green spark farm seedling info 2014

Post on 28-May-2017






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Plants offered for sale at the farm: Click ahead for pictures!

Greens, Slides 2-8Broccoli 9-10Tomatoes 11-30Peppers 31-40Eggplant 41-42Tomatillos43-44Zucchini 45Cucumbers 46-52Herbs 53-60Annual Flowers 61-78

Photo Credits 78

Rainbow Chard 'Bright Lights'Improved variety from Johnny’s Seeds of the heirloom chard known as ‘Five Color Silver Beet,’ relative of beets and spinach bred for their leaves high in iron and calcium. Gorgeous rainbow of colors come out of each multigerm seed.

Spring SpinachImproved variety from Johnny’s Seeds bred for heavy leaf production in spring, and bolt tolerance in heat. Delicious leaves are high in iron and calcium. Space at 4"x12" apart.

Kale, ‘Wild Garden Mixture’Developed by the Morton family of Wild Garden Seed in OR. Gorgeous gigantic leaf forms with wide ruffles and collard-like flat leaves of Siberian types as well as ‘Russian’ types with extra frilly dentated leaves, and everything in between. Some with red stems, white stems and in colder weather more purple hues. Mary Ellen’s personal favorite for beauty, enormity, and sweet flavor.

Kale, ‘Toscano’ Italian

Also called “Lacinato or Dinosaur kale” and “Black Palm” – this is a refined variety bred for uniformity and flavor with the classic heavily savoyed (bumpy) dark green leaves.

Kale, ‘Rainbow Lacinato’Developed by the Morton family of Wild Garden Seed in OR. A cross between a purple curly kale and Italian "dinosaur" kale makes for large cold-hardy leaves in a spectrum of green to rose to purple, and smooth and frilly or savoyed (bumpy) leaves.The purple colors are more intense in cold weather. Beautiful as an ornamental as well as on the dinner plate!

Bok ChoiA quick growing choi, maturing in 3-4 weeks from transplant. With thick juicy crunchy stems and tender sweet leaves, choi is excellent on the grill, in slaws, salads, and stir fries.

Heirloom Head Lettuce

A mixture of red, green, rosy and freckled lettuce seedlings some old fashioned and a few new releases.

Broccoli “Cut & Come Again”

Traditional heading type for spring production, will put out secondary shoots for 3-4 weeks after the main head is harvested.

'Happy Rich' Broccolini or Chinese Kale a.k.a. Gailon

Big, sweet, delicious and extra-tender leaves and broccolini shoots. Productive for 6 – 8 weeks.

‘Orange Blossom’ Sweet Orange SlicerA hybrid orange tomato bred by Dr. Brent Loy at UNH for earliness and taste. Firm 5-7 oz fruits have a nice texture for salads and sandwiches; a balanced sweet flavor with a little tangy acidity. Early 60 days. Great outdoors. Determinate = good for large 3-7 gallon patio planters.

‘Moskvich’ Medium Sized Red HeirloomA very early heirloom at 60 days from transplant – medium sized fruits at 4-8 oz. Old fashioned tart tomato-y flavor. Produces well outdoors. Indeterminate.

‘Stupice’ Ultra Early Heirloom SaladetteSuper early for an heirloom at 60-65 days from transplant. This Czech tomato has very sweet, rich full tomato flavor and texture. Produces 2-4 oz fruits all season long. Pronounced “STOO-PEECH-KAH”. Determinate plant is good for large (3-7 gallon) patio planters.

‘Pink Beauty’Superior Flavor, Our Favorite!Big gorgeous rosy pink tomatoes with big 8-12 oz fruits – by far our favorite among 2011 crop for flavor, coming in first right above ‘Stupice’ for rich full complex old-fashioned tomato flavor. Craving tomato – this is the one to grab! Main crop at 74 days from transplant. Indeterminate.

‘Taxi’ Sweet Yellow SlicerProduces loads of firm, juicy, sweet, bright yellow saladette tomatoes, small at 4-6 oz. Reliable producer outdoors. 64 days from transplant. Determinate.

‘Big Beef ‘ Extra Large Red Slicer

A hybrid known for disease resistance, production and big "beefsteak" slicing tomatoes with good flavor. Ranked second in flavor at UNH Tomato Tasting Trial, second to Brandywine. Early at 70 days from transplant. Indeterminate.

‘Striped German’Big Red+Gold Striped HeirloomExtra large 12+oz fruits are bright yellow with red stripes and a juicy red fruity core. A show stopper on looks, flavor and texture. A late to mid-season producer, at 78 days from transplant, and produces reliably outdoors. Indeterminate.

‘Red Zebra’ Striped “New Heirloom”

Stunning red and yellow zig-zag striping on the skin, with rich tangy juicy red saladette flesh. Very productive strain of 2½” round salad tomatoes. Indeterminate. Mid-late at 75-80 days from transplant.

‘Green Zebra’ Striped “New Heirloom”

Stunning green and yellow zig-zag striping on the skin, with rich tangy juicy lime green flesh. Very productive strain of 2½” round salad tomatoes. Indeterminate. Mid-late at 75-80 days from transplant.

‘Black Krim’ HeirloomDark Color & Smoky Flavor

Russian heirloom with unusual “inny” belly button on the blossom end. Brick-brown red tomatoes have brownish green shoulders when ripe. High yielding in cooler climates. Indeterminate. Late 80 days from transplant.


We describe Brandywine's luscious flavor as "very rich, loud, and distinctively spicy." The large fruits, often over 1 lb., have a deep pink skin and smooth red flesh. The medium-tall, potato-leaf plant is best staked or caged. This "Quisenberry" strain is considered among the best. Indeterminate. 78 days.

‘Pruden’s Purple’ HeirloomBetter than Brandywine!

Bill Jordan of Jordan’s Farm in Cape Elizabeth recommended ‘Pruden’s Purple’ to us as a more productive and reliable heirloom having the same rich ‘Brandywine’ flavor with much less disease and no cracking of the fruits. Rose-pink colored tomato, very large fruits (many over 1 lb) and early at 67 days.

‘San Marzano’ for Flavorful Sauce

Famous Italian sauce tomato, this one is a hybrid improvement. Tall vines produce heavy yields of long, cylindrical fruit a week earlier than other San Marzano varieties. Delicious, balanced acidic flavor, and meaty flesh makes for good sauce. Fruits avg. 5-6 oz. 78 days to maturity means August and September yeilds. Indeterminate.

‘Juliet Plum’ Rich Meaty Productive PlumRecommended by our friend, Farmer Justin of Deri Farm in North Yarmouth, ‘Juliet Plum’ is a hybrid heavy yielder of delicious sweet Roma plum tomatoes. Justin recommends ‘Juliet’ for sauce, salsa, salads and fresh eating. Very early at 60 days. Indeterminate.

‘Sun Cherry’ Very Sweet Red CherryRed-fruited sister to Sun Gold. Said to be sweeter and earlier than ‘Sweet 100.’ 58 days from transplant.

‘Supersweet 100’ Red Cherry

The classic cherry tomato with prolific yields of great tasting fruits produced in large clusters.Indeterminate.65 days to fruit from transplant.

‘Sun Gold’ Golden CherryThe famous golden sweet tangy fruity cherry tomato. Early at 57 days from transplant, a reliable producer in a pot or in the garden. A hybrid.

‘Matt’s Wild’ CherryComplex traditional tomato flavor in miniature ¾” cherries. Very productive and perfect for eating off the vine – keep one in the garden and one on the porch. 60 days from transplant.

‘Black Cherry’ Also know as 'Chocolate Cherry'. Rich chocolate - plummy fruit flavors in fat round purple fruits. 64 days from transplant.

‘Sunberry’ “The Blueberry Tomato” bred by Luther Burbank in early 1900’s. Like all tomatoes, ‘Sunberry’ is a heavy feeder. We have grown these into 5’ tall bushes, but will require heavy compost at transplant and regular fertilizing with a fish/kelp emulsion every 2-4 weeks. Prolific bushy plants bear loads of cluster of small blue-berry like tangy sweet blue fruits.

‘Islander’ Early Lavender BellExceptionally early at 55 days from transplant. Actually lavender purple in it’s “green” stage, this sweet bell pepper has yellow flesh under it’s purple skin. Productive and reliable. Produces all season long. Will ripen to red in the fall if left unharvested. Juicy and sweet.

‘Carmen’ Early Juicy Extra-Sweet Long Italian

This Italian “Corno di Toro” or “Bull’s Horn” shaped pepper is literally as sweet as rich red cherries when ripe. Bred at Johnny's Seeds here in Maine. Very productive all season, seed & core and stuff into zipper bags and freeze for the winter. 60 days green and 80 days red ripe. Mary Ellen's favorite pepper!

‘Red Ace’ Early Hybrid Red Bell

Bred for commercial production, this is a heavy producer of green to red bell peppers. 50 days green, 70 days red ripe. Very early = thinner walls and milder flavor, not as sweet as ‘Carmen’.

‘Gatherer’s Gold’ ItalianAbsolutely gorgeous dark yellow fruits with fruity sweet pepper flavors producing lots of large “Bull’s Horn” type golden fruits. About 1 week later than 'Carmen', but well worth the wait. Dehybridized by Wild Garden Seed, an organic farmily seed farm in Oregon.

‘Shishito’ Sweet Skillet PepperThe Japanese skillet pepper. Green Spark Farm’s favorite “popcorn pepper”. Blacken whole for 2-4 min on each side in a very hot skillet with a drizzle of olive oil, serve immediately drizzled in fresh extra virgin olive oil and sea salt. Eat hot off the stem like corn on the cob. 60 days. Loads of ¾” by 3” sweet green peppers.

‘Lipstick’ Very Early Green to RedSame size as Romanian above. 53 days green, 75 days red ripe. Early thick fruits with dependable heavy early yields. Bred by Maine’s own Johnny’s Seeds. Mary Ellen prefers the sweeter richer flavors of ‘Italia’.

‘Ancho Poblano’ Classic & DeliciousProductive, rich, authentic tasting ancho. 68 days green fruits from transplant.


Heavy yields of 3- 4” long, smooth Jalapeños with no checking. 67 days green, 90 days red ripe.

‘Highlander’ Anaheim a.k.a. Chile Verde

Fruits average 7”x2” early, big, heavy yielding variety bred by Maine’s own Johnny’s Seeds. 65 days green, 85 days red ripe.

‘Dancer’ Large Fuchsia Eggplant65 days from transplant. 3-4”x7-10” fruits from high yielding hybrid plants. A Green Spark Farm favorite.

‘Traviata’ Traditional Italian Eggplant

Glossy bell-shaped uniform black fruit, about 3 ½”x 6”. High yielding hybrid plants produce fruit 70 days from transplant. Bred for superior production in organic systems.

‘Goldie’ Husk Cherry

Small 1” golden berries in paper husks with delicious sweet flavors of pineapple and vanilla. Sometimes called “ground cherry” or “Cape gooseberry”. Gaining popularity to rival favorites like ‘Sun Gold’ cherry tomato. 75 days from transplant.

‘Tomatillo Verde Puebla’ Large & Green

Loads of large 4 oz fruits in paper husks, matures early at 60 days from transplant. For use in salsa, chutney, and Mexican cooking.

ZucchiniHigh yielding hybrid bush zucchini, these plants have almost no spines, making for easier, more enjoyable harvests. High yielding, green fruits will bear over an extended period of time. Much more reliable and productive than our old favorite ‘Costata Romanesco, which it replaces. 38 days from transplant.

‘Diva’ Thin Skinned SeedlessCucumber

Bred by Johnny’s Seeds in Maine, ‘Diva’ is a gardener’s favorite for bitter-free baby Persian seedless thin-skinned slicing cucumbers. Parthenocarpic, ‘Diva’ sets fruits without pollination. Pick early to increase fruit set.

General Lee CucumberLong, slender, dark green cucumbers. The standard for slicing cucumbers in the North. 8-9" fruits stay uniformly dark green even under weather stress. The gynoecious (all female flowers) plants have a high yield potential. Requires a second kind of cucumber for pollination. Any of the others here should work well. 29 days from transplant.

Marketmore CucumberLong, slender, dark green cucumbers. The refined "Marketmore look" has long been the standard for slicing cucumbers in the North. 8-9" fruits stay uniformly dark green even under weather stress. 29 days from transplant.

European Gherkin Pickling / Salad TypeIncredibly tasty, thin skinned, crunchy, never bitter and with more little bumps than American picklers, these European gherkins are our favorite for fresh out of the garden snacking and salads, as well as a customer favorite for crisp pickles. High yields and excellent disease resistance make this organic hybrid Green Spark’s favorite cuke. 45 days from transplant.

Lemon CucumberThis versatile cucumber is sweet and flavorful. Extra fun for kids and adults alike, looking for these cukes is easy because of their bright colors! Though it's often served raw in lunchbox snacks or salads, it's also a good pickling cucumber.

Poona Kheera CucumberOriginally from Poona, India, this unusual cuke matures into a large russet fruit, like a potato. Smooth-skinned fruits turn from white to golden-yellow to russet brown; are eaten at every stage, skin and all. Tender, crisp, and delicious. 29 days

‘Jamaican Gherkin’ ~ Like Juicy Cucumber-Kumquats

Very productive, crunchy and juicy wild cucumbers with pronounced bumps and 6” long stems or “tails.” Make a satisfying “pop-crunch” when you bite into the 2”x1 ½” fruits. The definitive cucumber from outer space, these are wonderful in snacks and lunch boxes, and popular with chefs and kids alike. 65 days from transplant.

'Bouquet Mix' Basil: Thai, Purple, Lemon, Lime, Cinnamon, and Genovese

Exotic mixture of fragrant culinary basils. Wonderful mix to attract butterflies and pollinators to your garden, as well as to use in stir-fries. Mary Ellen's favorite mix to dry for a calming wintertime tea (basil is in the mint family).

Basil ‘Genovese’ ItalianThe best for pesto and traditional flavor. Loves heat, and withstands drought. Easy to dry in a paper bag in your car on a hot day!


Beautiful organic cultivar produces big leafy plants. pick off any flower buds to prolong leaf production.

Parsley, ‘Dark Green Italian’ Flat Leaf

Huge productive plants are very cold hardy and produce all season.

Thyme 'German Winter'Traditional flavor in brilliant green hardy plants, this German thyme has a reputation for surviving Northern winters. Perfect for tomato sauce and salads, wonderful with grilled food. To dry your own thyme for winter soups and stews, cut plants back within 2" of the ground in late fall, and dry herbs on newspaper or by hanging. Store in paper bags.

Greek OreganoDon't let these little leaves fool you, this Greek oregano is spicier and richer in flavor than classic Italian oregano! With a heady oregano aroma, it's a treat for pizza and Mediterranean cooking.

OreganoClassic Italian oregano grows 12" tall bushy mounded plants. Easy to dry your own for use all year: clip plants down to 2" above ground in summer or fall, and spread trimmings on newspaper or screens indoors. Store in paper bags.

Borage is for CourageDelightful edible flowers are tasty in salads, and good for garnish on cakes and desserts. Leaves are high in calcium for tea or salads. A fantastic bee plant to attract pollinators! As in Olde England, flowers may be candied, or freeze in ice cubes for fun, or iced tea garden parties!

Coleus Bright tie-dyed colorful foliage plants are ideal for containers, borders, and boxes. Vigorous grower with heart shaped leaves. 12-18" tall.

Sweet Pea Mix Fragrant Flowers

Brightly colored large flowers in rose, pink, lavender, salmon, scarlet, and white on tall climbing vines 60-72”. Requires trellis or other support. Strong irresistible fragrance. 65 days from transplant. Do not eat. 6 plants.

'Summer Romance'Alyssum

Fast growing, honey- scented blossom clusters cloak the ground in a fragrant tapestry of lavender, violet, rose-pink, and white. This Dutch seed mix grows easily and reliably with a long bloom season. Attracts butterflies, pollinators and beneficial insects. Alyssum takes well to containers.

'Painted Tongue' SalpiglossisA miracle of colors in deep red, orange, pale blue, purple, magenta, and yellow with exotic veins in contrasting colors. Blooms all summer. Wonderful old-fashioned for containers, borders and also as a cut flower. Vase life of a week. 12-16" tall. Annual.

Nasturtium ‘Alaska’ Variegated Foliage

White and green marbled leaves show off jewel colored blossoms in red, orange, salmon, yellow, and cream. Leaves and flowers add color and a spicy kick to salads and desserts.

'Trailing' NasturtiumBrilliant blossoms contrast with abundant green foliage. Flowers in red, rose, orange, and yellow. Perfect for hanging baskets and containers, or even as a ground cover. Will "climb" if tied to upright supports. Ht. 96-120". Leaves and flowers add color and a spicy kick to salads and desserts.

Calendula 'Citrus Sherbet'A bright new mix of pastel orange and lemon double flowers. Perfect for cut flowers, these are favorites of bees, butterflies and beneficial insects. Edible, petals are like vegetable confetti in salads! Pick often for more blooms. Very easy for kids and adults to save seeds in fall from this annual.

Snapdragon 'Rocket Mix'Classic old-fashioned garden flower, blooms from July through frost. This is a mixture of 10 bright colors. Loves regular watering and sunshine. The more you pick the more blooms you see! Annual.

Sunflower Heirloom MixtureA diverse mix of small and large flowers, multi-head and single flowers and many colors. Provides blooms from July into the fall. 6 plants.

Zinnia 'Oklahoma Mixture'Recommended by the Association of Specialty Cut Flower Growers, this is a classic mix of seven to eight colors, 1/2" to 2.5" flowers on tall 30-40" plants.

Giant "Dahlia Flowered" Zinnia Mix

An absolute must for the cutting garden. Similar color and habit of the Benary's Giant series but will produce 4-6" single, semi-double, and double flowers. A mix of yellows, roses, scarlet, green, orange, pink, red, purple, coral, and orange and gold bicolor. Ht. 40-50".

Cosmos 'Antiquity'Easy to grow! Bright cheerful flowers are favorites of bees and butterflies! Flowers open deep burgundy and develop to antique bronzey-salmon with time. The dwarf 20 inch tall plants are early blooming and very floriferous. Drought tolerant, requires no maintenance after young plants are established.

Cosmos 'Sensation'Easy to grow! Bright cheerful flowers are favorites of bees, butterflies, and Mary Ellen! A virtual artist's palate of color. Four inch single flowers have yellow centers with light and dark pink and variegated petals; color galore! 3-4 feet tall. Drought tolerant, requires no maintenance after young plants are established.

Cosmos'Double Click Cranberries'

Easy to grow! Bright cheerful flowers are favorites of bees, butterflies, and Mary Ellen! Beautiful, cranberry pink, double flowers. Sturdy plants will grow up to 4 feet tall, and provide a vibrant display all summer long.

Cosmos'Double Click Bicolor'

Easy to grow! Romantic, cheerful flowers in beautiful powder pink to rose. Fully double flowers resemble old fashioned roses. Sturdy plants will grow up to 4 feet tall, and provide a vibrant display all summer long.

Cosmos'Double Click Mix'

Easy to grow! A mix of single, semi-double and fully double blooms will dazzle you! A popular series of colors from pure white to deep pink with a splash of picotees. Sturdy plants will grow up to 4 feet tall, and provide a vibrant display all summer long.

Black-Eyed SusanBeloved wildflower. Common in old house sites and gardens. Profuse bloomer of summer flowers in golden yellow with black eyes. Easy to save seeds in late summer. Perennial, returns every year.

Green Spark Farm would like to thank the talented seed companies for their continued high quality varieites and service. Many of the photographs in this slideshow are credited to them.Johnny's Selected Seeds, MaineWild Garden Seed, OregonSeed Saver's Exchange, IowaSand Hill Preservation Center, IowaTomato Fest Seeds, CaliforniaHorizon Herbs, OregonTerritorial Seed, OregonPeaceful Valley Farm Supply, California

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