guidance for assessment & internal...

Post on 21-May-2018






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As at July 2012



Section 1 Introduction ............................................ 2

Section 2 Who’s who in quality assurance? .................... 3

Section 3 Internal verification procedure ...................... 5

Section 4 Internal verification activity plan .................. 10

Section 5 Appendices ............................................. 13


SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION What is Quality Assurance? Home Learning College’s quality strategy is centred on the needs of its customers. We see continuous improvement as key to that overall strategy. Internal quality assurance verification is at the heart of quality assurance at Home Learning College. The role, in terms of managing assessment so that it consistently meets national standards, is central to maintaining public confidence in the AAT Skills qualification. The internal verification process is a key feature of this quality initiative and is defined as: “A process by which assessment decisions and practices are sampled and evaluated, and findings are acted upon, to ensure consistency and fairness”. This handbook has been designed to provide guidance on assessment and internal verification of our academic courses. To meet the requirements of statutory and awarding bodies it has been agreed that all internal verification at Home Learning College follows the procedures in this Handbook and uses the standard documentation as a guide for recording purposes. The structure of these procedures has been firmly based on the principles and good practice outlined in:

The Code of Practice of our Accrediting Bodies

The QCF Framework

The Common Inspection Framework

Requirements of the new Assessor and Verifier awards NB: This handbook will be reviewed on an annual basis in accordance with Home Learning College and Accrediting Bodies’ policies and procedures.



The aim of the Internal Verifier (IV) is to provide an important link between the assessment processes of Home Learning College (HLC) and the quality assurance of the Accrediting Body.

Who are they: Their role is to:

Learners Individuals seeking credit for their achievements and competence.

Show they can perform to national standards in order to be awarded a qualification or demonstrate the specified knowledge, understanding and skills, against the set Assessment Criteria.

Take some responsibility for the quality of evidence provided to Assessors.

Assessors Appointed HLC to tutor and assess learners’ work and evidence, in contact with learners.

Assess learner’s work and evidence against specifications.

Provide support appropriate to learners.

Decide whether the learner has demonstrated competence.

Apply equal opportunities and free access to the assessment process.

Ensure that their assessment practice meets QCF guidance.

Keep up to date with training on assessment.

IVs Organise the IV of assessment decisions.

Sampling assessments.

Monitoring assessment practice.

Standardising assessment judgements.

Liaise with the External Verifier.

Develop and support Assessors.

Induction and mentoring of new Assessors.

Ensure Assessors are fully informed of the QCA standards.

Provide feedback to Assessors on their assessment decisions.

Provide feedback from External Verification visits.

Co-ordinate meetings with assessors within their school to disseminate information on a regular basis.

Manage the Appeals procedure in the first instance.


Who are they: Their role is to:

Chief Assessor

May take on some of the IV’s functions,

Attend relevant meetings and disseminate information or issues as and when appropriate.

Ensure that all assessors are supplied with up-to-date guidance and documentation relating to procedures.

To co-ordinate meetings with the IV to disseminate information on a regular basis.

To manage the Appeals procedure.

Ensure that Actions identified by the External Verifier are acted upon within the time limit specified in consultation with the Head of School.

Approved Centres

Organisations approved by awarding bodies to assess and quality assure qualifications.

Manage assessment and verification on a day-to-day basis.

Have effective assessment practices and internal quality assurance procedures.

Meet awarding body requirements for qualification delivery.

Have sufficient competent Assessors and Internal Verifiers with enough time and authority to carry out their roles effectively.

External Verifiers

Appointed by Awarding Bodies to monitor the work of approved Centres. They are the key link between the Awarding Body and the Centre. Hold the appropriate qualifications.

Make sure that decisions on competence are consistent across Centres.

Make sure that the quality of assessment and verification meets awarding body standards.

Sample learner assessments and monitor assessment and verification practice in Centres.

Provide feedback to Centres.

Make regular visits to Centres and assessment locations.

Support Assessors, and the Internal Verifiers



Aims The aim of monitoring standards is to ensure that the assessment decisions and portfolio requirements are consistent across Home Learning College. For standardisation to be effective there must be sufficient assessment of evidence at various levels. What is Internal Verification? The Internal Verification is a system for checking the quality of assessment to make sure that it is valid, consistent, fair and reliable across assessors and programme areas. Who carries out Internal Verification? An Internal Verifier is usually, but not necessarily, a member of the tutoring team who is familiar with the specification and the assessment requirements.

Tutor Level

Tutors will be responsible for:

Keeping up to date with training on assessment related to the relevant Accrediting Body

Assessing learner work in accordance with the specifications using standard documentation,

Providing support appropriate to learners Chief Assessor

Chief Assessor will be responsible for:

The allocation of assessments to the assessors to allow for IV to take place.

Implementing appropriate action where inconsistencies are identified.


The role of the IV

It is the aim of the IV to confirm the validity, consistency and quality of assessment in the centre across assessors and programmes. They:

Advise on interpretation of the standards

Co-ordinate assessment practice

Provide advice and support to assessors

Sample assessments to confirm assessors’ judgements

Maintain assessment documentation

Take part in the appeals procedure

Liase with the external moderator

Organising three standardisation events for the relevant faculty

How often does Internal Verification take place? Internal Verification is an ongoing process and feedback is provided to assessors to allow for comments to be made on assessment outcomes. What do IV’s sample? (IV Activity Plan) When deciding what evidence to sample, IVs will endeavour to ensure that:

A regular sample of induction arrangements is undertaken (Appendix 1)

A regular sample of assessment plans is undertaken (Appendix 2)

Sampling of formative evidence (ICAS) is undertaken on a reasonable basis (Appendix 3)

Observation of assessor at least once every 3 years for every learning area assessed, per experienced assessor Appendix 4)

Regular assessment of CPD/training needs of assessor is undertaken (Appendix 5)

A regular sample of candidate interviews/surveys is undertaken (Appendix 6)

Regular team meetings take place – as far as is possible in the role of IV (Appendix 7)

Regular Standardisation/Assessor/IV meetings take place. (Appendix 8)

A regular sample of evidence on LearnPlus* (Appendix 9) * IV’s cannot check assessment decisions for every piece of student work. Instead, they ‘sample’ 20% of the assessment decisions taken by each assessor and undertake the following:

They check some work towards each unit specification

They confirm the decisions of all assessors at some stage

They ensure that the evidence is valid, sufficient and reliable


The IV shall check that samples over time should take account of the mix of students, such as gender, ethnic origin, need for special arrangements. The IV will check the assessment evidence for validity, authenticity, sufficiency and that the assessor has made the correct judgements. Quality assurance of assessment and assessment practice is a pivotal part of the quality assurance process, and it places great responsibility on the IV to ensure that the assessments and the assessment practices used in HLC are valid, fair and consistent. There are three methods that the IV should use to ensure that this happens, which will then help to ensure the quality of the award:

Internal verification of assessment

Observation of assessors

Standardisation The IV needs to ensure that the assessment decisions made by the assessors are valid before they report the results to the Accrediting Body. To do this they will have to moderate, by checking the CBPs and the supporting evidence some of the assessment decisions of each assessor. IV – MEETINGS (Appendix 8) The IV shall conduct at least three meetings per year and within each meeting aim to cover the following points:

Current procedures

Sampling strategy

Assessment/Observation Materials

Current position regarding CBP assessments

Current position regarding results reporting

Standardisation assessment

Observation of assessors The IV ascertains that the appropriate procedures to ensure valid, consistent and reliable assessment are being used and monitored, and also that these cover both knowledge and performance requirements. Standardisation arrangements ensure the consistency and accuracy between assessors over time and across candidates


STANDARDISATION (Appendix 8) Standardisation is an activity between the assessors and the IV to ensure that all the assessors are working to the same quality standards. Standardisation activities can cover any part of the assessment process from:

completion of assessment feedback forms

how to follow the assessment marking scheme

how to record assessment using LearnPlus

comparing different assessors practice on the same CBP test There should be at least three standardisation activities per year. If necessary, more will be held whilst assessors are new and inexperienced, to ensure that they are working to the same standards. These events may occur as a separate meeting, or IV and assessor activity, or be part of the team meetings. However, there should be some documentary evidence that standardisation has occurred. If it is part of the team meeting then there should be a separate agenda item for it on the minutes of the meeting. SUPPORTING AND DEVELOPING ASSESSORS (Appendix 5)

The IV has an on-going role in supporting and developing assessors. It is important that new assessors have the mentorship and support they need to help them gain confidence in the skills as an assessor; and equally important that experienced assessors are supported and are given the opportunity to continue to develop their skills. Some of this will occur when feedback is given, because of the verifications undertaken. Much will occur on an informal basis and may provide any necessary support and morale boosting

The IV is responsible to the Accrediting Body in ensuring that all the assessors on the team have the minimum requirements for the role as laid down by the Accrediting Body. The IV can help to support assessors by ensuring that all new assessors employed meet the standard. Every new assessor should receive an induction into the relevant Accrediting Body programme before they commence their duties. This will ensure that they have a copy of and are familiar with the required standards, are aware of the relevant policies and procedures, internal policies, procedures and documentation, and what is expected from them in their role as an assessor.

The IV should support trainee assessors by ensuring that they have a development plan for the achievement of an assessor qualification, and that this shows clear targets for achievement. They should also be linked to a qualified and experienced assessor who can check the trainee assessor’s judgements on an ongoing basis.

It is necessary that every judgment is checked and countersigned by the qualified assessor; they should check every assessment to ensure that the assessor


understands the principle of the assessment criteria. Any work checked should be counter-signed by the experienced assessor. Once the trainee assessor is qualified a fifty percent sample of assessment will be undertaken for the first year. Team meetings are a good vehicle for supporting and developing assessors, by sharing concerns and good practice between the team, and bringing in organisational issues as well. Team meetings can be used to update assessors with changes to Accrediting Body policies and procedures and advice and guidance given by the centre adviser.

Team meetings should be planned into the annual calendar to ensure that all members of staff have enough warning of when they will be required to attend, and to ensure that meetings actually occur. There must always be at least one documented team meeting per year. It is necessary to be prepared before a team meeting. There are some questions to ask in course of the preparation:

Has all the team been informed of the date and time that it will be held?

Have they received a copy of the Agenda and been given the opportunity to add items to it?

Is there a copy of the last Team Meeting Minutes to refer to?

Did the Centre Advisor Report raise any issues and action plan for discussion?

Are there any updated policies and procedures the assessor should know of - organisational or from Accrediting Body?

Have there been any issues in communications / newsletters from the Accrediting Body that need discussing?

After the meeting, minutes are to be produced, detailing who was present and what actions are to be taken. Ensure that anyone not in attendance receives a copy so that they know what has occurred. CPD REQUIREMENTS (Appendix 5) CPD is a process of constant learning, undertaken to learn new skills and to update existing ones. By continuing to learn and expand skills, Home Learning College aims to ensure that IVs’ and Assessors’ skills and knowledge are as up to date as possible by attending seminars, workshops and conferences provided by Accrediting Bodies and then sharing this information throughout the assessment team.

As professionals working in this environment, all IVs and Assessors are required to identify what they require to carry out their current role effectively, as well as any identified future roles. Courses attended must be relevant, ensuring they contribute towards meeting their individual skills requirements.

CPD activities are planned and agreed at the time of annual appraisal and also agreed and approved by the Faculty Manager.

Home learning College Internal Verification Activity

Month 1 Sample

Induction arrangements

2 Sample

Assessment plans

3 Sample

formative evidence

where appropriate

4 Observe assessors

5 Check CPD/

Check training needs

6 Sample

candidates by interview

7 Ensure team

meetings take place

8 Ensure assessor/IV

Standardisation takes place

9 Sample

Evidence on LearnPlus
















1. Sample Induction arrangements: A sample of 3 students, each from Level 2, 3 & 4, is taken at three intervals in the year to ascertain students’ acknowledgement of the Induction and an annual review of the Induction material with the Accrediting Body Co-ordinator. Confirmation of access/downloading will be indicated by using a tick box system on the VLC, with access restricted until the box is ticked.

2. Sample Assessment Plans: A sample of 3 students, each from Level 2, 3 & 4,

is taken at three intervals in the year to ascertain students’ acknowledgement of the Assessment Plan and an annual review of the Assessment Plan material with the Accrediting Body Co-ordinator. Confirmation of access/downloading will be indicated by using a tick box system on the VLC, with access restricted until the box is ticked.

3. Sample Formative Evidence: The only unit in receipt of formative feedback is the ICAS unit and a reasonable sample will be taken by the IV.

4. Observation of assessors: to be carried out in conjunction with the three

standardisation meetings throughout the year, approximately two observations per meeting.

5. Check CPD/ Training needs: CPD primarily addressed through annual

appraisal with Faculty manager and further addressed/assessed by IV at standardisation meetings, along with any further training needs identified with the assessor/s.

6. Sample Candidates by Interview: A survey will be presented to a sample of

3 students each from Level 2, 3 & 4, taken at three intervals in the year, to ascertain students’ knowledge of the Induction and Assessment Plans along with policies and procedures of both Home Learning College and Accrediting Body.

7. Ensure regular team meetings take place: working with Faculty Manager

and Accrediting Body Co-ordinator to hold meetings either via Wisiq or at HQ to ensure good communication throughout the faculty.

8. Ensure regular Standardisation/IV/Assessor meetings take place: also in

accordance with Activities 4 & 5.

9. Sample evidence on LearnPlus: For assessors less than one year qualified – a 40% sampling of assessments is carried out and for assessors over one year qualified – a 20% sampling of assessments is carried out.



Appendices Appendix 1 – Induction Appendix 2 – ICAS Tutorials Appendix 3 – Observation of Assessors Appendix 4 – CPD/Training needs Appendix 5 – Candidate Interview Survey Appendix 6 – Team meetings Appendix 7 – Standardisation Meetings Appendix 8 – IV Sampling Report Appendix 9 – Assessor Induction Agreement Appendix 10 – Assessor Induction Checklist Appendix 11 – IV Induction Checklist


Appendix 1 – Induction Please use this link to access the Induction Files:


Appendix 2 – ICAS Tutorials


Tutorial Record

HLC Enrolment Number: Student Name: Accrediting Body student number: Date of tutorial: Student: Outline of work completed including file name of document Tutor comments: Areas of Report now completed (please tick ()): Terms of Reference , Executive Summary , Methodology , Introduction , Analysis of system , Weaknesses , Recommendations , Appendices , Matrix Duration of Assessment Please note that students have 4 months from the agreed start date of their assessment to complete it. Action points for student to undertake for next tutorial: Date of next tutorial: Name of tutor:


Appendix 3 – Observation of Assessors

IV Observation of Assessor



Qualification: e.g. AAT Level 2 Certificate in Accounting

Unit title: WEAF Part A and Part B

Description of activity undertaken

Assessment & grading criteria

How the Assessment meets the requirements of the grading criteria

IV Comments

Assessor Comments

IV signature: Date:

Assessor signature:



Appendix 4 – CPD/Training needs


Name of Assessor

Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Do you have your D32 D33 D34 OR A1 V1 TAQA

What experience do you have of Assessing, and in areas and levels?

Brief details of any appropriate, related qualifications:

In your opinion what are your current training needs?

Can you identify any area of training for the future?

Agreed Action Plan for training identified:

I confirm this is a true record of the discussion and do not object if this information is discussed with (a) Training Manager (b) Internal or External Verifier etc. Assessor signature……………………………………………. Date ………………… IV signature ……….....………………………………….......… Date ......…………….


Appendix 5 – Candidate Interview Survey


Appendix 6 – Team meetings

e.g. AAT Faculty Meeting




Meeting called by: Pauline James Type of meeting: Faculty

Attendees: Pauline James, John Tomlinson, Peter Moran, Andrea Barrett, Robert Wyatt, Samantha Wishart,

Grant Ford, Dave Snow, Tor Goldfield, Paul Buzzard



Agenda item: Presenter:



Agenda item: Presenter:



Agenda item: Presenter:



Agenda item: Presenter:

Discussion: .


Agenda item: Presenter:



Appendix 7 – Standardisation Meetings

Meeting Notes Template (Ongoing Development Plans)

Course/Programme: e.g. AAT

Faculty Manager: Pauline James

Date of Meeting:


1 – Welcome

2 – Current procedures

3 – Sampling strategy

4 - Assessment/ Observation Materials

5 – Current position regarding assessment

6 – Current position regarding results reporting

7 – Standardisation assessment

8 – Looking forward

9 - AOB

In attendance:

- Chair


Agenda Item No

Notes of Issues Discussed Action Required Target Date

Person(s) Responsible

Completion Date/Outcome


Appendix 8 – IV Sampling Report IV Report on assessment decisions

Date Approved by IV: Signature: Justification if applicable: Please add your comments explaining why this assessment was not assessed within given timescale. Additional Advice and Support: Assessor Comments (if any): Date:


Centre: BH10360


Learning area: CMPA


Assessment and administration IV feedback to assessor

Date of assessment submitted

Date assessed

Within timescale (see justification below if not)

File saved using appropriate file name (CBP)

Assessment decision Competent/Not Yet


Print outs uploaded or stored at centre?

Any Reasonable Adjustments and Special Considerations (RASC) applied

Assessor feedback per task to IV within assessed assessment book, uploaded at step 2

Assessor feedback per task to student, uploaded at step 5

Clear advice and support provided on weak areas.

Any other comments

Workplace evidence

Clear audit trail from submission to assessment

Employer authentication on letter headed paper, signed and dated

Fully and clearly mapped to each assessment criteria

Valid Authentic Current Sufficient Date V.A.C.S




IV Report on assessment decisions

Date Approved by IV: Signature: Justification if applicable: Please add your comments explaining why this assessment was not assessed within given timescale. Additional Advice and Support: None required at this point Assessor Comments (if any): Date:


Centre: BH10360


Learning area: WEAF


Assessment and administration IV feedback to assessor

Date of assessment submitted

Date assessed

Within timescale (see justification below if not)

File saved using appropriate file name (CBP)

Assessment decision

Discursive answers that differ from the guide have been justified by the assessor (CBP)

Any Reasonable Adjustments and Special Considerations (RASC) applied

Assessor feedback per task to IV within assessed assessment book, uploaded at step 2

Assessor feedback per task to student, uploaded at step 5

Marks not revealed to student

Clear advice and support provided on weak areas.

Any other comments

Workplace evidence

Clear audit trail from submission to assessment

Employer authentication on letter headed paper, signed and dated

Fully and clearly mapped to each assessment criteria

Valid Authentic Current Sufficient Date V.A.C.S




IV Report on assessment decisions

Date Approved by IV: Signature: Justification if applicable: Please add your comments explaining why this assessment was not assessed within given timescale. Additional Advice and Support: Assessor Comments (if any): Date:


Centre: BH10360


Learning area: SPSW


Assessment and administration IV feedback to assessor

Date of assessment submitted

Date assessed

Within timescale (see justification below if not)

File saved using appropriate file name (CBP)

Assessment decision Competent/Not Yet


Print outs uploaded or stored at centre?

Any Reasonable Adjustments and Special Considerations (RASC) applied

Assessor feedback per task to IV within assessed assessment book, uploaded at step 2

Assessor feedback per task to student, uploaded at step 5

Clear advice and support provided on weak areas.

Any other comments

Workplace evidence

Clear audit trail from submission to assessment

Employer authentication on letter headed paper, signed and dated

Fully and clearly mapped to each assessment criteria

Valid Authentic Current Sufficient Date V.A.C.S




Appendix 9 – Assessor Induction Agreement

Home Learning College Assessor Induction Agreement

Assessor name

Telephone number


The qualification title and level that I will be assessing is

My countersigning assessor/IV is Telephone


My internal verifier is Telephone


The IV is



The Home learning College External Verifier is

The awarding body is [Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT)] which can be

contacted at their head office

In Telephone

I have completed the complete induction programme and am now fully familiar with my responsibilities as an assessor. I understand the procedures for checking the standard of my assessment practice and for seeking immediate help, should either I or my candidate experience difficulty. Signed Date


Appendix 10 – Assessor Induction Checklist

Home Learning College Assessor Induction Checklist Assessor name Date of commencement at HLC Signed by assessor Date

1 Provided: CV and qualification certificates to prove required occupational competence at the appropriate level

2 Provided: original A1 or TAQA certificate which was checked and photocopied. Original returned and EV-validated photocopy kept in centre records

3 Received: HLC organisation chart

4 Received: HLC equality of access policy

5 Received: HLC assessment procedures, recording documentation and qualification standards

6 Received or know where to access: AAT Code of Practice and/or Assessment Criteria and Guidance

7 Received or know where to access: relevant qualification updates

8 Received: information on the processing of records for registration and certification of candidates

9 Received: list and dates of compulsory standardisation meetings/activities

Signed by new assessor Date Signed by internal verifier or IV................................................ Date....................................


Appendix 11 – Internal Verifier Induction Checklist

Home Learning College Internal Verifier Induction Checklist Internal Verifier name Date of commencement at HLC Signed by assessor Date

1 Provided: CV and qualification certificates to prove required occupational competence at the appropriate level

2 Provided: original V1 or TAQA certificate which was checked and photocopied. Original returned and EV-validated photocopy kept in centre records

3 Received: HLC organisation chart

4 Received: HLC equality of access policy

5 Received: HLC assessment procedures, recording documentation and qualification standards

6 Received or know where to access: Awarding Body Code of Practice and/or Assessment Criteria and Guidance

7 Received or know where to access: relevant qualification updates

8 Received: information on the processing of records for registration and certification of candidates

9 Received: list and dates of compulsory standardisation meetings/activities

Signed by new Internal Verifier Date Signed by internal verifier or IV ................................................ Date....................................

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