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      GREYT NEWs The Newsletter of Greyhound Adoptions of Florida

September 2010 ISSUE3–VOLUME3 - Publisher: M. Varnberg-Editor: Barb Pietrangelo -

As most of our country prepares for the crisp days of fall, here in Florida we prepare for the Hurricane season to begin big time! As I write this, there are three possible storm systems brewing in the Atlantic. Its time to stock up on bottled water and batteries,and to check out the generator.

The dogs of Grey Haven are fewer now as a number of them have found their new homes. The sadness of their leaving is well tempered by the happiness of seeing them going to their forever homes. Hope you enjoy this issue-there are a couple of articles from guest editors Joyce Carta and Janet Lee that are great reads! Marilyn muses on some important issues and we address the possible closing of the Florida and Iowa tracks.

Have a great Fall season!


Marilyn’s Musings.....

Is that a hint of Fall I feel in the air? I sure hope so! It’s been a long, hot summer for all of us and the greyhounds are waiting to run and play with the coming cool weather! They need the exercise - sure hope there is some relief from the heat for all of us.

Changes…lots of them! First a huge thank you to Dave McGurgan for stepping up and developing the new GAF website. We waited a long time to find this talented, generous man to bring us up to date with our website. Working with him has been a joy and he even taught this old lady a few things about communications in the 21st Century. Dave has accomplished the goals that he set a few years ago and has now gone on to bigger, better things in his professional life. We will be forever in his debt. GAF’s “Business” has increased tremendously since he came on board and not only do we owe him a vote of thanks, but there are so many greyhounds who have found home thanks to his talents. Dave, we are going to miss you so much. Thank you forever for all you have done for us…

And welcome aboard Kelly Bateman! This lovely and talented woman has stepped into Dave’s shoes without missing a beat. She has taken over responsibility for both the GAF and GAFNE websites. Take a look at the wonderful things she can do: and . And if any of you have comments or ideas for the websites (pictures too), please contact Kelly at .

On another subject; one of the hardest things about looking in the mirror is realizing that I am getting old(er). My head still feels 25…the mirror tells me something else. The reality of end of life decisions is difficult to deal with even with a sense of humor. One of the issues often overlooked is “what is going to happen to my dogs?” Please plan ahead…your best friends need to have a place to go and have some money to help with their care. Once you have decided where the dogs will go, please contact your attorney. He will be more than glad to help you with the legalities in providing for your dogs in case something happens to you. You will rest easier knowing the dogs you love will be taken care of.

And lastly, (maybe this also has something to do with getting older?) for the first time in as long as I can remember, there will be no Holiday Picnic this year. We found that the work involved has become more than those involved each year care to deal with. The weather has not been kind to us the past few years and the attendance has been down for many reasons. We love to see “our kids”…we also need to continue to raise money to keep Grey Haven functioning as a safe haven for greyhounds who have no other place to go. With the downward spiral in our economic situation, it has become harder to raise the funds we need to continue what we do best. To put a large amount of money into an event that does not pay its way is just not something we can do with a clear conscience.

We at GAF are open to suggestions and ideas as to what to do to raise money. I am hoping that in the Spring of 2011, we can again open the doors of Grey Haven to all of you and your dogs…and at the same time, help the new kids get the same start that your dog had so many years ago. We can’t do any of this without you. Please think about this and let me know what wonderful ideas you have to continue to help our greyhounds. With the possibility of the Florida tracks closing in the near future, they will need us now more than ever.

Kiss the kids for me and continue to keep Grey Haven and all the greyhounds in your thoughts.

Marilyn and Henry

Our New Friend Della Janet Lee 



I have enjoyed the company of animals of one kind or another for most of my life, but for the past two years I have missed their company.  It was high time to find a remedy for this “pet withdrawal”!  After some debate on which kind of companion we wanted, Jack and I decided on a dog.  Next, we pondered which type would be compatible with our lifestyle?  The answer was not easy!  After searching both web and soul, reading books, and talking it over, we decided on a greyhound.  What were greyhounds actually like in real life?  Well, we needed to meet some.  Enter, Grey Haven! 

Grey Haven’s website was full of lovable greyhounds, and Marilyn invited us over to meet them.  When we arrived, Marilyn greeted us and took us on a tour.  We were touched by Freedom’s Garden, a beautiful memorial garden with decorative plaques of remembrance.  Marilyn introduced us to her “welcoming committee” of her own adopted greyhounds and they were every bit as sweet and gentle as the breed’s descriptions.   We couldn’t wait to meet the greyhounds for adoption!   

We began meeting the dogs one by one.   All were very adorable, and one made a special connection that made something click, and I realized that she was the one!  We had to have sweet Della!  Della is two, and was up for adoption because she was not interested in chasing the lure.  We made the decision, and soon came the exciting adoption day!  We passed the muster with Della, and Marilyn left her with us.  Della was cautious but eager to explore her new home.    

Della spent the rest of the first day just following us around, trying to make sense out of all this change.  She wore a very inquisitive and intelligent expression, reminding us of Sherlock Holmes or maybe a professor!  Della wasn’t sure about her new bed and settled on a rug in front of the fireplace.  She pulled a blanket off the couch and made a “nest” with her toys around her.  I brought her bed over to her spot and she settled in after a few minutes.  Later, at bedtime, we moved her bed into the bedroom and closed the door.  She slept through the night and was up early the next morning.   

We went for a short walk and Della showed her skills of walking on a leash, with no pulling and good socialization with other dogs.  I was so impressed!  After the walk, she rested for a while and then started hoarding shoes!  First, a missing sandal, and then two!  Both were found soon after, stuffed in the edges of her bed.  Later, she took Jack’s deck shoes, and then his slippers.  Della has slowed down a bit on this hoarding frenzy in the past week, but if something is missing, we know where to look! 


Della in her bed with toys and one of Jack’s white socks! 

A couple of days later, on the third night, Della jumped in bed next to me and stayed there like sticky gum with a break around 2 a. m. for some whining “talk” and a thorough face licking.  The next night she slept with her head on my stomach.  She has been sleeping next to me ever since, and giving a little more space, although last night I ended up in a toothpick configuration on the edge of the bed! 

Della has really made us smile and feel light‐at‐heart with her warmness and silly antics!  One evening Della and I were in the kitchen with the "party favorites" music station on the TV (dance music and “happy beat” music).  A song came on "Who Let the Dogs Out?" which has barking in the chorus.  She pricked her ears and ran over to the back doors to look out.  The barking chorus played again and she ran over and stared at the TV, looking alert!  Ten minutes later she was playing with a toy and let out one bark, the only one I have heard from her so far...  It was as if the song reminded her that she needed to bark once in a while! 

As days go by, Della is showing more and more of her personality and really loves closeness and affection.  I sing to her, even though my voice is bad, and she doesn't seem to mind.  Jack is very loving and sweet to her.  We are so glad to have her!  She has made friends with the neighbors, so much so that we really had a time getting her separated from one nice lady so Della could continue with our walk!  We have taken her to a dog park several times and she looks the happiest we have seen her.  She races around and runs and plays with other dogs, greeting every person in the park along the way. 

Della is one special friend and a great dog.  We couldn’t be happier with the warmth she has added to our home and our hearts. 




          Della “living it up” at the dog park 





Loved this book! – Let’s Take the Long Way Home- a Memoir of Friendship, by Gail Caldwell (Random House)

This is the memorable real life story of a friendship between the author and another writer, Caroline Knapp (author of Pack of Two). A book that begins with the death of Knapp would lead one to believe that this is a maudlin tale, but instead it is a joyous exploration of a friendship that began with the dogs. This is a classic that will live on and one that should be in every dog lover’s library.

Prepare to smile as you leaf through Dog Joy, The Happiest Dogs in the Universe, a pictorial with foreword by Ann Patchett.

This is just a fun book to look at and a great gift for the dog lovers on your holiday list. Order through

These are great books for kids: A Home for Dixie, by Emma Jackson (readers 4-8) and Waggit’s Tale, Waggit Again and Waggit Forever, all by Peter Howe(For readers 10 and up)

All are published by Harper Collins (

* * * * * *


By Barb Pietrangelo

A couple of issues ago I recounted my experiences with brushing my dogs’ teeth. It was not a happy tale and ended with me tossing the remains of the canine toothbrush in the trash and placing the canine toothpaste in the darkest, furtherest corner of my dog cabinet. However, I am happy to report that the dental care war is (almost) over. After a month or so, I could no longer live with the “bad breath in dogs” that the girls were emanating! So it was off to PetSmart once again in search of the magic solution. After chatting with the vet and my favorite sales clerk, I found two

products on the shelves that I have been using now for 2 months and which appear to be successful in the battle against plaque: Petrodex Breath Spray and Petzlife Dental Care Spray. The Dental Care Spray is sprayed directly on the teeth and it is applied 1 to 2 times per day – especially before bedtime. Neither of the dogs seem to object to the spray. After the first month, I now use this product about three times per week and only at bedtime. The Petrodex Breath Spray is a cinnamon fragranced (and tasting) spray that both dogs seem to like. At first I used it daily but now I am only using it about three times per week since most of the offensive tartar and plaque has disappeared. I now brush their teeth at least once a week and we seem to have conquered the gymnastics that accompanied my past efforts (although I have moved the action into the bathroom!). I found Petrodex Dental Chews which contains the same enzymatic cleaner that is in the toothpaste and Rina likes them. Because I am not fond of rawhide chews, I only give one chew per week for maintenance. Fannie, who turns her nose up at the chews, seems to like Pedigree Dentastix and enjoys one about 1x per week.

The dogs are now bad breath free and their teeth look great. I will still have them cleaned professionally once a year but it sure is nice not to be knocked over whenever one of them decides to play kissy face. So, with a little patience and a lot of practice, the war appears to be over – at least we appear to have a truce-for the time being!

Living a Decade PLUS with the Same Greyhound By Joyce Carta How many of us with adopted greyhounds have had the pleasure of having the same dog in our lives for over a decade? The typical adoption age is closer to 4 or 5...and since a fabulously long lifespan might see a dog reach 14 years, we're lucky to have 9 years max with one of these incredibly remarkable dogs. A lot less than that is, I'm thinking, a lot more common. 

I've had Ta-ret in my life now for more than 10 years. He's just turned 12 and I dearly hope has some good times left for us both. Ta-ret was the first dog we adopted from Marilyn & Bob on 1 Feb 2000...and his adoption was how my husband Phil & I met Marilyn & Bob, and oh how our lives changed (yes, all good!) from that point on. Ta-ret was my second greyhound, and he was to serve as the Hole in the Heart filler after the loss of my first greyhound. He was equal to this enormous job. 

Other than both being males, there was no similarity between Ta-ret and the dog whose paw prints he was filling. THIS is a very good thing. Comparisons are human nature and elevation to an impossible standard is also human nature. Best to have an entirely new personality as truthfully you can never replace a lost loved one, but you can carve out a new place.  

Ta-ret was just 20 months old when he became family...a puppy who wanted to romp endlessly. He stole whatever he could grab, was selectively curious (emptying tissue boxes...incomparable fun!) and even managed to snuggle tight while still maintaining his air of supreme dignity. Good thing his “sister,” 2-year-old Golden Retriever “Abu,” was and would stay a puppy all of her life. These two were so wematched. SHE was always up for the Chase Me game and he was always ready. She could never win this game but did perfect her “I'm a hedgehoball imitation and oh yes she got hers“rolled” any number of times. HE was a stealth bomber puppy...digging a deep ditch to better ambush his slower yet always eager sister. And he grew up a farm dog with room to run and much larger animals to learn. His face had such a pronounced black mask in his early days he looked like he'd been dipping in a forbidden jar. In fact Marilyn had “temp-named” him Bosco...which, if you are way too young to remember, was a chocolate syrup flavoring popular (many) decades ago (and having Googled it, it's still available).


g” elf


A year after Ta-ret joined our family I got my donkey; my HUGE donkey. Donkeys and dogs are not natural friends but no one told either Ta-ret or ASSwan. And no, I have no idea WHAT possessed me but I decided the donkey needed a hat in order to deliver her “massages” to her friend Ta-ret, all the way up and down his spine. Yes, he was in heaven. 

More memorable moments were working the local festivals together. Prior to the '04 Elections we were trying to generate “VOTE NO” converts to the expanded FL gambling law (which would have, and as it turned out, did, affect greyhound racing). Ta-ret was striking in his green jacket festooned with VOTE NO bumper stickers, and for a lot of the crowds we saw he was their first up close & personal greyhound. He was a horse show veteran and always delighted to welcattention from everyone, especially little kids. I truly believe he changed a lot of minds about greyhounds as pets. My friend Loretta would sometimes bring her kids over to our farm and her oldest daughter always called him “the skinny head” dog...obviously the first greyhound she'd ever seen. Ta-ret is my Good Morning dog...first to be there to say “Hello, where's breakfast?” He is always at my side, leaning close, hoping for a belly rub. His fur is the softest I've ever would be the envy of any chinchilla. 


Ta-ret is 12 now and definitely slowing down. His black mask faded when he was about 4, and now what was black is silvery white. In early March of this year something (and we suspect a raccoon) tangled with him and left tears all around his neck and nose. We never found the culprit but I suspect it slinked off to become buzzard dinner. Ta-ret recovered nicely from his wounds and would probably have had an exciting Rambo-style story to tell...he has always been an eager & motivated hunter, very high prey drive. This fact never really squared in my mind with how affectionate he is. There are so many fascinatingly different sides to these dogs. 

These days he spends his time lounging on various couches (those well situated under a ceiling fan are his favorites), awaiting the daily Treats call. He's a morning type, like me, and gets his exercise in early. The only evening show of energy is when he races his new brother, Wedjet, to the “preferred” sleeping spot...the 3 dog beds piled in our bedroom next to my side of the bed. And yes, I always hold new brother back as Ta-ret has more than earned the right to first choice.


My dear, good friend for more than 10 years- and, oh- his's Egyptian. “Ta-ret” is a minor Egyptian god...the god to whom you confess, on your voyage through the underworld, that you did not commit the sin of Anger. And as my Ta-ret's pre-adoption history involved digging himself out of the holding pen at the training farm and escaping only a few days before they were scheduled to put him down (“too spooky to be a pet” if those people knew anything about this dog...) a name that celebrated his not committing the “sin of anger” against humankind seemed very appropriate. 

There must be a number of us who belong to the Decade Dog club at GAF...and I know that I would love to hear these stories. And I'm sure so would many others. Like all dear friends, these longterm relationships grow into something both partners count on, something comfortable and comforting, something solid, and something that teaches us, that as far as physical and emotional needs go, we have so much in common with our canine best friends.





The Last Word…..

Beginning of the End?

From an email sent by Grey2KUSA 8/18/2010:

“We have spent the summer creating a new national plan to end dog racing, and feel more optimistic than ever before that dog racing may soon end in several states, including Florida and Iowa. The Sunshine State is home to a majority of all dog tracks nationwide, 13, and more greyhounds suffer in Florida than anywhere else. See our Florida page at But happily, hope is on the horizon. Just this morning, yet another racetrack publicly announced that it is losing money on greyhound racing and would prefer to see it end. This is now the reality that most Florida dog tracks face: their poker rooms and other gambling opportunities remain popular, but they are losing money on live dog racing. See the article at Unfortunately, state law still requires that live racing continue in order for dog tracks to offer other, more lucrative forms of betting. This coupling of live racing and casino-type gambling is something we

will work to change in the next legislative session This harmful linkage also exists in Iowa, where racetracks have slot machine gambling, but are required by law to continue racing greyhounds at a loss. Earlier this year, lawmakers considered a bill to allow Iowa racetracks to end dog racing, but it did not pass. See our Iowa page at I'm sure it won't surprise you that greyhound breeders have given hundreds of thousands of dollars to Iowa political candidates, including some of the same candidates who voted against sensible legislation this year to allow dog racing to end. See the report here: In fact, we recently released a report on campaign contributions by Iowa greyhound breeders and their lobbyists. Next session, in both Florida and Iowa, we would like to bring new bills to make sure that greyhounds receive the help they so desperately need.” (See the following editorial comment)

Editorial Comment

By Barb Pietrangelo

The above email needs to be read and undestood by everyone who has an interest in our beloved hounds. The changes proposed will affect each of us. We cannot ignore these actions. At the end of the email, Grey2KUSA solicits a contribution to support their efforts. I will not reprint that solicitation here because we cannot print all of the requests we get to pass on to our mail list. However, if you think this is the possible solution, and I hope you do, to ending Greyhound racing in both Florida and Iowa, I suggest you go to the website for more info on contributing.

Grey2KUSA has been instrumental in the closing of many of the tracks all over the country in past years.

Florida has the most operating tracks in the nation. Do we want the fate of greyhounds left in the hands of money grubbing politicians? Let’s put the tracks out of business. Together, we can make this happen.

Now let us also take a moment to reflect on what this event will have on the organizations such as our own GAF. Will we be inundated with dogs? Will we have the space and funds to care for them? So, while you have those checkbooks /PayPal websites open, remember GAF and the other Florida based rescues who have worked so diligently over the years to give those wonderful hounds now living with you, their great beginnings. Earlier in this issue, Marilyn has asked you to help develop some ideas for fund raising. Let’s see what we can come up with. We are all RW&A (ready, willing and able) to take on this challenge… will you join us? Please?

Barb Pietrangelo, Editor

This editorial comment is solely the opinion of the editor and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of Greyhound Adoptions of Florida, et al.

Thanks to all of you who commented on the June Issue. I was overwhelmed with your responses. All of your opinions are appreciated and will be reflected in this and upcoming issues. BP

Now, it’s time for ……

The Last Look

Enjoying the last of the summer sun ?

Not sure yet…

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