harry brianne 4.4

Post on 18-Aug-2015



Presentations & Public Speaking



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Who Am I?


Who am I?

Rockstar + Backup Singer = BRIANNE


I come from a family of musicians. My dad is a wannabe rockstar and my mom is a choir singer. Both of them wanted to make it big.

I am a MUSICIAN at heart



Through and through I love music. That is the basis of who I am.

Business, Math, or BOTH?


While I love math, I don’t believe it has to be so black and white that you can either be creative or all about numbers. I love music but I also love math and business.

What makes me DIFFERENT?


What makes me different than every other student at Full Sail? One answer, my drive. My drive to create, my drive to move forward, and really my drive to do anything!

If I can do it, YOU can too!


Speaking of drive to create, what do I want to create? I want to create a business that helps people entering the music industry succeed.

What DRIVES you?


Where does my drive come from? How do I stay driven? Everyday I see people trying to make it in the entertainment or music industry, and either they don’t know the music side well enough, or they don’t know how to market themselves effectively on the business side of things. What drives you?

Those crazy, clueless MUSICIANS!


Who do I want to help? Who are those helpless musicians? Many times they are people straight out of high school or straight out of college that just haven’t had much life experience. Those are the people I want to help!


Bring Music and Business TOGETHER

What is my brand mantra? My mantra is “to bring music and business together”. Again so many people think that you can only be part of one or the other, and I want people to be part of both sides of the music industry.


How have I developed ME?

How have I developed myself to take on this task? I have 3 years of business accounting experience and 12 years of performance based musical training. Besides playing several instruments, I have also taught others and volunteered at several school music programs.


How to promote SELF-GROWTH

How do you keep yourself from hitting a wall? There’s only so far forward you can go right? Wrong! My way of promoting myself is my family. The thought of coming home everyday and being proud of what I accomplished pushes me. Imagine being able to help thousands of people per day? What about millions?


Who am I NOW?

Currently I work as an accounting clerk for a Car Dealership. I have an extensive accounting background which helps me know the business side of any industry.


What have I done?

I have also worked as a music tutor, an inventory clerk, and a retail manager.



Why would you want to work for me?? On many accounts I have been described as VERY easy to get along with. I don’t promote drama and I have the drive that helps others also want to succeed.


Why work for ME?

Any job that I have ever had, I have excelled at it because I do my best every time. If you are ever on my team, know that it will be the best and you will learn from all members.


What type of worker are YOU?

I am a worker that likes to watch and then act. Therefore I think that I would be best as an employee or a partner owner of a business. I do better working with others more than I do working alone.


What is SUCCESS?

Success to me is helping the largest amount of people I can in the best way. Success to me is also being proud of what you do. It doesn’t matter about money or material things, but that you love what you do.


Where from HERE?

Overall I want to help others succeed. It is hard work, but it pays off to no end.


Music encompasses ALL of us

We need to use music as a tool to help us succeed. As soon as we stop seeing it as a barrier, it becomes a way for us to grow and promote ourselves.


BRIANNE: Music and Business working together

I’m Brianne. I love music and I love business and someday I will ensure that those around me succeed in the world of music.

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