grant contract for a decentralised programme  · web view, social competences and multicultural /...

Post on 17-Aug-2020






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C U R R I C U L U M V I T A EProposed role: Procurement + Contract / Claim Manager + Supervision1. Family name: Giesa2. First names: Helmut F.3. Date of birth: 24.04.19554. Nationality: German5. Civil status: married, live separate6. Education:

Institution(Date from - Date to) Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained:

University in Hagen, Germany (1988 – 1993)

Post-graduate studies of Economics / Accounting / Financial Management

Technical University of Munich, Germany (1973 – 1981)

Graduation in Civil Engineering / Structural Design / Town planning / Transportation, Dipl.-Ing. Univ. (MSc)

University of Applied Science in Munich, Germany (1970–1973)

Degree in Surveying Engineering, Dipl.-Ing. (FH) … (BSc equivalent),

7. Language skills: Indicate competence on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 - excellent; 5 - basic)

Language Reading Speaking WritingEnglish Excellent Excellent Excellent

German (native) Excellent Excellent Excellent

8. Membership of professional bodies: Member of the German Institution of Arbitration / DIS (Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit) VSVI (Society for Road Construction and Transportation Engineers), GPM (Association for Project Management), DVP (German Association of Project Controllers), VDI (Association of German Engineers

9. Other skills: (e.g. Computer literacy, etc.)(i) EDP-Knowledge and application of MS Office 2007/2010, outlook, MS Office 2007/2010

(Time / Activity scheduling, Resource planning and Cost / Budget planning, project tracking and trending time, cost and quantities), Mind Manager / Mind jet Coordination tool, Financial Software Lexware

(ii) Legal Knowledge and application : German Price Law (HOAI), award of contract and execution of works (VOB), EG-Sektorenrichtlinie, Civil Law, “rainbow” FiDiC [Red Book: construction only; Silver: EPC/Turnkey; Yellow: Plant + Design + Build; Gold: Design+ Build+ Operate (Maintain); Green: Subcontractors for small scale project; White: consultant / client relationship], Finance of PPP and EU-General / Special Conditions of Contract (GCC / EU-SCC) services, works and grants.

(iii) Economic / Financial Management of supply market, procurement, selling market, labour market, capital market

(iV) EU-structures and processes: Financing Agreements, Procurement (PRAG2012/13) of supply, service, works and grants, Evaluation, Project Cycle Management (PCM), ROMs, Audits.

(v) Working experienced in Europe, Asia, and Africa with intercultural skills in fragile states, too.(vi) Communication skill, social competences and multicultural / tribal experiences in African

countries (Liberia, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Libya, Malawi, Ghana)(vii) Quality Assurance: EFQM / Monitoring ROM / Review / Technical Audits with DAC-Criteria

relevance/ project design, efficiency, effectiveness, impacts, sustainability, coherence and added value to EU.

(viii) Courses in Coaching / Training / Workshops / Mentoring (refer to item 15, too): Management Techniques, Creativity, Conference Techniques, Rhetoric, Argumentation, Management Psychology, Project Cycle Management (EU-PCM), Road Asset Mgmt., TC of capacity development (CD), PCM with Technical Audits and ROM.

(ix) Coordination + cooperation + Leadership capabilities in more as 18 projects

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Curriculum vitae Helmut F Giesa

(x) Application of EU-Communication and Visibility Manual with the communication matrix: Press Releases, Newspaper coverage, TV + Radio Broadcastings (workshops/site visits).

10. Present position: Procurement + Contract/Claim + Project Management / Coordination

11. Years within the firm: 33 years professional experiences (20 years individual consultant)

12. Key qualification: (adequate / relevant to all projects; and please refer to item 15, too)

12.1 Three academic formal EDUCATIONs (i) Surveying / Quantity Surveying, (ii) Civil / Structural Eng. (Roads/Bridges, Town Planning, Transportation and (iii) post-graduate studies Economics.

12.2 Skills in several infrastructural SECTORS: in all project cycles like studies, financing agreements, design, construction, rehabilitation, operation + maintenance

Energy + Facilities: EPC-Power Generation, Converter Station, Transmission, Distribution of Electricity and all attached facilities / common Buildings for operation like Administration Buildings (B), Social B., Gate Houses, Gas + Fuel stations, Unit Electrical / Low Voltage B., Workshops and Store B, Fire brigade B, Oil Treatment B.. Pump Houses, Water Treatment Building with all lightning protections, 125 m high cooling tower, Operational buildings.

EPC / Turnkey buildings (Luxury Hotels, Apartment Houses, Service Buildings, Boarding Houses up to 25 floors, Office Buildings, Industrial Production halls, Residential houses .Public Private Partnership (PPP) for multi-storey building and parking house (300 parking places)

Water: Treatment plants, supply, drainage, sewer, sanitation, purification plant, waste depositsRoads / Highways (asphalt / concrete)+ Bridges with different methods and materials. Railway network / transport corridors and open cast mining.

12.3 Hands-on experiences in all LIFE CYCLES (e.g. EU-PCM / Project Cycle Management guidelines) within Authorities, Consulting firm, Project management institutes and Construction industry:

a) P R O G R A M M I N G : EC Development Policy, PRSP, Country Strategy Paper, Nat. Indicative Program

b) I D E N T I F I C A T I O N : Prefeasibility Studies with definition of requirements, cost estimate based on the preliminary design, Eco-Fin Evaluation / IRR – Internal Return Rate, Identification or Action Fiche.

c) F O R M U L A T I O N : Feasibility studies and Detailed Design and REVIEWs: Traffic volume + growth, geotechnics /soil classes / bearing strength, design life, survey, hydraulics / drainage / structures, geodetic survey, drawings, quantity calculation, BoQ, Technical Specifications / Requirements and Regulations like the Overseas Road Notes ORN 1-40 / TRL, BS (British Standard) and EC/DIN-Code, and South African Standard SATCC.

TENDER DOSSIERs with Review of (i) technical Requirements, value engineering, (ii) financial aspects (Cost Estimates / Financial proposal / Financing Agreement) and (iii) legal conditions of contract / Instruction to Bidders (ITB / ITT) / Contract Data [EU or FiDiC based particular applications] esp. Adjustments/Variations / Revision of prices [changes in scope of works / economic development respect by proportional and mono-material formula [adjustment multiplier P, coefficients / weightings a,b,c of direct est. cost elements with base/current cost indices or reference prices AND source of publications, refer to EU Article 37+48 / FiDiC-RB-Clause 13.8].

PROCUREMENT / Purchasemethods of different donors (EDF - PRAG 2008/2012/2013, WB, AfDB) applied, in-depth knowledge of formal procedures of tendering (RFP, QCBS/FBS/LCS), g+s procurement notices, validity, submission, opening, eligible and responsive criteria for T+F bids, evaluation, member of evaluation committees for service and works contracts, evaluation reports, award of contract.

EVALUATION of supply, service and work quotations / technical + financial bidsevaluation of the eligible / criteria for the administrative, technical, financial and composite evaluation (e.g. QCBS), evaluation committees, evaluation reports, award of contract.

Several SENSITIZATION (public participation) meetings with communities and SLRA along the road corridor to introduce the EU-/AfDB-financed infrastructure

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Curriculum vitae Helmut F Giesa

projects with the adjacent facilities: e.g. Bandajuma-Mao-MRU-Bridge and Matatoka – Sefadu / Koidu Highway

Governmental COMPENSATION (Land Acquisition, RESETTLEMENT, economical loss and damage, e.g. crops) of project affected people (PAP) / Right of Way-Encroachments.

d) I M P L E M E N T A T I O N / SUPERVISION / Superintendence with the purpose to deliver the results in compliance with the contract, manage the available resources efficiently and administrate the progress with sophisticated decision making procedures like AO, Addenda (advises given by TA) and 650 km Feeder Roads (EU-financed), Method of measurement and payment / IPC /VOP/ Final Acceptance.

e) O P E R A T I O N and M A I N T E N A N C E: Performance based management and maintenance contracts (input or output quantity and quality related), Tests upon completion / prov. Acceptance, defect liability, final acceptance.

f) Monitoring, Review, Evaluation and Audits (“Audit of External Operations”) with the Information collection, tools, key assessments, distinction of the “evaluation” criteria for Relevance, Efficiency / Economy, Effectiveness, Impact and Sustainability.

12.4 General ADMINISTRATION of national policy, program, and projects within Institutions / Authorities with all coordination of technical, financial, legal, logistic, organizational matters like administrative orders AO, bid / performance / retention securities and sureties, royalties, possession on site, addenda for alterations, additions, omission, claims, payments, taking-over certificate, remedial, liquidate damages, final statement + discharges, final payment, result-based issues. Programming: DONOR development POLICY, Country Strategy Paper/PRSP/e.g. AfP Agenda for Prosperity, National Indicative Programmes, Financing Agreements/Decisions for Loans/Grants with links to EU Delegation, giz (gtz), AfDB, and WB field/country offices (Airport, Harbour, Roads).

CROSS-CUTTING ISSUES in all Life Cycles of a project Philosophy and Methodology of EU-PROJECT CYCLE MANAGEMENT (operational PCM-guidelines)

Development Cooperation policy (Country Strategy Paper, …), Donor Coordination. Promote proactive Participation and take over ownership by the beneficiaries and

stakeholders with improvement of the facilitation skills PCM-phases : programming, identification, formulation, implementation, Evaluation / Audits. Logical Framework Approach (LFA-Procedure / ANALYSiS stage (stakeholder, problem,

objective, strategy) with the intervention hierarchy (bottom up: problematic situation, input, activities, results/output, purpose/ outcome and objectives / impact) with the objectively verifiable development / SMART performance indicators (OVi), source / means of verification, and relevant assumptions for a risk management matrix (grade of probability + effect).

Log-Frame Matrix (LFM-Product / PLANNING stage: result-based ACTITIVITY (sequences, dependencies, milestones), RESOURCE (human resources /financial means) with COST / Budget SCHEDULE and recurrent expenditures (operation / maintenance) > WORK PLAN.

Institutional ASSESSMENT of internal and external aspects of the Organization (PCM, p 95)

Project Management expert in TIME and COST Planning and Project Tracking and Trending / Prediction / forecasting through the monitoring tools like MS-Project prof 2007/2010.Preparation of an operational action plan to trouble shoot the delays.

QUALTY ASSURANCE / Quality control in line with the Tech Specs / Standards and in compliance with the entire “Contract” : e.g. preliminary / detailed design, scope of works (BoQ, Cost Estimate), execution (LAB tests material, workmanship, site diaries, test for/upon/ after completion), Quantity Survey / method of measurement and payment, Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E), Reviews / MTR, Technical/Performance Audits; and all type of Reports.

12.5 CONTRACT / CLAIM Management in all life cycles CONTRACT /Claim Management applied for Financing Agreements / Decisions for Loan,

Grants, supply, service and work contracts (FiDiC, VOB A/B/C, EU-GCC+SCC) for infrastructure projects

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Curriculum vitae Helmut F Giesa

Types of Condition of FIDIC contracts with different delivery approaches used in last 20 years

Project Delivery Approaches FIDIC Procurement Payment ApproachClient/Consultant Agreement White

QBS, QCBS Best ValueTime-boundLump sum



Method of measurement and payment

acc. toInput / output;

Incentive / disincentive;Cost plus profit

Global or detailed price Lump sum

Design + Bid + Construct (DBC) RedPlant + Design + Build (PDB) YellowEPC / Turnkey … General Contractors SilverDesign + Build + Operate / Maintenance (BDOM) GoldBuild Subcontractors GreenDesign + Build + Finance + Operate (PPP) MixPerformance based Management and Maintenance Contracts (input or output related) Mix

Typical Sequences of Principal / Payments / Dispute Events in Design + Build Period and Operation Service Period with Milestone tracking / monitoring like Issue / Submission of Tender, Letter of Acceptance, Advanced Payment / Performance Guarantee, Retention, Commencement date, monthly IPCs, Commission Cert, O&M requirements / Plan, Operating Licence, Asset Replacement Schedule / Fund, final payment, completion certificate (provisional and final acc.)

Payment and Claim Issues: Determination by RE, Claim procedures (submission, determination) Adjustment / Variation of Prices (, Valuation upon date of Termination, amicable settlement of Disputes, Dispute Adjudication Board / DAB, Conciliation.

Time Schedule Analysis with sequences and dependencies and Calculation / Cost Estimate with unit rate analysis with made up of P&G, prime /direct / indirect cost, overheads, S/C surc.

12.6 C A P A C I T Y B u i l d i n g with Liberian Water and Sewer Corporation (LWSC) and Sierra Leone Road Authority (SLRA) with extensive Training, Coaching, Mentoring due to continuous Know how TRANSFER including state-of-art technology(i) a day to day communication (face to face, lessons, circulars) and plenty of 40 Workshops in all life cycles (PR+ID+FO+IP+A, according to EU-PCM) and Training measure in the field(ii) Capacity development in all facets to run/operate and assess an Institution with the different departments like Directorate, Development, Design / Survey, Operation, Maintenance, Feeder Roads, Training and Human Resource Development, Administration.(iii) Advices and hands-on Support provided in the following areas to enhance the Capacity of the Institutions : Administration, organization, logistic, finance, technique (topography, traffic, soil, IDF / Climate, hydraulics, drainage, pavement, structures, ), contract / claims / EU-GCC/SCC), safety, health, environment, society, (ESIA / social management plan / PAP + Resettlement Plans), gender equality, resource management with the concept of interlocked or nested Log-frames of policies, programmes and projects.

12.7 EU Communication and ViSiBiLiTY Manual with the relevant communication matrix. Besides Helmut possesses Communication skills, social competencies with multicultural / tribal experiences in all hierarchy levels with strong proven leadership abilities, which have been proven as a sine qua non conditio - beside technical prerequisites – achieving objectives successfully.

12.8 Policy of ETHICAL Conduct As an individual consultant, Helmut F Giesa used to stick to the donor’s policy of ETHICAL CONDUCT to prevent corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, coercive and obstructive practices.Definitions: Please see IBRD / WB – Borrowers Guidelines

CV Helmut F Giesa, CV2015HFG-3BS www.AiD21.DE/CV2015HFG/TOC.pdf Page 14 - 4

Curriculum vitae Helmut F Giesa

13. Specific experiences in the regions

Country (Sector) Date from - Date toPalestine (Mediation) January 2017

Sierra Leone (Roads, Bridges) 05/2016 – ongoing Kenya (Highway) 04-07/2015 – 09/2016

Georgia / Caucasus (Concrete Highways) 08/2015 – 08/2016South-Sudan (Highways) 12/2015 – 04/2016

Uganda (Highway) 02-03/2016Germany + Myanmar/Thailand (Infra) 2013 - 2015

Ghana, Liberia & Germany (Building + Civil) 2013 – 2014 China (Air Traffic / Aviation) Nov 2013

Sierra Leone (Highways + Bridges) 2009-2012Libya (Energy) 2008/2009

Philippines (Ship-Steel) 2008India (Energy) 2008

P.R. China (Air Traffic / Airbus) 2007Germany (Energy) 2007

Iraq / Kurdistan & Jordan (Energy) 2006 / 2007Liberia (Water) 2006

Afghanistan (Highway + Bridges) 2004 / 2005Germany (Railway) 2002 – 2003Romania (Highway) 2001

Germany (Highways, Railways, Utilities, Sanitary, Buildings / Sky scrapers) 1992 – 2000

Nepal (Roads) 1990 / 1991 Germany (Sanitary/Waste Deposit) 1989

Yemen Arab Republic / (Highway+Bridges) 1987 / 1988 Malawi & Tanzania / NCP (Modal split) 1987

Rep. Of South-Africa (Highway+Bridges) 1984 / 1986Germany (Civil) 1983

Kingdom of Saudi-Arabia (Highways) 1981 / 1982

CV Helmut F Giesa, CV2015HFG-3BS www.AiD21.DE/CV2015HFG/TOC.pdf Page 14 - 5

14. Professional experience

Date from -Date to Location

Company& reference person

(name & contact details)Position Description (detailed information

Jan 2017[35]

Palestine GuB GmbHThe nature of the

Mediation is strictly confidential

The Mediator has even destroyed all notes and

the legal implication has been agreed“without prejudice




[35] Mediation Discrepancies of needs, rights, and interests have been settled by a guided process within one month only. The Mediator is not allowed to divulged any data (duty to keep confidential) about the disputing Parties, the Project, the Investment and the content of the satisfactorily achieved results, except (i) Pre-conditions of the Mediation have been met: both parties were ready and willing to participate, each party brought along legal representatives and competent / authorized decision makers, (ii) a guided interactive process resolved the conflicts, and (iii) a review and ratification / endorsement safeguarded the decision to became final and conclusive.

05/2016-up to date


Sierra Leone FTL Company

Ref: Managing Director of FTL


Technical and Financial

Project ManagementProcurement + Contract/Claim Management

[34] Construction of GOSL-financed Roads and Townships in the Eastern Provinces, Design – Build CONCEPT.Tasks: Technical, Financial and Contractual Project and Contract Management Advisor with discretionary power for Business development / Capacity Building to (i) restructure the organization, (ii) the process of Procurement, Material flow / spare parts / filling station, pre-cast fabrication, Logistic / Transport, Construction Management (iii) HR / Administration Department (iv) Finance with financial monitoring system (v) Administration Management / General Management with the set-up of a Contract / Claim Management system … for DBOMT Projects (Red Book MDB2006 / 2010 / Gold Book DBO). The portfolio is greater than 200 Million USD. Currently on 4th mission – ongoing.

12/2015-04/2016 South-Sudan

South-SudanSheladia, USA

Ref. PM of MTRB

Procurement and Contract Manager

[33] WB-Procurement / Contract Management Ministry for Transport, Roads & BridgesTasks: (i) Upgrade of Tender Documents for output and performance based road contracts OPRC esp. Routine and Periodic Maintenance, Emergency Works and Improvement upon Transfer for all Service Levels / Performance Criteria of paved and unpaved Roads inclusive Bridges: Bidding Procedure, Specifications, and Condition of Contract. (ii) Calculation Scheme, Price Break Down / Unit Rate Analysis (iii) OPRC-Training / Workshop for MTRB / Roads Authority in Juba [04/2016] 2 Mission, D= 4 months with Sensitization for x-cutting issues (SHEs + Gender).

03/2016 Uganda TIEG, Slowakei Advisor / Highway [32] EU-financed TA in Design, Business Development and Environmental

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Curriculum vitae Helmut F Giesa

Date from -Date to Location

Company& reference person

(name & contact details)Position Description (detailed information

Individual Consultant Helmut F Giesa


Policy and Management to the UNRA [Uganda National Roads Authority] Review of the new organisaitonal structure / Human Resources (Capabilities) and processes Needs assessment, Proposals to overcome bottlenecks with quick win solutions [management program / precedence networtk, monthly tracker / monitoring system and Quick-win action plan. 1 mission.


Georgia / Caucasus

Padeco Ltd. Japan

Ref. First Chairman of RD / MRDI

Contract / Claim Management

[31] Contract / Claim Management for Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure for Georgia / Road Department.Three Lots of new constructions of Highways, 65 km, CONCRETE roads with 7 intersections with ramps and bridges financed by JICA (150 Mio. EUR). Contract Basis: MDB harmonized edition for Construction (FIDIC - red book). Task: Engineer’s Determination of time- and value-related Claims (15 Mio. EUR).6 missions.

04/2015 – 09/2016 Kenya

Consortium SafegePM of KeNHA

(Kenya Highway Authority)

Contract / Claim M.

[30] EU-Technical Assistance for Evaluation of contractual claims / Contract + Claim Management Training : Rehabilitation of a highway with asphalt concrete surfacing, 120 km length. Financed by EU. And Facilitator for FIDIC / MDB harmonized edition for Construction, AND EDF General/Special Conditions of Contract in context with PRAG_2014 – two Trainings of Contract / Claim Management facilitated; 4 missions.

02/2013 on-going

with Partner

Germany Sierra Leone


G u B GmbH, Head Office

Germany Werner Faidt.

Procurement Contract and Project Mgmt

[29C] On-going Project Development of a technical, social (e.g. Temples) and economical (markets, clinics, pharmacy, community centers) infrastructure including “commercial production plant” (estimate 400 Mio. USD). The key element of the concept / pre-assessments are based on an ultramodern combustion process plant with carbonization at low temperature (German state-of-art) to produce Gas, Fuel, Fertilizer, activate coke, and Electricity for using of operation of transport fleet and distribution centre (cooling systems for food security) to generate 5.000 employments in the agricultural sector. Project Finance of the humanitarian Development Projects via International Foundation / Trading in the second market. [29B] Qualified appraisals / assessments of the fair market value of real estate of Industrial Plants and Residential Estates for private or Bank customersbasic principles (WertVO, MaBV, BauNVO, BGB, HOAI §33/34); selection of methods (plot value, tangible assets, capitalized and realizable value); object types (property estate, industrial complexes, ownership /cadaster / mortgages).[29 A] Preparation of Technical Proposals (Approach, Organization + Methodology, Work programs) and Financial Proposals (calculation/cost determination of the tender prices) for different co-operation partners and

CV Helmut F Giesa, CV2015HFG-3BS www.AiD21.DE/CV2015HFG/TOC.pdf Page 14 - 7

Curriculum vitae Helmut F Giesa

Date from -Date to Location

Company& reference person

(name & contact details)Position Description (detailed information

donors: EU–Swaziland; WB–Liberia; UNOPS/SIDA– Afghanistan, AfDB–Gambia USAiD–Iraq, JiCA– Bangladesh, USAiD Afghanistan, EU St Lucia (PRAG/PCM), GIZ – Liberia, and e.t.c..

Nov. 2013 China, Beijing + Tianjin

Particip/Ecorys / EU-Financed Monitor / Evaluator

[28] EU- ROM-Mission / result-oriented monitoring-mission: Institutional Capacity Building for the Civil Aviation Sector in China (EU-co-financed Program: Airworthiness, Air Traffic Mgmt, Pilot Training, CA + Safety Regulations) with MOFCOM, CAAC / Cast, CAUC, EUCCAP; Assessment of 1 Financing Agreement / Decision, 2 Grants, and 1 Service Contract Performance.

01/2011 -


Sierra Leone


R R I & GiZ (gtz)



EU-Financed SL-Roads Authority


Dir of DevelopmentMr. Sahr D Dugba Mobile Phone

00232 - 77 – 626 207


Project and Contract Management


Technical Advisorin all

project cycles

Team Leader

EU-Technical Assistance Institutional Capacity Development to SL Roads A. A_ Operational Project Cycle Management in all Phases (PCM) with Log Frame work approach / matrix and performance indicators: Studies, Design, SupervisionB_ Procurement with Evaluation (EU-PRAG 2012, AfDB, WB) C_ Review of Design of Extension of SLRA-Office Building D_ Supervision execution of works: roads, bridges and office buildingE_ Policy formulation of Decentralization/Devolution of Feeder Roads to LC/DC F_ Multi Donor Sector Policy Support Programme (SPSP), Donor Coordination, Road Pavement Management System for Budgeting, Financial ManagementG_ Following up of several Technical Audits H_ EU Communication and Visibility Guidelines, Communication MatrixI_ Knowledge transfer in technical, financial, logistic and contractual PMJ_ Administrative Procedures (contractual supervision obligations) in line with EU-GCC/SCC and FIDIC for construction and road maintenance/ performance based management + maintenance contracts and K_ Study tour to Ghana.

04/2010 -


Sierra Leone


Sierra Leone Roads AuthorityReferences see

assignment in 2011-2013

Technical Administrative

Advisor in all Project Cycles

Technical Advisor to Sierra Leone Roads Authority Services delivered as reviewer of design and tender documents, procurement, project manager, supervisor, contract / claim manager. Please ref. to Assignment 2011-2013. Details / written Reference publish on

03/2009 -


Sierra Leone



Financed by EUPascal HOUDEAUManaging Director


Contract + Claim Management

EU-Technical Assistance (TA) to SLRA as a Contract / Claim Manager for all infrastructural aspect within the Institution SLRA : Contract / claim Management Specialist for FiDiC (AfDB / WB) and GCC/SCC (EU - PRAG/PCM) Activities performed: Advises / contractual solutions in all project cycles inclusive Procurement, Evaluation, Award with Training and Coaching Written Reference publish

10/2008 -



Tripolis /

SiEMENS AGGeneral Electric of LibyaFinanced by World Bank

Construction Coordinator

Project Manager

EPC- / Turnkey Project : Construction of a 400 kV/66 KV Substation / Switchgear BUILDINGS, pipelines, sewer systems, water supply and concrete access roads.

CV Helmut F Giesa, CV2015HFG-3BS www.AiD21.DE/CV2015HFG/TOC.pdf Page 14 - 8

Curriculum vitae Helmut F Giesa

Date from -Date to Location

Company& reference person

(name & contact details)Position Description (detailed information

Ghadames Bertrand Laine,

Superintendent Review of contract documents to look for claim entitlements.Project Cost: 120 Mio. Euro / civil works around 6 Mio Euro.

02/2008 -


Asia IndiaBallia



Corporation (Energy Utility)

Financed by World BankGustav Jantsch,

SEPC – Coordinator,gustav.jantsch@siemens.com0049 – 9131 – 721 508


Liaison OfficerSupervision

Project and Claim Management

Construction of two HVDC bi-pole Converter Stations, +/-500 KV / 2.500 MW incl. ground electrode stations with AC-switchyard extension 132 kV with concrete access roads. construction of several high BUILDINGS up to 23 m with re-enforced concrete and brick walls, Administration / Office Buildings, water supply, sewerage, road construction with concrete (access of 375 tons generators). The entire stations have been built with labour intensive works methods in compliance with the Indian law. Find loopholes of the contract to bring forward a contractor’s FIDIC Claim. Financing: Government of India in conjunction with World Bank; Project Cost: 13,6 Mrd. NRI / 240 Mio. Euro

07/2007 -




Drees & SommerPM – Institute with


Financed by Gov. P.R.CProf. Hans Sommer, CEO


Project ControllerBuilding

EPC- Turnkey: Final Assembly Line FAL-C Airbus A319/A320 with civil and Building works (Power House/Substation, Service Building, Canteen, Hangar and other technical facilities for the aero-industrial Project in Tianjin, P.R.C./ChinaFinancing: Chinese Government (Chin. Aeronautical Design Project Institute)Project Cost: 300 Mio. Euro of a Private and Public Financing Initiative (PPFi)

06/2007 -



ALSTOMFinanced by RWEAlain Cailler GCM

Lingen – Germany.


Project Management Superintendent

EPC-Turnkey : Construction of a 875 MW GuD / Gas and Steam combined power plant in Germany with several technical buildings 124 m high cooling tower, a lot of different ground pipelines for the operation of a GuD-power plant, sewerage systems, and approx. 5 km asphaltic roads and concrete parking / delivery areas.Financing: RWE .Energy public utility; Project Cost: 550 Mio. Euro

08/2006 -


Kurdistan /North-Iraq Arbil (Erbil)

Jordan / Amman

ABB Mass Jordan Investment

Construction Supervision

Coordinator Project Management

EPC / DBO : Construction of a 450 MW Gas Power Station with the extension of combined cycle to 900 MW with facilities BUILDINGs ( Administration / Office Buildings, Workshops, Fire Brigade Building, Gate Houses) Financing: private Investor / Kurdish Regional Government Project Cost: 200 M€

03/2006 -




Hydroplan / GuB LWSC

Financed by EUNathan Hun-Bu Tulay,

Consultant Advisor for Managing

Directors TA Team Leader

Public procurement

EU / NAO-Technical Assistance to Liberian Water and Sewer Corporation (LWSC) Rehabilitation of the Water Infrastructures (water treatment plant, transmission lines, booster / pumping stations and reservoirs) in Monrovia and Support to the administrative, financial and technical management of the LWSC.

Financing: European Commission (ACP-9th EDF), Project Cost: 3.0 Mio. Euro01/2005



Afghan-German Asman Abi Tulu

Fatlind Malay, GuB

Construction Project Manager


Afghan-German Cooperation between GuB, GmbH / Asman Abi Tulu (AAT)for Infrastructures in civil (roads, minor bridges with reinforced concrete), sewer and BUILDING TRADE / FiDiC-Contracts. Financing: Private Enterprise.

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Curriculum vitae Helmut F Giesa

Date from -Date to Location

Company& reference person

(name & contact details)Position Description (detailed information

01/2004 -


Afghanistan IBG Gauff /GuB Consultants

Financed by BMZ / KfWK. Birkenmeyer, CEO


Resident Engineer

DB – Contract : Road Reconstruction Programme for Kunduz / Emergency rehabilitation of roads, bridges, culverts with all administrative coordination (procurement + supervision); Financing: German Ministry economic cooperation development (BMZ) with KfW Project Cost: 3.5 Mio. EURO

01/2003 -




Socotec GermanyFinanced by Ministry of TransportConsultant / Project Management

Marketing H. Hesse, MD

Consultant –

Procurement Contract Manager

Setup of the Acquisition procedure of infrastructure projects (railway projects) by PM Tools. Responsible for the management of the marketing / Procurement department. Establishment of a sales and marketing organization by using project management methods and processes. Request and preparation of Tender documents related to railway and road engineering services.

01/2001 -




DB Deutsche Bahn German Railway Authority

Financed by MOT Hans-Joachim DunschContract Department


Contrac + Claim Management

Improvement of the purchase procedure of engineering and construction services. Review and evaluation of the Contractor's submitted claims related to railway and bridge works. Negotiations with the Contractor's representatives to defend portions of their claims. VOB, similar Red FiDiC Book.Financing: Ministry of Transport

06/2001 -




Seib ConsultantMoT / N.A.R.

Financed by EU / PhareHans Seib, CEO, Owner


Highway Engineer

Feasibility Study - Upgrade of the Infra Trans-European Transport Network, Corridor IV, Upgrading measures of the existing roads by field investigations.Financing: European Commission

01/1999 -



IPM / DBPM-Institute

Deutsche Bahn Railway authority, Netz AG

Franz Mergenthaler

Consultant –

Institutional supportProcurement

& Contract Manager

Purchase and Contract Department of the railway authorityContract / Claim Management with review, valuation and defend contractor’s Claims due to negotiations for all “railway” structures like Steel / composite Bridges, Cast in Box Girders, incremental launching methods / timed shifting and Tunnels in Munich. Achievements: approx. 40% claim amounts reduced by tough negotiations and well organized Data Management.

07/1995 -




BerlinPotsdamer Platz

Turnkey Buildings

DRESS & SOMMERDaimler Quarter Development

Financed by Public UtilityMunicipality

General ManagerProf. Hans Sommer, CEO


Project ManagementBuilding

ProcurementProject Controller

Contract Mgmt.

Project management (review of general design, procurement, evaluation of bids, supervision, and contractual appreciations of contractor’s claims:(1) Public utilities (Tram and Omnibus operation depots in Mannheim with construction of arch halls administration / social BUILDINGS, workshop s and outside facilities (electrified rails, roads, parking); Familiar with all building trades and construction sequences (order) and dependencies (FS, FF, SS, SF+/-maturity):: SHELL construction (RC, brickwork) Staircase, lightning system, ROOF, safety barriers, plumber, structural facing (twin) FACADE, sun screeds, Windows to protect against inclement weather, cellar or roof : Central of Heating / Cooling HVAC / Sprinkler, INTERIOR works: door case / frames, rough installation of cable/pipes for heating, fire protection / sprinkler, electric, sanitary, plumbing; plastering, floor screed (DB false floor / HB raised screeds), floor and wall covering (tiles, flags) painting, dry construction with partition walls, lifts / elevators, door

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Curriculum vitae Helmut F Giesa

Date from -Date to Location

Company& reference person

(name & contact details)Position Description (detailed information

leaves, locking system, final electric / SANITATION installation and building services / CONTROL system, suspension ceilings, lighting, floor cover (parquet, linoleum), carpenter / built-in furniture, outdoor facilities, basic cleaning, take-over, move in furniture, pre-opening phase / Test phase. Project Cost: 90 M€(2) Huge Turn-key BUILDINGS in Berlin comprise of five turn-key BUILDINGS up to 25 floors with 5 Underground floors for parking / storage areas Trades as described under (1) Public utilities with shell construction, roofs, façade, Interior Wet Works, central building control system, Interior Dry Works, built-in components, taking over, furniture and fixtures, move in, pre-opening phase.Financing: Daimler Chrysler, private Financing Initiate (PFI), Project Cost 250 M€

My perceived achievements: “tact cycles” concept with “optimization of team configurations” caught up a 6 month delay in shell-construction, interior works (wet + dry construction) with contents, furniture and fixtures for pre-opening / Test Phase

Six TURNKEY-BUILDINGSB2 : Gross Floor Area 30.000 m2 + 8.000 m2 Under Ground, Cost = 100 + 44 Mio. DMA1 : Area 32.000 m2 + 7.000 m2 UG, Cost = 110 + 41 Mio. DMA2 : Area 30.000 m2, Cost = 100 Mio. DMA3 : Area 6.000 m2, Cost = 20 Mio. DMA4 : Area 13.000 m2, Cost = 45 Mio DMA5 Area 30.300 m2, Cost = 120 Mio DM

Website : page 4

01/1995 -



Mining Authority LBV Prof. Bielknroth, MD (LBV)

Authority AdvisorProcurement

Contract Mgmt.

Administrative, financial and technical Advices to top management about the EU-wide Procurement Process for Re-cultivation of the open cast mines and dismantling / reconstruction of the industrial power plants Project Cost: 350 M€

01/1994 -



ARGE Hochtief-W&FFin. Water Authority

GM, H. Schwerdtfeger,


Buildings + Plant

EPC-Contract: Sewage Purification Plant with construction of several Operational and Administration BUILDINGS, aeration basins, sludge tanks, pipelines, sewers, drainage, precast bridges, tunnels, roads/parking P-Cost: 140 Mio. Euro

01/1993 -



Straßenbauamt Roads Authority

Ltd. Baudirektor Wrede

Authority Public


Administration and Public Approval Procedure (Raumordnungsverfahren)Design, construction and preventive and corrective maintenance of state roads / highways and concrete pre-stressed bridges, Financial +Contract Management.

01/1992 Germany FiEGL Construction Supervison of Quary and sand production, asphalt plant, transport fleet /

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Curriculum vitae Helmut F Giesa

Date from -Date to Location

Company& reference person

(name & contact details)Position Description (detailed information


Weissenburg Financed by MOTHanns Steinbacher, Owner

Superintendent Buildings

material flow,and construction process for Roads, Bridge, Sewer system, Water Treatment Plant with adjacent Operations and Admin Buildings. Contract / Claim Mgmt.




LAHMEYER Financed by MOT

Joachim Neumann, GM

ConsultantDesign, Costing


A_Technical studies for Public Private Partnership (PPP) of Highway & BridgesB_ Design of Tunnels, Drainage, Highways, Buildings and utilitiesC_ Supervision of railway projects with Operational Buildings

01/1990 -



LAHMEYERFin by NEA/Nepal + WBMD Luetkestratkoetter

Consultant Road Design

Cost Engineer

(1) Feasibility study of Hegdanga - Chepuwa access road–Arun III .HEP (40 km) (2) Review of the Tumlingtar–Arun acces road with bridges–Arun II HEP (200 km) Financing: The Word Bank with Project Cost: (1) 35 Mio. USD (2) 120 Mio USD

01/1989 -12/1989


MICHEL Contractor Carl Pioch, Owner - MD

Construction Site Supervisor

Construction of a 35 ha Waste Disposal Site with combined heat and power station building. Supervision and VOB-Contract/Claim Management (Red FiDIC)

07/1987 -


Malawi / Tanzania

GITEC Consult Owner, MD, M.P.



Building + Civil

Preliminary and detailed design and preparation tender documents for Northern Corridor Project (NCP) Dar-es-Salam – Mybea – Chipoka – Chilumba – Monkey Bay: architectural, mechanical, electrical and loading services of the port facilities (administration, storage BUILDINGS, steel gantry, docks / quays)

05/1987 -12/1988


GiTEC ConsultOwner, MD, M.P.Giesler

Consultant Highway Engineer

Road + Bridge Rehabilitation and re-construction, Length 280 kmProject Cost: 140 Mio. Euro – Design + Surveying +Supervision

01/1984 -12/1986

R.S.A. South-Africa

LTA Pty (Ltd) Contractor

MD Dr. Volker F Claus

Construction Planning / Costing

Re-Construction of a 51 km four lance single carriage way Project Cost: 110 Mio. Euro; Construction - Red Book, FIDIC

04/1981 -


K.S.A. Kingdom

of Saudi Arabia

Held & Francke Construction AGFinanced by MoT

GM Mr. Dr. Reutlinger

Contractor Chief Surveying

Engineer, Supervisor, Estimator

A_ supervision of the highway and bridge contract (asphalt +concrete), FIDICTaif – Zalim Highway Construction, Length 90 km, Project costs 75 Mio. Euro. B_ Detailed Engineering Design / Cost Estimate of tender documents / Bids /C_ Cost Estimate for Cement plant (prime cost, indirect cost, final charges)

15. Other relevant information (e.g., publications, training, workshops, lectures, coaching, …)

A_ Thesis: Town planning and Transportation in Rural Areas : Research of rural traffic movement including a draft of a census-paper. A poll was performed (field works of several weeks) to get basic data to develop suggestions for improvements of infrastructure measures in public transportation systems / public means.

CV Helmut F Giesa, CV2015HFG-3BS www.AiD21.DE/CV2015HFG/TOC.pdf Page 14 - 12

Curriculum vitae Helmut F Giesa

B_ Training / Coaching / Mentoring: Mining Authority (LBMV / LBM) in Bitterfeld / Germany:a_ Courses for the Technical Departments : Preparation of the Tender Documents (BoQ, Cost Estimate) for the Demolition of Industrial Building Plants and Rehabilitation of the open cast mines to add value to the estates. Annual Budget: 750 Mio.DM Investment b_Lessons for the Purchase Department / technical and financial Exec Management about the EU-wide Tendering and Procurement Procedures

C_ Lecturer: Project Management Methodologies, Construction Management inclusive SHEs-Q[Time Scheduling, Budget Control, and Quality Assurance], Contract + Claim, Management (VOB), Organization, Calculation of large scale infrastructure projects [prime costs, P&G, final charges, S/C, total amount of Tender, Make up of Unit rates with production rates], SHEs-Q [safety, health, environment, social Quality] issues, and financial management in implementation phase [sureties / guarantees, IPC, PAC, FSA, FAC, discharge and ethical professional conduct.

D_ Seminar: Air Traffic Management Development of EGNOS (AOC) European Geographical Navigation Overlay System (with advance operational capabilities) in comparison to US_GPS and GUS_GLONAS ... Thales Group and DLRF

E_ Workshop: Bridge Construction methods for the sub and super structure (external, internal formwork, floating controls, and spacers) either with steel composition girders or prefabricated components.a_ Bracing scaffolding / false work, light and heavy supporting frame (push-pull props, shoring tower brace, timber boards on sub grade formation with spot or spread foundations with longitudinal beams / buffer beams, traverses, head spindles, piers / props, load bearing towers, lowering device, bracing strutting,…)b_ Formwork carriage / advance feed transverse drive system with casting segments (gantry) / concrete cycles to jack forward with the rig to the next pier / lattice tower. c_ Incremental launching methods with launching nose, hydraulic / jacking system, auxiliary pylons, with the stationary field factory in the vicinity of abutments.andd_ balanced cantilever construction with the booster phase / commencement pier and auxiliary struts to cowl in both directions simultaneously. F_ Dr. h.c. of Meditation, CCU-Institute (USA).G_ Additional WORKSHOPS relevant for Technical Assistance Assignments in Road / Highway Institutions / Authorities(i) Project Cycle Management [Log frame Approach (Process-Analysis), Log frame Matrix (Planning / Result-oriented Product: Activity, Resource and Budget Schedules], (ii) Decentralization / Devolution of Feeder Roads towards the District Councils, (iii) Road Condition Survey / GPS / GiS, (iv) Road Asset Management / Road Maintenance (ORN), (v) Axle Load Control Measures, (vi) Pavement Design ORN 31 (TRL), (vii) Time and Cost planning tool (Software Microsoft project 2007/2010) with PM Methodology and Application, (viii) Risk management, (ix) Cost Estimate (unit rate analysis). (x) Contract Management “Tender Document preparation with all technical (provision) and legal aspects (conditions) ” - Service and Work Contracts (FIDIC; EU-GCC/SCC) (xi) Claim Management / Adjustments to scrutinize alterations in scope of works, technical aspects, and time related impacts for Variation of Prices (VoP), Extra Cost, and Extension of time. (xii) Workshop DBO-contract, Aggregate “Operation Service Period”: Commissioning Certificate, Operation and Maintenance requirements, Operation and Maintenance Plan, Operation Licence, Asset Replacement Schedule / Fund, advanced payment, interim payments, final statement of account, Completion Certificate.

CV Helmut F Giesa, CV2015HFG-3BS www.AiD21.DE/CV2015HFG/TOC.pdf Page 14 - 13

Curriculum vitae Helmut F Giesa

H_ Study Tour : Ghana with SLRA Engineers: Organizational structure, processes and development in Administration, Supervision and their socio-economic development of the Ministry of Roads and Highways (MoRH), Department of Feeder Road (DFR), Ghana Highway Authority (GHA), Department for Urban Roads (DUR) and Ghana Road Fund Secretary (GRFS).

Helmut F Giesa WEB: E-Mail :, Skype : HFG2404 Whatsapp / +49 172 821 1831 Sierra Leone : 00232 76 73 80 76.

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