guidepost cracker jackson - leanne's revisions cracker jackson what...

Post on 19-May-2018






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Cracker Jackson

What qualities do you look for in a friend? Do friends have to be just in your age group or can they be



In what ways can or should you try to help a friend? How is it impossible to help a friend sometimes?

Choose one of these to write about:

a) If I tried to drive the car …

b) A friend should always help …

c) A divorce can be hard on children …

Cracker Jackson Introduction: Read the title, author’s name, about the author, and look at the illustration on


• What do you think this fiction novel will be about? Discuss the idea of a hero.

• When do you think it takes place?

• Have you read any other books by the same author?

Discuss the boy on the cover, presumably Cracker Jackson, looks to be riding away from something. What

do you think he is moving away from in the picture?

Themes: (Discuss these throughout the book.)

• Courage

• Empathy

• Love

• Respect

Chapter 1 Anonymous Letters

Before Reading:

Gist: You are going to read about a boy who receives an anonymous letter in the mail one day. The content

of the letter frightens him and he becomes worried.

Do you know what the word “anonymous” means? Who do you think the letter is from and what do you

think it is about?.

The title of the first chapter is Anonymous Letters. Ask yourself why the author may have chosen these

chapter titles. Do the titles focus on important ideas and events? Do they set a mood or develop a conflict?

During Reading:

Stop at page 5, paragraph 3

Reading Strategy: Asking Questions

As you’re just getting into a good book, you usually find yourself asking questions about the characters, the

setting, and the events. It’s the search for answers that keeps you turning the pages. Write down your

questions as you read and note the answers when you come to them later in the story.

Question 1:_______________________________________________________________________


Question 2:_______________________________________________________________________


Discuss: What is the setting? Who are the main characters? What is the problem?

Reading Strategy: Infer

Infer how did Jackson feel when he saw the content of the letter? Was he surprised? RESTATE AND





Stop after Jackson writes the notes labeled, “So do you.” This is on page 6.

Reading Strategy: Infer

What information do you think Jackson used to decide what six people he was going to send a note to? Did

the same person write both the letters Jackson received so far in the book? RESTATE AND SUPPORT




Synonyms obstinate Define in your own words

Antonyms Examples: Nonexamples: Use in a sentence Connection Synonyms


Define in your own words

Antonyms Examples: Nonexamples:

Use in a sentence Connection



Define in your own words

Antonyms Examples: Nonexamples:

Use in a sentence Connection



Define in your own words

Antonyms Examples: Nonexamples:

Use in a sentence Connection



Define in your own words

Antonyms Examples: Nonexamples:

Use in a sentence Connection



Define in your own words

Antonyms Examples: Nonexamples:

Use in a sentence Connection



Define in your own words

Antonyms Examples: Nonexamples:

Use in a sentence Connection



Define in your own words

Antonyms Examples: Nonexamples:

Use in a sentence Connection

Page 8, paragraph 2

Infer why the first letter was becoming too heavy to hold. RESTATE AND SUPPORT



Teacher Model: Questions

1. At the end of Chapter 1, Jackson decides who the first letter had to come from, the only person ever call

him Cracker. From what you learned in this chapter, do you think this is somebody he knows? How do you


2. Why do you think the author of both the notes did not sign his or her name? Have you ever seen this

happen before in your own life? What would you do in this situation?

3. Jackson is very careful not to let his mother find out anything about the letters. Why do you think this is?

4. Suspense is tension that mounts as the reader reads on, anxious to find out what will happen (or when

something will happen). Authors often heighten suspense by raising particular questions in the reader’s

mind. What does the author do to create suspense in the first chapter?

After Reading

Discussion Questions:

• Why are these letters weighing so heavily in Jackson’s mind? Do you think he is feeling threatened?

• Explain why the author chose this chapter title.

Chapter 2 Bbbrrruucckkkk

Before Reading:

Gist: Find the meaning of the word “Gestapo.”

During Reading: Stop at the bottom of page 10.

Why do you think Jackson called Billy Ray’s garage? How do you predict the phone call will turn out?




Stop at the bottom of page 11.

Make a connection to this story. Remember a connection has 3 parts.




During Reading: Thinkmarks: Observation, Connection, Inference, Question, Prediction.



Inference or Prediction: Question:

After Reading Assignment Chapter 2:

Cracker Jackson

Reading – Language Journal Assignment

For your homework assignment tonight:

Pick one of the following ideas to write about.

1. If you had been with Jackson when he was riding his bike to Alma’s house, how would

you have felt?

2. Why do you think Alma is scared for Billy Ray to see Jackson at their house?

3. What do you think really happened to Alma?

4. At the end of Chapter 3, Jackson has to hide in the bushes whenever Billy Ray arrives

home. Predict what will happen to Jackson and Billy Ray in the next chapter.

5. If you were Goat’s mother, what punishment would you have given him

for the trick at the movie theater? How serious was this prank? What could

have happened? What do you think happened to Peter Frampton, the principal’s son

who was not at the movie? Do you think Percy was caught?

6. What is a promise? How many promises have you made? Are there

different kinds of promises? What kind of promise did Cracker make?

� Your journal response should consist of at least one paragraph that is between 4

to 6 sentences long.

� You should include a topic sentence, supporting details from the story and

background information we have studied in class, and a closing sentence that

summarizes your main idea.

� The paragraph(s) must be indented.

� All sentences must begin with a capital letter, end with the correct end mark, and

must make sense.

Complete worksheet on the nature of conflict.

Chapter 3 Wrong Worries, Right Worries

Before Reading: Gist: Jackson is worried about his friend, Alma. He makes a visit to her house, even though he knows it may

be dangerous.

During Reading:

What is Jackson’s connection to Alma? Why does he feel the need to protect her?




Tell 2 facts that you learned about Alma:



Why do you think Alma does not want Jackson to tell his mother about her black eye? Support your answer

with quotations from the text.



After Reading Discussion questions Chapter 3:

1. Why does Alma call Jackson “Cracker”? What other nicknames did Alma use? How do nicknames make

you feel?

2. What were the “wrong” things that Cracker’s mother worried about? What are some of the “wrong things

that your mother worries about? What do you think they SHOULD worry about?

3. What did Cracker mean when he said, “That was the difference between friendship and authority”?

4. Why do you think Billy Ray did not like having Cracker hanging around?

Chapter 4: From the Bushes

Before Reading:

Gist: You will find that Jackson feels unprepared for dealing with Billy Ray..

During Reading:

Teacher Lesson: Visualization: Read the first two pages of this chapter to them. Have them stop and

draw. Have them label any word that you read while you read it the 2nd

time. Share visualizations with their


My Visualization

Why did Jackson feel unprepared to deal with Billy Ray?




Predict/Infer: Stop at the bottom of page 27.

Predict what will happen when Jackson leaves the azalea bushes.




After Reading:

Reading Strategy: Summarization


20 Word Gist

Discussion Questions

1. The author uses some very good sensory descriptions. List 2 descriptive phrases that tell us about

Cracker’s fear.


2. Cracker’s mom tried to prepare him for the social world by teaching him how to behave in public. What

types of social niceties does your mother try to teach you?

3. What did Billy Ray mean when he said, “I’m going to make a neon pretzel out of that bike if I see it

around here one more time”? Why didn’t Billy Ray want Cracker around?

4. The mood is the strongest feeling or emotion in a work of literature. Descriptions, conversations, and

actions all contribute to the mood of a story. What is the mood of this section? Give details to prove your


Predict: What can Cracker do to help Alma? _________________________________________________

Find the examples:

Simile – pg. 25 __________________________________________________________________________


Hyperbole – pg. 7 _______________________________________________________________________


Personification – pg. 27 ___________________________________________________________________


After Reading Assignment:

Cracker Jackson

Reading – Language Journal Assignment

For your homework assignment tonight:

A Tough Decision for Jackson

Pretend that you are Jackson. In your journal, write a diary entry about what you are

going to do next, regarding Alma and her situation. Why is this decision the best choice

for you to make? Who will you include in your plan?


Dear Diary,







� Your journal response should be written in a diary – friendly letter format.

� You should include details from the story and background information we

have studied in class.

� The paragraph(s) must be indented.

� All sentences must begin with a capital letter, end with the correct end

mark, and must make sense.

Chapter 5: “Fears and Leeches?”

Chapter 6: “The Thursday Call”

Before Reading: Gist: The author provides some history between Jackson and Alma.

During Reading: Stop at page 29, end of paragraph 3.

What do you think Jackson and Alma had stuck to their legs? What support is in the chapter that helped you

answer this question?




Chapter 5 closes with Jackson realizing that Alma was happy to hear him say that his mother would never

find out the things they did while she was babysitting. Do you think Jackson’s mother, Mrs. Hunter, would

agree with Alma taking him to her boyfriend’s garage?




What was Cracker especially sensitive to? What are you especially sensitive to? Give examples like

Cracker’s. ____________________________________________________________________________

Do you think Alma was a good babysitter? Discuss using a T-Diagram.

Good Sitter Bad Sitter

After Reading:

Teacher models writing a summary of the chapter.

Chapter 6 The Thursday Call

Before Reading

Gist: During a weekly phone call with his father, Jackson tells of his unfolding troubles and those of Alma.

During Reading Stop at page 34, after the first full paragraph.

Why did Jackson’s parents get divorced? How do you think Jackson feels about this?




Bottom of page 37.

Why did Jackson decide to tell his father about Alma, but did not want his mother to find out?





Discussion Question:

• What do you think will happen whenever Mrs. Hunter talks with Jackson’s father?

• Jackson said that his father was serious for the first time he could remember. Do you think he is

worried about his son? Why or why not?

• What’s the most fun you ever had with a babysitter?

• Cracker had to write about his earliest memories. What’s your earliest memory? Write a paragraph

about this early memory.

During Reading: Thinkmarks: Observation, Connection, Inference, Question, Prediction.



Inference or Prediction:


After Reading:

Visualization Mini Lesson by Teacher

After Reading Assignment: The events in the past couple of chapters take place in different places—in

Alma’s yard, Mrs. Hunter’s bedroom, and on a bicycle on the route home. As a good reader, you pick up the

details that enable you to visualize or imagine these settings. When you take time to visualize settings,

characters or events, the story become more vivid to you. You can almost experience what is happening, as

if you were watching a movie. Draw a sketch of one of the settings in these chapters and explain what is

happening. You can color and include labels if needed.


Chapter 7 Thpitting

Before Reading:

Gist: Goad provides Jackson with some help with his dilemma.

Reading Strategy: Making Inferences

An inference is a conclusion that readers reach after studying the evidence given in the story. Like all good

writers, Betsy Byars provides enough clues along the way to allow readers to make valid inferences. For

example, you’ve probably correctly inferred that Jackson feels it is his duty to protect Alma, even though he

hasn’t come out and directly said it.

Discussion Question: Using your inference skills, why do you think, for the first time, Jackson’s father is angry? Does he have

reason to be?

During Reading: Top of page 46.

Predict what will happen when Goat goes to visit Alma’s house.



Discussion Questions:

1. Why did Cracker think he had a talent for making people angry? ________________________________

2. Did you think the story about Cracker’s spitting was funny? Why or why not? What part was the

funniest? _______________________________________________________________________________

3. Discuss Cracker’s mother’s statement, “Your going over there (Alma’s house) cannot possibly help the

situation and may even aggravate it.” ________________________________________________________

After Reading Assignment: Write a summary of Chapter 7 in your response journal.

Chapter 8 - A Friend Called Goat

Before Reading:

Gist: Goat goes to Alma’s house, pretending to collect money for UNICEF. He finds something interesting

about Alma.

During Reading

Stop on page 50, the end of the first full paragraph.

Discussion Question: Goat just rang Alma’s doorbell, what is your prediction of what is going to happen


Infer: how Goat is feeling at the moment he rings the doorbell at Alma’s house.




Discussion Questions:

1. What was the trick on Mr. Fellini? ________________________________________________________

2. Do you think Mr. Fellini was a good teacher? Why or why not? What do you think would happen if you

tried something like this in one of your classes? What kind of punishment might you face?

3. Explain what a “panhandler” is. Is this something you would aspire to do? Do you think Goat was very

successful at this?

4. What is a loyal friend? Why did Cracker consider Goat a special friend?

After Reading Assignment

Cracker Jackson

Reading – Language Journal Assignment

Pick one of the following ideas to write about.

1. Why does Goat finally decide to help Jackson?

2. Do you think Alma is being abused by her husband? Why?

3. What do you think Jackson’s father and mother are going to do with

the information they have learned so far?

� Your journal response should consist of at least one paragraph

that is between 4 to 6 sentences long.

� You should include a topic sentence, supporting details from the

story and background information we have studied in class, and a

closing sentence that summarizes your main idea.

� The paragraph(s) must be indented.

� All sentences must begin with a capital letter, end with the correct

end mark, and must make sense.

Chapter 9 Jackson and Superman – Pages 53-58

Before Reading: Gist: Goat finds himself in a bit of trouble as a result of him pretending to be a UNICEF volunteer..

During Reading: Stop at the end of page 54.

Discuss what problem Goat is having with his sister, Rachel.

Page 58

The author provides some background information about the relationship between Jackson, Goat, and

Rachel. Why do you think this information is provided to the reader? Can you relate this situation to your

own life?

Discuss and answer in complete sentences. Be sure to restate and give at least one detail from the story

to support your answers:

1. How did Cracker make a connection between Superman and his problems?

2. Why do you think Cracker had not been successful talking to Rachel? Why should Rachel believe

Cracker now? How would you reason or talk with Rachel?

Reading Strategy: Prediction Group Project: Discuss these questions with your classmates to predict what might happen next in the story.

Work as a group to fill in the boxes below.

• Who are the people that know of Jackson’s

problem? Who do you think will be the first to

confront Alma? Why?

• Why do you think Rachel hangs up on Jackson?

• Why do you think Alma does not want Goat to

tell Jackson that he had seen her?

• How might Jackson and Goat work together to

help Alma?

Chapter 10 Doing Anything Cheerfully

Before Reading: Gist: The boys must get creative when trying to please an older sister.

During Reading: Stop after paragraph 5, page 61.

Discussion Question:

• What do you think Alma will say when Jackson talks to her? Do you think she will be/has been

truthful with him?

Do you think Mrs. Marino was paying the boys by the hour or by the job? How would you pay the boys?

Which type of payment would allow the boys to play around a bit and not upset the homeowner?

Why did they boys have to earn money? How much did they owe Rachel?

Make a list of jobs that you think Goat and Cracker could do reasonably well. How much would you charge

for each job?

After Jackson’s conversation with Alma, he told Goat that she seemed, “Better.” What makes him think

this? Is he correct?

Predict: Is Alma still in danger from Billy Ray? Explain your answer.

After Reading:

Cracker Jackson

Reading – Language Journal Assignment

Pick one of the following ideas to write about.

1. Where was Alma headed when Jackson ran into her? Do you think she

felt uncomfortable? Why or why not?

2. We haven’t heard much from Jackson’s father, do you think he will

make another appearance in the story? If so, in what way?

3. Why do you think Rachel is giving Goat such a hard time? Does she

think they are up to something? Why or why not?

� Your journal response should consist of at least one paragraph

that is between 4 to 6 sentences long.

� You should include a topic sentence, supporting details from the

story and background information we have studied in class, and a

closing sentence that summarizes your main idea.

� The paragraph(s) must be indented.

All sentences must begin with a capital letter, end with the correct end mark,

and must make sense.

Chapter 11 Sister Rose – Pages 65-70

During Reading:

Stop on the bottom of page 65.

Predict what Mrs. Hunter will find out when she sees Alma at the grocery store. Will this worry Jackson?




After Reading:

Discussion Questions:

• Why do you think the author includes the story about Sister Rose at this point in the book? What do

you know about fortune tellers and palm readers? Should they be believed? Why or why not? Why

did Alma want her palm read? What was the palm reader’s statement that Alma did not pay attention





• Why was Cracker “willing to be big”? Have you ever been completely happy?




• Prediction: Even though Mrs. Hunter says Alma looks all right, could she be mistaken? What do

you think is going on with her struggle at this point?




• Predict/Infer: What do you think Sister Rose means at the end of the chapter when she tells Alma,

that she will live to regret her decision?




Chapter 12: The Double Hurt – Pages 71-76

Before Reading: Gist: Alma calls Jackson in a worried, desperate voice. What happened? Find out!!!

During Reading: Thinkmarks: Observation, Connection, Inference, Question, Prediction.



Inference or Prediction: Question:

Discussion questions:

• How did Cracker describe sadness?

• Why do you think Billy Ray hit Alma? Had Alma done anything wrong? What was Billy Ray really

angry about? Why do you think he took out his anger on Alma?


• How will Cracker and Goat drive Alma to Avondale?

• What possible consequences does this have?

• After Reading:

Journal Response:

Cracker Jackson

Reading – Language Journal Assignment

At the end of this chapter Jackson agrees to help Alma get away from Billy

Ray. Do you think this is a good decision on his part? What would you have

done differently in his situation? Do you think he will be successful?

� Your journal response should consist of at least one paragraph

that is between 4 to 7 sentences long.

� You should include a topic sentence, supporting details from the

story and background information we have studied in class, and a

closing sentence that summarizes your main idea.

� The paragraph(s) must be indented.

� All sentences must begin with a capital letter, end with the correct

end mark, and must make sense.

Chapter 13: A Two-Pillow Drive

Before Reading: Gist: Jackson and Goat head out on a trip to get Alma to safety.

During Reading:

What did Jackson tell the babysitter he was going to be doing? What were his real plans? RESTATE AND





The title of this chapter is “A Two-Pillow Drive.” What does this mean? Will they be successful?





1. What kind of driving experiences had Goat had? Do you think he’d had “quality” experiences? Do you

think he could pass ad riving test if he were old enough?

2. Some of this book is very serious. The author includes some very funny sections to lighten it. What

humor did you find? Why did you laugh?

Chapter 14 On the Road

Before Reading: Gist: As Jackson picks up his passengers, they head out of town.

During Reading: How do the first couple of miles of the road trip go for Jackson? Is Goat being helpful? RESTATE AND






1. What did Goat mean when he said that if his mother or Rachel saw Jackson driving, the trip to Avondale

would come to a “screeching halt”? How would your mother react if she saw you getting into a car with

an unlicensed driver?

2. What do you think Alma was thinking to get into a car driven by kids without licenses? Why do you

think Alma didn’t drive?

3. What is the penalty for driving without a license?

Prediction: What could happen on the road to Avondale?

Stretch Your Thinking: Cracker suggested that someone should invent “Pinchex”, tissue that clamps on

your nose. List some other practical inventions that need to be invented.

Writing Activity: Reread the description of how Cracker felt as he drove the car. Using this passage as a

model, write a paragraph in which you describe a physical feat you have accomplished. Make your reader

feel the physical sensations you experienced, as well as the emotional progression (for example, Cracker’s

changing emotions from fear and anxiety to a sense of accomplishment).

After Reading Assignment:

Cracker Jackson

Reading – Language Journal Assignment

Pick one of the following ideas to write about.

1. Write a summary of the last chapter. Include only the information

that is crucial to the story.

2. Alma is riding in the back seat of the car, but decides to crouch

down so that she cannot be seen. Predict what will happen if Billy Ray

happens to see the car with Alma inside of it.

3. Do you think it is realistic for two young boys to get a vehicle and

successfully drive it out of town? If you were Alma, would you trust

them to drive you and your baby?

� Your journal response should consist of at least one paragraph

that is between 4 to 7 sentences long.

� You should include a topic sentence, supporting details from the

story and background information we have studied in class, and a

closing sentence that summarizes your main idea.

� The paragraph(s) must be indented.

� All sentences must begin with a capital letter, end with the correct

end mark, and must make sense.

Chapter 15 Almost to Avondale –Pages 90-95

Before Reading: Gist: Alma begins to have second thoughts about leaving. What do you think she decides?

After Reading:


1. When did Billy Ray first hit Alma?

2. Why did Billy Ray’s mom see nothing wrong with Billy Ray hitting Alma?

3. Why do you think Alma wanted to go back?

4. Why did Cracker let Goat drive?

Visualization: Draw a picture or pictures of the drive to Avondale.

Cracker Jackson

Reading – Language Journal Assignment

One of the main characters in the story, Alma, is obviously having

problems at home. If you were a witness to abuse similar to what Alma is

experienced, what would you do? Create a plan that you would follow if you

were in a situation to help. It can be a different solution than what Jackson

has decided.

� Your journal response should consist of at least one paragraph

that is between 4-7 sentences long.

� You should include a topic sentence, supporting details from the

story and background information we have studied in class, and a

closing sentence that summarizes your main idea.

� The paragraph(s) must be indented.

All sentences must begin with a capital letter, end with the correct end mark,

and must make sense.

Chapter 16: Home Again, Home Again, Riggidy-Jig – Pages 96-100

Before Reading: Gist: Jackson gets back into town, did he get away it?

During Reading: Page 99, bottom of the page.

Do you have any questions? If you find the answers later, come back and fill them in.

1. Question:


2. Question:


3. Question:


Explain why Jackson deems the mission as a failure, but Goat thinks it was a success. What do you think?




Discussion Question:

• Do you think Jackson feels better about Alma after she calls? Why or why?

• Do you think Goat was a better or worse driver than Cracker?

• What’s the difference between stealing and borrowing?

• Do you think it’s possible for Cracker and goat to actually drive the car like this?

Figurative Language:

What figure of speech is the author using in this sentence from page 100? “And as Goat got out of the car,

he laid his hand on the silver fender, the way a horseman lays his hand on the flank of a horse who’s given

good service.”

Prediction: What will happen to Alma next? Will Cracker’s or Goat’s mother learn about the drive?

Chapter 17 The Hanging-Up Blues – Pages 101-106

Before Reading: Gist: Find out what happens between Alma and Mrs. Hunter

During Reading: At the end of the chapter, Mrs. Hunter sets an appointment with Alma to discuss things. Predict how the

meeting with go.





1. Why did Cracker’s mother wonder if someone had been driving her car? Have you ever had a

“feeling” that someone had been in your room or was playing with your things? On what did you

base your “feeling”?

2. Was Goat being realistic about “borrowing” the car for “a quick turn around the block”? What does

it mean to be realistic?

3. Why was Cracker tired of his father’s impersonations?

4. What did Cracker mean when he said, “…there is something about a failed heroic act that turns the

person himself into a failure”?

5. Why didn’t Cracker tell his father about Alma, Nicole, and Billy Ray and the failed heroic act?

6. How did Cracker’s mother find out what was bothering Cracker?

7. Where did Kay Hunter get her tough firmness?

Cracker Jackson

Reading – Language Journal Assignment

Today, think about what it means to be courageous. Write in your

journals about a time when you or someone you know had to be courageous.

� Your journal response should consist of at least one paragraph

that is between 4-7 sentences long.

� You should include a topic sentence, supporting details from the

story and background information we have studied in class, and a

closing sentence that summarizes your main idea.

� The paragraph(s) must be indented.

� All sentences must begin with a capital letter, end with the correct

end mark, and must make sense.

Chapter 18 Three O’Clock, Four – Pages 107-111

Before Reading: Gist: Mrs. Hunter’s meeting time comes, and goes. Is something the matter?

During Reading: Even though Mrs. Hunter tells Jackson he is not to be at the meeting, he finds a way to see what is

happening. What is it? RESTATE AND SUPPORT





1. What did Cracker’s mother mean when she said, “You are out of this, Jackson. Alma is no longer a

concern of yours”?

2. “He (Cracker) told himself he was not ready to be an adult with adult responsibilities.” Explain.

What are adult responsibilities? When is a person ready for adult responsibilities?


Why do you think Alma did not keep her appointment with Cracker’s mom?

Heroism: What are the characteristics of a hero? Explain and include the following:

• Deeds

• What others say about him

• How others treat him

• What others think of him

• What he says

• What he thinks

Chapter 19 - The Accident – Pages 112-116

Before Reading: Gist: As word spreads of an accident at Alma’s house, Jackson becomes frantic.

During Reading: As word gets out that Alma had a run-in with Billy Ray, Jackson is frantic. Describe his feelings at this

moment in time.




After Reading:

Predict what Alma & Nicole’s conditions will be when Jackson catches up with them. Support your answer

with evidence from the text.

Discussion Questions

1. Cracker had a vivid imagination. Prove this with details from the story.

2. What did Goat mean when he called Cracker “the Neon Turtle”? Can you think of some other

expressions that mean the same thing?

3. What conclusions did Cracker make when he looked in Alma’s window?

Chapter 20 That Man – Pages 117-121

Before Reading: Gist: Hopefully you know what “man” the author is talking about when she titles this chapter. What do you

think he has done?

During Reading: Bottom of page 119

As Jackson enters Goat’s bedroom, he immediately tells Goat the news about Alma. If you were Goat, what

would be your next move? Why?




After Reading:

The boys figure a plan out that will tell them what has happened to Alma. Describe how they found out she

had been admitted to the hospital.

Discussion Questions

1. Why did Cracker want to talk to Goat?

2. To whom and why did Goat tell a “story” that he was Alma’s brother?

Chapter 21 - Room 2002 – Pages 122-126

Before Reading: Gist: Jackson visits Alma in the hospital and learns exactly what Billy Ray has done.


During Reading: Jackson is listening to Alma tell about her accident. How do you think each of them feel during this? What

characteristics is Jackson showing (bravery, courage, etc)?

Questions to restate and answer with details from the chapter:

1. What did Cracker mean when he made the s=distinction between “I have to see her” rather than

“I want to see her”? Can you give an example from your life showing the difference between “have to”

and “want to”?

2. Why did Billy Ray go crazy? What made this beating so much worse than the others?

3. Why had Billy Ray’s mother changed her opinion about what Alma should do?

4. What did Jackson think the two halves of Alma’s face showed?

5. What did Cracker think helped him become a man?

6. What do you think makes one go from being a boy (or girl) to being a man (or woman)? Does it take just

time or something hard or shocking ? What helps us grow up or what makes us grow up? Are there some

people who never grow up or act maturely? What does it mean to be mature?

Chapter 22 - Waiting for Whale Imitations – Pages 127-133

Before Reading: Gist: Although Alma seems to be ok, Nicole might not be.

During Reading: Stop at the top of page 129, before the 1

st full sentence.

The author tells us that Nicole has still not opened her eyes after four days of being hospitalized. The

chapter is called “Waiting for Whale Imitations.” Make a connection between these two facts and explain.




Questions to restate and answer with details from the chapter:

1. To what did Alma compare losing a baby?

2. How did Cracker show that he was really still a boy?

After Reading:

At the end of the chapter, Jackson heads to Goats house and feels as though he is “back in society.”

Explain the relief he must feel.

Prediction: How will this story end? What will happen to Alma, to Cracker’s dad and his mother?

Chapter 23 - On the Road Again – Pages 134 -140

Before Reading: Gist: Alma finally finds safety. .

During Reading: Infer why Jackson broke down and told his parents the truth about the car and his attempted trip to





After Reading:

Predict what the future holds for Alma in her new location. How do you think Billy Ray is feeling?




Chapter 24 The Non-Anonymous Letter

Before Reading: Gist: Jackson receives a letter from Alma, and this time, it is signed!.

During Reading: Page 141, bottom of the page.

Jackson says that during the two weeks that Alma has been away, he has thought of her everyday.

Compare/Contrast Jackson’s thoughts about Alma during the height of her troubles and now. How are they





After Reading:

Predict what happened to Billy Ray.



Discussion Questions – Restate and answer in complete sentences with details from the story.

1. What did the author mean when she said, “Up until this moment, Jackson had always had to lose

something before he realized how much it meant to him”?

2. If you were the principal or Goat’s mother, what would you do with Goat? Do you think he has grown up

or matured in this novel? Explain your answer.

3. How has Cracker changed in this novel? Explain your answer.

After Reading Assignment:

Cracker Jackson

Reading – Language Journal Assignment

For your homework assignment tonight:

Pick one of the following characters to write about. Flash forward a

couple of weeks and tell me what he/she is doing now.

1. Jackson

2. Alma

3. Billy Ray

4. Goat

� Your journal response should consist of at least one paragraph that is

between 4 to 6 sentences long.

� You should include a topic sentence, supporting details from the story

and background information we have studied in class, and a closing

sentence that summarizes your main idea.

� The paragraph(s) must be indented.

� All sentences must begin with a capital letter, end with the correct end

mark, and must make sense.

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