group three leadership(1)

Post on 07-Nov-2014






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LEADINGpresented by Group three.

Group members-Kiyuba evelyne-Mwaura millicent-Nalukenge Aisha-Amidiong Agnes-Mbasalaki Julliet

Objectives:We expect student to understand the following by the end of the presentation.

1. The definition of leader ship and a leader

2.The roles of a leadership

3.The goals of leadership

4.The leadership styles

5.Qualities of a good leader

6.sources of power

7The importance of power

LEADERSHIP-This is the process of persuasion and

example by which an individual (or leadership team) induces a group to pursue objectives held by the leader or shared by the leader and his or her followers.



-The process of empowering beliefs and teaching others to tap their full capabilities by shifting the beliefs that have been limiting them.


The process of influencing others within an organizational culture and the interactive relationship of the leader and follower.

LEADER-is someone who exercises influence over other people.

Roles of a leader1. Demonstrates visionary, innovate, and creative thinking in organizational and unit planning, this inspires proactive planing instead of reactive planning.

2. Encourages subordinates to be involved in policy formation ,e.g, developing, Implementation and reviewing unit philosophy, goals, objectives, policies, procedures and rules.


3.Acts as a role model to proactive planning method to subordinates.

4.communicating and clarification of organizational goals and values to subordinates.

5.It completes value clarification to increase self awareness.

6. Assesses the organizations internal and external

environment in forecasting and identifying driving forces and barriers to strategic planning.

7. Influences and inspires group members to be actively involved

in long term planning.


8.Encourages subordinates toward value clarification by actively listening and providing feedback.

9.Leadership is receptive to new and varied ideas.

10. Helps in Communicating clearly and assertively in delegating tasks.

11. Encourages followers to use delegation as a time management strategy and team-building.

12.Functions as a role model, supporter, and resource person delegating tasks to subordinates

Leadership style is the manner and approach of providing direction, implementing plans, and motivating people.

Leaders vary their styles. A leader is not strictly one or another style. Most leaders use all three styles; one style, however, becomes the dominate one.

Positive Leaders use rewards (independence, education) to motivate employees.

Negative Leaders use penalties with employees. These leaders act domineering and superior w/people. Negative penalties include: days off without pay, reprimanding in front of others, assigning unpleasant job tasks.

Leader’s goals are to motivate others to accomplish work/class tasks and to feel that they are contributing to their own professionalism.

Leadership styles

• Leadership seeks to meet the genuine needs and expectations of the group by performing required functions.

• Leadership is situational, it depends largely on the demands of the task.

• Leadership styles change from group and situation to situation.

• Exercising strong directive power provides effective leadership when the groups lack a sense of direction or purpose.

Styles of leadership

AutocraticAuthoritarian Tells employees/students

what they want done and how to do it (without getting the advice from others).

Works well if you don’t have much time to accomplish goals or if employees are well motivated.

Generally, this style is not a good way to get the best performance from a team.

Leadership Styles Con’t. Democratic

Participative style The leader involves one or more

employees/students in the decision making process (to determine what to do and how to do it).

Leader maintains the final decision making authority.

Allows everyone to be part of a team—everyone feels that they have participated and contributed.

Encourages participation, delegates wisely, values group discussion.

Motivates by empowering members to direct themselves and guides w/a loose reign.

Negative—everything is a matter of group discussion and decision—doesn’t really lead.

– Consultative: process of consultation before decisions are taken

– Persuasive: Leader takes decision and seeks to persuade others that the decision is correct

Qualities of a leader





• Patience

• Determination.

• Reliable.

• Loyalty.

• Courage.

• Decisiveness

Sources of power

Power is ability to influence others.

physical and coercive power.This can be defined as the power exerted by an individual due to their physical size and strength, it could be by the force of their personality and their appearance.

Sources of power

Traditional power. In this type of power the ability to command influence results from the accepted customs and norms. Traditional is present in the hereditary principle where by the office or position is handed down to the child from the parent.


Expert power: this type of power is based on the expertise held by an individual or group and it depends on how its demanded from the other parts of the society. Power and influence may stem from highly prized expertise. This type of power may depend on the volume and nature of the demand, the expert’s location and how willing they are to use their skill. The expertise


Charismatic power.

Charisma may be described as the way ones personality affects the other and how one is able to exert his/ her influence through force of personality. Charisma also describes the ability to inspire high confidence levels among other people. -societies, departments divisions and functions in organizations

Resource power.

- individuals influence others through the command of resources.

I.e, by giving and allocating resources to an individual to some one else in order to enable him/her to succeed, the receiver will get a feeling of well being towards the resource giver.


In case the receiver does not behave in a certain expected way, the resources may be limited or cut off from the receiver, this results in to negative, threatening or coercive power.


Legal, rational and rational power. This type of power is where by an employee the limits, directs and orders power in the name of the organization. Rules, procedures, regulations and norms for each job, role department, division & sector, and employees, form the base of the power.

Sources.....It is governed by principles that include.

-The organization’s right to establish the best ways of working and the duty to implement that right.

-The organization can establish individuals in different command positions, responsibilities, and accountability to ensure that this is put in place.

-The subbordinates’ willingness to adhere to the directions and the rights of the superiors who will expect this.

Importance of leadership

Leadership role is the involvement of staff in organizational decision making..


1.It helps the leader to take responsibility for ensuring that subordinates also understand the overall organizations structure and the structure at the unit level i.e. the role modeling may include demonstrating accountability for the appropriate use of authority.


2 . It helps the organizational problem to be pursed through appropriate channels like that upward communication is encouraged.

3. It facilitates informal group structure which can be done by encouraging staff to attend social planning meetings for the annual picnic or holiday party.


4. Helps to promote the development of a constructive culture and to explain and communicate that culture to subordinates,(manager has to be knowledgeable about the organizational culture)

5. Its a leaders role to refrain from judging and encouraging all members of a committee to participate and contribute.

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