h arry p otter d iscussion ? s. c hapters 1-2 why start with snape? where do we see the theme of...

Post on 29-Dec-2015






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Why start with Snape? Where do we see the theme of racism in this

chapter? Death Eaters’ motivations and relationship Voldemort as a villain Importance of the Malfoy’s status now Biblical allusions Allusions to WWII What is the mentor/high fantasy relationship

here? Symbolism of Harry’s actions n this chapter Internal versus external struggles

CHAPTERS 3-4 What qualities of the epic hero are here? How do we see Harry mature here? How do we see the scope of V’s power? Why is it important? What’s the importance of Hedwig dying here? How do we see Snape as Judas What elements of mystery are here? How do we see Harry’s mercy and innocence? Tie to

Bible. How do we see the theme of racism here? Why do the others sacrifice themselves for Harry? Tie

to Bible. Why is it important that Harry tries to stop them?

Significance of the number 7


Where do we see the battle of adulthood versus childhood here? Why does it matter?

What do Harry’s choices tell us about his preparations for the quest and his maturity? Why does all that matter?

Why do the innocent have to be the ones to stop V? Why is it important that V can fly? Biblical allusion with the lost ear… What’s the importance of the number 3? What conflicts do we see in this chapter (all of

them)? What are we supposed to learn from the wedding

still going on? Why is the wedding even in here?

CHAPTERS 7-8 Why does D leave behind such objects without

giving clear instructions? Why not just give it all to Harry when he was still alive?

What’s the importance of Harry and Ginny’s love? Why is the Ministry of Magic not focusing on the real

problems? What do we see about Harry's maturity level in this

chapter? How do Muriel’s claims differ from Dodge’s claims

about D? Why are her claims so important? Why is Harry’s doubt so important? What lesson are

we to learn from it? Beginning of the quest proper

CHAPTERS 9-10 Why does Harry feel unclean and why is that significant? How is sympathy for the Malfoy’s created here and why?

What literary device is this? How do Harry and Malfoy compare? What problems do we see in this chapter with the three

being on their own? Why is this important? How do we see the mystery trait of danger here? In chapter 10, how do we see the connection between

Pettigrew and Judas? How do we see the theme of racism here? What are we to

learn from this chapter? Why is it important that the first horcrux was so easy for

them to get? What does this imply about the others to the three? To us?

Why does Regulus betray V? what does this imply will happen?

CHAPTERS 11-12 Why is it important that V is making it seem as

though Harry killed Dumbledore? How does V exploit Harry’s weaknesses in chapter

11? Why does Harry reject Lupin and react so poorly? Why is the sizable challenge of entering the ministry

important in the Dumbledore/Harry conflict? How has society changed for the worse since V took

over? Why it important that we learn about it now? How do we see Kreacher’s devotion in chapter 12? How do we see that Harry has turned from

Dumbledore for good in chapters 11 & 12?

CHAPTERS 13-14 How do we see racism in the Ministry of Magic? Why is this

important? How does Umbridge differ from V as a villain? What’s her motivation? In what ways are Umbridge and V alike? What do Dementors symbolize? 12 and 13 both highlight the magnitude of the quest. Tie to the

Harry/Dumbledore conflict. Where do we see the allusions to Nazi Germany in this chapter? Why do those who work for the Ministry continue to support it? What character traits does Harry display in the ministry? Is it hypocritical to leave Kreacher? Would they have left Ron or

Hermione? What theme does this highlight( aside from racism)? How does the leaving of Kreacher highlight the theme of racism? They mystery evolves in chapter 14– how? Where do we see the theme of the power of evil in chapter 14? What is Hermione’s role in this quest (aside from being very

talented)? Why is it necessary the boys have her? Where do we see the theme of sacrifice here?


1. Ron is NOT Judas – why not?2. Free will is a big theme in the novel – how do we see it here and

what should we learn from it?3. How do we see the theme of sacrifice manifested in chapter 15?

How are H & H different from Ron?4. Harry fully feels betrayed by D in these chapters. Why don’t Ron

and Hermione? How does this affect the quest?5. The quest comes to an abrupt halt in chapter 15 – why?6. How does chapter 15 highlight the importance of three instead of

two?7. Without him, we clearly see what Ron’s strength was. What was

it?8. How are the scriptures on page 325 and 328 important? How

does Harry misread them?9. How does visiting Godric’s Hollow help Harry in the long run?10. Harry’s fully matured in this chapter. He makes no more really

rash, immature decisions. What happens to bring this about?11. What’s the significance of the Goblin betraying V?


The idea that people and things can be possessed is strong in chapter 17. However, how does this not interfere with the idea of free will?

What happens in chapters 17-18 that firmly turns Harry from Dumbledore? Are Harry’s claims valid?

Why is there such a rift between Harry and Hermione?

How does Dumbledore’s personality change over the years (from teenage to death)? How does this relate to the Bible?

Based off what we see of Bathilda, what do we know for sure about Rita? Why can’t Harry see it?


What does the Doe symbolize? (think how it affects Harry)

Why is it significant that it comes along now? How does this tie to the divine? Why doesn’t Hermione accept Ron back? How is

his betrayal of her worse than his betrayal of Harry?

Who is Ron from the Bible in these chapters? Who else? (there’s two)

How do we see Dumbledore in the God-like role here?

Why is it important that Ron is the one who destroys the horcrux here?

CHAPTERS 21-22 This is the start of a new quest. What is it and how is

it important? Tie to the Bible How does Harry tie to Jesus in this chapter (think

about his ancestry) What each of them desire says something about

their personality – what is it? Based on Lovegood’s story, how do we know that

Harry should not follow the hallow quest? Why did D hint at it with his gift to Hermione?

What does Harry’s desire for the stone show about him? Why would he want it?

Based on events in chapter 22, we see that Harry’s quest for hallows is doomed. Why doesn’t he see it?

Is Lovegood justified in what he does?

CHAPTERS 23-24 How do Voldemort’s followers differ from Dumbledore’s

(not just in who they follow)? Racism is clearly big here. How do we see it? How does

it differ from previous instances? Peter as Judas is VERY clear here – how? Why doesn’t Draco simply out Harry in the manor? FINALLY, Harry is mature and returns to horcruxes. Why

the sudden shift? How does Harry’s kindness make all the difference in

chapter 24? Why is Griphook willing to help Harry even though

goblins generally stay out of wizard affairs? Here we see the moral of the elder wand story in full

force. What is it? Why wasn’t that the case for Dumbledore?

CHAPTERS 25-26 Based off what we see in chapter 25, Harry’s renewed

faith in Dumbledore restores him to his proper quest. How do we see the change in the quest as a result of this?

What does Griphook’s response about wizarding arrogance in the conversation about the sword foreshadow will happen?

Why is it significant that Harry lies about giving Griphook the sword?

What does Lupin’s news about the baby do for Harry? What we see in Diagon Alley furthers the quest how? How

do we see Voldemort has further changed the world negatively?

Chapter 26 signifies the beginning of the end. How? What is the significance of Harry using the Imperio curse?

CHAPTER 27-29 How is the true story of Dumbledore important? Why does the true story of

Dumbledore not really matter at this point? What connections are there between Voldemort and Dumbledore? Harry is viewed differently in this chapter and all chapters following. How

so? We finally see why Dumbledore dabbled in the dark arts. Is it justified? Was his desire to take over muggles justified based off the story of Ariana? Is Aberforth right in saying that Dumbledore tricked Harry into this quest by

not telling him the truth? Aberforth says, “How can you be sure you aren’t dispensable, just like my

little sister?” Is it possible that Harry was just a tool to Dumbledore? And is it reasonable to sacrifice one teenager for the good of the whole world?

Is Aberforth the “better” brother in some ways? How so? Through Dumbledore’s story we see a theme relating to pride. What is it? We finally see Hogwarts through Neville. How has Harry changed Hogwarts?

What does this imply will happen? How is Neville’s sudden character change important?

Why is it important that Harry takes others into their confidence?

CHAPTERS 30-31 Why does the entire castle sacrifice themselves for Harry? The Weasley’s reconciliation and unification brings us a

new slant on a theme we’ve already seen a lot – what is it? Harry uses the third unforgivable curse in chapter 30 and

McGonagall uses one as well. How is this significant? Mrs. Weasley is quick to dismiss the DA as a “teenagers”

gang. Why is this unfair and how does it tie to a theme we’ve seen throughout the novel?

How do we see the power of unification in chapter 31? Why does Draco try to support V at the last minute? What

theme does this tie to? Through Ravenclaw’s story we see that there is justice in

the world. What does this imply will happen? In chapter 31 we see the scope of the battle and

experience our greatest personal loss. How is this important?

CHAPTERS 32-33 What is the significance of Voldemort killing Snape? How is

it not a punishment for Snape? Finally the mystery of Snape is solved. What theme does

his motivation tie to? What are his main character traits? What action does Harry take in chapter 32 shows he is fully

mature and that he is ready for his fight with Voldemort? How do we see that Harry is far more powerful than

Voldemort in chapter 32? We learn a serious lesson about racism in chapter 32 with

the creatures that join the fight. What is it? What do we learn about salvation and forgiveness in

chapter 33? How do we learn this? Is it a betrayal that Dumbledore never told Harry he had to

die? Why did he wait until the last moment to have someone tell him?

Did Dumbledore never love Harry at all?

CHAPTERS 34-36 How is the connection to Jesus exceptionally clear here? Why is Harry worthy of the resurrection stone now? How

is he a far better wizard than any other we’ve seen? Theme of love again – what’s the new lesson? Dumbledore as God is also very clear here. How? How is this semi-heaven hell for Voldemort? why is it so

different for Harry than Voldemort? How does Harry’s resurrection tie to Voldemort’s lack of

power? How does that tie to the bible? Why does Harry feel no pain after coming back? What’s the lesson we should learn about selfishness

here? Though it is frustrating at times, Harry’s mercy is

rewarded here. How?

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