guilds and orders

Post on 03-Feb-2022






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Guilds and Orders

Military Orders

BartigtOt:The Deadbeards, Dwarven order of soldiers who fought at Olensk.vTheir losses were so great that the survivors shaved their chins. Only veterans and their sons become Bartigtot.

COnfessOr Knights: Band of Paladins who serve St. Luther.

COvenant Of the liOn: Paladins and cavaliers in Angouleme.

the Cult Of the swOrd: A fighters guild.

hOly defenders Of the flaMe: Paladins who serve the Holy Flame, (see Kayomar).

Knights Of haven: Knights who guide and protect pilgrims of Demeter (see Demeter).

star watChers: A loose order, these rangers wander Airhde, pay homage to the star, Patrice.

watChers in the wOOd: A ranger order dedicated to the Great Oak.

letners: Military Order in New Aenochia devoted to the Empress

thief and assassin guilds

the asyluM: Thief/assassin guild active in Avignon.

Crna ruK (the BlaCK hand): Assassin/Priests of Unklar. Spread throughout the lands.

Muddles inC: Thief guild in Freeport.

rats den: Thief guild in the United Kingdom.

wizard and druid guilds

Order Of the OaK: The servants of the Great Oak in the Eldwood, aligned with Watchers of the Wood.

Knights Of wizardry: A new guild in New Aenoch, dedicated to the study of magic.

lOthian CleriCs: Clerics commited to the worship of Daladon Lothian and serve to aid the under-privledged.

MystiC enClave: A guild founded by Aristobolus the White Mage in 694md.

Paths Of uMBra: Those evil wizard priests who follow the teachings of Nulak-Kiz-din and yearn for the return of Unklar.

white Order: Refounded. Magi-scholars who seek the truth and history of the world.

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