happy easter

Post on 22-Mar-2016






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• Adnan Sakli lived in New York in the mid 1980’s, working in construction on a bank. During this time he met a Chinese gentleman named Mr . CT Wu, who was living in

Croton on Hudson, NY. Mr. Wu was in his late 60’s, and was the main contact to the elders in China, of which there were about 11 of them who lived in the mountains

of Northern China; and they controlled an untold amount of wealth. (One of the original elders, though now senile, is still alive at the age of 137. The elders and their

history are well documented in the University in Beijing). Mr. Wu directly represented the First Lady of the Republic of China, Madame Soong Mei-ling, also known as

Madame Chiang Kai-shek, the wife of Generalissimo and President Chiang Kai-Shek (the last man to rule both China and Taiwan). Madame Chiang Kai-shek was in her

late 80’s and she lived in Lattingtown, Long Island, New York. When Madame Chiang Kai-Shek died, her assets passed to Mr. Sakli.

• Knowing that Mr. Sakli had relationships in the banking world, Mr. Wu requested Mr. Sakli’s assistance in repatriating $5 trillion in cash from China to the United

States. Mr. Sakli had an associate at the U.S. Treasury who helped him organize the transfer of cash to the USA. It required about 240 40’ containers, 6 months,

and 12 U.S. battleships to escort the cash from China to the United States, where it was ultimately stored in Wells Fargo warehouses. For his services, Mr. Sakli

received a $50 billion commission (1% of the funds). Mr. Sakli deposited his $50 billion under his name at JP Morgan Chase, and due to the Statutory Reserve Act

(he had a bigger deposit than the banks reserve), he became the owner/title holder of the bank.

• Shortly after this, Mr. Sakli was invited to a meeting regarding a major project in Hong Kong: the construction of the Hong Kong Airport. A trilateral agreement was

formed between the U.S., China and the UK. After the meeting with some seven syndicate members, all large companies that were interested in the job, it was

requested of Mr. Sakli to find funding for the project. Mr. Sakli said he would try, and about eighteen months later, he was able to structure the funding for the

project, which was about $20 billion USD. Mr. Sakli was offered a special platform to fund the deal (with approval from Li Peng), which would generate a very large

ratio of return that could be used in the funding of the airport. Mr. Sakli then did his due diligence and feasibility work, and seeing an opportunity and valid legal

structures to fund the deal, he accepted the assignment. Mr. Sakli acquired the land rights of the airport under the trilateral agreement, and the Central Banks

were the exiting position of the trades. PYCY was the originating group of money, and others involved were Edward Yu and his brother; General Dynamics; Lockhead

Martin; Sumitomo and Kajima, who contributed engineering, construction, and supply services.

• The project funding grew to $70 billion. Mr. Sakli was the sole signatory of the project based upon the funding structure, including the surrounding land and

mountain. Many other such projects succeeded, allowing Mr. Sakli to continue to build assets through is role as financier. During thirty years, Mr. Sakli was involved

in the majority of the projects in China, Taiwan and East Asia and in other projects around the world. Over time, the trades got bigger and bigger and more out of

control. UBS at one point in time had 320 traders continuously trading, and the Central Banks were buying all their positions. All the Central Banks agreed to

assume liabilities of the trades and eventually the Central Banking System went belly up, because the Swiss were trading so much with rolls and extensions they

could not handle the liabilities.

• When the Global Central Banking Systems crashed in 1987, liquidity dried up in the system, save for Mr. Sakli's built-up assets that he had earned over the years.

Being the only person with sufficient liquidity, he became owner of the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) in Basel, Switzerland. The Bank of International

Settlements is the lending entity to all of the other Central Banks and the holder of all Sovereign debts, which means that Mr. Sakli is the underwriter of all the

Central Banks and the global currency underwriter. His cash accounts superseded that of the banks. The act of issuing and guaranteeing of all the currencies was

under his authority and legally under his right of control. Mr. Sakli also became the master trader and global currency underwriter.

• In 2000, Mr. Sakli issued his own currency, Adnan Treasury Sakli (ATS), and it has been holding up the entire system since. After the attacks on the World Trade

Center, Mr. Sakli helped prevent the stock markets from crashing. He was approached in 2001 by US government agencies, because KOC Holdings of Turkey

intended to dump 36,000 companies to cause a global market crash. The agencies signed over a minimum of 51% of A share stock to three hundred eleven

thousand (311,000) companies to Mr. Sakli as a precautionary tactic to prevent the global crash of all the stock markets. Based upon the Central Banking crash, Mr.

Sakli is the holder and owner of all the sovereign corporations, with full jurisdictional and judiciary rights, which means anything done without his approval is null

and void, including Basel III, and may be considered as treason under the Edwardian Act of 1236.

• In addition, all the historic treaties are under signatory authority and rights of Mr. Sakli. The 1868 Treaty of Nice, under which the Treaty of Versailles and the treaty

of Lausanne were formulated, is under first signatory position of Mr. Sakli and any ratification are null and void based on the legal statute of authority. So the Treaty

of Versailles, that controls the League of Nations is under Mr. Sakli’s first signatory right, and any modification of the treaties are in his hands as well and require

his authority and ratification, and any ratification without his authority is null and void. Any agreements made under the Counsel of Rome require Mr. Sakli’s

authority as well, inclusive the rights of the Vatican, as governing structure, and currently all the states are functioning in illegal activities outside of Mr. Sakli’s

authority and jurisdictional rights, for which they are creating crimes against humanity. The jurisdictional sovereign authority of the order of the protectorate

requires ratification and authority of Mr. Sakli to be functional. The Privy Council has been actively utilizing authority they do not have. NATO has no jurisdictional

authority of action prior to agreements to be reached with Mr. Sakli, so any action without authority can be deemed as treason and crimes against humanity. The

United Nations, an independent NGO, registered in California, in order to act with any legal capacity require the authority of Mr. Sakli and a ratified vote of the

general assembly for its judiciary and rightful operational rights.

• We currently face an unparalleled global financial crisis, and if Mr. Sakli is unable to make the necessary adjustments of the national debts (that grow exponentially

every day), the banking system and credit system will crash. In the beginning of 2013 there will be a big landslide of debt. There will be another crash of the banking

and credit system. Credit cards will no longer work, airports, fuel companies, etc. will shut down.


• Authentication of Mr. Adnan Sakli’s assets information can be accessed via mainframes of institutional screens or Prime Bank Systems, such as: Grey Screen,

Euroclear, JP Morgan Chase & Co., and Treasury Screens. Mr. Sakli has Fed title under the ECB and Treasury, based on International Monetary Reserve Regulations,

and because he is the supporting entity of all banks globally. One of his Federal Reserve accounts is “Adnan Sakli & 8217”.

• Internally, the CIA and NSA have documents regarding Mr. Sakli. Mr. Sakli was informed at one point in time they had a 590 page document. Also the Secret Service,

Treasury, and Homeland Security should have a file on him.

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