have fun and enjoy the quest!

Post on 22-Apr-2022






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peachamhistorical.org peachamlibrary.org

�e Peacham Library and the Peacham Historical Association are once again partners, creating another unique summertime activity. “�e Stories We Tell: Freedom and Equity in Peacham”, is a scavenger hunt-style quest that can be completed on foot or by car. Each quest stop will explore the history of sites in Peacham Village, o�ering historical insights into how race and racism were addressed in Peacham, as well as in the larger context of Vermont.

�e quest will be on view July 3rd through July 18th, 2021. It begins at the Peacham Library (656 Bayley Hazen Road, Peacham, Vermont 05862) and includes 14 stops throughout the greater Peacham Corner area. Questers are advised to follow the Quest in the order of sites listed, but may also visit the sites at any time in any order, gathering clues as they go to solve a puzzle. �e signs with historical information are marked with orange orienteering �ags. Please be respectful of the landowners who are granting you permission to walk on their property.

Solve the Quest, win a prize!If you would like to receive a prize for your completion of the Quest, please copy down the highlighted single letter from each historical sign. Unscramble them and use the form on the back of this map to write down the mystery phrase. You may submit your results to the library in person or via email (peachamlibrary@gmail.com), or drop o� your answer at the Peacham Café during business hours. Make sure that you include your name and contact information with your answer (you can simply ll out the form on the back of this sheet). All who complete the Quest will be entitled to a small prize from the Peacham Café. Just give the Peacham Café your name, which will be at the counter on a list. Prizes will be available starting July 19th, after the quest ends.

Freedom and Equi� in Peacham

Have fun andenjoy the Quest!

(And thanks so much to the Craftsbury Public Library for inspiration!)

You can submit your answer online by scanning this QR code with your phone!

peachamhistorical.orgMailing address:PO Box 101Peacham, VT 05862Physical address: 145 Church StreetTel. 802-592-3049Donate online at peachamhistorical.org/support-pha/Donate via Amazon Smile at https://smile.amazon.com/ch/04-3389268

peachamlibrary.orgMailing address:PO Box 253

Peacham, VT 05862Physical address:

656 Bayley Hazen RdTel. 802-592-3216

Donate online at https://tinyurl.com/y9mnn4c3Donate via Amazon Smile at https://smile.amazon.com/ch/03-6005999

Solve the Quest, win a prize!Visit all 14 sites and copy down the highlighted single letter from each historical sign. Unscramble them below and submit your results to

the library in person, via email (peachamlibrary@gmail.com), or drop o� your answer at the Peacham Café during business hours.

What was the phrase? ____ _______ ____

Your name (to collect your prize at �e Peacham Café): ________________________________________________

Contact Information (email or phone): ____________________________________________________________

The Quest is brought to you through the combined e�orts ofthe Peacham Historical Association and the Peacham Library.

Feel free to show your appreciation with a donationto either organization during these tough times for non-pro�ts.

You can also submit your answer online by scanning this QR code with your phone!

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