h. saibi october 16, 2014. schema illustration of the attractive and repulsive magnetic forces (f m...

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H. SAIBI October 16, 2014 Slide 2 Schema illustration of the attractive and repulsive magnetic forces (F M ) generated between two magnetic poles by Coulombs Law. The unit magnetic dipole (top) consists of two fictious point poles of equal strengths (p), but opposite signs and separated by an infinitesimal distance (r) Slide 3 MLA style: Earth: geomagnetic field. Video. Encyclopdia Britannica Online. Web. 19 Oct. 2010.http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic -video/229754/148016/Currents-in-the- Earths-core-generate-a-magnetic-field- according Currents in the Earths core generate a magnetic field according to a principle known as the dynamo effect. Slide 4 History, Lodestone, Magnetism Slide 5 - 200 BC. The Chinese first used lodestone (magnetite-rich rock) in direction-finding. - William Gilbert (English physicist): first European scientist to analyze the Earths magnetic field in 1600. - In 1870, Thalen and Tiberg developed instruments to measure various components of the Earths magnetic field. - In 1960s, optical absorption magnetometers were developed which provided the means for extremely rapid magnetic measurements with very high sensitivity. Slide 6 Chinese known to use the Lodstone compass for navigation (12 th Century). Western European by 1187. Arabs by 1220. Scandinavians by 1300. Slide 7 Slide 8 Slide 9 Slide 10 Lodstone = magnetite Magnetite Crystallography Cell Dimensions a = 8.391, Z = 8; V = 590.80 Den(Calc)= 5.21 Crystal System Isometric Hexoctahedral H-M Symbol (4/m 3 2/m) Space Group: F d3m X Ray Diffraction: By Intensity(I/I o ): 2.53(1), 1.483(0.85), 1.614(0.85), Fe 3 O 4 What is a Mineral ? Slide 11 Magnetism Magnetic Force field: The region around a magnetic object in which its magnetic forces act on other magnetic objects. Slide 12 Magnetic field about a simple bar magnet: North pole attracts the south poles of magnetic objects within the field. South pole attracts the north pole of magnetic objects within the field. Magnetic field orientation: Parallel to the magnetic axis at the midpoint of the magnet. Curves strongly towards the poles. Slide 13 Magnetic field strength: Strongest at the poles. Weakest at the midpoint. Slide 14 Sir William Gilbert (15401603) made the first investigation of terrestrial magnetism De Magnete. He showed that the earths magnetic field can be approximated by the field of a permanent magnet lying in a general NS direction near the earths rotational axis. Slide 15 Origin of the Earths geomagnetic field What is the source of Earths magnetic field? Does the magnetic field has effect on our life? Slide 16 Inner Core Outer Core Core Mantle Radioactive heating Chemical differentiation Radioactive heating Chemical differentiation Outer core in a turbulent convection Outer core in a turbulent convection Natural electrical generator Kinetic energy converted to electric and magnetic energy The motion of electrical conducting iron in the presence of magnetic field induces electric current Generate their own magnetic field Slide 17 Earths Magnetic Field Generated by the convective motion the fluid outer core about the solid inner core. Geodynamo: the conversion, within the Earth, of mechanical energy (convection of metals) to electrical energy which produces the magnetic field. A magnetic field produced by such fluid motion is inherently unstable and not as uniform as about a simple bar magnet. Slide 18 Magnetic measurement Main Field External Field Local Field 90% of the field generated internally From the outer core Electric currents in the ionosphere, particles ionized by solar radiation Variations caused by local magnetic anomalies in the earths crust Slide 19 What we call the North geographic pole corresponds to the south pole of the imaginary bar magnetic so that the north needle on a compass points towards the north geographic pole! We can visualize the Earths magnetic field as being produced by a giant bar magnet within the Earth. Slide 20 If you know your longitude and latitude (33.58N/130.4W for Fukuoka) you can calculate the local magnetic declination at: http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/seg/geomag/jsp/Declination.jsp Slide 21 Above the Curie Point, atoms within crystals vibrate randomly and have no associated magnetic field. Slide 22 Below the Curie Point the magnetic fields of the minerals act like tiny compass needles: they become aligned to the Earth's magnetic field. Slide 23 The origin of the dipole field is in the liquid core. This field and its reversals have been simulated numerically by Glazmaire and Roberts [1995]. http://www.psc.edu/research/graphics/gallery/geodynamo.html The geomagnetic field Slide 24 Applications of geomagnetic surveys Slide 25 Locating Pipes, cables and metallic objects Buried military ordnance (shells, bombs, etc.) Buried metal drums of contaminated or toxic waste. Concealed mineshafts and adits Mapping Archaeological remains Concealed basic igneous dykes Metalliferous mineral lodes Geological boundaries between magnetically contrasting lithologies, including faults Large-scale geological structures Slide 26 Basic concepts and units of geomagnetism Slide 27 Force (F) between two magnetic poles Both gravity and magnetism are potential fields and can be derived by comparable potential field theory. m is pole strength; is the magnetic permeability of the medium separating the poles; r is the distance between them. Slide 28 Magnetic Field Strength Flux density (teslas): is a vector quantity. In geophysics we use nanotesla as unit (nT)=10 -9 T. Magnetic field strength (Amperes per meter): is a force field produced by electric current: is a current. Slide 29 Absolute Magnetic Permeability( ) Flux density Magnetising field strengh In water and air ( 0 ) = 4 10 -7 Wb A -1 m -1 Relative permeability r : rock Water, air Slide 30 Susceptibility (k) A measure of how a material is to becoming magnetised. In vacuum: k=0; r =1. Intensity of magnetisation Slide 31 Area (m 2 ) Magnetic moment (A.m 2 ) Volume of the magnetised body (m 3 ) Length of the dipole Intensity of the induced magnetisation in rock susceptibility Earth magnetic field Permeability of free space Pole strength (A.m) Slide 32 Remanent magnetization Total magnetization = induced + remanent Amplitude and direction Depends on magnetic history of rock NRM Causes of NRM 1.Thermoremanent magnetization (TRM) when magnetic material is cool below the curie point in the presence of external field. 2.Detrital remanent magnetization (DRM) occurs during the slow setting of fine grained particles in the presence of an external field. 3.Chemical remanent magnetization (CRM) take place when magnetic grain increase in size or changing from one form to another as a result of chemical changes. 4.Isothermal remanent magnetization (IRM) residual left after removing the external field. 5.Viscous remanent magnetization (VRM) produce by long exposure to an external field. Slide 33 Magnetic Minerals Align in Earth s Field Temperature at which magnetic minerals fix the orientation and magnitude of the external field is called the Curie point, which is 580C for magnetite. Slide 34 olivine cobalt, nickel and iron hematite magnetite, titanomagnetite, and ilmenite Slide 35 Susceptibilities of common minerals and rock While the spatial variation in density are relatively small (between 1 and 3 Kg m -3, magnetic susceptibility can vary as much as four to five orders of magnitude. Wide variations in susceptibility occur within a given rock type. Thus, it will be extremely difficult to determine rock types based on magnetic prospecting Slide 36 Elements of the magnetic field Total Field F Our main target Magnetic north Slide 37 Magnetic Instruments Slide 38 Torsion and Balance Magnetometers (Obsolete) Magnetometers measure the total magnetic field F T or the horizontal and/or vertical components of magnetic field, F H and F Z respectively. First magnetometers devised in1640 essentially comprised: a magnetic needle suspended on a wire (Torsion type), or a magnetic needle balanced on a pivot (Balance type) Needle oriented in direction of magnetic field at station location. Adolf Schmidt Variometer Magnetic beam asymmetrically balanced on agate knife edge, and zeroed at base station. Different magnetic field at another station caused displacement of beam, which was measured using collimating telescope. Had to be oriented perpendicular to magnetic meridian to remove horizontal component of Earths field. (Use compass?) Calibrated to read vertical magnetic field component. Slide 39 Fluxgate Magnetometer Measures component of magnetic field parallel to cores with accuracy of 1-10 nT. Comprises two parallel cores of high m ferromagnetic material. Primary coil wound on two cores in series in opposite directions. Secondary coils also wound, but in opposite direction to primary. o Operation of Fluxgate Magnetometer An alternating current at 50-1000 Hz is passed through primary coils, producing magnetic field that drives each core to saturation through a magnetisation hysteresis loop. With no external magnetic field, cores saturate every half cycle. Voltages induced in secondary coils have opposite polarity as coils wound in opposite directions. So zero net voltage. In Earth's magnetic field, component of field parallel to cores causes one core to saturate before the other, and voltages in secondary coils do not cancel. Slide 40 Principle of Operation of Fluxgate Magnetometer Principle behind operation is Faradays Law of Induction (twice) Voltage induced in secondary coil proportional to magnetic field generated in ferromagnetic core. When core saturated, magnetic field does not change, and no voltage is induced in secondary coil. Slide 41 Proton Precession Magnetometer Uses sensor consisting of bottle of proton-rich liquid, usually water or kerosene, wrapped with wire coil. Protons have a net magnetic moment, and so are oriented by Earths magnetic field or an applied field. Measures precession as protons reorient to Earths field. Precession frequency proportional to total field strength. As sensor bottle 15 cm long, accuracy of measurement is reduced in areas of high magnetic field gradient. Measures total field strength, so instrument orientation not important, unlike fluxgate. Overhauser Effect adds electron-rich fluid to enhance polarisation effect, and increase accuracy. Slide 42 Principle of Operation of Proton Magnetometer In ambient field, majority of protons aligned parallel to field, remainder antiparallel. Current in coil generates strong magnetic field at right angles to Earths field, causing all protons to align. When current turned off protons process back to orientation of Earths field. Protons are charged particles, and create magnetic field, which alternates as proton processes. Current induces alternating voltage in coil at precession frequency. Measuring frequency of current in coil gives magnitude of Earths total magnetic field as it is proportional to precession frequency. Measuring current frequency to 0.004 Hz gives field to 0.1nT. Slide 43 Airborne and Seaborne Magnetometers Proton precession magnetometers are used extensively in marine and airborne surveys: At sea: sensor bottle is towed in a "fish" 2-3 ships length astern to remove it from magnetic field of ship In air: sensor is towed 30 m behind aircraft or placed in a "stinger" on nose, tail or wingtip. Often active compensation for magnetic effect of aircraft is calculated. Effectiveness of compensation is called Figure of Merit (FOM). Advantage: Aeromag is rapid, cost-effective method for covering large areas. Slide 44 Magnetic Gradiometers Gradiometers use two sensors separated by fixed distance to measure gradient of the Earths magnetic field: In airborne work, separation is 2-5 m for stinger, up to 30 m for bird. In ground work, separations of 0.5 m are common. Example of 3-axis gradiometer system: Advantages: No correction for diurnal variation required as measurement is difference off two magnetic sensors. Vertical gradient measurements emphasize shallow anomalies and suppress long wavelength features. Slide 45 Magnetic Surveying Slide 46 Ground Surveys Ideally lines should be perpendicular to strike, with a few along strike tie-lines. Establish base-station to monitor diurnal variations every 0.5-1.0 hours. Avoid readings near metal objects such as railway tracks, cars... Avoid wearing metal objects, such as watch, geological hammer. Airborne Surveys Estimate line spacing to avoid significant signal aliasing for aircraft height. Approximate rule of thumb for maximum line spacing for particular application: Note that h is flight height above magnetic basement, not Earths surface. Slide 47 Reduction of Magnetic Survey Data 1 Magnetics data reduction is usually simpler than with gravity, comprising: Diurnal Correction Geomagnetic Correction Elevation/Terrain Correction (occasionally) Diurnal Variation Similar to tidal correction in gravity Reading is recorded at base station during survey, and then corrections applied to survey data. Difficult to return to base station in airborne work: possible to estimate diurnal correction from line intersections especially with additional tie lines Fig. Tracks of a shipborne or airborne magnetic survey. Fig. Diurnal drift curve using a proton magnetometer. Slide 48 Reduction of Magnetic Survey Data 2 Geomagnetic Correction Similar to latitude correction in gravity: produces "anomaly" data Earths total magnetic field varies from 25,000 nT at equator to 69,000 nT at poles Three possible correction methods: 1) Subtraction of IGRF: Earths theoretical magnetic field is removed from survey data by subtracting IGRF 2) Linear approximation to IGRF: Earths field is approximated by linear variation across survey area, and subtracted: For example, in UK IGRF is approximated by 2.13 nT/km north, and 0.26 nT/km west. 3) Regional correction: With large surveys, regional trend can be estimated and removed to leave residual anomaly, as with gravity data. Terrain Correction There are no elevation corrections (equivalent to Free-air and Bouguer corrections) with magnetic data as gradient is only 0.035 nT/m at poles, 0.015 nT/m at equator. Terrain corrections can be applied, but are complicated. Require estimate of ground susceptibility, and topography. Slide 49 Shape of magnetic anomalies Earths magnetic field is dipolar: single body can appear as peak and trough. Example: Vertical component of magnetic field induced in body inclined at 60 o parallel to Earths magnetic field (no remnant magnetisation) Fig. The magnetic field generated by a magnetised body inclined at 60 parallel to the Earths field (A) would produce the magnetic anomaly profile from points A-D shown in (B). Slide 50 Qualitative Interpretation of Magnetic Anomalies Anomaly B is same form as A, but has longer wavelength, so must be deeper. Amplitude of B greater than A, so B has greater magnetisation. General inferences can be made from magnetic anomaly shapes Fig. Two magnetic anomalies arising from buried magnetised bodies. Slide 51 Summary of Qualitative Interpretation of magnetic profiles and maps Slide 52 >J r as anomaly not distorted"> Qualitative profile interpretation Identify zones with different magnetic properties: Zones with little variation, "magetically quiet", associated with rocks of low susceptibility Sources in subsurface in "magnetically noisy" areas. Example: Mineralisation in granite (Dartmoor, UK) Profile quiet except around mineralised zone. Negative on north side indicates direction J i >>J r as anomaly not distorted Slide 53 Qualitative map interpretation Magnetic data acquired on ugrids can be displayed as maps Example: Shetland Islands, Scotland Elongate lows correspond to gneissified semipelites Can also identify fault at discontinuity Fig. Aeromagnetic map.Fig. Magnetic characteristics. Slide 54 Effect of Change of Position on Magnetic Profile Change in Depth: Anomaly will broaden and decrease in amplitude with increase in depth. Total field over 10 m wide vertical dyke oriented E-W Change in Dip: Shape of anomaly is altered Total field over 5 m wide dyke with varying dips Fig. Total field anomalies over a 10 m wide vertical sheet-like body oriented east-west and buried at depths of 20 m, 60 m and 110 m; the position of the magnetised body is indicated. Fig. Total field anomalies over a thin dyke (5 m wide) dipping to the north at angles from =90 to =0 ; body strike is east-west. Slide 55 Depth Determination Sphere or half-cylinder: Depth to centre of body w is roughly equal to width of anomaly peak at half its maximum value dF max /2. Dipping Sheet or Prism: Depth to centre of body is roughly width of linear segment of anomaly d. Can get very approximate depth to the top of a magnetised body from magnetic anomalies. Peters Half-Slope Method (~theoretically-based) Draw tangent at point of maximum slope (line 1) Find two tangents to curve with half maximum slope (lines 3, 4) Depth to top of body is distance between tangent points Slide 56 Subsurface structure Libya- Saadi N., Watanabe K., Imai A., Saibi H.: Earth Planets Space, 60, 539547, 2008 Slide 57 2.5D magnetic model 3D magnetic model Case study: Aynak in Afghanistan Slide 58 Power Spectrum Analysis of Aeromagnetic data of Afghanistan Slide 59 Aeromagnetic Map of Afghanistan Slide 60 Curie-point depth map of Afghanistan Slide 61 Geothermal Gradient Map of Afghanistan Slide 62 The World Digital Magnetic Anomaly Map (WDMAM) shows the variation in strength of the magnetic field after the Earth's dipole field has been removed. Earth's dipole field is generated by circulating electric currents in the planet's metal core. It varies from 35,000 nanoTesla (nT) at the Equator to 70,000 nT at the poles. Slide 63 Homework Why gravity and geomagnetic methods are called Potential-field methods? What are the similarities and the differences between geomagnetic and gravity ? Deadline: next week.

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