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Handwriting Secrets Revealed


Doc Grayson

“Change Your Handwriting Change Your Life”

Handwriting Secrets Revealed

Published byGBC PublishingMesquite, NV 89027

Copy EditorVanessa ParkVKP EditingVkpediting.comvkpediting@gmail.com

Copyright © 2014 GBC Publishing

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced without the expressed written consent of the publisher. However, permission is granted for the reproductions of parts of this book for use in the field of education and handwriting analysis.

Printed in the United States of AmericaContact information: HandwritingSecretsRevealed.com

Why Purchase This Book

Handwriting Secrets Revealed by Dave Grayson, like the science of handwriting analysis itself, can benefit you in countless ways. Fortune 500 companies, the FBI and other law enforcement agencies, and countless others use handwriting analysis. Find out why in the pages of this book.

Maybe you are an entrepreneur, the owner of a company or a CEO, there are many ways handwriting analysis can be helpful. You, like many other employers, can use handwriting analysis to screen employees for promotion or hire new workers.

Are you on the job market? Have you just graduated, or were you let go? You have bills to pay and it’s hard to find a job. Handwriting analysis can reveal your true aptitudes. Read this book and see if handwriting analysis is for you. If it is, Dr. Grayson can help you decide where to focus your job search to increase your odds of getting a job – and keeping it, because it’s perfect for you, and you for it.

Are you looking for a business partner to bring into your company, or to start a new business? That’s a big commitment. How do you know your strengths will complement one another? Before you sign on the dotted line, read this book and see if you shouldn’t ask for a handwriting sample. You will learn if the person has integrity, strong will power, determination, the ability to set and meet high goals, and many other desirable executive traits.

Your youngster is in junior high or high school and is struggling, either socially or academically. You don’t know how best to help. Are you too close to the situation and need an objective perspective? Handwriting analysis is a great tool for you. Read this book to see if you want to pursue this line of inquiry. You can understand your child even better than you already do, and an analysis can show the way to helping him or her in a real and practical way. Doc Grayson can also help your child get better grades by improving their learning skills through handwriting, and giving your child some much needed self-confidence.

You can even use handwriting analysis to dig into the past. Are you into genealogy? If you are in possession of materials and information about ancestors and want to know more, read this book to find out how handwriting analysis can be a fun and informative tool to getting to know them better. Handwriting analysis can bring to you the last piece of the puzzle.

Click here to read the qualifications of Dr. Grayson!

Companies who have used handwriting analysis!


Chapter 1 – Want to save your company thousands of dollars?

Chapter 2 – Ever wonder why you can’t find a good paying job?

Chapter 3 – Are you and your mate truly compatible?

Chapter 4 – Do you want to be the best that you can be?

Chapter 5 - Would you like to find the job you are best suited for?

Chapter 6 – How you can help your child succeed in school and in life?

Chapter 7 – Wondering what your ancestors were really like?

Chapter 8 – Have a desire to improve or learn cursive handwriting?




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Why Handwriting Analysis?

Having my handwriting analyzed at an early age changed my life forever. I remember the evening well. Our family was having dinner at Toppers on the Boulevard in Chicago, Illinois, and a gentleman walked up to our table asking if we would like to have our handwriting analyzed for two dollars. The year was 1968 and the four of us handed the gentleman the money and he handed each of us a piece of paper in order to write a short paragraph. My mother and two brothers had their handwriting analyzed first. I was last. The gentleman told me numerous things about myself that I thought no one else would know. I have always been a private individual and thus was completely stunned by what he told me about myself. My first thought was that somehow one of my family members told him about me. I soon realized that wasn’t it at all. He really did understand a great deal about me based on how I wrote! Incredible.

Several years later, I was studying for a master’s degree in guidance and counseling at Loyola University. There were many discussions back and forth during those classes about the best method for getting a patient to talk about him or herself. During those discussions, my mind kept drifting back to the gentleman who analyzed my handwriting. I thought that if I could learn to analyze handwriting, I would have wonderful insight into those individuals I was intending to help. My analysis would also be a wonderful way to get patients to open up.

I went to the Loyola library (there was no Internet in those days) and I discovered several schools that taught handwriting analysis. One school was based in Chicago not far from Loyola University: the International Graphoanalysis Society.

One evening I walked over to the school and spoke with the director of the program. He did a brief analysis of my handwriting and then showed me the curricula for the program. I was very impressed. I immediately signed up and have never looked back.

Handwriting analysis is the one learned skill I have continued to use throughout my life. First and foremost, I use handwriting analysis in my personal life. In my own handwriting, I notice the indicators of emotion or stress even before conscious awareness sets in. My handwriting shows if I am becoming tired, frustrated, upset, worried, excited, and many other emotions.

I taught school for many years and used handwriting analysis thousands of times in helping students understand and improve themselves in school and in their daily lives. Looking at their handwriting, I can see their strengths and their weaknesses, their likes and dislikes. I am able to cut through miscellaneous talk and get directly to the problem we must deal with. I have found, especially in children and young adults, when they know you analyze their handwriting, they believe you know almost everything about

them, so they begin to talk freely about what is troubling them. They assume you already know about that particular problem or negative habit, so they feel free. I have had excellent success in working with children and young adults because of my knowledge of handwriting analysis.

Often the most difficult situations a person has to deal with are working with bosses or colleagues. Handwriting analysis again helped me because I knew precisely how to approach each individual: do I confront him or her directly or come at him or her from a different direction. Looking at their writing, I could tell if it would be a good time to talk with them or if the timing is bad. And whenever I was involved in the hiring process of a new worker, my coworkers would rely heavily on what I had to say, as they knew I understood the applicant by their handwriting. Because of my known handwriting analysis skills, I had built up a trust among my coworkers and subordinates.

Whenever I plan on purchasing a big-ticket item, I always ask for a written estimate. Not just to get the price, but to view the integrity of the person quoting me the figure. I understand that the person quoting me the estimate may not be the final individual involved, but that person is a representative of the company, so it gives me good insight into the credibility, reliability, and trustworthiness of the company. Trust me, analyzing handwriting has saved me much heartache.

The part of handwriting analysis I enjoy the most is being able to help others. I have received hundreds of emails, telephone calls, notes, even personal visits, all from people thanking me for positioning them for their success. When I do an analysis for an individual, I can’t help but become involved in that person’s life on some level, since looking at their handwriting is so personal. I immediately see the negative things that hold the person back, and I see the power the person has but is not using. It might sound corny, but I am blessed to be able to help so many people by analyzing their handwriting. I can readily see the changes needed in their handwriting and signature, and I know I can help them make those changes.

I am certified by two handwriting organizations: The International Graphoanalysis Society and Handwriting University. I have held top positions in various handwriting organizations, and have written a book, Better Understanding Your Child Though Handwriting. As a handwriting analyst, I have lectured all around the United States and Canada, taught handwriting analysis classes, and appeared on many television and radio stations.

How can handwriting analysis help you? The majority of my clients participate in the Change Your Handwriting Change Your Life program. In that program, you and I work together, preferably in person, to discuss your needs and desires. We then evaluate your handwriting style and help change small techniques in your handwriting in order to

develop your strengths to reach your desired goal. We work one-on-one designing a unique program just for you. The term for this is Graphotherapy, using handwriting to change behavior.

How does it work? You practice the new letter forms, alter the spacing of words and letters, and the placement of your handwriting on the paper. Some clients work on this therapy for 30 days but most continue for up to 120 days desiring to change several different personal traits. Together we develop a course of action, where the client is in control to reach the desired goal, and to achieve success.

As a client, you have to do the work. No work, no gain! But within days you will begin to notice transformation beginning. If you decide to choose therapy with a professional psychotherapist, it can take months or years and becomes extremely costly, but handwriting analysis can help you in a very short period of time at a fraction of the cost. The best thing about Graphotherapy is that you will be constantly aware of your success as you move through the program. The program is developed only for your specific needs, as each and every individual has a distinct handwriting, so what works for one person will not help another. It is important to realize that this is a unique and personalized program, created just for you.

I know how much handwriting analysis has changed my life, and continues to improve it to this day. Now I want to help you change and improve your life in whatever way you need. Together we can achieve the success you desire in order for you to have a better life. David Grayson, Ph.D.Educational PsychologyWorld’s Leading Handwriting Authority


One of the first known books on handwriting analysis, written by Camillo Baldi, a philosophy professor at the University of Bologna, was published in Italy in 1624. Before that, there are some sketchy writings about handwriting analysis that date back to 1552.

Today, handwriting analysis is widely accepted in many countries. Handwriting analysis is beginning to be accepted in America. Graphology is used in employment, placement, and counseling. Police departments, governmental agencies, and Fortune 500 companies regularly make us of it. Credit bureaus and banks often employ handwriting experts as well.

Graphology, the scientific study of handwriting, reveals the personality and present state of the individual. It does not predict the future nor tell the past. The United States Supreme Court has ruled on the constitutionality of its use by employers and government agencies, as handwriting analysis does not reveal age, gender, race, or handedness, and thus cannot be used to discriminate or profile.

Handwriting reflects change and growth. Handwriting, like a fingerprint, is uniquely individual. Unlike a fingerprint, handwriting can evolve and change over time, or according to circumstance. What writing offers is a fuller picture of an individual. Handwriting analysts refer to handwriting as brainwriting.

There are two main schools of handwriting analysis. Milton M. Bunker wrote many books on the topic, and developed what is known as the trait method. In 1929 he founded the International Graphoanalysis Society which has members around the world. Members certified by this organization are called Graphoanalysts and can reach the level of Master Graphoanalyst. Handwriting University, based in California, also uses the trait method for analyzing handwriting plus they have a Mastery Level Course.

The other school is the Gestalt method of handwriting analysis. It is based mostly upon German research and is quite similar to a Rorschach inkblot test. This system looks at the handwriting from a wide perspective. Two organizations that use this holistic method are the American Association of Handwriting Analysts and the American Handwriting Analysis Foundation. Other handwriting analysis organizations can be researched on the Internet.

Table of ContentsCHAPTER 1

How to Avoid a $50,000 Hiring Mistake

CHAPTER 2Find Out What Your Employer Knows About You…Before It’s Too Late

CHAPTER 3A Small Investment Can Prevent Disaster in a Partnership

CHAPTER 4Get to Know the Real You

CHAPTER 5Discover Your Innate Talents

CHAPTER 6Give Your Child a Success Advantage

CHAPTER 7Find Out What Your Ancestors Were Really Like

CHAPTER 8Stimulate Brain Activity the Natural Way

CHAPTER 9Change Your Handwriting Change Your Life

CHAPTER 1How to Avoid a $50,000 Hiring Mistake

What do the entrepreneurs Walt Disney, Steve Jobs, and Henry Ford have in common? They all had setbacks or failed, at least at first. Have you heard the term, “from failure to success?” It’s a common pattern. This is not to say that all entrepreneurs have numerous setbacks. Some succeed steadily until they arrive. However, that is not the norm.

Individuals, who fail and pick themselves up and move forward, have the best chance for success. Michael Jordan was cut from his school basketball team. He could have quit playing basketball, but he discovered a group of men playing basketball in the park near his home. They were all better and stronger than he was but he figured since these other players were bigger and stronger than he was he would learn from them and that would make him a better player. The rest is history.

Charles M. Schulz, the creator of the Peanuts Comic Strip had a similar story. As a kid he was always sketching his dog doing crazy things. Being a bright student at Richard Gordon Elementary School in St. Paul, Minnesota, he was promoted at half-year to the next grade, twice. In high school he became timid and shy, possibly because he was so much younger than his peers. He submitted his drawings to the school year book several times, and each time they were rejected. Now there is a five-foot tall statue of Snoopy in

the school’s main office. The Peanuts comic strip became the most popular comic strip ever.

What is interesting, however, is that these men who persevered through early failure have success written all over them. Or, should I say, success in all that they have written. In other words, their handwriting reveals that, early setbacks aside, they have the traits necessary to find not only success, but also phenomenal success.

Entrepreneurs become successful because of various factors, one being their desire to achieve. Directing energy, learning patterns, and will power go a long way in helping an individual become successful. This should comfort parents who try to cope with struggling youngsters. One way to direct that energy and will is to present opportunities for their children to make decisions. For example, you can ask even young children to choose among options, all of which are acceptable to you, giving them a sense of responsibility for their own choices. “Do you want pancakes, cereal, or eggs for breakfast?” Later, give them a say in larger decisions, such as where to go on vacation. Select a few choices that would work, and get your child to weigh in. Doing so will help lay the foundation for intelligent decision making in later years, for example when launching a business.

The beginnings of entrepreneurship often begin in high school and college. The news in recent years has been full of stories of college students creating profitable and successful businesses in the technology world. These students have an intense interest in an activity, an effective critical thinking process, and time to work on a project. High school students are often held back from achieving success. Whereas 17 or 18 year olds who, in the military, may be expected to lead others into dangerous missions, in high school would have to raise their hands for permission to go to the washroom. Young people this age have great potential in responsibility and leadership, but are rarely are given ample opportunity. Could handwriting analysis help educators determine potential in students who are being held back because of a lack of understanding? You bet.

Remember our three entrepreneurs, Walt Disney of the Disney Corporation and Theme Parks, Steve Jobs the creator of the Apple computer and the former CEO of Apple, and Henry Ford the founder of an automotive dynasty? In a school evaluation, Henry Ford was told that he showed little promise. Steve Jobs was adopted as a baby. Growing up he

excelled in his studies but was frustrated with formal education, often pulling pranks in school which would get him into a great deal of trouble. He attended college for one semester, then dropped out because of lack of funds. Jobs then lived for a year at school staying for a short time in different friends rooms while auditing classes that were of interest to him, classes that the felt would stimulate his brain and enrich his life. On a side note, he called the computer and corporation he founded Apple because of his fond memories of picking apples during the summer as a young boy. A newspaper editor fired Walt Disney because he said that Walt had no good or original ideas. All three became successful. It takes a special individual to turn things around.

What does this have to do with handwriting? You can find the tools you need to become successful if you are able to take full advantage of what a handwriting analysis reveals about you.

All of the character traits needed to determine one’s potential success in life are contained in the microcosm of handwriting.

I wrote an article for Crain’s Chicago Business. I analyzed the signatures of 14 major CEOs. The character trait that stood out the most was individuality. These successful men and women did things their way. They tended to choose the road less taken. They also trusted their own decisions. In researching these corporate giants, many had overcome difficult upbringings, from living in an orphanage to being homeless. Most of them came up the hard way; a few followed their parents’ footsteps but in a different industry. These leaders had the fortitude necessary to succeed.

Let’s look at the handwriting of some successful individuals.

Andrew Carnegie

His family immigrated to the United States in 1848. Carnegie started as a telegraph operator, saved his money and invested in railroads, bridges, and oil equipment. His small investments paid off and he became a bond salesman, which gave him an insight into where and when to place his investments. He founded the Carnegie Steel Company in Pittsburgh and later sold to J. P. Morgan for $480 million.

His handwriting is fast paced and has excellent rhythm. Notice the evenness of the lines and spaces. He does not stop along the way but picks up information and skills, as he moves along. He does not worry about the small details. He sees the big picture. The forward slant of the writing tells us that he is good at sizing up an individual and has the ability to show empathy with the others, thereby getting what he needed from them and for them.

Ronald Reagan

Although Ronald Reagan was not the usual CEO, he headed the Actors Guild, and served as both Governor of California, and President of the United States. Reagan took several small steps on his way to success. He was born into poverty in Dixon, Illinois. After college he drove to Iowa and took the only job available, broadcasting Iowa Hawkeye’s football for $10.00 a game. He saw a job opening for staff announcer in Davenport, Iowa, at $100 a month and joined that station. Another opportunity arose for him while he was a Chicago Cub announcer for an Iowa radio station. Broadcasting for the team on the road in California, he took a screen test in Hollywood and received a seven-year contract.

His entrepreneur attitude came from the fact that he continually improved his positions and took risky steps to advance his career. That was the mode throughout his life, always looking for the next opportunity and being sure that each change was a step up. Take a look at his writing; each word stands by itself. He writes a word, pauses, and then writes the next word, almost the same as his life, taking one job and then quickly moving on to something new.

Donald Trump

‘The Donald’ is involved in politics, entertainment, financing, and business. Donald was born into wealth; hence he had an advantage over others. However, in the 1980s he was near bankruptcy. He was saved partly by his skills and partly by the economic upturn in the early 1990s. School was not kind to him; often he got into difficulties and was not a student his teachers enjoyed having in their classes. These qualities are the ones I spoke about earlier in this chapter, traits that frustrate others but are skills that achieve success. He did not like the school policies, the rules of the school, or the subjects taught. He wanted things his way. On the plus side, Donald was an avid reader. He read newspapers, magazines, books almost anything he could get his hands on. He even enjoyed reading “How To…” manuals in order to learn how things worked. The knowledge he gained from his reading was the driving force behind his desires for success.His handwriting is almost always placed in an unorthodox method on the paper: a need to be noticed and a desire to be different. Most all of Donald’s written notes are oriented on the page in this manner, even when he responds to a note, he responds on the same sheet of paper writing at an angle on the paper: see sample.

A coach in high school got Donald involved in sports-- football, soccer, and baseball. Trump used his skills for personal growth in sports. His success on the field brought success in school. He became a star athlete and an honor student, channeling energies help to create success.

Some of the above samples were from the book, Handwriting of the Famous and Infamous by Sheila Lowe.

There are three rankings of entrepreneurs. The first are those born into a wealth like Donald Trump. The second are born with a unique style of personality. The third group will be the ones we will focus upon, as they are the self-made individuals who grew into their entrepreneurship. They learned from experiences, good and bad, and became successful. These individuals can analyze situations and have the determination and drive to succeed.

A good example is Colonel Sanders of Kentucky Fried Chicken. As a youngster, he had little ambition, so at age 15 he joined the military. When he got out he worked many small jobs until he decided to sell gasoline and chicken, a most unusual combination. The gas station was next to his house and in his home he had a chicken restaurant. At age 65 in 1955, his restaurant failed, mostly due to a new highway built near his property, thus reducing customer traffic. He had to close his restaurant. He had little money, so he took $105 from his first Social Security check and visited potential restaurants to purchase. He found someone willing to sell his restaurant. Sanders opened the restaurant under the name Kentucky Fried and used the special sauce he had developed to cook his chicken products. He continued to open new restaurants, which used his special sauce, and all his restaurants became successful. In 1964 Sanders sold the Kentucky Fried Chicken Corporation for $2 million.

As a handwriting analyst, I look for specific traits when trying to discover if the writer can become a successful businessperson. Heavy writing is a plus along with a consistent slant. In looking for mental adeptness, we look for analytic thinking, as these individuals

can size up situations quickly and they have the ability to see the plus and minus of a given situation.

The ‘t’ crossing shows goal setting skills and will power. Where the writer placed the ‘t’ bar crossing is where he sets his goals. The higher the crossing of the ‘t’ bar the higher the goals the writer sets. We also want the ‘t’ bar to be heavy in pressure, as that shows increased potential in an individual. When the ‘t’ crossing is long it informs us that the intensity of the personal drive will continue for a long time.

Imagination helps in designing a successful program or business plan. We see imagination in the loops of the ‘h’, ‘l’, ‘g’, and ’y’. The larger and wider the loops the larger the imagination, however, imagination which is exaggerated can be a detriment to an individual, as he will perceive things not as they really are.

The most successful entrepreneurs don’t accomplish everything on their own, as they tend to partner with one or more individuals. A good example of this is Ray Kroc, the original head of the McDonald’s Corporation. Ray teamed up with a man named McDonald with a hamburger business in California. Kroc learned a great deal watching McDonald. The original owner was very happy with his little hamburger restaurant but Ray Kroc saw huge possibilities. His writing shows tremendous analytical ability and a very creative imagination. He could not convince his partner to expand and Ray became extremely frustrated. Finally, he thought if he could buy out McDonald, he could expand. He convinced Mr. McDonald to sell his part of the business and the rest is history. Ray Kroc realized that in California the name McDonald’s for hamburgers was gold, so he kept the name and the franchise has served an estimated 100 billion hamburgers worldwide.

Teaming up with another person is so important, as there is a need to draw the expertise from two or more individuals to make a complete package. However, teaming up with the wrong individual can lead to business and financial failure… and cost you the big $50,000.00 mistake! Tony Hsich founded Zappos.com in 1999 and in the beginning only sold shoes. In 2009 he sold Zappos.com to Amazon.com. Tony says that companies should not hire just to have a warm body but they should hire slowly and fire quickly as this method can help make a company successful. Tony believes that bad hires had cost Zappos.com over $500,000, and maybe “well over $100 million.”

Handwriting can save you. The handwriting analysis of a possible business partner will show you whether this is the best individual for the organization. Does this person have the qualities you lack, can this person be trusted, and is this person honest and truthful, and capable of working with you? All of these questions can be answered by analyzing the handwriting. Looking at the handwriting of a potential business partner can help you avoid making Zappos.com $50,000.00 mistake!

Here is a sample of the way I used handwriting analysis to find the partner a client needed. The three handwritings below belong to candidates for vice-president of a large technology company. Specimen 1 is a current employee in the corporation and is in charge of the graphic development department. The second specimen is also from within the corporation and is currently in charge of international sales, and specimen three is from outside the corporation and is currently employed as a developer of new franchises for a fast-food company.

All candidates have excellent working records and recommendations from their prospective supervisors. The question I would pose to the person in charge of hiring the new position of vice-president would be to describe the requirements necessary for the job. If the job requires facts and figures and knowing how each department functions, I would recommend the first writer. If the position needs someone who can multi-task, then I would recommend the owner of the second sample of writing. The third writer would be the best person if future thinking and planning along with quick response time would be required.

Specimen 1The writing has high ‘t’ bar crossings and heavy pressure on the ‘t’ bar, which shows attention to details. This person will start a plan and see it through to its end. The strong down strokes of the ‘g’ and ‘y’ increases the ability to see things to completion.

Specimen 2Notice the long extensions in the ‘f’,’g’, and ‘y’. This shows that the writer likes to have a lot of things going on at the same time and the fact that the lines do not mix together shows an ability to work at several tasks at one time.

Specimen 3This writing tends to move uphill which denotes optimism. The letter ‘i’ is dotted close as it is taught in all handwriting methods. This is not only attention to details but making sure everything is in place before a task is begun.

You can see that in order to place the best individual in the position, it is necessary for a candidate to have specific requirements necessary for the job.

Don’t take the matter of partnership lightly; it is one of the most important decisions you can ever make. Take the time to have the handwriting analyzed by a certified handwriting analyst. You may also want to have your own handwriting analyzed in order to see what talents you have and which talents you lack, so that you can discover a partner to complement yourself. You can find a proven professional certified handwriting analyst at Handwriting Secrets Revealed.

In addition to partners, employees are of paramount importance in any organization. Tony Hsieh, former CEO of Zappos, talks about the need to set up the proper hiring process to avoid major mistakes. He believes that before he became CEO of Zappos the company lost $100 million by not hiring the proper individuals. He states that most companies don’t or won’t commit to what it takes to build a successful talent strategy. Hsieh says large corporations will think strategically, plan, put together spreadsheets, but they don’t think strategically when it comes to hiring talented employees. Hsieh eventually sold Zappos to Amazon in a deal valued at approximately $1.2 billion. Some people, like Hsieh, possess honed skills and a natural affinity for hiring well. But don’t despair. If you do not have the experience or have not yet developed sophisticated or creative hiring techniques like Hsieh’s, there is a strategy out there that can help you. It’s called handwriting analysis! You can use it to determine if a partner is ideal, if potential hires are the talent you need, and, of course to assess your own strengths and weaknesses.

Analysis of your own writing will reinforce what you already know about yourself and will also reveal need-to-know information you may not have … yet! I know from

speaking with my clients that it can be nerve-wracking to hear about the negative elements found in the handwriting. I tell them it is not about negative or positive, it’s about information and how you will use it. For example, stubbornness can seem like a negative trait. And yes, it can be. But the stubborn student who refuses to follow the dress code or do her homework can channel that stubbornness into a determination to conquer fears and obstacles in order to succeed. As an adult entrepreneur, stubbornness can save you from a substantial loss. You are stubborn and you simply won’t give up until you achieve success.

But don’t be stubborn and refuse to submit your handwriting to be analyzed! Think of what you might be missing out on if you do. Take the plunge so you can know your true potential. Then take that same trait of stubbornness and turn it into a positive. Discover your strengths and weaknesses and build upon those qualities. Maybe by doing so you’ll avoid a $50,000.00 mistake somewhere down the line.

I have clients who thank me for helping them understand who they are and what they can accomplish. With my background in handwriting analysis and my education in counseling and psychology, I help individuals achieve. I coach many clients, as they now have someone in whom they can confide, because through their handwriting I will know them better than anyone else. We work as a team. Let’s work as a team together through this book as it is my hope that it will help you achieve success in your chosen field.



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