he d rab e [anos made, - atlantic county library · 2003-09-03 · l.l . " : .... .. r .......

Post on 21-Feb-2020






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: .... .. r ........................ L.L . "

high grade, havin’~ t~e0n imp’erred by the manu-f.e.ctutor dtr0.ct f.rom England, where the average PERPETUAL.

Inqulro ofR. & W. II. TIIOMAS,Hummoutoo, N. J¯

’ HE D RAB E [ANOS MADE,O a,o,. ....... Co and Parlor

With eve y Improvement, nd_ fully Guaranteed


.- Wc h~vi,e e,~rr,~denee-with nd wl’m desire to lutrehase a piano, To those,t~bo hay,+ n;)t at i.)utetlia,t: ¢)t~lURIld the means to bu~ one, we will arrange.to

extend +t liberal credit¯ Addrens,



.Man,f, clur~r 5"/’ro/r

f.r I’lille,I ,~t~t,-~ alitl T¢’t’tiel.


bvrlrr. 4N~ M/NUFAIff~kT !

No. 130 Mnrket 8t.



leO AI,BRE~’IIT o6 ~o, tqA.NOS nedllmt-d~ms i l every reupeet, bt~iug cmt-ddered the leading ]’hihuldphiam-ke by nlusicians nnd contpetentiud~en Through their cxten~ht~

tacl|{tte~, M~,sst~s. At,nttECtIT & Co.are enabled to torn otis "~mtrumelR~tlmt are not sut’pm~.,~et| anywhere andstill nell them Itt priees within timteach of all. No Pi’um, s I erntitted. . _to leave their fitctor~/unless ~atlslao-tory to the moat llllntltO l~arth:uhu’,honeo their guarantee of five yearsis a thing .of va’lue. .All late im-provement, of intl)ortance arc fotmd.m theac itmtrument+.

MF~SF.S¯ AI.tIRECttT & Co. havo re-ceived the most tlattt~ring Testimo-nials from L¯ 5~. (Io’m’scu,tt.K, I,’t:.tSZAtrr, GusraV~ SX’t’rEtt, J, F. ’111M.MI’3*-llACII, WILLIAM WITIJ411,:FI,’ER ltndrnan~ other eminent artist~, I,euitle~

l)~iiig able[6- i-~E+~r--tb-fl~ig~ffi~’g%Tprivate pnrehaser" 1 ucheoln, nell*i-rtariC~, ~ucieties anti teavhern.

Piano~ colmcienti,mdy eeleeted per

ortler~J~y mail, earofully Imeketi amltdti pl)~d mtfi~ly to a.y part of tl m w or h|.

Fur further particuhtrn ;,s torL, fel’~nt’l!.~ price, and terllln, athlrcss,

ALBRECHT&CO." 610 Arch St,net, Philadelphia.

,I~wJut~ McC*a~f. " IL O¯ Ilunt~wf.

IE Ry& R rlburl I #

Terry’s Salicy!ic Soap,[pA’JrI~NT A??LI~n YO~.)

A Perfect Anti-Septic and- ~Disinfectant Bath and

Insurance. ..

Mutual Marine and Fire::I $UB HGE CO.

2Vlillville, ~NT. ,T.

$1,442,987 64

h :+~r-,-r-’7.:+ "fi+.... "-~-. U-;:--;;-rT:-77+,~/+; :U:"~ ,i,. ,;;+~.: ",~a+*+


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_ :;.: t~r~e~a:Jm,~.a,~]--/;’, ....... :,:,~: , :+.. : ,+:’. - ......"! c~oter~. Za, Z beB.,.thit+ (.;: : +:::~~~

dt, d apl, lieaut,,but Minute hudadet~,,i~ tien; The weuthn,:18 :JNet#K~¢taudt,~ thsi=tlt~i, io~e’6f-me~m , somatime, tale, roi" th* htteron

.... - +- : : = jorit~ ot:p0iu., end:~h++re W. uo ~i,i¯ko+ t.~t~, =:.+ ’ ,¯ ~#+6nlp,______WmlL-lloisnue.- ..... ibo~t It. "Thcre +b-]~d sw+eJtring folly is ebont’pllyed out, ~hc 3onng blood/ + fok d/e@/tu a "few honr~ ¯

i~aaclou~timtroli ~’dcmoeraoy ~.f lbe £rtt, utJbe+’dfA(b.yn++~Kar., ~avegot tJred ot~lay/ng ]~ngllsheo¯ohmen en extrCe~dbn,"+lt lb "h0i beliey, d be"wM) dl.y~.and othm~ on the..thit’d,

....... ~ .’+ whohl~Ttl~e¯udaeitT+tOltond A~t emonKt]m aduowtbuttI~cnevdtyia.wet’~ ’"": : .... : ’ ift~r dleth thlir IomJ~¯.+¯

yoath.of.fl~.-dl,t~lo L. JohnMorHuey~._a~:]_l.~iee .... . .... ..................... ¯ ...... >lo~kt~reu~..<dm " .... --:-- - ¯ . .... . -W¯| |o~ ,u oI~ ’ ’ - . :~LmmnySt~tth . :.’

~ to ttirn~tbltlittln d~ugbtof:g~l ,s+ever-so- muCh+more.. <. =:-.-

¯ . + ’,: .... i ........... "Wnter, tl~t + ""

there " Idvtnlnse. Tbere J~ a very :::;q, ,,- ",the gtllent John n, their .olothet’, +Whleh. b thl ’/Ln 0hjee’ Of:.i." ’. ;.:~_- mannm eio,n by;b’ a.r{ar heavy’antr.’r°m¯+Th,Ptto °~+fowkl. +"" ’ + "

eoonar heAre offt, thsaha eeude hi8 oheque foe New York girl’a life. Tba pebpie ar0 ~0mlug ~: ,’ ¯ ’." ~’’ " " " " "+/are ihnt ~p in th0 yard ¯ud hod, frmb watt’$~0~ to -Minnie, with .which he may provldo back from the eummer re~ ¯rid the elty is [WriP,.e n for thc ,South. Jtreey Re+j~l(o~.1 ~applied d~i~yja their drihking +we~eL~.hlmollf with ¯ proper out0t. This lea ehrnw& looking ¯ lrlfle +more g¯y+: : ~lMm, nvAuaol- and oAe_o£t~e meet ezpefieneed farmereL bea+ wRl~dw.ye driak from ¯~-~ti~+ pu"~d’--dl~.,t" " * to be In thclr WaY F k~t4 uadm"

! sleku~s Woald, very, P.kiy

...... +-~o fi.~n ~..,.~., ,mid’+ +.~+ ,~,¯ ’. + =.. - ~%e41~+ le~ we woaand~rtm-- -

Would see tba maturer, Tyntany, ...... J~a~h~t’onn of tm~tom~l~e;-’ " " ""

TJI¢~ hugh m eeere oer pmyerl~lnlmlt ou~ ~._. = .+ Our store*homte~mefBled~i’lth K’t~n ’ "

w~na ,t,~ta¢ thommu~ cr~ for In.a;The flrla of forelce I~d of forgeOlVa plitce ~ber~ cold lind deld,

Where idle bandit were leiden Ime’n--- Whet9 tl~lem thmnl~ from fir lind nm~,

A celmelem~ ever swelling Itretm--

+-Ofln~m~l by tmz~a’a ,q+0ter+W~at hnpartm .from North t~8outh, from ]~wt to Wmt,OU~ bnsy tot|era ysJnly p~

¯ ~nd let wltbtn t~e Ught of day;. But v hqe they, vtloly pray, with t~ull 9ppremed,

The mblmm mock end Jeer et thele enrest./

Wbme l~m~lom for a hundl~l 7ramI~ ~ upon the Ineele uo~rled? ....

: Aid yet a ~yrlad felq~a fields dem~dThe toilefa willin8 n ~d busy bead I

&w~te, O freemeq, e.re too htte,Yoo fiud youtuelvm lo 8hacklm etrongThat, when im’ceived, yoo monot break+

WLthout a deadly 0ght, und ~ag;Nor let tlludre fancim ere ~l~teYoer waw.hf~ c~ro of Freedom’8 immd emsto I . .

New’ York Cor~e~Imndence,Now yomc, Avatts~ 28, 18~L

Yne CUUlO$1rtE9 OF CRiMIg,LsIt week n girl ha;ned Wctsei killed a ma~

whllethey:wera ip bad tugetlCer.. I~temann

¯ very m¯kt wom¯u aud ehlld in the UnitedheP, urgtag that ebo wu "eiok of leading a life Sl~te~ dots%l petition eongrese to tako .thcefthame.",- 8he made this demaud inlt Tuel- t’.inAreph~|inea, lind opsroto~ them u* it doesdey nlght--wh ch he tefc~ed to lieton to; .but, the mnll e]fltem eervic% they wh] dc,erre all¯ pplreully, parl0ed, retired with b/re. SOaree- the ewlnd|~thak ~an be imp0red upou them.ly bad he l¯ld down. wbeo ehe wblppel a ramor!_And hy tha.~syv whllo thoy are aboct it/theyf~om Unde~ her pillo’~i ¯gd [tRl[eted hqrribia i ought to tabe u dig at the czpreee buslne,.

¯ wotmde oo hlo tbdomen, from which he died. Thqre lt’no- mldtOl~ nuder .hcavou why 8mdl¯ An inqaasl wao hold, ’ha proomdlnga of whi0h l~roele.lE~rld not be Carried through t~e mallsware puhlllhed in thn papere. Two daye efllr It a .yery.10W rlto of postaga. The expreiaal6m|l!rcmcooour~dt ~ Bro~klsn. A woma~ bueh~llu tl 81 mlqerablo a monopoly u thehed lived with a mao on intimate terms, htul telegraph, m~d nnedo reforming ¯u muoh. Tolreformed sutl married, llor i, eramour w~ ¯get¯ dre*e from Boeten to 0mah¯ coate almoetbrutoen0ugb to mokopuhllo (ha reletlocs thet as much ss the dree#, and to some points chad once exlstod between them, which oomlng great doal mqre, Tbcro IS no rsa+on why thet+ t~.e ears of the huehtud, euded in a eoptro, mnlls ehculd +nat t~l ~ed for tbo Iraneportatlot~tlon. Tho enraged woman made a’a appoint~ of oertelc mlllter. If the peoplo are wieo theyt~cnl whh lair former lover and del|berutely will pa3 eoma.¯ttcntlon to these mattere thle

, <~ut him iu the ¯Odomen till.ha died, Then a winter,day after u elmtlar tragedy Wal nnaoted in .~.g¯ U~llllOl o~rLool~~ereey CRy, and etlll ~cother In ~th St., I~ " There I= ~o Ion~r ¯uy qu.tlou--thero It a¯

¯ a¯eh. ca*c illlolt/I,~ve betng at the bottom, Improvemsa’l In buMneee. Tbe enurmoas oroplrteor tho woopeo, s bed th.e eaene, ud tho. of thle yltmP sra burdcuing the lines of trene+abdomen tho wouuded p|aee. It II ae though portatlon ’b<~tb by wUlar and laod, money Jtuvoty dis¯:.polnted, repentant wom,ufolt called being sent out of the cry hy tho mltli.u to

dupon to l’91!ow the ozumpIo of tbo fir, t, lad+]u, mov¯ the orep, au that money, d strlbule~ ettho tome horrlblo wey. The detal;e of Ihale onco. le puttlog life Juto tra~e, aod very vigor.affnlre are t,,o horrible to print. ]u saoh oa~e ou# lira. It lea faot that the wheat oro~ of@e¯th entued, t thn year. will ¯vOrelO more than twenty.aro

A ¢¯TU0LIO IClJIn41t~ buJhell to |he¯ore, Ilkinl thocoantry togather+The llltle towu or Vine]and, naar the nlty, ie wbl,’h le Ioalathlng nevar kuowc before, ted

_llrllllT__lxerelted_+orer th~ dov+lopmeut ef.o the enl~c[’efoD’+wdl $~’-iq~klly I,;rge; end thistt¯utactlon thtt reoantly occurred lu the Cath- ’ enormoue ylsld oomar when the co~mtry le

oil0 ohureh at tbnt plaes. A malt nemsd I bum uf iral-ittnd when ~ ~eat war io Kuro~’e.Ot’oiory t ¯ worthloll mort of fellow who bed takce away al[.~hc oompitlt[oa we have alwayl

_~uoro than half fbrsoken hie church, wal at tba bad In eupply’l~ghro.~dltv~ k~eping tha prlca~"~o|ot of death, llJe wife, ¯ dev, out Calhollo, up to ¯ geo~’eund figun.. Add to this tho

be|ged tha prlaat tu ahrLve tha dyLng mau. fuot of an blO|ntc ~’ttltmel~t cf owv Internalwhleh he re/riled to do un tho Ioore that ho troublol by th0:wlllo pol[ey Of Prelldent llayes,¯ n~+t ¯ good Catholil. and wae not entitled Io the faol that we have got hl~k almoet to a Koldtblolcltioe, ~.ro. Uregory Implored. and ha,18,_aod thet thn doproclotlan bae gano colnalll alt~r muuy luterviewe tha pfloet did gu aotlt ws hiva Itruek bottom, sud bo muJt bq¯ rid ¢oafe, him aud g¯re him full ahealutl~, or~tkel~ I¯del4 who ntnuot ean bettar tlmaePrtelL Vlvar wal Jndlscr~t enough /torward Ylry nlbeely ah~l. Tho effo0’t b new pore~p.to sa.Y th~ bo uow had meanll saough to pay tlble lU tb|eeily. Tbn mci’vbsak fl’o m tho In.off tbe dabt on hJo ohurob, a valoahlw pluo tlrior ure bare in foree, with ldeasant facoe,of Itad In Newark bed bNn der|*ed to him ! lad thuec who otmu tu hny Ire thoaeand dol,aad Mve. (Irnlfory, now that hst h~band wle .larl ara, uadoe udvleee from home slnoe Ibayllftly thrVnllh [urgetory, drnpped klaUl’tbnt laflt bnylng ten tbnusand. Ona publl*hln41

t J~ Jl hsd oostkor moru thsa e~e I|lled, Io let Itllrm Ii~ Bo4ton hH eold 50,100 o~plas of a now

Ito~mpLLebed, Au Inquiry w~e eat uu fo~t und b~g l tl tha flPIt threa w-ok+ uf Ire pnblleatloe,,msam~l hi’ mlll~t|arlmtm~l ’ ul+nlllelt liftS, knd /,the,

wits bud deodad tbe )lowark prop,r|y te th, In|imatlsa8 uf )~lzrUhtlr .pro*lmrlty ure not.plqUM, ildllldll Jlvlcg llhu 11100 Ic ulouoy--I¯ WaUtioll. :’AIilIII~I k IOlUl le be permnnent.lhOl~ aw tha$ had--before he WUU|4 tblolt ¯ Oar onlmm~t 1~ n.w I-.laly In "ala*ao cf Cur

.him. It h~ mt~ia mu0h Isaltn I in Vinolaod Impotuu tH tloed or Iold Ineleed ol lelnIabrR4 Is eltt[qltbl- way, aria EIPepe Is oo¯.Ud ha0 em~led -bitter feell,I alaloet the

LI’~Of em~ee~thelhtl’to, 4 ea~t0ue t)n¯~narm vno~s, garnp¯, q[u ll~ ulmM|n~! feed, to II~rolH&

,Oe~lememau Adrtan Multnr, or Ole oret a¯d eo |ood" l~t~+~l++(10K~l+l’n+rloO4~l tkut’l~llJ~ il thll oLty, bid ¯ rSoa¯oy In WoSt Ic Cbhub JMl~llt nud 8011111 Amarle¯ Iket’elat to dll, *rid to ¯void th¯ rlopeullhlllty of Jhlllleh a~ ~11~1~11 lh411r fabrlol "Amu~l~,"

.llakln I a selaatlon, adrarti~ th¯l a eompatl, is* older Io Nl| i~IHI. Tbo~, il uo elm II ba1tlvo ¯ltam~nutlot. woald he bald, nnd tba It ,y lol balk ~t$ I~lllee, Wa havl etrank bettemII¯bin I Ibe heel cvarsge would be appolnled, snd fram I hi6 tJlm we eboll 1’4+ ud ~ ver~

~l~bakU’ Mr. Ilcl ot wonld aot beve doos thle :apldly. ’,bad ho hod tho fal~eal Ide.~ of the ralall s for . Vaal~tls.heltold yes, a "Oilier" aamed Cbarlee A. It to ttuatkt Jay t.toubt made f~ur millieue

J~hlak~ eltla out aheeJ, la4 Mullor e,~ oom. of dol:are by h~ ekr~wd mtulp¯latiou of

it/0ke.+ I+ +will be n eonveniont thing for John "~ar--~., ~ri+ee nre ~I/ln~ up rig¯In with the family amcL fmtt.gruwor,. ....in the United Bt¯tem]

"tO have ~ his lu~k In future politloal contolts, i |n*to~d Of th~+~bm¯q un4.¢e~k. .... ’qm’Prt,+, n,e~e, ....+’: 1 hwve tend of manet cneet ctm" -

eo-me hundreds of thc ~egroe* of that eeqfloU _ .... : ..... . .. /)tz~no. _Thel~10 n~.+e~pre,Jioae in thc E’ngltsh he. " to Ira:ge~e-lhthi,~Se’?r’ wh!oh++Pe0P!e~muke, more. ~ end ia_mclt,o, ;-+ ,0o.+i,g Into p.liti.l tmpo,,-n+.Our.Wuhingt Le er ¯ +;+ o, w.+,,.n, ,hl.keYer~ dsy,’lad even tbe enmity of the I~*h " ¯ that readers of

-eanuotk~ep than 0ui; Minnie - " " ’ ....... ": - :~: ’ " hb~fis tb&t tit ¯ roil

............... of lhe yerb to d~ amd to set. ~0 eit: as.we’all tbo’otoek in the care I msatlon, until It wu-tol.lml~ tO SaVe luy+ Most of tisem, wer~ alre!d~sell In the examieatinn the mnxlmumw¯8 an

Into tho bande of tho chot-g~l~] know, is thc tot of eitting, u |~ ¯ chair ar on a deeds; ia ~ mreut~eu died out 6f twanly. ’

hundred, lind he stood 99 1.~2. +lqe undcreiandsenuea of tho lee, deta tn thlb aeet ; but ke set ~1 thc aet ef pltetnK a tbthg !,.~.a,P*t wzx¯.

fidly what is before him at. West Point, but ho publleans/haa bmab, rowlng more some Else? or poaition, u eggs in~gts wlno.:laleel it:

__ Is determtned~We,

We make wh~t wuea.ll.aS ~lmseii. by ~lnmpton to the Preei~iont, Pi+t eprt0g, ,,rid 4dia eey~-I hsve ~e~ It h~n/beoau*a

vl+Jo" ,r/d aleo "wiucll’Y from other.Tun G¯n£T YILI@II¯PH CONAOLtDATI01q, ihe perleeutor8 forthad0wed+~tg~in*t everyone eip, her !ome aet of u;an t~ pinee her on the nest,~ they ¯re aimpl~ dricket not wine.+

Tlaare te no more cnmpetltio0 in teingmnh, ever at rill prominent on tho ]br~lbli~d++tlde, It+ putting eggs, [~. it ¯nd eettlog the hen" do w o h rye gra! ts enouI z tt+ m~t~

ing~and th¯ publlo ie a~l entirely nttbemerey In State politioe, or I I tbe/e6h/br-,b~ ~ent upon¯ it v01entnrlly, bF~ o Wit ¯ o~ten tk-h0N it eh0~h

he :m4~l~, and I p~opoen to ¯nswer that qeoltiml.of ¯ monopoly nn Itwas before tbeAt]untln and [ i+ed to become a sthmbling block . whloh aot she aet herself upopth.e eggs ;.hut ¯e’-~lty II.m$ epa~ wlil-ldmit--that is. hott

Pseifio wu etart~L ::to glvo us relief from the tahltohment ofthearl*tocredo satin.war regime u- Ioo~ .me -:ehe. ba~udjueked" hereelf in the mada2n¯ enudl w~It.+ai~Immm.~dttCa~ hen. We sbomld’ obtain yonr iren.bom,.q eaak.

=Wfth ¯ heM~ Ihe mostThreo gl~nt of" grapes’in the, :

ennbled the peopleto to mitdre fcellnge of fra~n’aity ind u. sett~g ofeggs fora he" Iam, banea_wdlmakeoa.egalton ofJu|ee, o,dlcd~mt~..

+ good-will, hava beeomo alarmed ,rod .jnd~y in- (~oIng to set.’tbat w~mla to elf;" and ~n’ no or ’tilth the aadttion of two pound! of iag¯r t+taleg.reph freely, A me+~*age flora New York dign~ut, f~Uug u they" do that btl~kludnn~c;*e e~+n we properly su) "¯ eettLng ud t~¯ ueo of ¯ little waterto Ohieato on)y¢ost 9b aent& and ratee for

shorter dLetemcce were even lower. Thie did bns been abuNd, and they made the hmoeent or,’a hen that want~ to re+t," &b.the pomte~

..... . gtopu may sumoe for.nnt latiefy tbe grasping mla¯get’s, and so ’thii sbettora of n 0unnll+gly derien~i efltem, under ~J+~uzl, wv-cml~ J+so o+tltno’rs, a l,at~l of wine..[ wil ! give ru+les tor makIng¯

eover of law, to drive intobui~m*nt o~ ira. From:s paper+ read before:¯ ~!ir~men’8 As- a+ : ben-el, whi0h will 8u~oa for ~’maRer9pnaltttea.~Oat au cmxy whJek! o~ek, caw it % "¯

week, they got together aed coneoltdated thell~oonmant, tbo melf.wh0 h¯¥# ~ .b~tWeen noct~tldn I "eztrie+l as’tPol|0wl : "Frnm the ex- in tw0, ~d make’ to tubs which olo~la weJLtwo o0mpacles, and up go the rn~s juS~ ~ far

la thn patlnnce of an ahuaed publio wm permit., the unrep~entaut aeeession lesderl of.. thlt~toto~ psrimeuts thl, t ]~ h¯ve m’ad9 ~.ltm stronglx In- t"to eue .of the~, put your gr¯pee, be.~t hsff .It wi!l result in the goreromcnt taking the and the m.-.se# wltem they w~d@ m!agete to a ellned to thn opinion that for’eow’e the ms malh .tham with.a+__+_m~U.k~r.~zwbi~h:.

=bil4~ltpkte=~l~ntlmt_of=tho=e~Ulttry=.Uffd~r?~=it~ ~+preeti~d:=st¯le-of::eerfdom~ .... mhe lo ¯ fe~t miun~i. When¯ tb~ mast ¯nd pomaoe iota thetbat¯ delegatien-ia new bnre to )1~ before the ’olu,]y~ d will +find tho m’~nge] wu~el the most . aod cu 0ontinan until air your 8~,pe!~’ ..... "wing,--¯t .lelult it oAght to. The peoplc ,+re Preeidant lnoontro~ertable evideanet of the~eValuable ofid] our root erope fur emwei rid more’.= ::27 :r’;n;:7:::;:: ::;’::L+! deoigos ond to invoke-mationafproteeti0n, the carrot the most Valuable for hor+es; If I do the wokk Your grapes bolag. ¯ +

oppt’~s them. The rate from Now Yo~to The charges of ex-Pens;cn ]~lnwau-e~clal sm oorrect in this opin!om~ ae I reality tblnk I , po~l now . .bag m*~de of etout

preesad OUt, o~ wllh ¯ pieeolu p~portlon. ~f eourse ~et ilttlc meph[~, ei0uer of th¯t B~’reau,. (Baker. : J~s~4 . to. eultiratc_ :thl~m. ?* =_Hevn let"

klolt board ab0Wt Ibinchse widet taid 6port

phlle!t:~[I J ~b~L~, ie ¯t tha bottom of thie, ae also ngaInllt some rumor 0meht|butm run,leg

ag<b lad whleh bevejeit eome fro’light through upon poor land, unle~8 theyai~y eellar ie the beet to

¯ , ~ap0c the b0nrdthc lieplblieam, have served to ~lnereane the bevo’itt lcut fair cu?t4t’ation. It is possible to land prees it or m¯~e It lever

8 or 10 feet Ioog, dave I’er Ibo oodfRi/ug of dlitr~st entor~lned relttivo td thc get t ftlr ot~.p of turelpe upon lend th¯t ls of.the leylf too~oked mansgemant of ]mbLle s~klra b7 many 6nly’imnderltely rioh, eod with only IndlffeP+ntof oor DepIrtmental emeere" Bakar il eir- ! nult|vatlon ; bnt even bere you will find fallorec umetaatinliy; eb¯r~d: ~llh buvt~I allowed n "muo~ Oflefier than sn~o+ie; hence let me advb~ :h .~oor full atmugth,ul¯lm which he b~’l~rdvioualy rej~et~<l, kuow- 1| not ~ attempt the growth 0f these ereps you witl eee +’+’ out l’~pialy; ’

’ [ i+ouni~g it to be freudalent ; al~d that he reeelved unle~l they n~ sble and willing iu oomply "with qgite dry, an4.~o p;eeoed tittbetween $$,00fi ’and 1~,000 as n bribe for his the following eond~ene, v|s : very rloh sold 8,11 ie prse*ed. ’ ¯Nvorohte action ; th¯t the pre~nt.eommi**J0n, ted thtt In go, od eondl|lon, plenty bf manure, . You nDw h¯ve nearly a barrel nf pomace thater 1, aware of Buker’e crim|nallty, end hnsi tudthorong~ 0ublvatlon. With thc*e oondl etll[aoutaIneuouelde,ablejuiee. Poor two ptils

of wel| w¯tar up0n It, nud let it stand *ix boure,labored to defoat any inqairlel-.l~y which It, tiono you may tulre-not only large e rops, b~t ’.then preseli nga|n ae bcfore, and )oor wine |,would heeoma known, and that ill pursutcce very large and very pr’~fltsble Ones." Thle .ready tn rcolivc !he sugar (2 Ibs. t, agellon)to that purpoeo be hu dismJl~ed o01o[,h writer Is eorreot In *uytng that earrets tre valt ofsuygood qusllty. ~low fill youre¯tkS wh/ehwhoeo ho~aely and knowledge or tbo fael anbte for b0r*es, nnd’lhey a-e alea va|ulbP, for Ihoeid Ito a well Ioaked whisky ber vd, or what

Is betlar, aa iron beund wioc oesk. Put in ¯re,doted them dengero~e~ end, r*pLteed the.~ cows. Owing to the fact that mant~le aau be inmeat n,w, as tt Is troublesomo to put ooo inwith Baker’e friende prey to ]~le orlm% end growc st ¯bout butl’tha expecre per hoehort~ut altee the eslk ie elled. If you oen ohtale ¯

-with othero whose laok of virl~ei++eured their it eoltetoproduconrPote, lt muy be true tbnt ~,,y faneet I advile you ta do so, a+ oue d~

tllanco when thut ’apll~ared most profitobla, they, ar he laye, Ire tho bott root crop to grow : eot ksow how attraetive wfo~ Is t- hired help.t’ut the ersk iu the ooolest part cf yonr eellu,.

It ir felt that it ought to )~e’uu,¯csly matter to for eowh_+, raleed eo at I~ allow the wlno Io be drawn earUyshow Kanc a liar [f he really .is eucb. ~omur, ]w nlar. and fill it to within ai~ Icches oftho bung, keep.

A* indlaatsd by genarsl ~tpre~lon Oec*l It Ir poor pol[o,Ffor firmer* to sell eo~,s that iag iu a Jog or demlJohu enough mtmt tollll the.¯ e~k when farmnotutinn eeaeee, which will be.

Boynton hae uot helped hie aids mu0h by hie fall In the~" milk at thl* eeasou of thc year, to in about a mouth. Tbe hung rosy be put in..lataitbull again*t Mr.+M%orQi who. le nnl on othere who fatten them aod mako monoy~y the aed iu air-hole made with ¯ glmb]ek Thl#.trill. Thc eharge of cu att~mlst to bluck mall husinert. No ono~au fatten etook okeePer thau glmblet I~ble mey be clmed et the cad-of thin-

has not been eatlsfactoPIly" reCuted ; and.lha farmers oan. Thay need a good p¯.qure excla. ’wmke .with I eptko, whJah should I)41 removod.a~¯o¯ u day tl’l no air o*oapel ou thnremuvul.

puhllcatlco by Doyntou of two eonfidend,] slvaly for tatteulog cattla ; that le, enough sueh Thon 011 up thc oaek nnd bung It Ihlh,. Sms[b]ettarJ written hy two dflPe~nt oM01ale ~ Pre*. ptlture th0uld be focoed off to feed ono, two, or |ypbone ara ulmd s,metimee to almw Ihe oom.

tdent Orant, nnd by bm referred to Scoretery as mecy anlmsl~al ouedeel"es to fatton. [ see presl-d nit to creape, whb one nud io a ve41~b

MorrlLt for hh [nformat[oo, neturllly cueltee no good reaeon why suob etook should not+ In ’Ofwinl.W¯tor, by Which no onbido aft rearbee Iba.

mo0h ourloel, ~W_M’oTnton_eanm Io thalktlneu.nf_oth~.=good: paetur~, be rot’ned i] by"wlci 00mpaaleB or~+[ud~d- ......

m*sseelon of tbem partJeulm)y ae ba has upou mowing l*md In Ihe foil when il~o grass le hill, Is large quaatltlol on tho moet e*4entiao-

offered no ezplaual~n lU lalwer to ~loone’ well Ilrown, soas to afford n-’pmttnre edapted prtn~tplol, and from IrMme that nutemlly out/.rain ooullderehlo Idoohol, do uot reqalre any

¯ vaement, that thoy wnre otol~a. And the to faltening catLIs. I db net thPak tbat acy sugerto mabn there"keep"; hut nll*u~b wince

, oeulantl of thoso two lettere will alroegLhacIoJnr7 would ho ,ostalnad by thar Iparturing are+laes pelatablu to the ta*te of our rscal f~m

tka wide *pread ~eploiou Ihat there exietod mowlug inOIil, UOIesl the gra*e ehould bu fed II1~ thun thorn that are "bome+mada" with

; pdor to tbo CLnolnnati IJonveulioes a BrJltow off qnlta short,nr lhe ewerd b~ eut up la war Iedeed) nnr indlae would tt seeu drink.r, old, luar eidae, all ¯ glare of

, tinl, rimlt~lng through every Burseu Of th+e waather hy tho hoofe of tha o¯ttla i and It is ",1 medc iu 0hlo and:CaliforninTre¯tury Dapa~maut, fort~ld nf b|l ¯dhSrentl enly to ¯Cold both nf Iheee po*elblc JoJurlel. profesllosal wJua m¯kere. I ©oo*idlr It ¯

emong the ampPoy,,I I thst the publla ~JlnesjAe told WqathcP upproaahN falleul,g nnlm¯la dIMonh thing 1o taka iffspeo aa tbay me,

wos m~,de lUlmmrvinot Io hll lutm~to, a~bd lhst shonld be’ fad heal and ro*t erops j und by arduue, with ~ua ue taetad winelind make parfeetly per~ wine

i th*ro wa* elttbllabed II Josaltleal Itystem.of Jauuary they t~ay bs put in. good cond|tlon to ..*.aothinllr but tbo parc Juioo of the grep*--acdelplOUtl¯ omit Sbole Ii]l~ordlet%el wbc ~ro. iluugbtlr. Na cow* *boo di &e kept on ¯ farm h¯ve It koup well lu .rdInery eeHar0 o,.r tbe

full<l to Idantlfy th&lalolynl w|lh lieu Erlltow Ihat l|U hnt little milk naturallT, ae It is betlm" arll+Umber eearoa I but it olin be dola. w[llbg~,ld .wln¯ gtop4~ by aw e~md-~bem~-

"mo~remont; end It win ~,equlm mbretSou ocu. to fatt,o th+m, and bu) good ouu. A eow madu wluo m¯kar, bp’ mklul ouly tho hOltBoynton’a slalemenl to tho eoatrely to eot~. worth 11100 ta more peokt¯b|o than ono worth I)eel~t ¯nd felly tllm IYu|t,

vlneq.maay uf ~koee hr~ulht intoe~alhot with 150 o~1~. Thare Is laothsr way of am,b’ug wluL Allgrapo Juloo o~¯taJla oertelm’ Iml0entlga el"

Mh CnAn0t, th¯t ha w,lt lo~!pt~lt of tba . ntaua,as oa enu,+vnv. ¯leehll--.4Zua:ly suub apirlt¯ ~t ..~ enid e kvinkat )~lly’l parl WhSll bc d~ll~l nob’,, I)~mu~e In poultry that affeat nntlro IloekJ oohcl In Ihe drull ilarea I Sl~ wbeu tho p+opto

Idopo¢lnlm from Ihn uhlruster ef ¯ lellUomen ¯re a|wey* aautod by eomotbing wr~ag ¯bout drink wh%t t~y olll"pa, o wInee" they Imb~uitlt tt-~ to [weLvu ~tr +mnl. of *pidt~

n +,gt.~ar7 19+ lht ILI~Taale hM r~ldly I~ ’Ill Ip~ttl[ e~llmu |n ¯ Is hlNIUnI fowI- USl~usiv*ly for forO’ ,f wlua, er eloalloL N0w, If w* use more w~-ter I¯ anti¯it p1~llln I nf I~e pom~--sa~lat

o~m of ,*++~i,o I~vmal~ b~ir tbe~xp~lwl 7~re’l nevarh;d+kut twoi~ ofdlmm.. :and ¯ 4rep ebould Iml ~ ks "pare" wln~--~l

~tfllSld ol tbo Ml3tlean omelul$ to rlinrn tbo in hetll ool~+ I dilmosored tbn csaea lind reme* add ml,p ball.¯ pill of "pnre eplrilf* (aleokol

IUO Orendc Ohy raiders. 15ei~nofDlu ¢ Prt~do dte4 ;t ~m~dt~n~, One w~ X~.k ~1 fnmbI.ho st~nllth o! wl~ky~ io alptUo¯efmm/, wIMI

+ thn nual quollly nf llgar+ wa eal malto ¯ .tc~14m in thu roportld’pll~nlg ~ Ill ~ I~ing b~mto, whloh ItMIl~141d the harlt| uf Wksl wtth a&ma twe blmll i~ ~mlma

~vup Is the wku]n leek : an4 tha nthor nan t~t k eqml It qwe~y to tbst mbWw~tll~ll "In. rel.0 ,u ,i *+idtt-~ ~oilll ;,+’¯ me,emo’ntTt fit,or or ~em’da Itn~ lalil. ~, dn¯k IIIIllal~e~Jae L~ ulu~o~ Ilutl deld better th¯¯ eome et Ibe eele

I will ul~ to mak-i,*..l,tio~ th. ,.td ~,’"S tJ.4 u" a.~vi+~l mer ymm’.hm+,t,,*+w-- u pn..f ~¯~:~, I, .o.t.In, t~..,."l~ltaut. At all cveala thll|ItllJImtlmatlef wklelii~l°dmedt41mOlthatwalfnt~l im~..amto’qiqu¯r’"tim ~IllUl ql~ hltlqil~ ~11 ta ila¯lw~¯s) ~ ’ ~lll. Tie poultr7 editor of tha R~I Now Io be +*141yeI"Mlmpllm, to aEItrl ol sar f~etholM lm*’4ee. I Yoshafllyl t Tkere h~ inlely comy’~oXmy no- wkso II tlledk

Gun’l Hew¯ldtdnqlllo lbe el4tlehm ¯f oat tklt. aaml ellll of illtre forur a~ioog fo¯ll,IJlal Ill uellldl6, II

of I, Ime-md4 Whle t¯ Ila laelf ¯~ltIt, ll eldlluu m~lnl+lPy lelhllhhll I h Ira hllll wkteh p~ve~l vat31 fatal+. Namh~l of tkl ha¯l

Ildlll IIIIIIII1~ Ihaul i Ioldl~ ~ I lUllk

itl~dla I ¯t thl .War Delmdlqalnut nod at%l died very euddou~, oa mva,J.T6rme Io the prepodjI elllr~ wbel II lUl k 1’~41y ~ m

bearielWllll II111d Ikereof thaehs|c01e* hs n¢ighborhe4~l. Thab]rdl wore in g, od ee, mli.ked kaldllllllth¯ betlef It J(i. Ill IllMl~d-Iowbll M+ 4tJi~ cbe winu la m~ a Iim414,i.o whh ore+-.,, ,,,ed +.t .or.

hod te overooeco, ~ his pareull nf JeaeFb, one herd. wt|h f~,,d wbea attmkod. The flr,t the wbm ~let aI~ee+ with the a~urd Impmd~n Ihal the armpluals wire mop/eb,ese end ,nllr~ ,ue. or Jl~.o[clall ~bll¯ ml~7 laal|y hauu lemeUit~41 dl41~O41 I~ d~t~ao ~’hlM Wldl UO¯plJ4Jl~-

.............. ~ ---=..-~ .... ¯ . . .~ ........ - ........ ’ .- .............. . ...

but I have several: times raised,an aver-.....


ed under. I pile my manure mspring, and in the fall Ispread it on suchland as I intend to for corn the for

iupiling my manure, isTto"we~d seeds. If the "enough, all seeds will be destroyed.- I.have mi~l 187 bushels of ears of corn

;_ to the acre (equal :.to ~inineLT-three:and half bushel~ shelled corn). ~iiSL~ little more than an average, although Ihave land large Crops all the time. I

r-corn- in = ~ ~ree~feet four¯

I have not’edenwill plant sevenand the

the corn is ’a Skillful workmanwill turn¯a so- closely upon therow, ~ to perfectly oover up and smother

¯ any weeds which may appear.Rz~mxs.=-It must .Ira- remembered

, kind of-corn~town-in-New-YorkState is the small kind, and hence therows of eera can Ue phmed nearer to-

¯ gother than it-would .be-proper~o placetl~em where the Larger varietie~ of. cornare rai~sed. -

F~should be

¯ it poro~ty.’To eradicate quack root~, plow twice

¯ before planting, and the roots will be socut up that an ordinary home will haveno difltfult~.in P.U!~" g t b~ q~ltivator,without.a r~der,to keep it<d~W~,~, :

. The moet,,suoee~ful fruit growers,East and West, have derided that there

no bett~ remedy’ fat"the .e~dlingmoth than to p~ture li’og8 LU~ the or-chards, to .eat thewormy i~i31d~ and theworms therein. If.the archer.do ere t~large for the nttmber of, hoge kept, sheepare turned in. If we will all unite inthis eystem, we elmll soon coo its goodrmults.’ There is no doubt about itsbeing effective..

To prevent saddle-galls, the saddleehouidhe lined with some smooth, hardsubstance. Flannel or woolen cloth isbad. A hard, finished, smooth rawhideliniug, Similar to th6se Of the mOitary~adillce, is preferable. Then, if the’ sad-die is properly fitted to the horee’8 back,there will beno galls uule~ the horse iavery hardly used. Galls should be wash,ed with soap and water, and then witheolution of three grains of eopperm or lblue vitritol to.one ta-bitcepSonlnl-Jf water, ’which will harden the surf~me, and helpto reetore the growth of the skin. White¯ hal~ growing upon galled epote cannotbe-prevented_--- ........... : .............

The Norwegitan method of making hayi~ ~ follows: The grm~, when cut, ishun~ up on polea to, dry, where it re-maine tmtil the wind and sun cure it.~aa anu dam not burn it ; on the con-trary~ it ia es bright and green as whengrowing. In some fields strLugs of fen0eaare teen, b0artng thin Imuh of hay,several rod~ in length., Some farmereplant pinta in the fieldatwelve feet apart,and in the upper part of the0eposta pegsare insort~ about one foot asunder, Outhese are andon themthe

con-ceive Of one mo~e-so.-and! the: desCrtl~

Hoskoth of-


young-cuss tlmt.~thoy had killed.-"- .......(leiden 8oil,

It will always pay to make it deep,even if done with a spade ; but remem,

all. the m~rface-soil-at.the

seen done by some gardeners. Ifthe expense of trenching or-ithe soil of the whole garden ttoo mU61t for the purse, thenporlion.fo¢ this season’s hand another for next year.are especially benefited b~

will.be faired a the

in hisbecoming

Thurlow on one eee~eionof theirtaking teatogether at the house of the lady abovekien tlon-exL- *’ Th~Irr0w;" ~e~mtrked Cow~



are -~Vitnessds."still nailed, and

said: ,filet it be so, for I eerta/nly will dothis time, obviously, Cowper’s

and he was I~ocoming "good for!’ :in ~h6:estimation: of :himeelfworld. Thurlow, on the other

h~t. forcibly reminds us’ of’ the Irish-man~ihnme, i" ~Bothexnin,,’ Wh6se owner,inthe exuberance of his pride (thoughBotherum was distanced in therace),etmm~ forever---ace



to betray him.Stambonl.’~ All turned MUS- Powerful" was

en~rM:, the ’ :and-.-mm OfahT[aUan

i aldi, where he was the~Ke. spe~s. ~Mrkish

French fluently, and, of the rod lndiu~ warnors byCooper and..Oatlin, rushed upon IGm;even then there was ~ frightful struggle,

’ " Jest aI came into as vali of Ja- in .which the! nine, he had. of

wherespondent Cowper--and estimating)tim- m command of the

it gives, self in oompari~n with his friend Thur- t been operatinghot " .. low.a~ a being of no anoount ~vhatever~ ’ negrins ~’here therewas more’ climbing he oncesuperior ~oontinued to. feel more feeble, while than fi~htin~ to do.

sheer force of talent, reach-~ ~ "

Rats ~ettlng a Ship on FI~. in the realm. HeWhile the PadflO steamship tion eventual-

Gran’ad~ ~a baati~g a ly, mad though his . is ina, wibed onwind and rtmmng sea s the roll of fame with the names of otheroff Point Conception, some distitiguished men it is more than

v in-their-hammocks that a not far distant posterityover the forward hatch, were awakened apt to forget it. But the name ofby smoke. At the same time the watch in his own estimation, was" aon deck di~cevered dense smoke issuing "" "always would be a no-

-from the hatch, An writ that same distantto this !

forgottenCowper will be held in enthtmiastie re- ’mombmnce.-- Woomocke~ Patriot.

Callfornla’a Large Farm~. iDr. Glenn, of; Oolusm~ has now 45,000

acres under enittivation. He ia nmldngoMoalatious on a crop at 10,000 tons ofgrain, against 18,000 to~s last y~o,r. Heha~ alread~ p~ 200,000 eacka toput’grain m. Haggh~ and.Gaff, of Kerncounty.had 30,000 acres in their stock-farm before they began operations umlerthe Doeert Iamd law, and now they lmveperhaps as mash more wMcih they willbring tinder irrigation. The ’crepe thisseasonaro 2,000.aer~ of barley, 1,000aeree of wheat, 175 ae, rce of corn and3,000 acres of alfMfa ’ihe stock consists10,000 head of sattle, 20,000 sheep, 500head of horses an,l 1,000 hogs. Theworking force at the pre~nt time ’is 625men. James Irvine is the fortnnateowner of the San Joaqnin and Lamas deSantiago ranches in I~s Angeles county,containh|g 95,000 a~ree, and 12,000 acresin.the 8oath A~a ranelm ~djoining../a~other words, he owns 107,000 aeres of rmfertile sod as is to be fmmd in southentCalifornia. Hill, Boggs and Reavis havenow on the rancho in Kern and Lee An.gelm connties. 10,000 he~l of c~ttle, allinexe~ititent condition. Mri

the flret of the taonth. Thisnm~, bdoagi~ ,to Oener|d Beat, our


and iu~season of 1864 000 headstock without’ loee.~Paeifl~ l~ura~P~ress.

21~at~lng ~ ~ In Church.An l?a~t p (Ms~.)


several times, and was on the Japanwhen that steamer was burned off theChinese coast, about two years ago. Helure for~ ,sam made it his habit to navethe ltoe~ plt~ed on the deck every nightat eight o elcek. Rushing forward, hefound that the ship w~. ind~oecl on’ fire.~0" :m~ r ~ instantly ’notlfl~ff,’kndHart, seizing an ax, chopped’a hole inthe’h~teh, and called .for ¯volnnteer. A Ohinamauand ,Hart ordered him t

below to extinguish the fire. Thealmond-eyed tar bound awet towel overLhis face, and obeyed with alacrity,and Hart, who is a large man, on-~largod the al)erturn ~hd: fdlitowM.Seven Chinamen went down’ afterhim like monke,’s, and thewere manned, The engine wasand, ceasing its task of drivingcommenced forcing water, By this timethe passengers, alarmedby the unwont-’ed tumult and the clanging fire-bell,

re ])~ddl~ half nakedton the dooM.¯ a PaniO’ ~omen shrieked and’


the anffceatinster~remn in the fore

thOy found the fire. The pmnps were;already working, and in three and a haftmanatee after the alarm, water wee play-ing on-the 4lanuab tad -ia.J.bron- ~L ahalf minutes more the Maze was extin-guiehe~L The origin of the’fire was oer-tainly very curious. In the st~ro-rcom’waS a bmn’el of matches in

This outmfo~ind that rats had gnawed theirthrough the walls of the atol roo~into the matehm, and in-their nibbliuat the lucif0rsIgnite& them and e~todsurance men state that the majority 0[~the i~-tanem of fire by "apo_nt~meoudeomhustion" are really ~tmed by rata

l)efinltlan of Bitb~e Terror.

Adrianople, :~*. __~. .Adrianople, which lies in" the way of

the Russian txdvmnce to Constantinople,situated at the confluence of the

the Mnritm and the Ax~la, tad Sl~ng is little’else than metaphor, andone hundred and compari~ff~f-a~hb=na~lY~-°-rt-ffr~wnYrOm

miles distant £rom the U the |m~ii~h’6 "~hOl6ithe "in~ t-Pn-o’~ore-

Its Peimlation has been castle, the camp, the street, 9r from anymated-at matter of common observation. A fewrants. Acco~di~ trtisN, random instances will I:e enough to

t half bf these are make this : "To blow a aloud

30,000and the remainder Jews and :second: fiddle;" "a ’ chii

emperork m 1~2. ¯t~l . .was madn the ea~tol of tJm Tarkish , . area, at exaefl~,un.de.ndood: lik.e~m, ir~ remainin£r so . until Oonstanfi- go to pot, wnien refers, It IS satO, tona-’n t L’~-’wa~iz~ in 1-k’~B. It i~ at the moltiug-l~)t for refuse metal. Othempr~ e-nt v-Xtrt~lly--au" m~eu-to~m -The gather vim, if wo stop to think whenceold hart is surronnded by a ~l, and they come. No kloubt a tsamater crack-cow ~ius a dtadoI ; but t-~ese are vow Lug his w ldp or.or his.four or .six. horeepuseless as defenses Recently more [ wa~. the flret to deso~ibe aomemmg weakm~le~ works-havo b~n c0ustrn’oted, by ~or-shabby ’ass. "pea-he roe ~conee~n,"

r " , "uat as eon~ersel i nis entnntoasm lorathe ~urks, but these are only of n fleh[, ) , Y ’~ at tim ,.,~t n¢ ,. m.,wisinna] tvtw ~ ft~llow always ready to pay for the drinks,

In the opinion of Vou Mo~t~t~, the fonndve.nt .mdt~innghtm.a ,wholehollow road~, ditshos nnd. garden walls t~un ann a aittae uog.unaer tee wagon. ’without the towsafford gre~t f~iliti~ New phreae~.are .e~.ntintudl.y r~anforomgfor its defenso, and the el)preaches mi~ or fnporsoumg’ tee.o!% ~tt oc~nnowbecovered bY trooim drltwB |lD. SO as to alia.. Ol(t. are of, one nature "A’n0 gamoter. . sr~at .... on f.l~’,~ rlv,~re l)ut odlv 21 &)rrm hugo Is Rscd when a dead man ta satd to.~u ......... y. i u d ’4| " ° ’’of nnt ~ss than thirty’ thonssnd cr for~y h ayo ~(1 m hi#ehecks,, an.d ~ethousand ~en. Tho town |s, however, go~.~-seeaers~.en a.’spomtmtmn m asmoverlooked b-, hd-hts on o~,~ rods ",t~" pan ent well. /’srsons~ wuoseand, eoneequ~ntly~it ~ibttld b~e"hardi; pre~ntltops to r.e. finoment forbid thp!rl)o~ible to hold it againat an,army pro- !t~o as, st~ug ann oy expro~mons w monvidad with modern arfllle~." The flrsf ’.t!.~o~Z tninx n oto.~ ~ ate vmgt~’, .a~veview of Adrianople is deecnlmd by Van tvelr" tm.~ set o,t recap, nots..,’~’0 ratemMoltke as being ~Loaderfuily b~li~falt

~00LOl|tlt8 ) 9rn ~lOOo~t an~. ~10 ~Jnse~

the white minaret~ and the leaA-rcof~] .gpuLeu, .eel.no .t~.... "W,,cet’ -to Imrtcupolas of the mosqnoe, bathes and e~ra~ with frielltts m .’:nit.tar, ~ntt .so ouvansoraia rising itn conntleas numbsr~ fllrongh a list wnlen tno roa(ter snalt oeabove the endle~ mars of fiat roofs and q~arcd. Their speech -!s gab!shell withthe broad tops of the plane treq@. ¯ ~rep~ tam all, th,o,poom an.a :ram ttoly

The country around is al~o exceMIngl# writ, iustean oz wml provert~a A glanceFrom the valleys of the riq6~ at.Mr. ],lart!ett’~ ~,,,i!~.ar fuotatt~,~,

but to a considerable grown nt. the lfl~$ emtton to a atone¯and will give an idea of "the great

not]ling but that ptu~ free like thegrovceoffruittrees and ] t)ilm arennd nu Indian council .fire.lager. Within the ]3hildren, too, sa well as their elder~, ’narrow and g r indulge a llkin~ for figurative talk, par.of many of’ , t/oularly for slang, a te~te they oftt~meet those ca the i keel) until welit onin yesre.way.

Nhlves of Debt.It would I)e a otxrious Sl)(~mlatiton

inquire how long file pooF]C of Eurolmwill be likely to emdnro titie’ enormousIc, ul of debt underr which they are now

No one l)elievm that thethe European deht can ever

year addingIf theee

war~ do not stun ovme to aato even the/U-

the tImwem of the world will Mu,

to and If

lus~eisat way, The onlyiuloltmble debt~ that any oae omt t.~ l~to compel the nation tiredly,to keep the

toil go topay interest ontheir enormotm national oblisations. Acondition of debt like Jh~ t. oppremdv0to all true freedom and manll~em. Thereis wa form of ala~m’y tatln oppremive tom~tioz~ or imiiridu~ tlum tlmt 0{ dehkWithout it tho swonl alone weald not beable to keeD in lubordiustion t~l mon-archical rule th0 vt~ pol,ulaLkon ofL ~u~ope,

ever, we adhere,down tl~ ......


YeasttriM~ will convince you. that it is not only the

Pontt’a F_.xcraet.

the Italy thau to sqehanmtodan women arc-f,,r’~’tUt,;’E~aPlmaX. It i, l)~)l~.blo thM a deMre imtke proselytes ia the ~dtiaf, motiv~ whichealmu this sotitou. Tl|o women taken

b~mlan tribes which have become Me-hantmodsn, so tt |a I, rObab|o" th,mtd oonae,[uently thtirh,,~h)oked

they must itnko flte[r oh,husha/Ids among ’the, other,,(

...... +

.: I

;:,+ The Collee~Lve-P~hib~

+ .

_ +


~d Ub eUl=

bold it Taylor Hall, in the 011y

TUESDAY, 8aP~fU~B]JR 15~iT 1i 0’CL0~K

100~,omce of florernor, to be supported at . --, ¯

iwg 8into aleetJom.-- ........................~.-_b_-_u~ ..... ..~

IlL" PrNidenUil election, :frnetlnn oftha ~me over lSOI+mob township

and Wa~’d; h6W~vor; ]o-be entitled- to c~o dole:

lptte, .... ,. By.order of the 8tat* ~xeenflva. Oomxnlttee,

emmfotly l~ek~,, ulm*tety:~bI~_ kberry, :or .collectively. ll~g~l~am~+


Ca&.. ~. Burn, i~.ap. ~-Po’~’~, - lineal3.................. W~,.-~A ;4~OKI t~l,~,rr ....... p~inAn.JoxmG .... - ....

GAISu~.A~ ]felt.u% A.x~nnl 15p/,DOXlt.

.... ~ ..... ~oalwx_£ouL~ ............JOBS Y. Foi~nn;

_.:- Tl~ D6"m6eral~ SU~ Cpnventionmee~~. ~mto.+ ~t. t0.

The dead.JLu0t]her ,cuss_ gone_ ~ get h~ r~_wa_rd,,And width this wehaveto reoordt~e de~thof another ba~e man, Bdkl~m Toung.

.... Tu ny they are dead is enoush. ......

The _~ew emeyRep~blietn8tateGom-mittee h~ve flxed~ept. 2.5 for the ~epub-limm Convention for nominm+~ng s candi-

for+~__.e~.~...; _ " " " " -

County Bepubtiean o~t~ous e~re

MrL. B~a~ of Atla~tl~ City was Chairman.-a4~the Convention hint year, a~ wilIe&tl

The~hdt o~f the Governore to the Per-~]’a.hi~tion thi~ week~ +bro~teat a largeTI~+ umday were good days fo~ the receiptself the CempanI. The fl~d dieplay was

tim Governors, though they had a grandx~eeptton. Nothing but to ~eewtth bee’sown eyes, could give an adequate idea of

~tt of the l~lmring men was larger butact wha~ At. ought to l~ve been+ Thb-


t~n~e o’clock, ta~ elsht men. It roseIiowly, and took ~ aout~-aslterly diree-

passing directly over Hammonton,

+ ~+ . . ,-,


at the Ezblblfloo bulldiog and boxen re-

tsble~feedin~ ieot~ ~ eeree~ n~y~ be ’x ~k. ~ in ufo--s the imam, mm t ~..:- ~ -- olmmedu~ewm+dmmteomplet4r - ¯ -

D.X~.u G ~TO~E, ....

8.~0 o’clock Tharedty evening.

1,1 the Cam~nnl~ grounds, is the largutll~mUlmt+ and +m6~t"-~p-15td EX]dblU0nin Um world. Thl~y-elght .Statei a~l

q’~morim, mui Ill t~e p.ne~zd l~neism4~untrlm represented In t&e immense~,q~lay. Twenty-one acres of Exhiblbbm~m~tetlve of every Del~rtmont of~lhmltion, Art; ~z~uz, and Industry.

Pmmimeut Intm~mtional P~hibition,.t ~kitadel~tt, ofere to +~rehs.t~avery part of the country facilities suchu were never before presented for the~nmmhuttlon ~md comlm+kon of all thevlt’iou~ otylea and qualities of manufae-

goods that are p|aeed on the market.day or lwo spent there before making

lmmhlUma will emtble a~r intelligentbl~er to enter the market at a great ad-vantage. It has surprised Ill who have~kitad the Exhibition to find m grandm~d ~omplete I~ d|epla~ of Amert, a~ in-

B~ee~ ¯ ~teet ~od£~+ mmeyAvtielm tad Perfumer/, In,voting F, xtnu~,

,pn~ ea# .c_.-+The Shortest +Way. .....

:el ConSn~to repeal the law exemp~ng U. 8. bond~from t~xati0n. A~long as mon_.h~ men W~VZR~ ~LOBI~. WATER, ~0 e,ut~ p~ bottlecan get these bonds,, even ats low rote of wXXVZR~ BAY RUM, 60 ceuti per betfle.w~.v-m ;’s ~ wisetnt~%-freefrourtsxes,-the~ a¢., ~. zm..-- ¯and ,~e cannot blame them.-But tax

H~D--~. H +-~++--~A’~,these bonds, and the holders will pu~ T + ]~Rtheir money, elsewhere. Now~ these geoiee book, no longer for the few only. Th,bundholdere axe free from taxes on their ~t~n~otd from St to

and their neighbor’s tax.In thto there Is greater cause f~ come. ~. JANE EYR]i.I

- 4.J.ulm Yerne’e la/att~ 10~.plaint from lmborere snd other~+tha~’imy r DAYS OF B~lw~r, _ ~10~._

other. Let them-be t~xed~md it ~rL~bfing ~.8. ’rlH

relief to s large ~ of people, a~d it will z

~R. W]I~L~P~ Dtmbh,]’RaHoH WOVJN (


.... ° .


..+ . .. ..


m make aae Eeainm mtkm. In ._ _tver/dedrtblo ~tyhb-h’em ~ "tO- $&~|)"qaidlth~ lm~LbV~ : t’id-ob e-’,J. ¯

eo the lout I~mb at YRIOR8 that wlU ALW4Y8 be fin4 JU~ haw e~ LOWMit tbas’ ~ ,i . . ¯ , a~l mouy by ozlmhthig a~w 1~18 h~foro pure q~la[ _., en.O-der, h~m, ~tWp_roa~a~. ~ ¯ . ~_;~_P~,~t~-m+,~ ......


1115 Chestnu¢ aud 188 North=Etllhth !iltSo

WM, T~---HOPKIN8~. - his:_

Bowll~ of th~ +5~miii


~wroll of honor" fromthe ~mWmmak I tMbl ~I~ I. Toe 8inpr, latt.

¯lm Is r~ pt’k:~, b7

Bouth Carolina. It ix probable that i oaoeinE a lurers pein in the beat, leaempqn made an omeet to the enbaoriboN llenhiuJnu £ Co ....... ,. .........86 RmleeIoos, Impoteaey, Nnrvous De~ .

dho_~Llf~wJH_b~_rtt~qi~by-Demo, popularly kn,,wn’te Risk Iliad ....... tu..L-S..~. Mar,hall ............................. ] 7g to Marriage qanenllylt l Irel~tplra Ill| elnlult tllllr ¯

m-at~ wldeh willlnemam thei r strength ache. For the relict of which u~,s Sinuous ........ mr .,0- With Hwnaum~ Wm .................................... ’ and i~ltel Mental ead. _ .. vpInLIVl ljllolmt~ uouer on~u of am mtl~l , ul ¯ -"GIVII SLMOIILINI or mlnlOlNl~ nnd In (31410 of I~lo dMth of ’ i,n tb~ tef~l of tbPea lteethl, of be f~Ptfer hll-

delve, Kvan ...................................... t 12 &e.--by ROUKKT J.

MAlt~JeacfualD OJLY lr red from e.ml~l Ip fur n 5lvllead o| lll~ el- Jotm, bnmuat .................................. 2 ~4 Ct M.D.t authpy 9~+th+++*’~!mll .... i]llr. Morton to 87, or three lose than a

4. II IEILIN l CO. "tats I all, the 1a]5 0rodltore aye ~rlbor’uutll~l JauntY, Alll ............................... d 41J i "l~°°kW+~ ........

nl~i~ty, la ~ Ju+d~e I~_ V~tl]~Q~|~] , ¯ ~" ¯ that a Iht .f Iht liaUlee-qilaet i~tu I~i4 Am-~pl~ae,~tt. Jltmry .................. ........

941’i r" ~ amidol+reenaCt u~or, In tb~t ~mtra-I~ any&lml.l~al~ ~o]i~publteana .... PIIILADELPII[t. Ii1~ i Pit,limit sill be ifl*Jwhh the Bur’rolato Mulls: Cranberry Aesnelati,m .............. I blo lmoturh clearly paves from hie Pwa el-

lee I1 ~0. bold by IID. ~1 tllTIl, I)ruy~ler, ef the eounly nl Atl~l t" l~lfon the dlneatnlPrim, Mrs, l,usy ................................. ~9 cult*am that the awful oenmqunoeml of qtf-

with the Demoerete the vote would~ //mime.toe ~’ J [ Deeetuher teru, of the Or~heuns’ Court, when Robinson, u. IL ......... ~.,........,::.y..:.. liT+.. ~ummey Im~l,udly~,~t wlth~mt m~i-

Iland, In a full I:~utt+, ~8 to 88, givlnK ’ ’ "". ’. ...... ase.ptlu~s thereto m~ bu Al~i be lay pen+o Kohelte, E. M ............... ..~ .................. e TII I leans, and without 5eagero~- surf|teal t+pel~

Ibm maUng vote tO Vico P~aldlut Wheel- u , .................................... I pointini out mode a/cam it nuee ~lll~lln And~O~lll . ’~OUKIll.... t.l. .R.ullta,+ Mrl..r.Ju.te. w ................................+.++I,. t,n. boq ., iustnmnate, .is,

l ,Lt~k-ira’~ Dated Juna t4th, IITL IlJllrold, N. J. Bnuthern ..................... ~o k0 | oW[mt~d, hy wklok arll~ eufe~r, n. matterm’. Thll i’couudag ~llthe dllaffeeted 1 i I] WIbLItM 4. il0UIIII,., Ilhleu, O W ...................................... 314.1 chit hie ~mdhlooImlthern Rep ublkan l~nmtors u ~epub- V .

.ms ’ ¯ V , JOHN W, PC, ’JPIIK, ’~ ............. ~!eai~y, . ..

d tim ~t 8cute, M the Itepublloan 31J~g 01 I~EEIIII2~ r~,J’Im. ~gmitk, W T ..... I t

anJovaxsn OILS. m,.~__, ~_... ....................................; ;] I" ..~ t t,...~.Ikssto~ from 8curb Csrolin~ Ahtbu~ .vinuwl Nn.tmu~wm. n.t+te ............................ ~~+ %.at.lop.,’ "’ ’ -" ...... Io ~y "

l~udl mlJnuread SelIIIIA’fURDAYTnt~ ...... ’ |~ 01 [ Itlmf.l’ . ......

I~/A SO em~ m)et’ ea4 lallrN¢ el I]I per eeal I m .. ¯ ,~ ~ ,. .+i~’Om Callftm~Lt, Nlw Yurk --d ~.t.,~.i..,b~ ~,.,,~ ,.atm.~ w+.~. I P’.’~ ........... ~. ......~uuoT~, ~Boe. ILOnlUXe, Ire.* ot~ teth .o~ ~’ V...ker l~.,. I TIle UULVerv~u mmoGl01tL U(k

Q~da~, EXttlCl~tlOa MAMF++ (’o,, 11o Dm:bwn Art’7 to~ ~udipum. Amlg~ P. 8. TILT0/~, ~il [~1 tm¯n~ ll~ T~rk i I~ ~m. n~ tu~|

tongdeferred. --There is no lon~er Imy "ra~or excuse t4 ]~ THE SINGER MANP’G CO.-~= - "

nothing our lawmakers could do would 1+. +~mbS ........ = ............ IPkUldllpkl~ ~ IIM-~+-~....... 16, ~ O~ I~ ~ Coo ~k, By Jules Verne. los. " "

~+rm~m+mmXt~b~.~c~l..y]o+ In Chancery of New ~ereey. 3UJI~I~;Ii " Ii&LE.helps the rich to incremm their riches with- is. ~t~eARA~S HIST01tY, byAmellsB.~dwax~.+ 2oe. ¯ -out tax, while thepoor ~re taxed to their ~0. A T~R]B~ae TEMPTAT1014.byOha~.R~tde. toe. ~tw~eu

20. OLD CURI08ITY 8HOP, by CtotrlM Dkkel~ ~e. L~0~ard

once ~ ]~oe~tary! 23. THse 8~UIB]IC’8 , by Mary ~. Hay. ~for

has pa~ed i~ uset~dnee~ Sad is now an yor role b~ -It boob+nm a~ Ne~etler+, ur mot Louisa V. HIgh~, , 5"!11 CLIV+mPfH I~.T OT.I

lmtase +, on reeelpt of price by Pofmdant. Diyerm. ca* detoek, h~ntou

outrage, unjust and aburden upon the

omoaoz Mtm~O, Per,~.~.T~t,t~.~ l~eq] N;J.

..... - " ,.oms4-v. ,xo ss:b+ In +o.n++or thl, e.d +,.i,.o uf nu ore. + th, Pub workiogmen can do more good than in thel~lae~ eory of New/crecy, mldo ee’B

+ work tan eMtty date hureof, in ¯ eaole whonln ..... ..,..,,,.. . . ~..

any other direction. In th.ir.oWu lo~iin~ om

y, "debplmmat~d lummuMe. Women. ted boyl tea glrli Io appear aid ple~l, Imewor

If you feel dull, dro:s -~llitatod, have douw,tl~me~ ,Wewilll~ul~ youeaout~ ~ petition-of en|d eomplila~nt* unJ~thl~V.AIbll~un thtl

fre~uont b~udaehe, mouth talteo bnd~, poor see~-r this loathing ~ We nil or boron th Eighth day ofOotob4n’ nuzt~ or thl&. D. rseerll

tongue eafforio ptrtb.ulJu~ ~ Wrlm

ing wilt eu~e you so *peedily nnd permanentlyead.-~i ~ ta ne~ of Tbe laid petition Is filed qainst you for a d|.

Imvi U. Albemon.wr;tetown~l am Prom tho bold of matrimony, b~’m date aud ol’ r~e~ .!~

as to take Stuxous’ Lzvzn Rnue~ou ox Nowli the time., ]Deo’t delay. Addrms ~Im&¢o. tbe~lerk,eOaealfumlid, inLIb+ru;uf<~leelMaDiCtx~.. + &uguat~]lh/ne. - D~ed Aa~st 6th, 11177. " ’ tulle +el, ~ko.,

PUBELY VII~ETABLE. ~Itl~l=n,l~not ~,11~ ~n~1 in thee tame., tml " J.a.P. AOBOTT,~’l~i’i.am t. mde~u three m..th, uyany

’ ’ SoL +f Complu; " W|ll1~l~Id IttPublle llaletl]lllone or either i~r, Ju any part of the May’l Laedln e~ lq..I’, on tbl pnmbm la Atlaatlo 0ity, eouuty of At-’

"nu | ]~eSt ~smtly ~n~- "qP’ammfOolttly who Io ~|tins to work Itm~t|~lethe Jn the world, uttheemploymeetthat W. form,h~ 1~ p+r.w~*.k lu ]~’[OTICE ISHJ~REBYGIV~tTH~TIsatiou4t~t~in ol NoFjlmy+_~ .........

Au Effeetuel 8peel ~urown town. You ueed not beawny from eome L~I theaat~rlberh"been+~i’Pol’+t.’d~bY the-oral+bratIPrjdll1~t +£+Iii .~l!!ll+++lll~l,+-A. D* |8~oa, ernlzh’, roueu~s.ir.yoerwhol.Um*tom, wnrk, thoCourtof~e*ryofthem*t*ofXe’.~,m*y;mad.AT TWO O’0LOCK IN THa Ai’~gRN00Ns

tic for sll di,eatol oroulyyo~r~r+momant~ WehJtvaqelitlwhoen onthetwelfthdayofJunl~lr/7,r~cel~roflJlthem"the L~ver. Stomaeh& u~kinSove~120per~tY- AtlwitoeuPieato~ee°tn tot~g°<~l,chettela*’rllbl&crodll+~Ilte+l*l:’dpm!~rty


leen. m~ke tunney ~L At tb- preeent time mo~ey ~naot ~ ~* THI~ 0OMKJ~’ POINT i~[SH OIL ead OUANO situath in 4tllmtlo OJty iferMlld, nnd bounde~

[+leer bemademel~Uy lad+ rapidly atlayoth~r bl~n~ tothemtetelu~chcmeau~e ufollollt "It ¢o*U nbthlng to try the b~nem, Terloe a~d Ira. ~y chdu~ of d~

and prevent kl thl~ llneof neath Om’lP. .........

CII ILl+8~tt~tkm.

Po__rt~d~ M~dae. r, and ..... .. Ihu~ Arouse, two huldndfmt neath wardly fromVKR, MALAR][0U8 ---- - .... M n~y be requlmd, th*irterettl elaimstee ,~.,,.~. thalouthwel~ll~iloeofAtllatloAv*nea~t~eaee

~1 Aar ~1~ Orelt oh+Ice to m~ke ~onoy. If you Ngain~t the mid Oomwm~*! within ~in montlml ~ the (!) southwazdly IIoug laid |leo of 8outh Uaro-FI~VgBS, UOWgL COMPLAINTH. B]I~T- re.In |l ~’tletlpoldyou~msetlttmnb~k~" ~teofm, tdorder~polouesmet~’adver~a~orem~ IInaAy~aueiwmty.l~vafelt|thsnee, autwi~d°LESSNgSB, JAUNDiCe AND~NAUBRA.. |IUIII]U[.We ne,~e pekoe in eve~ town m orbe.x¢lwledl~omthebenellt of any dlrldan&t tha~qpm vmmm~i~tt~irelUbSCl.jll4~l~j for the Itrgmt, m~ybpamdoanddecler~ t~ ml4Oennupmthepm~ lyparldbl with Atlletle aveaue, one buqSre~t

~D ]~ll~kTl~ t chirper a ndbelt ]l]lust~tod ~amedly Im+b!lelU~ in,.he madl otlhe effe~l’of the mid Comimmy. anbs~Xly-iva fell+ mO’,’l Or 1111, to tha weltatly

Nolhiug il IO unpledunt* I~otblnE Io ecru world. Any ona cau become a au~un a&’eal+ .TUe ’ LEWI~ M. BAR~I~PI’,most elei~.t works nf art #yen free to .pbeedc~ll, I~te4Jqne14,18TI-~m

Pm.K~"80llusofntwuty feet widesllny! theneo, north-wt~dt~ sdmtg eahiall*y twan~.Svl fbet; thmum

ion a, bad breath god Io ~ eerly eret 7 e¯le i! The pdoe le go low Ilutl IdleSt .ere~l~..mbte~. " wu,lwaull~ p~ullel with Ads,tie aynnuo o+~u r©0Ill from the+ etomlmb;ande¯n bo locally Oneqnotrepommaklu,iov*reJ~01naweea. &lillye~,rreot~t if you will ,ski 8rMUOXS’ LtVlFR!O ~leol npom t~klnlt ever J~cfl~em in t~q ~ ~fi+]O ior Taxes. bl;,dt~r ~d’dxtp6ve fect,.more or leas to tho.

~avol~ Do not he+gloetso eat*i u rlmldy for AIIwhoenqqllemttkemouey s~l. Xoumaeevo~ ~u, eMl~riy Ilno of Bolth Oatollua Areaue m~l

this repulsl~o dliorder. It will also lmnrovo ~our time to tim Im~lnem or only ~uur ~q~tre tim++ ]go~[m II Mr*by ~vau that b~ vhttua nf i plain of Iml~aelug, tolptther with the Impure-.~’OU II~d nut ~ awey OV@r nJlht. Ion O~U do Jt IJI werrtut l~us5 by N. Iiartwell, Jeul,, to mike innate rbo~oa.

your uppotite, Cumplexlea aud G’mnrek Iiealth, well all .th.ll. ¥.11 i~trtlculsr~dJre~tlOOl and term~PILIPJII ~,~. F4~nt indexpeuetveootOtl f~ee- Ifyouwaut the Illtsa llld ou un|mprored and autlnlmt.d Aim, tbuIWo undlvldld 0as.twelfth party of-

profllable work mud ul your lUldrnm at ices. it emM laud, and on ]eud Mneuind by pereous not tbu tbn followleg deHrllm~ city lot or posen of lira411]low many Infcr iortttrd dey after day, mak- nothing to try ~tla J~tl~ut NooOe who engt|m fal~ lewfui ptoprlotore, who an unsblu to pay their eltuate lu Ad~tlo 0i~ Merest4, and beended

ing lifoa burden and robblngnxtrteueaofall to.~kegre~t pt~. Jukhem’Thl Peeplo~ Journal, tan i~thetowo of hammoulon, louuty of At- M folinwstesure, ~wlng to the leOml suferte I from i po~tl~d, Mttae. lantle~ thoaubsorlbor+ onu or _the o~|ieoterl of Bellnulnglt the soath.wuteornerofntwen-

.Yet rnllof II readx to the band of al laid souoly, will, ou tho ty for wide ilrm~ and Atlantic avenue, dilutorone buudred ~ed ~,xty.ava fml fPom the 8nuth-mo,t ,uy on..ho wilt .,, ,ha SWINKER & BEGGS,

TWO<TIlT. DAY OF8RPTRMBIIK NEXT eaet oc, ruer nf An¯nile lid t%uth CArolinaremedy 1bay bag permaneot}y 0ured tbousaods.

lOlL the IImber~ wood blrbaJce, or other vNdi* oald twrnly feat wide liner ooa be.udrl& aa~tto.,.,++, hu, ,u o...n. ,CONIqrlPA?ION ! on Ibo protolmr, tazod to llhy l~ti tho~oe wmtarly panllnl wlth Atiaw.

xtn-mmea~tsty-tan~mmmlmmSws~srrWholesale De&lors in Fruit eost* ausoaed Io’thllr rup,etlvo bnmes, ullul wLth the grel Ihso one buodred and dfty

AS u trlfliog allmeo’~lo fast lIJl~. Produoe. th.nm eMtwaidly along e.td line of A!luntIoklolamel Is admirlbly adapted to faelli, nature demands !he utm.st ,NAIlad. ’An’~.fit to tha southerly ILus of Atlantic arenuet

eomptri~on, regulariqt of the howoll, end No. ~141~ 1101’111 WhnlPvelle Abbott, This ..................................... 11 I ~8 areauo linty feet to tha plane uf begioulnl~¯eny derlatlon frnm thin de, PIIILADRLPHIA. Abbott, John ...................................... ~ 90 To~ntber w|th tbn Improvement% oonetetJ,g ofmaod pcvns the wey Of 0~ to Buruetl, llal~ey ............................. , .... 3 11 a mlrlret houri, lee houri, and ~tore hnut~The next U. S. Bentte will prob=bly ,nrl.u, danger. It is quill ee All tboso who consign frill or produm of nay Bar~tow~ J. M .................................. I 17 thlreen. JOaN J. tiARDNBR+

b very sloes, in view of’the I~,’ible , neo..elry !o remora impure kind ~o tble huuJ~Oln rest llsurnd o[ prompt o.,neld, D. W .................................... I 5d Aselgnln ufaeoamuletlons from the b,w nlteullon an4 qulek rnlarnl. 8blppinll ell~l Coebnn, ttenJ ...................................

: 41Jnwlno V. ~l+eauvsoll~dlathof ~enatorMortomb of Indiambu ellIelth!oeplord,,ep, lm,d nan bnoblnine5 ¯iA.G. CIIrk’s+wke will be Clork, Juhu .................................. 81 Prlnt~r’llfu,$10.80 Lavl0. ALaanreou,

I" would be lueeeeded by It Demeorat uo hanith enn be espee~od ¯ kept Ioforml~ of Ihl Itlto of Ibn market dtll~. Eudtsee, (leo ..................................... 2 41 _Ipm~tb]y Governor IIendrieke.) Tho wbereaoostire habltof body ¯ a,d to wkam. rotm, olwll~bem*do. + 21 glt Prenek, mdwsrd (estale) .................. 6 11

Ik~tle now ~an& 8P Itepublleans, 83 ’ .ncK .t:~D~CU,~ : Notice of jIj.dgnment, ood,,y, Cho, ................................. s d, ~To "Y’oung Men]hme~rat~, L Independent (D~vLa, of Oibberts, Mi0hael ................................ 8 80

Thee di0tree~lng nm nlJou oee~rl moot fro- NotJn le hll~hy Ilvt~ Ihal Ambron pan Orl~com, ClemeUl ................. %" ........... I bl jmtlmMlah~linam,dedansmlopo. Pdeeeoantl.]~lnols,) with IP~pubito~ntendeneiee, and quehtly, The dJeturban+e uf tho el~m.eh, nrll-

so.at, or tbs townihip of l~emu Viltlb Atllktle HeadiEst, t~albarlol ............................ 4 |1 A LKOTUKII ON THll NATUitlt, TRleAT-~tvMnoeie~--two f~m Loukhtna~ andone |u~ from Ibe Imlmrfaolly dlgnrled ooutewn, o..n!y, qtale nf ~ew JerMy, balh Ihll lloueo, Wm. A ....... . .......................... I 4d meat, Hd ~adleld ~unol+Semluel Weakneu.

~o.It., (Zum4p, lit. ~ ~l.~W wvatmL


. , _~_..+_- - _= (--..- - .......

"4 ~~

i~..t tt .ll~t, llmmmld-ai~l -Itml- 4mllt~b

~s, ~ ~m+odunm~ lint l~4e~ m tow,

--,t~~,~.~!~ +- ’u :-: =:

- ’...sammer+_~nhetthm~Im~euf~t ol~ml+e.+’the mo~quim have been very

we,dr, bet tbe-north.wmtwladof a

" ~ Tlm-exhlblt of C. & A. B. IL Co.,-In thi ~t~eatkmal F, zhl~Uoa. ~ateaee n~ll wok.

- Dit’~ti~m for mthfbltom will be found in Jmofh~oolmmn. " " ~ - ";T - +~ .....

O, ofO. F.

HammouteaJeal. Eve~/bed.Y In the ceml~my hada

8~ time.

the umv road, bat with thl mre~nof m~e Loetltravel it Ima nude no peruq)Ublt dSrere~ wfth the

IT Sire.el Bte~ the tint Pm~-dent ef the p. & A. O. ]LR. 0e., km rmJgued, aml Win.tt~,~ ~.. been ~q~eint~ te th~ ~te~ .....

I~’- Be-m~le’s-~tBlz:Cord 8pool CoC-Im Ii m~trell~l i~ ~ %lmtleil~ and ilol~em~ laiih+ t.~

-- : m,-I. rm~rtol tutho a,~ ,i tmvtUZ ~u ,+..on,from 2~I aerm of hind,’ over 1,000 hmhel* ofgmty RimPotatoes. It i~ ¯ Idg mory, but wu me not I~g to

l~r ~mtnlng Burgeon, D. B. Inger-Io11, M. D.,~ will be IO. the rectus of C. P. EfLlt, ~ E[sm-

. A~mt~n+efl~Ath+_ f~r ~_ JgzJminatlea- of-Penaloaei~ ~ thoaa’l~ ef thn 7 ~ K; M n ~p t4~O,ou:U thn de~rtare of the down frolght. And willmmmlue in 3kg lltrber ~ty, In the a~rne0n~ +. -

TheiCIUspltc~qon Bellevue Arenue~.J~Jt thorn BedStreet, II offered for Isle. It la one of the molt d~Jz-able Iomth)be In the town, u a rogidmtm or n Imdamm

¯ ~ AI~Iy to K;II, ]Bowiel on the

Gnu, K~tes, tho old reliable Ex.pre~ egml oa the/O. & A, ~ st. lent a few ~ ~ ¯box of 8~eewhe~l fish to Eelland~ They were murhlnear Atlantis ~ty. This ep4~14~l Of flth |e IIO[ ~ inEn~nd. ~nd no doubt wlltpmv+i u~ tr~’ff the.yarrive, ae they pmbthly will,bin l’ood-o~ler. " "

¯ IT NOTIClg. <The ~ Aauu~ 0ou,~to~ of thu" N~w ~e~

Ortebere7 Grower.’ A~o~ttlon,’* will be held at ~ew

~eptomber, atleo(10) o’clock, A.M. A l~lllittendIaCet, de~lred, an4 all membem are req~mted robe pre-i~red to report on the ~ndltloe &nd prmpeetl of th ¯Crop to theirnelllhborbeod. B7 o~orof,thePrmldeql.

- ¯ ~. J.x~x~z~ ~r,~:Ataion, N, J+ Aug. 20, )877.

Mr. (3. W. Jones. who dHyes the

l~e~l. ~t4~n, for Mr. Wm. i~ker, whine bread earlptatt~ u~ nel~l fvr tl~elr uoelleucy~ OPom Ktrkwoodto AIIlntJoCIly. hMthe w~epcy for a splendid lxm,whlott wrltto b~ dippinK the pen In water. Tha pea Oilioodtlmd une dip lU waist will write l common cote

The C. & A. Company, have made’U |re.,t I~Uclloe in Ule pl~lce.f fall on their road~which ~ Into effect to.day, lt,.~d tl’lp tloko~ floodfor one week cao be had at all lh. it~tJons~ II IIJoathldf lho mtea that have berotefore prevldlld. Remora"her Ihet the ~ old rellabh, ’+ will cal’0"y you at M low or

lower r~t~J Ihle the other rmuL See Ad.

I~-Tlek~t4"oe tlm-~ouretou to-At,.Is.tie CJty Io-morl~W. t~adm, y, Btq~t. ~ ~ be obndn,~dat grmtly r~lnead prlem, and le~d on mell file, whichJesvm at the naal he.r, From lladdonlleld, $I,001Waterferd, 90 sent* ; WluJ]ow, 80; /lammoeto., D~(~ts, FAw+md,75¢~, tur ruund trip. Thin effu~l* ahopportunlty for a ph’tullot trip to Ihe te~t, for a |Itllomoney.

ThLrty.three ears with excurelou-lat~ went toAIIinllcCityl~laenday. TbepemeeJ~mWere r+q~m~hll b~,kl~l+, and ae qut~t as4 erderty wlrhunch II~4111, They well Of tha elm who cue AUd

’ n~ othvr d4~ lot II~t’t~ ¯ tllp, al~ Ihe~tt~t ndvuo~lluOf the |uw ~re Io 4111 away aid rto I te Iho m brtm~lal,e.d mlt watmr, bl caYl wtUt ovar the (3, & a lo~d, ~eef whlrh WWt~ IIIlad, Over a,~ Ilokele werelcId.

Mr__O. P. Rool% ++ T..r~_~perl. from WMhlnlJ1oe, D, (~ Jl lh*pldul~ le toW. fur afuw de) e, f.r Ihe Imrl~e ef llvll, ll Ioetr~etlee to onr¢tlhtalte 111 del~Ctilla c~untlrf~lt enoaey, tl~ and 411I,,llt,lll I~e hiuhly reccme~e.ded by beakell IM

lllJly lln.14+fllt~L I]111 Ii a l~tltre,,f vlnll II~llm)rlellOU

thrl~ le ae abued¯etqeur the eounterfrlt a0tml, Mr,lt~vl~ and bl~ eyJtem have the tooctltm of Ihe T~ut-lit I]~pt Hm*nL

iWr" Wh|le there are tllose whou Irmmt 4mtl al the manaoer~ ~r Ihe (~. ¯ A. rmtd, thellare othml~l who d~hu~t 1he Oullmny I~, ka the n~

hay. t~mu ~m"7 IIbem/ |lJ the ht~ .vuar, froa, the ~om.laanreeenl ef Ibl l,rmlnl b~mrd ef dlrmt’lOl% to Him,-mmut,,n, .u,| ,~4 Oil ~ a.y une la I~MUIOntOU bee(tbluffed Wlth lh. r~utnrk.., we d,,n’¢ ntU lhe n~td ~VJ|llatntoatoa, Iml I~’ Alt’-atJct+lly, TM 81 wal wo.l Io I~u~de by ~me o4’ tho ,,Id dlrm.l.r~, *~he ~ altmuly~me b~ +It hd it, hi~ +,ew rule, P+,r lhl* lll+r~i|7, ourIp~wple At~tld din/to lhe ",dd mlllable **

. JammOJ~mea~ ~ ....

8heflff~,Otlle~ . ~-

tl~Mm4;::~o kt~ ;th~ blood punand bmlthy meDr+.]hUTi m,~tl[Ix!a m,

"’rae:de~ t~m+~e - hl~ bed tote ttSe~~" ’ ¯ "n ’h+_t~++ If heealykneW+th J zUly+0f+ibdli

llow’m (lit ~, H~tlttw~e,-Ttke of mo~eaya lm’georUou; unite U with urbanity ted ~ humbr ; to

"vt~ous-+m-ritmd + pretty face. Ttk+ Slmmon~’~

plexlon be pure ted h~’a~8"~o ~."+--

"l~m. ieintl *Xl~rl~ee in n+y pr~ce, I m ~tte-tied to w~crlbe ft ua purgsUve medicine.

T. W, MASON, M. D,"

Warm weMher...,.MmquLtom to’e-plea~y...~.D~.Herr~ I~ bu~.....Good ted appropriate mrmon hurt

nezt Thurl~ evo....Qtptl, 711~.J’ohal~, HI~Uy.bome....Jehn W. Johnm w~

lhyman are ~tklng h~ w~ the" Iron thin~.Nd~h +t~m are- gettlug tn---thetr winter supply el" em

ovei~ at .WUtowGrovl oppoalte-Mre.’.-R~eoat Gttrk’e--...~mm.~ y minting]gte~mm and wife hive bean utteadini ~p meetlegat Oe~n Grove.

+Lulux Fde-~I~DAT, SEPT. 2UD.

boqame one of the molt populous and wn]thyeitlos of the Greelau ~mpire. But u the re-

femin~ey, and all liko vises OiLed the eity.

-Laseiviousness wns no t only tolerated but son.


=- .-~.e~e- Wii"tS~- " with her_thousand voteri~s~ who gave to the trl~urythegalzl of Ohelr impurity, while tha Bab~lo-

rdtglously- taught to resort for unebute put.pc,el. 8o law w~ the IUtte of morak in tMa

elty~ thlt the name wan used u u byword,

of the debMemeut lud-dobSuehery pnotlo~d la

that city.It WM lu this w|oked city of half a mUIIon

labsbltaatl that Apostle Paul entered, where,for aighlmu months,-wblle working 8t his

trude, ba ptepebod tho unsearebahlo Hobos of

Chrld. +-He’pTeleUod:U,tbn world," not with high lounding words m~d

obe0ul~phrues, ,He eutend Corinth "not with oxeelleuoy of

sppeah or whdom/’ but for elghteeos monthl io

-that eily hu dee|trod thu t~ltlmuny uf Cud,

reid the lair 7 of the wondroul Lifo, Death audRuurnetlon of our I~uviour.’Amoug the many lessons we rely ]earn from

tbta hl,torle~l ~lrrttlve, wo ml~ learn ~lefollowing : +

111~ Whir we lied fn this our lit+b-l, thopro~uhing of Chrllt, by tbo diseJphtl of Jesus,In our ernry dJ~y life. Then f~ I need of buy.

ing the priuoiplls ojf trulb and hbnnsty broughtin oil tact ulth -tl of ore"

Io other words~ sl did PIuI, wo want to

"mgr~ ~Ubrllt In our.looLal life. by takLug binwllh udlu our oonvlrlatlOUl, oehled our noun.Utrt, and in our dtelings with our nelgSborl,

2od, To preaob Christ ann~eisfully, buwnver

Ireat tha amount of wioksdnans may bo, thedlsolp|ea of Jesus must uot make ~y oompro

mite with IJU. Paul dlOnot lower the Idell ofCht’ht holly to. ~hrpeol~t~o~ t b e-

hetd up the perreet .taud~t tn his life. uolver.eltlon, and dully hbor0, and this truth Je itl

prnolioal power wte appil0d to the hellt~of

the panpls, ted without hey oompromln ontha plrt of tbl Apoltle, tho etroulhoidl uf IIn

wart hrokeu’dowo,

85,. A, the mercy of On4 llhod up cbn 0oHn.thhme from their pollution, what enoourlge-

mint beE ,hnehuroh and thnuneaved massesto,ley, lie io whoso blond there was pownr to

uh¢le the sluful, polluted CorLuthinel ioto

ehlldrou of 0od~ is the osmn In.love And moroyIruth and power to:day.

4the lu tho Iteg"qn uf ihe Apott]e’e llhOf

nurseivls whether wu ba [11 the fai,t

preen our ,,wes01Yel," ~.~’orl Jl.p.Hd,.

TA. Oreol Dd+lPl.ltam J.ti~i.

A Jew of the man " "shonl,IIn lhltll b-all I--~$I+ I curl allot is,stet+tij’ all o.s~r u[ 9o11o, Dyt-Int*iry 8 ,*r l~le~3u IL

staudiulf, ul Itiu tlPellieta.e Iii lhn u.rld l’m} ChllJnen wblN Tithingal t’ save. Ins,ill re|LI Without alb~Hth,gIbl,o L,+ el) InJ,ri~e +Got. ~,.arth ¯~ h~tThe p, Lie t~lell ,u I~w, I& aud dO vaa~ I lot,t]0, Ileal Ibe po,,roet eau uff,,rd Io bny It.h! J IIN ItARUlIUL 8*In Pruprtotqr //Nonrn, Nlura -raaaf, Pblladnlphin, /Druglllell gowall7,


~_.. - .......... .I __+

¯ .. 9

’!. nr Boottl~ lmad t~

mae5 eoaml

/ ..............................

tonowl :.from the V ULlge iuu io thoprairie farm in the hew-bywith some nmarluthle


literWar, f0rmerll of Bagdld ; 4th, "01dStfeeth and Hou+el of lenglandr" with aneo-

writer ; 5th~

Morau ; 6th, a practical p,pe~ ~uCitterus M I Sourre oi W¯mr-Sopply/’ show.io S how they ouu bu pro~uted against fouling ;7t~, ~trs. Herriok’s studies of "Jli0rosoopic,d

and, 8th, Dr. Holland’s "~ieholu

Tbeother fletion of the:number eouslets otof u oowddul~thleon~," by

t~;+au@uother’ltory by Mri-B uru~tt*-t u th orof ~’Tbat Laas I’ Lowrie’s" entiUod "Lodnsky,with Norlh Caroltu¯ leenery lid dtl|eeL ~hie

this cumber an +’4 Ruuhm"llint~ ou the

U piper ouCharle~ F. Thwing, wbo gLvee some inter~

eating comparisons of inslran!lon |u leadiug,

ies oftbeCablw.t" prints I letter shoat "Art un the Pub-li0/’ And eomm*nts u jt~ and


il Meurtoo_Tbompsoo’e rep|y i1~ geu-_erll ro the host of letters hn ha+ kad about bll

o~"B6W ~booting" iu Ibe’July ~.%v/~Xev.

of thzt, article lind utmosfexbeusta the ed lion. Mr. Thompsou’lpreeaatt~dols inlln how tn make bOWl, lrrowaaud bow-

sud also bow to with mlscellun-

on moral furnlton outttlod "Gustand Guest Room," and nulls ou -Poor.Houseand Hoipital Vhthiug," The otbor departmoatahare the usual v~doty. + .

Dr. Van Dyke’s: Sulphur 8cap.~

and worid-wida reputet|r,o for OURDISgASES, bu endeavored for yelre to ecru;blne aa e;r|n*na| treattmmt. He blto aeoempilnk-od this dislikable repult, lu the preparation ofhie eompnuud "SULPIIUR I~OAP," the meritsof.wbieh are _pp~k~u ~f. bTJ~Ona~u~la;At_lLhighly ~eeommeaded to all our re~tora. Prlee.25 ets.~ by mall 1 R cakes dO oto, 0~oe 50, N.5th 8L Whol~ale dopt, 400 N, ~rd st., PhtLad-elphJs, Pa+ 8old by Dteggiets. 25-1y


~’o. 40 BOUth Third 8treet~ PhllldelJ~hle.

Aul, l~th, ]877. mY.i/, & 0’s |881, .......................... 111~

" " I$~J&J ................. 1~. I+ I ~07~....o o .ooo.,o .oo..oo.o.~" ’* 18tl&+ ...................." t0-40’~t ....... o~ ...............

0ureenoy, a~. ........................


M¯ ~md Rmdinlf R. It,.....;.+ ~l~4"~"Jii. Ii,oo .................. oo..o m

R, R....grin L a. ...........


.... ..+,_. i .....g~l foe el+ wick.

..............proparnto~y. Ia8

~tmprovemeat,. ~timutehealthY. InalraotJo++

witl Jmmodi- ..:

r~arkeinported dally and ~lnr~l ml~fn

= :-:JOBB|N41Y- A- SiPlg41~IAi~2PY+ ....... : /-- - ....

.i"iCSmS N + DCU++ +;+ +"+’ oo .. ou-A,,.,,e+--_ . .= ........+. +- - glee! ind. Penn’aAvenuu. "

FIL~ ....U++D: RTA K]+""Yleld~d thin: s~’son* 6++e++ 1~,800 quarim perle~e, -.A.Mp1:5~ yusn el,~ ~ytott~l’- uver-8;000 " Rqulrtl per aere. Color obrtght soarlet. "Biselarge. ~tud.qutli~ ....... . _ "

+,++.+dr++,t,,+.+ + . ...... -.IOOe I~.IIIO als in Atleatfe l~,d-nojotnlng’eonefles.’" _.¯ a. ee lOOOe 1OO.OO A full |u0ply of Rudlrtakeri’ :I~mbkinl~

In pot~ or by mull iu moll, wn~’anttd pure. Gooos uouttlnuy~oha~s ....-+Thu plaut~ of ~hln variety oferod b), Win. CQFFINSi CA_SKiTS Jad ~UltIAL J~SF~ ...........BaMotf+’ a~re gonulne. ......... -.

’77+ 33.++ .... T !i E


" " --- --OF -THe-- ~ ....... " "t+~eo---No. ~0 4~hureh llt,e’+N. Y..¯

EGG HARBOr- CITY ....... "- .............

--A crr+C,,]~+,mJ---e,=,--------- SOCie~ 0S+’+’~0,N C.X+I~SM0t++, .’ ; Pr~b.P.." wmL an HnLn ix ........... PROF;A’-K~EKTON~-+" " IrOee’~tt~--eW. W. HANLY, ...... ~erotary+’ & Teesdayt Sept. 24 & 25.

ln’.tha red uotioa" 8Uver lind other-

LLburel premlu’ms will be offered for all urt[qo orel, which beve recently "beeu perfeetet. Itlea muuufMtured end raised in the county, i~_inttmde&theL/to-kasioe~esh~tlibe oend~t++l~ .... ~-

ing commercial reusoue+VAL P. HOFFMANN, New York, ue38 ~eoretary.




Ladiel’ De-pnrtmem~

ALSO FORTwo Tvedttag Mm+ehel eaeb day; flrlt ~y, fou~minute cud 3 mmuto clues.

Second dny 2.~0 minnie earl 2.34 minute olin.

. Admhssion Yt el~.. 0hlldren under twelveynal~ of&Ji~ , 15 mats. ]]ur~el lad Ce~lagel25 otL ....

By order of the ~ommittne,DAN. WALTImR~,

+ ++ .+ Bee~t_s~.

Mmie l~y Agentl In dtle~ and o~uutry tow~..<3olynlmelmry to "how etmplm to nmke illm and looney foltey one out efemployment ted dl~poled to work. Useddallybyalt lr~dnem mea, B4m~ euuup lOS" clrcub~r,with pHc, e~ to qeole. Addr~l

’ "gPg~AL KGE~CY.~’

_ Kend~l Balldlag, C~lcN~o. _


...... AND8oHoit~3r in Chancery.


THE COLONNADE,m,t~l ~,a0o ............... l~ P.AkOIIPI(J .+kYI~’~UE.

l|eatottv|t|e pile. R. 1~ ~ .................. lau/. . ~Ii~,~ ........................... ~ ......-ll~th Peuue.-II.--II=.,..,;;;===;;;...- ml ....... ]31tween Rallroad Depot and the Beuoh.O~ld. .............................. ¯ ........ . ........ It4

IN FULL VIE.~ OF THK OCEAN.~$11ID$. &tlnntle City, N. J.

leOqTKR-’in Wtw°od, N,J:~A’lattat ld, ltff?+orqulck J. HRNRY HAYES, P¢op’r.©oteumptton, Komuth I~ott Fo+trr, ~led 21 year~

lto01~hoM greree awhll~ ally eerer,~ who t~ me ...tk, of me., TUIIILINII, ltUttlllANBnt our qddm qdnllle ever,And o~sr d~ddmlt rim ~tu, +--AlqD 0TRRR-~

New Advertiaeme.te. 13 ~ r~ H ~9

nTn v nTo m3" Weml~, A ~)W W[TI( H gll~lk Thl nwu-arma ~tJn Ib~ by I~evtug ownmehlp and I~lonm.t~, THgo. OlalIE.

FOR II A L ira.41~ 811AR~8 OF TIlB it1~Atl’flO 00, AO.

~JHeulterel 8oil*t,, (Abeae-a) will be soldfu ~lm .Dollae ~-glett~ - Ad4m4s- Ur.- H. a.BOWLH~, "RaruaLt0ea" 0~e~.ilammonton.Nuw Jlrmy.

;,P, ~JmmYm~Y,~d-~oer~’: -+A.gent,


Philmdelph/n,WM. &, 2r.vIlvO. Prop~


it++t snb . mlbe Pl~lq~, SPEt~I~OATtOI<II,’ DI~A]t,StIttLl~ OF M&Teal~ C0811~ 114+,,

l~tmbhed at ~bort uoUt,*,

l’~to who palm,into tmgd+.g ~ la~ tou4 eanmlus P~M ~lfi~ Itrt ite~ on hted ~,~ ~*a,~,eof q~J~t and ~g~MHIt of d~u’gat eS~ll~ ot bqldtdln4J*

~’0ewsea ana ~ itn~m~m R. ik ~r~nor~


redn~tiondlseoverie~ aud improvements.

upon wblob tba Compaey Is bused, bnve beet~<made" by Prof. A. K. ~etou,~nn of the ublelt .ebe~oJets sad

personal ezperleaee in mininlg Imd~idndred_ee.. - - -ouputions ezt-uding over I period of mote thanthirty 7ear&,m+ - ¯

#hinh+tbn Cold au4

Hilver Mills throullhout the mLqiug regiou..Ifthole dls~tmu~i to.-.

bin literiisooverles are valuable end effeotlvu, and arcmarked by the rime oert~n~ und slmplieL~.The om of nearly Ill the ~old uud sllrer minosare nndu~ed re+ere+or |~, dlSeult by the pru-ease, iu uomblaatinn, of ~na; l~tpbnr; Ind ~tb - ]er nlementl wb|~h givee them a nfraotory char- /acter, end which lwvo+lve~ gnat 0Zpnmm++ I~Idtime in worklog, and grbit ]*0u-0f~ld and uil~--...~]ver.

It Js act too mush to say that the goat moun.t~in teS~On- We~’t of tha Mhudtl~ppl lh+~-MIi="+

|ouri riven il 9e~upted end pop~stsd oaly OD.~eouut of Its ini~ns~~er+~.jmjk++other mdtltli~--Ov~-Pnl~ whole country manyof thegn ~frlutoty oret am |~’+ ~twork~l aitdmany hundred thousundl0n8 of on left uuumd~becalm their working would be too d[m~ul~uud ezpousLve under preseat modes of treat-meat. To all thrum ona Mr. B¯tOO’l .prsemse~direetly "pply. They reader thsir worhlagoomparativo)y us7 nod loozpenllYob Imd[ glvoimm~dtate wlun to thl*’ Idle property, sail era-ploymnot to laauy Ihousaudu of ~n(;ooupledIon. Those prooussee iuomua the yield I~ atprmout bid, by from ten to fort~ per cent." Thereporte of the 0ouaoildeted VIrglnh~ and O~l-fornla mLn~, for the year nndinE December |1.1ST6++ show that ouly qPS| par eantu n of the golduud oliver eontain~l ht ~ the on i| obhtluod bythe~ pt~lt~t workhtg, I~d thu tombinm~-ytel~bof these two I~luoa for thf year wu l~0.0d+l f8|.-~0---thlety mUIleee~ ~txtT.two thonltad ~ eev~nmndr~l lad nighty-two doHar’l. Ry tha ]l~ou, ¯,roollmr, thll yield oo~ld hays bell InornlUlO,i,y six or snvea mJllionl of do)inro. Tha gold

mines of 6*uator Jeans, I. the 8au JoaquinVellay+ dSVa him only dO per eant. of what the..Ore oontains. ThllU mluss an .~uot++~l.~91~+., "me7 are ~blllleo~T~e-~tu~-~,~ u~lI: ........tune that money and srt eauld dsvha+ updertus eblnlt mt~a41emant, hal bee., ~ to In.eretea thnir produotJoa. Undlc Mr. Batoa’a

~rome~ae, it is oinimat tblt ottt of meet ores7 par o.eL--practically Idl---of tha told and

sllvar n¯lt Im obto|u~d at much lall colt nftim~end money thun la at premnt nqnll~l I thuS.Umo Uulllen ea~ be tm~l tad ngo~d at o~t,-third Iho colt, and coo fourth tho tlmo at prea-not UI~o In ralenuea to thhl inttu pmmae.Prof, Tumy, U. 8. Mint| NIw York, sayl I "Ibeliers |t to be an aulir~ly haw Ind very use.ful proems Theor~tioally+ ,ha meeheakal lind,ehlminal ~r!nlipNl Ok whmh it it ~ m ¯oorreot,b

Largs umonola of go15 lud I|lvor o~J arobrecht to thht olt$ for Lteatmeat ~m,l for ~lp-mlut ebr~md a, - -, ¯ - -

"1I~~ pro..tt 0f r~duotloa I~ gt~-ly facilitated by working telptthor or~l ofudihnut ob¯rlmkur~ ~d tho Bm Billion lewsent ubnoed, can Im r*thlqeJ for treatmant attha worhl in Naw Ynrk, uldw tt~ Imprevuip,qgeel. Jar thl~trpa~ of ¯plsnd dlmon.-. ,stratLou of thsla p~t¯UUI l~elngll~ .h~,fronted u llml~l Hlht Io a party In New-Yorkwhn la areetl~g worku eapablo of Italic I twa-ty.ffyn Inol of on I~ lu~mly.gvl loal of JlhMmIt.llloe ddl), lud tim I~dMielpl aid ma~fll~r~f.r thk pe~ in In gumtlr ~ ~y.

Thoy uoudMIl~ ro pnvJdu for the Immedin~ereotiol ef th9 Im’ll*r woHm by ~la if I Itmilt~llportlou it the& eaplud olook+ ud It 11 in ot’dlr ¯

enaloll ¯,s:y smrtl~ nut1 ~ ealm’FZ~ k in ~k.,lu~ |n~ tofm the p~ll*, lot ~u u~ehmt utmml ot st~k will be non it-~v.

by biter, to tho fJeer~tory oaths O~tlpM~, P, O.his J14. to lhlm ull Imlmllinlom ter ~ ,sk~ld IN, ated~, mul h~m wb~ tha "Proqm~-tan an4 ~hw 8rod mm fldl latosmitJva eqa huabttJNd.

........ s+s .... lqtlJIC LOK,I~IOU’~II J~tlill]~Y Frui¢ nnd Produoo

Me. M~I ]lolth :Water Bb.eet,, w. co.. vra.tw~ ava a VmL


m .ore ~RIlTURNB M~DR PROMPTLY. Jest ~ Iteeamto+ I~ t,~ ~. am of tts~

\ :.and..onjoy mysell lot six@hat it came to.

Why, ff Uy~ne had staazek me witha’ feather ~t the moment the doctor uttered

knocked - dow~ ;atroci~sRe2n~9_t~_, so maintained

! .whe~:e are

f; thnt..we make one

become .he.flues- of -a -i

mine forever;

place a .boiling,- - of Lbrown. water, m~d frothy foam was was a little hurried talk.~

at :r/ tremendmm

wss rising rapidly. Anyone but ~; foolwould have forseen this as,the

Right and leftnow become

~nd should be mmhedI-know ........

’ before-, had. s ou-t~l~t,’-’vice-like holdupon my arm,. and Was her but heM:out¯ lending~mp very m~terial." assistance in st.thismomentmy assent: - touched my arm, as s silvery

"Wh~t a fortunste thingl , :

then sudden wewhat had be. into’def~ls."

I recollect in this dire emergency sud- come of her; and then, lo anctbehold Idenly ~bserving a, still iuxt~kerb,~L~..,~.., allthe time she was theintied v~lum~’.of the fau,’ :~’~I ~ost

and-~llstened’in my e~ne runningwas a-choking~ help- claiming :

f0rv~ard, several ...... do come quick;

effort to-strike out, met by-comingin toll us all ab<Sut-it, when in a fomentwith more reeks, and thong.whirl ulte off."

of the elope in company¯ new friends to Fmd the bravo

and notbe hurried off to the

,-elothes. These, and ame to

tied on toward the lower, withcarried I

by a current clo~e in under one of these Rut ~vlutt w~this tremendous internalsheer~down sides, and for the fiftieth wound thatI ~ddonly became conseionstime sent spinning round in the eddy of ?--that had not b~n inflicted by pre.fike a cork.¯ I made a helpless, grab at ~he smooth .jectingmg~aterrocksl ~- N~:°r slItiperY~~ty.tha~crsgs or foam-wa~~ad slippery suffe~et mueh~ as the drown- the xesult of a’sympatheti~, glan~ from~ng man catches at the proverbhd errs% sO/dr--of=bright brown eyes, which l~Ifor I wan by this time getting exhausted gone straight to my heart from the mo-~d suffocated by the constant rolling ment they lind looked down ~pou me in. over which .the ~r~ent gaveme. I did my.periL .. ¯just manage to get a finger-hold in a . ~ now suddenly awakenM to thepossi-crack, and.te steady myself somewhat;

bility of WI~ the doctor had ctlledbut the wa/e,x was ver~ deep jnst~lero,~d I eo~ld’" ~nb~ H~t ]nuc~ r~)re’tl~an my "~ettling down." There absolutely ap-

peared .a ehanee of my taking to thechin above it, whilst a foothold 0f any ~oe~n~ a~dof so em~rln~Out his preeerip-

@aS oufoftheque~tion: ....Yet to remain where I was much l o~e~. n ~u the ’letter," What awonderfuland heneflebht"efft~t it ~hs workh~g !was impossible. Oouhl I but have raised

"Why, them she is in.the t~rden atmyself some two feet [ should have ~this merest, end how beautiful siteabte ~ reael~.a.n,ovc~l~n!ging bmuLll~of looks I Now that I have made myselfo~e oi the tmeltly growing youl~ &eli-p~e~tabte," I thought’, "I ~vi]Lgo domtmpkings; the room’ of wh~%h pro]eet~lzmmediately, end ~hank licr like a eo-ft~m the earfitly top of the rock a yard orliedent being~d s gontlemsn."two above." ’ ’ . ~ . ’"

Oh, how ![lenged fo~ a gumt’s arm, that She was sitting in a.little axbor.at theesd of the inu gaxden. As I approaehM,[ might touclz that bench I Twice I a blush, the ~nore evident from the pale-

made a futile effortnero which Iter Undue exertion and sub-

mid h~l the greatest difficulty in retain ~ln~rt-tathtne~-l"m~-h~1%"~¯ her sweet face--that angel fees, which Img my support, h~1 at first thought a dream, an([ whichWas I sinking and losing conscious-

to me now, with iny uewly-awakeuedsees? and is Lifts to be tits pbetical seasibilities~ scarcely sse~ad at that mltsie still in reality. . ,

Stlrely an~hhgel’s face lookiug ~ I~ ~ 7doest from amidst the l e~ roof above Otlu~:. q I ~ ~e

eyes ; tl e ~ ~ hme I Yes; my life must I~ pressing away o~ faces in rite world doubtless fax moreiea dream of bekntifnl sights ~d I~nnds,be, autiful.For a moment or two more tiueh was the

’" I hol)e you are feeling better," Ivague couoh~sion tlonting threngh mdt~e,l mi~4,,~or was it at ( I ~AI,I. "f am afraid that ~dmt .you haveby n perfectly audible and ~ done fur me hasovertaxed’y0uretreo~th;~ying: I shall never forgive myself if ithas

madeyou ~t~flcmsly ill."’"Try to rmel~ it now; I thi~k you ’" Oh, no/~.slte answered, ~’ I was,Onlyquick, try I" " a’little out of I)reath with the running

Tiffs ~m be, nh ilhlsionl~thld is no add the’ eera~l~le thr~tgh’ t&e,~rush-phaet0m born of a drowaiog man’sw~l and trees i bttt IWea sure that if Ifaun, y; tide is a swdet reality; and in w~e to.bb of ~ ’;l~e t~ero was no timethat bending branch, ~ow’.~teadily de- t(J he lost. Pleeae don’t

i’ to "menswe~L ~ ,

ff possible ; ~a-feet rest and quiet ; abetemiou~ k~ita, early hours and no tq

"Then ? answered,~own." "

It fortunate I was netstandin8 ~1: for it wouldnot have needed a-t~ueh--ofeather to ~ve laid me low. As it vmsI San~b .a~hr my-ehair aghast.- - "Getmarried I’ [ ~aought ; I who was utterlyin.sensible ~o lemalo attractions, mad whohad beer ~],wtye. taught-tb have aaeyeto. the main ahanco, and r~gard mat~-mony as n dog; unless asseeiate~ith a’greatheire~. ~I get married on a salaryof £800 s year’? Whew t

I le{t Sa~ile sow with scarce ano~mrword; eunvineed.that for real, downright,mapmetiml men there were none to enro-lls ~th doetom .

Thus I Cook the plunge, and withinfive days fem~d myself at a snug Htt[einn in Nortlh ~ales, hard b~. a celebratedapo~]~owa ’~t ~]~e "Dev:l’s BHdge." afew.mites bdlmd from Aberystavith. "

The e~ soon refreshed me. [was astonished ,at feeling n~ither duUnor lenely--4or the tourist seasen htdhardly set ~n, and I. hs~l the little iuri

. wellnl6h .to-my~IL-..- 80 1 --wanderedabeut and ~ed wonderingly at all .[saw, tapecislly ~t the seep, craggy,woodcd gorge or mountain ri#er bedacross which his mztanie majesty’s en-ginearlng sl~l was supposed to have

"AS ~ing down np~ l It fromthe ’b~Ige ~bar the inn’, it :¢rislnlyseemed to m~ a wondrously ~)naatmspot. Steep r0ek.bonnd bauk~, crownedwith trees, hemmed in tits rushing foam.ing river, its eflumnel bceemtng irret~l-larly narrower and more precipitous asit rsaehed the k~l of the valleyin thedepths of Whlch it’ by. Here there wana waterfall, as I then tlmught, of stu-pendous magnitude, and yet a littlehigher up, ¯ ascend, still hrger. As Imade my way down to ~e riverwell.worn¯ound of~wafted’ on the

me from the~ho wee~ limes superb, :

midammer sunshine, and not a drop of !

~?he-mmshlne gh~ttng-thv~ngh the’trees; ~ pure sky ¯bevel the song of i1b/axe, not yet ’all hudhed,in tin wood~ ; Ithe trek .l?~ezy~or~-t~ all t~came I~eh umm/ttm-4~,dmrnte u ! h~t nm~.

be off, for the ni~e.t~nth time toge~2t’er.on another.±li01idhy dlver~on.=.~Vhetshall it be and where shall-w6~tndR~l~’--

she.erie& ’~’I am neverrural sights mzl sounds." Give

~o~" ~ ~y_ low subwhere:

’ Gentle winds and waters near~~akernusic ’to the lonely ear.’

In amanOnly we shall not be l,

Indeed "we

momttai.u at/~arns .wizen wewunt tolisten ser. . .to ’ the music of the Watera’"

new made. bride

a .menewith-

It. is- hatxl workto teach people who of seventeen, at Quebec,can’leaxn nothing without being taught, drink of water.T~te away :from mankind, their vanity

In ~irasa Valley, CM., there is a snakeand their ambition, and there would be lying armt0d loose which is forty feet:bu, t.few elaimi.~ robe l~eroe~gr petri0t~. 19nK. - The editor, of the-Ioo~ paper ¯There is uotl~ng ~o easy as to be wisefor oLhcrs ;- a spoci~ o! ISr0dib, aHty,- by- there was informed that this Imake, withtlte-bye--for such wi~om m wholly :one strokoof ~ts ponderous tail, anmahedWasted. ~ large New~oundlend dog to jelly.

Most thoughtful men have probably "My articles do not reociye a’ verysome dark founhdns iii th~ir ~ould~ b~r warm reception of late," wrote a lady" tothe side of which, if there were time, the conductor of a mouthly n~e:.a~d it wore deeorons, they oould let "~Our feir correspondent is mi~teken,""their thoughts sit down and wail in- replied theedltor; "tltey, mse&with thedefinitely. " . . ’ warmest reeeption poealble. We burn

Every morning we’ enter upon a new them alL"day. earryii~g still an unknbwn future iu It wasn’t ml0h u bad notion on the partita’l~0som, rflibnghts may be bern to. ?f a glove dealer whe’ edverti~ed as fol.,lay, which may’never be eXting~fishbd, lows in largo type: "Ten thousandHopes may be excited t~day ~hich m@hands wanted lmmedlstolyl". And me.never expire: Acts may be performed derneath it was-printed in very smallto-day, the con;,equeuce Of ~vhioh may chaxaete~: "To buy myglove~, thebe~tnot be realized till eternit](, qmdity.’ ¯

An instant decides the life of.man and A novelist tells of ’two lwrerd, ~#hohie whole fate ;, ~O~e after lengthened agreed to wave thetr handd toward eachtfi8 ght the re~olve ic only rite ~et of a e|her, at a certain lhmr, scrags the At-m,)~ mat; it ie the mnn’of ~en~e that J~t[ooeean. Onemight.sUl)lk~ethexe~ii ~S oa~]~e right thing, to be d0ni~ ; it might~ be-waves--enotlgh~ between themIs ev~ dangerous to lihg0r iu your ash;c- without their trying to make any moretiun of this’ nnd that, and ~ by your with their lmndn.hesitatiou g~t eenfnsed. ~ - More than 5,000,000,000 eana of corn

The race of m~ukind, would p~rish did in Mainelley eeaso to mdeaeh’oth6r. Jerom thetile’

L, tJ?o ~mmeat some at~det~t amlg[vingprefltableemploymentto.Le death-damp fro~ tim brow oftlg,’ WO Cannot exist without from 8,000’to,10,~0 people during thetellt. All, thehffore’, th’a’t riced packing season.

aid have a x~ght to ask It of their fel~(~w. C0hstantinople h’aa a cir~umferonoo ofmortals. No one, whe’hohls thO power shout thirteea miles, Its harbor,’ theof gnmtiug it, c~u refuse it’ withoi~t ’.’Gohlon Horn," ie along(~psoiotte ~nletguilk .... " , of rite B(mphorne musing along the

~he. edu0atiou .of th~ hn~n mind ~urtheast side of ti~e city, ~Rh’~u~cientcommences, in rite ,omdlo, and the/m- .d°l~h for the largest ve~els and capable .

’ vf receiving 1,~00 mills of the line’. ’

~mes reporter and ¯rtuter.rioter draft, "

denies the


the Indian war were to(

~th~a~ehe left him

wife. She wa~~he other two ales died

their bodies

Pens~cole,-Fla, a Texan des-

of¯ ., - - -:trying and Mr.Hard-.

man and in-~tantlyverities of the Odd F~.llow~ c the 8tats of New

/a~o~nR :pedestrians

killed;. ..Wtlli~m.Wunder, ofreturned to-his homo at six

of New-: York ~fter driiikiug he,~vi]y ellwith his wife. - At

¯ :, : ~ . tinier, Ceasing almost" in,taut death. TheT~-~ls of Penff~yIvauia-met in con- murderer~s~xr.ested~..

e~an, d0uhle-track. re,reedTuscarawae river at NewWas burocd, eau~ing. loss of ~40

¯ ’ tiou of B. HaThe BH~hh rlflemcn who are

:gsmUel arrivede~rdlaU~rc~[vetL. Theypromeded at once brnment th6 rifle range at Croedmo~r, in order to begin

; that the l)mcticing immediately..immediate: effeet of

; ", battle, and the Americanspoiley of n0adutorvonUon in the internal eft¯ire _..._ , =- t~lmt~led -Him.of. this

One Of our dry goods clerks called Hessians, "mouuting the bres~tworknl. to round to ~sec his girl tho other evening, that Were ,well ./ort~ed~md,,defended~

of thuuder"--,two hours of,Colonel Baumwas mortally wougdcd,fled and surrenderS&..i ..... .

The prisoners were filed into Benning-ton, and the wounded of _both_ aides te~-,derly cm-ed for. The dead, enemiesjyere. buried with no" eero~o~y.:~i "’~olbnelBaum had been tskofi wit]i "~olonelPtstert a noted Tory whu owned n mag-nificent house in Hoo sa~ to a house-6.bout a mile away, trod r~ ~M wit hiua day. Baum, by hie self-sac:ifleingbravery, inspired a cordial liking amongthe Americans, and was devotedly ad-roistered to in his death. The hun-,h’od aud fifty Tory prisoners were muchmore roughly trekted than the Hessians.They were marehM into*the village twoby two, the women taking down theirbedsteads to get ropes to hang themwith. They were made to ~ead down~o:ds in winter, kept guarded at themoetingqtonse, put upon the limits oftheir ownfaxms or ~ai~ed under pen-altY of death from their own town, andsoiiie were-e~6h S eii~ down to" th0" 81n~.bur~ mines.. The ~tessilm dead areburied in the village ~emetery, and visi-tom hero’ view their groves with interest¯ ud .curieaity. Of the American deedBeuutngton mourne~l four of hm mOet_r~,~ttsa_~_mmrWaibHdg6, David Warner and Nathan"Clm’k Jolm ~ay was firing :from be-hind a tt~e~, aud his hint words, as he:raised his musket to fire,wero: "I feel ’that I.~.flghting in a good cause," anda ball struck him in the vary center of !the forehead.. The cry: "Johnabet I" roused his comrades to

.i~;,R]the fi~ :body of

"I ~fiow. ! end .hood1. mn~ to call forth the spirit of a~t " -! justice .for whioh ~km :..~me~o han-bb.~ ........ .


f~Augul~k: ’s: 849. Wewere’ idl sti~ni~mhere;snd8a .t~"dS~; wof;theevenffuteon-! !:of ;the_etrangu scenes we looked : upon,

iota, iS" said ~al~tt,l~.~ e~ than the .band ....with nah~ro r.. unifom~d with . .

-who_ever with and drum. Their1,! at .flva o’ddekin ~ largo tent ne~ whereGreen ] fling out ~Z~ the ’ hall now stands. How they~srmers,’all .freeh hsy fleld~ field ’with e hoe over his shoulder; ornight, sadearly in m0tio~-but did ,not_: eh~n ~eideqn’lI tow:~d-=~ field - ~ ---

:the attsck :uuffi’-tlie- ~ddlb- of fourteen hours; a ’~ D./d ~apolebn"noon. .... everdo that? .....~he~. would-enter ¯ store’, .... ?i_ ~.’ ~

eaid~to~heve~begim , t - take What -they. - Wanted, : and .asy: " " --eNeverIm~dtbathedid" ’ Cl~ge:this to- the .Hounds.’ Mar, "asking the ,he hbored with hi~ intellee~ ~hants dared not refuse the: -’But theyhands to war and h6:W-a~ahy real work.to"

fingem to and it- is at this time’, consulted-to~.ether and-resolved that the ......¯ that Ge~

~-..rflt~¢e..:{he~of- retribution ah0uld -eome-xSght " - ~

:the following-: fitmous=-addrese;t6=~ahe - : : == ":-=’~- ........... ~ ......¯ "The dhnax of ru~mism same on ,Ber~el~e set,ere: ~ - - ¯ " ....... or did. a. hard ha his ~Sun~y, ~u)y_.-!~... It was a..murder.." Boys; thera axe, the "rn&" coateany are ours, or.this night Molly Stark: oun-asean~ upon ’ aa epcampnumt- of

....... Chflenos at Ohrk’e Point.--The next ,’.wasealled.L .There.. -- ...... " !:.

sl~a*sleeves; mietak~a hy~im,_’t~ .~i.’d,:. i ; a)r the loyalists ’of the region seekin~ Of a man w~s* he ? h~ae l~rotoction of: his lines,, Stark was ledger of history do we find on thecredlt ’outnumbered, the citizens

two to one... ~e calmest men who wereearing th6 Tory hill on the front, ready of this’kifid:’ " there to test the question i JSh0uld law.fire, when slender, youthful .... .

tents ? did not fatter. But the inqmx~exhort his T0ryneighbors in the name of the sort. passed :. ’ Who sha~; organize and state _of:AheeI~rd t~ d~ist’ from 81vln~ battle a man Who the worldtothe’A*mer~can’forces. That they re~ he ever did, that-’

thepurpose of this meeting in the facepHed-~t, lx.bu~ets:~o justlylinOm~md .the. )f, Was-roaming. ~’the of such odd~?’ .,Pre~ently~a-man wasman of:Godt~athe .]3or~-o~’ed~:~e of Syracuse with an old tin ,seen ]imbingfi’oin~6’po/e-htoth6 ~fi]ed

of lantern in hishand. He pretended to be i:oof. Whoever was present will notsoon forget the moment when Sam


" ’ Ityou

"I ’. Now t~rn over another page and is-:for. /s.to.eiean .....glanceat t]~epox~a~it of Sir Y~tc New- out the Hounds. been said that -all speed; our belii~vedwi’th the ton. Warn’theno .man dare ~ a word adainst the

t-vweeen~, they eouid<unt]mve.beheved: ~mder- ~honse--nowbetter." .T~heYankee fanam~@!~pped, day an apple~fe~e~tree and struck "’for the fight, and, enraged at enquirer- Sir.~nscl square in the e~. i That’i cir-

crowd." The plumes dropped bank h~m¯ ingtheir Tory l soon made the eumstsncc made..him tamqus.~ehmants~ :th~ trent and disappeared, thror

the , attempting to:F height to the " forward and proposed that we

companies of onewere shot ( remorae-~ .’ :Greek !: .words who should

thing of tImt sort. He

his Then canoehe the ~t On the

stead of so .You see, befor~ that he had never paid many were the.- , thatany attention tothe matter, and he didn’tknow whether it was the usual a~d e~r- int tiersre~t thing for fn~ to fiy Off .at a~tangent The

from the earth-~]~en it [became ’detad~ed in ....from the .tree, Or to’come idbwn, like which

,Col. Croekett S’eoen.’ He determined tofirstthing~investigate, 8o he hired a small bo~ to " , ,,

climb t’~e free and shake, and hewatc-hedWho .will refresh our memory ?

till every apple fell to thegreund. N6ne. "TheAnnahof Sa~Frandseo’.-eon,.

thins an t~xtanded review of the opera-of them flew up." Sir Isasc was satisfied. ~ons of ’this . Hounds,. shd the pmmjp~He had made a great discovery. The measures to overthrow tbeir..rut~mlynext day he, out out a beeswood model of reig n or robbery and violed~... ,Whenankpple tree with a half-grown pippinjustht the not of sterting on a xoyage to the ontreges bcoaaie so marknd rudder-th0 e~-th, and sent it ou to Washington- .perate that terror .began to. seize theand had his ’disdovery patented. This popula0e, Captain Beze.r Simmmm .andm~lc Sir Isaac a note~1 ]nan. When a Samuel ; Brannan, waited , on ’ Alcaldel~tle thing like that lifts a man Up tad Lcavcnworth, and on the sixteenth of~lants uim on the pinuacle of fame, isn’t July the Alealde ~sened the~lt.sn e~couragement for Im all to sit tionealling the.law.abiding eitizena to

mmembleat Portsmouth 8quare~ . ,eround ond wait to be hit bysemething~ After the mast~g, was’ organized.H I wkated to, I eeuld go and work forn railroad for thidy-flve eente aday and Hiram Webb .supplied ~y mueket~.board myself; but I won’t do it. I’ll ~with ammunition. ~and,sixty resolutehaqg around andwaitforan opportunity, men were tka~ ~-med and equipped forMytntellmtwiR~mvoaelumceto.slmw war. The same day twen~__:~und~.itself some tinsel a~d if you hear of any. Indudiiig th6-~g~;-W~’~Tm]~d,body waking up and startling "the world and plaesd on board the United: Stateswithin the nextflfteen or twenty years, sldp Warre~ , - . . .you’ll know it’s me. Ta, te." . All the prtsonem were convicted, and

And the wqaxy man aro@ and slowly some were senteueed to tenTeers in theglided forth--never . we hope, to rehml, penitentiary. Am there wire no prison

’ m which ~ ~~___~w~Vpl~-tn *he U-~d ~p-

The Lick Telesd#pe. " ’ mentioned above, but they mmmged toMr. Lick, the California millloimire, escape one by one and 8el out of the

loft n large sum of money ~o pay for the country. ¯ .construction of a telescopei width should ’i.’ae Hounds were oompmmd of des-

htn any one dvtw made be- t~harectere from New york andand hoed iu, the ~umd hills,

~e~, sprang from~e~r tans ia the very rases of the e~d prmaed over the eubiect

who mm a dmul shot, kina of ~l ttdeasolm to bnikL Tho largest~d: " Ipr aod tho,l.~rd te Lave mercy now in existence, that of ~P, ot~, isI tho poor tie teal, and then I areilex~tor, whiohh~a di~neteriof’eix~k ears of ly." Only four feet of the

as ~ depraved chara0ter~of robbe:y w~ en ors~n-

the leadem dividing the spoilsOut, o~ that

the faith, tosether with snndry disciplesuf Zormmter. Their wurship, utmtumesand eeremoul(~ are prseisely ae h~ an-

intent time,,. Thetower halt Do whitlow&The interior is rtutch~l only byenbter-

It is eat immemm

wall. Within this wall andthe tower are ’high columns ofwhinh spring from. the earth and ar~made with the asphtha th¯t is fouud inlarge quantiflt~ iu the surrounding ~t,of the mmmteitm. Them fires axe kept

Six thoummd childr~m have been taughtk) nwim in two years by the LoudoaHealth Bocisty.

itotmt Veunlu." Ikdians are unus~elly excited about

Mount Vesuvius; and etrsn~ atorieeare told of the aotmde emitted- from its

¯ q ¯ .. ¯.,. ¯_

_ -<,.. . . .. ¯

~ . IT:~ ........ ~: .....= =-

ilil li a ie] ,..,..~ ~li:~: l!i~ L:ii il.fi ’ :. " .... .......... :.-:"::’-~,!:-i-!::=-- ~ ---L .! .;-!:5:-=-:T::::~5:: ~.: =‘~ ~i,i?,- ,.~i :,’. ~’,~:.’ -,~,.l.i~,O, .s~r~;~!~!~: ’ : :’::--MASON &-.HAMI~N ORGANS,:_ .7:!:;:.i: "~ ": "~" tri,~i d,: ~.,_i:i=li_.~:ll <,o,~.-.-.i i " -. " " ’Reu~ingar~thpr~|egi)~i~.~PnrehnA~e;~i~iy~rg~f~-wh~e~~_i~i~[1)i~+j~:-~yi~j .......

~:"~i~ ~" 1::’ ’ ....lei,lh.~’.i ~’~;~l~5"]i~’;~li:]i: :.,Ui, l=

¯ . &llleill @v®i’ f aloe. Jut |, ~., .... . I:II .ii~ ~ ~ll, -,in rw,, he .,iow.~ .,i .nt w ooa, t~e.~ of tWo,., ! ~ ~DII~ l,~nl ~.a_u-s?eo:~:ot ?.b_li_,;~, I, u ,a l~n.l x,. it., zl- ~..,:

Uli li s: itc ;,~/i;II"AQ "# ~ ,~li~i~

i: ’ : 5. :-. _: G-O~D::~ : ~rs~---:E~;:::::-~:{-::~:; -: ~~.~;~t,i~~;h..~u-~mi,t. --~~--7-={!:j-].- ’.. i . . ~ 1210 Chestnl!t Ngree~ Phflmdelphlm. " ll.:I orb. ...~J-1-_oo~le’ei: ~1~

tlan cenmtmilil’ 0n hand Ind’fii. cake Al~mi~oii’L;;.~i.;;’i-"i ’i:’.!_~ [0 el’: : iSTICK,: DECKER BROIl.. BR~DBURY, HAINES POTisli llALili for m~ANURlZ, illlIiibt- A~nnt,oi.,Te .....~,... ,~/,

...................... 2ROe;i -and-. -other Pianos; ...................... I :suiph~m~.~,-,no-nia:ro~_-X~-n~y~ .: ........_ .,: ....../-, wP-~lt~nis~..

.. In add_~ion in till sh0rl Elegant IOlitllnente we have abe a atook of-Low.. PrleeJ Pliuo! ............. - -AllOt .......i " . IIATI. : , &ilia’ill" i0¯Snd 0rl..,. Order Uy mall promptly attc¯dell in, mlA inetreme¯l~ aelemted per,onally by Mr. 10Ll PROP~IRTOE i MANI~IAOI,R 011 ....

L I F k tie .............. "

- ............ " .... ¯ .... :"[ ....If’O: II

’!:. : - > .~--.;’ tglO Chestnut Sl~reet, Phil!tdeiphia,--PeA i .-:Co" l~ O ~ ~ a 0 M i

" " --d " " " O ~ Ts ~" ’ , L . ’ O~OO’ ’" ...... " ’ I r l’’ il: dil l t

i.,:o, "":’°" ’"" "~ . .~Pianos from $200 upwards. -- ¯ Organs $86 upwards. ¯- : ’ " "" " ,. ¯- : ’:." /i

~ Vlneli¯dJuaotl¯z.... ..... eOillSi _i.I

" : " :: Zimef A:~oma-:and. _.¯ , : Pot ’: TheileetImd Chelipe~vLtfe ~. ~,torroid..=;:..;,:. ,leri=t ~l.wlth.slleOla] reference.rathe ~hellCrop. ~.. Berll¯..~,..".,,,:;.,;;j. till ~44[811I h

i ~uper-Phospate of Lime eontilnedi¯ 18 of very ~veryhodyel~ makei~rovilioo l" o¯,e of deith. While lrerie...;...., li 5I i’ O0[S li 4 lhigh gradet having eceo Imeor~ed by themanu~ .STRICTLY MUTIJAL, - . 4~RJ.E~RR-- .Aihland.. ......... ]it ~ 061-1111l-44" _ ........ _.+ ...... ¯ .............. " ’flemrerdtrecifrom-E¯glii6~ilhetethei~K’e .... .PERPETUAL. " " -1-1.__~4~ -_LQ

~I--I-~r~ds ernest, .... .

Thel are beautit~l ll,o~wood, 7 I’S Octa.e,.¯With eve ylmprovement, and fully Guaranteed. TI, eir moderatecprice and uniform success have woo for them the position of a


ltimmontou, N. J, Be.,., " ¯ i iO # ~0li 01 5- " 7~nddo.fleld Zocommodah’lm-.Leave, Vl~e Rb103 80UTH STREET_EALT~MOR%. "~ till ~{~lli#i ~reveni$ .Diil~ / Whllf i 0ia.’m.1O0. 600, aidi 00pnjandFor dale by ........ iTsddo¯fleldGee. Elv/nw.

~r Of

ire’l¯, loire Egg li,rbor Oily ,t 10 1, ..m.Terry’s Salicylic Soap:’=" .....=~i.O-p, m. Leeve May’l LHdi¯g II $i a.m,Cook and l ,,.,--a.=,o.> . n nup.. ....- .. , . h Perfect:Anti.Septic and. --~ -

:$ TOVE$. Dlsi,fectantBat~andTollaiSoap;" :-: --In~ulauee.

to ,ann. % t~ose~ whO have-nee at immedilte: command the means to . y:one,

ei~lead a liberal~rcdit; Address,: " . .......

MARIIHAL & 8MITH PIAN0;FORTE 00,..... ~ .... .i OBERT ¯ .~ITHI -- g~-~

to the public.itl 4"/ Ullivi~sity -Place, NEIW YORK. lua~i b~ the medic=ll~remlen and

-~" I~ ......... : .:: .tho=.~ ..................--

AIIBIIIIOHT& 00, C:M.:E.gleha t & Son .. ,,. o.= ....,.,,..’ e h~iarge allorllmo¯t conste¯tly -o¯ Ill¯rill Inldlclaeeofbloo~ poimnlng

I prices that defy eompetltto¯, malarhi or nibulomiUo tlthihlUooi I defective.... or any other eeulra.

-- , .Mutual Marineand,o]r TIIAT

_ll~kLiCYLl(l A-(I..iD,~d2illville,Zq. if: ._ _. . -. . ....

,f~t.,th0 m-, h.,th~,;t,e=.,-~,~;", a, Assets ~anuay lai, 1877molt economical BAil[ and 1~ii~r loll evlr o~’.red

¯ . :~:~

Thk etro¯g s¯d c-nserratlve Company inlurel


of o¯r own ask i¯ great v¯rlety.

that are not surpassed anywhere, andetill ee]l them atprices within thefence of all. No Piano is permittedto leave their facto~ unlesa sittisfac-tory to the meet mmuto particular,hence their guarani~ of fi~o yearsi~ a thing of value. All lat~ ira-proyemente of*Importance are foundm theee inntrumentl.

Mile,re. AJ~l~ll~ & Co. have re-ceived the ,lit flattering Teatime- |"niala from L. M. GOTI~.IIAI~, FIIANZ

.... ABT, GU~rAVi S~rlm, J; F; Hxii~ZLs-]IACII, WILLIAM WOI~IFA~FBR andmany other eminent artblt~, bc~idosLoing able to refer to thou~and~ ofprivate purchaser~ echools,~semi.narie~, ~odeti~! and toachenl.

ehipped safely to any part of the world.llli~For further l)tir~icular~ .~ to

references, price~ aud torn., address,

Fire Insurance Company,BRIIDiliI~TON, N. J.

Conduot!d !_niilliitly miuuil pil¯ulploi, el- .eafe in,¯ra¯ee for Juel what

to pay loll*lind upe¯,ea. Theprr, periiou of lois te tho amount lelurld belegvery emall, ad e¯pen,ee much ln,9/Iban ¯*ueally hid, ¯othinlea¯ be o[erod mm~l favoreblito the ln*ured. The colt beiag ubout #a, eeale

oil rAe Auedred dolfa,i ~leyoar to Ihl IolurlreALBRECHT & CO. a """’ . o,,,..., ......d ,e&ll Ow~l~lule, nolAllalil, nfid lalLo¯l wolnSid ee~laj~ lfoll- oe Im.nedmll prepertioi t which II

610 Avoh Street, Phil~elphis. ’~.l.,,-,i, er hdored Au tlo late war, I.oWevor til, tlla~ oueiblrdof thelolfe,t~,tilehl rged hyB. T. OIXAIIIPXON, I riilu~, can Obl~la i lllnaioa, me¯# ow ripely- *look el,ape¯levi on I!ueh Ir#1kl--the nil er two-hi E |lplilloni ¯lw vnlalml IO N /lt~r*alll, 80¯d

Ihlrdl token by *took eompalllee belllli a lprolltatalotl al.I iliflrmltion Wltl lit lllr¯llllid |Ne,ao’rnlnI t0 Itoikh oJderf, o1~ cool-meal In eit-,’l":~w~¯o lil~. it. O. ]ioiu,nmrr.

)J’allufaoluTilr I i°rop or Ualld 0kllla lltalnl I i Olll, peniel of lha eumia¯lel. , ,for U.itod ttt~t,.i and ’i,r’itel ~.u)J.ll~ I.l~t~l.nllii.llll ¯lid..UlnlelutJd Uael#j prcee- , T&e ffue¢o¯tll fo~ll of F’*uhlm eolre ho(.I¯ --~ .-,ore t.e tlvuemt i~l¯d Omce e.d lleilrl- ........ ,ml-ill~ l/;ll;.mr ~/alll~,.Inelltuf the lnlmtolr. , _ .

*"’""’-"’"-"-’""" t,,;"’""’""’"’""’"’’"’°’""’& A?ENT8 WAZ [TID.

-Old~i-**~ IMull Wtilull. : If s. aleesami~Lia4 t, he male uf llve i¯

~lilei¯ltl l~ldOUiivllwl$1$17Ji!lereeofUoun, ie policy Ii J,rned. It Woubl yet be cheeper to¯ y I0#iid arrauce O,lttthlllnliR, Thole wore tl~ le ullmberl thl¯ aoy other lulniinlllo~ored.-’ orrioa,tNe¯aanrlOlelYI falll[tivIJiilll, ,lllodll#felllotllredkllllr. Wklfo

thol¯llmber|u¯d hlptll ~olpll, i~o llllll.ziillllldlllllllilll lll,ll hnperfeet WV giYv lu*traotildl

.......... .. fie. tall..MllrkaLllt- ~ [wi.il, vt thlml .......... .... .......... F-’l~rlr hleu mldi I huhl I low iel~memelll-1 I~llli.lllliLlllllAi ll,i.., l:i,:li d.t~lrtli.ll, II aer llllldnlll Ii ee¯d.elld .. |8~. ,ear,, th¯t lavlul W0114 elnolai il

" . Ill II I#illll’illll bllllllllo umler the rbarlle of eop~M&lllnfAOTUli mm Oli rl*,ll~ed I.iwrl~ll meal eierke,

Dr. H.li. mowlel, Allellt. lly r.;i.,,ll ll( errur or fmld;trl, lllmlll, ii,|~l i [i~m llrllallt, ell*d o¢li~r .m¢.il _ilic~l ~fr.ir. Ulil¯u~ll

I I l’~’q ’I’~’M" ;llilQrllr% e ha ve IM.l*li ~li ..... li.OIkld WllI

~,rllr~ ~/’~L~ ~..m~..~ ~ dif’i illf tilill), itt i¯u llhtli wiill t u It/lllot’nllliia¯io Uia¯~,

~ 31rl~rill Lii~r,

: il-l’,i~ lli im,i .- il; l~i~

abe viola i~ lle =

ll* i.~ nv#, dad illl ~ mldl nl mlel mllllio lln lloilliklml~ -e~d Ihelrldll~vwldl llul /welula~ lU~dedkr; To i le el lol vlU lid*tied we wh, ll.ld nile

, lei the i ~ wlllial, ltli ilr~ r-i, m.~,i lllln le ,~uNsm ,q~h

emil ,l~l Imt ltli ltlf mill.i. I~.l lut Imi, wm~l. I~dlilleli,i.

iiie~lll-ilti Ililil wllli iLllillillle lia II clill~lll O[ MI,l~une.

Addrost GILMORE & CO.,I I, tl JlOll di. II’,le&dmllt,.l.D. if.

I%lll#lNtt’roel D. (L, i~’~lllll*i*r II~ Inlt! I~i, lll0’¯ililf- Ill IPliq’~lilliaf Iflf lioUrviilitl.,|,,,i,~ ill iile r.~t,*o~IAII/~ llltll j7¢1 fl nt theIo,l.i , I*,llwiil lliill IJulll¢llOli Ililllll elf t|ii.lnltn

(lk~l, ii, li. WlIII’I~.4g ,,*~t,¢ *l/d&e .%.lilllli ulil’~llillihlli J~ltlii~I

¯ Ime~t# #e*li I..i~.~ w,i#li.~* ~,,... i i

~llll iiltll~llhllillili liilt~ll, ll’r illlear W|ivll~ll/&ll~ lln lull~ llillill

i vlll~tt la m I ltll*lllll IllS*i llldadiINI Illll* ill l’lll ate’nil4 i*W llltl* Iml~ l.~l I* el.

I W. arXlIDl,-- illilllleli, i lllle Ull llltte.

¯ aur~dall &~ ellqtt

One Mail(co .Pie* Bu~dr,d ileultred Doltt~

--The tel bF. LllltUlUl.Whorl the properl# II ¯ll eet e¯ ille, behlg"

llsll tiel onu It toelil ltlllre%

o* to cover all lolielle ulnid add llt-Ith¯41nl,

ll~llJAldlli 8ilgPPARD, JIreeddeai.

EENiIT it. LUPTON. ll-.,.fe,’l.

IOlll TI i IlIR¥1YOll.

llli0. W. ilIIiSiilY. H~m.el.a,.iv. J..Oil0. W’ IIIAWYEK, i%~k,~¢.., 7%’. J,¯ i’.’]ilgAKD, Mal. £,,egle/h iV. J.





? ¯.; ¯

| mmom I

,liltor Olalillli,. Bolli¢!~eklln didnok~il

w~l hive ia the It~ul~_i~-~o ~ ell a~p~. i,nsar Im~ <~ the

’" -’: :=: .tltiiiuf-Neil York luilvi(|ii~ioalfot’tohlli~ooidltlon i--ow, Md, the Pillldli~a : eltll

...... . .... ~ -OOv.+llim~O-fi:~: z ~__1! wo~_~l,~ th. ~ of ~. erie!,, mid" - -’d| irt W orlhig.togethel al amillt emdd _be-. ........lilt: l~i:l~e~.,f tb.eiii~:~# ~7~.~r.

10W it .all iC poller : Oa!y_lha dh!ppoJ¯lndId’Irewlhiil end ai erlllbidy known thef ~g motive of their 1F¯wll;-ih~ eat do

: :liilllal~he, lllti eilllIl~ lhe-:Pllillllu-t-bl~~.~ the flea that withl¯ two weakl ovor J& h¯n-Ill ~rollll" ollloiell hate walked the phmk .!,

.lilmug Irou¯d dalli,

,, ibti m iei.

1 I , ~ B 0 ] q UlStX0].

..... il~ln,~ e¢-a~.~lt, nu ell-eimm, ¯u~*:¯’.thai the oll~ btlltn, publto

workiin older .to live w0ill to the iilirvl¯l..l~’dmpl.~yed. It ie.true thli there are a’v~t

lhii uldetn they I*t work the ~lty.wnl ~ave tu

will hive to reader, ae to ~|ye it i¯ lheshapeef alms. The nel(Ipapell tre eritlollins I~i*¯ lltter.iovere]yI but [ ea¯’t luy b¯t that he liillht, lnd-tlmt all other eltlu mid-t-o~ll!bitliave Imemployi~ hbor Idiouid not do ]lkewi*o."R-0a,evatt’a, pr0t0dll0a Aee, tilt 8e Far euo¯gh.

thou!a¯da:oi proflielonulmondteauU~ thcIHllgtril organ-srJoderll ,~leres;ud tremplshould be arrinted and ,ml~llid to work"

, ~llmy all n~d welt,an whtl ea¯¯ot abow ~i*-¯ |hie mean* of,uppott, nhoold ha oumi~elled towoik~ even ir cerporld p¯clthmeat ehbuld de¯ found eoe,laryl and thul would reduce thebmdllimpeneJ upon (he peeph~ ahollt II hell¯ glieu, whir not aet the h0nnl~ poor t work on,~¯b~o improrei.oui, milch hive got to be aideiometimd~ 8hould¯0t the muuJ~lpalltiee ofthieelmtry teke adra¯tlge of the ebeapne,n

r,ef llbor tu bui.il their new rsilroud|, their pub¯ lhl hulldlnllm mid their lllllll~ mid the’r every’-,tllhil that they hire get 10-llalld ice*el or]¯lei! This il t0e prliJlt time Ill whLeh t0 do

. it.. If they d~ nol nl the uueiploye4 at wo"lhef thli klnu, the puhlle wlu’ bare to npporttheimlu.~beWl_l%d wh~potil@t the wotlh efthilr mupputt out of them? Iu eheit, why not&,t the veh~a, in perma¯ent lmproveme¯to, for

¯ ’what wu have Sot to pey ~ K bd|eva ln,str~ugIpatlrnal govirsmout~ which will let al u rig.

¯ . r’¯lor. Who¯ prirail mi&er~rJm|e aotlre, tho’ il~a--iil~lll~llm- a¯y

pHv¯ll enldiprlll beoumli el¯gu¯ull mid¯ lit0ull¯de ¯po¯ then|until Of me¯l who wouldwork Jf they oluld lit wolk to dib are threw¯.eat of Impleym*nil why |hould net the I~vern-I~euillep in, andi llkl¯ I llitullatle of the

., 4helllpiloie of labnr~ give them nmlliulnilml, o~l- |to work P Thll II tka ttmu that euitom houlll

, ltillittsllhillib mid other pllblli bllldlngl that¯ etit g0Nr¯lae¯t will hav,!l to lltitl within lira

ietil iihduid bl built I ¯nd val~thhig ell of apuIdlalaillro Ihould be doce. If a bi~ ortown hue r¯llrold to build~ a mhteLhium tqhltlk er laythlsi ,!ll of ihe kild to do, ItIdOl do ¯ Will: thlc I lhil li oumialeoe it ’

lllW-" ’ Bi thle mllml it wiLL It ll~ ,Iprov¯.¯ liillll dime/It illf l/I eeei of fo¯i yea, from

alW, aid I~wlU live emp~mmt to that por~¯ l!!l 0fth6 pIoi. nha eiUJ~k, The tramp.

~l dmlll thll Le e,.pilled ~o mm llr |iviNb-. lild.thu ~lbet ltlmilea will,l-lie lllllltld, " "

. llfAIUI, VII hlAall /~1 ’Ill IAliloin.. IVlilll el aollnLllVlLlb¯.

"Dllib~_. the lead. ul the lillroad It!till II--lle~lllli~ we, ,maimed ~ llli#w 8~Jail, , mire4 Ib

._:... _ ,+.- :,.7 :::~- _.. !...~.t’~

hi wUi not do totidvlmoehimmlf~ He II aitll

lllhe wllllaglaea into ~ to I~llaeelmy-; ~144:Li~m ~lti h¯il ilial;/

huli~g-thl. The; mulgen !re:inx/oai to,lm~e.llJiirike, but tht:

their’, lie|d, mi4 " thl~t who

thr~nsh. : ~4 llWlui~, ii’ehwjb mid Thomi~son, the ca¯tore of the eommuulstl, have oath-

tor ~ifm#

-~t,wei:~olt~-ot t~phlt¯r/hat :paul in;

rl¯th. Jill i ¯vii.

-17/l~ilc m ~t him ew~ilifui the Ip0e fl~]/ILIE,ttitnd id the work while

be So~ito C,urol

that there:will be nogllerld etrike hmb thin fill. .Tha ttlaoh tlrt~onil Idvmiald, i ~tho w~d.bc aiitkeii hav.u’l ilmlmmily..to do|t with, . j ........

¯ltd I urge lit Week thai the goidll~illehould take bold o£ the: illegmph’ ? ’ if X didnob I wlst !e d_e l__l_uow, ’. While_ the.. Atl~Ik


we¯bad dIN~nt relil, mid"i~ i"ilii uqlldallord to. Uu%Ike Tulegraph.. Yon oo¯Jd, selld

riley of.thd I~ntllL~:" .. : ¯ : .... ~ ltarlag’¯rilvid qt Epheeusitilimli(i illitiio, to, the dll- me¯tea hie hibore molllt thlZ. penile.. He ~*t

lro~!i t0 uamina ./nee of ~ik;- dti~il~!,’)u

ta¯t ~ were dire~tcd .Iduiaelhi~ ~ oommenoidft~m t~:;~i6: .tim9 ’. ~ ovlihslil =" ulr. I~ &O heal a.olthe,upeetlo !pi~yod’t~ln!l,’(ubwrib~.!.!A~0")ll~:-t~. ~l.iepliCt - with them, ]¯ld his hsulil ou them, nnd: theyed.thl m O~+~k,:..Tw0:o~::lho~, - (~arand were the ~wjfnl reeipl,¯tl o~I the;:glfl.of theChaml~rlltg|: klyu::b~LIT~llti~alll. -’,l~ ~N!ffolf Gh0SL" . Tlifapoid6 th,’pi~lel~. 6cl:tli-thSfei two ~lealt, lill~ .l!milg Jewath IQ, mqiUguei, ihnii foi.llome time he cu~

illrThid7 uned tho tdegrapb iaitilad -Of themldll, B¯t ow that’ Jay Ooid& the. worlt

they ’hive ~ego blek to tha old Allurob

ol!e.doUIr, Imd the people will be owlndlndJaet

elt tl tha tllilinph hu loi to bib ahonlll hip ..hilid ~lelY.la the hMade, of one m,ne indihattertym|llio¯n of people sheuld be t¯mld oTer

rege tiler ¯ eommmiieatlea Jolt u tnportlmtthe meU Ihould be mnde the prol~ity of o¯e

wee carl relic Or [~w’er t0e t.rlff to nuithi* conve¯len-’~’. Tke’m I* no" relmon u¯der

~Jl~l;oeght to be, tl.ll fell~ pttlllo¯, Io In~Imlii~li ,lined b~ every mun Ind’w.m¯¯ .!¯die i~i¯¯try; dem¯nd|ug that the gl!verumentlake the tulcSrephl whl0h it hun¯ perfect rightrode." Thers i, ¯o reason why a ltiei)atell6ftl¯ woldl iho¯ld not be sent for tea oontl~ innn;eid-, of¯ dolllr or iwo dollarl, which Mr. Jay~enld wiii ohnrge~ A¯d then, dcLr leoplibtake¯ eby at the eaprece bu*lulls. I* thereauy rouen¯ why seed, at ~to be ient throughfie m¯Ul ehonld hi go through them, at arate of poltlge that will pey the goveramootfordohlg it? I8 lhoro’ any r,aeon why twoexpml, eempeuiel,,hould mouopoliae the car-rymg trade of thu e~uutry~ a¯d compel the peonpllto pey W.iatever they ehoo~e" to exect?The pe*..olllce i8 the remedy fir Ible extortio¯oThe llw of thrm veer8 go 8llould be re.ecuetedaid idllmatter thut non be carolI earfJcd tb,oughIbe mllle*hould lle le e~rlled, ltwal repealedby" ~iU e[orth Of thl Ilpll oumpl~iel i who

hid litog 9 her tuo muoh |nfluonoe l¯ Coogreel.

II it that £c¯grou thll winter alluwl youto urn the matin for everything thut ie legit!..molldF mlihbll~ A, this is th* time for4ko,fermi ~ thut ~ou hlve ale thee yo~i ri o¯ti.tied to. i£1ood Cougille with petRlunl fl~rcheap tele|raphl¯g Imd exprelo hu,lucel, ¯ndthnl gel yoareeif in *hape for a movement oathe rallroidl a¯d’tba utter mwiudlee that bur.


’ Our WamElnglon Letter,

WAenilloreu, D. 0,, Sept. 4, 1871’,Eumorr, long dent, ol the |¯teuded ll,llua¯

tind of ~he itilhlflnt 814rlt&ry of.the ~reeluryIMoOcrmlokl llete ulllmid UO~ dn|¯he nhiptl Iand ha* retirement apl~¯rl n0W iildoptod with. I

¯ d tu*,liou. 0,~,* .,llln*a-kho v.ry one,. ]¯ ll ill iUliltl¯ I churaellr if all luhul acquir-ed0 if the dutiu of the p0eltlqn’are qoe,cloa-tle¯*ly ~tiForml~l--mid hi8 1011 hiller per,on.Ial or pelllieal I¯el) wquld lll~ ’eiliUrl iuulUl they had el boln d¯Hnll hii |Ulnmhe¯oy.~Tiel ihatp Imlrnat hithle roetuiti lletweea him i

I¯ble, The fmude lllPorilMhi Alut, lmiud~L,h’itliof

liooiili~ Moore wui nnm-

I!no~l_; ¯ 8,11111 tiielai ~lYiiiIobli~l ~tlilt,l!’tvl61iegid "de’ielMbi biek t_

llgut~, About the 10tll~cent b$They ieUiirned -Frldiy. ~i!.d


¯ fter month, while they Wllii p!td a ttberel*a!-.dry to protect the gol, erlmmht, it no~ made pill)-Ile~ b¯t ilia dictate*

wt.tk bat lhtlo el ¯u euclmlte-eilill4whore for_ nbout two

defended¯ notable¯d*

ntion-of prsise, together with a "warniug d-

ire| ¯ot heededvaadtht~e¯~t4+hoo of Ill hu¯drod 3~,!re. wan deltroyedbJ the ewolrd of Rome, a¯d the fullueioum

been rimoved o ut of ire plaeib th!l slie of theclty is-now delolllle. Its llerbor is.lt prstil~n-teal mlrth, whUe to:da~ tlu~o¯ee lowlymsd

daln lo laulFiflhlng under -2~lrkieh ale-

u Jhti.lm0¯ire prioii~ll

1st. We learn from th¯Jwc lea-alld froi th3 history of IIr@ial that th~

ceom to etrmtgth~-¢f-Ule pre,lllril 1 oi’-:an# -i~tlto¯ ori" i~ ~ ehuroh:b found in itl I¯olld e¯d not in it8’ i ’, t==lm~al ~ouahiou.: o~r/,~-lior~ ma~ be ex-

queucius. Geul;B© = ~. .., ten dlld~-INIpuli’Ubii "eikf¯i,~6iiiif’i-/i"hi thei¯gto¯, e¯abllng h!m to euguge II oqre !it ~_!l?tt pr~lloutyeii,~i.0pl efgrei¯/wheat &lid "ootto¯rouge elld- the plibli~ btlleiat liie "ttguhiw¯id-li~" be ahuedll¯t; neicaee and phllolqpby,

C.rnali Itlil"’huldl tha .full,’~ lad -there up- allil~:r~oh: out ll~lle,’bli in all tll|i abate |1 nOpeeve nome’dl*l¯ell¢itlon fo ct’aek him behind true fndloetla¯ of Jtreogth. The tree J!ll~ realhli entrenchme¯l,. It is pll~p~lod ihui" lur. slll¯gti of a¯y people, atloual or rlllglon*,Rvartn will roiurn to-day, aml thit ]lli.-Coreell aoelety or individuil~ |l found l¯ the purity ofwill b~e dl,p6,ed of to.morrow ki ouhi¯et meet- mau’o heart or relleloll* prlnolpln.Jug. ~he ountumaeiuu* navel~dhr, o¯ e4ouut |~*d. I¯ prooperlty th ere il dltngiero Ite itef him suppoieci conlide¯llal ioistionl with Sou. wl~ with X,reel~*o it wll with llphoi¯n; ’Theator ,Coukllng, ’and hen 8olllal nnd’ pelideil, wlirnl~lg who¯ lir,t give¯ to Ephe,ue w¯l Veryprom|¯e¯ce ol+herwi~e~ hao co*eyed a monopolylndilfere, tly re,~eived, uutU iu the ’halsht ofof&ttentlon during thopaot week or two, in pli. their prosperity li cecm!, to have bee¯ tota3yIiiioai quorlerl. Whether foundld upo¯ aotual forilOltou and Judltemoot t’ollliwe& T~e formknowledge or the ierelt Of more opee’¯iadon,of el¯ in thll lee*on ltriki¯gly/llu,illte, theMr, Oomell II credited with ha~ lug inlllgatid kiod of,in to whioh thl* people wlti nil ¯thorI)oine|l’n mut|¯ou* eQndnot with view to corn- pro*peroue ¯arlene are arable.pelling tie Plinldo¯t to roo~il or a~epi, the ~rd. There 1, ll,lloeeihllli# that falls ripe¯wigti+ofhittlt-o0 didanUy throwm,dow¯. I" & m oh u ~-eilelall.--euaday ~llo~l-llnllllr,’-andthe Teuure of Omce lint weald make it the tioehere, teat doesnot fall ¯lien e¯r paslorl..duty of lilt. lluye, to as,Ilia hli raiione for ~he deilruetlell of llphe,ue we, net the rocelteaeimndlug Mr. 0oreell, t¯ ~l~inatlng bin eao- of ouy o¯falthfu|¯eeo on the port of Paul, furoallor .lel flea II ¯rlid Io pieyu the oorroet he re’minded them tSut for the ,pa~e of three¯ ell of the ltoerll’lmpreleloa that Comn|l ha, ,or,

work, and alllr hh

mtu who dlineuli from the pine adopted for departure Oo¢1 alipeotod the nldere wllt)m thedJwlrehui elv[t rorrlee and polllle,, a¯d thai It ¯poillo hell oppoloted to lake eem of the youegit eJth the hope ef foreleg the Preeldent le de oonyerti. And thu* it I| to.nay. It ia notelnre hi* euthorlty for hta now celebrated order enoOKh fer the mi¯hlry from the pulpit totn loi¯ lU¯ce With him wlsl¯ the.cone 6r Oaf awaken theeou~cele¯ce, bni the eo¯reienceneede¯ oll’l luo0111nr 0hi¯el to bo leted lipoa by the, to,be guided, To mtke/Impre,,Ionl II o¯e partQebuto. . of the work unR to tahe e’lre of them II ¯¯oth,r.

lllnwaL’*. And oh,orville¯ leed, u, to reliark tb¯t Jr a,--- much eare wai lukeu of eonvlrle a* there i| le-’" Paulat Iphe|ul~ t.re,t -,nlra,,.d o. th. far, .r ,~,o oh-reh io

¯ ’. LUeoU leo BUUUaT, ~li~r. Ith. lim.I uf eatrs elrorh by our ,,l~elal botrd,, ep.pointhd and hie by e¯r pa,t.rl. Ihe nilllhor cfllpbltlul, the |oehle ei’pttld, wie a ealehretndIholo wbo turn back lo Ice hegl(arlv ltlloeetl

el~ ~1’ &ila Mi¯or~ iltullad alcat tilt 7 alice of the Wiilld Woiilll bi |all I II~d Iho moiliity ofIo¯th-na,t nf Ilmyruib ¯ear Ihe mouth-of the the ohurob would be bettlr. -0aylter, which wamld mid ilirllUml4 tie whole The Republican Blare Convention ofpluln, ’ <" Pennaylvanla~ met lu l[arrllburli , on

The city Ittoif wu belutltil, The public Wedneaday, and nomlBated J. P. ~’tl~hldllagl worn mllnllltl% =hlhi liii I~etl~¯ for 3udl~, Wm. B. Herb folitliloTmll-~f the ell,? we8 acaethu hll~ healllfil, ai It ¯a* nrlr, and J. A. Ill Paalmoru for Jklidiiolb¯lli,lit the I~do lad it the lot ef ¯ lleauUfil

Oelinili, ,~Phllll nolalnltlOlil Wlil lalde, ranlle ef Io¯ulliu.Amonlthe huUdioli tltll Wlrl li’grl¯d mid by leelilaltiolsl lnd P .allloll el!lived

m~lilfi..t~_L!al!,li~l~.,lwll/lllhlllU~ibut two or tll~9.., nel~___vg.__.v~ll~ ~it¯

Iqmphi el,-I)laelll ~lr whlltli telllthei wllh the lll01UtJonliouoh ever)" Impoltut meel-w,,i,,ii~lemr, ale .Uy wll, olhd# wial.,~ ~lt~,mithelmndemamglltlie.vlili

~-" 1 . - -

_ -’-.: ........

Comma=a0.;--..si0rcu .i,,- " : t

llie~tethe liammoatolhurll fend Ihemmait llle

Imli PaWnee; .ll.. lit North-Wkii~v ....

All thoro who eonltgn fruit or p!~du~ ef mqr . .kt¯d "to this hoone elm_~t:allltlllif__iinmli14eitton-e~d quiet llhiruL : libipptnjtllda

kept In farmed ~oii t hiilitirl)-f ’ tili-irlii d/gty.

,-lmb,. ],~.iss,. 81,11~iio~Y~olts, :l)InrAi~

examine pialil whlch ~ kepl o¯,nmlq ml

it" Ollics ,4,o 8¯oP pm, olnll II, .lldlllli~liA~iilO~N, lL #,L ...... ’-

: HARL[teyor and 0ivfl Eng!’ieer,

ELWOult. X. J.A,,y oommun|catlo¯ from Hammnlml .flue

Jorvlces !o tie prolesolo¯ will recent¯ Immdt-ate atlutlo¯ lfleftlt the etore of WililamBntli~etford. S?,ldl-l;.

B. Rodflold & Co.,P¯UIT ¯ P¯0DnOM

Commission M rohmltsNo. ]O Vine lltreel.

M#trket re,erred dally ind :::=

promptly.8hipplnll Cevdn may he hlll

nrol, a¯d l~ (t, Clark’*.

O.O. WtlI~and Bd0k Layeim


~ulL’* 0otUise on Allauilo Aveuull ~ Vi,gLeia and Penn’a Ave¯nea. "

UNDERTAKER,Elwood; ~. J.

Xr pllplli4 it ~mi4.al,lilllllue~all hi AUla)ll mid adJelehig

A full npply of itadellalllll" lllmMhhig_(~,_ 10~mLlum,_ ,uy ._e_q. b okl.’ .... ¯

oul II lilio.PIKODU(ll]

"~l i I ¯ ...... ,omm,ss,on Merchants

and lone of hil predcelllon4 uehal hit eoc-timpiltld mllllnllo¯ ill tha~more resreilad.He tdple of o-r few pehlle mla.who hive boon’lol~l by tie po,itlout they Imvo dLted, lie I|a pOSen lit Ibe very bell ltdlphillull of theterm. Mr. MePhlilon is ~Igi~lid i~ bay*n/tlul ia014o trick a* hl,.Imdluotlud It o¯e

te tktte hmtJog kuil¯cei ~ It ol¯oe could’baldly ill oillt*t ed. ’:

t tel, Ikil liiill II J[~lllit,li, ll.i,-=~llilii~-¯ul li~l to II~ s ~ if, illl llmilllllmn.-l~l , eh,~, tie ;~lm lmdlonitlill~mmtlll wbidl lliiti (tilt arvia smet)

- , , ul eeu et the ravel, ilie .OUlli i la I eollpl/tl lihimidl. Phillldelphlll.l,IL Dl’aalim dlltUlllIMl, lll iOmillllllliiltetlmultili,ldl, lkitlbl~r~aLlllb huildl¯l wel berel by aieNeullmi’hi ~ ~~ 81omimabell Ifoki ili Illnfl~a m¯lerhlly with hb / Be ’ halO Iuliu~ aplpilllU~ d~I ~ elul7kldll.elllml,h nl~rkt~ ll~ ill tlmmli. ’t/l~fthlarll# III,tlmNd aim llevl~all, lii.;aii that liellthlkll Ihe’ltrmlwal llirl, dl~l)pllll ~ ! in__, we i IN imilmllildilll "-~dmill ’illdllllMllrlklllilmtlle k¯dmldeldiullalpi. ’ hlkl wtlll tim vllw Ill Ihiltkle ll?llilli~, ll, O. lill,.lemtltlllh alllli~ lldiilllllilli-

~mutlt~ntlllaiihhliliUali~lqmlhi)faw peailll. .... ,=.," ’ . tldlmhtlaimlvh;ll~Ikearlleflhi~Ql~dlti llladllili°uf°lthtlllllmliekmevlllilk.-....

lllk. deTolod’te bnlmunl~llad 8U lll~l ef lal~liillu ar kltiroet Ire mid¯ lllillk II i i theli¯lrlheilole el tim iell¯¯ 8talon, ihi’lm, llitt llll tlS lille illmll~nil ell ilal, i .. ’ ,

llrthll,’* aid ke ¯up.lid thai e~erl ~kib flltiel*ltor imeitiu I aid rolliil¯ I Illftqlini tilti eflhe welldlllltaiedthlU.er i tliil, hoDdholdtill ~ vho ~ Illi

lll.-hiimau lhllmlldlll~lltl wad lludrllllm, alloy milINili i hill Viii. melt. /pU~P Imlllmlmllll, li,


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