harnessing 2012 - cloud presentation

Post on 03-Dec-2014






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What is Cloud Technology - Suzie Evans from Supreme Systems unravels the mysteries surrounding the cloud.


  • 1. Staying Ahead of the Competitionwith Cloud Technology

2. Cloud The Next Generation of ComputingThe first recorded use of the word 1613 computer in the English languageFirst modern programmable1930s-1940s computers number crunching (Enigma) We went from crunching numbers to letters1960swith the first databases, the first mass marketedPC HP, networking (info stored on one computerand accessed from another)1970s First portable computer 3. IBM 5100 4. Cloud The Next Generation of Computing Developments: business applications like1970sWord Processors opened up the opportunity touse computers in the business environment Developments in CommunicationWWW launched to public!1990s Who remembers this sound? 5. Dial Up! 6. The InternetNow (as of 2011) more than 2.2 billion people,nearly a third of the population,use the services of the Internet(Wikipedia) 7. What is the internet?A virtual space that connects users from all over the globe,sharing information by way of satellite networks,hardware, software and lots of wires!The internet is a network of networks. Computerscommunicating with a common language sothey can easily pass data around the world.What happens when you visit a website?Cloud Technology is about using the internets resources in an advanced way. 8. You Already Use the Cloud 9. What is the Cloud? IAAS shared resources, software and information are provided to devices on demand like renting an office in a serviced building SAAS Software on demand The difference between buying CDs and streaming any music track from the net 10. Is Cloud Computing Safe?SecurityWhen considering a Cloud Provider - choose a company with a reputation forexcellent physical and network security.PrivacyBecause youre logging in from various locations there ispotential for privacy to be compromised. You can ensurethis is minimalized by using authentication techniques likeusernames and strong passwords.RedundancyMake sure there are multiple copies of your data to preventloss in the case of a single disk or server failure. Microsoftwill have redundancies (different machines, different powersupplies) and will be responsible for the security of the data.OwnershipYour data is yours! A cloud hosting provider should acknowledge itsyours, safeguard it and protect your privacy. 11. Who is using Cloud technology? 53% of organisations polled already consciously use cloud computing in some shape or form within their organisation a 10% increase in 9 nine months 72% expected their use of Cloud to increase over the next 12 months 66% stated the benefits and nature of cloud services could encourage changes to the way they provide IT Study conducted by FastHosts 12. Cloud Solutions for Small Businesses1. Marketing Software (iContact, MailChimp)2. Social Media Software (Hootsuite, Tweet Adder)3. Day-to-day operations - Office 365 or Google Apps for Business4. CRM: Microsoft Dynamics/Sage ACT5. Accounts: Free Agent (SBs), Sage Online6. Project Management: Basecamp (Micro), Liquid Planner, Microsoft Project7. Industry Specific: AutoCad WS, Recruit Active etc..8. All in one: Bizelo Apps. Small Business Apps. Everything from retail to Education. 13. Is the Cloud right for your business?Would you like more flexibility?? Do you want to take your business to the next level? ?Are you unable to purchase an IT infrastructure orrun your own IT dept?Is managing your IT a headache?Are you looking to upgrade or replace current IT set up?? Do you need a fail-safe email solution?Do you need back-up and DR solution?Need a solution which is scalable? 14. Case StudyPR company starting from scratch with 7 members ofstaffThey had:7 laptops, 7 SmartPhones and some Cloud-based Accounting software.Requirements:Central Location, Corporate-LevelEmails, Calendars, Communication, ScalabilitySolution! 15. Cost ComparisonItemOn Premise Solution () Cloud Solution ()Server Hardware 800 0Server Operating System 600 0Anti-Virus for Server 300Back-Up Device100 0Server Set-Up Cost25000Annual On-going support 1500120Office Software 11000Annual Fee for Office 365 0 900Office 365 set-up 0 1750TOTAL 66302770 16. Free Cloud Solution DropBox Will offer you 2 GB free storage, and you can get 250 MB (up to 8 GB) by recommending. Can sync across PCs/Macs Sugar Sync Offers 5 GB free cloud storage Windows Live SkyDrive SkyDrive is a cloud-based storage service that lets you store up to 7GB of data for free. Hootsuite (free version) Google Apps One of the most well-known set of cloud-based applications. The free version of Google Apps includes Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Sites, and Google Docs. 17. Free Cloud Solution YouSendIt Website that lets you send files that are too big to send as email attachments. The free Lite version lets you send files as large as 100MB. Bookwhen Event booking management software Skype Software application that allows users to make voice calls over the Internet Bump Share photos, files and folders android and iphone MailChimp (newsletters) Free version 18. Follow usTo follow us on Twitter@SupremeITTo like us on Facebook:ITSupportWestMidlandswww.supremesystems.co.uk

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