hagop’s theory of development

Post on 06-May-2015



Self Improvement



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Hagop’s Theory of Development

Types of Development

Physical, cognitive, social, and personality development are different with each and every child, all four are very important in the upbringing of a human being.

Every child can not be raised in the same fashion, but there should be some basic guidelines that all parents are aware of.

Pre-birth Period

When two adults decide to have a child they must be educated about the whole process before following through with it.

During pregnancy it is very important that mothers take care of their bodies, staying away from alcohol, smoking, drugs, and etc.

The mother however is not the only one that has to be responsible, fathers should also stay away from anything that could harm the baby, while supporting the mother as much as possible.

New Born period

A new born baby is extremely vulnerable and many precautions need to be taken to keep it safe.

Only immediate family, nurses, and doctors should carry a new born as the risk that comes with germs and bacteria is too high for a new born.

A newborn baby should be kept at home as much as posssible.

Infant Nutrition

Nursing or breastfeeding a newborn baby is absolutely the best way to go with nutrition.

Brest milk not only provides all the required nutrition, but it also aids the bonding process with the baby and mother.

Pre School

It is very important for every child to attend a Pre Kindergarten school.

Some parents may believe that they are more capable of taking care of their children and helping development at this age, but that is not true as Pre K teachers are trained professionals.

There are many studies that support the statement that children who attend Pre K do much better for the rest of their educational careers.

Elementary Years

After the PreK years have been completed children begin to become much smarter and a lot more curious.

It is important that parents continue to show a lot of love, and dedicate a lot of time to there children.

Neglecting your child and not giving him/her is a step in the wrong direction and it could lead to very bad things as the child will feel unwanted and probably make some bad decisions.

Proper nutrition, exercise, and social habits also become more important at this stage, but sometimes they forgotten.

High School and Beyond

Once a child passes these Elementary years and starts to become more independent parents have a less control over what the child does and what decisions he or she makes.

But this stage is very important for being a good role model and showing your children what is right or wrong. If a parent is a bad influence on a child, its more then likely that the child will copy the parent because he or she believes that is what they have to do.

Its also important to not be too strict to this age group as that only leads to children rebelling and not listening to anything you say.

A proper education and making sure that your child wants to graduate high school and then move on to college is very important at this point


People never really stop learning from their parents.

Whether if it is something as simple as a father teaching his son how to fish, to complicated life decisions parents should always be there for their children as it is their responsibility to provide their child with the capability to succeed.

Proper development

There isn’t really a blueprint that every parent could follow to ensure that their children fully and successfully develop in every way shape or form.

If parents are responsible, provide their children with good nutrition, education, safety, and are a good example there is a high likeliness that the child will successfully develop.

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