hayat sindi

Post on 28-Nov-2014






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Table of Contents

IntroductionChildhood part 1Childhood part 2EducationInspirationExplorationHayat’s discoveryHayat’s InventionHer Explorations EffectBibliography


Dr. Hayat Sindi is a scientist, inventor, and a doctor. She is one of the most leading scientists in the world. She left her home country to continue her path in biotechnology and is now a nanotechnology researcher and a bio tech entrepreneur.(an entrepreneur is a person that starts a business that has news stories about small business management, and business opportunities)

Childhood Part 1

Hayat Sindi was born and raised in the Makkah, Saudi Arabia. She was a creative girl and a dreamer with a wide imajination.Hayat also had eight siblings and two loving parents. She loved looking at the sky and thinking about who came to this world. She asked her father questions like “Are those people like us or they are just an exception?” or “How can I be like them and make my contributions serve humanity?” and her father would reply “Dear child ,with science one can achieve what they aim for and immortalize their name in the annals of history.”

From that moment on Hayat wanted to make a difference to people in the world like others who have. One of her happiest memories was when it was the first day of first grade when all the children where anxious while she was full of joy and instead of wearing school uniform she wore the prettiest dress she owned. Now Dr. Hayat feels that she could become one of her hero’s that she looks up to such as Razi ibn al-Haytham, Ibn Sina, and Al-Hazim (great physicians),Einstein(a brilliant scientist), Marie Curie(a scientist who studied radio activity), Isaac Newton (physicist and mathematician), and Jabir ibn Hayyan (Arab polymath in chemist and alchemist, astronomer and astrologer, engineer, geographer, philosopher, physicist, and pharmacist and physician), and now she can pursue there path.

Childhood part 2


Hayat Sindi loved education and was always a superior student and had high goals. Once she graduated high school she finally began medical school where she wanted to start her dream in pharmacology but that university did not have that and Hayat wanted to keep going and wanted to go to London to learn there. Then after two years she finally convinced her parents to let her go. Her father was worried that she would ruin her family’s reputation. When she arrived in London she was weak in there language and her education background didn’t qualify for any University there. She decided that she would learn the language and study from 18-20 hours each day. Hayat did not have good sleeps because she was anxious and feared she would fail. Hayat passed all the exams and went to kings college and graduated. She earned a scholarship to Cambridge University and was also the first Saudi women to earn a scholarship to Cambridge and is also the first women in the gulf to earn a PHD in biotechnology.


Hayat started her love of science when she was a child. Her father had told her that with science her name could be kept in the annals of history. After that moment Hayat wanted to make a difference to people and help them. At that moment Hayat was inspired to make a difference. Hayat also inspires other people to make a difference. She wants to inspire women to be confident, to make a difference, and to become a scientist. She is also wants to inspire the youth to do the same thing. She has visited

• Hayat sindi visited Coastal Studies for Girls and talked about how she became a leading scientist.


Hayat Sindi explores how to invent something easy to use, small and cheap that can indicate if you have a disease such as liver disease or breast cancer. Her Idea is to help people who are not doctors and are ill to make it simple ,cheap ,and quick to use to see what disease they have. Dr. Hayat is also the co founder of i2institute for imagination and ingenuity. She is also the co inventor for diagnostics for all which is a company that diagnoses and monitors health. In Saudi Arabia 14% of women work because Hayat raised the amount by three times and in Saudi Arabia if a women wants a job she has to get permission from a male guardian. When she was in London her father had worried that she would ruin the family honor, but as time past her father bragged to his neighbors about her proudly.

Dr. Hayat’s main exploration is exploring ways to find diseases in cheap, quick, and easy ways.

Hayat’s Discoverey

Hayat’s discovery is helping ill people because a huge amount of people are dying because they can’t afford to get the tools to monitor their health because of the huge amount of money you need to pay in order to get them. And Dr.Hayat has discovered a way to see what disease they have in a quick, cheap, and easy way so they can get diagnosed and treated.

Hayat’s exploration’s effect

The device MARS will save million’s of lives by seeing what disease anyone ill has so doctors can diagnose the disease and help them. A lot of people are dying because they cannot afford to get the tools to monitor there health and her invention MARS is solving that problem. This device can be used by anyone and is to help everyone, adults and children.

the Magnetic Acoustic Resonance Sensor

This sensor uses a drop of a body fluid(tears, blood, saliva, ect.) and analyses it through ultra sound and light. It is the size of a post stamp and it costs only a penny. To see what disease you have it changes a color after you put a drop of a body fluid and you can see the results in less than a minute. This sensor could save millions of lives because it is cheap and easy to use. This device is developing, and she is trying to make it so, it could do tests9 for other things like water pollution.


In conclusion Dr. Hayat Sindi is a brilliant and imaginative women that has a dream and is following that path and is inspiring people to make a difference like she did. Dr. Hayat is also a model to me because of the great things she had done.


.org/people/hayat poptechsindi 11-25-13

www.unesco.org/new/en/unesco/about-us/who-we-are/goodwill-embassadors/hayat-sindi/ 11-25-13

Hayat-Sindi.wikispaces.com/childhood 11-28-13 en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Hayat Sindi 11-28-13 www.nationalgeographic.com/explorers/bios/hayat-sindi/ 12-1-13 http://www.usasciencefestival.org/schoolprograms/niftyfifty/521-dr-hayat.ht

ml 12-7-13

http://www.arabianbusiness.com/100-most-powerful-arab-women-2012-448295.html?view=profile&itemid=448147#.UqvThifNRf0 12-19-13

http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2011/10/21/women-in-the-world-saudi-innovator-hayat-sindi-s-science-breakthrough.html 12-10-13

www.arabnews.com/news/467427 12-13-13



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