group 3 - sapientia final

Post on 18-Feb-2017






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Sacred Heart School – Ateneo de Cebu

High School Department




A Research Proposal

Presented to the

Faculty of the Senior High School

Sacred Heart School – Ateneo de Cebu

Mandaue City, Philippines


In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirement for the course




Peter Tyler Po

Kylie Athena Amor

Sofia Reina Kintanar

October 19, 2016




Peter Tyler Po, Kylie Athena Amor, and Sofia Reina Kintanar in partial fulfillment of the

course, RESEARCH IN DAILY LIFE 1, has been examined and accepted for PROPOSAL


Research Committee

Mr. Jomar Abellana


_____________________________ ____________________________

Member Member



Table of Contents

Chapter 1


Theoretical Framework………………………………….….….……………………….……5

Statement of the Problem…………………………...…….….…..………………….……...8

Significance of the study……………………….……….……….………………….………..8

Definition of terms…………………………..…………….………....……………….………..9

Chapter 2

Literature review…………………………..……………..……………..……………………..10

Chapter 3

Research Design………………………………………..…………………………….……….15

Research Environment………………………………….…………………………...……..15

Research Respondents……………………………………………………………………..15

Research Instruments………………………………………………………….……..……16

Data Gathering…………………………………………….…………………...………..……16

Data Analysis……………………………………………………………..……..………..…...16


Appendix A……………………………………………………………….………………….….……20

Appendix B………………………………………………………………..……………………….…21

Appendix C…………………………………………………………………..…………………….…22

Appendix D…………………………………………………………………..…………………….…24

Curriculum Vitae…………………………………………………………..……………………….25





Smoke belching is the forceful expulsion of smoke from the vehicle’s pipe

(Smoke Belching and the Environment, 2013). This is one of the many leading

causes of air pollution present in the Philippines and specifically in Metro Cebu, yet

there are only few actions done to put a stop to smoke belching. Even though laws

were passed addressing the issue of air pollution in the Philippines, people continue

to ignore the hazards of smoke belching and how it affects other people and the

environment around them. Republic Act No. 8749 was passed in 1999 and its aim

was to control air pollution in the Philippines. The law recognized the right to

breathe clean air and the right to use and enjoy all natural resources. Although this

law was implemented to control air pollution, there is still more to be done in order

to establish a ople to various health risks like Asthma and lung diseases. Jeepneys

are one of the most common ways of transportation and it’s no question the

commuters, especially the regulars, are at risk of the various health risks caused by

the exposure of smoke. With “the Philippines being the second most polluted air

among eight Asian countries” (The Freeman, 2006), and Metro Cebu being one of

the most air polluted places in the Philippines, the researchers’ objective is to

establish awareness on the proper maintenance of Public Utility Jeepneys (PUJ)


particularly Jeepneys of 13C the sense of awareness on the dangers of smoke

belching among the citizens of Metro Cebu.

The use of low quality and unclean oils in a vehicle and its poor maintenance

are factors that cause smoke belching in vehicles. The dense smoke that is

generated from the vehicle contributes to global warming and climate. This not only

affects the environment, but also to human beings. The smoke emitted from the

vehicle will give off sulfur products into the atmosphere which introduces peC. The

researchers also hope the readers will be able to discover the attitudes of regular

commuters of 13C towards the hazardous smoke they are exposed to everyday and

also learn to improve the maintenance of their own vehicles.

We are determined to find what attitudes middle-aged commuters have

towards smoke belching. Since Jeepneys are the most common mode of public

transportation here in the Philippines. We, Filipinos, use this on a daily basis, but

the Jeepneys don’t have glass windows to block the hazardous gases from being

inhaled. It is important that we get the attitudes of the commuters to determine

what causes them to have these attitudes and what factors has caused them to


Theoretical Framework

This study is grounded on the theoretical framework of Phenomenology. The

researchers use Phenomenology on their study because it supports the fact that

respondents in this study have different perspectives on the matter at hand which


is on smoke belching. Phenomenology is the study of structures of consciousness as

experienced from the first-person point of view. It can be described in two ways, as

a disciplinary field or a movement in the history of philosophy (Smith, 2013).

Phenomenology is structured on the experience of the people. To basically put,

Phenomenology is the study on the phenomena which is described as how people

experience things and see how they are. Since the researchers are focusing on the

attitudes of regular commuters toward smoke belching, they will be able to get an

in-depth understanding of each of the commuters’ attitudes towards the said topic.

With the attitudes of the different regular commuters in mind, Phenomenology

studies the structure of various types of experience ranging from perception,

thought, memory, imagination, emotion, desire, and volition to bodily awareness,

embodied action, and social activity, including linguistic activity (Smith, 2013). This

means that the researchers will be able to get a clearer view of how and why the

commuters may respond in a certain way. Phenomenology is not entirely scientific.

It is primarily a descriptive discipline and is undertaken in a way that is largely

independent of scientific, including causal, explanations and accounts of the nature

of experience (Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy).

To get a better understanding of the phenomenological method, an example

of the application of Phenomological method is as presented:



Therefore, Phenomenology seeks to answer the reason why people see the way

they do. It concerns itself in answering how phenomenon appears and how it is

experienced by people. In this sharing of experiences, in this dialogue, is the

"betweenness" we're looking at in phenomenology. It is based on the fact that the

experience of others is somehow accessible to us. We can enter into it, into an

intimate dialogue. A theme that runs through it is that of interconnectedness


This study by Frank Siroky used empirical phenomenology, the analysis

of interview transcripts.

"We break it down into the particular meaning units.

Again and again the asthmatics used the words 'alone, apart, separate,

suffocating, don't.'

We began to ask, "Is asthma the cause of all this? Or is there a style of

life that is deeper?

We might spend several hours going over one interview.

"Comparing two transcripts, we find that one woman says, 'The asthma

governs my life.' Another person talks about her life, of which asthma is



Statement of the Problem

This study aims to evaluate the perspectives and attitudes of commuter. We

seek to answer the following questions:

1. What are the reactions and experiences commuters have to smoke


2. What has smoke belching done to change one’s life?

3. Have commuters experienced health issues related to smoke belching?

Significance of the Study

The researchers are confident that the outcome of the study will benefit the


The Public Utility Jeepney drivers. The PUJ drivers will be able to use the

information gathered by the researchers to improve the maintenance of the

vehicles they are driving.

Tourists. Tourists who use Jeepneys (especially 13C) for temporary

transportation can use the information gathered by the researchers to familiarize

themselves about riding the jeepney based on the responses of the commuters.

Irregular jeepney passengers. Irregular jeepney passengers will have

more knowledge on commuting based on the response of regular commuters. They

will also be aware of the dangers of the excessive amount of smoke exposure due to


the jeepney’s open structure exposing them from dangerous smoke from nearby

cars, and the jeepney itself.

Definition of Terms

Smoke Belching- usually the toxic and dense smoke emitted from vehicles.

Public Utility Jeepney- the most popular public transportation in the Philippines.

Commuters- people who travel some distance to work on a regular basis.

Attitude- a settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or something, typically

one that is reflected in a person's behavior.




In this chapter it is about the thorough and in-depth research done by the other

researchers some who are experts in that field. This chapter will help the readers

fully understand the research topic. Through this chapter they will know the

importance of this research and would help the readers have an understanding of

what this research will be about and how this research will be conducted.

Jeepneys are the common means of transportation in the Philippines. Jeepneys

are so abundant that they almost always contribute to traffic congestion. The

jeepneys don't have air-conditioning. They have open windows. Most of the time

the jeepneys are constantly-packed with many passengers (The Utrecht Faculty of

Education). The word jeepney is usually believed to come from the words "jeep"

and "knee" because of the crowded seating, passengers must sit knee to knee. The

first jeepneys were modified army jeeps left behind by the Americans after WWII

(Lonely Planet, 2016). As American troops began to leave the Philippines at the end

of World War II, hundreds of surplus jeeps were sold or given to local Filipinos.

Locals stripped down the jeeps to accommodate several passengers, added metal

roofs for shade, and decorated the vehicles with vibrant colors and bright chrome

hood ornaments. (Tourism In The Philippines, 2008). Even though jeepneys were

originally old jeepneys left by the Americans after WWII, jeepneys are currently


being produced by factories in the Philippines. Within towns, the starting fare is

usually P8, rising modestly for trips outside of town. Routes are clearly written on

the side of the jeepney (Lonely Planet, 2016).

An air pollutant is any substance in air that could, insufficient concentration,

harm humans, animals, vegetation, or material. Air pollutants may occur in the

form of solid particles, liquid droplets, and/or gases. Air Pollution is grouped in two

main classes which are primary pollutants and secondary pollutants. Primary

pollutants are pollutants that are directly emitted from the source whereas

Secondary pollutants are produced in the air by an interaction between two or

more pollutants (Wanted: A Breath of Fresh Air!). Air pollution raises concerns of

the people because of the health hazards and the bad odor by the pollutants. Air

pollutants prove to be an invisible threat to the community because of the very fine

particles and chemicals carried by the air that cause damage to the health of the

people. In the Philippines, transportation is one of the many contributors to air

pollution. Despite advances in control technology for newer vehicles, a high growth

in vehicle ownership, combined with low turnover, contributes significantly to air

pollution (Wanted: A Breath of Fresh Air!).

The Clean Air Act imposed on the year 1999, also known as the Republic Act No.

8749, aims to control the issue of air pollution present in the country. In its

declaration of principles, it stated that, “The State shall protect and advance the

right of the people to a balanced and healthful ecology in accord with the rhythm


and harmony of nature.” Among other things, the declaration of principles also

recognized the principle that the “polluters must pay”. The Air Quality Control

Action Plan of the Clean Air Act states that, “the Department shall, with public

participation, formulate and implement an air quality control action plan consistent

with Sec. 7 of this Act.” (The LAWPHIL Project). Some of these plans include, control

measures, techniques, operation of appropriate devices, and programs. The Clean

Air Act, however, also has challenges present like Inter-agency collaboration and

the lack of provincial and local government capacities for air quality management

(Wanted: A Breath of Fresh Air!).

Two areas in Cebu Province have been identified by the Department of

Environment and Natural Resources as having slightly higher levels of Total

Suspended Particulates, a sign of air pollution (The Freeman, 2006). Statistics also

show that Cebu has a high concentration of air pollution. In a statement issued on

Saturday (October 24), the local office of the Environmental Management Bureau

(EMB-7) said that everyone was being urged to wear eye goggles, dust mask

respirators and other personal protective gear against the high particle or

particulate matter pollution in Metro Cebu. Numerous scientific studies have linked

particle pollution exposure to a variety of problems, including premature death in

people with heart or lung disease, cardiovascular effects such as heart attacks and

strokes, lung cancer, irregular heartbeat and coughing or difficulty in breathing

(CNN Philippines, 2015).


The researcher’ main focus on their study is the route 13C. The research

focused on regular commuters who take Route 13C. Route 13C takes passengers to

Talamban to Colon and vice versa (Cebu Jeepney Maps).

Smoke is described as "belching" from industrial smoke stacks as a reference to

human belching of gas from the stomach. The word is originally imitative of the

sound of human belching. Belching is used to describe a violent emittance of flame,

gas, smoke, etc (Bandiola, 2013). Among 212 nations in the world, the Philippines is

ranked 48th in terms of carbon emission in the transportation sector. The tiny

particles and other pollutants in vehicle exhaust contribute to respiratory problems

and to cancer risk. Everyone can be affected, but sensitive populations including

children, the elderly and those with respiratory diseases are especially at risk

(Legitimate Philippines, 2013). In a study, it was shown that the type of vehicle that

emits dark and hazardous smoke were public utility vehicles while private cars

follow in second. The carbon dark smoke emitted by cars is caused during the

incomplete combustion. The incomplete combustion make the carbon monoxide a

health hazard.

Phenomenography is the empirical study of the different ways in which people

think of the world. In other words, its aim is to discover the qualitatively different

ways in which people experience, conceptualize, realize and understand various

aspects of phenomena in the world around them (Martin, 1992). In


phenomenographic research, the researcher chooses to study how people

experience a given phenomenon, not to study a given phenomenon. There are

various ways in which people experience or understand a given phenomenon,

because different people experience a phenomenon in different ways.

Phenomenographers seek to identify the multiple conceptions that people have for

a particular phenomenon (Ornek, 2008).



Research Design

In this research the researchers are going to use phenomenology. Their

research is going to focus on the experiences of our respondents. This design will

focus on how the respondents perceive their experiences. They will also gather data

on their attitudes towards smoke belching of vehicles on the road while riding

Jeepneys. Phenomenology will be able to get the unique experience of the

respondent there fore we will be able to determine the kind of attitudes they show

towards smoke belching.

Research Environment

The researchers chose Jeepney Terminals between Talamban to Colon to

gather their research data. They specifically chose this area because they can locate

a number of commuters any time of the day. Also, this area contains the specific

route of the jeepney that they are focusing on (13C) and its regular or daily


Research Respondents

The researchers chose to interview the jeepney commuters located in the area

of H. Abellana St., especially the ones who often use the 13C jeepney. The

researchers specifically chose the commuters aged around 30-50. The reason the

research specifically choose middle aged adults is because they have more

experience than younger ones . The researchers want to interview the experienced


adults so their research data will turn out to be accurate and informative to the


Research instrument

The researchers are the ones that will ask the questions to the commuters. A

voice recorder will be used to record the answers of the commuters. The

researchers are going to use laptops to make a transcript for each of the

respondents. Paper is also essential for printing the questionnaires and the

transcript. They used the research problems as a guide in making the questions for

the questionnaire. The questions should be able to give sufficient data to answer the

research problem.

Data Gathering Procedures

The researchers are going to conduct a short interview to random commuters

at three designated Jeepney stops. They would first get the consent and approval of

the respondent if they are fine to answer a few question. They will then be asked

the questions that the researchers have prepared.

Data Analysis

The researchers are going to use content analysis in analyzing the answers of

the respondents thus will give them the answers to their research problem. The


researchers will first make a transcript of the collected data. Then the transcript be

analyzed to find keywords that will suit into a categories



(2013). Smoke belching is more than harmful | Legitimate

Philippines.Retrieved October 11, 2016 from

Smoke Belching and the Environment. (n.d.). Retrieved October 11, 2016 from

Bandiola, M. (2013). SMOKE BELCHING. Retrieved October 11, 2016 from

R.A. 8749. (n.d.). Retrieved October 11, 2016 from

Naga, Mandaue City have most polluted air. (n.d.).Retrieved October 11, 2016



Pallega R. & Gilaga,B. (2012).Contribution of Smoke-Belching Vehicles to the

Green House Gases Concentration in the City of Dipolog, Philippines.Retrieved

October 14,2016 from

Wanted: A Breath of Freah Air!. Retrieved October 16,2016from



(2012) National Air Quality Status Report. Retrieved October 16,2016 from


Rodelas N., Sim P. & Guia A. (2016). Development of a Real-time Smoke

Belching Monitoring System for Public Utility Vehicles. Retrieved October 16,

2016 from


SubramaniamM., Shahwan S., Fauziana R., Satghare P., Picco L., Vaingankar J.A.,

& Chong S.A. Retrieved October 17,2016 from


Greiner T.,(1997). Retrieved October 18,2016 from




Transmittal Letter


Peter Tyler PoPete’s CompoundNasipit Talamban, Cebu City

Dear Respondent:

Good day! I and my fellow group members, Kylie Amor and Sofia Kintanar areinviting you to take part in our research study. It is a qualitative study on theattitudes of commuters using the Jeepney 13C, the route from travels fromTalamban to Colon. This is one of the requirements for our Research in Daily Lifesubject. Our goal is to determine the attitudes of middle aged adults to smokebelching.

We are going to ask questions and we encourage you to answer honestly and asdescriptive as possible. We are also asking for your consent for this interview.Answering our questions will help us in gathering the data we need for thisresearch. Your responses will be kept confidential. It will only be interpreted to getthe sufficient data we need.

Sincerely yours,

Peter Tyler PoResearcher



Research Instrument

To get the experiences of the commuters the researchers will be asking them

the following questions:

1. In your own words what is smoke belching?

2. What are your reactions towards smoke belching?

3. As a commuter, do you care about the smoke belching of vehicles?

4. Does smoke belching of vehicles have any effect to your health?

5. Describe how smoke belching changed the way you live?



Timetable of the Activities




Proposed Budget

Our proposed budget to be able to conduct the research is roughly 1800php.

Expenses Quantity Estimated Price(Php)

Printing of the Questionnaires 50-100 papers 150-300

Ball Pen 10 pieces 50-100

Transportation Fuel 35-50 Liters 1000-1500

TOTAL 1800




Personal Information

Age: 16

Birth date: February 26, 2000

Phone: +63 917 308 6880


Address: Nasipt Talamban, Cebu City, Philippines, 6000

Nationality: Filipino/American

Marital Status: Single

Educational Background:

Preschool (2002-2004) - Playhouse (Bright Academy)

(2004-2006) - Philippine Christian Gospel School

Elementary (2006-2012) - Philippine Christian Gospel

High School (2012-2015) - Philippine Christian Gospel

(2015-2016) - SchoolSacred Heart School - Ateneo de Cebu

Senior High School (2016-) - SchoolSacred Heart School - Ateneo de Cebu

Research Interest:

When I graduate, I would pursue college in the United States. I would like to

major in finance. My goal when I graduate college is to work in securities in a

company. Learning research will help me in the future and will be able to guide me

in achieving my goal.



Personal information:

Age: 17

Date of Birth: August 22, 1999

Phone number: +63 032 236 3722


Address: Sacris Ext. Rd Banilad, MandaueCity, Cebu

Nationality: Filipino

Marital Status: Single


Preschool (2003-2005) Sacred Heart School Jesuit

Grade School (2006-2011) Sacred Heart School-Ateneo de Cebu

High School (2012-present) Sacred Heart School-Ateneo de Cebu


I have done 2 researches in the last two years. Both being quantitative

studies. One of them was the “Gadget Preference of High School Teachers in

Sacred Heart School – Ateneo de Cebu (SY 2015 – 2016)” when I was in the 10th


Research interests

When I graduate from Senior High School in Sacred Heart School -Ateneo de

Cebu, I hope to study Medicine mainly focusing on Geriatrics or internal medicine.

My goal is to have a better understanding of the different diseases of adults and

hope to make a good huge impact on people someday.



Personal Information:

Age: 16

Date of Birth: March 14, 2000

Phone number: +63 998 554 0371

E-mail address:

Address: St. Michael village rd. Banilad, Cebu City

Nationality: Filipino/American

Marital status: Single


Preschool (2003-2005) Playhouse preschool

Elementary school (2006-2011) Tomoka Elementary School

Pathways Elementary School

Bridgeport Elementary School

Junior Highschool (2012-2014) Rio Norte Junior Highschool

High school (2014-2016) Sacred Heart School – Ateneo de Cebu

Senior Highschool (2016-present) Sacred Heart School – Ateneo de Cebu


So far, I have completed two researches so far in the last two years. Both of them

were quantitative studies.

Research interests

When I graduate from Senior Highschool, I hope to study Veterinary also known as

Medicine for animals. My main goal to gain a more understanding and knowledge

on how to prevent and treat animal diseases and sickness. I hope to help as many

animals as I can and inform pet owners how to take care of their pets properly.

Sacred Heart School – Ateneo de CebuH. Abellana St., Canduman, Mandaue City

RESEARCH IN DAILY LIFE 1Research Proposal Title: Attitudes of Middle-Aged Commuters towards SmokeBelchingProponents: Peter Tyler Po, Kylie Athena Amor, Sofia Reina Kintanar

Comments Action Taken Remarks1. Be consistent with APAcitations.2. Grammatical Errors in theProblem.3. It is okay to put a preface in thereview of literature but not toolong.4. There is not a need for freestanding sideheads in the reviewof literature.5. Delete the first sentence in yourstatement of the problem.6. Statement of the Problemquestions are part of the mainproblem.7. Remove Statement ofAssumptions.8. Be confident in the significanceof the study.9. Revise the questions in thequestionnaire.10. Data Gathering and Analysishave to be a step-by-step process.11. Research instrument shouldshow how the questions wereformulated12. Include the importance of thestudy in the Rationale.

13. Focus on Phenomenology orPhenomenography.

Changed all the citations intoone form.We double checked our paperand changed the errors.Summarized the preface to havethe same idea but shorter.

Took out all the free standingsideheads.

Deleted the first sentence.

We formulated new questionssince the questions before werepart of the main problem.Removed the Statement ofAssumptions.Changed “believe” to “areconfident”Changed the questions toanswer the research problem.Revised both and havestep-by-step procedures inconducting both.We made a few revisions in thatpart.We added the importance of thestudy and why it should beconducted.We are going to change ourtheoretical Framework toPhenomenology

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