he is the father of us all€¦ · belated birthday wishes to 2 of our friends. david fidler who...

Post on 11-Jul-2020






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Newsletter JUNE 2020

Serving Jesus Encouraging Discipleship

“He is the Father of us All” Romans 4 v16

Dear Friends,

Is the light at the end of the tunnel beginning to flicker again? As the

government begins to cautiously remove the lockdown restrictions we

must begin to prepare for a new normal.

After the war, rationing remained in place until 1954, so some restrictions

as a result of Coronavirus may remain in place for some time.

However, it gives us an opportunity to look

at ourselves and as church and the way we

do things.

If we think back to the first Pentecost (Acts

2 v 1-21) we read of people in the crowd

hearing Peter in their own language, do we

hear God in our way, through Zoom, Email, TV or the Radio? Do we

need massive buildings in order to worship the God who walks beside

the poor, the homeless, the hungry?

Has the church building just become a place to meet friends which we

could just as easily do in a Café?

If we do feel the need to worship together, do we need at least 5 or 6

separate buildings in a community the size of Louth; St James, St Mary’s,

Holy Trinity, Salvation Army Citadel, Eastgate Union and of course our

own beloved Nichol Hill. Is God trying to teach us again the true meaning

of being his disciple? To love the Lord Your God with all you heart, soul

and mind and your neighbour as yourself.

My friend Rev Andrew Roberts wrote in his book Holy Habits “The call to

Christian discipleship is a call to adventure”. The nurturing role of the ten

holy habits of discipleship as seen in Acts 2 is then explored. The ten

habits are: biblical teaching, fellowship,

breaking of bread, prayer, giving, service,

eating together, gladness and generosity,

worship and making more disciples.

As we come out of lockdown let us not rush back to the old

way of doing things but look at the new opportunities God

has given us to serve him in new ways, with renewed passion

and enthusiasm.

Can we find ways to incorporate the technology we have become used

to into our regular church activities and meetings, while still involving

those that don’t wish to use such things?

God Bless, Mark

God’s vision for our church

You will recall that we met at the end of February to spend a day with Nigel

Pimlott, trying to discern God’s vision for our church, in order to make sure

that our plans for the future would align with God’s plans. Nigel helped us to

think about what was important to us, things we’ve done in the past and what

we might do in the future. We focused on the purpose of the church: what is it

for, why do we exist? Our first challenge following the meeting was to try to

combine everything we’d done into a simple sentence to answer those


March didn’t turn out quite as expected, but a small group has met together

to progress the work and meet with Nigel again. As is the way with these

things, formulating a sharp and pithy phrase

to express the reason for our existence is

proving tricky, but we are working along the

lines of Reaching out and Bringing Hope:

fundamental to what we do is the desire to

see the lives of others touched and

transformed by God.

Once confirmed, this vision statement will be our touchstone for our plans for

the church, whether we are talking about our activities, our groups, our

buildings or our worship. Once we’ve met (virtually) with Nigel we will be

looking for ways to share the vision and turn it into practical reality.

Chris Rolph

Prayers for June

June begins the day after Pentecost – possibly the most

exciting day of the church’s year. 2000 years ago, after

the first Pentecost, this is what happened:

“All who believed were together and had all things in

common; they would sell their possessions and goods and distribute

the proceeds to all, as any had need. Day by day, as they spent much

time together in the temple, they broke bread at home and ate their

food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having the

goodwill of all the people. And day by day the Lord added to their

number those who were being saved.” (Acts 2:44-47)

It may be hard to translate this into our modern-day circumstances, but let’s

pray that God’s Spirit continues to work through his church, albeit in a

different way, enabling us to worship and serve him with glad and generous


God’s Spirit is approaching: through time, across continents, soaring over


God’s Spirit is speaking: whispering and comforting, roaring and challenging.

God’s Spirit surrounds us: beyond touch, warmly embracing.

God’s Spirit transforms us: making our horizons wider, our faith stronger, our

hopes possible.

Spirit of the living God move among us all,

for you transform us into the people you invite us to be,

for you transform the world into the place you dream it to be.

Make us one in love, humble, caring, selfless, sharing.

Blow among us, Spirit of God,

fill us with your courage and care.

Hurricane and Breath,

take us on a journey of love!

My thoughts on Lockdown

“I am a life-long introvert. Because of that, most elements of the

lockdown have not had such a hard effect on me. My favourite

occupation at any time is reading, so I am able to indulge that to such

an extent that I am catching up on the books I own but have not yet

read, and those I want to re-read (although there will definitely not be

enough time for all of those).

But the lockdown has caused me some problems. Some of you know

that I do not believe in washing the pots until there are no more clean

mugs in the cupboard. But over these last weeks I have found that the

mugs sitting on the side of the sink are pleading to be washed! I have

now succumbed to doing the washing-up at least once a day. I even

get the vacuum cleaner out more often!

In the past I have been told that I am too independent. One family

regularly took me to task for not asking them for help when I obviously

needed it. So, having to rely on someone else to do my shopping…

… !! (many thanks to that person, not least because my shopping lists

demonstrate that people from different parts of England speak

different languages).

Other matters which have caused me some heartache: too much time

for gardening (I am still not ready for that); only seeing my daughters

on video phone-calls; no live cricket on the TV or radio.

To everyone out there but not allowed out — remember, “you may be

apart, but you are not alone”: to all those who have been able to be at

work — keep it up: and to all those who are doing volunteering work


God bless you all.

David Fidler

Belated Birthday wishes to 2 of our Friends.

David Fidler who was 80 at the end of April 2020

and Ray Baker who was 60 during the middle of

May 2020. I hope they both made the most of

their special days.

Marjorie Borman celebrates her 80th birthday on

13th June 2020. So Happy Birthday Marjorie from us all.

Church Family Worker

We are delighted that Mark Harrison has been appointed as our Church Family worker, beginning work on 1st May 2020. Those that know Mark will be aware of his energy, ideas, and enthusiasm for the Gospel, and we’re looking forward to seeing this worked out in the life of the church. We defined the role of the Church Family Worker as one which would support church events in order to build relationships with fringe members and occasional visitors, signposting them to relevant activities and groups in order to draw them in and encourage progression from:

Attending to Belonging and Contributing to the church.

It’s exciting to have Mark supporting this work, but important to realise

that he’s there to support our work, not to do it all for us! I’m sure

you’ll join with me in congratulating Mark and praying for God’s

blessing on what he does.

Chris Rolph

Mark Harrison is offering to deliver the following items to anyone you know

who may appreciate them:

Food parcels/hot meals from the Salvation Army

Mindfulness Books which contain puzzles and pictures to colour, always

with a scripture verse and message and Jigsaws.

Please contact Mark directly on mjofmanby@aol.co.uk

This short act of worship has been prepared for you to use as you are unable to attend church. If you are well enough why not spend a few moments with God, knowing that other people are sharing this act of worship with you.

Opening Prayer

As you come to worship you might like to picture a road that you know really well. Is it straight or twisted? Is it smooth or uneven? Is it busy or quiet? Who else uses it? Who have you walked the road with? Hold the picture in your mind while you pray.

As I come before you today God, I bring you my road recognising others are bringing theirs too. For some the road to worship today will have been difficult while for others it has been smooth. For some there will have been twists and turns, for others it may have felt straight and plodding. Some will have walked alone and others with companions. Thank you that you walk each road with us, uniting us as a community of faith wherever we are to the glory of your name. Amen.

Hymn: from list

Let me join my prayers with others today

Loving God, for the times I have seen you journeying with me, I am thankful.

Gracious God, for the times I have seen others journeying with you, I am humbled,

Holy God, for the times I have not recognised your journeying with me, I am sorry.

Forgiving God, thank you for the assurance that you will continue to journey with me.

Living God, in my journey this week help me to see glimpses of your good news so that my heart burns within me. Amen.

Gospel Reading: Luke 24 : 13-35 or from the list

Time to Reflect

Take a time to sit quietly and ask Christ to be present for you in new ways this week.

A time of prayer:

As you prepare to pray, you may find it helpful to reflect on this hymn verse:

‘This, this is the God we adore, our faithful unchangeable friend, whose love is as great as his power, and neither knows measure nor end’ Joseph Hart, Singing the faith 66

Faithful God, you are present in all aspects of life even when people don’t see it. We call on you today to send your Spirit to bring comfort and peace to all who find their path ahead difficult.

We pray for your church and all those seeking ways to be church in these times.

May they recognize your living presence.

We pray for the world and all those seeking to offer leadership in the midst of uncertainty.

May they recognize your living presence.

We pray for all those who suffer at this time in body, mind or spirit.

May they recognize your living presence.

We pray for all who are bereaved whether through the loss of loved ones or the loss of human contact.

May they recognize your living presence.

Merciful God, accept these our prayers today in and through the name of the living Christ.

May we too recognize your living presence in the week ahead and trust in you for all that is to come.

The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father ……

Hymn: Listen to or read ‘Lord I come to you’ Singing the Faith 471 www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ga6Qtxzd6v

Lord, I come to you, let my heart be changed, renewed, flowing from the grace that I found in you. And Lord, I've come to know the weaknesses I see in me will be stripped away by the power of your love. Hold me close, let your love surround me; bring me near, draw me to your side. And as I wait, I'll rise up like the eagle, and I will soar with you, your Spirit leads me on in the power of your love. Lord, unveil my eyes, let me see you face to face, the knowledge of your love as you live in me. Lord, renew my mind, as your will unfolds in my life in living every day by the power of your love.

Geoff Bullock (b. 1956) A prayer of blessing – adapted from a traditional Celtic prayer

May the road rise to meet you, May the wind be always at your back, The sun shine warm upon your face, The rains fall soft upon your fields, And until we meet again, May God hold you in the presence of Christ Wherever you are on the road.

Original Materials by Rev’d Lorna Valentine, North Bedfordshire Circuit

June Readings and Hymns Suggestions:

June 7th:

Genesis 1: 1 – 2: 4a

Angel voices ever singing (StF 39 or H & P 484)

Matthew 28: 16-20

I, the Lord of sea and sky (StF 663)

June 14th

Genesis 18: 1–15

New every morning is the love (StF137 or H & P 636)

Matthew 9: 35 – 10: 8 (9-23)

Love divine, all loves excelling (StF 503 or H & P 267)

June 21st

Genesis 21: 8-21 Deep in the shadows of the past (StF 463 or H & P 447)

Matthew 10: 24-39

Jesus calls us! O'er the tumult (StF 250 or H & P 141)

June 28th

Genesis 22: 1-14

Captain of Israel's host, and Guide (StF 459 or H & P 62)

We can still pray at home for HOPE 2020

On 20th June, at 20.20 pm for 20 minutes

and join with others at home in prayer.



I would like to thank all who have made direct payments into the Church bank

account, set up new standing orders and increased existing standing orders,

while we have been unable to meet for worship.

It is so encouraging to know we have the support to enable us to keep our

finances ticking over until we can open the doors again.


If any one paying tax is not already on our Gift Aid register, I would be

pleased to ask you to sign a Gift Aid Declaration Form and your giving will be

increased by 25% without any further cost to yourself.


A few people have asked me about cheques. I am now able to get these into

the bank, so they can be posted through the Church letter box.

The Church bank details are: HSBC, Louth Methodist Church Society

Sort Code 40-30-26 Account 40545341


Property and Finance committee have given the go ahead to have the Gents

toilets refurbished and work will actually begin on Tuesday, 19th May.

I need to explain that the cost of this work will be met by the Renewal Fund.

This is a restricted fund having mostly come from bequests. This means this

money can only be used for Capital expenditure and cannot be transferred to

the Current Account to pay assessments and general running costs.

Again many thanks for the increased giving.

Nancy Cartwright Church Treasurer, kathryncar@tiscali.co.uk \ 602253

Holy Trinity

God's gracious geometry

< triangle of love >

The above is my attempt at Haiku, a Japanese inspired form of poetry. Haiku

normally consists of three lines of verse, the first and third line containing

words totalling 5 syllables whilst the middle line contains 7. The poem is

meant to be succinct, brief and clear. The last line, often the punch line

summarises and consolidates the previous 2 lines. I am going to invite if not

challenge you to write your own short poem and send it in to be included in

the next newsletter. Ideally it should be on a suitable theme such as the

trinity, summer, lockdown, faith or harvest etc. please send your contribution

either to myself or to Gwenda.

( Please dont worry about counting syllables just be creative.)

Mark j Harrison (mjofmanby@aol.com) Karen Morris – Nanny/Babysitter

• NNEB Qualified Nursery Nurse with experience

• CV and references available on request

• All childcare work up to 16 hrs per week

• Currently volunteering with 321 (preschool group), Rainbows (5-7 yrs) and Messy Church (all age groups). Exalt Team Member

Awaiting DBS for Scouts volunteer (10-14 yrs)

• Louth and surrounding areas

• Full Driving Licence and car

• Home Tel: 01507 607606

• Mobile Tel: 07305 350470

• Also registered on website nannyjob.com As part of sharing my gifts to our church I am happy

to be contacted as an unpaid temporary, emergency nanny

My Dad's bigger than your Dad

My dad cooks spaghetti bolognaise.

My dad cooks a mean roast with trimmings.

My dad barbecues, and his marinated turkey legs are the best.

My dad taught me how to cook a jam roly-poly pudding.

My dad's bigger than your dad.

My dad's bigger than yours.

My dad was a football scout for Derby County.

My dad was a goalkeeper for Leicester City.

My dad was centre forward for Liverpool Football Club.

My dad played football on the local park with me.

My dad's bigger than your dad.

My dad's bigger than yours.

My dad drives the latest BMW saloon car.

My dad drives a Bentley.

My dad flies a Cessna.

My dad taught me how to ride a bike.

My dad's bigger than your dad.

My dad's bigger than yours.

My dad is a landscape artist.

My dad paints portraits of celebrities.

My dad's abstract paintings are exhibited in the Tate Modern.

My dad puts the red on a robin and paints the spots on ladybirds.

My father's is as big as your father.

My Father is your Father too.

Mark j Harrison

Trinity at Work Quiz (source N.I.V. Bible )

To whom was Jesus addressing when he said the following? 'Go and

make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son

and of the Holy Spirit.’ (Matthew 28: 16-20)

In Paul's blessing to the people of Corinth, what are the 3 missing words?

May the ----- of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the ---- of God, and the ---------- of the

Holy Spirit be with you all. (2 Corinthians 13: 14)

When Jesus was baptized by John the Spirit of God descended like a dove. What did the

voice of heaven (God) say? (Matthew 3: 16-17)

In Paul's letter to the people of Rome, he advises if you don’t have the 'Spirit of Christ'

you do not belong to whom? (Romans 8: 9)

In the beginning what was hovering over the waters? (Genesis 1: 1)

What is the outcome if you follow Jude's prescription? (Jude v 20-21)

What are the fruits of the Spirit? (Galatians 5 : 22 )

From whom or what does the psalmist want to escape? (Psalm 139 : 7)

What will the great Shepherd equip us with? (Hebrews 13: 20-21)

In Paul's letter to the people of Ephesus, he writes about the unity in the body of Christ,

how does he instruct us to behave? (Ephesians 4: 1-6)

Prayer, prayer, prayer

I was recently appointed Church Family Worker at Louth Methodist Church (LMC) a

position which I accept as an honour and a privilege, and thank you for your prayers

and support in this matter.

I was meant to take up this appointment on April 1st (April Fools Day, yes God has a

sense of humour), but because of 'Lockdown' it has been a challenging time to fulfil

this role. I want to integrate many of the groups that meet at Nichol Hill and fully

involve them into our church community. I have been busy with Lighthouse as it

became mobile, working with the Salvation Army delivering hot meals, food parcels,

mindfulness books, jigsaws, and clothes etc as the need has arisen. In my spare time

I have learned new ways in communication; no longer do I rely on 2 empty baked

bean cans and a piece of string. I keep in touch with grandchildren on “whatsapp”,

and share with fellow Christians through 'Messenger and Facebook” and 'zoom' into

Exalt. But whatever platform you use to communicate, God is always there, always at

the end of a prayer, and even before you start to pray.

Prayer is the one constant that has kept me going through this coronavirus crisis. I

said at the outset, when I was appointed, I wanted to hold a prayer marathon to know

where God would be leading you and me. In line with our monthly prayers of HOPE

20:20, where we are invited to pray together on the 20th day of each month at 20

mins past 8 in the evening, I am proposing to hold a 20 hour prayer marathon aptly

named 'a prayerathon,' on 20th to 21st of June. The prayerathon will commence on

Saturday 20th June at 13:00pm and finishing at 9.00am the following morning, time to

have some toast before Exalt starts.

I am not sure if 'Lockdown' will have been sufficiently lifted by the 20th but I invite you

to join me for part of the marathon and pray with me, either virtually or if possible at

Nichol Hill. I ask you to share at least a 20 minute slot through the marathon, and it

would be useful if you would let me know prior if you can. On the Saturday evening

(20th) at 20:20 I hope you will be able to join me in prayer as part of the HOPE


I am also co-ordinating a prayer chain which prays on a weekly basis for people

known to us, either by personal request or recommendation. We only use first/

Christian names. We share prayer requests by messaging or phoning members and

believe in the power of prayer.

If you wish to join our prayer group, wish to be prayed for or want to join me on the

prayerathon, please don’t hesitate in contacting me. Finally it gets confusing

especially when I'm in the company of the Rev Mark when someone says “Mark,” so I

hope you don't mind calling me Mj instead of Mark.

Mark j Harrison (M j) mjofmanby@aol.com or mob: 07983 385570

Minister: Rev Mark Sherman (Day off: Friday) Tel: 01507 603402 /07815 294407 Email: rev.mark.eastlincs@gmail.com

The Methodist Church in Britain have announced that, with sadness, worship services in Methodist Churches are suspended for the time being

in line with Government guidance. This is in addition to cancelling all social meetings. We will not be meeting in church until further notice.

There are resources for worship on the East Lincs Circuit website: https://eastlincolnshiremethodistcircuit.org.uk/ A new service will be posted every week. You can also use the Circuit Facebook page to stay in touch. Maybe those of you with access to the internet would be able to print these off for those who are not on-line.

If you are self-isolating and experiencing difficulty accessing medicines, food or other essential items, or would just like a chat, we would like to offer our assistance. What should you do? Please call one of the following numbers, or send an email:

Mrs Heather Jeffrey 01507 608769 heather_jeffrey@outlook.com

Rev Mark Sherman 01507 603402 rev.mark.eastlincs@gmail.com

We will then arrange for someone to contact you to find out how we can help.

In addition, we are hoping to produce some worship materials to send out. If you would be interested in receiving these, please leave a message on one of the above numbers.

Pastoral Visitors: Please do not make face to face visits at this time but keep in touch with those on your list by phone. If you have extra time to contact people please let Heather know as we currently have members without a pastoral visitor.

Do remember, “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble”. (Psalm 46)

DEADLINE for the July/August Newsletter 2020 is Sun 21st June

All information to Gwenda Burgin—tel: 607552 or e-mail

gwenda@burginnet.com or put in the pigeon-hole in the back foyer.

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