half human half alien

Post on 03-Apr-2018






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  • 7/28/2019 Half Human Half Alien


    Half Human - Half Alien


    Viviana Hernandez

    Llamy A. Galindez

    John E. Restrepo

  • 7/28/2019 Half Human Half Alien


    Chapter I

    Thousands of years of evolution have made the Nova a very

    advanced civilization with extraordinary intelligence and technology

    that humans just cannot imagine, but with this superior intelligence

    also The Nova have developed a thirst of knowledge that has

    caused the destruction of their world; their people had been divided

    into different groups that wanted to have control of the knowledge

    acquire by them, as a result a war took place among the Nova and

    their planet was no longer able to support organic life. Their entire

    planet was contaminated with high levels of radiation which pushed

    them to abandon the planet and look for a new one in which they

    would start a new home. The war between them not only let them

    without their world, also their bodies were unable to procreate due

    to a genetic illness caused by high levels of radiation during the


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    Unable of extending their race, The Nova were facing their

    extinction; unless they could find a planet with similar conditions to

    host life as they actually did, their advanced technology allowed

    them to search through a bunch of planetary systems finding into

    the solar system a planet they called The Third. Although for the

    most advanced technology on Earth a space travel to Novas planet

    would take about one thousand years, for Novas spaceships a

    journey like this would take just one hundred years.

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    Helped by their technology, after one hundred years and some

    wormholes the Novas mother spaceship reached the Earth with

    their remaining people. Although Novas people were biologically

    similar to humans, their minds were more powerful, they could

    communicate telepathically and had telekinetic powers which they

    used to protect themselves. Due to the illness the Novans have had,

    their attempts of procreate were futile and they were forced to

    consider other methods. Silently the Novans introduced on our

    civilization while increasing their intentions of develop a way of pass

    their heritage to a next generation before their extinction.

    It was a hot morning in Colorado Springs, Miranda woke up next to

    her husband Charles and as was normal she cooked the breakfast

    and took a shower; she was so excited. Miranda and Charles had

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    tried to have children but without success, today is Mirandas

    appointment with her gynecologist in order to consider if there

    were chances of using artificial insemination, both hope that finally

    they can complete their family bringing a child to this world.

    Although Miranda is optimistic she knows that after many medical

    procedures they have tried to have their children and have not

    succeeded; she also needs to be prepared for bad news. The

    morning passed by, Miranda and Charles assisted to their medical

    appointment; Charles was skeptical,but when they got into the

    medical facilities he had to hide his skepticism and tried to support

    his wife, soon both discovered the doctor had good news for them,

    they were considered for a fertilization procedure that would allow

    them to finally have a child.

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    Chapter II

    After a couple of weeks Miranda and Charles Stevenson were called

    from the fertilization laboratory in order to collect their sperm and

    ovum; they assisted to the procedure and after it both were

    informed that a week later their embryo would be plant on

    Mirandas uterus. The Stevensons were very happy and went to


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    A week after Miranda received a phone call from the fertilization

    laboratory in which they let to the couple knows the date for the

    implantation of the embryo

    Charles! Charles! Miranda screamed very happy- the doctor has

    said that tomorrow by this time I am going to have our baby

    inside of me!!! With a warm smile Charles replied- honey that is


    That day, they went to sleep very anxious and the next day they

    went to the laboratory; the procedure took a couple of minutes and

    Miranda thought- this was so easy!! At the same time, she asked

    herself when she would start to feel the new life she was carrying.

    The following days to the medical procedure husband and wife were

    amused thinking on the baby cloth, what if the baby was a girl or a

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    boy, what kind of education the baby would receive and what would

    be his or her name.

    If the baby is a girl we will call her Delilah and if is a boy Bruno

    they agreed.

    The new parents were full of plans for their baby even without

    confirm she was pregnant. Charles took a couple of days free in

    order to take his wife to buy some baby clothes, hang out with

    family and friends and tell them the great news, and modify their

    house to have a

    nice place in which rise a kid; due to the fact that they did not know

    the babys gender they bought clothes for both sex, Charles bought

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    a nice white crib and a set of baby toys that were placed in the

    babys room.

    During the first fifteen days, all that Stevensons had in mind was

    plans for their baby and when a month passed finally the moment

    to know if Miranda was pregnant comes, on the way from his work

    to home Charles bought a pregnancy test and before to went to

    sleepthey took a moment to make the test. Suddenly, everything in

    Stevensons house was silence; while Miranda was in the bathroom

    with the pregnancy test, Charles was anxious outside. After five

    minutes Mirandawalked through the bathrooms door and looked at

    Charles with tears on her eyes but with a smile that let Charles

    knows his wife was really pregnant.

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    Chapter III

    During the first two months everything was normal, the symptoms

    of pregnancy appeared and Miranda started to feel tired, nauseated,

    she started to have some headaches and backaches. Like other

    pregnant women her breasts grew and she increased her weight.

    She was living a dream despite her pregnancy symptoms. On the

    other hand, Charles was also having a great time with all the

    pregnancy matters; he was charmed with the idea that the baby was

    a boy in order to teach him how to play sports, his first words and

    how to talk to girls.

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    Due to Miranda started to feel sick all the time, Charles called his

    sister Mary to look after Miranda while he was working. Mary had

    much wisdom raising children, she was mother of two kids and

    before being a mother, she raised her brother Charles when their

    parents died, so she has had enough experience on the laboratory

    rising kids and she would be a great helper to Miranda.

    Mary was happy that Charles finally was having a son; I am so

    proud he is going to be an excellent father, she used to say to


    The third month passed without problems. During the fourth month

    Miranda started to have strange nightmares in which her baby used

    to talk to her like an adult talk to another. Although her nightmares

    were strange she did not pay attention, but her body was changing

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    faster than normally a pregnant woman; her belly look like if she

    had eight months.

    Mary was scared because she had ever seen a pregnant woman that

    was in those conditions just at her fourth month, decided to talk to


    Miranda, have you considered to visit the doctor in order to see if

    everything is in order? Mary said.

    Well I am not so sure about that, I think that everything is normal

    Miranda replied.

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    Miranda look, even if the things are normal, is important to visit

    your gynecologist just to check the correct development of your

    baby Mary adviced Miranda.

    Miranda started to be worried about the situation and talked to

    Charles in order to ask for an appointment with the doctor. When

    the gynecologist saw her, he did not find any strange besides her

    weight, and sent her to her house. A couple of days after she visited

    the doctor,

    Miranda was alone at home due to Charles was working and Mary

    had gone to visit a friend. While she was reading in her bed, she

    started to feel so much pain; suddenly, she could feel how her belly

    was moving like if her baby was trying to get out of it.

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    Watching this bizarre scene like in a science fiction story, Miranda

    was horrified but lack of help, she decided her baby to be born in

    that moment, so she started to push as hard as she could and

    sometime later, the baby went out of her; as soon the baby

    breathed she saw him.

    Oh is a boy she cried

    this is incredible she thought carrying the baby in her arms, she

    was afraid of what was her husband going to say about it.

    Mary came first and when she arrived to the room she was shocked

    by the new. Even she was scared and thought that this was against

    the natural law order of life. Despite finding that scene Mary knew

    that was really important to help Miranda because she had not even

    cut the birth cord.

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    Overwhelmed by the situation but without losing her mind, Mary

    took the situation under control, cut the birth cord and explained to

    Miranda how to expulse the remaining parts of the placenta; she

    cleaned the baby and gave him to his mother.

    It was inevitable for Miranda being scared due was not normal that

    a woman get into labor and have her baby just with forth months.

    Also she was concerned about the babys health; normally at that

    stage of the pregnancy, babies have not developed their lungs and

    other physical parts they need to survive; but when she looked at

    her baby she realized he was completely normal and healthy.

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    The two women agreed waiting for Charles to tell him what had

    happened and see his reaction and decide if Miranda should go to

    hospital. When Charles came home, he was astonished; he could not

    believe what had happened but he did not pay much attention to

    the issue when he saw his baby for the first time and realized he

    was a boy. Everything with the baby was fine but thinking of his

    wife, Charles comprehended the best for her was going to the

    hospital and make sure she was going to be fine.

    At hospital, Miranda was checked finding she was perfectly fine and

    when the couple tried to explain what happened, doctors did not

    believe them, both decided to go home and do not talk about it

    again. Besides, they finally had what they were waiting for a long

    time their son.

    Chapter IV

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    From their baby birth The Stevensons were charmed with him, but

    strange things started to happen. Sometimes Miranda could know

    when the baby needed her just like as he had had a special

    connection with her. Other unusual things such as the TV turned on

    by itself; sometimes the things disappeared and appeared in

    different spots.Also Miranda was having more nightmares but this

    time she dreamt that someone was coming for her baby. Miranda

    woke up every anxious and crying, since she started to feel she was

    going to lose her son; at the same time Charles was worried about

    Mirandas behavior.

    Miranda was more affected day by day. She started to see strange

    people around their house. One day when she was alone at home

    with the baby she heard some noises coming from the kitchen like if

    someone was trying to get into the house; she was scared andcalled

    to Mary but when she arrived there was no track about what she

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    had heard. The same happened a lot of times and she thought she

    was going crazy.

    All the things were just strange as the fact that Bruno was growing

    faster. When he was two years old, he looked like a kid of seven

    years old; he expressed himself with a lot of wisdom and knew

    things that only very intelligent people could know.

    Charles was concerned about the situation but he thought that

    maybe they were lucky of having a gifted kid and dismissed the

    possibility to take him to a hospital; instead he decided to have

    more time with his kid. Charles took Bruno to the park, to visit

    different places and at the same time giving to Miranda her own

    space to rest and recover her peace.

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    After Charles idea to give space to Miranda, she was getting better

    but then again the nightmares came back and she was again

    anxious and paranoid; all the time she heard noises and while her

    son was growing she was getting worst. Despite Marys help

    Miranda could not get better and fell into a stage of psychosis in

    which she only said: they are coming, they are coming by my son.

    Charles avoided to send her to a psychological center and

    continued helping Miranda at home.

    Two years later, the condition of Miranda was the same but by that

    time she was unable to say a word. She had spent her time looking

    at the sky with fear; Charles dedicated his attention to his wife and

    to his son Bruno who looked like a teenager of fourteen. Mary was

    in charge of the house and the things were just normal.

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    One night Miranda started to cry and scream saying: they are

    coming now, it is time; they are coming for my son. Charles and

    Mary did not know what to do, actually they were shocked. Mary

    tried to calm Miranda but she was very scared. Charles took Bruno

    to his room; he did not want Bruno to see his mother in that


    Dad what is happening? Why is mom crying and so scared? Bruno

    asked to his father.

    Bruno, your mother is having a bad time but she is going to be

    fine; you will see it Charles said to Bruno.

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    Miranda was again crying

    and suddenly the electricity shut down and a light entered to the

    house through the window; everything at the house was moving like

    an earthquake. Mary and Charles did not know what was happening

    but Bruno let the room and went where the light was. Bruno was

    speaking a strange language and talking to the light; suddenly, he

    looked at his family and walked in front of them and kissed his


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    Mom, everything is going to be all right they are coming for me

    because I do not belong to this planet, I am their last hope for their


    But you cannot leave me Miranda said hugging him.

    Bruno said good bye to his father and Mary and went into the blue

    light and disappeared.

    About that night Miranda remembered it very well when she had

    lost her son, but ten years had happened and she can still hear

    Bruno talking to her through her dreams. Charles and Miranda had

    had a new baby and they love her so much but they cannot forget

    Bruno ans every day they hope he comes back.


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