hacmp - a quick reference

Post on 12-Mar-2015






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HACMP – A Quick Reference

DAEMONS clstrmgrES -| clsmuxpdES -| -> These 3 daemons are grouped under “cluster” group clinfoES -| clcomdES

LOG LOCATION : General Log File - /tmp/hacmp.out CSPC Log File - /tmp/cspoc.log Cluster History Files - /usr/es/sbin/cluster/history/cluster.mmddyyyy CLSTRMGR Log File - /tmp/clstrmgr.debug CLVERIFY Log File - /var/hacmp/clverify/clverify.log Group services Log File - /var/ha/log/grpsvcs Topology Services Log - /var/ha/log//topsvcs TO START THE CLUSTER SERVICE : /usr/es/sbin/cluster/etc/rc.cluster –boot –N –i (or) smit clstart TO STOP THE CLUSTER SERVICE : clstop or smitty clstop

TO VERIFY THE STATUS OF CLUSTER DAEMONS: lssrc –g cluster TO VERIFY AND SYNC THE CLUSTER: clverify TO MOVE A RG TO ANOTHER NODE : /usr/es/sbin/cluster/utilites/cldare –M <RG_name>:<nodename> -N -v

TO VIEW CLUSTER STATUS : clstat -a CONFIGURATION COMMANDS: cl_setup_kerberos-To configure Kerberos Security DISPLAY ONLY COMMANDS: cldump - Shows cluster information cllsif - Shows adapter information cllsnw - Shows network information clstat - To find the status of cluster clfindres - To find the status of resource group clshowres - To find the properties of a resource group cllsgrp - Shows all resource groups cllscf - Shows cluster topology information cltopinfo - Shows cluster topology information cldisp - Shows application-centric view


USER MANAGEMENT: cl_mkuser - To create a user in cluster cl_chpasswd - To set passwd for a user in cluster cl_chuser - To change a user's attributes in a cluster cl_rmuser - To remove a user in a cluster cl_lsuser - To list users in a cluster GROUP MANAGEMENT: cl_mkgroup - To create a group in a cluster (all nodes in the cluster) cl_chgroup - To change attributes of a group cl_lsgroup - To list groups in a cluster cl_rmgroup - To remove a group VG MANAGEMENT: cl_mkvg - To create a shard VG in a cluster cl_chvg - To change the attributes of a shared VG. cl_extendvg - To extend a VG (add a PV to a VG) cl_reducevg - To reduce a VG (remove a PV from a VG) cl_mirrorvg - To mirror a VG cl_unmirrorvg - To unmirror a VG cl_lsvg - To list a VG cl_syncvg - To sync a VG cl_importvg - To import a VG cl_updatevg - Import a VG into a list of nodes cl_activate_vgs - Initiates a varyonvg of the VGs passed as arguments cl_deactivate_vgs - Initiates a varyoffvg of the VGs passed as arguments LV MANAGEMENT: cl_mklv - To create a lv cl_chlv - To change the attributes of a lv cl_lslv - To list a LV cl_rmlv - To remove a LV cl_mklvcopy - To make copies for a LV cl_rmlvcopy - To remove copies of a LV cl_extendlv - To extend a LV clsynclvodm - Runs synclvodm on the remote node FS MANAGEMENT: cl_crfs - To create a FS cl_crlvfs - To create a LV followed by a FS cl_chfs - To change the attribute of a FS cl_lsfs - To list file systems cl_rmfs - To remove a FS cl_activate_fs - Mounts file systems passed as arguments NFS MANAGEMENT: cl_export_fs - NFS_exports the given file systems cl_activate_nfs - NFS-mounts the file systems passed as arguments cl_deactivate_nfs - Attempts to unmount –f of given nfs file systems cl_nfskill - Lists the pids of local processes using the specified NFS directory

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