hana's dream

Post on 02-Jun-2018






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8/10/2019 Hana's Dream

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8/10/2019 Hana's Dream

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C H A P T E R   N I N E



sun once again, and Hana let her sunglasses fall to the

end of her nose as she shivered in terror. She’d let her

dark thoughts linger and she knew exactly what was headed

for her. She looked at Franklin who was still in an oblivious

sugar-induced coma. Wow, he’s in his own world. Within this

strange world. Where would that even be? Grabbing Frank-

lin by the paw, and startling him so he let out a weird meow,

 A yo ung gi r l dis cov er s she is in a lu c id drea m, an d

decides that she wants to stay in the dream for as

long as she can… but eventually she encounters

the ‘Snatcher’, an entity that sucks ideas out of

her mind and transports her to

desolate places.

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‘Get it together Hana,

I think one touched

me!’ Franklin let out

a huge scream that

would have deafened a

whale as the bats came

dangerously close to

them, and Hana

knew they

didn’t want

to find out what would happen if they caught up.

With all the brainpower she could muster, she was able to

clear her mind for a couple of seconds in order to lose them.

But this was just the beginning and Hana knew it. She tried so

hard to think of something to at least stall him for some time,

but with the darkness taking over she knew it was going to get

she began to run.

After several failed attempts at gathering the energy to take

off, she flew down the valley, with Franklin on her back. Hana

knew she had to get away from the Snatcher, but so far every time

he had managed to break into her mind before she could even

begin to think of a way out. How do I get out of this mess? I

know something terrible is about to find me, THINK, HANA,

THINK! Don’t let him win this time!

As she looked behind her she noticed a trail of menacing bat-

like creatures pursuing her. Franklin screamed and Hana quickly

looked back and attempted to gain some speed out of sheer terror.



‘Franklin, I’m trying so hard but he’s already get-

ting to me, I can feel it, my mind… thoughts, banana…

I can’t focus!’

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By now everything was shrouded in darkness.

Out of nowhere, lightening struck the inky black

waves and in that split second, she could see all its

thousands of fangs and the purple-green glow of its scales as

the beast glistened all over and roared. Hana looked at the

creature’s giant fang at the centre of its gastly face. That fang

must be bigger than my entire house! And just as she’d al-

lowed herself think that thought, it doubled in size, and the

beast let out another huge roar.

‘Franklin! Please help me! I can’t think of anything and

we’re going to be taken, give me anything, anything to get us

out of here!’

Franklin yelled back over the deafening sounds of

the storm with a look of absolute terror on his face. ‘It’s

up to you Hana, and only you, it’s your dream after all!

I believe in you!’

harder and harder to think of a solution. Hana looked

up at the clouds, and at that moment she saw a pair

familiar pair of horns peak out of the sky. He’s

here. Just as she had acknowledged his arrival,

she noticed the entire valley had transformed

into a stormy sea, with the kind of furious

waves that can only be compared to the

computer-generated scenes in Holly-

wood films.

And it was not just

the Snatcher who had

 joined them. In the

distance, something

horrifying was

growing in size

and ugliness.

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But by now she doubted every part of her mind, and

every opening to her imagination was being sealed off be-

fore she could reach an idea. Not even Franklin the turtle cat

could bring her hopes up now, and she was running out of

time. The Snatcher had destroyed every image she’d come up

with, and she was frustrated by her complete lack of control.

Why can’t I think? Why can’t I dream?

Tears streamed down Hana’s cheeks as she realised that

the Snatcher was already robbing her mind. Like shattering

glass, her world broke down into pieces. Slowly her eyelids

became heavy and down she drifted, down into the water,

deeper and deeper as she curled up in a ball, ready to be trans-

ported once again.

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‘Why do you think the Snatcher’s after me Franklin? All

I’m trying to do is to have the best time I can in this dream. I

haven’t stopped trying to think of new places to go.’

‘Maybe that’s the problem, Hana. You should stop forc-

ing yourself to think of ideas, and just let them flow.’

‘But that’s so hard when I’m always worried he’s go-

ing to appear again and destroy what little I’m able to create


‘You should trust that the power of your imagination

can make him disappear. I’ve seen you do it myself! Don’t let

the Snatcher discourage you. You’re still the imaginative girl

that managed to enter this world.’

Hana considered his words, and looked down towards

her bare feet (still impeccably clean), leading her eye to the

oasis. Again, the incredible sight of the waterfall descending

from the clouds amazed her. It fell down two steps of stones,

C H A P T E R   T E N

The Snatcher 


seemed like) hours before they touched down on

the edge of a cliff and caught sight of another oasis.

 Finally, Hana thought. It was nothing like the first one they

had seen, but still more beautiful than anything in the real

world. Exhausted and dispirited, they both sat on the edge of

the cliff in silence before Hana asked a question that strange-

ly enough had never crossed her mind before.

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as she had done at the beginning of her dream.

She walked over to the beautiful scene, and sat

by the crystal clear pool. Looking around, she

could not help but feel delighted at the realisation

that she was dreaming. I created this all.

Having been so inside her own head this entire

time, she hadn’t stopped and looked H around to

see the beauty of this illusion. She hadn’t noticed

that this place, her dream, and how she

perceived it, was all up

to her. Instead of truly

enjoying it, she had

been torn down

by her self-doubt

and expectations

of how it all

should be.

foaming up into gorgeous sprays of foamy cotton water each

time. Suspended from the end of the vines that embraced

the palm trees were enormous sacks of candy just like the

ones she and the turtle cat had devoured earlier. Popcorn

was blowing off the trees and flying around in the nonexis-

tent wind just like dandelion seeds. As soon as that thought

had processed, Hana caught sight of a handful of beautiful

multi-coloured flowers emerge from around the oasis.

‘Maybe you’re right, Franklin. Things have only been get-

ting worse because I’ve let myself believe more in the Snatcher

than myself, I’ve almost forgotten what I’m capable of.’ The

Turtle Cat smiled at her and then looked back towards the oasis.

‘It’s been great being in your mind, my friend.’ And before she

could move her jaw to speak, he’d vanished.

A sudden glimmer of hope allowed her to set off in flight

in no time, and she flew down the cliff, almost as gracefully

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so the beast did too. He spoke and Hana gasped. ‘I am the

Snatcher, and I live inside you Hana… in the left side of your

brain to be exact. You hold the power to listen to me, and let

me take over. Or you can remember that I am not real, and I am

actually a figment of your imagination just like everything

else you’ve created. Your courage has won over, dreamer,

and you will be able to dream again. For now.’

She realised that during all this time she had been worrying

about escaping the Snatcher, and because of all the anger she

felt due to his prescence, she had missed out on the doing and

creating wonderful things and having some great experiences

with her new friend.

She looked down at the water and to her horror, instead

of seeing her own reflection, the Snatcher looked up at her,

and finally a it was complete image of the beast. The shad-

owy transparent image of the minotaur-like creature gazed at

her with a look of wonder, distorted by the ripples of water

she had made with her scream. She jumped back in fright, ex-

pecting to be grabbed and forced into another desolate place

she did not want to be in. But nothing happened.

Slowly she edged back, and noticed the pool had shrunk

in size and had taken the form of a mirror. She looked

straight at the Snatcher and tilted her head to one side. And

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