guide for integrated pest identification and managment … · guide for integrated pest...

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Eng. Erick Vargas Carrillo

March 2011


REPCar REGIONAL PROJECT COORDINATION Dr. Nelson Andrade Colmenares (UNEP-CAR/RCU) Dr. Christopher Corbin (AMEP Programme Officer) Dr. Alexandre Cooman (UNEP-CAR/RCU)

NATIONAL COORDINATION UNIT Dr. Elidier Vargas Castro (MINAET Coordinator) M.Sc. Luis Matarrita Díaz (MAG Coordinator) Dr. Pilar Alfaro Monge (REPCar)

NATIONAL COORDINATION COMMITTEE Ministry of the Environment, Energy and Telecommunications (MINAET) Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAG) FUNDACIÓN PROAGROIN, CORBANA, BANACOL CENAT, CICA/CIMAR-UCR Cámara Nacional de Insumos Agropecuarios (National Agricultural Input

Chamber) EARTH University Fundación Limpiemos Nuestros Campos (Clean Our Fields Foundation) Comisión Socio-Ambiental Piñera (COSAP) (Pineapple Socio-

Environmental Commission) Comisión Ambiental Bananera (CAB) (Banana Environmental


DEMONSTRATION PROJECT TECHNICAL TEAM Eng. Alejandra Rodríguez Quesada - Director Eng. Erick Vargas Carrillo - Coordinator Eng. Jessica Linares Orozco - Technical Support

DEMONSTRATION PROJECT ADVISORS Dip. Luis Fernando German Vargas - Occupational Health Advisor Lic. Víctor Eduardo Jiménez Araya - Socio-Economic Advisor


Table of Contents

Foreword_________________________________ 4

Introduction________________________________ 5

Mealy Bug_______________________________________ 6

Fruit Borer______________________________________ 9

Sugarcane Midget_____________________________________ 12

Black Spot Beetle_____________________________________ 15

Bacterial Rot________________________________________ 18

Fungal Rot_______________________________________ 21

Weeds____________________________________ 24

Bibliography_______________________________ 29

Acknowledgements_________________________ 29


Foreword FUNDACIÓN PROAGROIN, through its Research and Development area, undertakes research projects in order to provide sustainable plantation management alternatives to its beneficiary growers. The GEF-REPCar project arose at the initiative of the United National Environment Programme (UNEP), through funds from GEF (Global Environment Facility), and with the support of MINAET as National Coordinator, to foster Reducing Pesticide Runoff to the Caribbean See (REPCar). Demonstration plots were developed simultaneously in Costa Rica, Nicaragua and Colombia. In Costa Rica, pineapple (Ananas commosus) is one of the main export crops and the last MAG census reports over 45,000 hectares throughout the country. Approximately 50% of the total area planted with pineapple is concentrated in the Huetar Norte Region, which encompasses more than 90% of the small and medium pineapple growers. All its rivers flow to the Caribbean Sea through the San Juan River. For this reason, the project was implemented in an input-intensive zone of direct impact, focusing on reducing the use of pesticides and applying Integrated Pest Management (IPM) principles to the most important phytosanitary problems faced by growers, with the support of Fundación PROAGROIN. This document offers alternatives to manage the most significant pineapple pests and diseases, additionally providing tools to producers for the rational use of pesticides with the least environmental, social and economic impact.



The Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategy is based on integrating the different existing techniques (physical, mechanical, chemical, biological, genetic, legal, cultural, etc.) to control a pest, thus optimizing the use of pesticides and minimizing their impact on the environment and on human health. The information provided herein results from several research efforts undertaken before and during this project and from experiences gathered from organic production projects, where the use of agrochemicals is limited. Pests were identified on insects at different life stages, sampled in the field or captured and raised from early stages until adulthood. In the case of diseases, photographs of visible symptoms were taken in the field. Taxonomic information was taken from existing literature, and the descriptions of damage and integrated management are the result of technical experiences at the Production and Research Departments of the Fundación. Since this is a basic IPM guide for the principal phytosanitary problems on pineapple, it must be adapted accordingly to the conditions and characteristics of each farm. Before making changes to the phytosanitary handling of plantations, these changes should be validated through small-scales tests. It is also worth remembering that chemical control is the last resort in IPM. Before applying any of the chemical molecules mentioned in this document, it is necessary to examine the list of products allowed on pineapple by the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, respect the re-entry periods and crop intervals as indicated in the product pamphlets,

and consult your Agronomist.


Mealy Bug


Description/Damage: Mealy bugs are only mobile in early stages. They spread through the plant until they establish, for further development. Although no direct damage to the fruit is caused, it cannot be exported due to quarantine restrictions in other countries.

Figure 2: Insect damage

EGGS (8-9 days)

ADULTS (5-10 days)

NIMPH (28-35 days)

Figure 1: The Mealy Bug Life cycle


Integrated Pest Management (IPM) IPM for mealy bugs begins with land

selection. Tillable land that has

been subject to several production

cycles is more prone to pest

problems, so verification and control

methods must be more intense.

The selected seed stock must be

free of any pest history and requires

prior monitoring. Once the suckers

are removed, seeds are dried for at

least two days upside down on the

seed bed (sun-based physical


Before planting, the seed must be

cured by immersion in insecticide

solutions, for example a diazinon

base (300 ml. of commercial

product/drum of water), or botanical

extracts (400 ml/drum of water) in

organic agriculture.

Taxonomy Kingdom: Animal

Phylum: Arthropod

Class: Insect

Order: Hemiptera (Homoptera)

Family: Pseudococcidae

Genus: Dysmicoccus

Species: brevipes - (Cockerell)

Life Cycle


Mealy Bug Once sown, the plantation must be kept clear of weeds and all alleys adequately managed, either through chopping or with herbicides. The presence of ants in alleys is monitored putting tuna in small open containers. If required, ant infestations are treated with such products as hydramethylnon or sodium octaborate, both of which must be protected against rainwater. The most critical period is between weeks six and twelve, when the pineapple “eyes” are open to pests. If the mealy bug persists, other insecticides with a lesser impact can be used, like potassium salt soaps or botanical extracts; or synthetic pesticides like diazinon, chlorpyrifos and ethoprophos at the time and dose recommended by the Agronomist.

Figure 3: Symbiotic relationship between the mealy bug and the ant. The ant provides transportation and protection in exchange for the honeydew present in its exudates.

Figure 4: Ants transporting ant bait


Fruit Borer


Taxonomy Kingdom: Animal

Phylum: Arthropod

Class: Insect

Order: Lepidoptera

Family: Lycaenidae

Genus: Strymon

Species: basilides - (Geyer)

Life Cycle

LARVA (13-18 days)

EGG (3-5 days)

ADULT (7 Days)

PUPA (7-11days)

Figure 5: Life cycle of the Fruit Borer


Fruit Borer


The fruit borer larvae open galleries in the pulp, producing an oozing called “gummosis” on the outer side of the fruit. Insect damage leads to product rejection at the packing plant.

Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

Fruit Borer IPM begins prior to establishing the plantation. Land

with forest influence is more prone to this pest.

After forcing (flowering), the fruit should be covered with red or

greyish bags impregnated with an adjuvant along the plantation

perimeter to trap adults.

The critical period for pest attack is between weeks 7 and 13

after forcing, so applications and monitoring at this time must be


Figure 6: Damage by the Fruit Borer


Biological control has given excellent results combating borer

larvae, namely BT bacteria (Bacillus thurigiensis), kurstaki strain.

This organism only acts through intake, so it should be used

preventively, before larvae emerge.

It is important to alternate diazinon- and carbaryl-based chemical

products, considering that both act by contact. Other molecules

like chlorpyrifos or lambda-cyhalothrin have worked well against

this pest. Once again, the use of agrochemicals should be a last

resort in IPM, and must be recommended by an Agronomist.

Figure 7: Ethological control of the Fruit Borer


Sugarcane Midget


Description/Damage: The larvae basically scrape the surface of the fruit, producing a translucent colouring of the pulp and, frequently, external “gummosis.” Such damage or lesion causes the fruit to be rejected at the packing plant, rendering it useless for export.

Figure 9: Damage caused by the sugarcane


Figure 8: Life cycle of the sugarcane midget


Integrated Pest Management (IPM) As with the fruit borer, land

influenced by forests or mountains

favours pest incidence. Likewise,

adjuvant-impregnated red or greyish

bags are used to trap adult insects

along the plantation boundaries after


Critical attack periods range between

weeks 11 and 17 after forcing, so

applications and monitoring must be

intensified at that time.

Biological control has produced

excellent results in combating this pest,

namely the aizawaii strain of Bacillus

thurigiensis, without forgetting the

importance of preventive applications

to ensure intake by larvae during

juvenile stages.


Kingdom: Animal

Phylum: Arthropod

Class: Insect

Order: Lepidoptera

Family: Noctuidae

Genus: Elaphria

Species: nucicolora - (Guenée)

Life Cycle


Sugarcane Midget

This may be alternated with chemical products based on diazinon,

chlorpyrifos or lambda-cialothrin, as may be recommended by the


Figure 10: Bacteria that affect the Fruit Borer and the Sucgarcane Midget.

Source SciELO Cuba


Black Spot Beetle


Description/Damage: Crop damage caused by M.

dimidiatipennis occurs mostly during its

larval stage, when it feeds principally from

the roots and stem base; however, it also

affects the peduncle, suckers and fruit.


Kingdom: Animal

Phylum: Arthropod

Class: Insect

Order: Coleoptera

Family: Curculionidae

Genus: Metamasius

Species: dimidiatipennis - (Champion, G.C.)

Life Cycle

PUPA (10 days)

EGG (4 days)

ADULT (60 days)

LARVA (30 days)

Figure 11: Life Cycle of the Black Spot Beetle


Black Spot Beetle

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Beetle IPM begins prior to establishing the plantation (prevention)

to thus ensure good quality seed stock. Abandoned land put

back into use is often not as profitable as land in full

development. That is when beetles enter the production system,

spreading through seedlings. Seeds must be cured through

immersion in a pineapple-approved insecticide.

Figure 12: Damage by the Black Spot Beetle


To confirm the presence of this pest, plantations are monitored using

traps with pheromones and attractants (1/Ha). Additionally, this

technique may become a mass adult trapping method by placing 4

to 6 traps/ Ha along the plantation borders.

Biological control with the Beauveria bassiana, fungus has given

excellent results applied in large volumes of water (4000 L/Ha) and

using a sun protectant (pinolene, vegetable oil).

In the event the previous techniques are not successful, diazinon,

clorpyriphos, oxamyl or ethoprophos molecules in high volumes of

water (4000 L/Ha) may be

used, as recommended by

the Agronomist. Monitoring

is required to verify the

effects of the insecticide on

the beetle, and re-entry

periods and intervals

between application and

harvest must be respected.

Figure 13: Ethological control of the Black Spot Beetle


Bacterial Rot


Description/Damage: According to author Bartholomew (2003), Erwinia sp is a facultative

anaerobic bacteria. Damage is characterized by an aqueous lesion that

begins on the white portion of the leaf base and moves in the form of an

olive green blister. Erwinia is borne by wind, mist and insects such as

ants. Plants are most susceptible at the ages of 4 to 8 months. Erwinia

has occasionally appeared in the flower-fruit stage.

Figure 14: Identification of damage by Bacterial Rot


Integrated Pest Management (IPM) The IPM of rots begins prior to

establishing the plantation, selecting

stagnant-free lands and adequately

preparing the land. Drainage ditches

need adequate designs and depths to

evacuate excess humidity.


Kingdom: Animal

Phylum: Proteobacteria

Class: Schizomycetes

Order: Eubacteriales

Family: Enterobacteriaceae

Genus: Erwinia

Microscopic View of the


Source: Tropical Agronomy

Figure 15: Management of drains for the control of diseases.


Bacterial Rot Disease-free brood stock must be carefully selected before sowing,

and seeds must be cured in bactericides.

If rot-affected plants appear within the first 30 days, larger seeds can

be used for re-planting so that the plantation can even out over time.

Biological control of this rot has been excellent using the

Trichoderma fungus and/or detritivore micro-organisms. Other

products with a lesser impact include citrus seed extract,

quaternary ammonium, and copper sulphate products.

It is important to alternate with chemical products based on fosetyl-Al,

mancozeb, metalaxyl, carbendazine and others approved for


Figure 16: Trichoderma


Fungal Rot


Description/Damage: According to Py (1969), Phytophtora

sp infestation usually begins at the

heart of the rosette, transported by

sliding or splashing water. This fungus

may cause significant damage in

poorly drained soils and, therefore,

with insufficient ability to absorb the

amount of rainfall, especially in the

case of calcium-rich soils. This disease

(different species) also attacks roots,

especially in early development

phases (Jiménez, 1999).

Taxonomy Kingdom: Fungi (o Stramenopila)

Phylum: Oomycota

Class: Oomycetes

Order: Peronosporales

Family: Pythiaceae

Genus: Phytophtora

Microscopic View of the


Source: VBI Microbial Database

Figure 17: Damage caused by the disease.


Fungal Rot

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) As explained previously, rot-related IPM begins prior to establishing

the plantation, by selecting areas free of stagnant waters and

preparing the land adequately. Additionally, drainage systems must

be carefully designed, with the adequate depth to move excess


Prior to planting, healthy materials should be selected and seeds

must dipped into fungicidal products to ensure a better coating.

If plants exhibit rot symptoms in the first thirty days of planting,

replanting with larger fruit is the option.

Fosetyl-aluminum, mancozeb, methalaxyl and carbendazine based

chemicals as well as other approved products may be used on the



Figure 17: Seed submerged in cure to prevent diseases.



Chinese Violet Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Tracheophyta Class: Magnoliopsida Order: Scrophulariales Family: Acanthaceae Genus: Asystasia Species: gangetica - T. Anderson

Itch grass Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Tracheophyta Class: Liliopsida Order: Poales Family: Poaceae Genus: Rottboellia Species: conchinchinensis – (Lour)

Turkey Berry Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Tracheophyta Class: Magnoliopsida Order: Solanales Family: Solanaceae Genus: Solanum Species: torvum - (Swartz)


Figure 19: Chinese Violet

Figure 20: Itch grass

Figure 21: Turkey Berry


Catclaw Mimosa Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Tracheophyta Class: Magnoliopsida Order: Fabales Family: Mimosaceae Genus: Mimosa Species: pigra - L

Broad-Leaved Button Weed Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Tracheophyta Class: Liliopsida Order: Rubiales Family: Rubiaceae Genus: Spermacoce Species: latifolia - Aubl

Crabgrass Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Tracheophyta Class: Liliopsida Order: Poales Family: Poaceae Genus: Digitaria Species: sanguinalis – (Linnaeus)


Figure 22: Catclaw Mimosa

Figure 23: Broad-leaved Button Weed

Figure 24: Crabgrass



Description/Damage: Pineapples with crowns that show the presence of quarantine

weed and similar seeds will not be accepted for export, regardless

of their destination, pursuant to the zero tolerance of the

Government Phytosanitary Service (SFE).

Figure 25: Presence of weeds quarantined on a pineapple plantation.


Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Weed IPM begins from the time the land is selected. Previous

grazing land is more prone to weeds than former scrublands, so

a more intense control is required.

The seed stock selected must have no history of quarantine

weed problems.

Prior to sowing, land should be treated with pre-emergence

herbicides (Ametryn and/or Diuron), as recommended by the

technician. These should preferably be applied 10 days in

advance, as a “seal,” without penetrating the soil. Another

alternative is to use adequate plastic cover.

All equipment used to prepare the ground should be carefully

washed before entering a new area to prevent spreading any

weeds. Access of persons and machinery must be regulated

throughout the productive cycle.

After planting, the area must be kept free of weeds and alleys

must be managed appropriately, either with chopping or with

herbicides. If chopping, weeds should grow no taller than the

pineapple plants and must certainly not be allowed to flower.

Weeds in reproduction must be manually eliminated and


immediately placed in bags or sacks, since the herbicide may

favour seed ripening.

The critical period

begins 24 weeks prior

to harvest, when

plantation boundaries,

seedbeds, alleys,

neighbouring areas,

buffer zones and

drainage ditches must

be kept free of weeds. Figure 26: Manual control of weeds (weeding)



Bartholomew, D; et al. 2003. The pineapple botany, production and uses. CABI Publishing. New York, United States. 301 p. Jimenez, J. 1999. Manual práctico para el cultivo de piña de exportación. Editorial Tecnológica de Costa Rica. Cartago, Costa Rica. 224 p Py, C; Tisseau, M. 1969. La Piña Tropical. Primera Edición. Editorial Blume, Barcelona, Spain. 278 p. Zipcodezoo, 2011. Scientific description of species (on line). Querried 10 Jan-11. Available at:


To the different members of the Regional and National

Coordination entities for their support correcting the final

document. To producers Fernando Rodríguez and Gerardo

Chamorro who facilitated space on their farms to carry out the

research. To Ana Patricia Rodríguez for her support with grower

surveys and training logistics.

To Marianela Arroyo, guide designer. To all those persons who

contributed one way or another to develop this document.



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