grimsdyke school

Post on 16-Mar-2022






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Dear Parents and Carers,

The end of a somewhat challenging year for everyone has finally arrived; I want to express

my deepest thanks to every parent, student and staff member for suppor"ng the school and

each other through these unprecedented circumstances. I know that it hasn’t been the

easiest "me since the lockdown began but if you consider what everyone was able to

achieve it has been remarkable.

It reminds of a quote made by Michael Jordan when asked about challenges and adversity

he has faced over the course of his career, the key message in this is that we shouldn’t give

up. By giving up we are not allowing ourselves to experience the true joys success.

As the end of the year draws to a close I want to pass on my wishes to those members of

school staff who are moving on from Grimsdyke to con"nue their adventures in different

circumstances. It is with great sadness that we are losing some valuable members of the Grimsdyke family. Miss Barron is

returning home to Canada a,er dedica"ng her "me here for 8 years, Miss Simons has relocated outside of the greater London

area, Mr Simpson is taking up a new contract with new challenges at a new school, Mrs Addari is returning home to Italy with

her family and Miss Murphy who will be star"ng her maternity. We will miss them all but we also send them on with our best


With passionate and dedicated members of the school staff moving on it provides opportuni"es for new members of staff to

join us. I would like to welcome Mrs Kwaja and Miss Mangi who will be joining the Year 2 and Year 4 teaching teams in

September. I would also like to welcome Mrs Khundi and Mr Akintunde who will be joining us and suppor"ng students in Year

3 and Year 2. Mrs Gill, Mrs Nolan and Mrs Kotzio"s who are already valuable members of the Grimsdyke family will be seen

more frequently around the school as their roles and responsibili"es have changed slightly to providing more support in the

classrooms. On behalf of the school I want to extend a warm welcome to them all, I am sure everyone will make them feel part

of the Grimsdyke Family.

With all this in mind our a:en"on now turns to the full reopening of school in September. While I want the school to remain as

consistent as possible under the current guidance it is not quite possible. I have shared with you some of the key changes as

the school opens in September, I understand that this may be overwhelming so please if you have any ques"ons regarding it

do not hesitate to contact me. Likewise, to support your children as we work towards September, I have a:ached a few key

documents that can be used over the summer holiday period. You will find a “Return to School” social story, advice to prepare

your child to return to school and a set of ideas/ac"vi"es that will contribute to a smooth start to the year.

This week we only have one learning champion, who worked incredibly hard to earn this award.

Finally, on behalf of the staff, thank you once again for all your support. I hope you have a res?ul and relaxing summer break. I

look forward to seeing everyone in September.

Take care and stay safe.

Mr Iain Sutherland


Learning and Achieving Together


G R I M S D Y K E S C H O O L , S Y L V I A A V E N U E , H A 5 4 Q E T : 0 2 0 8 4 2 8 1 3 2 4 E : O F F I C E @ G R I M S D Y K E . H A R R O W . S C H . U K @ G R I M S D Y K E S C H O O L


17th JULY 2020

Message from Headteacher:

KS1 Learning Champions

Anastasia – 1KE

Wednesday 2 Sept 2020 - Friday 23 Oct 2020

Half term Monday 26 Oct 2020 - Friday 30 Oct 2020

Monday 2 Nov 2020 - Friday 18 Dec 2020

Monday 4 Jan 2021 - Friday 12 Feb 2021

Half term Monday 15 Feb 2021 - Friday 19 Feb 2021

Monday 22 Feb 2021 - Wednesday 31 Mar 2021

Autumn term 2020

Spring term 2021

Summer term 2021

Professional Development Dates:

2020—2021 Term Dates

Monday 19 Apr 2021 - Friday 28 May 2021

Half term Monday 31 May 2021 - Friday 4 Jun 2021

Monday 7 Jun 2021 - Friday 23 Jul 2021

Wednesday 2nd Sept Friday 11th September (adjusted)

Monday 2nd Nov Monday 4th Jan

Friday 23rd July


Dear Parent/Carer,

Please note that we are in the process of arranging for the following refunds to be made via ParentPay:

Lunch for those children leaving (unless you have been contacted personally and an arrangement to transfer

to your child’s sibling has been agreed)

Music instrumental hire

Breakfast and A%er School Clubs – for the (meframe 23.03.2020 - 03.04.2020

These refunds will be made over the summer holiday.

It is a manual process and therefore is (me consuming, so please bear with us.

Once the balance is on your account it will sit as a credit. This means you can either ‘withdraw’ it and have it trans-

ferred to your current account or you can allow it to sit there and use it to pay for other items in the new academic




A warm hello to all the Recep"on children and parents. We hope you have had a good week. We have really

enjoyed being in school these last two weeks with many of our Recep"on children.

We have con"nued our topic ‘All creatures Great and Small’ with an emphasis on pirates. If you are s"ll working at

home, you can check the school’s website and have a go at the ac"vi"es the Recep"on teachers have set.

Last week we were focussing on the book ‘Tiddler’ by Julia

Donaldson. The children made up their own tall tales as

excuses for being late.

The children created an underwater scene and used

interes"ng adjec"ves to describe it. They also made

magnificent octopus mobiles.

As part of our topic about pirates, the children did some

pirate maths using posi"onal language to describe the

whereabouts of Pirate Pete. They also used their crea"ve

skills to make a feathery parrot.

As this is our last week in school before the summer holidays, the children had a trip to see the Year 1 classrooms

and outside area. They were very excited about seeing their new teachers on Db Primary. They also shared some

wonderful memories of their "me in Recep"on.

The Recep"on team would like to wish you all a very happy summer holiday and thank you very much for all the

support you have given this year. We have thoroughly enjoyed teaching your children and wish them all the best as

they go forward into Year 1.


It has been a whirlwind journey this term, with each and every one of us, of all ages, learning to work in different ways. We

are so incredibly proud of everyone’s efforts and how the children have con"nued their educa"on. We would also like to take

this opportunity to thank all our wonderful parents with their efforts, as we also understand it has not been easy. Our Year 1

community has demonstrated strength, support and resilience during a difficult "me and everyone’s contribu"ons have been

essen"al and we could not be more apprecia"ve.

This is not how we imagined our end of term but we look forward to knowing our families will return and we can find our way

again. We wish our Year 1 children a res?ul summer break but also wish them good luck for their learning journey ahead. We

hope that the children have visited DB Primary to see the videos that their Year 2 teachers have made for them. We have

been communica"ng with your child’s new teacher and they are all busy, puMng plans in place ready to welcome your

children in September.

Learning and Achieving

Science: Our learning has been linked to how we can care for sea life and how our ac"ons can be:er protect them.

History: We have all been learning lots about seaside holidays and it’s giving us so much to think about. The children having

been bringing all their knowledge together to complete a reading comprehension and also sort seaside picture objects into

Now and Then. We wonder what the Victorians would like most about seaside holidays now?

Maths: Money is one of the best ways to teach number and addi"on. The children had to learn to recognise coins and notes

and add coins. We o,en stress the word ‘value’ with the children so that they remember that each coin has a value. We live

in a "me where there is less handling of real money so please remember to stock up on some coins for home so that children

s"ll get the prac"ce they need. This week’s focus on frac"ons is also a great one to work on at home. How many ways can

you cut your slice of toast into halves and quarters? How will you equally share a bar of chocolate between the members in

your family? We use maths all the "me and every day, so it’s just about opening up the conversa"on with your children.

English: We con"nued with the story of ‘The Storm Whale’, which has helped us "e in many areas of the curriculum. The

children really got into role and wrote le:ers as if they were the whale, to Noi, to thank him for rescuing him. It can be quite

tricky to write as someone else but as the children had such a thorough understanding of the story and the events, they were

able to transfer this to their le:ers. Many le:ers were full of emo"on and thanks with many le:ers containing ques"ons

targeted back at Noi. See below

Arshi’s le<er from the whale to Noi

Tanvi has also wri<en a le<er of thanks as if she

were the whale.

Anastasia has been work-

ing so hard at trying to

use correct phonic

sounds. We have been so

proud of her growth mind


Kaashvi le<er from the whale to Noi

Thank you for helping me noi.

I loved it when you put me in the white and

shiny bathtub because it made me feel like I

was in my home. Do you want to swim with

me? If you do, meet me in the deep, blue sea.

Are you safe and sound?

From me (the storm whale)

Vishra has produced some though@ul wriAng using a diving im-

age as a sAmulus.

Look at this stunning starfish artwork. Madina, Tulsi, Kyani and Kiana have used small dots to create these starfish.

YEAR 2 .

We cannot believe that the school year is over. It has whizzed by and we have loved every minute. All the Year 2 teachers have

been very impressed with how well the children adapted to working from home, gaining a couple more teachers who they

hadn’t really met and comple"ng their tasks on DB Primary. It was certainly a big change for all of us! Over the past term, we

have loved hearing your stories and reading your fantas"c work week a,er week. We would also like to thank the parents for

suppor"ng their children with their learning, especially this term with uploading the home learning tasks to DB Primary.


Last week the children created a travel brochure on a Caribbean country. These were a pleasure to read with lots of persuasive

features and pictures making us wish we were there! Here are some snippets of the work below:

Samaksh – 2T Ziyona – 2D Usman – 2R

This week the children excitedly found out who their new Year 3 teachers are. Their task was to write a le:er to their new

teacher to introduce themselves and share some of their hopes for next year. We really enjoyed reading the children’s le:ers

and they will be passed on to the Year 3 team. Here are some snippets of the work below:

2R-Ajuni 2D – Saesha 2T - Arav

The final set task this week was a memories task. The children wrote down their favourite memories of Year 2, which included

school trips to Kidzania and special memories with friends and teachers. Here are some snippets of the work below:

2D- Vivienne 2R- Natalia 2T - Ishaan

YEAR 2 cont....

AddiAonal Learning

Each week we are receiving lots of extra bits of learning that children have been busy comple"ng at home by email. We

wanted to celebrate some of this learning with you all!

2R- Riya 2D – Vivaan

IsolaAon Sports Day 2020

Well done to all of you that took part in the sports day challenge last week! The Year 2 winners are:

1st- Riya and Niharika (157 points)

2nd- Namya (129 points)

3rd- Max (117 points)

This week our DB Primary stars of the week are:

These children have been chosen for interac"ng on a

variety of forums and ac"vi"es on DB Primary or their

contribu"ons and effort in school as well as for showing a

brilliant growth mind set. Well done!

We wish the children all the best as they move into Year 3; we have thoroughly enjoyed teaching them this year and hope you

have a lovely summer holiday. If you have any "me over the summer here are some ideas of what you could do with your


Prac"se telling the "me

Add up different amounts of money (supermarket)

Times tables to 12

Column addi"on and subtrac"on

Read lots of books, just for fun and some for challenge

Keep a diary about the summer holiday

Play some games e.g. board games, puzzles

Make a den in the park/garden

Fill in the Return to School Passport

Have a lovely summer - stay safe, stay well and we can’t wait to see you again in September!

2R - Katia

2D – Naiya & Dwiti

2T – Eilliyah


We cannot believe a whole year has passed! It seems like yesterday the children came up from year 2. As we have now come to

the end of year, it’s a great "me to think back on what a fantas"c year it’s been! All of the lovely memories we have shared. We

would have loved to have spent the last few weeks with you all and celebrated the last days of year 3 altogether. We can’t

thank you parent’s enough for suppor"ng your children at home. You all deserve a fantas"c summer break!


In English we carried on our topic of Shakespeare where the children wrote their own play scripts with great crea"vity going on

and they also rewrote the play ‘Romeo and Juliet’. They all did such a wonderful job! We really enjoyed reading them.

YEAR 3 cont...


In Maths we looked at scales, sta"s"cs and also completed some revision to end off our year seeing how much we have learnt.

Ishaan (3S) Shreeya (3B)

Naumi (3C) and Ram (3B) performing The


YEAR 3 cont...

In Geography we have been focusing on Tube maps recognising the London Underground Tube map and learning about

some of its history. They also got to enjoy planning a trip to London visi"ng the different landmarks.

YEAR 3 cont...

IsolaAon sports day

We were very lucky to have an Isola"on sports day with lots of children par"cipa"ng in different ac"vi"es. Everyone did a

wonderful job!

In 1st Place= Naiya 3B 236 points

2nd Place= Eesa Ali 3C 204.5 points

3rd Place= Safa 3S 166 points

Here is a picture of Natasha from 3S comple"ng hers

at home.

PreparaAon for Year 4

If you have any "me over the summer holidays, here are some ideas on what you could do with your children to be:er

prepare them for Year 4:

Prac"se all of the "mes tables from 1- 12 in and out of order

Prac"se the Year 3 and 4 statutory spelling words

Understand different homophones with focus on 'There, their and they're; are and our; your and you're'

Write at length stories about their summer and adventures

Analyse a world map and locate a variety of European countries; in addi"on to finding out where 'Egypt' and 'Mexico'


Play drama games such as 'charades'

Goodbye Year 3

Whether at home or abroad, we hope that you make lots of wonderful memories with your children this summer and get a

res?ul break. Thank you for all of your support and kind messages. It's been a pleasure to teach your children this year and

we wish you a happy summer holiday!


The past two weeks year four have been very busy again! In maths, the children have con"nued to revise dividing and

mul"plying by 10,100 and 100 through measurement and conversion. We were impressed with the children’s ability to convert

between mm, cm, m and even km! They have also worked hard on telling the "me in a digital and analogue format. Well done!

In English, the children wrote some fantas"c newspapers on topics of their own choice. Their use of repor"ng language and

newspaper features was fabulous! The teachers all really enjoyed reading your ar"cles! Some of these can be seen in the

pictures below! The children have also prac"sed wri"ng poems based on different seMngs using various word types. Again, it

has been great to see such high levels of crea"vity.

We have also really enjoyed reading your memories of year four! It has been great to hear about your favourite memories

including your favourite trips and the lessons you have enjoyed the most! We will miss you all but wish you the best of luck

when you move into year 5!

Finally, we would like to congratulate the children on all of their hard work throughout lockdown whether they have been in

school or at home. We have been very impressed and really enjoyed reading and seeing all of your hard work.

We wish you a very happy summer holiday filled with lots of fun and a well-earned rest! We will look forward to seeing you

around school, refreshed and ready for your year in year 5!

This week’s stars of the week are:

Edward 4V

Mihika 4J

Aarav 4M

Last week’s stars of the week were:

Theodore 4V

Geun-Yeong 4J

Isla 4M

Well done, excellent job!


Year 5 have con"nued to work hard during their home learning and have produced some fantas"c work showing off their


These bar charts were produced by Hari and Aimee:

These Greek homes from

Rian and Alex look like a

holiday des"na"on from

yesteryear… remember


While these scary

descrip"ve passages

from Gabriel and

Akshay show the

high standard of

wri"ng year 5 have

been producing:

It has been a strange year but we have had some great "mes. I am sure

everyone is really looking forward to the summer and in a funny way, a,er

the summer when we will all be returning to school. We would like to

reiterate our best wishes for everybody as they progress to year 6; thank you

for all your support this year and thank you for your generous gi,s at the

close of term. We would like to wish Mr Simpson all the best as he moves on

from Grimsdyke and thank him for his efforts throughout the year.

Please enjoy your break, stay safe and we will see you in September.

The Year 5 Team.


So, we have come to the end of Year 6. It has not been the end that we were expec"ng, however all of the children have

embraced their final weeks at Grimsdyke with such maturity.

The children, both at school and at home, have con"nued to take part in learning. In English they have been thinking about

the past year and all the things they would have liked to know this "me last year – they wrote a le:er to the year 5s, giving

them advice. They also looked forward to next year and wrote a different le:er to their new schools to introduce

themselves and talk about their hopes and worries when moving to secondary school.

In maths, the children have been doing lots of challenges to use all the problem solving skills they have developed this year.

They also used problem solving and applica"on to take part in ‘Theme Park’ maths – a project where they had to create a

theme park, using a budget.

While Year 6 haven’t had the conven"onal leavers experience, they should know that the last few months have shaped

them as individuals. Instead of taking their SATs, some of them were able to show problem solving skills by making masks

and visors for the NHS; they were able to show crea"vity by finding fun and inven"ve ways to keep busy and they were able

to use extra "me to get out into nature, exercise and explore the world around them. These are all experiences that are

invaluable and should not be taken for granted.

This cohort of Year 6 has been a pleasure to work with all year. Each and every child has brought something special to the

year group, whether it be spor"ng achievements, sense of humour, crea"vity or academically ability. This, along with their

unique and remarkable personali"es has made them a fantas"c year group to work with, and one that we will always


We wish them all the best of luck moving up into secondary school. They are more than ready for this move and we have no

doubt that they will con"nue to grow in maturity throughout their journey.

Miss Murphy and Mr Joanides

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