h a i k u4

Post on 22-Jan-2015






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HAIKUby peter van der meulen

A haiku is a three line poem consisting of 5–7–5 syllables

for example:

the/ ca/the/dral/ bell (5)is sha/king/ a / few/ snow/flakes (7)from/ the/ mor/ning/ air (5)



Haiku evolved from tanka (short poems) 31 syllable poems structured 5-7-5-7-7 developed by court poets in the Heian period (794-1185). These tanka were externded into renga (linked verses).

Renga were written in groups with a hokku (opening verse) of 17 syllables (5-7-5) which established a seasonal setting or mood around which the remainder of the poem was fashioned.

Four concepts intrinsic to a true haiku…




& kyo

kigo - a word suggesting a season

kireji - a cutting word such as ya… a moment to meditate

yugen - lies beneath the surface… touches the heart

kyo – become one with the object… do not impose yourself on it


The original Japanese exhibits the 5-7-5 structure.

The translation most often does not.

furuike ya the old pond kawazu tobikomo a frog jumps in mizo no oto the sound of water

-Bashõ -Bashõ


hanamori ya blossom guardsshiroki kashira o their white headstsukiawase facing each other

-Kyori -Kyori (Basho disciple)

There are four pre-eminent haiku


Matsuo Bashõ

Yosa Buson

Kobayashi Issa

& Masaoka Shiki



Matsuo Bashõ 1644-1694

Airy spirituality

Related consciousness and nature

Objectively represented charged moments of real experience

the winter stormhid in the bamboo groveand quieted away




Yosa Buson 1716-1783

By treating haiku images in a painterly style, highlighted imaginative expression

komu na yo ga will it come again. . .mata mo aro ka another night like this onetsuki ni kari wild geese and the moon

-Buson -Buson



Kobayashi Issa 1763-1827

Childlike identification with nature and human behavior

Provided poetic experience accessable to common man.

the snail climbsMount Fujislowly. . .slowly




Matsuoka Shiki 1867-1902

First modern haiku poet

Introduced witty tone and mental play

Popularized term haiku

write me down as one who loved poetryand persimmons


going out of the house ten pacesand the vast autumn sea


a school of trout swam bythe color of the water


the peonymade me measure itwith my fan


the moon in the waterbroken and broken againstill it is there


to pluck it a pityto leave it a pityah. . .this violet


on the sandy beachfootprints. . .long is the day of spring


Japan’s two main religions. . . Shintoism and Zen Buddhism. . . are both expressed through Haiku.

Shintoism which worships kami – the spirits of nature.

how art beginsrice planting songsin the deep interior


oh butterfly. . .what are you dreaming fanning your wings


Zen Buddhism which strives for nirvana through meditation.

snow has meltedon one shoulder of the great Buddha


from the noseof the colossal Buddhaa swallow emerges


a clear waterfallinto the ripple fall green pine needles -Bashõ

Roses. . .the flowers are easy to paintthe leaves difficult


“I make my appearance I. . . the toad emerge from my thicket.”


As with all genuine art, a true haiku is a clarification of experience.

Class contemplating Japanese art in springtimeInspirational

-ART 221-001

Thank you, for your time.


Through haiku we are released into nearness.

the first snowthe leaves of the daffodilsare just bending


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