grassroot com orissa model

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  • 8/10/2019 Grassroot Com Orissa Model



  • 8/10/2019 Grassroot Com Orissa Model




    Communication is considered as an effective and powerful tool for social development. Good

    communication improves knowledge and information on particular sector/issues thereby increasing

    participation in decision making process. Against this backdrop, under CDLG project, a two days

    State Level Workshop on Development Communication was conducted at SIRD conference hall on15th & 16th April, 2011.

    The Object ives of the Workshop were as fo l lows :

    l To build the capacity of District level

    NGOs, APDs (training), PRIs and

    faculties of SIRD on development

    communication and its strategy.

    l To enhance the skills and knowledge of

    the participants on the concept, approach

    and dimensions of communication.

    l Use communication as a strategy for

    empowerment and development of local


    l Sensitize on the issues and challenges

    faced on effective communication.

    l Development of Matrix on schemes of

    PR and RD for communication.

    The Themes for the Work shop w as planned and they are as fo l low s:

    l Concept and approach of Development Communication

    l Communication approach in Local Governance

    l Development Communication for the Tribes

    l Access of media in Rural Odisha

    l Community radio- A new paradigm

    l Issues and emerging challenges in

    development communication

    As per the ob jec t i ves of the workshop thePar t i c i pan ts were inv i t ed f rom d i f f e ren t

    f ie lds. They are as fo l low s:

    l Nodal officers from District level NGO


    l Faculties of SIRD

    l APDs(training), DRDA

    l Media Personnel

    l PRI members ( sarpanches & Zilla

    Parishad member)

    Mr. S. N. Tripathi, Prinicpal Secretary, PRD, Speaking about


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    Methodolo gies adopted for the Worksh op are as fo l lows;

    l Participatory

    l Group Discussion & Presentation

    l Lecture

    l Experience Sharing

    Inaugural Session :

    Mr. S.N.Tripathy, I.A.S, Principal Secretary, P.R.

    Department inaugurated the workshop and stated

    the importance of communication to empower

    elected representatives for strengthening local

    governance and improving transparency in the

    system. Mr S.K.Lohani, Commissioner Special

    Project cum Director,SIRD emphasized the need

    for development of good communication strategyto create awareness among the PRIs on Gram

    Sabha and its functions. Dr.Udaya Moray, Director,

    IEC, and Mr. Amlan Majumdar, Deputy Director ,

    IEC, MoRD, GOI attended the two days workshop

    and shared their experience of developing good

    IEC material for the grassroot level stakeholders.

    Dr. Ambika Nanda, SPO, UNDP, Odisha urged for

    coming up with a design to develop communication strategy based on the changing rural development

    needs of the people in the state, after the two days workshop.

    DAY ONE: Technical Session 1

    De v e l o pm e n t J o u r n a l i s m : C o n c e p t , A p p r o a c h a n d

    Sign if ican ce by Dr. Mrin al Chatterjee, Profess or, IIMC

    Mr. Mrinal Chatterjee spoke in length about Development

    Journalism and defined Development "as a comprehensive,

    economic, social, cultural and political process which aims at the

    constant improvement of the wellbeing of the entire population

    and of all individuals on the basis of their active, free and

    meaningful participation in development and in the fair distribution

    of benefits resulting there from". Later during his presentation, hedifferentiated Development Journalism from Development

    Communication. In his discussion he spoke about the indicators

    of Devlopment Journalism (DJ) and mapping of DJ. At the end he

    briefly stated how Civil Societies, PR Bodies and Govt. can liason

    with media to propogate good work across the state.

    Technic al Session 2: Communicat ion appro ach in Lo cal Governance by Dr.Uday Moray,

    Directo r (IEC), MoRd & M r.Am lan Mazumdar, Dy. Director (Media), MoRD, GOI

    Mr.Amlan Mazumdar made a presentation on "Proposed IEC structure for Rural Development

    Programmes". He discussed during his presentation that how there is a paradigm shift in the

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    outlook of the Govt. All the Govt. programmes

    have become demand driven, aims at Universal

    Coverage, promotes Participatory model,

    emphasis on Transparency & Accountability,

    creates greater awareness about entitlements

    & processes for end users/ grassrootimplementers. He stated that the objectives of

    IEC are to Create awareness on Entitlements

    for Target Groups resulting in Higher articulation

    of demand through efficient Implementation. He

    also focused on the challenges and issues of

    developing IEC material at the Govt. Level. As

    the objectives & targets for all RD programmes

    are not homogeneous hence the IEC

    requirement varies. Further, all target groups are

    not on level playing ground so have different IEC

    needs and lastly receptiveness of target groups too differ hence programme wise / target wise /area wise specific IEC Strategy has to be developed. He presented the "Findings of the Study on the

    IEC Campaign on MGNREGA 2009-10 by Society for Social Services". The study came up with

    recommendations to improve IEC material for the MGNREGA scheme. They were as follows:

    l Preferred timing for TV campaign is after 7 PM (7 PM to 9 PM)

    l Family soaps are preferred - messages to be interspaced between breaks.

    l Doordarshan should be preferred channel, other (C&S channels) to be avoided

    l Money saved may be used for community TV.

    l Local dialects and idioms through other forms can be explored.

    l Meetings in the village are effective dissemination tools.

    l Content of the video should be simple and intelligible for comprehension by villagers.

    l Wall paintings and posters are also effective mediums

    l Complete information about the scheme should reach the beneficiaries to enable them to

    gain from it

    l Need to reinvent and reorient IEC methods in accordance with ground realities.

    He presented o n the bud get al located for the development of IEC mater ia l at the centra l

    level and f inal ly , he stated an elaborate IEC Strategy / act ion Plan drawn u p at the centra l

    level . The Act ion Plan was as fo l low s:

    l Panchayats made focal points

    l SIRDs to supplement/ compliment the Central IEC efforts and to address to micro-level IEC

    needs up to Gram Panchyat level

    l Replicate /adapt in regional languages central IEC templates & develop local content s

    l Develop IEC kits for village level workers, Bharat Nirman IEC volunteers, grassroot PRI


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    Techn i c a l Sess i on 3 : Comm un i t y Rad i o - A new pa rad i gm by M r . N .A .Shah Ansa r i ,

    Chai rperson, radio Namaskar & Mr.Abh aya Padhi , Addl .DG (Retd) Prasar B harat i

    Mr. Abhaya Padhi,Addl.DG (Retd) Prasar

    Bharati, spoke briefly about the technicalities

    involved at AIR and how communication

    through Radio would be a good medium to

    percolate to the grassroot level. Further he

    added that Community radio at three stations

    located at Puri, Konark and Kheonjhar

    districts can be used as good avenues for

    passing on the messages by the Govt.

    After his brief presentation, Mr N.A.Shah

    Ansari, Cha irperso n, radio Namaska r

    presented on Radio Namaskar and how his

    team of community members has achieved

    the target of using the Community Radio to

    send messages to the local folk. Radio namaskar is located at Konark, Puri District for connecting

    village and villagers to knowledge, experiences and resources. It serves in the areas of Gop,

    Nimapara,KakatPur & Astaranga Blocks of Puri district of Orissa. Radio namaskar runs its programs

    on thematic areas. They are as follows:

    lLocal Self Governance

    l Human Rights

    l Right to Food/Information/Education.

    l Disaster Management

    l Gender Equity

    l Societal Peace

    l Survival of indigenous trade & culture

    Radio namaskar is a truly community run Community radio as most of its team members are

    volunteers. The staff is trained in the process of being the part of the radio and around 80% programme

    comes from the community. They use music/songs from only community singers and all of their

    jingles & filler music are based with folk music. Within a short period of less than 2yrs Radio namaskar

    has also captured impact at the rural level.

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    Technical Session 4: Establ ishing Information Highway for Streaming IEC to Gram Panchayats

    & Vil lages

    Rural Communication using modern

    technology has potential to make

    significant inroads in to the traditionalagrarian economy. Innovative

    communication technology platform

    by Sankalp TV focuses on local

    farmer's communication needs and

    economic benefits and is poised to

    emerge as a landmark in rural

    communication tool.

    Present Status of Rural


    l Majority of IEC activities are

    being undertaken through print

    media, which is generally not

    understood by rural illiterates.

    l Printed IEC materials remains

    stacked in GP offices, not

    shared and explained to the


    l Lot of Audio Visual IEC materials are also developed by different departments, but not exhibited

    in all the GPs/Villages due to lack of communication channels and hence coverage remainsminimal.

    l No provision for storing of AV IEC contents for exhibiting it conveniently with consideration of

    time constraints of villagers.

    l Coverage and communication of good practices for replication in other areas also remains

    unfulfilled due to lack of robust communication facilities.

    l Communication of critical

    information relating to health

    emergencies / disaster

    preparedness do not reach on time

    upto village level.

    The Proposed Model

    The Bharat Nirman Rajiv Gandhi Sewa

    Kendras which will function as Knowledge

    Resource Centre (KRC) would be

    provided with adequate telecommu-

    nications infrastructure that would enable

    the dissemination of appropriate

    information regarding farming, education,

    health, weather, governmental news, job,

    loans and aid opportunities. The objectives

    Ashok Das,

    Chief Executive, Sankalp TV

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    were to reduce the digital gap and gender divide in rural Odisha using technology - especially

    telecommunications technology. Each Rajiv Gandhi Seva Ghar located at GP level would be the

    Knowledge Center (KC) and would serve the villages of the Gram Panchayat and would act as the

    knowledge repository for the villages it served. Pertinent information will be stored in databases in

    these sites, with appropriate technology for easy access and dissemination of this knowledge to

    persons seeking them.

    The Financial Model

    The average developmental spending in a Gram Panchayat per year is approximately Rs. 50 Lakh.

    The average expenditure towards IEC / program communication is 2% of the project outlay i.e. 2% of

    Rs. 50 Lakh = Rs. 1 Lakh / GP/ Year

    Suggested Cost Model

    l Monthly subscription for DTH : Rs. 200

    l Service Provider i.e. Sankalp charges : Rs. 50/day/panchayat*

    (i.e. Rs. 1500/panchayat/month)

    l Total per month : Rs. 1700/-

    l Total per year 1700 x 12 = Rs. 20400 / panchayat / year

    The role of communication technology as proposed in the model is many fold as can be seen below.

    l Setting of Farm Schools/e-Hub for livelihood skills. to promote activities in Agriculture, Horticulture,

    Fisheries, Animal-Resources, Handicrafts and SHGs.

    l Effectively address "communication gap (information loss)" in the dissemination of information

    from Lab-2-Land.

    l Development of effective Teaching/Training Modules with the help of subject matter specialists/



    Real life case studies to inspire the beneficiaries.

    l Viewers can also watch different infotainment programmes and movies from other channels,

    which will enhance peoples' interest and increase viewer ship. This will help increase in footfalls

    in the BNRGSKs.

    l To create digital content for the entire life cycle management of major crops, livestock, fishery

    types, thus building Agri- knowledge management digital library in local language for any time

    any where use of farmers.

    l To promote traditional knowledge system available with farming community.

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    A detailed presentation of the infotainment model was presented in the workshop to the participants

    comprising officials from Govt. of India, Civil Society Organizations, Experts of Development

    Communication and Officials from DRDAs. After a meticulous discussion on the pros and cons

    of the proposed initiative the house arrived at the following conclusions

    l As poor people are often unaware of their rights, entitlements and the availability of variousgovernment schemes and extension services, this model will improve their access to the

    information they need.

    l It will provide cheap and efficient tools for access to information and exchange of ideas and

    knowledge as an enabling tool for wider socioeconomic development. The model should be

    piloted in coastal and tribal areas before being scaled-up.

    l This will strengthen rural livelihoods, providing market information and lowering transaction

    costs of poor farmers and traders

    l It should, that this cannot act as a substitute for reforms but will be required to support

    information needs of poverty reduction programs.

    l Care should be taken so that this approach not just technology-driven but respond to the

    needs of the poor.

    Technical Session 5: Access o f Media in Rural Odisha by Dr Pradeep Mahapatra, Berhampur

    Universi ty

    Dr. Pradeep Mahapatra, highlighted the Access to media in Odisha in his presentation. According

    to him Development Communication should be promoted through mainstream and alternative media

    platforms and for doing this he gave the Case study on GRAM VIKAS SAMACHAR. He also depicted

    the picture of India and compared with the state of Odisha with regards to access to media and at

    the end he gave Tips for effective communication for development. The tips were as follows;

    l Documenting

    l Contributing to alternative media

    l Interacting with local journalists

    l Circulating story proposals among mainstream media

    l Documenting hard facts

    l Collecting background information

    l Extensive interviewing

    l Recording others impressionsl Seeking human interest angle

    With this session the day came to an end.

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    Before the technical session began the partciapnts were divided into five groups and they were

    asked to think about the Gaps in the Commun icat ion strategy in the implementat ion of the

    Govt schemes and to work out an ac t ionab le f ramework for SIRD to car ry forward the

    commun icat ion strategy for implement ing d i f ferent govt . schemes. The groups worked onthe gaps and presented.

    Techn ica l sess ion 1: Deve lopment Communica t ion for the Tr iba l by Dr. Nabor Soreng,

    Princ ipal, NISWASS

    Dr. Nabor Soreng, Principal, NISWASS, narrated his rich experience of working with the tribals in

    different districts of Odisha. He stated many case studies of communicating with the Primitive

    Tribal groups in Odisha and the challenges

    that he came across while working with

    them. He described briefly the objectives

    of Communication as Perceived by the

    Tribes. To develop and equip themselvesto fight against destructive forces, they try

    to keep intact their social as well moral

    norms, maintain inter-personal and group

    harmony and finally inter-tribe. Further he

    gave a list of ethnic characteristics of

    tr ibes as i t becomes necessary to

    understand in order to develop a

    communication strategy for the tribes.

    Finally he discussed various

    communication strategies utilized at

    various levels (at the Inter-personal level;

    at the Basic Group level; at the Community

    level; at the Society level).

    Technic al Session 2: Socia l Market ing Thread in Development Communic at ion by Mr.Saroj

    Ku .Dash, Dy.Directo r, SIRD

    Mr.Saroj Ku.Dash started his session with a participatory mode and gave a background of

    Development Communication. He wanted communication strategy should be able to capture the

    minds of the rural people the way corporates have tried to get their products sell in the rural areas.

    Communication should become important in informing, persuading, listening, data gathering,

    educating, training and managing change. Social marketing has greatly influenced the way

    communication and information is incorporated in development programme, for example, it has

    increased our sensitivity to the needs for research prior to developing and sending messages and

    it has shifted emphasis from the needs of the social change agent to the needs and perspectives of

    the beneficiary groups. He focused on the challenges that should be taken into consideration keeping

    in mind the dynamics of Development Communication.

    They are;

    l Sustained behaviour change

    l Improved consumer research

    l Media selection

    l Community focus

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    l Narrowing communication gaps

    l Structured intervention

    l Prevention messages

    l Institutional capacity

    l Long term planning

    Technic al Session 3: Issues & Chal lenges

    o f D ev e l o pm e n t C ommu n i c a t i o n b y

    Ms.Amita Bose, Developm ent Consul tant

    Ms. Amita Bose, adopted the brainstorming

    methodology and tried to zero down on the

    Issues and Challenges of Development

    Communication. As many resource persons

    discussed about the issues and challenges ofDevelopment Communication the Groups

    presented the Gaps identified in the implementing the Govt. Schemes. The gaps were as follows;

    l Language barrier

    l No direct communication

    l Universal pattern of communication

    l Improper/no function of local panchayat system.

    l Low awareness level.

    l Low literacy

    l Ignorance of local government officials in particular schemes.

    l Lack of involvement of local community, lack of liasioning with media.

    Later, the groups worked on the matrix which was shared by SIRD and each of the group had to

    work on different schemes like, MGNREGA, IAY, Social Security

    Deve lopmen t Comm un ica t i on St ra tegy fo r p rog rams im p lemen ted by Panchaya t i Raj

    Depar tment

    The development communication strategy for programs implemented by PR department will be a

    departure from the traditionally practiced communication effort, where the focus will not be oninformation to be disseminated by experts to end-users. Rather, it will be a horizontal communication

    processes which will enable the people to participate in the development programs. The main

    objective is to ensure that the end-users gather enough information and knowledge to carry out their

    own development initiatives evaluate their actions and recognize the resulting benefits. Participatory

    communication will reinforce this process.

    Suggested Specific Strategies

    These overall objectives will be achieved through the use of the following specific strategies:

    i. Capacity building of DPNGOS, village volunteer, Govt. functionaries and partner institutions /


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    ii. Setting up Community participation mechanisms

    iii. A multi-media communication program to increase knowledge and participation in the

    developmental programs of PR department.

    Capacity strengthening to implement the Communication Strategy

    The main objective of the capacity building strategy, in line with the principles of the PR deptt. would

    be to equip the community members with necessary skills and knowledge base to enable them to

    participate in the development programs. The other objective is to develop skills and attitudes in the

    project personnel.

    The multi-media communication program campaign will be carried out in two phases:

    Phase 1

    Phase I will be a public information campaign providing general information on the development

    programs. This phase will aim at building a critical mass of people within the general population

    who are knowledgeable about the programs to provide a conducive environment for their

    implementation. The campaign will be delivered through mutually reinforcing mass media to buildawareness and increase knowledge on the ongoing programs and their benefits throughout the

    state. The mass media campaign will be complemented by public participation mechanisms that

    engage opinion leaders to reinforce the key messages at the local level through various community


    Phase 2

    The thematic communication programs of the second phase will be selected based on progress of

    program identified over the first year. A participatory communication approach will be followed that

    is integrated with all communication efforts. Rather than focus on the use of mass media as a

    vehicle, this phase should focus on making use of community based social, religious, civic and

    political organizations, individuals and networks in tribal society of Orissa as channels and influencersto communicate with people 'face-to-face'. Examples would be speaking through women's groups.

    A radio entertainment-educational serial drama linked to community level activit ies is also

    recommended as a central activity for this phase.

    Communication Assessment

    It is suggested to undertake a participatory communication need assessment study. However,

    empirical experiences indicate that regardless of the initiatives under way, people rely on direct

    interpersonal communication for their information needs in the sense that people talk to each other

    to convey information. People see radio and meetings as the potentially best way of communicating

    within their communities. Illustrated posters have a potential; but the lack of permanent structures

    and the harsh climatic conditions pose a challenge as to when they are to be produced and posted.Illustrated handouts or leaflets have been identified and used by the project as a means of

    communicating; but again, only limited information can be transferred in the form of pictures. However,

    when text is used, the understanding is generally quite low.

    Communication Approach

    The basic communication approach for developmental programs of PR Deptt. Will be mix of mass

    communication and participatory communication methods wherein the field facilitator in this the

    DPNGO will be adequately trained in participatory tools so that for each community a specific

    communication strategy emerges. Instead of prescribing a general strategy for all the stakeholders

    through participatory communication it will emerge. The approach of this document will to suggest

    generic strategy and approaches for entry kevel activities into the community.

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    Different kinds of communication interventions will be utilized to cater to primary and secondary

    audiences. In terms of a communication strategy, five basic types of strategic communication

    components will be adopted.

    Communication Situation Analysis of programs implemented by PR deptt.

    The situational analysis / issues and challenges in development communication pertaining to

    programs implemented by PR deptt the basis for this suggested communication strategy. The

    analysis was carried out through groups discussions only. The key findings of this analysis are

    summarized below.

    Average levels of awareness and misconceptions on various developmental programs

    among most stakeholders

    People in general do not have complete information about the programs. This is more acute in tribal

    areas. There is no formal system of communicating people in general. Mostly it is through inter

    personal communication, discussion in Baazar area / barber shop / common sitting area or may besome places where there is presence of NGO/ CSO it is through some form of village meeting.

    Since programs in detail are not discussed in a proper forum, misconception also prevail among

    the beneficiaries about program benefits.

    Dissatisfaction among beneficiaries

    May be due to ignorance or non availability of proper information mechanism people do not get their

    complete entitlements or some times under go the drudgery of moving form pillar to post for securing

    their entitlements.

    Negative Media Coverage

    Sometimes negative media coverage of the programs also builds up the perception of the people

    thereby undermining the program benefits or people making demand for the services.

    Low current communication capacity

    Participatory Communication in general is not the domain area of Govt functionaries. Participatory

    communication if any is largely practiced by functionaries from NGO / development sector. So their

    exist a large capacity gap as far as building development communication into the development


    Need to strengthen public participation mechanisms

    It is clear that two-way information dissemination is important and participation structures such

    before and during program implementation through as stakeholder forums, networks and committees.

    Short versus long?term communication requirements

    The communications program should be broken into two phases. Initially a shortterm phase of

    communications should be used to build awareness and understanding on the program and WSS

    issues. A second longer term phase should focus on participatory & demand driven communications

    that promote positive attitudes and practices.

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    Communication Strategy Matrix

    The Communication Strategy matrix summarizes the key aspects of each specific strategy. It

    integrates all aspects of the strategy indicating the logical link between the audience, key message

    themes, methodology, channels and tools, expected outcome and implementing partners. Key

    message themes are based on the objective for communication to each audience and the findingsfrom the situation analysis. The channels recommended are based on the empirical data covering

    media usage in Orissa.

    Group 1: Scheme : MGNREGS

    Communicat ion Strategic Issue Target Audience Message Channel of

    Object ive Communicat ion

    Make people People not aware Registered Job 100 days of work Village Meeting

    aware about of job card receipt Seekers is assured Radio Spot

    salient featuresof Crche facility is Miking


    Make job card Filling of C1 form PRIs & NGOs Seven hours of Street Play

    holder aware Filling up of muster work Exposure Visit

    about worksite rolls Equal wage for Using knowledge

    facilities men & women and information


    Unemployment Reservation for Facility of

    Allowance women unemployment


    Need for Social Worksite facilities


    Benefits of Getting

    completion of 100 unemploymentdays allowance


    Communicat ion Strategic Issue Target Audience Message Channel of

    Object ive Communicat ion

    Awareness about People not aware All PDS Entitlement Miking

    PDS program about their beneficiaries messages Wall Painting

    Awareness on entitlements BPL Cards: IPC at dealer

    quantity / quality under Rs. 2/kg for location

    and variety of PDS scheme 30kgs/month Village Meeting.products Antodaya Card:

    To sensitize the Rs. 2/kg, 35 kgs /

    card holders month

    about their Annapurna free

    entitlements 10 kgs/month

    Sugar: 1.5 kg per

    BPL & Antodaya


    Kerosen @ 4 lts/card

    per month

    Wheat @ 7 kgs/monthper APL card

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    Suggest ion 1: Appropr ia te documenta t ion of the program needs to be deve loped and

    made access ib le so that repl icat ion can b e bet ter achieved


    Appropriate documentation of the lessons

    learned needs to be captured in a format

    suitable for cross-learning. The

    documentation needs to capture the distinctive

    aspects of the various PR developmentalprogram


    Documents developed should be made easily

    accessible in the communications hub

    ( the project website

    and at DRDA. The case studies are more than

    success stories as they document themistakes. The case studies are in non-

    technical language but aimed at educating


    Group 3: Scheme : Rural Housing (Mo kudia & IAY)

    Communicat ion Strategic Issue Target Audience Message Channel of

    Object ive Communicat ion

    To make people People are not BPL, Fire Victim Every BPL family is Palli Sabha / Gramaware about the aware about how to Homeless, Homes assured a house Sabha

    process & get benefit by Mo affected by natural under Mo Kudia/ Village Meeting

    entitlement of Kudia / IAY calamities IAY Information board

    houseing schemes (Process) Households

    completed 100

    days of MGNREGS

    Group 4: Scheme : Social Security Schemes

    Communicat ion Strategic Issue Target Audience Message Channel of

    Object ive Communicat ion

    Create awareness Beneficiaries does Old Age people Pension of Rs. Village Meeting

    among the not about HIV / AIDS infected 200/- per month Palli Sabha

    stakeholders for entitlements of Physically ASHA / AWW

    social security different schemes Challenged Panchayat Meeting

    schemes / Central Miking

    Govt. / State Govt.


    Place & procedure

    of availability.
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    Suggest ion 4: Information shou ld be readi ly avai lable at vi l lage level through in formation



    PR deptt. Has established Resource Centres

    in Blocks. There is potential for making these

    Centres more widely available and improving

    their functionality. Information centres have an

    important role to play in providing a localphysical focus. Multi-purpose resource centres

    can encourage local convergence.


    Establish Village Information Centres

    clusters of micro-watersheds.

    l project related print and media (posters,

    leaflets, newsletters, VCDs)l village notice board of events, meetings

    l information on and application forms for

    other government schemes

    l rental of agricultural equipment

    l TV viewing

    Suggest ion 2: Needs to prov ide m ore oppor tun i ty for o pen d iscuss ion and debate of

    developm ent issues that fo l low from d i f ferent prog rams of PR dept t.


    PR deptt. needs to create more opportunitiesfor critical reflection on the direction the project

    is taking. Pressing concerns from targets and

    reporting procedures mean that concerns about

    the project cannot be aired. Platforms for

    reflection need to be developed.


    An Annual Participatory Review Meeting. Thisevent provides a space to test out new ideas

    and review progress from a selection of all

    Program staff at all levels up to district and

    NGOs partners are also invited to promote

    further convergence. This is a two day event held

    in a venue away from Bhubaneswar. Key note

    speakers are asked to make short presentations

    on selected themes.

    Suggest ion 3 :Improved transparency is needed at communi ty l evel to enhance part ic ipat ion


    The extent to which GPs / DPNGOs information

    available to communities differs. Strategy is to

    publicly display funds that have been allocated

    to each village / household by using wall

    paintings. All these initiatives have value; the key

    point is that the community knows how and

    where funds have been spent.


    All GPs / DPNGOs adhere to min imu m

    standards of transparency publicly displayed on

    village notice boards. Financial information is

    presented in a form most likely to be easily

    understandable at community level.

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    Sugges t ion 5 : Use of tradi t ional performanc e art is ts to communic ate sensi t isat ion and

    inform at ion messages


    Traditional performance has already been usedin villages. Traditional performers are already a

    significant local source of knowledge on various

    PR developmental schemes they are literate,

    intelligent interpreters of information to the

    community. Shows are popular and hold the



    Key moments in project implementation that

    would benefit from traditional performance are

    identified by DPNGO. A recommended schedule

    for incorporation into the field implementation

    manual is devised. Simple briefing sheets for

    Communication Point persons at District level

    are devised. Relevant improved communication

    materials are made available to performance

    groups according to the project phase and the

    time of year.

    Suggest ion 6: Enco urage wide adopt ion of good pract ic e developed in PR department

    prog rams at secondary stakeholder level and upwards


    Lessons learnt in one district or block are not

    necessarily shared with other districts. Some

    districts and communities have made more

    progress than others in certain areas. Sharing

    information about why some districts activities

    are more successful in some places than in

    others will contribute to improving performanceacross the board.


    Panchayat Samachar, the PR deptt. Odiya

    language newsletter, focuses on promoting good

    practice across the districts and elsewhere. It

    becomes a major advocacy tool amongst

    secondary stakeholders in the project. To do this,

    content will include:

    l success stories about how individuals,

    communities or administrations made good


    l The newsletter should be bi-monthly and

    reach each of the Gram Panchayat

    Suggest ion 7: Communicat ions mater ia ls to be c onsis tent ly avai lable to al l DPNGOs /BRCs for use wi th communi t ies


    PRI CB & R is implemented at field level with

    support from a range of communication



    Ensuring consistent supply of communication

    materials / tools available to al l f ield


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    Suggest ion s 8: Using Radio / Commu ni ty Radio to empower poor stakeholders to make

    more demands


    The potential to use radio to pursue PRdepartment schemes objectives has not yet

    been explored fully. It is learnt that in communities

    radio ownership is more widespread than TV

    ownership. But that watching TV is more popular

    than radio if the choice is there. This suggests

    that radio programmes need to have a special

    interest and relevance to the target audience if

    they are to have impact.


    Interactive weekly one hour phone-inprogramme on AIR for 13 weeks. The

    programme will be a mix of discussion in Oriya

    and music. Music requests and announcements

    from communities will be encouraged. The style

    of the programme wil l be informal and

    conversational but the guests will need to be

    prepared to answer difficult questions from


    Similarly community radio should be piloted in

    the available areas.

    Suggest ion 9:Ensur ing deve lopment c ommunica t ion suppor t m ater ia ls more ef fec t i ve


    A range of communication materials are already

    being used by field-level staff when working in

    the villages, these can be made more varied and

    more suitable for working with a partially literate

    target group. Any print materials that are intended

    for general use should be in Oriya, use the bareminimum of text and make extensive use of

    photographs and/or drawings.


    The response to this by making pre-testing print

    and AV materials consistently available to

    DPNGOs for onward distribution for use directly

    by communities. This intervention stresses the

    need to use the print materials in a strategic

    manner Any existing print materials that are textheavy should be distributed only to literate


  • 8/10/2019 Grassroot Com Orissa Model




    No. Tools Usage Rationale

    Mass Media

    1 Program anthem An anthem in simple, colloquial language is to be producedto be popularized by singing at the beginning of all meetings

    by village communities / mass media. This anthem will

    focus on key aspects of the program and the role the

    communities will play in enhancing their quality of life through

    this program.

    2 Radio Spots / Discussion Entertaining yet informative and motivational radio spots

    (60 seconds) should be aimed at both rural men and

    women. Such radio broadcast should reinforce the

    messages of the leaflets, flipcharts and posters. A

    sponsored weekly half-hour radio program produced and

    broadcast exclusively on MGNREGS / IAY /. It would beimportant to include the voice and views of local

    communities and GPs in the content of such a program

    such that the design and content are highly participatory in

    nature, and it gives the look and feel of a people's radio

    program: in their language or very simple Oriya / local

    dialect, contains what they want to say and hear, and at a

    time most convenient to them.

    3 Community Radio Community radio facility is available in Konark, Keonjhar &

    Koraput. These options should be generously utilized as

    they reflect the local ethos.

    4 Documentary Films In villages where avenues for entertainment are few and

    audio-visuals would transcend problems related to literacy.

    A variety of films and documentaries could be procured for

    projection among village communities. These could be

    commercial film such as Manthan and Lagaan, as well as

    films on issues of MGNREGS / Role of Gram Panchayat /

    success stories of other villages / GPs etc. Several films

    that highlight the importance of self-determination by the

    communities, on SHGs, and community working are also

    available. Efforts should be made to screen a maximum

    number of such films in each project village. The VCR andTV could be hired or borrowed locally for such screenings.

    5 Poster Short messages summarizing the salient points of

    MGNREGS / IAY/ 13th Finance Commission be included in

    the posters aimed at rural men. Such posters should be

    placed at the markets and seed dealers' shops which most

    rural men visit frequently. The creative of such poster should

    adhere to all the fundamentals of making communication

    materials for low literate audience.

    6 Folk Media Folk art and performances are a projection of community's

    aspirations and culture. Folk performances should be used

    liberally at all stages of the program to inform and mobilize

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    the village communities. The folk media will catalyze higher

    involvement of women and vulnerable groups. Folk groups

    could be trained by DPNGOS to carry out communication


    Group Media7 Participatory theatre Theatre debate, in which a discussion follows the play and

    some parts of the theatre are played repeatedly following

    comments, may be used to tackle soil fertility problems

    and was employed by women as a form of empowerment.

    The idea, at is to use this tool to help women voice their

    concerns and to illustrate causes and potential solutions

    associated with the problems.

    8 Video photography Short video documentaries will be produced to be used

    during community meetings. Video will be used as an

    experimental effort to involve the community in dialogue

    and conflict resolution. Marginal groups could express their

    points of view and the images will help to shed light on

    some aspects of conflict and dissent. The videos will be

    shown in the presence of all parties, and the showings will

    be followed by discussions that were also filmed and


    This will help marginal groups, who were usually shy in

    formal meetings, to express themselves. Videos were also

    found to be useful in generating discussions and awareness

    among and between different people and factions.

    9 Creating a local users network A federation of all users groups will be formed which will

    be kind of a medium to facilitate interaction among the

    various local beneficiaries and non-governmental

    organizations (NGOs) and Government. The presence of

    such a medium would provide a platform for different

    stakeholders to assess and develop a common

    understanding of development needs and possible


    10 Exposure Visit Exposure visits by community to other villages are useful

    to demonstrate some solutions, which have been used in

    other settings, and also to raise the motivation to try themout and experiment with them.

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