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Chapter 1

Water Technology

Syllabus : Introduction, sources of water Impurities in water, hard and soft water, Degree of hardness, Types of hardness, Scale and sludge formation in boiler Boiler corrosion. Caustic embrittlements, Priming and Foaming, Softening of water. Potable water, Break point of chlorination, Desalination of Brackish water etc.

1.1 Introduction

Water is god’s gift to all living creatures, from unicellular to multicellular and from plants to animals on earth. The Earth’s 71% surface area is occupied by water and the remaining 29% by land. The oceans contain nearly 97% of

water as compared to that available on earth’s surface. But ocean water, being saline, can not be used directly for drinking, agricultural and industrial purpose.

Hence, we are totally dependent on rain water and it is necessary to store water available from rains. The quality of water is of vital concern for humans, since it is directly linked with human health. Water plays an important role in various life processes in the human body. In our daily life water is used for drinking,

bathing, cooking and washing purposes. Water is also best solvent (also called as universal solvent) and it is used in many industries such as boiler industry for

steam generation, textile, paper, pharmaceutical industry etc. for various solutions/slurries; as a coolant in power plants, condensers etc.

Thus it is evident that, pure water is required by plants, animals to human being not only for self use but also for purposes of different manufacturing industries.

Hence the purity of water is of almost importance, because the rain water can not remain in the same state of purity when it falls on surface of earth. The water thus contaminated needs to be treated.

1.2 Sources of Water

The sources of water are broadly classified as :Sources of Water

1. Rain water2. Surface water

(i) River water(ii) Sea water(iii) Lake water

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(iv) Underground water

1.2.1 Rain Water

It is the purest form of naturally occurring water because it is obtained by evaporation of surface water (natural distillation process). But when it falls from sky to earth, it gets contaminated in the atmosphere due to the presence of several gases like CO2, SO2, NO2, NH3 etc. which get dissolved in it.

Suspended solid particles, both of organic and inorganic nature also contribute to the contamination of water.

1.2.2 Surface Water

Surface water is sub-classified as river water, sea water and lake water and underground water.

(i) River water

Rain water falling on hills and mountains originate as springs which ultimately unite to form a river. River water while flowing on surface of earth comes in contact with soil and minerals present in it. Thus river water contains dissolved minerals like bicarbonates of sodium, calcium, magnesium and iron. River water contains small particles of sand and rock. It also contains organic matter derived from

decomposition of plants and animals.

(ii) Sea water

It is the most impure form of naturally occurring water. Rivers, when they join the sea, carry their organic and inorganic impurities with them to the sea. Continuous evaporation of sea water from its surface makes it more rich in its dissolved impurities. Sea water is very salty and contains about 3.5% salts out of which 2.5% is NaCl. It contains various other organic and inorganic impurities because after making use of water, the waste from

domestic area as well as industries are thrown into sea, which makes sea water very impure and hence it cannot be used for domestic or industrial purposes.

(iii) Lake water

It is a result of accumulation of rain water in lower lying areas. Its chemical composition is almost constant and hardly needs any chemical treatment.

It contains organic matter in quite a high quantity. Lake and pond waters are available to people of areas near to the lake only.

(iv) Underground water

About 1/3rd of rain water percolates into the soil during which many salts get dissolved in it. This water continues to move downwards till it touches the hard surface of the rock, then it moves upward in

the form of spring.

1.3 Origin and Sources of Water Pollution

Pure water shows a pH of 7, that means it is neither acidic nor basic. But when rain water falls on other surfaces, and gets accumulated in the form of water storages such as lakes, rivers etc. it comes in contact with several minerals, oxides, sulphates, carbonates and bi-carbonates, dissolved gases etc.

As a result it gets contaminated; and all these impurities change the characteristics of water. Due to the dissolved salts, water becomes alkaline in nature. Alkalinity is due to carbonates, bi-carbonates or sulphates. The second change in the characteristics of water is hardness. Hardness is caused due to calcium and magnesium salts.

Hardness is of two types :(i) Carbonate hardness(ii) Non-carbonate hardness

Estimation and removal of hardness is very much essential, as the presence of hardness causing salts cause many problems during the use of hard water in industry and for domestic purposes.

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1.4 Hard and Soft Water

Soft water is defined as, “water which does not prevent lathering with soap”. The contrary to this, hard water is defined as, “water which prevents lathering with soap”. Thus this property or

tendency of water is called as “hardness of water”.

1.5 Hardness of Water GTU - Jan. 2010

Hardness in water is that characteristic, which prevents the lathering of soap. Hardness was originally defined as, “the soap consuming capacity of a water sample.” Soaps generally consist of sodium salts of long chain fatty acids such as oleic acid, palmitic acid and stearic acid. The soap consuming capacity of water is reduced due to the presence of certain salts of calcium, magnesium and other

heavy metals dissolved in it. When the ions of these salts react with the sodium salts of long-chain fatty acids present in the soap, lather is not

produced but it forms insoluble white scums or precipitates of calcium and magnesium soaps which do not possess any detergent value.

2 C17 H35 COONa + CaCl2 (C17H35COO)2 Ca + 2 NaClSodium stearate Calcium stearate

(Sodium / Soluble soap) (Calcium / insoluble soap)


2 C17 H35 COO– + Ca2+ (C17 H35 COO)2 Ca

(ppt or curd)

2 C17 H35 COONa + MgSO4 (C17 H35 COO)2 Mg + Na2 SO4

Magnesium stearate

(Magnesium / insoluble soap)


2 C17 H35 COO– + Mg2+ (C17 H35 COO)2 Mg

(ppt or curd) Other metal ions like Fe2+, Mn2+ and Al3+ also react with soap in the same fashion, thus contributing to hardness. Further acids, such as carbonic acid can also cause free fatty acid to separate from soap solution and thus contribute to

hardness. However, in practice, the hardness of a water sample is usually taken as a measure of its Ca2+ and Mg2+ content. Thus

we can define hard and soft water as follows :Hard water :

Water which does not produce lather with soap solution readily but forms a white curd is called hard water.Soft water :

Water which lathers easily on mixing with soap solution is called soft water. Such type of water consequently does not contain dissolved calcium and magnesium salts in it.

1.6 Types of Hardness

There are two types of hardness, as :

Types of hardness

1. Temporary or carbonate or alkaline hardness.

2. Permanent or non-carbonate or non-alkaline hardness.

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1.6.1 Temporary or Carbonate or Alkaline Hardness

It is defined as the hardness due to carbonates and hydroxides of the bicarbonates of calcium, magnesium and other hardness-producing metals.

Temporary hardness is mostly removed by mere boiling of water, where bicarbonates are decomposed producing insoluble carbonates or hydroxides.

Ca (HCO3)2 Heat CaCO3 + H2O + CO2

Calcium bicarbonate Calcium carbonate (Insoluble)

Mg (HCO3)2 Heat Mg (OH)2 + 2 CO2

Magnesium bicarbonate Magnesium hydroxide

Ca(HCO3)2 / + 2C17H35COONa (C17 H35 COO)2 Ca + 2 NaHCO3

Mg(HCO3)2 Sodium salt or (C17 H35 COO)2 Mg Sodium Bi-carbonates of stearic acid Calcium / magnesium BicarbonateCalcium and (Soluble soap) salt of stearic acidmagnesium (Impurity)

CaCl2 / MgCl2

Or + 2C17H35COONa (C17H35COO)2Ca/Mg + 2 NaCl / Na2 SO4

CaSO4 / MgSO4

The Ca / Mg carbonates or hydroxides thus formed being almost insoluble are deposited as a crust or scale at the bottom of the vessel; while CO2 escapes out in air.

1.6.2 Permanent or Non-carbonate or Non-alkaline Hardness

It is due to the presence of dissolved chlorides, sulphates and nitrates of calcium, magnesium, iron and other heavy metals.

Unlike temporary hardness, permanent hardness is not destroyed on boiling. It requires special chemical treatment for removal of hardness causing salts, such as internal conditioning or external

treatment. The external treatment involves the softening methods. The softening methods used on large scale in industries are Lime-Soda method, Zeolite-Permutit method and ion-

exchange method. The method of ultra filtration is also fairly in use. The internal treatment involves by and large “Conditioning” treatment. This treatment is given to water when water is in

use for steam generation. The chemicals which are commonly used for conditioning are EDTA, Lignin, Sodium hydrogen phosphates etc. The details of these methods are discussed in latter part of this chapter.

1.7 Factors Influencing Hardness of Water (Causes of Hardness)

There are mainly three causes of hardness

Causes of hardness

1. Dissolved minerals

2. Dissolved Oxygen

3. Dissolved Carbon-di-oxide

4. Other matter

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1.7.1 Dissolved Minerals

Dissolved minerals are of iron, and other heavy metals. These metals are generated in atmosphere by vehicular and other pollution.

They get assimilated in water when they form their soluble salts by combining with other halides / nitrates in atmosphere.

Dissolution of minerals in water also takes place as water gets percolated through ground rocks or solid surface of earth. On contact with solid surfaces, water reacts with different constituents of rock. Due to these reactions, certain physical and chemical changes take place thereby making water contaminated. The products formed are salts of calcium and magnesium which are soluble in water. Thus contact with minerals

influences hardness. Dissolution is followed by hydration process in which minerals like CaSO4 (Anhydrite) or Mg2 SiO4 (Olivine) react with

water as,

CaSO4 + 2 H2O Hydration CaSO4 2 H2O

Anhydrous Gypsum

(Volume increases by 33%)

Mg2 SiO4 + xH2O Hydration Mg2 SiO4 xH2O

Olivine Serpentine

1.7.2 Dissolved Oxygen

Dissolved oxygen is also one of the major factor to influence the hardness in water. The process involves oxidation of oxides and other salts of metals which are present in water due to pollution caused by

minerals. D.O. influences oxidation and hydration of metal oxides / sulphides as,

2 Fe3O4


+ O2


HaematiteHydration 3Fe2O32H2O

LimoniteOxidation + 2 H2O

2FeS2 + 7O2 + 2H2O

2FeSO4 + 2H2SO4 Mercesite

These reactions indicate clearly how dissolved oxygen also influences hardness, of water.

1.7.3 Dissolved CO2

The pH of water decreases due to dissolution of CO2 from atmosphere. Due to this the water turns more acidic and hence dissolution of other minerals also increases.

The following reactions are self explanatory that how dissolved CO2 influences hardness of water,

(i) CaCO3 + CO2 + H2O Ca (HCO3)2

(Insoluble) from rock Soluble

(ii) MgCO3 + CO2 + H2O Mg (HCO3)2

(Insoluble) from rock Soluble

(iii) CO2 also influences conversion of Ca / Na / K / Fe silicates and aluminium silicates (present in rocks) into soluble carbonates and bicarbonates. Some of them get converted into free silica. e.g.

K2O Al2O3 6SiO2 + CO2 + 2H2O Al2O3 2SiO2 2H2O + K2CO3 + 4SiO2

These products i.e. dissolved salts, fine clay, and free silica get collected in water, increasing its hardness.

1.7.4 Other Matter

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There are other pollutants also make water hard, e.g. heavy metals, industrial wastes, radioactive decay, free acids etc.

1.8 Measurement of Hardness

The extent of hardness is measured in terms concentration of ions contributing to hardness. It is usually expressed in terms of equivalent amount of CaCO3. The equivalents of CaCO3 is convenient precisely because the molecular weight of CaCO3 is 100 (equivalent weight is

50). The other reason this compound is being formed which gets precipitated during water treatment.

1.8.1 Calculation of Equivalents of CaCO3

The equivalents of CaCO3 for a hardness causing substance (Impurity) can be calculated by using following formula,Equivalent of CaCO3,

= Mass of hardness producing substance (Impurity)


= Mass of Impurity

For example, 162 parts [by mass of Ca (HCO3)2 (or 2 equivalents) would react with the same amount of soap as 100 parts by mass of CaCO3 (or 2 equivalents).

Therefore, the mass of Ca (HCO3)2 is multiplied by factor 100/162 or 50/81 to give mass in terms of CaCO3. It is preferred to take former factor while solving numerical problems.

Table 1.8.1 gives the multiplication factor for converting various substances into equivalents of calcium carbonates, considering molecular mass of CaCO3 and that of respective impurity.

Table 1.8.1 : Calcium carbonate equivalents for salts

Dissolved salt (Impurity) Molecular weights Equivalent weight Multiplication factor

(1) Salts of calcium :(a) Ca (HCO3)2 162 81 100 / 162(b) CaSO4 136 68 100 / 136(c) CaCl2 111 55.5 100 / 111(d) CaCO3 100 50 100 / 100(e) Ca(NO3)2 164 82 100 / 164

(2) Salts of magnesium :(a) Mg (HCO3)2 146 73 100 / 146(b) MgSO4 120 60 100 / 120(c) MgCl2 95 47.5 100 / 95(d) MgCO3 84 42 100 / 84(e) Mg (NO3)2 148 74 100 / 148

(3) Other salts/gases/acids :(a) NaAlO2 82 82 100 / 164(b) Al2 (SO4)3 342 57 100 / 114(c) FeSO4.7H2O 278 139 100 / 278(d) HCl 36.5 36.5 100 / 73(e) CO2 44 22 100 / 44

(4) Ions :(a) 61 61 100 / 122(b) 60 30 100 / 60

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Dissolved salt (Impurity) Molecular weights Equivalent weight Multiplication factor(c) OH 17 17 100 / 34(d) H 1 1 100 / 2

1.9 Units of Hardness GTU - March 2009, Jan. 2010

The following are the most common units of hardness :

(i) Parts per million (ppm)(ii) Milligrams per litre (mg / litre)(iii) Grains per imperial gallon (gpg) or Clarke’s degree (Cl)(iv) French degree (Fr)

(i) Parts per million (ppm)

One part per million (ppm) is a unit weight of solute per million unit weights of solution. In dilute solutions of density 1, 1 ppm = 1 mg / litre. It is customary to express hardness in terms of

equivalents of CaCO3. Hence, all the hardness causing impurities are first converted in terms of their respective weights equivalent to CaCO3 and the sum total of the same is expressed in ppm.

= Weight of the Thus, parts per million (ppm) is the parts of calcium carbonate equivalent hardness per 106 parts of water i.e. 1

ppm = 1 part of CaCO3 equivalent hardness in 106 parts of water.

(ii) Milligrams per litre (mg / litre)

It is the number of milligrams of CaCO3 equivalent hardness present per litre of water.

Thus, hardness of 1 mg / litre = 1 mg of CaCO3 equivalent hardness in 1 litre.

1 ltr of water = 1 kg = 1000 g = 1000000 mg

= 106 mg

1 mg / litre = 1 mg of CaCO3 equivalent per 106 mg of water.

or 1 mg / litre = 1 part of CaCO3 equivalent per 106 parts of water.= 1 ppm

Hence, mg / litre has the same units as parts per million (ppm).

(iii) Grains per imperial gallon (gpg) or Clarke’s degree (Cl)

It is the number of grains (1 / 7000 lb) of CaCO3 equivalent hardness per gallon (10 lb) of water or it is the parts of CaCO3 equivalent hardness per 70,000 parts of water. Thus,

1 Clarke = 1 grain of CaCO3 equivalent hardness per gallon of water or

1 Cl = 1 part of CaCO3 equivalent hardness per 70,000 parts of water

(iv) French degree (Fr)

It is the parts of CaCO3 equivalent hardness per 105 parts of water. Thus,1 Fr = 1 part of CaCO3 equivalent per 105 parts of water.

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Inter-relationships between various units of hardness :

1 ppm = 1 mg / litre = 0.1 Fr = 0.07 Cl

1 mg / litre = 1 ppm = 0.1 Fr = 0.07 Cl

1 Cl = 1.43 Fr = 14.3 ppm = 14.3 mg / l

1 Fr = 10 ppm = 10 mg / l = 0.7 Cl

1 Russian = 1 part Ca / 106 parts of water

1 German = 1 part CaO / 105 parts of water

= 10 ppm as CaO or 17.9 ppm s CaCO3

1 gram per U.S. gallon = 17.1 ppm = 17.1 mg / l

= 1.2 Cl

1 mg / litre = 1 ppm1 Cl = 14.3 ppm1 Fr = 10 ppm

Classification of water on basis of hardness :

Hardness (ppm) Type

< 150 Good water

150 to 350 Fairly good water

350 onwards Bad water

1.10 Determination of Hardness of Water

The hardness of water can be determined by following methods :(i) EDTA method – Used most widely (ii) O’ Heliner’s method – Not used commonly(iii) Soap titration method – Not used commonly

1.10.1 Determination of Hardness by EDTA Method

EDTA is abbreviation of Ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid.

This compound dissolves in water with great difficulty and in a very very small quantity. On the contrary its di-sodium salt dissolves in water quickly and completely. Hence for common experimental purpose,

in place of EDTA, its di-sodium derivative is used.

EDTA is a hexadentate ligand. It binds the metal ions in water i.e. Ca+ 2 or Mg+ 2 to give highly stable chelate complex. (These metal ions are bonded via oxygen or nitrogen from EDTA molecule).

Therefore, this method is called as complexometric titration. The formation and structure of complex is as shown below :

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1.10.2 Principle of EDTA Method

Ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid (EDTA) forms complexes with Ca2+ and Mg2+, as well as with many other metal cations, in aqueous solution.

These complexes have the general formula as shown above. Thus, in a hard water sample, the total hardness can be determined by titrating Ca2+ and Mg2+ present in an aliquot of the

sample with Na EDTA solution, using NH4Cl – NH4OH buffer solution of pH 10 and Eriochrome Black T as the metal indicator.

EBT indicator form wine red coloured unstable complex with Ca+2/Mg+2 ions present in hard water at appropriate pH (generally between 8-10).

This complex is broken by EDTA solution during titration, giving stable complex with ions; and releasing EBT indicator solution which is blue in colour. Hence the colour change is from wine red to blue (EBT’S own colour).


Thus noting the colour change, the point of equivalence can be trapped and hardness of water can be determined by using this method.

1.10.3 Procedure for EDTA Titration

The steps involved in the determination of hardness of water are summarised here.

Step 1 : Preparation of reagents

Step 2 : Titrations

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Step 1 : Preparation of reagents

The various solutions required can be made as follows :(a) Standard hard water

One gram of pure, dry CaCO3 is dissolved in the minimum quantity of dilute HCl. This solution is evaporated to dryness on a water bath. The residue left is dissolved in distilled water and the solution is diluted to 1 L. The hardness of this solution would be 1 mg of CaCO3 equivalent per ml.

(b) EDTA solution3.7 grams of pure EDTA crystals are mixed with 0.1 gram of MgCl2, and dissolved in distilled water and the solution is made to 1 litre.

(c) Indicator0.5 gram of EBT is dissolved in 100 ml of alcohol.

(d) Buffer solution of pH 1067.5 grams of NH4Cl are added to 570 ml of concentrated ammonia solution. The mixture is then diluted to 1 litre with distilled water.

Step 2 : Titrations

The following different titrations are performed and volume of EDTA is noted to estimate hardness of water sample :(a) Standardization of EDTA solution

50 ml of standard hard water is taken in a conical flask. To this 10 – 15 ml of buffer solution of pH 10, 4 – 5 drops of EBT indicator are added and the solution is titrated against EDTA solution till colour changes from wine red to deep blue. To this (Volume of EDTA solution = V1 ml).

(b) Estimation of total, hardness 50 ml of hard water sample is titrated as above against EDTA solution To this (volume of EDTA = V2 ml).

(c) Estimation of permanent hardness 50 ml of hard water sample is boiled for about 15 – 20 minutes, filtered, diluted with distilled water to make 50 ml and titrated as above against EDTA solution. To this (Volume of EDTA = V3 ml).Using the data of V1, V2 and V3; total and permanent hardness is calculated. The difference of these two values gives

temporary hardness of water.

Method of calculation

Titrations carried out in this method are :1. 50 ml standard hard water (SHW) [containing 1 mg/ml CaCO3 equivalent hardness] against EDTA solution = V1 ml2. 50 ml unknown hard water (HW) against EDTA solution = V2 ml.3. 50 ml unknown hard water after boiling and dilution against EDTA solution = V3 ml.

Now, V1 ml. EDTA required by 50 ml. standard hard water 50 mgs of CaCO3 equivalent. (Since SHW contains 1 mg/ml CaCO3 equivalent hardness)

1 ml EDTA solution mgs CaCO3 equivalent hardness.

Now, V2 ml. EDTA solution is required by unknown hard water,

Thus, total hardness in 50 ml mgs. CaCO3 equivalent hardness.

mgs/lit (or ppm)

Now, V3 ml. EDTA solution is required by 50 ml unknown hard water after boiling, i.e. on boiling, temporary hardness gets eliminated. Hence V3 ml. EDTA is towards permanent hardness of water sample.

= mgs of CaCO3 equivalent hardness.

= mgs/litFrom above two equations we can calculate temporary hardness asTemporary hardness = Total hardness Permanent hardness

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= mgs/lit of CaCO3 or ppm= (V2 V3) mgs/lit of CaCO3 or ppm.

Advantages of EDTA method

1. Highly accurate.2. Highly convenient.3. Highly rapid.

1.11 Disadvantages of Hard Water

Effect of hard water is discussed when for various purposes the hard water is used, such as,(1) Domestic purpose

Washing Bathing Cooking Drinking

(2) Industrial purpose Textile industry Sugar industry Dyeing industry Laundry industry Paper industry Concrete industry Bakeries Pharmaceritical industry

(3) Steam generation purpose : In boilers

(1) Domestic purpose

Lot of water is used for domestic purpose as follows :

Washing It causes wastage of soaps and forms sticky precipitates (Ca and Mg soaps) which stick to the fabric / cloth giving spots.

Bathing It causes wastage of soaps, production of sticky scum on bucket / bath-tub and body. Thus, cleaning quality of soap is reduced and skin becomes dry and dark in colour

Cooking Due to hardness of water, boiling point elevates which results into wastage of fuel and consumption of more time for cooking. Foods like pulses, beans, vegetables, etc. do not cook properly in hard water

Drinking It causes harmful effects on digestive and urinary tract systems, apart from affecting the taste of water.

(2) Industrial purpose

Textile industry Hard water, if used in textile industries causes wastage of soap (used in washing yarn, fabrics, etc.) because of formation of Ca and Mg soap (ppts). These precipitates of Ca and Mg soap adhere to the fabrics. These fabrics when dyed later, do not produce exact shade of the colour.

Sugar industry Water containing sulphates, nitrates, alkali carbonates etc if used in sugar refining, causes difficulties in crystallization of sugar and sugar so produced may undergo decomposition during storage.

Dyeing industry If hard water is used in preparation of dyes, the organic dyes may react with impurities present in water. This causes imperfect shades and uneven spots on fabric when these same dyes are used in dyeing process.

Laundry If hard water is used for laundry, wastage of soaps occurs. Moreover, salts of iron sometimes cause undesirable colouration or patches on the clothes.

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Paper industry Ca and Mg salts in hard water tend to react with chemicals and other materials employed to provide smooth and glossy finish to paper. Hard water containing iron salts may even affect the colour of the paper being produced

Concrete making Water containing chlorides and sulphates if used in concrete making, affects (slows down) the hydration of cement and hence final strength of concrete is reduced.

Bakeries Water containing organic matters such as algae, fungi, bacteria etc. if used in bakeries affect the quality of material produced i.e. they are of poor quality

Pharmaceutical industry

If hard water is used in making drugs, syrups, injections, etc then it may produce certain undesirable products in them which may harm human beings.

(3) Steam generation (in boilers)

Boilers are employed for steam generation in number of industries and in power houses. On the basis of pressure ranges, the boilers are classified into following three categories : Low pressure boiler : Upto 15 kg / cm2

Medium pressure boiler : 15 to 30 kg / cm2

High pressure boiler : 30 kg / cm2 and above

1.11.1 Specifications of Water Quality for Various Uses

When “disadvantages of hard water” are clearly known, we can tabulate the specifications of water quality which is essentially desirable for various uses and to avoid the harmful effects of hard water.

Sr. No. Purpose Specification Disadvantage if specification not met with

1. Cooking Soft and salt free More fuel Unpleasant taste

2. Drinking Soft and salt free Unpleasant taste Digestive disorders

3. Textile industry Soft, free from turbidity, organic matter, colour, Fe and Mn

Uneven dyeing Foul smell

4. Laundry Soft, free from colour, Fe and Mn More soap and detergent consumption Fe and Mn salts impart undesirable colour

to fabric5. Sugar industry Soft water. Deliquescent sugar

Problems in crystallisation6. Dairies Free from colour, odour and taste and

also pathogens.Contamination in dairy products. May be toxic may lead to digestive disorders.

7. Be average Free from alkalinity Undesirable taste as alkaline water neutralises the acids in fruits producing salts.

8. Pharmaceutical industry

Soft water, free from acidity, alkalinity, turbidity, minerals.

difficulty in tablet making syrups do not retain consistency.

9. Boilers Soft water. Corrosion Scales formation Heat transfer affected Wastage of fuel.

1.12 Boiler Troubles

GTU - Dec. 2008, June 2009If hard water obtained from natural sources is fed directly to the boilers, many problems may arise such as :

1. Sludge and scale formation

Chemistry (GTU) 1-13 Water Technology

2. Caustic embitterment3. Boiler corrosion 4. Priming and foaming

1.12.1 Sludge and Scale Formation

Fig. 1.12.1 : Sludge and scale formation

Due to continuous evaporation of water in boilers, the concentration of dissolved salts in hard water increases progressively and finally when ionic product exceeds the solubility product, these salts are precipitated on the inner walls of the boiler.

If the precipitates are loose, slimy, and floating, they are known as sludges. If the precipitated matter forms a hard adhering coating inside the boiler surface, they are called as scales.

(a) Sludge

Formation of sludge

Sludge is a soft, loose and slimy precipitate formed in the boiler. Sludge can be easily removed with a wire brush.

Sludges are formed in comparatively colder areas of boilers and are collected in areas where flow rate is slow or at bends in the pipes.

Causes of sludge formation

Sludges are formed by substances which have greater solubility in hot water than in cold water e.g. MgCO 3, MgCl2, CaCl2, MgSO4 etc.

Sludges may lead to choking of pipes.

Disadvantages of sludge formation

(i) Sludges are poor conductor of heat (ii) If sludges are formed along with scales, then former gets entrapped in latter and both get deposited as scales.(iii) Excessive sludges if formed in boilers, choke up pipe connection, plug opening, gauge-glass connection and disturb

the working of boilers.


Sludge formation can be prevented by,(i) Using soft water in boilers(ii) Frequent blow down operation i.e. drawing off a portion of the concentrated water (containing large amount of

dissolved salts) and replacing it with fresh water

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(b) Scales

Formation of scales

Scales are hard deposits which stick very firmly to the inner surface of the boiler. As the scales are hard and adherent, it is difficult to remove them even with the help of hammer and chisel. They are the main causes of boiler troubles.Causes of scale formation

1. Decomposition of Ca (HCO3)2

2. Deposition of CaSO4 3. Hydrolysis of magnesium salts4. Presence of silica (SiO2)

(1) Decomposition of Ca (HCO3)2

Ca(HCO3)2 CaCO3 + H2O + CO2 (Scale)

The CaCO3 formed is soft. In low pressure boilers, it is the main cause of scale formation, however, in high pressure boilers, CaCO3 reacts

to give Ca(OH)2 as sludge and CO2. CaCO3 + H2O Ca(OH)2 + CO2

(Sludge)(2) Deposition of CaSO4

This is the main cause of scale formation in high pressure boilers. It is quite adherent and difficult to remove. When hard water containing CaSO4 is heated in boilers, CaSO4, gets precipitated as hard scale on the heated

portion of boilers and forms scale.

(3) Hydrolysis of magnesium salts

Magnesium salts form a soft type of scale at high temperature in boilers.

MgCl2 + 2 H2O Mg(OH)2 + 2 HCl (Scale)

(4) Presence of silica (SiO2)

Silica reacts with calcium and magnesium metals to form CaSiO3 and / or MgSiO3, which gets deposited on the inner side of the boiler surface.

These deposits are very difficult to remove.

Disadvantages of scale formation

(i) Wastage of fuel

Scales have low thermal conductivity, so they act as particle obstruction, therefore the rate of heat transfer from wall of boiler to inside water is decreased greatly.

In order to get a steady supply of heat to water, over heating is done and this increases fuel consumption depending on the thickness and nature of scale formed.

For example, if the thickness of scale is 0.325 mm, wastage of fuel is 10% but if thickness is 12 mm, wastage of fuel is 150%.

(ii) Decrease in efficiency

Scales may be deposited in the valve and condensers of boiler and can choke them partially. This results in decrease in efficiency of boilers.

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(iii) Lowering of boiler safety

Due to scale formation of the heat provided to boilers is not transmitted perfectly to water, as scales are bad conductors of heat.

Therefore, the overheating of the boiler tubes make the boiler material softer and weaker. This causes distortion of boiler tubes and makes the boiler unsafe to bear the pressure of the steam, especially in

high pressure boilers.

(iv) Danger of explosion

Danger of explosion mounts because the boiler is provided with higher amount of heat, but due to scales the same amount of heat is not transmitted to water inside.

Moreover, metal parts of boiler as well as layer of scales undergo expansion, but the extent of expansion is varied.

Later, a stage comes when thick scales crack due to uneven expansion and hot water comes in contact with boiler wall. This results in sudden production of large amount of steam because due to overheating, the boiler wall is at a very high temperature.

This leads to a sudden increase in pressure which may cause explosion of boiler.

Removal of scales

The scales can be removed from time to time by following methods :(i) If scales are loosely adhering, then they can be removed by scraping with a piece of wood or wire brush.(ii) If scales are brittle, then by giving thermal shocks (i.e. heating the boiler and then suddenly cooling with cold water)

they can be removed.(iii) If scales are hard and adherent, then they can be removed by using some chemicals to dissolve them. e.g. CaCO 3

scales can be dissolved by using 5 to 10% HCl.(iv) If scales are loosely adherent, they can be removed by frequent blow down operations.

Prevention of scale formation

For prevention of scale formation two types of treatments are given which are Internal treatment and External treatment.

1.12.2 Internal Treatment

“The treatment is accomplished by adding chemicals to boiler water."

(a) To precipitate the scale forming impurities in the form of sludges which can be removed by blow-down operation.(b) To convert them into compounds which will stay in dissolved form in water and hence do not cause any harm.

Internal treatment is corrective treatment for removal of certain defects left in external treatment.

Important internal treatment methods :

(a) Colloidal conditioning In low pressure boilers, scale formation can be avoided by adding organic substances like kerosene, tanin, agar-

agar etc. These substances get coated over the scale forming precipitates, thereby yielding non-sticky and loose deposits

similar to sludge which can be removed by blow down operation.(b) Phosphate conditioning

In high pressure boilers, scale formation can be avoided by adding sodium phosphate,3CaCl2 + 2Na3PO4 Ca3(PO4)2 + 6NaCl

The soft sludge of Ca3(PO4)2 and Mg3(PO4)2 (which is non-adherent and easily removable) can be removed by blow down operation.

The main phosphates employed are :1. NaH2PO4 [Sodium dihydrogen phosphate (acidic)]. When alkalinity of boiler water is too high and is required

to be reduced to optimum value of pH 9.5 to 10.5, NaH2PO4 salt is added because it is acidic in nature.

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2. NaH2PO4 [Disodium hydrogen phosphate (weakly alkaline)]. It is used' when alkalinity of boiler water is adequate.

3. Na3PO4 [Trisodium phosphate (alkaline)]. It is used when alkalinity of boiler water is low.(c) Carbonate conditioning

In low pressure boilers, scale formation can be avoided by addition of Na2CO3 (sodium carbonate) to boiler,

CaSO4 + Na2CO3 CaCO3 + Na2SO4 CaCO3 formed can be removed by blow down operation.

(d) Treatment with sodium aluminate (NaAlO2) When boiler water is treated with NaAlO2 in solution, it gets hydrolysed to yield NaOH and Al(OH)3

NaAlO2 + 2 H2O NaOH + Al(OH)3 (Gelatinous precipitate)NaOH reacts with magnesium salts to form sludge.

MgCl2 + 2 NaOH Mg(OH)2 + 2NaCl Precipitates of Mg(OH)2 and AI(OH)3 produced inside the boiler entraps finely suspended and collodial

impurities, including oil drops and silica. The loose precipitates can be removed by blow down operation.(e) Calgon conditioning

Sodium hexametaphosphate Na2[Na4(PO3 )6]is added to boiler water. It prevents the scale formation by forming soluble complex compound. e.g.

Na2[Na4(PO3)6] 2Na + [Na4P6O18]2

2 CaSO4 + Na2[Na4P6O18] Na2[Ca2P6O18] + 2 Na2SO4

(f) Electrical conditioning This is achieved by using sealed glass bulbs containing mercury connected to a battery which are set floating in

the boiler. When water boils, due to high temperature mercury bulbs emit electrical discharges which prevent the

precipitates to stick to the sides of boiler and this prevents scale formation.(g) Radioactive conditioning

Small tablets which contain radioactive salts are placed inside the boiler water at few points. As water boils these tablets emit energy radiations and thus prevent scale formation.

1.12.3 Caustic Embrittlement GTU - June 2009

“Caustic embrittlement is a type of boiler corrosion which makes boiler material brittle.” This is caused by using highly alkaline water in the boiler, most commonly in high pressure boi1er.

During lime soda process, free Na2CO3 is usually present in small proportion in the softened water. Na2CO3 in high pressure boilers decomposes to give sodium hydroxide and carbon dioxide.

Na2CO3 + H2O 2 NaOH + CO2 (This makes boiler water caustic). The water containing NaOH flows into the minute hair-cracks, in the inner wall of boiler, by capillary action. Here,

water evaporates and the concentration of NaOH increases progressively. This caustic soda attacks the surrounding areas, thereby dissolving iron of boiler wall as sodium-ferroate. This causes

embrittlement of boiler wall at a stressed parts like bends, joints, etc. It can be explained by considering the following concentration cell.

+ –Iron at rivets, bends etc. (stressed)Anode

Concentrated NaOH solution

Dilute NaOH solution

Iron at plain surfaces (unstressed)Cathode

Due to such cell formation, anodic parts get corroded. Caustic embrittlement can be avoided,1. By using sodium phosphate as softening reagent instead of sodium carbonate

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2. By adding tannin or lignin to boiler water, since they block the hair cracks, thereby preventing infiltration of caustic soda (NaOH) solution into cracks.

3. By adding Na2SO4 solution to boiler water which also blocks the cracks.4. By carefully adjusting the pH of feed water between 8 and 9.

1.12.4 Boiler Corrosion GTU - Dec. 2008, June 2009

Boiler corrosion can be defined as, “loss of boiler material or deterioration of its useful properties due to chemical or electrochemical interaction with its environment .”

Boiler corrosion occurs due to following reasons :

(a) Dissolved oxygen(b) Dissolved carbon dioxide(c) Acids from dissolved salts present in water.

(a) Dissolved oxygen It is the main corrosion causing impurity in water. Water, usually contains about 8 ml of dissolved oxygen per

litre at room temperature. Dissolved oxygen in water attacks the boiler material at high temperature as shown by the following reactions if

boiler material is of iron.

Fe Fe2+ + [2e ] 2 (at anode)

O2 + 2 H2O + 2e 4OH (at cathode)

2 Fe + O2 + 2 H2O Fe2+ + 4OH

2 Fe (OH)2

4Fe(OH)2 + 2H2O + O2 4 Fe (OH)3 Fe2O3·xH2O Rust

Thus, the boiler gets corroded.

Removal of DO

(i) Dissolved oxygen can be removed by adding calculated quantity of scavengers such as, sodium sulphite or hydrazine, sodium sulphide etc. The reactions are,

2 Na2SO3 + O2 2Na2SO4

N2H4 + O2 N2 + 2 H2O (Most Ideal)

Na2S + 2 O2 Na2SO4

With hydrazine, dissolved oxygen forms products such as nitrogen and water. Nitrogen is harmless. Therefore, hydrazine is an ideal chemical for removal of dissolved oxygen. On the other hand with Na2S and Na2SO3, sodium sulphate is formed which in high pressure boilers, decomposes

giving SO2. SO2 enters into steam pipes, and forms H2SO3 (sulphurous acid) in stream condenser. Nowadays, Azamine 8001-RD has been employed for degassing water in minimum time.

(ii) Dissolved oxygen can also be removed by mechanical de-aeration, i.e. by maintaining high temperature, low pressure and large exposed surface.

(b) Dissolved carbon dioxide

CO2 gas dissolved in water, forms carbonic acid, which has slow corrosive effect on boiler material like any other acid.

CO2 + H2O H2CO3 (Carbonic acid) CO2 is also released inside the boiler if water contains bicarbonates, which get decomposed as,

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Mg(HCO3)2 MgCO3 + H2O + CO2 ppt

Ca(HCO3)2 CaCO3 + H2O + CO2ppt


Carbon dioxide can be removed1. By adding calculated quantity of NH4 OH. (Ammonium Hydroxide) So that CO2 reacts with it to give

Ammonium carbonate.

CO2 + 2 NH4OH (NH4)2 CO3 + H2O2. By mechanical deaeration along with O2.

(c) Acids from dissolved salts (Hydrolysis of dissolved salts)

MgCl2 if present in water, on hydrolysis liberates free acid as shown by chemical reactions,

MgCl2 + 2 H2O Mg(OH)2 + 2 HCl (Free Acid) The liberated free acid reacts with iron material of the boiler in a chain like reaction producing acid again as

shown below,Fe + 2HCl FeCl2 + H2 g(Free Acid)

FeCl2 + 2H2O Fe (OH)2 + 2 HCl(Free Acid) - To continue corrosion of boiler.

Therefore, even small amount of magnesium salt causes corrosion of iron to a large extent.


It can be avoided by adding alkali from outside to neutralise the acid formed.

1.12.5 Priming and Foaming

When boiler water contains large amount of dissolved salts and is steaming rapidly, some of the particles of the liquid water are carried along with the steam.

“The process of wet steam formation is known as priming”.

Priming is influenced by

(a) Suspended and dissolved impurities(b) Sudden boiling (c) Faulty design of boiler(d) High velocity of steam

“The formation of persistent foam or bubbles which do not break easily is known as foaming”. Foaming is influenced in the presence of substances like :

(a) Oil or grease which greatly reduce surface tension, (b) Alkalies present is water. (c) Clay or organic matter (d) Finely divided particles of sludge.

Both these processes i.e. priming and foaming usually occur together. They are objectionable because,1. Dissolved salts in boiler water are carried by the wet steam to super heater and turbine blades, where they get

deposited as water evaporates. This deposit reduces efficiency of steam (or boiler indirectly).2. Dissolved salts may enter the parts of other machinery, where steam is being used, thereby decreasing the lift

of machinery. Thus working of machinery is affected.3. Actual height of the water column cannot be judged properly, thereby making the maintenance, of the boiler

pressure at a particular level difficult.Priming can be avoided by :

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1. Fitting mechanical steam purifiers.2. Avoiding rapid change in steam production rate.3. Maintaining low water levels in boilers.4. Using soft water in boilers.Foaming can be avoided by :1. Adding castor oil and antifoaming chemicals.2. Removing oil from boiler water by adding sodium aluminate (NaAlO2)

1.13 Treatment of Hard Water GTU - Dec. 2008, March 2009

Water used for industrial purposes should be sufficiently pure, free from all hardness producing salts especially Ca, Mg and Fe salts.

The hardness of water is determined on the basis of the concentration of dissolved salts. “The process of removing or reducing concentrations of hardness causing salts from water is called as softening of

water.” Water used for steam generation should be perfectly soft to minimize boiler related troubles e.g. scale formation etc. Soft water is also used in many industries like paper, rayon, textile, ice, laundries, brewing, distilleries, pharmaceuticals,

canning etc. Internal treatment given to water helps to some extent especially to give a correction to the problems associated with

use of water containing traces of certain salts. But internal treatment may not be sufficient to overcome the problems due to hard water when concentration of hardness causing salts is high. Under such circumstances softening methods are required to be used.

1. Lime soda process.2. Zeolite process or permutit process.3. Ion-exchange or deionization or demineralisation process4. Reverse osmosis5. Ultrafiltration

1.13.1 Lime-Soda Process

GTU - June 2009Principle In this method hard water is treated with calculated amounts of slaked lime, [Ca(OH)2] and soda ash [Na2CO3] in

reaction tanks, so as to convert hardness producing chemicals into insoluble compounds which are then removed by settling and filtration.

Lime required for softening is calculated by using formula, as,

L = [ Temporary Ca+2 + 2 Temporary Mg+2 + Permanent (Ca+2 + Mg+2 + Al+3 + Fe+2)

+ CO2 + H+ (HCl or H2SO4) + HCO–3 – NaAlO2 ] all in term of their CaCO3 equivalents.

Soda required for softening,

S = [ Permanent (Ca+2 + Mg+2 + Al+3 + Fe+3) + H+ (HCl or H2SO4) + AlCl3 HCO–– NaHCO3 ]

all in term of their CaCO3 equivalents. Normally, about 10 % excess of chemicals are added in the reaction tanks to complete the reactions quickly.

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(i) Reactions with lime

Lime reacts in following ways, during softening of water.1. To neutralise any free acid present. For example

2HCl + Ca(OH)2 CaCl* + 2 H2OH2SO4 + Ca(OH)2 CaSO* + 2H2O

2. To precipitate iron and aluminium salts, if any, as hydroxides.Al2(SO4)3 + 3 Ca(OH)2 2 Al(OH)3 + 3 CaSO4

FeSO4 + Ca(OH)2 Fe(OH)2 + CaSO4

2 Fe(OH)2 + H2O + O2 2 Fe(OH)3

3. To precipitate dissolved CO2 as CaCO3

CO2 + Ca(OH)2 CaCO3 + H2O4. To precipitate calcium bicarbonate as CaCO3

Ca(HCO3)2 + Ca(OH)2 2 CaCO3 + 2H2O5. To precipitate magnesium salts as hydroxides.

Mg(HCO3)2 + 2 Ca(OH)2 2 CaCO3 + Mg(OH)2 + 2H2OMgCl2 + Ca(OH)2 Mg(OH)2 + CaCl*

MgSO4 + Ca(OH)2 Mg(OH)2 + CaSO*Mg(NO3)2 + Ca(OH)2 Mg(OH )2 + Ca(NO3)*

6. To covert bicarbonate ions (like NaHCO3, KHCO3, etc) into carbonates.

2NaHCO3 + Ca(OH)2 CaCO3 + H2O + Na2CO3

* CaCl2 , CaSO4 and Ca(NO3)2 produced are to be treated as permanent hardness.

(ii) Reactions with soda

Soda removes all the soluble permanent hardness due to calcium salts asCaCl2 + Na2 CO3 CaCO3 + 2NaClCaSO4 + Na2CO3 CaCO3 + Na2SO4.Ca(NO3) 2 + Na2CO3 CaCO3 + 2NaNO3.

Natural waters mainly have temporary hardness which is conveniently and economically removed by lime treatment, as lime is cheap and removes temporary hardness efficiently without adding soluble salts in water. Thus, the net outcome of lime-soda treatment is,1. Reduction of soluble impurities imparting hardness to water by converting them to insoluble salts, and2. Permanent calcium hardness by producing insoluble CaCO3.

However the acid radicals which are converted to their respective soluble sodium salts (e.g. NaCl, Na 2SO4) remain in water.

Water with traces of soluble salts such as NaCl. Na2SO4 cannot be used in high pressure boilers. The chemical reactions taking place during lime-soda treatment are slow and precipitates of CaCO3 and

Mg(OH)2 are fine and produce super saturated solution. As a result after deposition occurs in pipes, boiler tubes etc. their diameters are reduced and the valves get

clogged and thus corrosion occurs. In order to avoid this, following steps are taken :1. Thorough mixing of chemicals and hard water.2. Sufficient time allowed to complete reactions.3. Accelerators i.e. substances that bring down the fine particles of precipitates e.g. activated charcoal are

used.4. Coagulants or flocculants i.e. substances which help in the formation of coarse precipitates are added

e.g. alum.

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5. Provision of proper sedimentation chamber for precipitates to settle, before filtration being carried out.There are two types of lime soda processes as,

1. Cold lime soda process. 2. Hot lime soda process.

1. Cold lime soda process When the chemicals are added to hard water at room temperature, the process is known as cold lime soda


Fig. 1.13.1 : Continuous cold lime soda softener At room temperature, the precipitates are finely divided and do not settle easily, nor can they be easily filtered. It is therefore necessary to add coagulants like alum such as sodium aluminate etc. They help in the formation of coarse precipitates.

NaAlO2 + 2 H2O NaOH + Al (OH)3 (Sodium aluminate) Cold lime soda process provides water containing, a residual hardness of 50 to 60 ppm. In this process, raw-water and calculated amount of chemicals are continuously added from the top into an inner

chamber of a vertical circular tank, provided with a paddle stirrer. Raw water and chemicals are thoroughly mixed due to continuous stirring and hence softening reactions take

place. The sludge formed settles down at the bottom of the outer chamber from where it is removed from time

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to time through sludge outlet. The softened water, rising up passes through the filters (usually wood fibres), where traces of sludge are removed and filtered soft water passes through the outlet provided.

2. Hot lime soda process

When the chemicals are added at higher temperature (80 C to 150 C), the process is known as Hot lime soda process.

At higher temperature (i) The reactions are fast (ii) Precipitation is more complete (iii) Settling rate and filtration rates are increased.

As a result, the precipitate and sludge formed settle rapidly and coagulants, and also chemicals needed are in smaller quantities than that of cold process.

Fig. 1.13.2 : Continuous hot lime soda process Dissolved gases are eliminated from water to a certain extent. The softened water recovered has hardness of

about 15 to 30 ppm. Hot lime soda plant essentially consists of three parts.

1. A reaction tank in which. raw water, chemicals and steam are thoroughly mixed.

2. A conical sedimentation vessel in which sludge settles down and3. A sand filter which ensures complete removal of sludge from the softened water.

Advantages of lime soda process

1. It is a very economical process.2. This process increases pH value of the treated water, thereby corrosion of pipes is reduced.3. To a certain extent, iron and manganese are also reduced.4. Certain quantity of minerals are reduced from water.5. Alkaline nature of water reduces pathogenic bacteria present in water to considerable extent. 6. Less amount of coagulants are required.

Disadvantages of lime soda process

1. The hardness of softened water is about 50-60 ppm by cold lime soda process which is not good for use in high pressure boilers, and about 15-30 ppm by hot lime soda process, which is also quite high for pressure boilers.

2. Careful operation and skilled supervision are required for economical and efficient softening. 3. Disposal of large quantity of sludge formed during process is a problem.

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1.13.2 Zeolite or Permutit Process GTU - March 2009

The name zeolite (Greek : Zein-boiling, lithos-stone) means boiling stone. The chemical formula of sodium zeolite may be represented as,

Na2O.Al2O3xSiO2 yH2O (where x = 2 to 10 and y = 2 to 6).

(Zeolite = hydrated sodium alumino silicate)

“Zeolite is hydrated sodium alumino silicate capable of exchanging reversibly their sodium ions for hardness producing ions in water.” Zeolites are also known as permutits. Zeolites are of two types :

(i) Natural zeolites (ii) Synthetic zeolites.

(i) Natural zeolites They are amorphous and non-porous. They are derived from green sands by washing, heating and treating

with NaOH. The natural zeolites are more durable and are as follows: e.g. Natrolite.

Formula for natrolite = Na2O Al2O3 4SiO2 2H2O

a. Thomsonite : (Na2O, CaO) Al2O32 SiO22 H2O

b. Natrolite : Na2O. Al2O34 SiO22 H2O

c. Laumontite : CaO. Al2O34 SiO24 H2O

d. Harmotome : (BaO.K2O). Al2O35 SiO25 H2O

e. Stilbite : (Na2O,CaO), Al2O3.6 SiO26 H2O

f. Brewsterite : (BaO.SrO.CaO) Al2O36 SiO25 H2O

g. Ptilolite : (CaO, K2O,Na2O), Al2O30 SiO25 H2O

(ii) Synthetic zeolites

They are porous and possess gel structure. They are prepared by heating together :

(a) China clay, felsh par and soda ash and granulating the resultant mass after cooling.

(b) Solutions of sodium silicate, aluminium sulphate and sodium aluminate.

(c) Solutions of sodium silicate and aluminium sulphate.

(d) Solutions of sodium silicate and sodium aluminate.

Synthetic zeolites have higher exchange capacity per unit weight.

Principle of zeolite-permutit process

When hard water is passed over a bed of sodium zeolite, Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions present in it are taken up by the zeolite simultaneously releasing equivalent Na+ ions in exchange for them. The water gets free from hardness causing cations, but gets more concentrated with sodium salts. When zeolite gets exhausted it is regenerated and can be used again for softening water.

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Reactions taking place during the softening process are :

CaCl2 + Na2Ze CaZe + 2 NaCl

CaSO4 + Na2Ze CaZe + Na2SO4

MgCl2 + Na2Ze MgZe + 2 NaCl

MgSO4 + Na2Ze MgZe + Na2SO4

Mg(HCO3)2 + Na2Ze MgZe + 2 NaHCO3

Ca(HCO3)2 + Na2Ze CaZe + 2 NaHCO3

Iron and manganese present in small quantities are also removed as follows :

Fe(HCO3)2 + Na2Ze FeZe + 2 NaHCO3

Mn(HCO3)2 + Na2Ze MnZe + 2 NaHCO3

Regeneration of zeolite – permutit bed When zeolite is completely converted into calcium and magnesium zeolites, it ceases to soften water, i.e. it gets

exhausted. It is regenerated by treating with 10% brine solution.

CaZe + 2 NaCl Na2Ze + CaCl2

MgZe + 2 NaCl Na2Ze + MgCl2

(Exhausted Zeolite)

(Brine) (Regenerated zeolite)


The washing containing CaCl2 and MgCl2 are led to drain and the regenerated zeolite bed thus obtained is reused for softening hard water again.

“The process by which the exhausted zeolite is reclaimed / restored by treatment with 10 % brine solution is called as regeneration.”

Process of softening water by zeolite-permutit method

It operates alternatively as the softening run and the regeneration. During softening process the hard water from top enter at a specified rate and passes over a bed of sodium zeolite kept

in a cylinder. Softened water containing sodium salts is collected at the bottom of the cylinder and is taken out from time to time. The cations Ca+2 and Mg+2 are retained in zeolite bed and soft water rich in Na+2 is collected. After some time the

zeolite bed gets exhausted. When zeolite bed gets exhausted, the softening run is discontinued and regeneration is started. During regeneration

process, the following three operations are carried out.(a) Back washing (b) Salting (or brining) and (c) Rinsing to get regenerated bed for reuse.

Limitations of zeolite process

1. Turbid water (containing suspended impurities) can not be admitted to the zeolite bed, otherwise it will block the pores of zeolite and make zeolite inactive. Hence, suspended impurities must be removed before passing water through.

2. If the water contains coloured ions such as Fe2+, they must be removed first, because these ions produce iron zeolite which cannot be easily regenerated.

3. Mineral acids if present in water, destroy the zeolite bed and therefore they must be neutralized with soda before water being entered into zeolite plant.

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Fig. 1.13.3 : Zeolite Softner

Advantages of zeolite process

1. Water of about less than 15 (0 – 15) ppm hardness is produced 2. The process automatically adjusts itself for different hardness of incoming water 3. Water obtained is quite clear,4. It requires less skill in maintenance as well as operation 5. The equipment is compact, occupying less space.6. No sludge formation because the impurities are not precipitated.

Disadvantages of zeolite process

1. The treated water contains more sodium salts.2. The method only replaces Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions by Na+ ions, but leaves all acidic ions ( and ) in soft water. Such soft

water containing (NaHCO3, Na2CO3) etc. when used in boilers, NaHCO3 decomposes to give CO2 which causes boiler corrosion and Na2CO3 hydrolyses to NaOH, causing caustic embrittlement.

1.13.3 Ion Exchange Process GTU - March 2009, Jan. 2010

In this process, a reversible exchange of ions occur between the stationary ion-exchange phase and the external liquid mobile phase.

“Ion-exchange resins are insoluble, cross-linked, long-chain high molecular weight organic polymers which are permeable due to their micro porous structure, and the functional groups attached to the chains are involved in the ion-exchanging properties.”

The purely synthetic organic exchangers are made by (a) Polycondensation and (b) Polymerisation.

The functional groups are then introduced into the cross-linked resin network. It is these functional groups which decide the nature of the resin exchanger i.e. cationic or anionic.

The ion-exchange resins on the basis of their acidity or basicity are classified as follows :

(1) Cation exchange resins (RH2)/ (RH+)

Resins containing acidic functional groups (– COOH, –SO3H, etc.) exchange their H+ ions with other cations, which come in their contact are known as cation exchange resins. These are represent as RH or RH2.

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These resins are capable of exchanging rapidly cations like Ca2+ and Mg2+ by hydrogen ions. For example : Divinyl benzene copolymer, formaldehyde resins, Amberlite IR – 120, Zeocarb, Dowex-50, Duolite, Sulphonated or carboxylated styrene etc. are some of the commercially available cation exchange resins.

Their exchange reactions with cations (Ca2+ and Mg2+) are as follows :

RH2 + Ca2+ RCa + 2H+

RH2 + Mg2+ RMg + H+

(2) Anion exchange resins (R(OH))

The resin containing basic functional groups (e.g. – NH2, = NH, etc. as hydrochloride) exchange their anions with other anions, which come in their contact are called as anion exchange resins.

These resins are capable of exchanging rapidly anions (Cl–, ) by OH – ions. They are represented as R+ and OH–

where R+ represents the insoluble matrix. For example amino-formaldehyde resins, copolymer of styrene and divinyl benzene. Amberlite 400, Zeolite –FF, etc. Their exchange reactions with anions (, etc.) are as follows :

R (OH)2 + H2SO4 R SO4 + 2 H2O

R (OH)2 + 2 HCl R Cl2 + 2 H2O

R (OH)2 + H2CO3 R CO3 + 2 H2O

Variation in polymer type and cross-linking causes variation in solubility and life of resin and the diffusibility of ions in an exchange process.

Resins available for water treatment are listed in tabular form as,

Types of ion-exchange Functional groups

(1) Cation-exchangers

(a) Strongly acidic

(b) Weakly acidic


COOH or – OH

(2) Anion-exchangers

(a) Strongly basic

(b) Weakly basic

NR+, – CH3, P+ etc.

– NH2, – (C2H4)x, (NH)–

Principle of ion exchange process When hard water is first passed through cation exchange bed which removes all cations like Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+ and

releases hydrogen ions as,

RH2 + Ca2+ RCa + 2 H+

RH2 + Mg2+ RMg + 2 H+

RH2 + 2Na2+ RNa + 2 H+

Thus, sulphates, cholorides and bicarbonates are converted into corresponding acids HCl, H 2SO4 and H2CO3. In order words, water collected from cation exchanger is free collected from all cations, but is acidic.

After this, the acidic hard water is passed through an anion exchange bed which removes all the anions like , Cl– etc. present in the water, and equivalent amount of OH– ions are released from it to water.

2 R1OH – + + 2OH –

R1 OH – + Cl – R1 Cl– + OH –

2 R1 OH – + + 2 OH –

H+ and OH– ions are released from cation exchange and anion exchange bed respectively, which combine to produce water molecule, as,

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H+ + OH– H2O Thus, the water coming out from anion exchange bed becomes free of cations as well as from anions. The resulting ion-free water is deionised water or demineralised water. The water is finally freed from dissolved gases by passing it through a degasifier, which is a tower heated from both

sides and is connected to a vacuum pump.

Fig. 1.13.4 : Demineralization of water

High temperature and low pressure reduces the quantity of dissolved gases. Water obtained by this process is very near to distilled water, which is the requirement of boiler feed water. This process

is very good for high pressure boilers.

Regeneration of exhausted resins

The capability of these ion-exchange resins to exchange ions from hard water is based on their ion-exchange capacities. When their ion-exchange capacities are lost, they are said to be exhausted. When the resins are exhausted, the supply of water is stopped. The exhausted cation exchanger is regenerated by

passing dilute HCl or H2SO4 solution.RCa (or RMg) + 2HCl Regeneration 2RH + CaCl2 (or MgCl2)RCa (or RMg) + H2SO4 Regeneration 2RH + CaSO4 (or MgSO4)


Process of ion-exchange/demineralisation

The hard water is first passed through cation exchange column and then through anion exchange column (Fig. 1.13.5). The soft water thus obtained is free from all the cations and anions.

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Fig. 1.13.5 : Regeneration of mixed ion exchange bed

When column gets exhausted, it is set to regeneration ; and the process is continued. The water obtained is near to the distilled water quality (0 – 2 ppm.)

The exchange bed is washed with deionised water and washings (containing Ca 2+, Mg2+, and Cl– or ) are passed to sink or drain.

The exhausted anion exchanger is regenerated by treating it with a dilute NaOH solution.R Cl2 + 2 NaOH Regeneration R (OH)2 + 2 NaClR SO4 + 2 NaOH Regeneration R (OH)2 + Na2SO4

The exchanger bed is washed with deionised water and washings (containing NaCl or Na2SO4) are passed to sink or drain.

The regenerated ion-exchange resins are used again. If water contains sufficient temporary hardness, it is advisable to remove such hardness first by treating with lime.

Advantages of ion exchange process1. The process can be used to soften highly acidic or alkaline water2. It produces water of low hardness (upto 2 ppm), therefore, it is good for high pressure boilers.Disadvantages of ion exchange process1. The equipment is costly.2. If water contains turbidity, then the output of process is reduced. Turbidity should be below 10 ppm.

1.13.4 Reverse Osmosis (RO) GTU - Dec. 2008

Membrane technique ( Reverse osmosis) :

Various membrane techniques are available, which selectively separate the solutes or contaminents on the basis of pore size.

The types of membrane separation technologies include reverse osmosis, hyperfiltration, ultrafiltration, etc. But reverse osmosis is commonly used.

Principle of reverse osmosis (RO) :

The reversal of solvent flow, from higher concentration solution to lower concentration solution through a semipermeable membrane, by applying an external pressure slightly higher than the osmotic pressure of higher-concentration solution, is known as reverse osmosis.

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Normal osmosis process, is shown in Fig. 1.13.6, where the solvent flows from low concentration solution to higher concentration solution, through the semipermeable membrane, until difference in water levels creates a sufficient pressure to counteract the original flow. The difference in levels represents osmotic pressure of the solution.

(a) Osmosis (b) Reverse osmosis cell

Fig. 1.13.6

In the reverse osmosis, we apply external pressure on the higher concentration solution slightly higher than its osmotic pressure.

The flow of solvent takes place in reverse direction i.e. from higher concentration solution to lower concentration solution, through the SPM. Thus in RO, we separate water from its contaminants rather than contaminants from water.

Method :

Sea water or water polluted by ionic pollutants, is filled in reverse osmosis cell. A pressure of 200 – 800 psi is applied on it to force the solvent to pass through SPM. (SPM has such porosity that it allows only H 2O molecules to pass through and higher sized ions / molecules are prohibited from passing).

Membrane consists of a polymeric material film made of proper porosity, from materials like acrylics, polyamides, aramids etc.

Advantages of Reverse Osmosis Over Conventional Processes

Compared with other conventional water treatment processes, reverse osmosis has proven to be the most efficient means of removing salts, chemical contaminants and heavy metals, such as lead, from drinking water.

For waters with total dissolved solids of 200 or more, reverse osmosis is less expensive than ion exchange. Even at total dissolved solids of less than 200, it is preferred over ion exchange for removal of silica and organics. Compared with distillation, reverse osmosis use only a fraction of the total energy and does not have high temperature

problems or scaling and corrosion. Today reverse osmosis systems have proven to be the most economical and efficient means of improving the quality of

water. Simple to Operate and Maintain Reverse osmosis systems come assembled, factory tested and in ready-to-operate condition.  They are designed for

efficiency and are simple to operate and maintain.  Besides regular monitoring and periodic membrane cleaning, membranes need to be changed every one to three years

depending on water quality, size of the system and pretreatment.  Pumps also require routine maintenance.

Industrial Applications

The process is suitable for a wide range of applications, including: Drinking Water Humidification Ice-Making Car Wash Water Reclamation Rinse Waters Biomedical Applications

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Laboratory Applications Photography Pharmaceutical Production Kidney Dialysis Water used in chemcial processes Cosmetics Animal Feed Hatcheries Restaurants Greenhouses Metal Plating Applications Wastewater Treatment Boiler Water Battery Water Semiconductor production Hemodialysis

1.13.5 Ultrafiltration

Ultrafiltration, like reverse osmosis, is a cross-flow separation process.  Here liquid stream to be treated (feed) flows tangentially along the membrane surface, thereby producing two streams. 

The stream of liquid that comes through the membrane is called permeate.  The type and amount of species left in the permeate will depend on

(i) characteristics of the membrane(ii) operating conditions(iii) quality of feed. 

Ultrafiltration, is a separation process using membranes with pore sizes in the range of 0.1 to 0.001 micron. 

Fig. 1.13.7

The other liquid stream is called concentrate which gets progressively concentrated in those species removed by the membrane. 

In cross-flow separation, therefore, the membrane itself does not act as a collector of ions, molecules, or colloids but merely as a barrier to these species.

Typically, ultrafiltration removes high molecular-weight substances, colloidal materials, and organic and inorganic polymeric molecules. 

Low molecular-weight organics and ions such as sodium, calcium, magnesium chloride, and sulfate are not removed.  Because only high-molecular weight species are removed, the osmotic pressure differential across the membrane

surface is negligible.  Low applied pressures are therefore sufficient to achieve high flux rates from an ultrafiltration membrane.  Flux of a membrane is defined as, “the amount of permeate produced per unit area of membrane surface per unit time.”  Generally flux is expressed as gallons per square foot per day (GFD) or as cubic meters per square meters per day.

(m3/m2/Day) Ultrafiltration membranes can have extremely high fluxes but in most practical applications the flux varies between 50

and 200 GFD at an operating pressure of about 50 psig in contrast, reverse osmosis membranes only produce between 10 to 30 GFD at 200 to 400 psig.

Industrial Applications

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Ultrafiltration is used in industry to separate suspended solids from solution. The particles that are removed vary in size, and their removal is a function of the pore size.

Paint recovery in the automotive industry It is widely used in the fractionation of milk and whey, and in protein fractionation / Isolation Removal of colloids Ultrafiltration is used in many industrial applications, including the power, food, pharmaceutical, biotechnology and

semiconductor industries.

1.14 Potable Water

GTU - Dec. 2008, June 2009Water to be potable requires to meet certain standards or characteristics. Generally the municipality supplies water for

drinking purposes after treating it up to required standards.

1.14.1 Characteristics of Municipal Water and its Treatment

The municipal supply of water should have following characteristics, or specific standards :(i) It should be colourless and odourless,(ii) It should be good in taste,(iii) It should not be hot,(iv) Its turbidity should be less than 10 ppm,(v) It should be free from objectionable dissolved gases like H2S,(vi) It should be free from objectionable minerals such as lead, arsenic, chromium and manganese salts, (vii) Its alkalinity should not be high. pH should be in the range of 7.0 – 8.5.(viii) It should be reasonably soft, total hardness should be less than 500 ppm.(ix) It should be free from diesease-producing micro-organisms.(x) Chloride, Fluoride and sulphate contents should be less than 250 ppm, 1.5 ppm and 250 ppm respectively.

The following table summarises water quality standards :

Table 1.14 .1 : Standards for municipal water or drinking water


Characteristics/Impurities Specified/Recommended standard

ISI (mg/L) WHO (mg/L)

1. Colour, Odour and Taste Colourless, Odourless and Tasteless

Colourless, Odourless and Tasteless

2. pH 6.9 6.9

3. Total dissolved solids – 1,500

4. Dissolved oxygen 3.0 –

5. Chloride 600 250

6. Sulphate 1,000 400

7. Nitrate – 45

8. Cyannide 0.01 0.2

9. Fluoride 3.0 1.5

10. Chromium 0.05 0.05

11. Lead 0.1 0.05

12. Arsenic 0.2 0.05

As discussed above, the water being an important commodity is required to be in pure form, for different uses. Hence it is important to analyse the water for various impurities. Different tests done are to test, hardness, chloride, alkalinity, DO, COD, BOD etc.

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In any town, village or city the water supply has been monitored by municipality of the respective area. The most common sources of water are river, lake, wells etc. But the water getting accumulated in these is not fit to be used directly, especially for drinking purposes and also cooking purposes. Hence, the water is required to be treated to make it ‘potable’.

1.14.2 Treatment of water for municipal supply

The combination of treatment methods depends upon the nature and extent of impurities present in water. The Table 1.14.2 gives broad idea about the choice of technique employed for particular category of impurities existing in the water.

Table 1.14.2 : Techniques for treating impurities in water


Type of impurity Technique

1. Floating matter (e.g. wood pieces, leaves, flowers, fruits etc.)

Screening or filtration.

2. Suspended impurity (e.g. clay, sand, dust etc.) Sedimentation

3. Fine suspended inorganic matter. (e.g. silica, mica, fine dust etc.)

Sedimentation with coagulation.

4. Colloidal impurities. Filtration or ultra filtration.

5. Micro organisms. Disinfection and /or sterilisation.

6. Pathogenic Bacteria. Disinfection and /or sterilisation.

Each of the technique is described in brief,

a) Screening or filtration In this process, raw water is passed over screens / sieves of larger size holes, to remove large size floating matter present in water.

b) Sedimentation

In this process, the water free from floating matter, is collected in tanks and allowed to stand undisturbed for about 2-10 hours. The suspended particles settle down at the bottom of tank, due to gravitational force. The water is decanted and collected in other tank leaving behind the settled matter.By this process, water is free from the medium size suspended matter. (almost 75%).

c) Sedimentation with coagulation :

Coagulation accompanied with sedimentation is essential under conditions where only ‘sedimentation’ does not remove the impurities.e.g. Fine silica, clay or organic matter do not settle down easily, thus making ‘sedimentation’ alone as unsuccessful technique. In such cases if coagulants like Alum [K2 (SO4), Al2(SO4)3, 24 H2O] or sodium aluminate (NaAlO2) is added to water, impurities settle down at faster rate. This is because the coagulant, when added to water, gets hydrolysed and forms gelatinous precipitate of Al(OH) 3. This ppt of Al(OH) 3 is insoluble, and is flocculant in nature. Hence, as it descends in water to settle down, traps fine impurities, forms larger flocs and thus settle down with impurities, faster. These coagulants are pH sensitive and adjusting pH in particular range, the best results can be obtained.e.g. Alum : Ideal pH range 6.5 - 8.5

FeSO4 : > 8.5Na AlO2 : 5.5 - 8.0

d) Filtration or ultra filtration

This is the last stage of purification process, where settled precipitates are removed. By and large sand filters are used where beds of fine and coarse sand and gravels is used for filteration.

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The uppermost layer is of fine sand, followed by coarse sand, fine gravels and lastly coarse gravels.

Fig. 1.14.1 : Sand filter

Through inlet, the sedimented water is allowed to enter the tank. It gets percolated due to gravitational force, leaving its impurities on fine sand layer. Intermittently, the top layer is changed with new one whereas the used one is cleaned, dried and reused.

The method is simple, fast, economic and hence used widely.

e) Removal of micro-organism

Followed to removal of all solid impurities, the disease causing pathogenic bacteria are removed / destroyed. This is highly important especially for water to be potable.The micro-organisms are removed by (i) Disinfection or (ii) sterilization.f) Disinfection :

“Process of destroying micro-organism / bacteria is known as dis-infection.”

Characteristics of an ideal disinfectant

1. Should not be toxic to humans.2. Should be economic.3. Should act at R. T. killing all micro-organisms. 4. Should retain the treated water quality during storage and / or transport.

But dis-infection may not destroy all the bacteria. Therefore, when totally pure form of water is desired e.g. during epidemics, the process of dis-infection is replaced by “sterilisation”.

The process of dis-infection is also not very popular as it cannot prevent contamination of water during storage or transportation. Hence, sterilisation is preferred.

g) Sterilisation :

Sterilisation is a process which completely destroys the bacteria and micro-organisms.Water can be sterilised by boiling for a period of time as required, and then used. But sterilisation in this way is

feasible for small scale requirements. For municipal supply of water to larger population, this method does not help. Water for potable uses supplied by municipality is disinfected by(i) Addition of bleaching powder. (ii) Chlorination.

Addition of bleaching powder Bleaching powder reacts with water as,

CaOCl2 + H2O Ca(OH)2 + Cl2

Cl2 + H2O HCl + HOClHypochlorus acid

HOCl HCl + [O]Nascent oxygen

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In these reactions above, the HOCl deactivate the enzymes present in the cells of micro-organism.Thus the metabolic activity of micro-organism gets affected, thereby making the micro organism inactive. Finally it


Disadvantages of Bleaching powder :

(i) If used in excess, imparts bad smell and taste to treated water.(ii) It produces excess calcium thereby making water more hard.

h) Chlorination

The reaction of chlorine is as,Cl2 + H2O HCl + HOClWith very small concentration of chlorine. HOCl thus formed destroys the bacteria, as it is a powerful germicide.The apparatus used for chlorination is called as ‘chlorinator’. Application of Cl2 can be as gas or concentrated solution

in water.The raw water and concentrated chlorine solution (0.3 – 0.5 ppm Cl2) is passed through the chlorinator. The water and

Cl2 solution get mixed thoroughly in the chlorinator due to baffle plates, and sterilised water is collected using outlet.

Fig. 1.14.2 : Chlorinator

The dis-infection governed by nature of substances used, and sterilisation by chlorination is governed by temperature of water, time of contact, pH of water.

Factors affecting efficiency of chlorine

(i) Temperature of water : The efficiency increases with rise in temperature.(ii) Time of contact : With time, efficiency goes on decreasing. (iii) pH of water : At lower pH values (between 5-6.5) the efficiency is higher.

Advantages of using chlorine as disinfectant

(i) The use of chlorine is more effective and economical,(ii) It is stable, requires small space for storage and does not deteriorate on keeping,(iii) It can be used at high as well as low temperatures,(iv) It does not introduce any impurity in treated water.

To sum up, chlorine is the most ideal disinfectant.

Disadvantages of using chlorine as disinfectant

(i) If excess of chlorine is added, it produces bad taste and disagreeable odour.(As a result of chlorination of phenols, leading to the formation of chlorophenols, water acquires a peculiar odour).

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(ii) Excess chlorine produces irritation on muscus membrane, (iii) It is not effective at higher pH values.

“The treated water should not contain more than 0.1-0.2 ppm of free chlorine.”

i) Break point chlorination GTU - Dec. 2008, June 2009

It is process in which water is chlorinated to such an extent that the living organism as well as other organic impurities present in water are destroyed. This is done by the addition of sufficient amount of chlorine, to

(i) Oxidise organic matter(ii) Reduce other substances and free ammonia. Thus the water contains free chlorine which destroys pathogenic bacteria. It is also known as “Free Residual

Chlorination”.For effectively killing the micro-organism sufficient amount of chlorine should be added. The dose of chlorine to

achieve the desired effect is known as “Break point chlorination”.


(i) It destroys disease causing bacteria completely.(ii) It prevents growth of any weeds in water.(iii) It destroys organic matter completely. (iv) Excess chlorine, if present in water, can be easily dechlorinated.

e.g. SO2 + Cl2 + 2H2O H2SO4 + 2HClNa2SO3 + Cl2 + H2O Na2SO4 + 2HCl

j) Dis-infection by other substances

Other substances or methods such as chloramine, ozone, potassium permanganate, UV light etc. are also used for the disinfection of water for municipal purposes.

Fig. 1.14.3 : Flow sheet diagram showing municipal water treatment

1.14.3 Desalination of Brackish Water

The process of desalination involves removal of soluble salts from water to make it suitable for drinking, irrigation, or industrial uses.

The principal methods used for desalination are :

1. Distillation (or evaporation)2. Electrodialysis,3. Ion exchange, and4. Reverse osmosis.

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1. Distillation :

In this method saltwater is heated in one container to make the water evaporate, leaving the salt behind. The desalinated vapor is then condensed to form water in a separate container. A typical distillation set up is shown as below.

2. Electrodialysis :

The basic principle used in this methos is “when salt dissolves in water, it splits up into charged particles called ions.”

The brackish water is taken in a container attached with a negative electrode at one end and a positive electrode at the other. The he ions are filtered by the membranes as they are attracted toward the electrodes; they are trapped between semipermeable membranes, leaving outside the membranes a supply of desalinated water that can be collected.

3. Ion-exchange/demineralisation (Refer to 1.13.3 for details )

The brackish water is first passed through cation exchange column and then through anion exchange column (Fig. 1.14.5).

The soft water thus obtained is free from all the cations and anions. When column gets exhausted, it is set to regeneration ; and the process is continued. The water obtained is near to the

distilled water quality (0 – 2 ppm.)The regenerated ion-exchange resins are used again. If water contains sufficient temporary hardness, it is advisable to

remove such hardness first by treating with lime.

4. Reverse osmosis :

In this process pressure is applied to saltwater to force it through a special membrane. Only pure water passes, leaving concentrated seawater behind. It is exactly reverse of osmosis process.

1.15 Comparisons

1.15.1 Temporary Hardness and Permanent Hardness

Table 1.15.1

Sr. No. Temporary Hardness Permanent Hardness

a. The type of hardness, which can be removed by simple techniques such as boiling is known as temporary hardness.

The type of hardness, which cannot be removed by simple techniques is known as permanent hardness.

b. It is due to bicarbonates carbonates hence also known as carbonate hardness.

It is due to other salts, hence known as non-carbonate hardness.

c. It is due to dissolved bicarbonates of Ca+2, Mg+2, Fe+2 etc.

It is due to other dissolved salts of Ca+2, Mg+2, Fe+2 etc. such as chlorides, sulphates and nitrates.

d. This is known as alkaline hardness. This is known as non-alkaline hardness.

e. Temporary hard water can be softened by1. Only boiling.2. Treating only with lime.

Permanent hard water can be softened by treating with soda.

f. Temporary hard water if used in steam production, deposits precipitates of carbonates of Ca+2 and hydroxides of Mg+2 at the bottom of the container (boiler) known as sludges. These deposits harden to form scales. The reactions taking place are :Ca(HCO3)2 (aq) ( CaCO3 + H2O CO2 Mg(HCO3)2 (aq) ( Mg (OH)2 + 2 CO2

Permanent hard water if used in steam production, forms scales.

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1.15.2 Zeolite Process and Lime Soda Process Table 1.15.2

Sr. No.

Zeolite Process Lime Soda Process

a. By this process, water with 0 – 15 ppm residual hardness is obtained.

By this process, water with 15 to 50 ppm residual hardness is obtained.

b. The process is expensive, as cost of chemicals and that of plant is high, hence higher capital investment is needed.

The process is relatively cheap as cost of chemicals and that of plant is low.

c. Operating cost is low, as exhausted zeolite bed can be regenerated by simple treatment i.e. passing brine solution through it.

Operating cost is higher because all the chemicals used i.e. lime, soda and coagulants are consumed in the process and cannot be regenerated.

d. The size of the softening plant depends upon the hardness of the water. Hence, plant is compact and occupies less space.

The size of softening plant depends upon quantity of hard water to be softened. Hence, size is not compact, but increases with quantity of water and thus occupies more space.

e. This process cannot be used for hot water, acidic water, turbid water and water with suspended impurities.

This process does not have any such restrictions.

f. The process is simple and efficiency is high. The process is not simple, as it involves settling coagulation and filtration, and hence efficiency is low.

g. Process is disadvantageous because temporary hardness forms bicarbonates of sodium.

Process is advantageous, because temporary hardness gets completely removed as precipitates of CaCO3 and Mg(OH)2.

h. The soft water obtained by this process creates problems in boilers because it contains bi-carbonates which lead to the formation of NaOH and CO2 at high temperature which cause caustic embrittlement.

The soft water obtained does not create problems of caustic embrittlement in boilers because the resultant products such as CaCO3 and Mg(OH)2 are removed by filtration.

1.15.3 Ion-Exchange Process and Zeolite Process GTU - Jan. 2010

Table 1.15.3

Sr. No. Ion-Exchange Process Zeolite Process

a. This process can produce softened water with residual hardness ranging between 0 to 2 ppm.

This process can produce softened water with residual hardness ranging between 0 – 15 ppm.

b. The resultant water is suitable for all types of boilers, especially high pressure boilers.

The resultant water is not suitable for use in high pressure boilers. Water can be used only in low or medium pressure boilers.

c. The cation and anion exchange beds used are more expensive. Hence, capital cost is high.

Zeolite softener is comparatively cheap, hence capital cost is lower.

d. The softening plant is not compact, hence occupies more space.

The softening plant is compact. Hence occupies less space.

e. The process effectively removes all the hardness causing substances. It can also remove alkali metals such as Na or K, as chlorides or sulphates completely.

This process can remove only Ca+2, Mg+2, Fe+2 and Mn+2

ions. Hence, softened water contains salts like NaCl, NaHCO3, Na2SO4 etc. in dissolved form.

f. This process is useful for acidic as well as alkaline water.

This process is not useful for highly acidic water as acids affect zeolite bed, because zeolites get dissolved in.

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Sr. No. Ion-Exchange Process Zeolite Process

g. Soft water obtained does not cause caustic embrittlement in boilers and is suitable for boilers as it is free from Na+ ions.

Soft water obtained is not suitable for boilers, due to the presence of NaHCO3, which subsequently forms NaOH, causing thereby caustic embrittlement in boilers.

1.15.4 Sludges and Scales GTU - Dec. 2008

Table 1.15.4

Sr. No. Sludges Scales

a. The loose and slimy precipitates which remain floating in water or get collected at the bottom of boiler are called as sludges.

The hard adhering deposits on the walls and bottom of the boiler are called as scales.

b. Formation of sludges is mainly due to salts which have lower solubility in cold water as compared to that in hot water. For example, MgCO3.

Formation of scales is mainly due to salts which have higher solubility in cold water as compared to that in hot water. For example, CaSO4.

c. Sludges remain suspended in boiler water unlike scales. Hence, though they are poor conductors of heat, problem of overheating boiler material does not arise.

Scales form a hard layer on walls of boiler and cause overheating of boiler material because they are poor conductor of heat.

d. Due to sludges risk of explosion does not persist. Due to scales explosion may take place.

e. Blow down operation can remove sludges. Blow down operation does not help to remove the scales.

f. Wastage of fuel is comparatively less. Wastage of fuel is very large.g. Methods for removal of sludges are :

(i) Blow down operation.(ii) Scrapping by wire brush.

Methods for removal of scales are :(i) Internal treatment by dilute acids.(ii) Complexation.(iii) Thermal shocks.

1.16 Solved Problems

1.16.1 Problems based on Carbonates and Non Carbonates Hardness (Total, Permanent, Temporary Hardness)

Problem 1.16.1 : What is the carbonate and non-carbonate hardness of a sample of water which has the following impurities per litre,

CaCO3 = 12.5 mg/lit.; CaCl2 = 22.2 mgs/lit.;

MgCO3 = 8.4 mgs/lit.; MgCl2 = 9.5 mgs/lit.;

CO2 = 33 mgs/lit. NaHCO3 = 6.8 mgs/lit.;

Solution :

Conversion in CaCO3 equivalents

Salt Qty. in ppm Multiplication


CaCO3 equivalent in ppm

Type of Hardness

CaCO3 12.5 12.5 12.5 Carbonate

MgCO3 8.4 8.4 10 Carbonate

CaCl2 22.2 22.2 20 Non- carbonate

MgCl2 9.5 9.5 10 Non- carbonate

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Salt Qty. in ppm Multiplication


CaCO3 equivalent in ppm

Type of Hardness

CO2 33 – – –

NaHCO3 6.8 6.8 8.09 8 Carbonate

Carbonate hardness is due to CaCO3 + MgCO3 + NaHCO3

= 12.5 + 10 + 8 = 30.5 ppmNon-carbonate hardness is due to CaCl2 and MgCl2

= 20 + 10 = 30 ppm

Ans. : Carbonate hardness = 30.5 ppmNon-carbonate hardness = 30 ppm

Problem 1.16.2 : What is the carbonate and non-carbonate hardness of a sample of water which has the following impurities per litre,

Ca(HCO3)2 = 40.5 mgs/lit.;

CaCl2 = 33.3 mgs/lit.;

Ca(NO3)2 = 41.0 mgs/lit.;

KNO3 = 101 mgs/lit.;

MgCO3 = 33.6 mgs/lit.

Solution :

Conversion in CaCO3 equivalents

Salt Qty.Multiplication


CaCO3 equivalent in ppm Type of Hardness

Ca(HCO3)2 40.5 mg 40.5 25 Carbonate

CaCl2 33.3 mg 33.3 30 Non- carbonate

Ca(NO3)2 41 mg/l 41 25 Non - carbonate

KNO3 101 mg/l (Does not contribute to hardness)

MgCO3 33.6 mg 33.6 40 Carbonate

We know that carbonate hardness is due to bicarbonate (dissolved) of calcium, magnesium etc and permanent hardness or non-carbonate hardness is due to the presence of chlorides, sulphates and nitrates of calcium, magnesium and iron.

Carbonate hardness is due to MgCO3 and Ca(HCO3)2

= 40 + 25= 65 ppm

Non-carbonate hardness is due to CaCl2 and Ca(NO3)2

= 30 + 25= 55 ppm and

Ans. : Non-carbonate hardness = 55 ppmCarbonate hardness = 65 ppm

Problem 1.16.3 : What is the carbonate and non-carbonate hardness of water sample which has the following impurities :

Ca(HCO3)2 = 40.5 ppm; Mg(HCO3) = 29.1 ppm;

CaCl2 = 11.1 ppm; MgCl2 = 15.82 ppm;

NaCl = 28.5 ppm; CO2 = 22.0 ppm.

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Express the results in ppm.

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Solution : Conversion in CaCO3 equivalents

Salt Qty. in ppmMultiplication


CaCO3 equivalent in ppm Type of Hardness

Mg(HCO3)2 29.1 29.1 19.931 Carbonate

Ca(HCO3)2 40.5 40.5 25 Carbonate

CaCl2 11.1 11.1 10 Non- carbonate

MgCl2 15.82 15.82 16.652 Non- carbonate

NaCl 28.5 (Does not contribute no hardness)

CO2 22.0

Here, NaCl and CO2 don’t cause by type of hardness.

Here, the carbonate hardness is due to the hardness of Ca (HCO3)2 + Mg (HCO3)2

Carbonate hardness = 19.931 + 25

= 44.931 ppm

while, non-carbonate hardness is due to the hardness of MgCl2 and CaCl2

Non Carbonate hardness = 10 +16.652

= 26.652 ppm

Ans. : Carbonate hardness = 44.931 ppm

Non-carbonate hardness = 26.652 ppm

Problem 1.16.4 : Calculate the carbonate and non-carbonate hardness of a sample of water containing :

MgCl2 = 95 ppm; MgSO4 = 48 ppm;Ca(HCO3)2 = 16.2 ppm; KCl = 12 ppm; Mg(HCO3)2 = 14.6 ppm

Solution : Conversion in CaCO3 equivalents

Salt Qty.Multiplication


CaCO3 equivalent in ppm

Type of Hardness

Ca(HCO3)2 16.2 ppm 16.2 10 Carbonate

Mg(HCO3)2 14.6 ppm 14.6 10 Carbonate

MgCl2 95 ppm 95 10 Non- carbonate

MgSO4 48 ppm 48 40 Non- carbonate

KCl 12 ppm (Does not contribute to hardness)

Carbonate hardness = [Ca(HCO3)2 + Mg(HCO3)2]= 10 + 10 = 20 ppm

Non-carbonate hardness = MgCl2 + MgSO4

= 10 + 40= 50 ppm

Ans. : Carbonate hardness = 20 ppm

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Non-carbonate hardness = 50 ppm

Problem 1.16.5 : A sample of water has hardness 304 ppm CaCO3 equivalent. Find the hardness in terms of degree cleark, degree French and mg/lit.A.

Solution :Given : Hardness of water = 304 ppm

Hardness in term of Cl :

0.07 Clarke 1 ppm 304 ppm 304 0.07 Clarke

21.28 Clarke

Hardness in term of Fr :

0.1 Fr 1 ppm 304 ppm 304 0.1 Fr

30.4 Fr

Hardness in term of mg/lit

1 ppm 1 mg/lit 304 ppm 304 mg/lit

Ans. : Hardness of water 304 ppm 21.28 Clarke 30.4 Fr

304 mg/lit

1.16.2 Problems based on Calculation of Hardness by EDTA Method

Problem 1.16.6 : 25 ml of CaCl2 solution (Strength 250 mgs CaCO3 per 200 ml) required 35 ml EDTA solution. Same EDTA solution was used to titrate 25 ml of unknown hard water which consumed 30 ml. of EDTA solution. Calculate the hardness of water sample.

Solution :Strength of CaCl2 solution is given as 250 mgs of CaCO3 per 200 ml.

mgs CaCO3

= 31.25 mgs CaCO3

Now, 25 ml CaCl2 solution requires 35 ml EDTA solution 35 ml EDTA 31.25 mgs CaCO3

1 ml EDTA solution mgs CaCO3

Now,25 ml hard water requires 30 ml EDTA solution

mgs of CaCO3

26.8 mgs of CaCO3

1000 ml hard water mgs of CaCO3 equivalent


hardness of water 1072 mgs of CaCO3

= 1072 mgs/lit. or ppm.

Ans. : Hardness of water = 1072 ppm

Problem 1.16.7 : 50 ml of standard hard water (1 mg CaCO3/ml) required 35 ml EDTA solution while sample hard water required 20 ml EDTA solution. After boiling the requirement of EDTA was 12 ml. Calculate the total

Chemistry (GTU) 1-43 Water Technology

permanent and temporary hardness of water.

Solution :Strength of standard hard water is 1 mg. per ml CaCO3.

i.e. 50 ml. standard hard water 50 mgs. CaCO3.

Now, 50 ml standard hard water 35 ml. EDTA solution.

That means 35 ml. EDTA solution 50 mgs of CaCO3. 1 ml. EDTA solution mgs of CaCO3. 50 ml. unknown hard water 20 ml. EDTA

mgs of CaCO3

Thus total hardness per 50 ml mgs of CaCO3

Total hardness per litre 1000 571.42 ppm

Now, After boiling, 50 ml water sample 12 ml. EDTA Thus, permanent hardness per 50 ml = mgs of CaCO3

= 17.14 mgs of CaCO3

Permanent hardness per litre = mgs of CaCO3

= 342.86 ppm.

Temporary hardness of water = Total hardness Permanent hardness

= (571.42 342.86) ppm

= 228.56 ppm

Ans. : Total hardness = 571.42 ppmPermanent hardness = 342.86 ppm

Temporary hardness = 228.56 ppm

1.16.3 Problems based on Lime Soda Process

Hints for solving numerical problems based on lime soda process.

1. All the impurities consuming lime and/or soda, are to be converted in CaCO3 equivalents per litre.2. The impurities such as NaCl, KCl, SiO, Fe2O3, Na2SO4 etc. should be ignored as they do not consume lime and soda.3. CaCO3 or MgCO3 etc. should be considered as temporary hardness, due to bicarbonates of calcium and/or magnesium

and to be taken for lime calculations only.4. The quantity of Mg(HCO3)2 in terms of CaCO3 equivalents to be taken double, for calculations.5. If NaHCO3 or KHCO3 is present in water, then their CaCO3 equivalents per litre should be subtracted from soda

calculations.6. Coagulants like sodium aluminate, aluminium chloride, aluminium sulphate etc. if used, their CaCO 3 equivalents per

litre should be calculated and taken into account as,For NaAlO2 : Subtract from limeFor AlCl3, Al2(SO4)3 : Add in lime and soda both

Table 1.16.1

Sr. No.

Constituent (s) Reactions Need

1. Ca(HCO3)2 (Temp. Ca) Ca(HCO3)2 + Ca(OH)2 2 CaCO3 +H2O L

2. Mg(HCO3)2 (Temp. Mg) Mg(HCO3)2 + 2Ca(OH)2 2 CaCO3 + Mg (OH)2 + 2H2O 2L

Chemistry (GTU) 1-44 Water Technology

Sr. No.

Constituent (s) Reactions Need

3.Mg2+ (Perm. Mg from MgCl2 or Mg SO4 or Mg(NO3)2)

Mg2+ + Ca(OH)2 Mg(OH)2 + Ca2+

Ca2+ + Na2CO3 CaCO3 + 2Na+

MgCl2 + Ca(OH)2 Mg (OH)2 + CaCl2

CaCl2 + Na2CO3 CaCO3 + 2NaClMgSO4 + Ca(OH)2 Mg(OH)2 + CaSO4

CaSO4 + Na2CO3 CaCO3 + 2Na2 SO4

Mg(NO3)2 + Ca(OH)2 Mg(OH)2 + Ca(NO3)2

Ca(NO3)2 + Na2CO3 CaCO3 + 2 NaNO3


(L + S)------

(L + S)-------

(L + S)-------

4. HC –(e.g. NaHCO3) 2NaHCO3 + Ca(OH)2 CaCO3 + H2O + Na2CO3+ L– S

5.Ca2+ Ca2 (Perm. Ca From CaCl2 or CaSO4 or Ca(NO3)2)

Ca2++ +Na2CO3 CaCO3 + 2Na+

CaCl2 + Na2CO3 CaCO3 + 2NaClCaSO4 + Na2CO3 CaCO3 + Na2SO4

Ca(NO3)2 + Na2CO3 CaCO3 + 2 NaNO3



6. CO2 CO2 +Ca(OH)2 CaCO3 + H2O L

7.H+ (free acids like HCl, H2SO4, etc.)

2H+ + Ca(OH)2 Ca2+ + 2H2OCa+2 + Na2CO3 CaCO3 + 2Na+

2HCl + Ca(OH)2 CaCl2 + 2H2OH2SO4 + Ca(OH)2 CaSO4 +2H2OCaCl2 + Na2CO3 CaCO3 + NaClCaSO4 + Na2CO3 CaCO3 + Na2SO4

(L + S)


Note : Aluminium and iron salt may be present in water and they contribute to the permanent hardness or they may be added as coagulants.

8. FeSO4

FeSO4 + Ca(OH)2 Fe(OH)2 + CaSO4

2 Fe(OH)2 + H2O + O2 Fe(OH)3 CaSO4 + Na2CO3 CaCO3 + Na2SO4

(L + S)

9. Al2 (SO4)3Al2(SO4)3 + 3Ca(OH)2 2Al(OH)3 + 3CaSO4 + 3 Na2CO3 3 CaSO4 + 3 Na2SO4

(L + S)

10 NaAlO2 NaAlO2 + 2H2O Al(OH)3 + NaOH – 1L

Problem 1.16.8 : Water sample was found to contain following salts.

CaCl2 = 55.5 mgs; SiO2 = 20 ppm.NaHCO3 = 12.6 mgs; KCl = 250 mgs;MgSO4 = 48 mgs; CO2 = 2.2 ppm;Fe++ = 2 ppm; AlCl3 = 10 ppm; Mg(HCO3)2 = 43.8 mgsCalculate the quantity of lime (85 % pure) and soda (95 % pure) for softening 50,000 litres of water.

Solution : Calculation of CaCO3 equivalents for impurities

Chemistry (GTU) 1-45 Water Technology

Salt Qty mgs/lit Mol. Wt. Multiplication factorCaCO3

equivalent per lime

Requirement of Lime (L) and / or

Soda (S)

CaCl2 55.5 111 55.5 50 S

SiO2 20 60Does not react with

lime/soda– –

NaHCO3 12.6 84 12.6 7.5Add in L Subtract in


KCl 250 74.5 Does not react – –

MgSO4 48 120 48 40 L + S

CO2 2.2 44 2.2 5 L

Mg(HCO3)2 43.8 146 43.8 30 L

Fe++ 2 55.8 2 3.58 L + S

AlCl3 10 133.5 10 7.5 L + S

Calculation of quantity of lime in grams, required for softening of water Lime requirements

L = [Temporary Ca+2 + 2 Temporary Mg+2 + Permanent ( Mg+2 + Fe+2 + Al+3 + H+ (HCl or H2SO4) ) + HCO–3 –

NaAlO2 ] kg

all in term of their CaCO3 equivalents.

= kg

= [40 + (30 2) + 7.5 + 5 + 7.5 + 3.58] kg

= [40 + 60 + 7.5 + 5 + 7.5 + 3.58] kg = 5.379 kgs of lime

Calculation of quantity of soda required for softening Soda requirements

S = [ Permanent ( Ca+2 + Mg+2 + Al+3 + Fe+2 + H+ (HCl or H2SO4) ) HCO–3 ]


all in term of their CaCO3 equivalents.

= kg

= [50 + 40 + 3.58 7.5] kg

= [93.58] = 5.2207 kgsAns. : Soda required = 5.379 kgs

Lime required = 5.2207 kgs

Problem 1.16.9 : A water sample was found to contain the following salts in mgs litre;CaSO4 = 20.4; MgCl2 = 9.5; HCl = 7.3Calculate the amount of lime (85 % pure) and soda (80 % pure) required to soften 80,000 litres of water. What would be the total cost of chemicals if lime and soda are Rs. 9 and Rs. 35 per kg.

Solution : Calculation of CaCO3 equivalents for impurities

Chemistry (GTU) 1-46 Water Technology

Salt/chemical Qty. in mg/lit Mol. Wt. Multiplication factor CaCO3 equivalents

Requirement of Lime (L) and / or

Soda (S)

CaSO4 20.4 136 20.4 15 S

MgCl2 9.5 95 9.5 10 L + S

HCl 7.3 36.5 7.3 10 L + S

Calculation of quantity of lime in grams, required for softening of water lime required

L = [Temporary Ca+2 + 2 Temporary Mg+2 + Permanent ( Mg+2 + Fe+2 + Al+3 + H+ (HCl or H2SO4) )

+ HCO–3 – NaAlO2 ] kg

all in term of their CaCO3 equivalents.

= kg

= [10 + 10] kg = [20]

= 1.392 kgs

Cost = 1.392 kgs Rs. 9

= Rs. 12.53

Calculation of quantity of soda required for softening and its cost

S = [ Permanent ( Ca+2 + Mg+2 + Al+3 + Fe+2 + H+ (HCl or H2SO4) ) HCO–3 ]

kgall in term of their CaCO3 equivalents.

= kg= [10 + 15 + 10] × kg= 3.71 kgs

Cost = 3.71 kgs Rs. 35= Rs. 129.85

Ans. : Lime required = 1.392 kgs; Soda required = 3.71 kgs Cost of line = Rs. 12.53; Cost of soda = Rs. 129.85

Problem 1.16.10 : Calculate the quantities of lime (85 % pure) and soda (90 % pure) required to soften 1,00,000 litres of hard water containing following impurities.CaSO4 = 27.2 mgs/lit. ; CaCl2 = 11.1 mgs/lit. ; MgCl2 = 47.5 mgs/lit. ;MgSO4 = 24 mgs/lit. ; AlCl3 = 13.35 mgs/lit. CO2 = 2.2 mgs/lit. ;

HCl = 1.825 mgs/lit. ;

Solution : Calculation of CaCO3 equivalents for impurities

Salt Qty mg/lit Mol. Wt. Multiplication factor CaCO3 equivalent ppm

Requirement of Lime (L) and / or

Soda (S)CaSO4 27.2 136 27.2 20 SMgSO4 24.0 120 24 20 L + SCaCl2 11.1 111 11.1 10 SMgCl2 47.5 95 47.5 50 L + SCO2 2.2 44 2.2 05 LHCl 1.825 36.5 1.825 2.5 L + S

Chemistry (GTU) 1-47 Water Technology

Salt Qty mg/lit Mol. Wt. Multiplication factor CaCO3 equivalent ppm

Requirement of Lime (L) and / or

Soda (S)AlCl3 13.35 133.5 13.35 10 L + S

Calculation of quantity of lime in grams, required for softening of water lime requirements

L = [Temporary Ca+2 + 2 Temporary Mg+2 + Permanent ( Mg+2 + Fe+2 + Al+3 + H+ (HCl or H2SO4) ) + HCO–3 –

NaAlO2 ] kg

all in term of their CaCO3 equivalents.

= kg

= [20 + 50 + 05 + 2.5 + 10] kg = [87.5] kg

= 7.617 kgs

Chemistry (GTU) 1-48 Water Technology

Calculation of quantity of soda required for softening and its cost soda requirements

S = [ Permanent ( Ca+2 + Mg+2 + Al+3 + Fe+2 + H+ (HCl or H2SO4) ) HCO–3 ]

kg all in term of their CaCO3 equivalents.

= kg

= [20 + 20 + 10 + 50 + 2.5 + 10] × kg

= [112.5] = 13.25 kgs of soda

Ans. : Lime required = 7.617 kgsSoda required = 13.25 kgs

Problem 1.16.11 : A sample of water was found to contain following salts :

CaCO3 = 50 ppm.; Fe2O3 = 20 ppm.;

MgCO3 = 14.4 ppm.; Na2SO4 = 20 ppm.;

CaCl2 = 22.2 ppm.; SiO2 = 5 ppm.;

MgCl2 = 9.5 ppm.; CO2 = 2.2 ppm.

Calculate the amount of lime and soda required for softening 75000 litres of above water.

Solution : Calculation of CaCO3 equivalents for impurities

Sr. No. Salt Qty in

ppmMol. wt.

Multiplication factor

CaCO3 equivalent ppm

Requirement of Lime (L) and / or

Soda (S)1. CaSO4 50 100 50 50 S

2. MgCO3 14.4 84 14.4 17.14 L3. CaCl2 22.2 111 22.2 20 S

4. MgCl2 9.5 95 9.5 10 L + S5. Fe2O3 20

Do not react with lime and soda both6. Na2SO4 20

7. SiO2 5

8. CO2 2.2 44 2.2 5 L

Calculation of quantity of lime in grams, required for softening of water lime requirement

L = [Temporary Ca+2 + 2 Temporary Mg+2 + Permanent ( Mg+2 + Fe+2 + Al+3 + H+ (HCl or H2SO4) ) + HCO–3 –

NaAlO2 ] kg

all in term of their CaCO3 equivalents.

= kg

= [(2 17.14) + 50 + 10 + 5] kg = [99.28]

= 5.510 kgs of lime

Calculation of quantity of soda required for softening and its cost soda requirement

Chemistry (GTU) 1-49 Water Technology

S = [ Permanent ( Ca+2 + Mg+2 + Al+3 + Fe+2 + H+ (HCl or H2SO4) ) HCO–3 ]


all in term of their CaCO3 equivalents.

= kg

= [ 20 + 10 ] kg

= [20 + 10] kg

= 2.385 kgs of soda

Ans. : Soda required = 2.385 kgs

Lime required = 5.51004 kgs

Problem 1.16.12 : 25000 litres of hard water containing following ions/chemicals are to be softened by lime soda process. Calculate the quantities of lime and soda (90 % pure each) required. Express the answers in kgs.Ca++ = 30 ppm.; HCO–

3 = 12.2 ppm.; Mg++ = 21.6 ppm.; CO2 = 4.4 ppm.;H2SO4 = 4.9 ppm.Calculate the cost of chemicals if lime is Rs. 7 per kg and soda is Rs. 35 per kg.

Solution : Calculation of CaCO3 equivalents for impurities

Sr. No. Impurity Qty in


wt/ionic wt.Multiplication



Requirement of Lime (L) and / or Soda (S)

1. Ca++ 30 40 30 75 S

2. Mg++ 21.6 24 21.6 90 L + S

3. HCO–3 12.2 61 12.2 10 Add in Lime (L), Subtract

from Soda (S)

4. CO2 4.4 44 4.4 10 L

5. H2SO4 4.9 98 4.9 05 L + S

Chemistry (GTU) 1-50 Water Technology

Calculation of quantity of lime in grams, required for softening of water quantity of lime

L = [Temporary Ca+2 + 2 Temporary Mg+2 + Permanent ( Mg+2 + Fe+2 + Al+3 + H+ (HCl or H2SO4) ) + HCO–3 –

NaAlO2 ] kg

all in term of their CaCO3 equivalents.

= kg

= [90 + 10 + 10 + 05] kg = [115]

= 2.3638 kgs of lime cost of lime = 2.3638 7

= Rs. 16.54

Calculation of quantity of soda required for softening and its cost Quantity of soda

S = [ Permanent ( Ca+2 + Mg+2 + Al+3 + Fe+2 + H+ (HCl or H2SO4) ) HCO–3 ]

kgall in term of their CaCO3 equivalents.

= kg

= [75 + 90 + 05 10] kg = [160]

= 4.7111 kgs of soda

Cost of soda = 4.711 kg 35 = Rs. 164.88

Ans. : Quantity of lime required = 2.3638 kg

Quantity of soda required = 4.7111 kg

ost of lime = Rs. 16.54

Cost of soda = Rs. 164.88

Problem 1.16.13: Calculate the quantities of lime and soda (90 % pure each) required to soften 85000 litres of water having following data.

CaCO3 = 2.1 Clarke; MaSO4 = 0.21 Clarke;

MaCO3 = 0.63 Clarke; CaSO4 = 0.35 Clarke;

MgCl2 = 0.063 Clarke; KCl = 0.035 Clarke

Solution : Calculation of CaCO3 equivalents for impurities

Salt/impurity Qty in Clarke

Conversion in ppm

Multiplication factor


equivalent ppm

Requirement of Lime (L) and / or

Soda (S)

CaCO3 2.10.07 Clarke = 1

ppm 30 L

MgCO3 0.630.07 Clarke = 1

ppm 10.71 L

CaSO4 0.350.07 Clarke = 1

ppm 3.676 S

MgSO4 0.210.07 Clarke = 1

ppm 2.50 L+S

Chemistry (GTU) 1-51 Water Technology

Salt/impurity Qty in Clarke

Conversion in ppm

Multiplication factor


equivalent ppm

Requirement of Lime (L) and / or

Soda (S)

MgCl2 0.0630.07 Clarke = 1

ppm 0.947 L+S

KCl 0.0350.07 Clarke = 1

ppm 0.670 _

Note : KCl should be ignored as it does not contribute to hardness.

Calculation of quantity of lime in grams required to soften 85000 litres of water.

Quantity of lime

L = [Temporary Ca+2 + 2 Temporary Mg+2 + Permanent ( Mg+2 + Fe+2 + Al+3 + H+ (HCl or H2SO4) )

+ HCO–3 – NaAlO2 ] kg

all in term of their CaCO3 equivalents.

= kg

= [30 + 2 10.71 + 2.5 + 0.947] kg = [54.867] = 3.8345 kgs of lime

Calculation of quantity of soda in grams required for softening of 85000 litres of water.

Quantity of soda

S = [ Permanent ( Ca+2 + Mg+2 + Al+3 + Fe+2 + H+ (HCl or H2SO4) ) HCO–3 ]

kgall in term of their CaCO3 equivalents.= kg= [3.676 + 2.5 + 0.947] kg = [7.123] = 0.713 kgs of soda

Ans. : Quantity of lime required = 3.8345 kg Quantity of soda required = 0.713 kg

Problem 1.16.14 : A water sample on analysis, gave the following data MgCl2 = 9.5 ppm, CaSO4 = 272 ppm,MgSO4 = 120 ppm, H2SO4 = 49 ppm,SiO2 = 8 ppmCalculate the amount of lime (95 % pure) and soda (90 %) needed for treating 1 million litres of water.

Chemistry (GTU) 1-52 Water Technology

Solution : CaCO3 and MgCO3 should be required as being present in the form of their bicarbonates and only their weights have

been expressed in terms of CaCO3 and MgCO3. KCl will not react with lime or soda and it does not contribute to hardness.1 ppm = 1 mg/ml

Calculation of CaCO3 equivalents for impurities

Salt/impurity Qty in mgs/lit

Mol. wt.

Multiplication factor

CaCO3 equivalent ppm

Requirement of Lime (L) and / or Soda (S)

MgCl2 9.5 95 9.5 10 L + S

CaSO4 272 136 272 200 S

MgSO4 120 120 120 100 L + S

H2SO4 49 98 49 100 L + S

SiO2 8 Does not cause hardness

Calculation of quantity of lime in grams, required for softening of water

Quantity of lime

L = [Temporary Ca+2 + 2 Temporary Mg+2 + Permanent ( Mg+2 + Fe+2 + Al+3 + H+ (HCl or

H2SO4) ) + HCO–3 – NaAlO2 ] kg

all in term of their CaCO3 equivalents.= kg

= 160 kg= kg= 124.63 kg

Calculation of quantity of soda in grams required for softening water

Quantity of soda

S = [ Permanent ( Ca+2 + Mg+2 + Al+3 + Fe+2 + H+ (HCl or H2SO4) ) HCO–3 ]

kgall in term of their CaCO3 equivalents.

= kg= 360 kg = = 424 kg

Chemistry (GTU) 1-53 Water Technology

Ans. : Quantity of lime required = 124.63 kg

Quantity of soda required = 424 kg

Problem 1.16.15 : A continuous lime soda softener was used to produce soft water, impurities present in the sample were.

CaCO3 = 120 mg/lt, MgCO3 = 84 mg/lit,

SiO2 = 25 mg/lt, CaSO4 = 66 mg/lt,

MgSO4 = 30 mg/lt, MgCl2 = 19 mg/lt.

Calculate the quantity of lime (80 % pure) and soda (88 % pure) required for softening 1 million litres of water.

Solution :

CaCO3 and MgCO3 should be regarded as being present in form of their bicarbonates and only their weights have been expressed in terms of CaCO3 and MgCO3, SiO2 will not react with lime or soda and so it doesn’t contribute to hardness. Calculation of CaCO3 equivalents for impurities

Salt/impurity Qty in mgs/lit

Mol. wt.

Multiplication factor

CaCO3 equivalent ppm

Requirement of Lime (L)

and / or Soda (S)

MgCO3 84 84 84 100 L

SiO2 – – – – –

CaSO4 68 136 68 50 S

MgSO4 30 120 30 25 L + S

MgCl2 19 95 19 20 L + S

CaCO3 120 100 120 120 L

Calculation of quantity of lime in grams, required for softening of water quantity of lime

L = [Temporary Ca+2 + 2 Temporary Mg+2 + Permanent ( Mg+2 + Fe+2 + Al+3 + H+ (HCl or

H2SO4) ) + HCO–3 – NaAlO2 ] kg

all in term of their CaCO3 equivalents.= [120 + 2 (100) + 20 + 25] kg= kg= kg= 337.62 kg of lime

Chemistry (GTU) 1-54 Water Technology

Calculation of quantity of soda in grams required for softening water quantity of soda

S = [ Permanent ( Ca+2 + Mg+2 + Al+3 + Fe+2 + H+ (HCl or H2SO4) ) HCO–3 ]


all in term of their CaCO3 equivalents.

= [50 + 45] kg = 95

= 114.43 kg of soda

Ans. : Lime required = 337.62 kgs Soda required = 114.43 kgs

Review Questions

Q. 1 Define temporary hardness and permanent hardness.

Q. 2 Define hardness of water. How it can be chemically detected ?

Q. 3 How is temporary hardness in water eliminated ?

Q. 4. What is hardness ? Name the substances that cause permanent hardness ?

Q. 5 What are scales and sludges ? Mention the disadvantages caused by them in boilers.

Q. 6 Differentiate between hard water and soft water.

Q. 7 Why is hard water unsuitable for boilers ?

Q. 8 What is meant by “Phosphate Conditioning” of water?

Q. 9 What is the principle involved in the determination of total hardness ?

Q. 10 What is the principle behind carbonate conditioning ?

Q. 11 What is the function of “Sodium Phosphate” and “Hydrazine” in the treatment of boiler feed water?

Q. 12 Why it is necessary to carry out internal treatment of water in the boilers in addition to softening of water ?

Q. 13 Write in brief “Disadvantages of hard water in different industries”.

Q. 14 Differentiate between temporary hardness and permanent hardness.

Q. 15 What are the impurities associated with water ? Give their effects if it is used in various industries.

Q. 16 What is hardness ? Explain how would you determine hardness of water using E.D.T.A method ?

Q. 17 With the help of chemical equation explain the principle involved in softening of hard water by lime-soda process.

Q. 18 Discuss the process of softening of water by using zeolites. What are the limitations of this process ?

Q. 19 Describe the demineralization (Ion-exchange/de-ionisation) process for softening of hard water. Are there any drawbacks of this method ?

Q. 20 When do you recommend only internal treatment for boiler water and completely avoid external treatment ?

Q. 21 Write a brief note on caustic embrittlement.

Q. 22 List the boiler problems and discuss any two major problems in detail.

Q. 23 What are scales ? How are they formed ? Mention the methods to prevent scale formation.

Q. 24 Discuss the importance of the following substances in the treatment of the boiler feed water. (a) Sodium phosphate (b) Sodium aluminate (c) Hydrazine

Q. 25 What are the different internal methods used for treating boiler water ? Discuss in brief.

Problems for Practice

Chemistry (GTU) 1-55 Water Technology

Ex. 1 : Calculate the quantity of lime and soda required for softening 5,00,000 litre of water containing following impurities.

Ca(HCO3)2 = 32.4 ppm; CaSO4 = 40.8 ppm;

Mg(HCO3)2 = 43.8 ppm; MgCl = 5.7 ppm;

CaCl2 = 22.2 ppm; MgSO4 = 3.6 ppm;

[Ans. : Lime 32.9 kg., Soda = 31.27 kg]

Ex. 2 : A sample of water has the following impurities per litre :

Mg(HCO3)2 = 58.4 mg; SiO2 = 20 mg;

Ca(HCO3)2 = 32.4 mg; Na2SO4 = 435 mgCalculate the amount of soda required for treatment of 20,000 litres of water.

(Hint : SiO2 and Na2SO4 do not contribute to hardness)

[Ans. : Lime = 1.48 kg., Soda not required.]

Ex. 3 : A sample of water contains the following impurities per litre :Mg(HCO3)2 = 146 mg; MgSO4 = 12 mg;

CaCl2 = 111 mg; Ca (NO3)2 = 16.4 mgLime used is 75 % pure while soda used is 85 % pure.Calculate the amount of lime and soda required for softening 10,000 litres of water. 20 % excess chemicals are to be used for treatment.

[Ans. : Lime = 2.072 kg., Soda = 1.371 kg.]

Ex. 4 : Calculate the amount of lime (81 % pure) required for treatment of 30,000 litres of water whose analysis is as follows :

Ca(HCO3)2 = 40.5 mg/lit.; NaCl = 58.0 mg/lit.;

SiO2 = 15 mg/lit.; FeSO4 = 75.9 mg/lit.;

MgCl2 = 19 mg/lit.; CaCl2 = 55.5 mg/lit.;

MgCO3 = 84 mg/lit.

[Ans. : Lime = 8.085 kg., Soda not required.]

Ex. 5 : Calculate the amount of lime (80 % pure) and soda (95 % pure) required to soften and soda (95 % pure) required to soften one million litre of water which contains

CaCO3 = 125 mg/lit.; MgCl2 = 95 ppm;

O2 = 66 ppm; MgCO3 = 84 ppm;

CaCl2 = 222 pm; HCl = 14.6 ppm;

NaHCO3 = 33.6 ppm.[Hint : Both MgCO3, CaCO3 are to be considered as temporary hardness.]

[Ans. : Lime = 606.8 kg., Soda = 335.85 kg.]

Ex. 6 : Calculate the amount of lime and soda required for softening 10,000 litres of water containing the following dissolved salts.

Ca(HCO3)2 = 162 mg; Mg(HCO3)2 = 73 mg;CaSO4 = 136 mg; MgCl2 = 95 mg;

NaCl = 585 mg[Ans. : Lime = 2.72 kg., Soda = 2.5 kg.]

Ex. 7 : A water sample was found to contain the following dissolved salts ;Ca(HCO3)2 = 48.6 ppm; MgSO4 = 4.8 ppm;Mg(HCO3)2 = 29.2 ppm; CaCl2 = 33.3 ppm;

MgCl2 = 3.8 ppm; CaSO4 = 54.4 ppm.

Chemistry (GTU) 1-56 Water Technology

Calculate the cost of chemicals required for softening 1 million litres of water by the lime soda process. Cost of 90 % pure lime is Rs. 62 per kg and that of soda is Rs. 29 per kg.

[Ans. : Lime = 2.72 kg; Cost = Rs. 4038.3.,Soda = 2.35 kg; Cost = Rs. 68.15.]

Ex. 8 : Calculate the quantity of lime and soda for softening 70,000 litres of water containing the following dissolved salts.Ca(HCO3)2 = 8.1 mg; CaCl2 = 11.1 mg;

NaCl = 66 mg; MgSO4 = 18.0 mg;CaSO4 = 13.6 mg; Mg(HCO3)2 = 7.3 mg.

[Ans. : Lime = 1.55 kg., Soda = 2.59 kg.]

Ex. 9 : Calculate the amount of lime and soda needed for softening water containing the following dissolved salts per litre :Ca(HCO3)2 = 16.2 mg; MgCl2 = 9.5 ppm;Mg(HCO3)2 = 73 mg; CaSO4 = 136 mg;

NaCl = 58.5 mg[Ans. : Lime = 88.8 kg., Soda = 116.6 kg.]

Ex. 10 : Calculate the amount of lime and soda required to soften 3,00,000 litres of water which contained the following dissolved salts :

CO2 = 300 ppm; Mg(HCO3)2 = 86.7 ppm;MgCl2 = 95 ppm; Mg(NO3)2 = 26.9 ppm;

MgSO4 = 8.4 ppm; H2SO4 = 16.9 ppm[Ans. : Lime = 183.37 kg., Soda = 39.75 kg.]

Ex. 11 : A sample of hard water was found to contain :CaCO3 = 120 mg/lit.; MgCO3 = 8.4 mg/lit.;

SiO2 = 50 mg/lit.; CaSO4 = 8.6 mg/lit.;MgSO4 = 60 mg/lit.; MgCl2 = 19 mg/lit.

Calculate the amount of lime and soda required for the softening of 5 million litres of water, if the purity of lime is 90 % and that of soda is 88 %.

[Ans. : Lime = 803 kg.,Soda = 483.75 kg.]

Ex. 12 : Calculate the amount of lime and soda required to soften 3 million litres of water having following composition.Free CO2 = 25 ppm; MgSO4 as Mg+2 = 30 ppm;

Mg(HCO3)2 as MgCO3 = 16 ppm; CaSO4 as Ca2+ = 15 ppm;Ca(HCO3)2 as CaCO3 = 120 ppm.

[Ans. : Lime = 530 kg., Soda = 198.76 kg.]

Ex. 13 : A sample of water contains the following salts expressed in gm/lit.Ca(HCO3)2 = 0.343; Mg(HCO3)2 = 0.175;

CaSO4 = 0.235; MgCl2 = 0.147.Calculate the amount of pure lime and soda for softening 1000 litres of water.

[Ans. : Lime = 0.449 kg., Soda = 0.348 kg.]

Ex. 14 : A sample of hard water contains following dissolved salts.Ca(HCO3)2 = 48.5 ppm; Mg(HCO3)2 = 36.5 ppm;

MgSO4 = 35 ppm; CaSO4 = 43 ppm;CaCl2 = 27.75 ppm; NaCl = 50 ppm.

[Ans. : Lime = 80.66 kg., Soda = 91.16 kg.]

Ex. 15 : A water sample on analysis gave the following compositions :Calcium bicarbonate : 4.86 mg/lit.;Magnesium chloride : 38 mg/lit.;

Calcium chloride : 333 mg/lit.;Magnesium sulphate : 54.4 mg/lit.;

Chemistry (GTU) 1-57 Water Technology

Calcium sulphate : 54.4 mg/lit.;Magnesium bicarbonate : 29.2 mg/lit.

Calculate the carbonate and non-carbonate hardness of the sample and the amount of lime and soda required to soften 5000 litres, of hard water. The purity of lime is 80 % and that of soda is 75 %.

[Ans. : Lime = 0.4 kg., Soda = 2.71 kg.]

Ex. 16 : Sample of water was found to contain the following impurities :CaCO3 = 140 mg/lit.; CaSO4 = 136 mg/lit.;MgCO3 = 8.4 mg/lit.; MgSO4 = 60 mg/lit.;

SiO2 = 20 mg/lit.; MgCl2 = 38 mg/lit.

Calculate the quantity of lime (90 % pure) and soda (95 % pure) required for softening 5 million litres of water.

[Ans. : Lime = 904.5 kg., Soda = 892.6 kg.]

Ex. 17 : The hardness of 30,000 litres of a water sample was completely removed by zeolite. The exhausted zeolite then required 1500 litres of NaCl containing 234 mg of NaCl per litre for regeneration. Calculate the hardness of the water sample. [Ans. : 10 ppm]

Ex. 18 : What is the carbonate and non-carbonate hardness of a sample of water which has the following impurities per litre ?Ca(HCO3)2 = 50.25 mg; Ca(NO3)2 = 8.2 mg;

CaCl2 = 22.2 mg; KNO3 = 20.2 mg;MgCO3 = 16.8 mg; FeSO4 = 3.8 mg;MgSO4 = 6.0 mg.

Express the results as ppm, Clarke degree and French degree. [Ans. : Carbonate hardness = 51 ppm or 5.1 Fr or 3.56 C]Non-carbonate hardness = 27.5 p.p.m or 2.75 Fr or 1.92 Cl.]

Ex. 19 : The hardness of 106 litres of a water sample was completely removed by zeolite softener. The zeolite required 80 litres of NaCl solution, containing 1500 mg/lit of NaCl for regeneration. Calculate the hardness of water sample.

[Ans. : 0.102 ppm]

Ex. 20 : 0.25 gm of CaCO3 is dissolved in dilute HCI and diluted to 250 ml. 25 ml of this solution required 24.0 ml of EDTA using Erichrome Black-T indicator. 50 ml of a hard water sample required 22.5 ml of the same EDTA. 100 ml of the water after boiling and filtering required 120 ml of the said EDTA. Calculate the hardness in the sample (permanent and temporary).

[Ans. : Total Hardness = 468 ppm,Permanent Hardness = 333 ppm,Temporary Hardness = 135 ppm]

Ex. 21 : A water sample on analysis, gave the following data.MgCl2 = 95 ppm; MgSO4 = 120 ppm;H2SO4 = 49 ppm; CaSO4 = 272 ppm;

SiO2 = 4 ppm.

Calculate the amount of lime (95 % pure) and soda (97 %) needed for treating 1 million litres of water. [Ans. : Lime = 194 gm., Soda = 491.75 gm]

Ex. 22 : A zeolite softener completely exhausted was regenerated by passing 200 litres of NaCl. How many litres of a sample of a water of hardness 50 ppm can be softened by this softner.

[Ans. : 34,184.03 lit.]

Ex. 23 : Find carbonate and non-carbonate hardness of a sample of water which has the following impurities per lit.

CaCO3 = 12.5 mg/lit.; MgCl2 = 9.5 mg/lit.;

MgCO3 = 16.8 mg/lit.; CO2 = 22 mg/lit.;

CaCl2 = 11.1 mg/lit.; NaHCO3 = 13.6 mg/lit.[Ans. : Carbonate hardness = 32.5 ppm.,

Chemistry (GTU) 1-58 Water Technology

Non-carbonate hardness = 20 ppm.]

Ex. 24 : A water sample containing following salts,

MgCl2 = 9.5 ppm; MgSO4 = 60.0 ppm;

CaSO4 = 27.2 ppm; H2SO4 = 4.9 ppm; SiO2 = 0.4 ppm.

was softened by lime soda process. Calculate the quantity of lime and soda (90 % pure each) required to soften 1 million litres of water.

[Ans. : Lime = 4.1 kg., Soda = 100 kg.]

Ex. 25 : Calculate the amount of lime (90 % pure) and soda (95 % pure) required for softening of 10 5 litres of hard water containing the following constituent.

Ca(HCO3)2 = 162 mg/lit.; HCl = 73 mg/lit.;

MgCl2 = 10 mg/lit.; CO2 = 22.0 mg/lit.;

NaCl = 117 mg/lit.; CaCl2 = 111 mg/lit.;

Mg(HCO3)2 = 3 mg/lit.; MgSO4 = 30.0 mg/lit.[Ans. : Lime = 32 kg., Soda = 37.45 kg.]

Ex. 26 : 50 ml of standard hard water containing 1 mg of pure CaCO3; per ml consumed 30 ml of EDTA. 50 ml of water sample consumed 35 ml of EDTA solution using Enochrome Black T indicator, 50 ml of water sample required 28 ml of EDTA using same indicator. Calculate temporary and permanent hardness.

[Ans. : Temporary hardness = 234 ppm.Permanent hardness = 935.2 ppm.

Total hardness = 1169.2 ppm.]

Ex. 27 : What is carbonate and non-carbonate hardness of a sample of water which has the following impurities per litre

Mg(HCO3)2 = 146 mg/lit.; MgCl2 = 95 mg/lit.;

NaCl = 50 mg/lit.; Ca(HCO3)2 = 81 mg/lit.;

CaCl2 = 111 mg/lit.; CaSO4 = 68 mg/lit.

Express the results as ppm, Cl and Fr.[Ans. :Carbonate hardness = 150 ppm = 15 Fr = 10.5 Cl.

Non-carbonate hardness = 250 ppm = 25 Fr = 17.5 Cl.]

Ex. 28 : An exhausted zeolite softener was regenerated by passing 200 litres of NaCl solution, having a strength of 200 mg/lit of NaCl. How many litres of hard water sample, having hardness of 500 ppm can be softened, using this softener ?

[Ans. : 68.376 lit.]

Ex. 29 : A water sample on analysis gave the following data :Ca2+ = 40 ppm; = 15 ppm;Mg2+ = 72 ppm; K+ = 20 ppm;

CO2 = 20 ppmCalculate the lime (88 % pure) and soda (89 % pure) required to soften 2 million litres of the water sample.

[Ans.: Lime = 580.99 kg., Soda = 1012.35 kg.]

Ex. 30 : What is the carbonate and non-carbonate hardness of a sample of water which has the following impurities per litre ?

Ca(HCO3)2 = 81 mg/lit.; MgCl2 = 95 mg/lit.;

NaCl = 38.5 mg/lit.; CaCl2 = 22.2 mg/lit.;

Mg(HCO3)2 = 58.2 mg/lit.; CO2 = 4.4 lit

Express the results as ppm. Clarke’s degree and french degree.[Ans. : Carbonate hardness = 89.86 ppm = 6.29 Cl = 8.986 Fr.

Non-carbonate hardness = 120 ppm = 8.4 Cl = 12 Fr.]

Ex. 31 : 0.1 g of CaCO3 was dissolved in dil. HCl and diluted to 100 ml. 50 ml of this solution required 40.0 ml of EDTA solution for titration. 50 ml of hard water sample required 25 ml of EDTA solution, 50 ml of same water sample on boiling, filtering required 20 ml of EDTA. Calculate hardness in ppm.

Chemistry (GTU) 1-59 Water Technology

[Ans. : Temporary hardness = 125 ppm.,Permanent hardness = 500 ppm., Total hardness = 625 ppm.]

Ex. 32 : A water sample contains the following impurities.CaSO4 = 136 ppm; MgCl2 = 95 ppm;H2SO4 = 49 ppm; MgSO4 = 60 ppm;

SiO2 = 50 ppm;Calculate the amount of lime (90 % pure) and washing soda (100 % pure) required for treating one million litres of water.

Ex. 33 : Calculate the temporary and permanent hardness in water from the following data : Mg(HCO3)2 = 14.6 mg/litre; Ca(HCO3)2 = 8.1 mg/litre;

Mg(NO3)2 = 29.6 mg/litre; MgCl2 = 19.0 mg/litre;MgSO4 = 24.0 mg/litre.

Ex. 34 : A sample of water was found to contain the following impurities :Mg(HCO3)2 = 156 mg/litre; H2SO4 = 4.9 mg/litre;

MgCl2 = 23.75 mg/litre; NaCl = 5.6 mg/litre;SiO2 = 16.2 mg/litre;

Calculate the amount of lime (90 % pure) and soda (95 % pure) required to soften 50,000 litres of same water.Atomic weights : Na = 23, Ca = 40, Mg = 24, O = 16, S = 32, Cl = 35.5, N = 14, H = 1, C = 12, Si = 28

Ex. 35 : Calculate the amount of lime (85 % purity) and soda ash (95 % purity) required for softening 10,000 litres of boiler feed water containing the following impurities :

Ca(HCO3)2 = 16.2 ppm; MgSO4 = 6.0 ppm;CaSO4 = 6.8 ppm; Mg(HCO3)2 = 8.4 ppm;CaCl2 = 11.1 ppm; SiO2 = 8.0 ppm;NaCl = 14.0 ppm.

Ex. 36 : Calculate the temporary hardness and total hardness of a sample of water containing following salts :

Mg(HCO3)2 = 7.3 mg/litre; Ca(HCO3)2 = 16.2 mg/litre;

MgCl2 = 9.5 mg/litre; CaSO4 = 13.6 mg/litre;

Ex. 37 : A sample of water contains following impurities :

Mg(HCO3)2 = 73 mg/litre; CaCl2 = 222 mg/litre;

MgSO4 = 120 mg/litre; Ca(NO3)2 = 164 mg/litre;The purity of lime is 74 % and soda is 90 %. Calculate the quantity of lime and soda needed for softening 5000 litres of water.

Ex. 38 : Calculate the amount of lime and soda required for softening of 50,000 litres of hard water containing :

MgCO3 = 144 ppm; CaCO3 = 25 ppm;

MgCl2 = 95 ppm; CaCl2 = 111 ppm;

Fe2O3 = 25 ppm; Na2SO4 = 15 ppm;

Ex. 39 : Three water samples A, B and C were analysed for their salt content. Sample A was found to contain 168 mg magnesium carbonate per litre. Sample B was found to contain 82 mg of calcium nitrate and 2 mg of silica per litre. Sample C was found to contain 20 mg of potassium nitrate and 20 mg of calcium carbonate per 500 m l. Determine the hardness in all the above three water samples A, B and C.

Ex. 40 : The hardness of 10,000 litres of a sample of water (containing 341.9 ppm hardness) was completely removed by passing it through a zeolite softener. The zeolite softener was regenerated by passing sodium chloride solution containing 20 gms/lit of NaCl. How many litres of sodium chloride solution will be required to regenerate zeolite softener ?

Ex. 41 : Calculate the quantity of lime needed for softening of 5000 litres of water containing :

MgCO3 = 8.4 mg/litre; CaSO4 = 13.6 mg/litre;

Chemistry (GTU) 1-60 Water Technology

KNO3 = 20.0 mg/litre; CaCO3 = 5.0 mg/litre

Ex. 42 : Calculate the hardness of water sample, whose 20 ml required 30 ml of EDTA. 10 ml of calcium chloride solution, whose strength is equivalent to 300 mg of calcium carbonate per 200 ml required 20 ml of EDTA solution.

Ex. 43 : A zeolite softener was completely exhausted and was regenerated by passing 100 litres of sodium chloride solution containing 60 gms/lit NaCl. How many litres of a sample of water of hardness 400 ppm can be softened by this softener.

Ex. 44 : Calculate the quantity of soda needed to soften 10,000 litres of water containing :

Na2SO4 = 7 mg/lit.; CaCO3 = 5 mg/lit.;

SiO2 = 2 mg/lit.; CaCl2 = 22.2 mg/lit.;

MgSO4 = 12 mg/lit.;

Ex. 45 : The hardness of 50,000 litres of sample of water was completely removed by passing through a permutit softener. The softener required 200 litres of common salt solution containing 200 g/litre of NaCl for regeneration. Calculate hardness of water sample.

Ex. 46 : Calculate the quantity of lime and soda required to soften one million litre of hard water containing following impurities :

CaCO3 = 10.0 ppm; CaSO4 = 20.4 ppm;

Mg(HCO3)2 = 36.5 ppm; MgCl2 = 19.0 ppm;

Al2(SO4)3 = 17.1 ppm; SiO2 = 24.0 ppm.

Ex. 47 : A sample of water contains 16.8 mg of MgCO3 and 6.0 mg of SiO2 per litre. Find its temporary and permanent


Ex. 48 : The hardness of 10,000 litres of a hard water sample was completely removed by passing it through a zeolite

softener. The zeolite softener requires 5,000 litres of sodium chloride solution containing 1170 mg of NaCl per litre for

regeneration. Determine the hardness of water sample.

Ex. 49 : Calculate the quantity of lime and soda needed to soften 20,000 litres of hard water containing the following salts :

MgCl2 = 9.5 mg/lit.; CaCl2 = 22.2 mg/lit.;

Ca(HCO3)2 = 81 mg/lit.; Mg(HCO3)2 = 73 mg/lit.;

FeSO4 = 151.8 mg/lit.;

MgSO4 = 120 mg/lit.;

1.17 University Questions and Answers

Dec. 2008

Q. 1 What is meant by softening of water ? (Section 1.13) (7 Marks)

With a neat schematic diagram, describe any one industrial method of softening of water.

Q. 2 Explain break point chlorination. What are its advantages ? (Section 1.14.2(i)) (3 Marks)

Q. 3 What is the principle of reverse osmosis ? How is it used for desalination ? (Section 1.13.4) (3 Marks)

Q. 4 A sample of water, on analysis, was found to contain the following impurities in mg/L : Ca(HCO3)2 = 32.4 ; Mg(HCO3)2 = 14.6 ; CaSO4 = 27.2 ; MgSO4 = 30.0 ; CaCl2 = 11.1. Calculate the temporary hardness and the permanent harmers of water. Given : Molecular weight of Ca(HCO3)2 = 162 ; Mg(HCO3)2 = 146 ; CaSO4 = 136 ; MgSO4 = 120 ; CaCl2 = 111.

Chemistry (GTU) 1-61 Water Technology

Soln. :

Conversion in CaCO3 equivalent :

Salt/Impurity Quantity mg/L Multiplication Factor

CaCO3 equation mg/L or ppm

Type of Hardness

Ca (HCO3)2 32.4 100/162 20 ppm Temporary

Mg (HCO3)2 14.6 100/146 10 ppm Temporary

CaSO4 27.2 100/136 20 ppm Permanent

MgSO4 30.0 100/120 25 ppm Permanent

CaCl2 11.1 100/111 10 ppm Permanent

Hence, Temporary Hardness, due to Ca and Mg bicarbonates,= 20 + 10 = 30 ppm

and, permanent Hardness due to Ca and Mg sulphate and chloride,= 20 + 25 + 10 = 55 ppm

Ans. : Temporary Hardness= 30 ppmPermanent Hardness = 55 ppm

Q. 5 Calculate the amount of lime and soda required to soften 20.000 liters of water having the following analysis : Ca(HCO3)2 = 40.5 ppm ; Mg(HCO3)2 = 36.5 ppm ; CaSO4 = 34.0 ppm ; MgSO4 = 30.0 ppm ; CaCl2 = 27.75 ppm ; NaCl = 5.85 ppm.

Soln. :

Conversion in CaCO3 equivalent :

Salt/Impurities Quantity (ppm) Multiplication factor

CaCO3 equation (ppm)

Requirement L or S

Ca (HCO3)2 40.5 100/162 25 ppm L

Mg (HCO3)2 36.5 100/146 25 ppm 2L

CaSO4 34.0 100/136 25 ppm S

MgSO4 30.0 100/120 25 ppm L + S

CaCl2 27.75 100/111 25 ppm S

NaCl 5.85 Does not consume Lime and Soda

Lime = [25 + 2 25 + 25 ] kgs= [25 + 2 25 + 25] kg= [100] kg= 1.48 kgs

Soda = [25 + 25 + 25] kg= [25 + 25 + 25] kg= [75] = 1.59 kg

Ans. : Lime required = 1.48 kgsSoda required = 1.59 kgs.

Q. 6 Give the factors responsible for corrosion of the boiler. Discuss the measures for its prevention.

(Section 1.12.4) (4 Marks)

Chemistry (GTU) 1-62 Water Technology

Q. 7 Differentiate between scale and sludge. How does the formation of sludge and scales affect boiler performance ? (Sections 1.12.1 and 1.15.4) (6 Marks)

June 2009

Q. 8 What is meant by caustic embrittlements for boilers and break point chlorination for water treatment? (Sections 1.12.3 and 1.14.2(i)) (4 Marks)

Q. 9 Explain problems which arise due to direct use of untreated hard water in boilers.

(Section 1.12)(4 Marks)

Q. 10 Explain Lime Soda process for water treatment. (Section 1.13.1) (4 Marks)

Q. 11 Calculate temporary hardness and permanent hardness of water in ppm from following results. Mg (HCO3)2 = 16.8 mg/l, MgCl2 = 19.0 mg/l, KCl = 74.5 mg/l, Mg (NO3)2 = 29.6 mg/l, CaCO3 = 20.0 mg/l and MgSO4 = 24.0 mg/l.

(4 Marks)

Soln. :

Calculation of quantities in term of CaCO3 equvalents of impurities :

Impurity/ies Quantity Multiplication Factor CaCO3 equivalent in ppm

Mg(HCO3)2 16.8 ppm 100/146 11.5

MgCl2 19.0 ppm 100/95 20

CaCO3 20 ppm 100/100 20

MgSO4 24 ppm 100/120 20

Mg(NO3)2 29.6 ppm 100/148 20

KCl 30 ppm Does not contribute to hardness

Temporary Hardness, due to Carbonates, and Permenent hardness is due to non-carbonates and Total hardness is due to sum of both.

Temporary hardness = Mg(HCO3)2 + CaCO3

= 11.5 + 20 = 35.5 ppm

Permanent hardness = Mg(NO3)2 + MgCl2 + MgSO4 = 20 + 20 + 20

= 60 ppm

Total hardness = 35.5 + 60 = 95.5 ppm

Ans. : Temporary Hardness= 35.5 ppmPermanent Hardness = 60 ppm

Total hardness = 95.5 ppm

Q. 12 10,000 liters of hard water was made soft with zeolite; the zeolite requires a total amount of eight liters of NaCl solution containing 150 gm/l of NaCl for regeneration. Calculate the hardness of water.

Soln. : Let the hardness of the water sample be x mg/lNow, 1 litre of NaCl contains 150 gm/l of NaCl

8 litres of NaCl contains 150 1000 8 = 1200000 mg of NaCl58.5 mg of NaCl 50 mgs of CaCO3 equivqlent hardness

= 1200000 = 1025641 mgs of CaCO3 equivalents hardness

Chemistry (GTU) 1-63 Water Technology

But the total quantity of the water sample = 10,000 litre10000 lt. of water 1025641 mgs of CaCO3

1 litre of water = 102.56 mgs of CaCO3 = 102.56 mg/l of CaCO3

= 102.56 ppm of CaCO3

Ans. : hardness of water sample = 102.56 ppmQ. 13 Give the factors responsible for corrosion of boiler. How can you prevent it ?

(Section 1.12.4) (4 Marks)

Q. 14 Give the characteristics of potable water. Mention various processes for removal of impurities. (Section 1.14) (6 Marks)

March 2009

Q. 15 Name a method which separates both Ionic and Non-ionic impurities from water. (Section 1.13.3) (1 Marks)

Q. 16 Answer in short : Different units of Hardness. (Section 1.9) (1 Marks)

Q. 17 Discuss the Zeolite process to obtain the water use for industrial process. (Section 1.13.2) (4 Marks)

Q. 18 What are the requirements of Muncipal water supply ? How the raw water is treated ? (Section 1.13) (4 Marks)

Jan. 2010

Q. 19 Describe the demineralization process of softening of hard water. What are its advantages over zeolite process ? (Sections 1.13.3 and 1.15.3) (7 Marks)

Q. 20 What is hardness of water ? Mention various units use for its expression and show their relation also. Calculate the temporary hardness, permanent hardness and total hardness of water containing Ca(HCO3)2 = 4 mg/l., Mg(HCO3)2 = 6 mg/l., CaSO4 = 8 mg/l., MgSO4 = 10 mg/l., in ppm, 0Fr and 0Cl.

(M.wt. of Ca(HCO3)2 = 162, Mg(HCO3)2 = 146, CaSO4 = 136, MgSO4 = 120)Solution : Hardness of water : (Sections 1.5 and 1.9)Calculation of CaCO3 equivalent of impurities :

Salt/Impurity Qty. mg/L

Multiplication Factor


equivalents ppmTypes of Hardness

Ca(HCO3)2 4 4 2.469 Carbonate or Temporary

Mg(HCO3)2 6 6 4.109 Carbonate or Temporary

CaSO4 8 8 5.882 Permanent or Non carbonate

MgSO4 10 10 8.333 Non carbonate or permanent

Calculation of Hardness

Temporary Hardness = ppm

= [2.469 + 4.109] = 6.578 ppm

Conversion factors in Fr = 10 ppm = 1Fr

in Cl = 14.3 ppm = 1Cl

Temperature hardness in Fr = = 0.6578Fr

Temperature hardness in Cl = = 0.46Cl

Chemistry (GTU) 1-64 Water Technology

Permanent Hardness = ppm

= [5.882 + 8.333] ppm

= [14.215] ppm

Permanent Hardness in Fr = = 1.4215 Fr

And Permanent Hardness in Cl = = 0.9941Cl

Total Hardness in ppm = 6.578 + 14.215

= 20.793 ppm

in Fr = 0.6578 + 1.4215

= 2.0793 Fr

in Cl = 0.46 + 0.9941

= 1.4541 Cl

Chemistry (GTU) 1-65 Water Technology


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