grassroots, administration outreach, and awo pac

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The national advocate for the tugboat, towboat and barge industry.

Atlantic Region Annual Meeting

Grassroots, Administration Outreach,


February 4-5, 2010

One Ocean Resort Hotel & Spa

One Ocean Boulevard

Atlantic Beach, FL

Table of Contents

Grassroots 3

Congressional Calendar 4

Committee Leadership 5

Grassroots Executive Summary 6

Atlantic Region Grassroots AWO Member and Congressional Targets 7

Administration Outreach 16


PAC Executive Summary 22

Permission to Solicit 34

Pledge Form 35

Notes Page 36

Atlantic Region Annual Meeting

Grassroots, Administration Outreach, and AWO PAC

February 4-5, 2010

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Congressional Calendar

Committee Leadership

Grassroots Executive Summary

Atlantic Region Grassroots AWO

Member and Congressional Targets

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April May June

July August September

October November December


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2010 Congressional CalendarImportant Dates for 2010 Important Numbers

House Convenes: ...................... Jan.12Senate Convenes: ...................... Jan. 19State of the Union: ......................... TBDHouse Target Adjournment: ...........Oct. 8Election Day: ............................ Nov. 2

House Majority Cloak Room ........225.7330House Legislative Program ...........225.7400Senate Majority Cloak Room .......224.4691Senate Legislative Program ...........224.8541

1601 K Street, NW, Washington, DC 20006-1600

+1.202.778.9000 Fax +1.202.778.9100


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As of December 11, 2009





House and Senate Recess

No Votes in the House

House Recess Only

Votes in House after 6:30 p.m.

Important Dates for 2010

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___________________________________ 1 Ranking Member

Senate Committees and Subcommittees House Committees and Subcommittees

Coast Guard Authorization

Commerce, Science & Transportation Chair: Rockefeller, RM1: Hutchison

Oceans, Atmosphere, Fisheries, & Coast Guard

Chair: Cantwell, RM: Snowe

Surface Transportation & Merchant Marine

Infrastructure, Safety, & Security

Chair: Lautenberg, RM: Thune

Transportation & Infrastructure Chair: Oberstar, RM: Mica

Coast Guard & Maritime Transportation

Chair: Cummings, RM: LoBiondo

Homeland Security Chair: Thompson, RM: King

Border, Maritime, & Global Counterterrorism

Chair: Sanchez, RM: Souder

Army Corps of Engineers Authorization and Clean Water Act

Environment & Public Works Chair: Boxer, RM: Inhofe

Transportation & Infrastructure

Chair: Baucus, RM: Voinovich

Transportation & Infrastructure Chair: Oberstar, RM: Mica

Water Resources & Environment

Chair: Johnson, RM: Boozman

Homeland Security

Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Chair: Lieberman, RM: Collins

Homeland Security Chair: Thompson, RM: King

Coast Guard Appropriations

Appropriations Chair: Inouye, RM: Cochran

Homeland Security

Chair: Byrd , RM: Voinovich

Appropriations Chair: Obey, RM: Lewis

Homeland Security

Chair: Price, RM: Rogers

Army Corps of Engineers Appropriations

Appropriations Chair: Inouye, RM: Cochran

Energy & Water Development

Chair: Dorgan, RM: Bennett

Appropriations Chair: Obey, RM: Lewis

Energy & Water Development

Chair: Visclosky, RM: Frelinghuysen


Finance Chair: Baucus, RM: Grassley

Ways & Means Chair: Rangel, RM :Camp

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Grassroots Target Report

January 11, 2010

Members of Congress Visited 2009-2010

Platinum Targets Nationwide Goal: 100% (107 out of 107 Members of Congress)

Platinum Targets Achieved: 79% (84 out of 107 Members of Congress)

Gold Targets Nationwide Goal: 25% (32 out of 127 Members of Congress)

Gold Targets Achieved: 25% (32 out of 127 Members of Congress)

Carrier Member Participation Nationwide Goal: 50% (124 out of 247 Carrier Members)

Carrier Members Participation Achieved: 27% (67 out of 247 Carrier Members Have Been on Visits)

Regional Metrics

Atlantic Region Pacific Region

Platinum Goal: 100% (34 out of 34) Platinum Goal: 100% (16 out of 16)

Platinum Visits: 74% (25 out of 34) Platinum Visits: 75% (12 out of 16)

Gold Goal: 25% (9 out of 34) Gold Goal: 25% (9 out of 34)

Gold Visits: 26% (9 out of 34) Gold Visits: 9% (3 out of 34)

Carrier Member Goal: 50% (19 out of 37) Carrier Member Goal: 50% (14 out of 28)

Carrier Member Visits: 32% (12 out of 37) Carrier Member Visits: 36% (10 out of 28)

Midwest Region Southern Region

Platinum Goal: 100% (19 out of 19) Platinum Goal: 100%: (22 out of 22)

Platinum Visits: 63% (12 out of 19) Platinum Visits: 100% (22 out of 22)

Gold Goal: 25% (6 out of 24) Gold Goal: 25% (4 out of 14)

Gold Visits: 21% (5 out of 24) Gold Visits: 43% (6 out of 14)

Carrier Member Goal: 50% (15 out of 29) Carrier Member Goal: 50% (64 out of 127)

Carrier Member Visits: 48% (14 out of 36) Carrier Member Visits: 17% (21 out of 127)

Ohio Valley Region

Platinum Goal: 100% (16 out of 16)

Platinum Visits: 81% (13 out of 16)

Gold Goal: 25% (5 out of 21)

Gold Visits: 43% (9 out of 21)

Carrier Member Goal: 50% (14 out of 27)

Carrier Member Visits: 37% (10 out of 27)

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Member Participation Targets: Atlantic Region 2009-2010Goal: 50% (21 of 42 Carrier Companies)

Achieved: 31% (13 of 42)

Page 1 of 9 As of January 7, 2010

* Denotes AWO Affiliate Member

Company AWO Member Office OfficeParticipant(s)

Topic(s) Date

Rep. Eric Cantor (D-VA) Kristi Way TWIC, NPDES, IndustryEducation


Rep. Nye &Andreas Mueller

Industry Education 02/25/09Rep. Glenn Nye (D-VA)

Rep. Nye &Andreas Mueller

TWIC, NPDES 04/01/09

Betsy McIntyre

Jones Act, RCP, TowingVessel Inspection, NPDES,

TWIC & Coast GuardAuthorization Bill

02/25/09Senator Mark Warner (D-VA)

Betsy McIntyre NPDES, TWIC, Coast GuardAuthorization Bill


Rep. Albio Sires (D-NJ) Gene Martorony TWIC, NPDES, BayonneBridge


Rep. Tim Bishop (D-NY) Rep. Bishop &Mark Copeland

NPDES 04/01/09

Rep. Peter King (R-NY) Adam Paulson TWIC 04/01/09

Rep. Mike McMahon (D-NY) Rep. McMahon &Jeffrey Siegal

NPDES, TWIC, Mass.Pilotage


Rep. Michael Arcuri (D-NY) Chris Wilcox NPDES, TWIC 04/01/09

Rep. John Hall (D-NY) Jim Bradley TWIC, NPDES 04/01/09Rep. Brian Higgins (D-NY) Andy Tantillo TWIC, NPDES, Lockage Tax 04/01/09

Rep. Thomas Perriello (D-VA) Beth Elliott TWIC, NPDES 04/01/09

Rep. Patrick Kennedy (D-RI) Adam Brand TWIC, NPDES 04/01/09


Jeff Parker

Bailey Fine & TWIC, NPDES, Lockage Tax

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Member Participation Targets: Atlantic Region 2009-2010Goal: 50% (21 of 42 Carrier Companies)

Achieved: 31% (13 of 42)

Page 2 of 9 As of January 7, 2010

* Denotes AWO Affiliate Member

Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD) SarahGreenberger

& Industry Education 12/01/09

Senator Barbra Mikulski (D-MD) Sally Wingo &Brigid Houton

TWIC, NPDES, Lockage Tax& Industry Education


Rep. Steve Kagan (D-WI) Rep. Kagan &Norah Spooner

NPDES & WaterwaysInfrastructure Funding


Allied TransportationCompany (con’t.)

Rep. Candice Miller (R-MI) Caleb Overdorf NPDES 12/03/09

Boston MarineTransport, Inc.BouchardTransportation Co., Inc.Bridge ConstructionServices, Inc.C & P Tug and BargeCompanyCanal Towing &Assist, Inc.Constellation MaritimeCompanyCrowley MaritimeCorporationDann Marine TowingLCDann Ocean Towing,Inc.

Stephen Dann Senator Bill Nelson (D-FL) Michelle Barth TWIC, NPDES 06/02/09

DMC Marine(formerly Port AlbanyVentures)Donjon Marine Co.,Inc.Express Marine, Inc. Keith Kirkeide Senator Bill Nelson (D-FL) Michelle Barth TWIC, NPDES 06/02/09

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Member Participation Targets: Atlantic Region 2009-2010Goal: 50% (21 of 42 Carrier Companies)

Achieved: 31% (13 of 42)

Page 3 of 9 As of January 7, 2010

* Denotes AWO Affiliate Member

Gellatly & CriscioneServices Corp.Gore MarineCorporationGreater NY MarineTransportation, LLCHughes Bros., Inc. Brian Hughes Senator Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) Mike Venezia NPDES, TWIC 08/12/09Huguenot Energy, LLCIntracoastal Marine,Inc.K Tugs NY

Rep. LoBiondo &Geoff Gosselin

NDPES 02/18/09Rep. Frank LoBiondo (R-NJ)

Geoff Gosselin NDPES 12/03/09

Rep. McMahon &Jeffrey Siegal

NPDES, TWIC, Mass.Pilotage

02/24/09Rep. Mike McMahon (D-NY)

Jeffrey Siegal NPDES 12/03/09

Senator David Vitter (R-LA) Senator Vitter &Chris Stanley

Business Climate, LockageTax, NPDES


Rep. Gene Taylor (D-MS) Rep. Taylor TWIC, NPDES, Lockage Tax 04/01/09

Rep. John Mica (R-FL) John Rayfield TWIC, NPDES, Lockage Tax 04/01/09Senator Charles Grassley (R-IA) Jim Lyons Lockage Tax 04/01/09Senator Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) Mike Venezia NPDES, TWIC 08/12/09

K-Sea TransportationPartners, L.P.


Tim Casey

Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ) CarolynFefferman

NPDES, TWIC 08/12/09

Senator Mark Warner (D-VA) Betsy McIntyre NPDES, TWIC, Coast GuardAuthorization Bill


Rep. Albio Sires (D-NJ) Gene Martorony TWIC, NPDES, BayonneBridge

04/01/09McAllister Towing

BuckleyMcAllister, Eric

McAllister,Gary Oliviera,Joe Benton &Brian Fourneir

Rep. Tim Bishop (D-NY) Rep. Bishop &Mark Copeland

NPDES 04/01/09

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Member Participation Targets: Atlantic Region 2009-2010Goal: 50% (21 of 42 Carrier Companies)

Achieved: 31% (13 of 42)

Page 4 of 9 As of January 7, 2010

* Denotes AWO Affiliate Member

Rep. Peter King (R-NY) Adam Paulson TWIC 04/01/09

Rep. Mike McMahon (D-NY) Rep. McMahon &Jeffrey Siegal

NPDES, TWIC, Mass.Pilotage


Rep. Glenn Nye (D-VA) Rep. Nye &Andreas Mueller

TWIC, NPDES 04/01/09

Rep. Michael Arcuri (D-NY) Chris Wilcox NPDES, TWIC 04/01/09

Rep. John Hall (D-NY) Jim Bradley TWIC, NPDES 04/01/09

Rep. Brian Higgins (D-NY) Andy Tantillo TWIC, NPDES, Lockage Tax 04/01/09Rep. Thomas Perriello (D-VA) Beth Elliott TWIC, NPDES 04/01/09

Adam Brand TWIC, NPDES 04/01/09Rep. Patrick Kennedy (D-RI) Chris Kent TWIC, NPDES, No Discharge


Senator Jack Reed (D-RI) Nancy Langral TWIC, NPDES, No DischargeAreas


Senator Sheldon Whitehouse(D-RI)

Rele Abiade TWIC, NPDES, No DischargeAreas


Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) Sam CooperTowing Vessel Inspection,The Responsible Carrier

Program, NPDES


Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) Phillip Goldseder TWIC, NPDES, Lockage Tax,Industry Education


Rep. Mike Capuano (D-MA) Jon Lenicheck Coast Guard Authorization,NPDES


Senator John Kerry (D-MA) Kate Anderson &Cheri Rolfes

Coast Guard Authorization 08/11/09

Senator Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) Mike Venezia NPDES, TWIC 08/12/09Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ) Carolyn

FeffermanNPDES, TWIC 08/12/09

McAllister Towing(con’t.)

Rep. Yvette Clarke (D-NY) Rep. Clarke TWIC 11/10/09

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Member Participation Targets: Atlantic Region 2009-2010Goal: 50% (21 of 42 Carrier Companies)

Achieved: 31% (13 of 42)

Page 5 of 9 As of January 7, 2010

* Denotes AWO Affiliate Member

Metropolitan MarineTransportation, Inc.

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) Sam CooperTowing Vessel Inspection,The Responsible Carrier

Program, NPDES07/14/09

Miller's Launch, Inc. Mike Grodeska

Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) Phillip Goldseder TWIC, NPDES, Lockage Tax,Industry Education


Senator Bill Nelson (D-FL) Michelle Barth TWIC, NPDES 06/02/09Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT) Lee Reynolds Industry Education, Jones Act 11/12/09

Senator Joseph Lieberman (I-CT) Jason Yanussi,Krystn Ledoux

TWIC 11/12/09

Senator Ben CardinBailey Fine &


TWIC, NPDES, Lockage Tax& Industry Education

12/01/09Moran TowingCorporation

Tom Craighead,Ted Tregurtha

& PaulSwensen

Senator Barbra Mikulski (D-MD) Sally Wingo &Brigid Houton

TWIC, NPDES, Lockage Tax& Industry Education


Norfolk Tug CompanyPCS Phosphate, AuroraDivisionPenn Maritime, Inc.Poling & Cutler MarineTransportation Inc.

Senator Mark Warner (D-VA) Betsy McIntyre NPDES, TWIC, Coast GuardAuthorization Bill


Rep. Albio Sires (D-NJ) Gene Martorony TWIC, NPDES, BayonneBridge


Rep. Tim Bishop (D-NY) Rep. Bishop &Mark Copeland

NPDES 04/01/09

Rep. Peter King (R-NY) Adam Paulson TWIC 04/01/09


Jason Reinauer& Alan Bish

Rep. Mike McMahon (D-NY) Rep. McMahon &Jeffrey Siegal

NPDES, TWIC, Mass.Pilotage


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Member Participation Targets: Atlantic Region 2009-2010Goal: 50% (21 of 42 Carrier Companies)

Achieved: 31% (13 of 42)

Page 6 of 9 As of January 7, 2010

* Denotes AWO Affiliate Member

Rep. Glenn Nye (D-VA) Rep. Nye &Andreas Mueller

TWIC, NPDES 04/01/09

Rep. Michael Arcuri (D-NY) Chris Wilcox NPDES, TWIC 04/01/09Rep. John Hall (D-NY) Jim Bradley TWIC, NPDES 04/01/09

Rep. Brian Higgins (D-NY) Andy Tantillo TWIC, NPDES, Lockage Tax 04/01/09Rep. Thomas Perriello (D-VA) Beth Elliott TWIC, NPDES 04/01/09

Adam Brand TWIC, NPDES 04/01/09Rep. Patrick Kennedy (D-RI) Chris Kent TWIC, NPDES, No Discharge


Senator Jack Reed (D-RI) Nancy Langral TWIC, NPDES, No DischargeAreas


Senator Sheldon Whitehouse(D-RI)

Rele Abiade TWIC, NPDES, No DischargeAreas


ReinauerTransportationCompany (cont’d)

Senator John Kerry (D-MA) Kate Anderson &Cheri Rolfes

Coast Guard Authorization 08/11/09

Senator Jack Reed (D-RI) Nancy Langral TWIC, NPDES, No DischargeAreas


Senator Sheldon Whitehouse(D-RI)

Rele Abiade TWIC, NPDES, No DischargeAreas

04/20/09Seaboats, Inc. BrendanMacGillivray

Rep. Patrick Kennedy (D-RI) Chris Kent TWIC, NPDES, No DischargeAreas


Seabulk International,Inc.T & C Towing, Inc.

Senator Mark Warner (D-VA) Betsy McIntyre NPDES, TWIC, Coast GuardAuthorization Bill


Rep. Albio Sires (D-NJ) Gene Martorony TWIC, NPDES, BayonneBridge


Rep. Tim Bishop (D-NY) Rep. Bishop &Mark Copeland

NPDES 04/01/09

The Vane BrothersCompany

Rick Iuliucci,Tim Sell &Mike Riley

Rep. Peter King (R-NY) Adam Paulson TWIC 04/01/09

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Member Participation Targets: Atlantic Region 2009-2010Goal: 50% (21 of 42 Carrier Companies)

Achieved: 31% (13 of 42)

Page 7 of 9 As of January 7, 2010

* Denotes AWO Affiliate Member

Rep. Mike McMahon (D-NY) Rep. McMahon &Jeffrey Siegal

NPDES, TWIC, Mass.Pilotage


Rep. Glenn Nye (D-VA) Rep. Nye &Andreas Mueller

TWIC, NPDES 04/01/09

Rep. Michael Arcuri (D-NY) Chris Wilcox NPDES, TWIC 04/01/09Rep. John Hall (D-NY) Jim Bradley TWIC, NPDES 04/01/09

Rep. Brian Higgins (D-NY) Andy Tantillo TWIC, NPDES, Lockage Tax 04/01/09Rep. Thomas Perriello (D-VA) Beth Elliott TWIC, NPDES 04/01/09Rep. Patrick Kennedy (D-RI) Adam Brand TWIC, NPDES 04/01/09

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) Sam CooperTowing Vessel Inspection,The Responsible Carrier

Program, NPDES07/14/09

Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) Phillip Goldseder TWIC, NPDES, Lockage Tax,Industry Education


Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) Rob Gottheim NPDES, Lockage Tax 07/14/09Senator Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) Mike Venezia NPDES, TWIC 08/12/09

The Vane BrothersCompany (cont’d)

Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ) CarolynFefferman

NPDES, TWIC 08/12/09

TradeWinds TowingLLC

TransmontaigneMarine Group, Inc. Linn Peterson Senator Bill Nelson (D-FL)

Katie Platt &Susie-Perez-

QuinnNPDES 02/26/09

U.S. United OceanServicesUnited MaritimeGroup, LLCVinik Marine, Inc.

Senator Mark Warner (D-VA) Betsy McIntyre NPDES, TWIC, Coast GuardAuthorization Bill

04/01/09Weeks Marine, Inc. Mark Sickles

Rep. Albio Sires (D-NJ) Gene Martorony TWIC, NPDES, BayonneBridge


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Member Participation Targets: Atlantic Region 2009-2010Goal: 50% (21 of 42 Carrier Companies)

Achieved: 31% (13 of 42)

Page 8 of 9 As of January 7, 2010

* Denotes AWO Affiliate Member

Rep. Tim Bishop (D-NY) Rep. Bishop &Mark Copeland

NPDES 04/01/09

Rep. Peter King (R-NY) Adam Paulson TWIC 04/01/09Rep. Mike McMahon (D-NY) Rep. McMahon &

Jeffrey SiegalNPDES, TWIC, Mass.


Rep. Glenn Nye (D-VA) Rep. Nye &Andreas Mueller

TWIC, NPDES 04/01/09

Rep. Michael Arcuri (D-NY) Chris Wilcox NPDES, TWIC 04/01/09

Rep. John Hall (D-NY) Jim Bradley TWIC, NPDES 04/01/09Rep. Brian Higgins (D-NY) Andy Tantillo TWIC, NPDES, Lockage Tax 04/01/09

Rep. Thomas Perriello (D-VA) Beth Elliott TWIC, NPDES 04/01/09

Weeks Marine, Inc.(cont’d)

Rep. Patrick Kennedy (D-RI) Adam Brand TWIC, NPDES 04/01/09

Wilmington Tug, Inc.Winslow Marine, Inc.American SteamshipOwners Mutual P & I*Bren TransportationCorp.*Cottrell ContractingCorporation*Cummins Marine*Great AmericanInsurance, OceanMarine Division*Gulf Marine RepairCorporation*

HeidenreichInnovations, LLC*Key EquipmentFinance*Lyon Shipyard, Inc.*

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Member Participation Targets: Atlantic Region 2009-2010Goal: 50% (21 of 42 Carrier Companies)

Achieved: 31% (13 of 42)

Page 9 of 9 As of January 7, 2010

* Denotes AWO Affiliate Member

Marine Log Magazine*Moxie Media, Inc.*Navigistics ConsultingNortheast MaritimeInstitute*The TravelersCompanies, Inc.*Water QualityInsurance Syndicate*Furlough MarineManagement LLC*Interport PilotsAgency, Inc.*

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Agency Title Name Notes


White House Senior Advisor to the President Peter M. Rouse Multiple TAA communications regarding budget/lockage fee.

CEQ Chair Nancy Sutley TAA/JAC meeting with Mike Boots, Associate Director for Air and Water Ecosystems, on 7/15/09. JAC participated in Interagency Ocean Policy Task Force roundtable on 7/27/09.

Corps Commanding General LTG Robert L. Van Antwerp

Corps Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works

Jo-Ellen Darcy TAA and Cornel Martin, WCI, have meeting set for 11/19/09.

DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano Meeting was scheduled for September 24/09; Napolitano could not attend at last minute. TAA/JAC met with Chief of Staff Jan Lesher in her absence. Excellent discussion of towing vessel inspection NPRM.

DHS Assistant Secretary for the Private Sector Office

Douglas Smith appointed in October. Deputy is Tracy Hannah (Obama appointee/Napolitano associate from AZ).

JAC meeting 3/4/09 with Tracy Hannah and John Leyden (Office of Policy) to discuss inspection NPRM, TWIC card reader ANPRM. JAC/TAA set up meeting with Smith this Fall 2009.

DHS Assistant Secretary, Office of Policy David Heyman John Leyden participated in 3/4/09 meeting with JAC to discuss inspection NPRM.

DOT Secretary Ray LaHood Meeting with TAA/JAC 3/25/09.

EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson TAA/JAC meeting 8/24/09 (with Lake Carriers' Association and K&L Gates.)

EPA Assistant Administrator for Water Peter Silva Attended 8/24/09 TAA/JAC meeting with Administrator. JAC sat next to him at ELI dinner 10/29/09. TAA/JAC have meeting set for November 20/ 2009.

MARAD Administrator David Matsuda named Deputy Administrator and Acting Administrator 7/28.

5/1/09 letter to DOT Secretary LaHood endorsing Denise Krepp. (Krepp named General Counsel this summer. TAA/JAC working on setting up lunch this Fall.

NTSB Chairman Deborah Hersman Field trip with Canal Barge/Marathon/JAC 3/16-17/09.

NTSB Board Member Christopher A. Hart

NTSB Board member Robert Sumwalt

NTSB Director of Marine Safety Jack Spencer Maintain regular contact. JAC last meeting with Spencer and deputy Mike Rosecrans was 11/12/09. Worked closely with staff to plan Hersman field trip and with Mike Rosecrans to plan 8/4/09 briefing on Northwestern University CEMS research. (Spencer was unable to attend.)

AWO Administration/Agency Outreach 2009-2010

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Agency Title Name Notes

AWO Administration/Agency Outreach 2009-2010

OMB Associate Director for Natural Resources, Energy and Science

Sally Ericsson TAA/JAC meeting with Ericsson and Gene Ebner, Water and Power Branch Chief, re. lockage tax 5/12/09. Schedule follow-up meeting after completion of Capital Projects Business Model process.

OMB/OIRA Policy analyst for CG programs TBD JAC will meet with him/her when inspection NPRM arrives at OMB.

TSA Assistant Secretary/Administrator Gale Rossides [acting]; Obama appointee TBD

High priority when appointed.

SBA National Ombudsman Esther H. Vassar

TSA Director, Maritime Credentialing Tom Cowley (replaced Maurine Fanguy this Fall)

JAC/BWV maintain regular contact.

TSA General Manager, Operations, Office of Transportation Threat Assessment and Credentialing

Stephen Sadler Maintain regular contact.

USCG Commandant ADM Thad Allen Meeting with TAA and Tim Casey 8/4/09.

USCG Vice Commandant VADM David Pekoske TAA will set up visit this Fall.

USCG Chief of Congressional Affairs RDML Karl Shultz AWO guest at 4/28/09 Propeller Club Salute to Congress. JAC/CAC meeting 4/30/09, 11/3/09.

USCG Assistant Commandant for Marine Safety, Security, and Stewardship

RADM Brian Salerno Maintain regular contact. TAA/JAC lunch 7/15/09. TAA/Tim Casey meeting 8/4/09.

USCG Director of Commercial Regulations & Standards

Jeff Lantz Maintain regular contact. JAC last meeting was 9/22/09.

USCG Assistant Commandant for Government and Public Affairs

RDML C. E. Michel Set up meeting with TAA/JAC/CAC.

USCG Director of Prevention Policy RDML Kevin Cook TAA meeting 6/19/09. TAA/JAC lunch 7/15. Safety Partnership National QSC meeting 8/5/09. JAC visit at CID conference 10/22/09. TAA/JAC will set up lunch before year-end to discuss CEMS/ Northwestern study, etc.

USCG Chief, Office of Vessel Activities CAPT Eric Christensen Maintain regular contact. JAC last meeting was 8/4/09. Attended National QSC meeting 8/5/09. JAC contact at 10/22/09 CID conference and 10/28/09 public meeting.

USCG Chief, Office of Operating and Environmental Standards

CAPT Russ Proctor JAC introductory meeting 8/12/09; follow-up conversation at ballast water treatment public meeting 10/8/09.

USCG Administrator, Bridge Program Hala Elgaaly

Atlantic Region

Corps New England District Commander & Engineer

COL Philip T. Feir Cape Cod Canal Stakeholders Meeting

Corps New England District Cape Cod Canal Manager

Frank Fedele Cape Cod Canal Stakeholders Meeting

Corps Philadelphia District Commander LCOL Thomas Tickner Met at July Meeting 2009.

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Agency Title Name Notes

AWO Administration/Agency Outreach 2009-2010

EPA Region One Administrator (New England)

Ira W. Leighton [Acting], Deputy Administrator Stephen Perkins [Acting]

EPA Region One Air Programs Branch Director

David Conroy

EPA Region Two Administrator (NY, PR, US VI)

George Pavlou [Acting] New Jersey Graywater Issue

EPA Region Two Environmental Planning and Protection Director

Ronald Borsellino [Acting] Barbra Finazzo [Director: on leave for next few months]

Meeting with VGP Compliance Division 1/19/2010

EPA Region Three Administrator (Mid-Atlantic States)

William C. Early [Acting]

EPA Region Three Air Protection Division & Office of Enforcement

Diana Esher, Acting Director David L. Arnold, Deputy

EPA Region Three Air Protection Division: Air Protection Division, Team Leader & Environmental Researcher - Port Issues

Christopher Thomas & Bill Jones

USCG Atlantic Area Commander (position to be replaced by Commanding Officer, OPCOM)

VADM Robert J. Papp, Jr. Fifth District Change of Command. TAA Meeting 8/27.

USCG Atlantic Area Deputy Commander RADM Gene Brooks Atlantic Region Meeting/dinner 8/26-27 2009

USCG Atlantic Area Chief of Prevention CAPT Chris Roberge ARQSC June Meeting 2009

USCG First District Commander RADM Joseph Nimmich Cape Cod Canal Stakeholders Meeting 8/11/09

USCG First District Chief of Prevention CAPT Liam Slein Cape Cod Canal Meeting 1/21/2010.

USCG First District Legal Officer / Staff Judge Advocate

CAPT Tom Lennon Cape Cod Canal Meeting 1/21/2010.

USCG Sector Northern New England CAPT Jim McPherson (Commander), CDR Brian Downey (Deputy Commander)

Cape Cod Canal Stakeholders Meeting 8/11/09

USCG Sector Boston Commander CAPT John Healy Cape Cod Canal Meeting 1/21/2010.

USCG Sector New York Commander CAPT Robert O'Brien Extended for 2009

USCG Sector Long Island Sound Commander

CAPT Daniel Ronan Cape Cod Canal Stakeholders Meeting

USCG Fifth District Commander RADM Wayne Justice Fifth District Change of Command - Invited to Summer Meeting.

USCG Fifth District Chief of Prevention CAPT David Haynes

USCG Chief, Sector Southeastern New England Waterways Management

Ed LeBlanc Cape Cod Canal Stakeholders Meeting

USCG Sector Southeastern New England Commander

CAPT Ray Perry Sector Meeting in April. Cape Cod Canal Meeting 1/21/2010.

USCG Sector Delaware Bay Commander CAPT Meredith Austin Sector Luncheon 11/09

Page 3

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Agency Title Name Notes

AWO Administration/Agency Outreach 2009-2010

USCG Sector Baltimore Commander CAPT Mark O'Malley Sector Luncheon 12/09.

USCG Sector Hampton Roads Commander (until June/July)

CAPT Mark Ogle Sector Lunch 7/1; Atlantic Region Summer Meeting 8/27/09.

USCG Seventh District Commander RADM Steve Branham Atlantic Region Annual Meeting 02/09

USCG Seventh District Chief of Prevention CAPT Scott Ferguson ARQSC Meeting in June

USCG Sector Jacksonville Commander CAPT Andy Blomme Atlantic Region Annual Meeting 02/10

USCG Sector Tampa/St. Petersburg Commander

CAPT Tim Close Atlantic Region meeting in February 2009.

USCG Sector Miami Commander CAPT James O. Fitton

Page 4

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PAC Executive Summary

Permission to Solicit

Pledge Form

21 of 36

PAC Summary

January 22, 2010

(All financials are election-cycle-to-date (2009-2010))

Cash-on-hand $15,010.21

Receipts $79,991.47

Disbursements $74,500.00

Total raised at fundraisers ($350,000 goal) $268,200.00

Regional Metrics

Atlantic Region (35 Total Companies)

Percent PTS Forms Signed 60% (21 total)

Percentage Participation 31% (11 Total)

Total Contribution Goal $18,000.00

Total PAC Contribution $14,540.00

Fundraiser Contribution $13,250.00

Midwest Region (29 Total Companies)

Percent PTS Forms Signed 34% (10 total)

Percentage Participation 52% (15 Total)

Total Contribution Goal $25,000.00

Total PAC Contribution $16,800.00

Fundraiser Contribution $20,800.00

Ohio Valley Region (25 Total Companies)

Percent PTS Forms Signed 56% (14 total)

Percentage Participation 44% (11 Total)

Total Contribution Goal $33,000.00

Total PAC Contribution $12,350.00

Fundraiser Contribution $31,700.00

Pacific Region (27 Total Companies)

Percent PTS Forms Signed 19% (5 total)

Percentage Participation 37% (10 Total)

Total Contribution Goal $13,000.00

Total PAC Contribution $2,725.00

Fundraiser Contribution $31,900.00

Southern Region (122 Total Companies)

Percent PTS Forms Signed 22% (27 total)

Percentage Participation 20% (25 Total)

Total Contribution Goal $68,500.00

Total PAC Contribution $28,300.00

Fundraiser Contribution $112,900.00

Executive Committee

AWO PAC Contribution 100% (13 total)

Fundraiser Contribution 92% (12 total)

Board of Directors

Total PAC Contribution 79% (41 total)

Fundraiser Contribution 81% (42 total)

22 of 36


Disbursements since January 1, 2009


2009-2010 Election CycleDetailed Report

Cash on hand January 1, 2009

Balance on November 18, 2009





Receipts since January 1, 2009

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AWO Member Contributions

(From individuals representing the following member companies.)

Region/Company2009-2010 PAC

Financial Goal


Contribution to



Contributions to




2009-2010 Total

Political Contribution

to AWO



Atlantic Region (35 Total) $18,000.00 $14,540.00 $13,250.00 $27,790.00 31%

Allied Transportation Company $240.00 $1,250.00

Boston Marine Transport, Inc.

Bouchard Transportation Co., Inc.

C & P Tug and Barge Company

Canal Towing & Assist, Inc.

Constellation Maritime Company

Dann Marine Towing LC

Dann Ocean Towing Inc. $2,000.00

DMC Marine (formerly Port Albany Ventures)

Donjon Marine Co., Inc.

Express Marine $1,000.00 $1,000.00

Furlough Marine Management LLC $250.00

Gellatly & Criscione Services Corp.

Gore Marine Corporation

Greater NY Marine Transportation, LLC *

Hughes Bros., Inc. $250.00

Huguenot Energy, LLC

Intracoastal Marine, Inc.

K Tugs NY

K-Sea Transportation Corp. $4,000.00 $4,000.00

Marine Systems, Inc. $500.00

McAllister Towing $1,000.00 $3,000.00

Metropolitan Marine Transportation, Inc.

Miller's Launch, Inc.

Moran Towing Corporation $1,500.00 $1,000.00

Norfolk Tug Company

PCS Phosphate, Aurora Division

Penn Maritime $5,100.00

Poling & Cutler Marine Transportation Inc.

Reinauer Transportation Company

Seaboats, Inc. $250.00

Seabulk International, Inc.

T & C Towing, Inc.

TEPPCO Marine Services $300.00

The Vane Brothers Company $250.00 $1,000.00

TradeWinds Towing LLC

United Maritime Group, LLC

Vinik Marine, Inc.

Weeks Marine, Inc.

Wilmington Tug, Inc.

Winslow Marine, Inc.

* Also includes Bridge Construction Services, Inc.

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Region/Company2009-2010 PAC

Financial Goal


Contribution to



Contributions to




2009-2010 Total

Political Contribution

to AWO



Southern Region (Total 122) $68,500.00 $28,300.00 $112,900.00 $141,200.00 20%

2-W Towing, Inc.

Accumarine Transportation, LP

AccuTrans, Inc. $1,000.00 $1,000.00

Angel Boat Company

B & G Towing, L.L.C. / Acme Marine, L.L.C.

Baton Rouge Harbor Service, Inc.

Bay - Houston Towing Co. $250.00 $500.00

Bayou Fleet, Inc.

Bayou Tugs, Inc.

Bisso Marine Co., Inc.

Blessey Marine Services, Inc. $6,000.00

Bolivar Barge Cleaning Service, LLC

Boone Towing, Inc.

Breathwit Marine Contractors, LTD

Brown Water Marine Service, Inc.

Buffalo Marine Service, Inc. $1,000.00 $3,000.00

Bunge Towing, Inc.

C & J Marine Services, Inc.

C.L.M. Marine, LLC

Callais & Sons, LLC

Canal Barge Company $5,000.00 $7,500.00

Capital Inland Marine, LLC

Carline Management Company, Inc.


Channel Shipyard Company, Inc. $150.00

Chem Carriers, LLC

Cheryl K (formerly Cheryl K, Inc.)

Colle Towing Company, Inc.

Consolidated Grain & Barge, Inc. $1,000.00

Cooper Marine & Timberlands Corp.

Crescent Marine Towing Inc.

Crescent Towing Company, Inc.

Crochet Boat Company, Inc.

Crosby Tugs, LLC

D & S Marine Service, L.L.C.

Dawn Services, LLC

DeLoach Marine Services $4,000.00

Devall Towing & Boat Service, Inc. $4,000.00 $2,000.00

DG Marine Transportation, LLC dba GRIFCO $5,500.00

DMC Towing, L.L.C.

Dupre Marine Transportation *

E.N. Bisso & Son, Inc. $2,000.00

Echo Marine, Ltd./Echo Towing Service Inc. $500.00 $1,000.00

Equipment Chartering Co., Inc.

Five B's, Inc.

Florida Marine Transporters $3,500.00

Frazier Inland Marine

Fryoux Tankerman Service, Inc. $1,000.00

General Marine Towing, LLC

Golding Barge Line $1,000.00 $6,000.00

Great White Towing, LLC

Gulf South Marine Transportation, Inc.

H & S Towing, Inc.

Harbor Docking & Towing Co., LLC

Harbor Towing & Fleeting, Inc. $500.00 $1,000.00

Hard's Marine Service Ltd.

Henry Marine Service, Inc.

Highland Marine, LLC

Higman Marine Services, Inc. $1,000.00 $3,000.00

Horace Savoie Towing, Inc.

25 of 36

Region/Company2009-2010 PAC

Financial Goal


Contribution to



Contributions to




2009-2010 Total

Political Contribution

to AWO



Intergulf Corporation

* Also includes T & R Tugs LLC and Gambarella Marine, LLC

26 of 36

Region/Company2009-2010 PAC

Financial Goal


Contribution to



Contributions to




2009-2010 Total

Political Contribution

to AWO



Pacific Region (Total 27) $13,000.00 $2,725.00 $31,900.00 $34,625.00 37%

Alaska Marine Lines, Inc. $1,000.00

American Marine Corporation

AmNav Maritime Services, Inc.

Bay Delta Maritme

Brusco Tug & Barge, Inc. $1,000.00

Connolly-Pacific Co.

Crowley Maritime Corporation $250.00 $9,500.00

Cruz Marine, LLC

Curtin Maritime Corporation

Delta Western, Inc.

Dunlap Towing $1,000.00

Global Marine Transportation (formerly Pecos, Inc.)

Harley Marine Services

Hawaiian Tug & Barge / Young Brothers Ltd

Marine Express, Inc.

Marine Resources Group $250.00 $7,900.00

Naknek Barge Lines, LLC

P & M Marine Services, LLC

Ruby Marine, Inc.

Sause Bros. $1,000.00 $6,000.00

Shaver Transportation Company $2,000.00

Smith Maritime

The Jankovich Company

Tidewater Barge Lines $100.00 $3,500.00

Westar Marine Services $25.00

Western Towboat $1,000.00

Zidell Marine Corporation

AWO Staff $5,276.47 100%

AWO Executive Committee AWO PAC 100%

AWO Fundraiser 92%

AWO Board of Directors AWO PAC 79%

AWO Fundraiser 81%

AWO Membership 31%

Total $157,500.00 $79,991.47 $210,550.00

* Companies listed in italics are affiliate members of AWO and do not count in the participation percentages.

27 of 36

Region/Company2009-2010 PAC

Financial Goal


Contribution to



Contributions to




2009-2010 Total

Political Contribution

to AWO



J & K Marine, Inc.

J.A.M. Marine Services, L.L.C.

JANTRAN, Inc. $2,500.00 $6,400.00

J. Russell Flowers, Inc.

Jeff's Tugs, LLC

John W. Stone Oil Distributor, L.L.C. $1,000.00

Jones Walker $5,500.00

Joseph C. Domino, Inc.

Kinder Morgan Ship Channel Services, LLC (formerly Megafleet Towing Co., Inc.) $1,000.00 $7,000.00

Kirby Corporation * $5,300.00 $20,500.00

Kudzu Marine, Inc.

L & L Marine Transportation, Inc.

Lafayette Workboat Rentals

Larry Griffin Towing, Co., Inc.

LeBeouf Bros. Towing, LLC $250.00 $1,000.00

Lorris G. Towing Corporation

M. Baker Marine Towing

Magnolia Fleet, LLC

Magnolia Marine Transport Company $4,000.00

Marine Centre, Inc. / Upper St. Rose Fleeting Co.

Marine Fueling Service Inc.

Marine Systems, Inc. $1,000.00

MAR-K Towing, Inc.

Marquette Transportation Company – Offshore Division

Marquette Transportation Company Gulf-Inland

Martin Marine $1,000.00

Matthews Brothers, Inc. (formerly True North Marine, LLC)

McConnell Marine Service, Inc.

McDonough Marine Service $1,000.00

McKinney Towing, Inc.

Merichem Chemicals & Refinery Services LLC

MGI Trading, Inc.

Mohawk Transportation LLC

Mississippi Marine Corporation $3,000.00

Nelson Marine

O'Rourke Marine Services, LP, LLP

Parker Towing Company, Inc. $1,500.00

Perry & Son Towing, Inc.

Port Arthur Towing Company

PR Towing, Inc.

Progressive Barge Line, Inc.

River City Towing Services, Inc.

River Marine Management L.L.C. $1,000.00

Rodgers Marine Towing Service, Ltd.

S & W Marine, Inc.

SGS Petroleum Service Corporation $1,000.00 $1,000.00

Sabine Marine, LLC

San Jacinto Towing, Inc.

Settoon Towing, LLC $1,000.00 $1,000.00

Shearer & Assoc., Inc. $500.00

Shell Trading (US) Company

Signet Maritime Corporation

South LA Boat Co. Inc.

Stockstill Boat Rentals, Inc.

Suderman & Young Towing Co., L.P.

T.D. Boats, LLC

TAKO Towing, Inc.

Talen's Marine & Fuel

Targa Midstream Services, LP

Team Services, LLC $350.00

TEPPCO Marine Services/Cenac Towing Company, LLC $3,000.00

28 of 36

Region/Company2009-2010 PAC

Financial Goal


Contribution to



Contributions to




2009-2010 Total

Political Contribution

to AWO



Terral RiverService, Inc.

* Also includes Dixie Offshore Transportation and Kirby Inland Marine, LP

Third Coast Towing, LLC

Tiger Tugz, LLC

Triple S Marine, LLC

T.T. Coatings, Inc. $1,000.00

Turn Services, Inc. $500.00 $6,000.00

U.S. United Ocean Services

United Tugs, Inc.

Vidalia Dock & Storage Company, Inc.

VT Halter Marine, Inc. $500.00

Wepfer Marine of Greenville, LLC

WMS Marine, Inc.

Wood Towing, LLC

29 of 36

Region/Company2009-2010 PAC

Financial Goal


Contribution to



Contributions to




2009-2010 Total

Political Contribution

to AWO



Midwest Region (29 Total) $25,000.00 $16,800.00 $20,800.00 $37,600.00 55%

AEP River Operations $5,100.00 $4,000.00

Alter Barge Line $2,000.00 $2,500.00

American River Transportation Co. $500.00 $1,000.00

Andrie, Inc.

Apex Towing Company

Barge America

Brennan Marine, Inc. $500.00

Calumet River Fleeting, Inc.

Cargill Marine & Terminal $500.00 $1,000.00

Columbia Marine Service LLC

Cummings Marine, Inc.

Economy Boat Store

Fitzgerald Marine & Repair, Inc.


Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Company $1,000.00

Hanson Material Service $250.00

Helena Marine Service, Inc. $1,000.00

Illinois Marine Towing, Inc. $1,000.00

JB Marine Service, Inc. $2,700.00 $6,000.00

Kindra Lake Towing $300.00

Lawson & Lawson Towing Company, Inc.

Lewis & Clark Marine, Inc.

Luhr Bros., Inc. $500.00

Merrill Marine Services, Inc.

Rushing Marine Services, L.L.C. $1,000.00

Osage Marine Services, Inc. $1,500.00

Port City Tug, Inc.

The Great Lakes Group

Upper Mississippi Fleeting, LLC $250.00

Upper River Services $2,000.00

Wepfer Marine, Inc. $1,000.00 $2,000.00

30 of 36

Region/Company2009-2010 PAC

Financial Goal


Contribution to



Contributions to




2009-2010 Total

Political Contribution

to AWO



Ohio Valley Region (Total 25) $33,000.00 $12,350.00 $31,700.00 $44,050.00 44%

American Commercial Lines, LLC $2,500.00 $13,500.00

Bray Marine, Inc.

Campbell Transportation Company $2,000.00


Crounse Corporation

DTC Marine Services, Inc. $500.00

Evansville Marine Service, Inc.

Falls City Marine Service, LLC

Gate City River Transportation, LLC

Hunter Marine $50.00 $200.00

Imperial Towing Inc.

Ingram Barge Company $5,000.00 $10,000.00

Inland Marine Service $500.00 $2,000.00

James Transportation LLC D/b/a Tennessee Valley Towing

(formerly James Marine, Inc.)

John's Towing Service, Inc.

Madison Coal & Supply $1,000.00

Marathon Petroleum Company $200.00 $1,000.00

Marquette Transportation, Co., Inc. $2,000.00 $2,000.00

McNational, Inc. $1,000.00

Mt. Vernon Barge Service

Ohio Valley Marine Service, Inc.

Salyers Solutions, LLC $100.00

SCF Waxler Marine $500.00

Superior Marine Ways, Inc.

Western Kentucky Navigation

Western Rivers Boat Management Inc.

31 of 36

Date Member of Congress Total Raised for the event In-Kind

(Includes AWO PAC Contribution when given)

1/23/2009 Rep. Gene Taylor (D-MS) $23,000.00

4/1/2009 Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) $34,000.00

4/1/2009 Rep. Jim Oberstar (D-MN) $43,000.00

8/5/2009 Rep. Elijah E. Cummings (D-MD) $28,500.00

8/31/2009 Rep. Al Green (D-TX) $21,400.00

9/3/2009 Rep. Brian Baird (D-WA) $20,000.00

10/16/2009 Sen. David Vitter (R-LA) $51,500.00

1/29/2010 Sen. Blanche Lincoln (D-AR) - upcoming event $26,900.00

2/12/2010 Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA) - upcoming event $19,900.00

Total Raised at Fundraisers $268,200.00

Total In-Kind Payments $0.00

Total of All AWO-Sponsored Fundraisers $268,200.00

(From both the AWO PAC and AWO Members and Friends Participating in AWO Sponsored Events.)

Total Contributions to Members of Congress


AWO Sponsored Fundraising Events

32 of 36


1/16/2009 Sen. Byron Dorgan (D-ND) $1,000.00

1/23/2009 Rep. Gene Taylor (D-MS) $3,000.00

2/12/2009 Rep. Jim Oberstar (D-MN) $1,000.00

2/25/2009 Rep. Dave Reichert (R-WA) $1,000.00

3/5/2009 Sen. Dan Inouye (D-HI) $5,000.00

3/10/2009 Rep. Frank LoBiondo (R-NJ) $1,000.00

4/1/2009 Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) $2,500.00

4/1/2009 Rep. Jim Oberstar (D-MN) $5,000.00

4/15/2009 Rep. Chet Edwards (D-TX) $1,000.00

4/21/2009 Rep. Charles Boustany (R-LA) $1,000.00

4/22/2009 Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS) $1,500.00

4/22/2009 Rep. Russ Carnahan (D-MO) $1,000.00

4/23/2009 Rep. John Mica (R-FL) $1,000.00

4/29/2009 Sen. Mark Begich (D-AL) $1,000.00

5/5/2009 Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) $1,000.00

5/13/2009 Rep. Dave Camp (R-MI) $1,000.00

6/1/2009 Rep. Anh "Joseph" Cao (R-LA) $1,000.00

6/8/2009 Rep. Michael McMahon (D-NY) $1,000.00

6/11/2009 Rep. Gene Taylor (D-MS) $1,000.00

6/12/2009 Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) $1,000.00

6/16/2009 Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS) $1,500.00

6/17/2009 Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) $2,500.00

6/25/2009 Sen. David Vitter (R-LA) $1,000.00

7/7/2009 Rep. Laura Richardson (D-CA) $1,000.00

7/14/2009 Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA) $1,000.00

7/15/2009 Rep. Ted Poe (R-TX) $2,500.00

7/29/2009 Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (R-MO) $1,000.00

8/5/2009 Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) $4,500.00

8/31/2009 Rep. Al Green (D-TX) $3,500.00

9/3/2009 Rep. Brian Baird (D-WA) $5,000.00

9/17/2009 Rep. Dave Reichert (R-WA) $1,000.00

9/24/2009 Rep. Candice Miller (R-MI) $1,000.00

9/24/2009 Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) $500.00

9/24/2009 Rep. Jim Oberstar (D-MN) $500.00

9/30/2009 Rep. Peter Visclosky (D-IN) $1,000.00

9/30/2009 Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) $2,500.00

10/7/2009 Rep. Peter King (R-NY) $2,500.00

10/16/2009 Sen. David Vitter (R-LA) $3,000.00

10/27/2009 Sen. Roger Wicker (R-MS) $1,000.00

10/29/2009 Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) $2,500.00

10/29/2009 Rep. Rick Larsen (D-WA) $1,000.00

11/18/2009 Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-ME) $1,000.00

11/24/2009 Rep. Mike McMahon (D-NY) $500.00

Rep. Frank LoBiondo (R-NJ) $1,000.00

Amount Total $74,500.00


TOTAL $74,500.00

AWO PAC Disbursements Detail

33 of 36

AWO PAC Permission to Solicit Form

Dear AWO Member: Federal Election Commission (FEC) regulations require that AWO receive permission from you authorizing contact concerning contributions to the AWO PAC. Written “permission to solicit” must be obtained by AWO for each calendar year. A company may give authorization for multiple years at one time and may revoke its authorization at any time. FEC regulations also state that a company may not approve solicitations by more than one trade association for the same calendar year. Please complete and submit this form as soon as possible. Thank you! ____ I, as the designated representative of my company, enroll my company in the AWO PAC for the years indicated below. I

certify that my company has approved solicitation of individuals by the AWO PAC only and has not authorized solicitation by any other trade association. As a member of AWO PAC, our company authorizes AWO PAC to receive voluntary contributions from the company’s executive, administrative and managerial personnel. I understand that AWO PAC will not solicit employees of the company without my express permission and that I may withdraw my authorization of AWO PAC at any time.

____ I prefer not to enroll my company in the AWO PAC and do not authorize them as an eligible PAC for my company’s

employee contributions. ____ I cannot enroll my company in the AWO PAC as I have already authorized another Federal trade association PAC.

AWO will not directly contact your employees for contributions.

Please fax or mail your completed PTS form to: AWO PAC

Attn: Deborah Koester 801 North Quincy Street, Suite 200

Arlington, VA 22203 Fax: (703) 841-0389

Contributions are not deductible for Federal income tax purposes. Contributions to AWO PAC are voluntary and are used for political purposes. You may refuse to

contribute without reprisal. Federal law requires AWO PAC to request and report the name, home address, occupation and employer for each person whose contributions exceed two hundred dollars ($200.00) or more in a calendar year.

Authorized Representative Contact Information

Name: __________________________________________ Title: ___________________________________________ Company: _______________________________________ Address: ________________________________________ City, State, Zip: __________________________________ Date: ___________________________________________ Signature: _______________________________________

Years Authorized (please sign by each year for which you wish to enroll):

2010________________________________ 2011________________________________ 2012________________________________ 2013________________________________ 2014________________________________ 2015________________________________

34 of 36

AWO PAC Pledge Form

____ YES, I would like to contribute to AWO PAC and support the political efforts of the tugboat and barge industry! ____ NO, I am not willing to contribute to AWO PAC at this time.

Contributor Information

Name: ____________________________________________ Title: _____________________________________________ Company: _________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________ City, State, Zip: ____________________________________ Phone: Fax: E-mail address: Date: _____________________________________________ Signature: _________________________________________

Pledge Information

Amount of Contribution: Chairman’s Club $5,000 Platinum Level $2,500 Gold Level $1,000 Silver Level $500 Bronze Level $250 Other amount (Specify) I would like to make my contribution via: Check (enclosed): Credit Card: Please bill me: Billing or charging Terms (Please circle one): Annually/Semi-Annually/Quarterly/Monthly/Weekly For Credit Card Transactions:

Card Type: Visa MasterCard Amex

Card Number:______________________________________

Expiration Date: ___________Security Code:____________ *Credit card contributions must be made with a personal credit card.

Please fax or mail your completed Pledge form to:

AWO PAC Attn: Deborah Koester

801 North Quincy Street, Suite 200 Arlington, VA 22203 Fax: (703) 841-0389

Questions about the AWO PAC – Please contact Nicole deSibour or Deborah Koester at (703) 841-9300

Contributions are not deductible for Federal income tax purposes. Contributions from corporations or foreign nationals are prohibited. Contributions to AWO PAC are voluntary and are used for political purposes. Any amount recommended is merely a guideline and you may contribute more or less than the suggested amount. AWO and any AWO member company will not favor or disadvantage anyone by reason of the amount of their contribution or their decision not to contribute. You may refuse to contribute without reprisal. Federal law requires

AWO PAC to request and report the name, home address, occupation and employer for each person whose contributions exceed two hundred dollars ($200.00) or more in a calendar year.

35 of 36

Notes _______________________________________



















Atlantic Region Annual Meeting

Grassroots, Administration Outreach, and AWO PAC

February 4-5, 2010

36 of 36

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