group presentation for culture and communication

Post on 16-Jan-2015






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A group presentation for Culture and Communication. The group was assigned a month of the year and we were required to launch the promo of a new Television series in India


Group 12

Month assigned – Phalguna

Festival chosen - Holi


• Phaalgun is the twelfth month of the year, beginning on 20 March and ending on 21 April (or 20 April during leap years).

• In lunar religious calendars, Phaalgun may begin on either the new moon or the full moon around the same time of year, and is usually the twelfth month of the year.

• In the Vaishnava calendar, Govinda governs this month.

• The prominent Festivals in this month are Holi and Shigmo (which is celebrated in Goa and other parts of Konkan)

The Hues of Holi

About Holi in brief

Holi is an ancient festival of India and was originally known as 'Holika'. The literal meaning of the word 'Holi' is 'burning'.

Holi celebrations starts with the burning of Holika on the eve of Holi.

• Legend of Lord Krishna is also associated with play with colours as the Lord started the tradition of play with colours by applying colour on his beloved Radha and other gopis.

• There are also a few other legends associated with the festival - like the legend of Shiva and Kaamadeva and those of Ogress Dhundhi and Pootana.

Teaser/Promo - Dosti

About Dosti

A story of five friends living in the vibrant city of Jaipur. It’s a story of their personal musings, their life at college, their experience with love, hate, happiness and discomfort. Though the story could have its own planned set of events, we have decided that the first episode of this TV Serial will be on the day of Holi with the peculiar settings.

Making the Connect – Why Holi?

Somewhere down the line, this television series reflects the spirit of this colourful festival. Each character in the serial emanates a different hue which expresses their unique personality, but all are somewhere connected with this string of friendship.

Very much like Holi – different households, various members, variety of colours, several ways of celebration but one common thread – the spirit of Indian culture.

Making Dosti Visible – The Logo

The regular Logo for the series

A separate Logo specially designed to appear during Holi

Vehicles of Advertising

• Television Commercials (TVC)

- The TVC is broadcast on national television, on the show’s parent channel and related collaborative channels.

- Not just one video ad, maybe 2-3 aired over 21 days

- This shall go on air at least three weeks before the Mega Holi episode and will build up the suspense to character plots changing during the festive season of Phalguna

Vehicles of Advertising

- Holi special logo given prominence throughout

- Target audience: youth can be target by advertising in the afternoon- not to lose out on viewership (the stay at home members), late evening through midnight.

• Print Media (newspapers)

- Hindi and English dailies

- Unanswered questions on the copy and creative of the ads would have the audience more curious.

Vehicles of Advertising

- Interactive columns too can be incorporated for readers to assess what colour and hence what personality they reflect on based on a set of company-conceived questions.

- Not more than 2 dailies a day. Over 3 weeks. Extended time duration= prolonged recall and retention.

Vehicles of Advertising

• Radio Advertising

- Radio isn’t used as the primary source of promotions as the target audience may not listen to the radio as much

- 1 week prior episode: One voice-over ad, travelling youngsters (morning)

Interviews with show cast, contest questions

Advertising Schedules

We have tried to reach out to the audiences through the various mediums with all our three advertisements.

• Television

- It was spread out during three weeks, where in the 1st ad was given primary importance in the first week, in the second week, the frequency of the first advertisement was reduced and preference was given to the 2nd advertisement and in the last week, all three advertisements were shown in equal frequency to complete the series.

Advertising Schedules

- We have targeted three main time slots, i.e. morning, afternoon, and night. The mornings afternoons and evenings have three slots and the night has 6 slots. This is because the TRP rate is highest at night as all members of the family are available at that time.

- We have divided the three advertisements and given them preference during the week in which they are released along with keeping the flow and telecasting the previous advertisements of the series.

Advertising Schedule

• Print Media

- The print ads will be released one week prior to the launch of the show. This will add to the already existing effect of the television advertisements. We will show one popular face of that region in the newspapers so that the audiences can connect with the promotions.

Advertising Schedule

• Radio Advertising

We have chosen the slots where maximum audience is listening to the radio. This will increase awareness about the program and eventually viewership of the program.

The peak hours are during morning and evening traffic hours where most people are in their cars and are tuned onto the radio channels. Radio one is our radio partners for this event. Radio advertising will start one week prior to the launch of the show.


Prior to Holi

• Event to be held in Malls across India. Contest wherein several forms of relations – like that of a married couple, Dad and Son, Dad and Daughter, Mother and Daughter, Boyfriend and his partner and so on would be acting as teams will be asked questions about the likes and dislikes of their partner/spouse in isolation. Among the questions would also be –


- Which is your partner’s favourite colour to be played with in Holi?

- What gift would he/she expect from you this Holi?


• These answers will then be cross-checked with the other partner to evaluate the corresponding accuracy. The team with the most number of matched answers will win gift hampers from Colours.

 • The aim of this event is two-fold. One, to find a connect

between two people, give them a fun game/activity in the mall and two - to obviously increase the visibility of Dosti amongst people.


Day of Holi

• A Holi party will be organised where members of Colours and the cast and crew of Dosti will be present with the general public in Courinthians Club, Pune. Corinthians Club holds a Holi party every year which garners a lot of attention in Pune.

• Passes are sold and there are wealthy sponsors that organise the event. This time, the event will take a different turn with the party being organised by ‘Colours’ to promote Dosti.


• The Event would be named ‘Rang Barse, Dosti kay Sang’ and it would have a live performance by a DJ. Being a Television serial that is almost on the brink of launch, this will gather media attention and sections of the news channel like ‘Saas Bahu aur Saazish’ which cover such ‘behind the scene’ activities of soap operas.

• It would carry footage of the cast playing holi like everyone else in the country. But at the same time it will carry interviews of them about the story and the characters they are playing.


• These programs are popular amongst the Indian viewers and it would create an additional buzz for the serial as the audience would get to know the cast up close before they start watching them in their characters.

• Apart from this, it will also become popular amongst the public for the Dosti team’s enthusiasm to play Holi and celebrate the festival with their prospective viewers.

Unveiling the Print Ad

Thank You…

And don’t forget to tune into Colours to watch Dosti. Thursday to Sunday, 10 pm.

It’s going to be way better than Afsar Bitiya, we promise!

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