas Favoritas Le gustaría ser un detective en una historia? Leamos para ver lo que el autor intenta decirnos en este cuento! En esta lección leerá el cuento a continuación. Luego lea la lista de temas y marque con un círculo el tema que mejor se ajuste a esta historia. No olvide buscar y usar 3 detalles de la historia para respaldar tu respuesta! Lección 2: La Peor Semana Leer el pasaje del libro Clementine de Sara Pennypacker. Clementine inicia su narración personal con: "No he tenido una semana tan buena". El resto del libro es una prueba de eso! Cuál fue la peor semana en su memoria reciente? Escriba un ensayo narrativo personal que describa una de las cosas horribles que le sucedieron y cómo lo enfrentó.

Trabajo para que Usted Complete: Lección 1: 1. Mirar este video de Brainpop sobre como encontrar

temas en literatura. 2. Leer short story. Encierre en un círculo un tema y

encuentre tres detalles en la historia para sustentar su respuesta.

3. Escuchar these theme songs y piense sobre cual es el tema o mensaje.

Lección 2: 1. Escuchar a la autora, Sara Pennypacker leer un

pasaje de su libro Clementine. Excerpt read aloud 2. Leer el pasaje usted mismo y pensar sobre el tema.

The Worst Week Printable 3. Mirar este video sobre como escribir un ensayo de

narrativa personal 4. Escribir un ensayo de narrativa personal

describiendo una de las peores semanas que haya tenido y como la enfrentó.

5. Escuchar el resto de Clementine: Clementine Read Aloud

Desarrollo del Lenguaje Inglés Enfoque: Tradiciones, Inmigración y el Lenguaje de la Narración

Lección 1: Mis Tradiciones Cada familia tiene tradiciones especiales. Piense en lo que hace su familia. Celebra fiestas especiales? Lección 2: Mi Historia de Aquí Hasta Allá Muchas familias vinieron aquí desde otros lugares. Aprenda palabras especiales para contar sobre su viaje a América y lea una historia sobre una niña que vino aquí desde México. Cuente su propia historia sobre alguna vez que se haya mudado!

Trabajo para que Usted Complete: Lección 1:

1. Aprender vocabulary words sobre tradiciones y complete la actividad.

2. Share a story sobre una tradición que usted tenga. Lección 2:

1. Read a story sobre una chica llamada Amada quien se mudó de México a Estados Unidos.

2. Practice family vocabulary 3. Review la historia and retell repase y cuente quien

estuvo en la historia y que sucedió. 4. Write a story sobre alguna vez que se haya

mudado. Qué sucedió? Quién estaba allá?

4ª série Semanas de 27 de abril a 4 de maio

Aqui está o trabalho que faz parte de suas atividades de aprendizado remoto para as semanas 27 de abril e 4 de maio. Todos os materiais e links abaixo serão publicados em

● Você pode concluir essas lições e atividades em um momento conveniente para a sua família. ● Seus professores fornecerão aulas e atividades adicionais relacionadas a essas através do Google Classroom ou

outra plataforma. ● Se você tiver alguma dúvida ou precisar de ajuda, informe o professor do seu filho.

Ciência Foco: Informação e Transferência de Ondas

Lição 1: Explore as ondas sonoras nesta investigação. Crie suas próprias ondas usando corda, varal, fio ou até um cadarço!

Lição 2: Aprenda sobre código binário e pixelização codificando mensagens e imagens para enviar ao "espaço sideral"

Tarefas para você concluir:

Lição 1: Assista ao vídeo da Mystery Science: Por que alguns sons são altos e outros são baixos?

Preencha as duas folhas: Folha Seja as vibrações Folha de vibrações sonoras

Lição 2: Pratique a codificação de uma mensagem em código binário. Envie uma imagem para o espaço sideral Vocabulário de pixel

Matemática Foco: Multiplicação e divisão de vários dígitos

Lição 1: Jogue “Captura quadrada”. Competa contra alguém em casa para capturar mais quadrados usando multiplicação. Em seguida, assista a um vídeo para revisar como usar o modelo de área para multiplicar números de 2 dígitos . Por fim, escolha 4 problemas para resolver na folha de prática de multiplicação Lição 2: Você gosta de quebra-cabeças lógicos? Use os dígitos de 0 a 9 para criar 4 declarações verdadeiras. Assista ao vídeo e use a folha de referência da Lição 1 para ajudá-lo a dominar a divisão na folha de prática.

Tarefas para você concluir:

Lição 1: Folha de referência Jogo de Captura Quadrada Assista à multiplicação com o modelo de área Folha de prática de multiplicação Lição 2: Quebra-cabeça de Lógica Vídeo de Quocientes Parciais Prática de Divisão

Artes da Língua Inglesa / Estudos Sociais Foco: Descobrindo o núcleo de uma história

Lição 1: Minhas coisas favoritas Você gostaria de ser um detetive de histórias? Vamos ler para ver o que o autor está tentando nos contar nesta pequena história! Nesta lição, você lerá a pequena história abaixo. Em seguida, leia a lista de temas e circule um tema que melhor se encaixe nessa história. Não esqueça de encontrar e usar três detalhes da história para apoiar sua resposta! Lição 2: A pior semana Leia a passagem do livro Clementine, de Sara Pennypacker. Clementine começa sua narrativa pessoal com: "Não tive uma semana tão boa". O resto do livro é certamente uma prova disso! Qual foi a sua pior semana na memória recente? Escreva uma redação de narrativa pessoal, descrevendo uma das coisas horríveis que lhe aconteceram e como você lidou com isso.

Tarefas para você concluir:

Lição 1: 1. Assista a este vídeo do Brainpop sobre como encontrar temas na literatura. 2. Leia a história curta . Circule um tema e encontre três detalhes na história para apoiar sua resposta. 3. Ouça a essas músicas-temáticas e pense sobre o que o tema ou a mensagem é.

Lição 2:

1. Escute a autora, Sara Pennypacker ler uma passagem de seu livro Clementine. Trecho lido em voz alta 2. Leia você mesmo a passagem e pense sobre qual é o tema. Folha da pior semana 3. Assista a este vídeo sobre como escrever uma redação de narrativa pessoal 4. Escreva uma redação de narrativa pessoal descrevendo uma das piores semanas que você teve e como lidou com isso. 5. Escute o resto de Clementine: Clementine Lido em voz alta

Desenvolvimento da Língua Inglesa Foco: Tradições, Imigração e a Linguagem de Contar Histórias

Lição 1: Minhas tradições Toda família tem tradições especiais. Pense no que sua família faz. Você comemora algum feriado especial? Lição 2: Minha história daqui para lá Muitas famílias vieram aqui de outros lugares. Aprenda palavras especiais para contar sobre sua jornada para a América e leia uma história sobre uma garota que veio do México para cá . Conte sua própria história sobre uma vez que você se mudou!

Tarefas para você concluir:

Lição 1: 1. Aprenda palavras de vocabulário sobre tradições e conclua a atividade. 2. Compartilhe uma história sobre uma tradição que você tem.

Lição 2:

1. Leia uma história sobre uma garota chamada Amada que se muda do México para os Estados Unidos. 2. Pratique o vocabulário da família 3. Revise a história e reconte quem estava na história e o que aconteceu. 4. Escreva uma história sobre uma vez em que você se mudou. O que aconteceu? Quem estava lá?

Make sure you have all your supplies. Your experiment set-up should look like this:

Step 1

Step 2

Be the Vibration! Name: ___________________


2Experiment with how tight you pull the rope and how far you move your hand.

Make a vibration by jerking your hand to the side and back. Try to make a wave that travels to the end of the rope.

Get ready to vibrate!

Take turns so everyone can try.

Get ready to vibrate!

Be sure you’re on a smooth, hard floor.

Tie the rope at one end, or have someone hold it still.

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Wave of Sound | Mystery 3

How do you have to vibrate your hand to make waves that are squished together like this?


How do you have to vibrate your hand to make waves that are spread out like this?


Challenge! Make waves that look like this oscilloscope picture of a high-pitched sound:Step 3

Challenge! Make waves that look like this oscilloscope picture of a low-pitched sound:


4Step 4

Wave of Sound | Mystery 3


Sound vibrations Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


High pitch

The vibration is:

Imagine the sound of a flute

High-pitched sound waves look:

spread out

squished together

The wavelength is:

Imagine the sound of a tuba

The vibration is: Low




Low-pitched sound waves look:

spread out

squished together

The wavelength is:



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Wave of Sound | Mystery 3

Send a Picture to Outer Space!

All of our TV, computer, and cell phone images are made of tiny picture squares called

“pixels.” The more pixels there are, the sharper the image.

Look at the picture below. It is the same picture, just with a different number of pixels.

Try this: If you have a magnifying glass try to see the pixels on your own computer or

TV screen. You may notice that each pixel is made up of three tiny colored dots that make up

all colors in the image.

What colors are they? ____________________________________________________

SETI, the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, is a scientific research project. Scientists

“listen” for radio or light signals that might be sent by other intelligent beings in

the universe.

One of the search strategies is to figure out how a string of dots and dashes (like morse

code) or ones and zeros (like binary code), could be interpreted as a picture.

Morse Code Binary Code

Such a string could be made visible if the ones were dark pixels and the zeros were light


Color the cells with 1s in them to see the image:

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 1 0 1 0 1 0

0 1 0 1 0 0 0

0 1 0 1 0 1 0

0 1 1 1 0 1 0

0 1 0 1 0 1 0

0 1 0 1 0 1 0

0 1 0 1 0 1 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Your job:

Use a string of ones (1) and zeros (0) using sound, light, or some other method to send a

message across a room.


Original Image

Encoded Image

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 1 1 0 1 1 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 1 0 0 0 1 0

0 0 1 1 1 0 0

Step 1: Use the grid below to create

a message or image:

Original Image

Step 2: Using your image, encode your grid into

ones (blank squares) and zeros (dark squares):

Encoded Image

Step 3:

Create a key to go with the image you created. You

will send your message to someone else in your

home using sound (tapping on the wall or table) or

light (flashlight or turning the lights on and off).

Sound or Light



__________ __________

__________ __________

Example Key:

Sound Encode

1 tap 0

2 taps 1

Step 4: Now, test your code on someone at home. Have them record their 0s and 1s below.

Did it match your picture??

Here are some more grids for practice! Original Image

Encoded Image

Original Image

Encoded Image

Word Picture / Meaning


The smallest part of a picture. Tiny color squares that go together to

make a picture.


A system of letters, numbers, or symbols that can be used to send

messages in secret.


To understand or make sense of something.


To turn something into code.

Grade 4 Reference Sheet Cut these out for the game Square Capture.

1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 10 11 12

What is a multiple?

Square Capture 1 – 6

1. Cut out numbers 1-6 on reference sheet. 2. Player one turns over a card. Find a multiple of that number and draw a line connecting two dots around the multiple. If 5, around 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, or 60 3. Player 2 takes a turn. Mix up the cards after each round. 4. When a player makes a square around a number, the square is captured. The player with the most captured squares at the end wins. 20

. . . . . . . .

3 9 15 4 20 30 6

. . . . . . . .

12 5 6 1 24 35 8

. . . . . . . .

16 10 2 25 18 36 15

. . . . . . . .

9 72 50 24 22 8 22

. . . . . . . .

12 21 28 18 15 7 10

. . . . . . . .

44 55 40 42 30 45 54

. . . . . . . .

66 48 27 33 60 44 32

. . . . . . . .

1 2 3 4 5 6

Square Capture 7 – 12

1. Cut out numbers 7-12 on reference sheet. 2. Player one turns over a card. Find a multiple of that number and draw a line connecting two dots around the multiple. If 7, around 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 63, 70, 77, or 84 3. Player 2 takes a turn. Mix up the cards after each round. 4. When a player makes a square around a number, the square is captured. The player with the most captured squares at the end wins. 70

. . . . . . . .

12 32 55 81 70 56 84

. . . . . . . .

16 84 72 64 14 35 80

. . . . . . . .

33 20 18 63 11 72 36

. . . . . . . .

9 110 50 24 100 8 22

. . . . . . . .

120 21 28 96 88 7 10

. . . . . . . .

144 132 40 108 30 45 99

. . . . . . . .

66 48 27 54 60 44 121

. . . . . . . .

7 8 9 10 11 12

NAME:________________________________________ DATE:_________________________

2-digit by 2-digit Multiplication Homework – 4.NBT.B.5

35 x 24 = 30 5


4 Directions: Use the example above to guide you in solving the problems below. Show your work and circle your answer!

1. 32 x 42 =

5. 19 x 41 =

2. 54 x 28 =

6. 43 x 42 =

3. 61 x 24 =

7. 55 x 28 =

4. 17 x 62 =

8. 65 x 33 =

30 x 20 = 600

20 x 5 =100

4 x 30 = 120 4 x 5 = 20






X 24




+ 600 840

Division Logic Puzzle

Use the digits 0 – 9 to make 4 true division problems. You may only use each digit once.

Cut out.

1 = 2

5 =

7 1 = 7

0 =

0 1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8 9

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Name Date

Partial Quotient DivisionDirections: Use the Partial Quotient Strategy to solve the following division problems. There will be no remainders.

672640 80




















I know




80 + 4 = 84

I know that 8 x 8 is 64, so 8 x 80 is 640.

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Identifying Theme Using Supporting Details

Directions: Read the short story My Favorite Things.

My Favorite Things By Joy Cowley

I said to Grandma, “Do you want to hear about my favorite things?” “Sure honey.” She said. “Go ahead and tell me.” “My favorite color is yellow because it’s like the sun and dandelions in summer. Sometimes it smells like lemons and sometimes like warm puppies. It’s a happy color and it makes me hum inside.” “My favorite time of the day is early morning when the sun isn’t up yet, and the grass looks as though it just had a bath, and the trees smell new. No one is around except the birds and squirrels and rabbits on our lawn and me in my pajamas. The rest of the day is pretty good, but the early morning is best.” “My favorite day of the year is my birthday because it is my own day made especially for me, and everyone in the family knows it. Sometimes I have a party with friends and a birthday cake and presents. But what I like best about my birthday is that in just one day I get to be a whole year older, isn’t that amazing?”

“My favorite way of traveling is by train with Mom. I can look out the window as the world rushing past. I can walk up and down pretending I’m the ticket persion, or I can just sit with my head against Mom and shut my eyes to hear the train talk to me clickety-clack clickety-clack. I guess my second best way of traveling is on the back of Uncle Jack’s horse.”

“My favorite clothing is my jacket. It's yellow and red and it's warm. It has six pockets, two on the inside and four on the outside. In the outside pockets I put crayons and money and notes from my teacher and my hands when they're cold. The inside Pockets hold my treasures like the pink shell and the acorn with a face painted on it. When my jacket gets too small, I'll give it away. But I'll keep the treasures.”

“My favorite thing in my bedroom is the patchwork quilt that you made Grandma. Sometimes it's a country with hills and valleys and farms sometimes it's a tent in a desert. Sometimes it's a rabbit's burrow where the rabbits go to hide from fierce wild animals. It's always a snuggly quilt and when I pull it around my ears I feel safe and warm.”

“My favorite animal is our dog because she is licky at the front and waggy at the back and kind to everyone and because she follows me any place I go. When I sit on the couch to watch TV she lies with her head on my lap. She doesn't look at the movie. She just watches me all the time with big loving eyes She is absolutely my favorite animal, but I wouldn't mind having a horse too.” “My favorite fruit is grapes. Sometimes I squeeze grapes, and the insides squish into my mouth. Sometimes I just crunch them up skin and all but not the seeds. Did you know that I can spit a grape seed from the mailbox clear out to the road?” “My favorite dinner is spaghetti with meatballs and tomato sauce. I pretend I'm eating worms and bugs. I chew up all the bugs and then I suck up the worms. When they slide into my mouth they sometimes flick on my nose, leaving a blob of red sauce, and dad says “Stop playing with your food.”

“My favorite drink is lemonade slush. It has this sweet-and-sour taste that makes my tongue curl up at the edges. On a hot day it cools me better than anything but I can't drink it too fast because the ice makes my head hurt. The best lemonade slush is the stuff we make together, Grandma, when you let me juice the lemons and grind up the ice and we drink it together on the porch swing.”

“Well those are my favorite things,” I said “Tell me grandma, what is your favorite thing in the whole wide world?” “ Why, honey, that is easy,” she said. “My very favorite thing is you.”

Directions: Read the list of themes and circle one theme that best fits this story.

Directions: Find 3 details in the story to support your answer.

1. One detail that supports my answer is_____________________________________



2. ___________________________________________________________________



3. ___________________________________________________________________



Directions: Read the Excerpt from Clementine. Clementine begins her personal narrative with, “I have had not so good of a week.” The rest of the book is certainly proof of that.

Excerpt from Clementine by Sara Pennypacker

I have not had so good of a week. Well, Monday was a pretty

good day, if you don't count Hamburger Surprise at lunch and

Margaret's mother coming to get her. Or the stuff that happened in the

principal's office when I got sent there to explain that Margaret's hair

was not my fault and besides she looks okay without it, but I couldn't

because Principal Rice was gone, trying to calm down Margaret's


Someone should tell you not to answer the phone in the principal's

office, if that's a rule. Okay, fine, Monday was not so good of a day.

Which was a surprise, because it started off with two lucky signs,

which fooled me. First, there were exactly enough banana slices in my cereal; one for every spoonful.

Then, as soon as I got to school, my teacher said, “The following students are excused from journal

writing so they can go to the art room to work on their “Welcome to the Future’ projects.” And I was

one of the following students!

So instead of having to think up things to write in my journal, which I hate, I got to glue and

paint stuff, which I love. Margaret was in the art room, too. When I sat down next to her, she threw

herself across the Princess-from-the-Future mask she was going sparkles on. “Remember the rules,”

she warned. Margaret was in fourth grade and I am in third. She thinks that that makes her the boss

of me. I hate Margaret’s rules.

“You can’t touch my stuff,” she said. Which she always says.

“Why?” I said. Which I always say.

“Because it’s the rule,” she said. Which she always says.

“Why?” I said

“Because you can’t touch my stuff,” she said.

And then I pointed out the window. Which wasn’t exactly lying, because I didn’t say there was

something out there.

While Margaret was looking out the window, I accidentally touched her mask.

Twice, okay fine.

Then I got busy working on my project so I wouldn't have to hear any “Clementine-pay-attentions!”

1. What is the theme of Clementine that you could relate to your own life?

___The theme in Clementine that I can relate to is_______________________________










 The Worst Week 

 Directions: What was your worst week in recent memory? Write a personal narrative, describing one of the terrible things that happened to you and how you dealt with it.


















A tradition can be anything you celebrate with family or friends that is the same every year. Some traditions are for holidays.

Holi Hanukkah Christmas

New Year Day of the Dead Ramadan Thanksgiving

Some people use special colors.

Some people light candles. Some people decorate their home.

Some people give gifts.

Some people wear special clothes.

Some people pray. Some people share a meal.

Other traditions can celebrate other things.

Birthday Travel Lost Tooth

Some people make a cake.

Some people go somewhere.

Some people put a tooth under a pillow.



Match the vocabulary to the picture





New Year

Day of the Dead



make special food

use special colors

light candles

decorate their home

give gifts

wear special clothes


share a meal



Lost Tooth

make a cake

go somewhere

put a tooth under a pillow

Draw a picture of your tradition and describe it.

My tradition is _____________________________________________________.

I celebrate with ____________________________________________________


We ________________________________________________________________


We also ___________________________________________________________


I like my tradition because _________________________________________



Your Tradition

Family Vocabulary Write the family member using the word box. 

  Word Box:  brother, sister, uncle, grandmother, mother 


This is my _______grandmother_________ 


This is my ______________________________. 


This is my _____________________________. 


This is my ____________________________. 


This is my ______________________________. 

For use with TE p. T12 Unit 1 | Crossing Between Cultures

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Key Points Reading

My Diary from Here to There1 Amada learns her family is moving from

Mexico to the United States. She is scared to leave her country and her friends. Even though there will be many opportunities in California, Amada is worried she won’t learn English. Her father tells her she is stronger than she thinks.

2 Amada and her family leave for her grandparents’ home on the border. When her father goes to Los Angeles, her family tries to make her laugh. Finally, her father sends green cards and they can cross the border. Her grandmother gives her a journal and tells her to keep her culture and language alive in her diary and her heart.

3 They meet Papá at a bus station in Los Angeles. She realizes that even though she is far away from her country, friends, and family, it doesn’t mean they are not with her. They are in her diary and her language. Papá was right—she is stronger than she thought.

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Retell what happened in the story My Diary from Here to There.  


● __Amada___________________

● _______________________________

● _______________________________

● _______________________________

● _______________________________

● _______________________________

What?  First,  Next,  Then,  Last, 

























Write about a time you moved.

 I moved from _________________________ to _____________________. 

I was with _____________________________________________________ 


First, __________________________________________________________ 


Next, __________________________________________________________ 


Then, __________________________________________________________ 


Finally, ________________________________________________________ 


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