healing yogic mudras

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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Health in Your Hands!

Light workers, Manila Sep10- 2010 by Amena Bal

Mudra Thoughts

Your hands open and close : close and open. If it were always a fist, or always stretched open,

you would be paralyzed.

Your deepest presence is in every contraction and expansionbeautifully balanced and coordinated as a bird’s wings.

Mudra is invigoration in relaxation ! Freedom in routine! Confidence through self control! Energy within and energy outside!

Used widely in Indian classical dance

What is Mudra?

5000 yrs old Vedic Science of Communication


Hand yoga, used in conjunction with meditation

Profound hand positions and gestures that lock and guide energy to the brain and different organs/chakras

in the body.

Use of Mudras in Indian Classical Dance

Why Use Mudras?Harmonizes and

Heals, mind, body & spirit

Creates Equilibrium by regulating the

flow of Prana/ life force

Stimulates and balances chakras

Long-term practice leads to higher

state of consciousness

Builds immunity, and cures disease as

they work on our organs

Helps Balance and Activate Chakras


Why Use Mudras?

Spirit Consciousness

Breathe! You are Alive

Exhale and

you approach

the Divine

Hold the the exhalation and

you surrender to the Divine

Inhale and the Divine power approaches you.

Hold the inhalation and the Divine power stays within you.

Shankh Mudra Conch/Shell / Throat chakra

Very effective for throat related disorders. Activates throat chakra. Sing "OM" several times when practicing this mudra. Then listen within yourself, to the silence, for several minutes afterward. It’s connecting to our inner sound and divine energy

Used during rituals in many Hindu temples. The conch horn is blown in the morning to announce the opening of the temple doors. The same applies to our inner temple, where the divine light shines.

Encircle your left thumb with the four fingers of your right hand. At the same time, touch the right thumb to the extended middle finger of your left hand. Together, the two hands look like a conch shell. Hold your hands in front of your sternum.

BHAIRAVA/BHARAVIBalance and Fearlessness

Bhairava - Place the back of the right hand on the palm of the left hand. Both hands rest in the lap. Bhairavi mudra is practiced the same way but the left hand is placed on top of the right.

The thumbs can also join together.

The two hands represent the duality of our being as yin and yang energy and individual and supreme consciousness. By connecting the hands we harmonize

coordination of the right and left hemispheres of the brain and unite all opposites.

Universally used for meditation as it brings the feeling of peace, calm and balance

Lotus Mudra Purity & Love

• Place both hands in front of your chest so that only the edges of your hands and pads of your fingers touch each other: This is the bud of the lotus flower.

• Now open your hands, but maintain the contact between the tips of the little fingers and the outer edges of your thumbs. Spread the other fingers open as wide as possible.

• After four deep breaths, close both hands back into a bud, place the fingernails of the fingers of both hands on top of each other; now join the backs of the fingers, the backs of the hands, and let your hands hang down relaxed for a while. In the same way, bring your hands back into the bud and the open flower. Repeat a number of times.

This Mudra belongs to the heart chakra and is the symbol for purity. Love lives in the heart, together with goodwill, affection, and communication. Do this Mudra when you feel drained, exploited, misunderstood, or lonely. Open yourself to the divine force and be ready to receive whatever you need

Body & Emotions

Mudras for Body and Mind

Wisdom (Gyan)

Air (Vayu)

Space (Shunya)

Sun (Surya)Varuna(Water)Life Force (Prana)

Fire (Apaan)

Heart (Hirdya)

Energy (Linga ) Mudra

CHIN or GYAN Mudra Wisdom

In consciousness terms the index finger represents “I” or The self/ Ego and the thumb stands for Divine or cosmic consciousness. This mudra is symbolic of oneness and unity between the two. Most common in meditations as it stills the mind and connects us to a state of tranquility.

The thumb has reflex points that reflex to the endocrine organs the brain. Chin mudra enhances memory. Activates the brain. Helps with mental ailments. Cures sleeplessness. Controls anger and restlessness.

Join the tips of the index finger and thumb and keep the other 3 fingers stretched and joined.

Vayu / Air

Balances the element of air in the body & thus corrects disorders caused by its imbalance .

Curative in bone and skeletal system related problems . Helps in Parkinson's , arthritis, cervical pain, neck problems, curing paralysis and controlling stomach gas .

Press the index finger on the base of thumb and keep the thumb on the index finger. Let the other fingers be straight.

Chakra Heart

Shunya /Heaven Mudra/ Space

Creates balance in the empty spaces in the body

Very effective in ear problems especially chronic ear infections

Bring the middle finger to the base of the thumb and gently press the thumb over it. The other fingers stay joined and straight.

Surya /Sun Mudra

Helps in reducing body weight.Reduces cholesterolBrings down anxietyHelps in indigestion

Bring the tip of the ring finger at the base of the thumb and slightly press the thumb over it.

Prithvi /EarthRoot chakra

Makes the body sturdy Helps in gaining weight . It Improves skin tone

and complexion, making it glow. Makes one active and happy.

Very useful for grounding and root chakra balancing

Join the tip of the thumb and the ring finger.

Varuna / Water

Improves the quality of blood in the body, balances water content and imparts a freshness to the body.

Prevents Gastroenteritis pain and muscle shrinkage Helps in kidney disorders.

Join the tip of the thumb with the little finger. Keep all other fingers stretched out .

Sacral Chakra

Prana / Life ForceAll Chakras

Pumps and regulates life force in the body. Gives a special power to the eyes.

Beneficial for all diseases as it works with all chakras

Join the tip of the thumb with the tip of the little finger and the ring finger, keeping the other two fingers straight.

Apaan / Excretion

Helps eliminate waste matter from the bodyRegulates diabetes.

Aids digestion and excretion Reduces constipation and urine related problem

Join the tip of the thumb to the tip of the middle finger and the ring finger, keeping the other fingers stretched out.

Chakra –Solar Plexus

Heart / Hirdya Mudralife saving

Mudra therapists claim this is as effective as first-aid in heart conditions.

Reduces palpitations. Ideal during states of intense emotional

conflict- one of the main problems with cardiac personalities.

Press the index finger to the base of the thumb and join the tips of the ring

and middle finger.

Energy /Linga Mudra

Activates sexual energy.Produces heat in the body and effectively cures cold

and cough

Interlock the fingers of both the hands and have the left thumb vertically straight up with the right thumb and the index finger encircling it.

Closing Yogic Mantra

Fear less, hope moreEat less, chew more

Whine less, breathe moreTalk less, listen more

Judge less , understand more Resist less and surrender more

Hate less, love more!



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