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Date 1/19/15


HEADLINESYesterday's Prophecies - Today's Headlines




TRACKING BIBLE PROPHECY http://www.trackingbibleprophecy.org/birthpangs.php

As threatened ICC prosecution looms, IDF strives to prove independence of military justice

Rivlin Calls on Abbas: Come to Jerusalem Instead of Going to ICC

Abbas says ignoring US pressure to halt plans for ICC


Palestinians seeking ICC investigation of Arafat's death

Report: Israeli helicopter fired two missiles at Syrian Golan Heights

Israeli strike in Syria kills senior Hezbollah members, son of group's late leader

Report: Six Iranians killed in Israeli strike in Syria, including Revolutionary Guards general

Hezbollah TV: Reported IAF strike in Syria could be 'costly' for Mideast

Hezbollah vows revenge, says attack on Israel 'is inevitable'

Hezbollah will respond to attack, but not by opening a front in the Golan

Bennett to Netanyahu: I won't let missiles fly over Ben-Gurion Airport

Canada's FM to President Rivlin: We stands shoulder-to-shoulder with Israel

Palestinian protesters throw eggs, shoes, at Canadian FM in Ramallah

One reported dead, more than 20 hurt in clashes at Rahat funeral

Israel says it broke up ISIS cell in its borders

Liberman: Arrest of ISIS cell in Israel proves some Israeli Arabs belong in PA, not Israel

Islamic State Has More Than Tripled Its Territory In Syria Since U.S. Started Airstrikes

Netanyahu: Israel must open Asian markets due to Islamization, anti-Semitism in Europe

'Wave of Islamisation' sweeping Western Europe,

Benjamin Netanyahu says

CNN's Jim Clancy resigns after controversial Israel tweets

Secretary Kerry to hold talks on Islamic State in London

German police ban anti-Islamic rally citing terror threat

Tourist numbers in Paris drop following terror attacks

Italy expels nine suspected Islamist militants

Islamist threat evolving, more dangerous, European officials say

Attacks challenge 'lone wolf' terrorist theory

Egypt's Morsi accuses army of role in deaths during 2011 uprising

Egyptian liberals demand Mubarak face court over deadly camel attack by supporters

Egypt destroys 1,200-meter-long tunnel under Gaza border

Libyan army declares ceasefire after UN talks

Nigeria: Four Killed, 48 Injured in Yobe Suicide Bombing

Suspected Boko Haram fighters kidnap about 80 in Cameroon

One bomb explodes, police detonate two others in Istanbul

Bucking Obama, Congress will introduce Iran sanctions bill within days

Anti-Charlie rally in Pakistan draws 5,000

Heavy clashes erupt outside Yemen presidential palace

N.S.A. Tapped Into North Korean Networks Before Sony Attack, Officials Say

Wealthiest 1% will soon own more than rest of us

combined, Oxfam says

Chinese Stocks Plunge Most in Six Years on Lending Curbs

5.5 magnitude earthquake hits the Greenland Sea

5.1 magnitude earthquake hits the Southern East Pacific Rise

5.1 magnitude earthquake hits near Neiafu, Tonga

5.1 magnitude earthquake hits near Izu Islands, Japan region

5.0 magnitude earthquake hits near Visokoi Island

5.0 magnitude earthquake hits near Goroka, Papua New Guinea

5.0 magnitude earthquake hits the Greenland Sea

4.6 magnitude earthquake hits near Vik, Iceland

Kliuchevskoi volcano on Kamchatka, Russia erupts to 23,000ft

Sangay volcano in Ecuador erupts to 21,000ft

Santa Maria volcano in Guatemala erupts to 14,000ft

Reventador volcano in Ecuador erupts to 13,000ft

Zhupanovsky volcano on Kamchatka, Russia erupts to 12,000ft

Six perish as tropical storm lashes Madagascar

Volunteers join grim search for Malawi flood victims

NASA climate scientists: We said 2014 was the warmest year on record... but we're only 38% sure we were right

Papal Text Says Man Betrays God by Destroying the Environment

Pope leaves Manila after drawing record crowd of 6 million

Report: Pope Francis will accept an invitation to address the US Congress

Japan researchers target 3D-printed body parts

U.S.-built Ebola treatment centers in Liberia are nearly empty as outbreak fades

Mali government declares country Ebola-free

China diagnosed 104,000 new HIV/AIDs cases in 2014

Billy Crystal Says Gay Scenes on TV Are 'Pushing It'

Administration lawyers argue Hobby Lobby ruling on birth control doesn't apply to religious groups

Army commanders order removal of 'God and country' recruiting sign

North Carolina city removes sculpture of soldier kneeling before cross



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 (Featured Article at Bottom) 

IN TODAY'S NEWSLETTER...  Hezbollah vows revenge, says attack on

Israel 'is inevitable'

Israel braces for early payback for deaths of Hezbollah officers, Iranian general on Golan

Nearing Midnight: The Point of No Return for Islamic Violence

Genetically Modified Cattle With Human DNA Might Hold Ebola Cure 

Daily Jot: The scales of color and character Daily Devotion: By Divine Design Featured Article: America in Bible Prophecy  

Hezbollah vows revenge, says attack on Israel 'is inevitable' - http://www.jpost.com/Arab-Israeli-Conflict/Hezbollah-vows-revenge-says-attack-on-Israel-is-inevitable-388194  Hezbollah officials vowed on Monday to avenge the latest Israeli attack on its high-level officials, sources close to the Lebanese Shi'ite organization are quoted as saying in various Arab-language media outlets north of the border.  One pro-Hezbollah source told the Lebanese daily A-Safir that the group "will not rush to decide what steps should be taken" in retaliation to the assassination of Jihad Mughniyeh, the son of slain arch-terrorist Imad Mughniyeh. Hezbollah officials told the newspaper that retaliation against Israel "is inevitable," though they added that "we will not act out of emotion." The Shi'ite group is reeling one day after Israel Air Force helicopters allegedly fired missiles at a target in the Syrian Golan, killing at least five operatives.  Mughniyeh, the son of former Hezbollah operations chief Imad Mughniyeh, was among those killed in the strike, according to reports. Western intelligence sources said Jihad Mughniyeh headed a large-scale terrorist cell that enjoyed direct Iranian sponsorship and a direct

link to Hezbollah. The cell had already targeted Israel in the past, launching attacks on the Golan Heights. In an official statement, the organization said the attack "was a very harsh blow to process." Ibrahim al-Amin, the editor of Al-Akhbar, a pro-Hezbollah newspaper, wrote in Monday editions that the Shi'ite group "will launch between 4,000-5,000 rockets at Israel and will destroy hundreds of targets per day." "The enemy's leadership made a decision to carry out a crime," Al-Akhbar wrote. "They did this in a direct manner, eying a specific target that was engaged in fighting in the Quneitra region. This is more proof that Israel is involved in the fighting in Syria. This is work that is not based on emotion or petty score-settling." "A few days ago, [Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan] Nasrallah said that fighting Israel is at the top of his list of priorities despite [the organization's involvement] in Syria and its deployment of forces there. Mr. Nasrallah is known as an eloquent man and an expert in psychological warfare, but God knows if he means every word he says, or the way he presents his facts is designed to build up the threat for the day in which he actualizes it." "In any event, the weapons at Hezbollah's disposal are there to be used, and not to be stored," the newspaper wrote. "The response needs to match what it is that the enemy wanted to achieve." Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, told state media that Israel's reported attack in the Golan Heights was "an act of terror." "We condemn all actions of the Zionist regime as well as all acts of terror," Zarif told Press TV on Monday. "[Israeli attacks on Hezbollah] has been a practice followed for a very long time. The policy of state terrorism is a known policy of the Zionist regime." Iran is Hezbollah's primary financial and military supporter. Both countries are aiding Syrian President Bashar Assad in his struggle to keep power against a coalition of Sunni opposition militias and Islamist radicals. Iran's semi-official Tabnak news site said several of its Revolutionary Guards had also been killed in the attack, but did not give further details. State-run Iranian television said the identity of the "martyrs" could not be confirmed, though an Iranian affiliated Twitter account

reported that an Iranian Revolutionary Guard commander, General Allahdadi was "martyred" by the strike.

 Israel braces for early payback for deaths of Hezbollah officers, Iranian general on Golan - http://www.debka.com/article/24350/Israel-braces-for-early-payback-for-deaths-of-Hizballah-officers-Iranian-general-on-Golan  The dominant IDF assessment Monday, Jan. 19, is that Hezbollah will not hold off its rejoinder for the Israeli helicopter missile strike on the Golan Sunday, which targeted an advance guard and caused the deaths of five Hezbollah and six Iranian army officers. Tehran confirmed Monday that Gen. Mohammad Ali Allah Dadi was among the officers killed in the Israel attack.. Iran's National Security Adviser Rear Adm. Ali Shamkhani responded with a pledge of punishment for the death of Gen. Allah Dadi. "The resistance will respond by force at an appropriate time and place for the "Zionist terrorist entity's aggression," he said. Israeli military chiefs are gearing up for an early Hezbollah cross-border attack on Upper or Western Galilee and have instructed local security units to stand ready, open up emergency shelters and prepare their firearm arsenals. At Monday noon, Galilee district commander Brig. Gen. Amir Baram assembled Galilee mayors and local council heads at his Biranit headquarters and issued them with crisis directives for the population of a quarter of a million under their jurisdiction. Even more than a Hezbollah rocket attack, this population is gravely concerned by fear of terrorist tunnels running under the border from Lebanon and coming out under their homes. The IDF has never confirmed the existence of these tunnels and may not have located them. However, since last summer's Operation Defensive Edge against the Palestinian Hamas, and the discovery of their uncharted tunnels snaking under the Gaza-Israeli border into neighboring kibbutzim, people living in the north dread that Hezbollah has taken a leaf out of Hamas' book of terror. They found confirmation for their dread in statements Monday in the

Lebanese Hezbollah mouthpiece Al Akhbar: "Israel will not be able to prevent Hezbollah from sending its forces into Galilee" and "We shall hit back for the Quneitra strike very soon." But, barring the unlikely eventuality of Hezbollah opening up a full-front assault on Galilee, the pro-Iranian Shiite terrorist group has two options for sending send its forces across the border into Galilee, debkafile's military experts report: By seizing control of a single Israeli location or district close to the Lebanese border, or pushing a force into Israel through prepared tunnels. Asked by a Voice of Israel radio broadcaster Monday about the existence of such tunnels, the Israeli Defense Minister's political adviser Amos Gilead hedged: "It is always necessary to look into this," he said. But he did not deny that they existed.  Al Akhbar also quoted Hezbollah as declaring, "The two fronts against northern Israel have merged and are equal." In fact, it was pointed out, a single, continuous anti-Israel front line runs from the south Lebanese-Israeli border in the west to its eastern point on the Syrian Golan.  Hezbollah, which takes its orders from Tehran, is clearly determined to establish a military presence on the Syrian Golan as a second warfront for launching a two-pronged simultaneous assault on Israel, and is bent on forcing its acceptance down Israel's throat.  But Israel is making no bones about its non-acceptance and demonstrated its determination to make this deployment untenable by its deadly assault Sunday on the Iranian-Hezbollah advance group that was checking out a site near Quneitra for Hezbollah future offensive deployment.



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Another effective witness from Randy and Prophecy Update. The "There will be Tribulation" video describes the purpose and the sequence of events during the

final seven years prior to the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. The linkage to many Old Testament prophecies clearly show the importance of the nation of Israel to this seven-year period. The pictures in the video document a world

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Thanks so much for the DVD There will be Tribulation...I watched it the other day, finally.   It is well done and really holds your attention. In fact, it's

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 Nearing Midnight: The Point of No Return for Islamic Violence - Todd Strandberg - http://www.raptureready.com/rap16.html   Up to three million people marched in the largest protest France has ever seen, including more than 40 world leaders. The rally honored the 17 victims of Islamic terror. "Today, Paris is the capital of the world," said French President Francois Hollande. "Our entire country will rise up toward something better."  The attack against the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo has gotten the world's attention, but I'm very skeptical that something meaningful will result from the tragedy. Common sense should tell us that there is something deeply wrong with the Muslim faith, and yet every effort is being made to shift blame away from the followers of the Koran.

 Islamists have such monopoly on terror. Every time there is breaking news about gunfire or an explosion in a public setting, you naturally know the perpetrator is at least one Muslim. Over the years, the number of attacks reach into the thousands.  Some of the major incidents are 9/11, the Madrid bombings in 2004, London in 2005, the Kenyan mall, the Fort Hood shooting, Benghazi, the ISIS massacre in Northern Iraq and Syria, Canada's parliament, the Australia cafe attack, and Boko Haram who recently killed an entire village.  We seem to be at a point where the denial of these terror events has caused us to depart from the fundamentals of reality. When former Gov. Howard Dean was asked for comment about the Charlie Hebdo attack, he immediately dismissed the idea that Islam should be to blame for the attack.  "I stopped calling these people Muslim terrorists," Dean said on MSNBC's Morning Joe. "They're about as Muslim as I am." He also said he does not believe ISIS is an "Islamic cult" and thinks it would be unwise to "accord [the gunmen] any religious respect."  The liberal media has made a game out of finding new words to describe the attackers. If you watch a newscast, you'll hear: Radical, militant, extremist, adherent, sympathizer, terrorist, and lone wolf. They are all inadequate synonyms for the more appropriate word: Muslim. I'll say it again: Muslim.  I was scanning the news, and I ran across a CNN article titled, "After Paris attacks, 7 questions being asked about Islam." I knew right away that the CNN would give Islam a free pass. Sure enough, CNN provided the question and then asked Islamic representatives to fill in the answers.  The pro-Muslim bias at CNN is evident when one reporter let a "longtime, Muslim-American source" make this kind of statement without being challenged: "Muslims cannot get a break. Every day there must be an event to suggest Islam is inherently violent. Such acts destroy years of goodwill and work about Islam."  The claim is made that Islam is a peaceful religion, but propaganda cannot change a lie into the truth. Islam easily rivals Soviet-style Communism in oppression. According to a study on persecution by Open Doors USA's World Watch List, nine of the ten countries with the worst records for persecution of Christians have populations that are

dominated by Muslims.  The peaceful part only comes after they've killed all the infidels or forced them to leave the country.  In the light of these latest terror attacks, Saudi Arabia didn't even have the good sense to delay the flogging of blogger, Raif Badawi. He was convicted of insulting Islam by simply creating a website that promoted freedom of speech. Since Saudi Arabia does not tolerate any type of political dissent, calls from the international community to postpone Badawi's punishment fell on deaf ears.  There would be far less bloodshed if our leaders read and understood the Bible. In Genesis, we are told that there is a spiritual conflict between Abraham's two sons. Isaac would be the son of the promise and Ishmael would be cursed as a "wild ass" of a man with his hand against every man and every man's hand against him (Genesis 16:12).  I think it's clear to the vast majority of people that the children of Ishmael are the world's worst trouble makers, but political correctness stands in the way of corrective action. Because Islam is so clearly satanically driven, I think that beyond this point-we are inevitably headed toward the Tribulation judgment.  "For then there will be a great tribulation, such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever will. Unless those days had been cut short, no life would have been saved; but for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short" (Matthew 24:21-22).


Genetically Modified Cattle With Human DNA Might Hold Ebola Cure - By Maggie Fox - http://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/ebola-virus-outbreak/genetically-modified-cattle-human-dna-might-hold-ebola-cure-n287796  But God gives it a body as he has chosen, and to each kind of seed its own body. For not all flesh is the same, but there is one kind for humans, another for animals, another for birds, and another for fish. - 

1 Corinthians 15:38-39 "You shall keep my statutes. You shall not let your cattle breed with a different kind. You shall not sow your field with two kinds of seed, nor shall you wear a garment of cloth made of two kinds of material. - Leviticus 19:19 On a farm outside Sioux Falls, South Dakota, a herd of cloned, genetically engineered cattle are busy incubating antibodies against the Ebola virus.  Researchers hope the cattle - which certainly don't look like anything special - will produce gallons of blood plasma that could be used to treat people with the deadly virus, which has infected more than 21,000 people in West Africa and killed 8,500 of them.  "These animals produce very high levels of human antibody," said Eddie Sullivan, president and CEO of SAb Biotherapeutics, the company that developed the cattle.  The cattle have been genetically engineered with human DNA so that their bodies don't produce cattle antibodies but human antibodies. They're cloned to make a herd of genetically identical, part-human animals.  "These animals produce very high levels of human antibody." Then they are vaccinated against various deadly diseases such as Ebola. Their bodies produce antibodies in response to these vaccines, and the hope is these antibodies can be used to treat people with the diseases.  The approach is similar to the idea behind transfusing plasma from Ebola survivors into patients. No one knows if it is actually helping, but experiments are under way in Liberia and at Emory University Hospital in Atlanta to see if the blood of survivors might kick-start the immune response in a patient.  When a person or animal is infected, the body produces antibodies and immune cells to fight the invading germs. The human immune system is especially advanced and can produce both antibodies and immune cells called T-cells that "remember" a previous infection and can often prevent a second infection by the same germ.  Many Ebola patients have been transfused with either whole blood or serum, which has the red blood cells removed. No one knows if it has

helped but doctors hope it does.  Ebola survivor Dr. Kent Brantly has to date given more than a gallon of his own blood plasma for such treatments.  Using cattle might make the project larger-scale. "From these animals, we can collect 30 to 60 liters of plasma each month," Sullivan told NBC News. "That translates into something between 500 to 1,000 human doses per month per animal."  The company, working in partnership with the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID), has been testing the approach against hantavirus, a rare killer virus that causes regular outbreaks, including one that killed three campers at Yosemite National Park in 2012. Experiments using an Ebola vaccine were fast-tracked when the epidemic broke out in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea last year.  "It's not a given that this is going to work for Ebola," said Connie Schmaljohn, a senior research scientist at USAMRIID who's working on both the hantavirus and Ebola projects.  First, the cattle are vaccinated against Ebola, using what's called a DNA vaccine. Then, plasma is removed and the antibodies taken out of the plasma. The antibodies - which are identical to human antibodies - are shipped to USAMRIID labs in Fort Detrick, Maryland for testing.  There, a team has worked in a level 4 biosafety lab - the highest level of biosecurity - to first infect mice with Ebola virus, then dose them with antibodies.  "The first mouse studies have shown we can protect mice one day after they been infected but not two days after they have been infected with a single dose," Schmaljohn told NBC News. Now, the team is giving the mice a dose a day to see if that helps.  "Ebola is a much tougher virus to protect against than hantaviruses are," Schmaljohn said. "It is a faster replicating virus. It is more virulent. It is more lethal to humans." While hantaviruses kill between 5 and 10 percent of victims, Ebola viruses kill 50 to 90 percent.  The next step will be to test the approach in monkeys. But if it works, it could be quickly deployed for testing in people, Schmaljohn says.  "These are fully human antibodies and they can make them under GMP

(good manufacturing practice) conditions so they could go right into people," Schmaljohn said.  There are many questions about the approach. It's not even clear if human antibodies from human Ebola survivors help patients. The antibodies produced by vaccination will almost certainly be different - probably more limited in range, Schmaljohn said.  That's because the immune system recognizes various pieces of an invader. These bits and pieces, called antigens, can be numerous, and it's not always clear which is the "best" one for fighting off infection.  "The human convalescent plasma has antibodies against more antigens," Schmaljohn said. "Ours could be better - or it could be not as good."  Plus, the antibodies alone might not be enough. Blood also contains the T-cells and other immune system cells. But the cattle don't produce human blood, so their plasma cannot be transfused into human patients.  Makers of the experimental drug ZMapp have taken a different tack, using three lab-engineered antibodies that specifically target Ebola. ZMapp's been tried in just a handful of people but in tests in monkeys, it's been shown to work well.  "These animals are very unique, as you can imagine." The cattle - black and white Holstein-Jersey crossbreeds - are kept on a farm in Iowa, just across the border from Sioux Falls. "Right now we have 50," said Sullivan.  "They are fairly expensive to make. These animals are very unique, as you can imagine."  The technology used to make the cattle dates back to 1998, when cloning techniques were just being perfected for farm animals. Dolly the cloned sheep, the first animal cloned from an adult mammal, was born in 1996.  Only about 10 percent of the cattle embryos survive as calves, so each one is precious.  But their fully human immune systems mean they could be a gold mine for treatments, if the approach works. The company is working to produce antibodies to various strains of influenza, as well as to Middle

East respiratory syndrome (MERS), which has infected 948 people and killed at least 349 of them, according to the World Health Organization.


Daily Jot: The scales of color and character - Bill Wilson - www.dailyjot.com   On August 28, 1963, Baptist minister Martin Luther King, Jr., stood on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC and proclaimed: "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." This is a very Christian principle. In Acts 10, the Apostle Peter received a vision from the Lord that showed him "What God has cleansed, that call not thou common." This means what Peter said in Acts 10:34, "Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons." The fiery words used these days to describe leadership in government are often characterized as racist, when in effect they are born of truth. Part of the problem is that many people believe that when criticism is aimed at people of a certain race or ethnicity that it indicates racism. Certainly, God only knows the heart of the person leveling the criticism. But before the race card is played, perhaps those hearing the criticism should investigate the veracity of the charges. Another Biblical principle is that "the truth shall make you free." Former President Bill Clinton grabbed some headlines years ago when he said that words have meaning and that we all need to mind our words when passionately arguing our positions. But then, he went on to imply that anyone disagreeing with the current regime was akin to the Oklahoma City bomber. Character matters, right? Indeed, supporters of the occupant of the Oval Office often characterize criticism as racism. Further, if one passionately disagrees with his agenda, it is not only racists, but also an act of sedition. And one step more, if one disagrees because of a belief that the leadership is ungodly, then you are considered a possible religious terrorist. Case in point: Time columnist Joe Klein on April 18th's, "The Chris Matthews Show" said that "sedition" is defined as "a revolt or an incitement to revolt against established authority." He then all but accused Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck of sedition. Klein further said that racism and

fears about the economy were motivators of the criticism.   Truth is: Both of our most recent presidents reflect poorly on American Christians. Both George W Bush and the current "president" believe there is more than one way to heaven. Both pressured Israel to split its nation in two parts, giving land to proven terrorists. One took a hard public stand against abortion, but did nothing to stop government funding of Planned Parenthood. The other continues to open the floodgates of abortion and calls blessings onto Planned Parenthood. There are many other examples where America's leadership has been weighed in the balance and has been found wanting.  Character has no color or political party. Our standards should reflect those of God, then so would our leadership.    

Daily Devotion: By Divine Design - Greg Laurie - www.harvest.org   But I want you to know, brethren, that the things which happened to me have actually turned out for the furtherance of the gospel. -Philippians 1:12 The apostle Paul was the kind of guy who liked to get out and get things done. He took action and went out and accomplished things for God. But as a prisoner in Rome, Paul found himself stuck . . . immobilized . . . unable to move. Perhaps you are immobilized in some way right now. Maybe it is some kind of disability. Maybe you're stuck in a really tough marriage or in a job you really don't want to be in. Maybe you're living somewhere you wish you didn't live. Whatever it is, you feel immobilized. Yet notice how Paul, despite his circumstances, was able to rejoice. He wrote, "But I want you to know, brethren, that the things which happened to me have actually turned out for the furtherance of the gospel" (Philippians 1:12). Even under house arrest, Paul was looking on the bright side. He was saying, "I believe I am here because God wants me here. But this isn't what I planned."

 And then Paul went on to talk about the guards: "It has become evident to the whole palace guard, and to all the rest, that my chains are in Christ" (verse 13). These weren't just any guards; they were members of the Praetorian Guard, the elite soldiers. How could you not become a Christian while being chained to the Apostle Paul? Apparently some of the guards did come to Christ, because later in Philippians Paul wrote, "All the saints greet you, but especially those who are of Caesar's household" (4:22). This is never what Paul planned, but it is what God planned. Maybe you're in a place right now that you never planned on. You are there by divine design. God has put you where you are for such a time as this.





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 Featured Article: America in Bible Prophecy - Pete Garcia - http://www.omegaletter.com/articles/articles.asp?ArticleID=7972   A growing view that has sprung up over the last few decades is that the Church must endure some portion of the time period commonly referred to as "the Tribulation".  Of course, if one believed that the Church must go through part or half of the Tribulation, several other questions and assumptions are then projected as potentialities.  One of those questions is whether the United States plays a role in those final seven years. America in Bible Prophecy If America enters into the final seven years, one has to take into account the numerous scriptures that speak to a final, one world system headed by a man known as "The Anti-Christ".  If the United States were a last day's player, what role would she take?  Would she be leading the one-world system, or would she just be minor player in it.  Instead of me projecting my own opinion about the subject, let's just look at what Scripture has to say on it.  So let's start at the beginning: "Seventy weeks are determinedFor your people and for your holy city,To finish the transgression,To make an end of sins,To make reconciliation for iniquity,To bring in everlasting righteousness,To seal up vision and prophecy,And to anoint the Most Holy. 25 "Know therefore and understand,That from the going forth of the commandTo restore and build JerusalemUntil Messiah the Prince,There shall be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks;The street shall be built again, and the wall,Even in troublesome times.

 26 "And after the sixty-two weeksMessiah shall be cut off, but not for Himself;And the people of the prince who is to comeShall destroy the city and the sanctuary.The end of it shall be with a flood,And till the end of the war desolations are determined. 27 Then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week;But in the middle of the weekHe shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering.And on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes desolate,Even until the consummation, which is determined,Is poured out on the desolate." Beginning back in the 5th century B.C., Daniel was given a prophecy concerning the final run down for the remaining 490 years of Jewish history.  In it, 483 years see their completion from start to finish, with the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  (vs. 25-26).  Then the vision describes a 'prince who is to come' who comes out of the people who destroyed the city (Jerusalem) and the sanctuary (Jewish Temple).  We know historically, that this was the Romans under the direction of General Titus Vespasian and the fifth, twelfth, and fifteenth legions during the First Roman-Jewish War from AD67-70. So given what Daniel was told, we know that the 'prince who is to come', comes specifically out of the Roman Empire.  We know that the Roman Empire stretched as far north as Great Britain, and included all the nations that lined the Mediterranean Sea and most of Western Europe.  Assuming that verse 27 speaks to a peace treaty that has not yet been fulfilled, it must mean that this final week (seven years) has yet to occur.  We know that historically, there has not been a man who has arisen since AD70, which meets the criteria that could be seen as 'The Antichrist', since he ushers or authors a seven year peace deal with 'the many', and controls the entire world both politically, economically, and militarily.  A part of the passage that often gets overlooked is at the end of verse 26.  The end of it shall be with a flood,And till the end of the war desolations are determined. We must remember, going back to verse 24, that this entire 70 weeks prophecy, pertains specifically to Jerusalem and to the Jewish people.  The Roman siege in AD70 was like a flood, which washed away the Jewishness from the land of Israel for almost 2,000 years, and in particular, Judaea.  There was a later revolt (Bar Kokhba) in AD135, but

this one was by far the most devastating one.  Furthermore, it ushered in a 1,900 Diaspora of desolation and misery for the Jewish people.  There wasn't anywhere that the Jews could go to, without eventually being persecuted and chased out of the country they were in.  Unlike other peoples, the Jews for the most part, did not fully assimilate into their surrounding cultures.  They maintained their ethnic identities more often than not, to their own peril.  Seemingly, for almost two millennia, it had been one disaster after another, finally culminating in the NAZI Final Solution in the nineteen thirties and forties, in which six million Jews were exterminated.  So the phrase 'desolations are determined', certainly takes on a new light.  With hindsight being 20/20, we can now see that this portion of Daniel's 70 Weeks also had to come to pass.  But an interesting event occurred beginning in the 17th century.  A new nation was forming on the opposite side of the world.  She would serve as a beacon of hope, and of safety for all who could make it to her shores.  Her distance from and seemingly endless boundaries, were alluring to all who wanted to make a new start and chart a new path, from the tired and corrupt cultures of old Europe.  This time, even Jewish men like Haym Saloman, could find a significant role to play in the building of this great country. For the better part of two centuries, the Jews found a safe haven here in the United States.  In Europe, a Zionist movement had begun back in the 1890's and Jews began to return, albeit in small numbers.  World War I wrenched the Holy Lands from the Ottoman Turks, but it wouldn't be until the end of World War II, that Jewish Aliyah would begin in earnest.   The promise of their ancient homeland began to pull Jews from all over the world.  And in fulfillment of numerous other Old Testament passages, the Jewish nation was again, born on a single day on May 14th, 1948.  The first nation to recognize her was her old benefactor, the United States...who also happened to be the lone superpower to survive fully in tact after World War II. Assessment For the last 67 years, the United States has supported Israel diplomatically, economically, and militarily.  The U.S. has still served as a shelter for her people as well.  But as we approach the seventieth year, events are already in play, which seem to point to changes in things to come.  It would seem that the United States has run her course in usefulness, in regards to God's prophetic calendar.  Consider these four truths:*The US has incurred an insurmountable debt problem.*The US is losing political credibility at pace faster than she can recoup from.

*The US political system has become irreconcilably polarized.*The US lost her will to remain united, due to the growing divide in cultures within her. Not only has the US began to turn on the nation of Israel, but has become (and is becoming) increasingly hostile to biblical Christianity.  The only problem is that a significant portion of the US considers themselves to be Christian.  This author believes that we are quickly approaching or have already arrived at that point in time, referred to as 'the fullness of times', in which God's timetable aligns perfectly with the reality on the ground.  Before Christ came, the geo-political stage had to be set.  In the first century; in the twenty-first century *Pax Romana (Roman Peace) was in effect throughout the world.*Pax Americana-America's role as the world's peacekeeper for the last 67 years, enforcing peace either by force, or through economic or political treaties.*Koine Greek (a precise language) was utilized everywhere in the Roman Empire.*English is the world's most recognizable and official language used globally.*Roman roads connected the Empire; this enabled the Gospel to be spread throughout the known world then.*The world is connected through incredible advancements in travel and technology, than it's ever been.  The internet has made the Gospel more accessible to more parts of the world, than it ever has.*Jews still had their temple and land.*For the first time in almost two millennia, the Jews are back in their ancient homeland, they have reclaimed Jerusalem, and are inching their way to rebuilding their Temple. The list could go on in the ways that show striking similarity between then and now, but the point is, that whatever global stage setting needed to happen, has.  Although the Scriptures point to numerous nations who play varying roles in the last days, it does not describe in any form or fashion, a major Christian world player in the West.  In fact, by the end of the Tribulation, the nations of the world began to come against tiny Israel. (Zechariah 14)  This author believes we have been actually living out Zechariah 12:1-3 in part for the last two decades.  The world has ramped up its efforts in an attempt to try to divide her, and push the Jews out of Jerusalem.  Even her old benefactor, the United States, has refused thus far, to recognize Jerusalem as her capital. If the US isn't mentioned in type, or by name in Scripture, that means

the remaining piece of the stage that has to be before the curtains rise. It isn't adding something to the stage, but removing it from it.  In order for the world to come under one man's system and leadership, which begins to happen in the First Seal, of the first set of Judgments that are initiated by Jesus. (Rev. 6:1-2) The US has to fall.  What that fall looks like, is still largely unknown to us.  Everyone assumed in the 1990's that the only way the Soviet Union would collapse, would be in an all-out war between us and them.  And then they collapsed economically.  The same could be said for us, in that everyone assumes it will be an economic collapse...but then it could be a massive natural disaster, or war, or terrorist attack.  There is even one more way that would put the nail in the coffin of US supremacy, overnight...the Rapture of the Church.  Why?  Because God loves to use the ridiculously impossible.  So let us recap what we know thus far:1.The Bible recognizes a 'fullness of time', in which all the pieces of the puzzle are perfectly aligned to fit into God's purpose and plan.  The Seventy Weeks encapsulate this idea in totality.2.The Bible describes a future ruler, coming out of the geographical boundaries of the old Roman Empire.  He could be Islamic or European, or both.3.The determined desolations for both the Jews and Jerusalem, has played out in part, until their rebirth and recapture of Jerusalem.  They have become the 'burdensome stone'.4.The world is poised to accept global leadership, but the US (due to her Constitution and reluctance to relinquish authority) is holding this process up.5.The Church is the Body of Christ. (Acts 8:1-3; Acts 9:3-4; Romans 12:5; 1 Cor. 12:27)6.Christ initiates the final 70th week (the Tribulation), by opening the Seal Judgments, of which, the first released is the Antichrist. (Rev. 5:1-7; 6:1-2)7.Christ is not going to pour out His Wrath, upon His own Body, who is the Church.  Thus He MUST remove them (the Church) from the earth, PRIOR to this.  (1 Thess 1:10, 5:9; 2 Thess. 2:1-4, 7-8; Rev. 3:10)8.Although the curtains are about to go up, and the stage is almost set, one event remains, which sets in motion, everything else.  This is the Rapture. Conclusion The Rapture removes a portion of the global population to heaven and to be with Christ forever.  This has varying impacts, depending on where it is and what the influence of Christianity was on said nation. 

Obviously, it would have a greater impact here in the US, than say Saudi Arabia or Iran.  That said, even the removal of 10% of the US population, (or 30 million people) would easily cause the infrastructure of our nation to succumb overnight.  The US would not be able to absorb the significant loss either financially or economically, which probably explains the sudden interest of the government in purchasing millions of rounds of ammunition, body bags, establishing FEMA camps, etc. This author realizes that there are numerous positions on the Rapture of the Church and the Tribulation.  But 2 Thessalonians 2, lays out perfectly, that the Church must be removed (apostasia) prior to the unveiling of the Antichrist (man of lawlessness).  Seeing as one could use the word 'apostasia' either as a noun, or as a verb, one has to keep in context, which is more fitting.  Since apostasy has been present around and in the church since the first century, which specific apostasy movement would best describe the events surrounding the Antichrist's unveiling?  Chrislam?  Emergent Church?  Word/Faith Movement?  Mormonism?  Gnosticism?  Paganism?  They are all equally damning.  If I may recommend an excellent summation here, that goes deep into the weeds on explaining why apostasia, means not a falling away, but an actual departure, fitting with the Rapture of the Church.  If this be true, then the US will not play a significant role in end-times events.  If she is here at all, her resources, military might, and technology may be accosted, but only so much as it aids that final ruler's needs. Like the once-mighty Egyptians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, and Romans, all of which sheltered the Jews under their wings for a moment in time, it would seem that the United States has come to the end of her usefulness, in regards to God's timeline. Even So, Maranatha!



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