gre: evaluating computer vision models on generalizability...

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GRE: Evaluating computer vision modelson Generalizability, Robustness, and Extensibility

Junwon ParkStanford University


Computer vision models are commonly evaluated on a testdataset that is sampled from the same data distribution as thedata used for training the models. This methods leads to aninaccurate overstatement of model performance by failing todistinguish models that pays attention to wrong features orby rewarding models that have built a bias against long tailpatterns. This work proposes a method of evaluating the gen-eralizability, robustness, and extensibility of computer visionmodels on the Visual Question Answering task using datasetsof unseen compositions of seen objects and scenes from thetraining dataset. We compare the performance of Stacked At-tention Visual Question Answering model and human sub-jects on both the unaltered VQA dataset and the altered GREdatasets, and discover that gap between model performanceand human performance on the VQA task is 6.02 percentpoints on the unaltered VQA dataset and 37.56 percent pointson the altered GRE dataset. The result shows that the GREmethod reveals the margin between the model performanceand human performance more accurately on the VQA taskthan does the traditional evaluation metric using the accuracyscore on a test dataset that comes from the same data distri-bution as the train dataset.

IntroductionAs a standard practice, machine learning models are eval-uated using a test dataset that is sampled from the samedata distribution as the train dataset. Such evaluation prac-tice allows models to unfairly leverage on its a priori knowl-edge of data distributions to achieve exaggerated accuracyscores. (Jabri, Joulin, and Van Der Maaten 2016) As Ribeiroet al. demonstrates, these inaccurate inflations in perfor-mance measurement undermines the trust of people in ma-chine learning models they interact with. (Ribeiro, Singh,and Guestrin 2016) In real world deployment, computer vi-sion models often encounter different distributions and a

CS 229: Machine Learning - Fall 2019

Figure 1: We introduce an evaluation method that tests forthe unseen compositions of seen objects and scenes by re-combining objects and scenes from the train dataset.

higher variance in data compared to the dataset used in train-ing. As a consequence, machine learning models are over-promising in performance evaluations and under-deliveringin real world deployment.

One instance of this problem can be found in the VisualQuestion Answering (VQA) task for computer vision mod-els. (Agrawal et al. 2017) In the multiple choice VQA task, acomputer vision model is asked to choose an answer amonga list of answers given an image and a question. Multiplepapers in the past have pointed out that the distribution ofdata in the VQA dataset leads to exaggerated evaluation ofbad models, and called for augmenting the evaluation pro-cess with new baselines. (Jabri, Joulin, and Van Der Maaten2016) For example, computer vision models can performstrongly on questions that ask for the color of banana evenwithout looking at the image, because all instances of ba-nana in the dataset are yellow (Goyal et al. 2017). While as-suming the color of bananas to be yellow is useful in achiev-ing a high precision score during evaluation, the inability ofcomputer vision models to correctly identify colors of therare green, red, blue bananas should be exposed to revealthe gap between the model intelligence and human intelli-gence, since humans can quickly accommodate the conceptof bananas with colors they have never encountered before,

and classify blue bananas accurately as bananas.A test dataset that does not capture the high variance of

real world data fails to catch biased models that err on pat-terns with few occurrences in the dataset. For example, state-of-the-art computer models trained on the VQA dataset haveshown to err on such patterns by wrongly answering womanon skateboard or in front of a computer to be man. (Hen-dricks et al. 2018) Several work in computer vision exam-ined attention heat maps to assist the error analysis of com-puter vision models (Shih, Singh, and Hoiem 2016) (Sel-varaju et al. 2017), but these methods are only useful fordebugging errors after errors have been made known to thedevelopers. A good evaluation of computer vision modelsshould expose such errors before deployment by emulatingthe high variance of data distribution that were not expectedby dataset developers.

This work posits that computer vision models shouldnot be evaluated using an aggregate accuracy score on testdatasets lack the high variance of data points of the realworld. Instead, the models should be evaluated with threeaugmented test datasets that each measures generalizability,robustness, and extensibility, and report the composite scorethat better captures the models’ ability, or lack thereof, to re-spond to patterns they have not been exposed to during trainand validation.

Concretely, we define generalizability, robustness, and ex-tensibility as the following:

• Generalizability = If we replace the object with anotherobject from the same category, and the model correctlypredicts the same answer, then the model has a high gen-eralizability.

• Robustness = If we replace the scene, and the model cor-rectly predicts the same answer, then the model has a highrobustness.

• Extensibility = If we replace the object with an objectfrom a different category, and the model correctly predictsthe new value, then the model has a high extensibility.

We build a system that receives a dataset of test images,then generates variations of test images with different fore-ground objects and background scenes. Next, we run ex-periments to compare the performance of a state-of-the-artVQA model and humans using both the traditional accu-racy score on the original test dataset and the new com-posite GRE score based on the transformed test datasets.Through the result, we demonstrate that the margin betweenhuman performance and model performance is better re-vealed in when computer vision models are evaluated onGRE datasets rather than unaltered datasets..

Related WorkThe machine learning community and computer vision com-munity have recognized the problems in traditional methodsof evaluating the models.

Kafle et al. suggested augmenting the VQA dataset us-ing automated data annotation techniques to build a morecomplete dataset featuring a wide variety of question-answerpairs. (Kafle, Yousefhussien, and Kanan 2017) For exam-ple, they used object recognition models to add (”is the ob-ject present?”, ”yes”) question-answer pair to the image forevery object where the detected object’s area was greaterthan 2000 pixels. Using this method, they introduced 81.5%augmentation to YES/NO questions, 4.8% to Number ques-tions and 13.6% to Other questions. While their work con-tributes to a more complete annotation of objects that arealready present in the dataset, their work does not augmentthe dataset with scenarios that are not present in the dataset,such as blue bananas. Unlike their work, this work augmentsthe VQA dataset with transformed images, thereby introduc-ing new visual scenarios that were not present in the originaldataset.

ImageNet-C and ImageNet-P introduced corruptions tothe images in the ImageNet dataset by adding static noiseand applying filters to the testset, such as overlaying atranslucent fog image on top of the images. (Hendrycks andDietterich 2019) However, their syntactic transformations,such as adding white pixels to the image to emulate snowwithout regarding the actual image content, does not changethe data distribution of semantic information. For example,in all 15 types of algorithmically generated corruptions to animage, a bird is always sitting on a tree branch. In contrast,our method tests robustness in unseen data distributions byreplacing objects like tree branches with new objects like arock, or a skateboard.

Anchors removed regions of interest from original im-ages and overlaid them on unrelated images to understandthe visual anchors in the images that are minimally suffi-cient to leading computer vision models to the correct an-swers. (Ribeiro, Singh, and Guestrin 2018) A problem withthis approach is that Anchors overlays incoherent parts of animage, for example the face, the back, and the tail of a dog,but not its legs, onto an unrelated scene, such as underwa-ter, making the resulting image syntactically unrealistic. Incontrast, this work surgically replaces objects or scenes incomplete parts, thereby maintaining visual syntactic coher-ence while introducing new semantic distributions.

Errudite is an interactive interface for task-agnostic andmodel-agnostic error analysis of natural language process-ing models for generating new example data points to repro-duce and better understand the errors that models make. (Wuet al. 2019) Unlike Errudite which assigns the duty of form-ing hypotheses about error conditions to the human user,this work automatically tests systematic alterations to datapoints, helping human users discover patterns of alterationsthat lead to a reduced performance in their models.

Figure 2: Object masking receives an image, and outputs asegmentation mask over an object to remove.

MethodWe build a system that receives a VQA dataset consistingof images, questions, and answers, then generates three newdatasets, respectively for testing generalizability, robustness,and extensibility. To achieve this, the system has three serialprocesses: object masking, object removal, image overlay.

Object MaskingObject masking receives an image, and outputs a segmen-tation mask over an object to remove. For object maskingstage, we extend the Visual Question Segmentation model,which produces segmentation masks over objects condi-tioned on the image and question as input, and build a modelthat produces segmentation masks over objects conditionedon the answer as well as the image and question. (Gan et al.2017)

Jabri et al. proposes a method of transforming the multi-class classification problem of the multiple choice VQA taskinto a binary classification problem and solve them with themultilayer perceptrons (MLP) model. (Jabri, Joulin, and VanDer Maaten 2016) The multilayer perceptrons model is aneural network with the following activation function:

y = σ(W2 max(0,W1xiqa) + b) (1)

where the xiqa term is the concatenation of feature represen-tation of image, question, and candidate answer about theimage. We extract the image features using the modificationof the output layer proposed in the VQS model. (Gan et al.2017) VQS imposes a sigmoid function for each of C = 256attributes in ResNet output layer, and train the network us-ing the binary cross-entropy loss. Image features are ResNetpool5 activation and attribute features extracted as describedabove. Question and candidate answer are encoded by aver-aging the 300D word2vec vectors of the words and applyingthe l2 normalization. The resulting trained model outputs asemantically segmentation the right visual entities out of im-age given image, question, and answer, which the GRE sys-tem uses as the segmentation mask.

Object RemovalObject removal receives an image with segmentation mask,and paints the region behind the segmentation mask without

Figure 3: Object removal receives an image with segmen-tation mask, and paints the region behind the segmentationmask without the object in the original image.

the object in the original image. For object removal stage, wetrain a model proposed by Nazeri et al. which performs in-painting by hallucinating edges in the masked pixel regions,then uses a generative adversarial network to produce a re-alistic image in the regions of interest. (Nazeri et al. 2019)

The object removal stage itself is a system of two net-works: the edge generator and the image completion net-work. The edge generator uses an implantation of CannyEdge Detector, which detects edges from images by takingpixels with high optical flow gradients with respect to neigh-boring pixels, for extracting edges from the input image withsegmentation mask. Then a network is trained on the objec-tive that takes into account both the adversarial loss and thefeature-matching loss:



LG1= min


(λadv,1 maxD1

(Ladv,1) + λFMLFM )

(2)λadv,1 and λFM are regularization parameters. The

adversarial loss is defined as following:

Ladv,1 = E(Cgt, Igray)[logD1(Cgt, Igray)] (3)+E(Igray) log[1−D1(Cpred, Igray)] (4)

Cgt is the edge map. Igray is the grayscale image. Cpred isthe predicted edge map over the masked region.

The feature-matching loss is defined as following:

LFM = E[L∑i=1



1 (Cgt)−D(i)1 (Cpred)||1] (5)

Ni is the number of elements in the i’th activation layer. Di1

is the activation in the i’th layer of discriminator.The image completion network is trained with the incom-

plete color image Igt conditioned on a composite edge mapCcomp, and produces a predicted colorization, Ipred. The ob-jective function for image completion network depends onperceptual loss and style loss. The perceptual loss is definedas following:

Lperc = E[L∑i=1


Ni||φi(Igt)− φi(Ipred)||1] (6)

Figure 4: Object overlay receives a scene image, an objectimage, and the bounding box of interest, then places the ob-ject image over the scene image.

The style loss is defined as following:

Lstyle = Ej [||Gφj (Ipred)−Gφj (Igt)||1] (7)

The resulting system of edge generator and image com-pletion network performs an image inpainting by colorizingthe region behind the segmentation mask.

Object OverlayObject overlay receives a scene image, an object image, andthe bounding box of interest, then places the object imageover the scene image. The system draws a bounding boxthat has the same aspect ratio as the input object image andfits inside the segmentation mask, scales the object image tomatch the size of the bounding box, then copies pixels fromthe object image into the bounding box of the scene image.

An implementation of the GRE system is available onGitHub ( for replica-tion studies and future work.

ExperimentsTo explore the capability of GRE evaluation method in re-vealing the gap between model performance and human per-formance on computer vision tasks, we compare the gapbetween model performance and human performance afterevaluating both on the unaltered test set that is sampled fromthe same distribution as the dataset used for training themodels, and the three datasets that result from applying theGRE method on the original dataset.

Concretely, we use the GRE method to generate 3 datasetsbased the VQA V2 validation dataset, which has 40,504MS-COCO images and 214,354 question and answer an-notations. For the objects and scenes to introduce, we useOpen Images V2 dataset, 9 million images across 93 classes,and MIT Places dataset, with 10 million images across365 classes, respectively. We implement Stacked AttentionVisual Question Answering (SAVQA) model (Yang et al.2016), Bottom Up Visual Question Answering (BUVQA)model (Anderson et al. 2018), and a CNN-LSTM model.

Table 1: Accuracy score measured for SAVQA model andhuman subjects for each of the datasets: VQA, VQA-Generalizability, VQA-Robustness, VQA-Extensibility, andthe GRE score which is an average of the accuracy scoresmeasured in the three altered datasets



VQA Dataset 84.39 90.40VQA-G Dataset 36.38 87.00VQA-R Dataset 31.69 46.75VQA-E Dataset 30.98 78.00GRE Score 33.02 70.58

For every image from the VQA dataset, VQA-G datasetintroduces 3 variants featuring 3 randomly selected objectsfrom the same object class (e.g. replacing ”cup” with an-other ”cup”), VQA-R dataset introduces variants featuring 3randomly selected scenes from each of 3 randomly selectedscene classes (e.g. replacing the background of a car imagefrom ”city” to ”beach”), and the VQA-E dataset introducesvariants featuring 3 randomly selected objects from each of3 randomly selected object classes (e.g. replacing ”banana”with ”dog”).

We hypothesize that the absolute difference between themodel performance and the human performance will belarger when the evaluation uses GRE method as opposed tothe traditional method of using an unaltered dataset.

ResultsNote: We implemented, trained, and evaluated three VQAmodels (SAVQA, BUVQA, CNN-LSTM) on the VQAdataset, but did not have resources to run BUVQA and CNN-LSTM on GRE datasets in time. We worked with SAVQAwhich performed stronger than the other two on the orig-inal VQA dataset. The evaluation of all thre computer vi-sion models on the original VQA dataset is recorded in thisGoogle Spreadsheet:

GRE system detected objects successfully in 82,577 im-ages out of the x images in the input VQA validation dataset,and introduced 186,497 new image, question, answer tuplesto the dataset for evaluating generalizability and 388,158each for robustness and extensibility.

Result shows that the margin between human perfor-mance and model performance is 6.02 percent points whenmeasured with original VQA dataset and 37.56 percentpoints when measured with GRE datasets. The differencebetween humans and models is greater when evaluated onthe GRE datasets than on the original VQA dataset. Thus,our hypothesis holds.

DiscussionThe result demonstrates that the traditional evaluationmethod using an unaltered dataset understates the gap be-tween model performance and human performance which isrevealed in the GRE evaluation method.

It is noteworthy that human subjects also saw a significantdrop in performance on robustness and extensibility. This,however, is due to the system failing to generate semanti-cally meaningful images that confused the human subjects.A common source of error was the object masking stage.An incorrect masking of the segmentation model led to newobjects being added over existing objects without removingthem, or pasting only parts of the objects to new scenes. Bothforms of failure led to semantically invalid visual scenes thathuman subjects could not interpret. Out of 90 randomly se-lected samples of resulting images across the three transfor-mations, 34 were flagged by human subjects to be seman-tically invalid, exposing that the system currently fails on asignificant portion of the dataset. As we continue this work,we see a need to improve the system which we can indirectlymeasure by closing the gap between human performance onGRE datasets and the original VQA dataset.

Future WorkThis work inspires three future work directions.

Data Augmentation with GRE DatasetsGRE method introduces complex and uncommon combi-nations of objects and scenes into a dataset which is im-portant to making the dataset more complete by emulatingthe variance of data present in the real world. The samemethod could be applied to the train dataset, rather than thetest dataset, as a data augmentation method to introduce alarger and a more complete training dataset for computer vi-sion models. We predict that computer vision models trainedwith datasets that are augmented using the GRE method willexhibit a greater performance than the models trained onunaugmented datasets on generalizability, robustness, andextensibility measures.

Other Computer Vision TasksThis work explored applying the GRE method to evaluatecomputer vision models that perform the visual question an-swering task. In theory, the GRE method is applicable toall computer vision tasks, since the GRE method performstransformations conditioned only on the images. Thus, fu-ture work could apply GRE method on other computer vi-sion tasks ranging from object classification to scene graphprediction to demonstrate whether the GRE method gener-alizes to other computer vision tasks.

Single-Source-Multi-Target Transformation GANWe introduced a system of multiple computer vision modelsand algorithms that work together to transform images, be-

cause we could not find literature on a generative adversarialnetwork architecture that can transform images from a sin-gle source domain to multiple target domains. This remainsas an exciting and unexplored area of research.

ConclusionGRE is an evaluation metric that introduces new combi-nations of objects and scenes into any image dataset tomeasure the generalizability, robustness, and extensibility ofcomputer vision models. An experiment on the VQA taskdemonstrates that the GRE method outperforms the tradi-tional evaluation metric using an unaltered dataset sampledfrom the same distribution as the train dataset in revealingthe gap between the humans and models. GRE envisions afuture in which evaluation metrics can reveal the underper-formance of models that are observing wrong features or arebiased against long tail patterns before they are deployedinto the real world.

ContributionsProfessor Michael Bernstein and Professor Fei-Fei Li ad-vised me, and Ph.D Candidate Ranjay Krishna actively pro-vided mentorship through the project. Khaled Jedoui builtthe object masking stage which extends the VQS model.As acknowledged in the body, this work is made possiblethanks to the datasets provided by VQA team at VirginiaTech and Georgia Tech, Places team at MIT CSAIL, OpenImages team at Google.

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